[Anuraphis ferganica (nomen nudum)]; Aphis blackmani;
Protaphis middletonii; Uroleucon erigeronense
Key to apterae on Tragopogon:-
HT II very elongate, more
than 0.5 × hind tibia
HT of normal length. SIPH
(if present) tubular
SIPH as small low cones.
Eyes with 12 or more facets
…..Trama caudata
SIPH completely absent.
Eyes of only 3 facets
…..Trama troglodytes
Dorsum with extensive
dark sclerotisation, including broad dark cross-bands on thorax and ABD TERG
1-7, the more anterior ones divided in middle. Cauda helmet-shaped, less than 0.8 × its basal width in dorsal
Dorsal abdomen
unsclerotised, or with a different pattern of sclerotisation. Cauda rounded,
helmet-shaped, bluntly conical or finger-like, 0.9-2.5 × its basal width
ABD TERG 3 with hairs
8-15 μm long
…..Brachycaudus tragopogonis
ABD TERG 3 with hairs
16-40 μm long
….. Brachycaudus tragopogonis ssp. setosus
SIPH mainly or entirely
dark with a zone of reticulation
comprising numerous small polygonal cells on distal 0.16-0.35 of length
SIPH if present and dark
then without polygonal reticulation
Dorsal hairs not arising
from dark scleroites
Dorsal hairs arising from
dark scleroites
SIPH with pale basal
section. ANT I and II and coxae pale
…..Uroleucon erigeronense
SIPH entirely dark, or sometimes a little paler in middle. ANT I and
II and coxae dark
…..Uroleucon sonchi
First tarsal segments with 3 hairs. Cauda tapering from base to apex,
with 12-18 hairs
…..Uroleucon lebanonense
First tarsal segments
with 5 hairs. Cauda long and finger-like, with 20-45 hairs
Body and appendages pale.Dorsal body hairs long and thick,
arising from tuberculate bases, with knobbed apices. SIPH long, thin and
pale, without polygonal reticulation. ANT III without rhinaria
…..Capitophorus tricholepidis
Body and appendages with dark pigmentation, incl. small scleroites at
bases of dorsal hairs, which do not have distinctly knobbed apices. SIPH
black, rather thick, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT III
with 39-49 rhinaria
SIPH distinctly clavate, and almost smooth. ANT III with 11-29
rhinaria, and sec. rhinaria also often present on IV and V. Head smooth with
well-developed divergent ANT tubercles
Key to apterae on Trifolium (couplets 1-2 only can also be applied to alatae):-
Fore coxae greatly enlarged.SIPH in form of small truncate cones. Cauda knobbed, anal plate
Fore coxae normal. Form of SIPH (if present)
various. Caudatongue- or
finger-shaped, anal plate entire
(All viviparae are usually alate.) ABD TERG
1-7 each with 4 hairs 16-26 μm long
…..Therioaphis riehmi
(Apterae commonly present.)ABD TERG 1-7 each usually with more than 4
hairs, the longest of which are either less than 16 μm or more than 26
μm long
All hairs on ABD TERG 1-7 very short, 7-10
μm long, much shorter than ANT BD III, arising from rugose sclerotic
patches (Fig.40c)
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 1-7 more than 30
μm long and arising from conical processes
ABD TERG 1-5 each with only 4 long hairs (2
spinal, 2 marginal) arising from large conical processes, although often with
additional much smaller hairs in pleural region (Fig.53a)
…..Therioaphis subalba
ABD TERG 1-5 mostly with at least 6 long hairs of
similar length all arising from large conical processes
ABD TERG 1-5 each rather regularly with 6 long
hairs, arising from conical processes on evenly pigmented dusky sclerites
without dark borders (Fig.53b)
…..Therioaphis luteola
ABD TERG 1-5 each with more than 6 hairs, arising
from conical processes on sclerites that have dark borders (Fig.40f)
trifolii (s. lat.)
Head spiculose or nodulose, but
with ANT tubercles undeveloped. SIPH with close-set, strongly spiculose
Head smooth or, if spiculose or nodulose then
with ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH (if present) with normal imbrication
Hind tibiae with numerous circular scent glands
Hind tibiae without scent glands
Dorsal abdomen with extensive sclerotisation, variably developed but
at least with complete broad dark cross-bands covering most of ABD TERG 5-8
Dorsal abdomen with at
most with dark bars on ABD TERG 5-8, more anterior segments having small dark
or pale brown sclerites at bases of hairs
Dorsal surface of head evenly and densely nodulose. ANT PT/BASE
…..Nearctaphis californica
Dorsal surface of head with dispersed spicules. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.7
…..Nearctaphis zabapsis*
R IV+V 0.14-0.18 mm long, and usually with
4 accessory hairs. Dorsal hairs mostly not arising from dark scleroites. SIPH
dusky or dark
…..Nearctaphis crataegifoliae
R IV+V 0.10-0.13 mm long,
with 2 (-3) accessory hairs. Dorsal hairs all or mostly arising from dark
scleroites. SIPH pale
…..Nearctaphis bakeri
ANT tubercles very well developed and head not densely
Either ANT tubercles are
not developed or only weakly developed, or head is densely spiculose/nodulose
Head black. SIPH black and swollen in
middle, similar in length to cauda, which is also black
…..Megoura viciae
Head pale or dusky. SIPH
pale or dark towards apices, not swollen in middle and much longer than the
cauda, which is also pale
ANT tubercles scabrous or nodulose ventrally (Fig.53c). Small
dark ante- and post-siphuncular sclerites present, and dusky sclerotic
cross-bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8
…..Subacyrthosiphon cryptobium
ANT tubercles not
scabrous or nodulose. No dark dorsal sclerotisation
SIPH with a subapical zone of reticulation,
comprising 4-5 rows of large polygonal cells. Longest hairs on ANT III
0.6-1.0 × BD III
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH without polygonal
reticulation. Hairs on ANT III all shorter than BD III
SIPH tapering from base to apex, not
attenuate distally; diameter at midlength greater than middle diameter of
hind tibia. ANT I with 6-10 hairs. ANT BASE VI 1.0-1.5 × longer than R IV+V
…..Acyrthosiphon kondoi
SIPH attenuate distally,
with diameter at midlength similar to or less than middle diameter of hind
tibia. ANT I with 9-23 (usually 12 or more) hairs. ANT BASE VI 1.8-3.0 ×
longer than R IV+V
SIPH 2.2-3.3 × cauda and 0.33-0.45 × BL
…..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
SIPH 1.2-1.9 × cauda and
0.22-0.37 × BL
…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
Dorsal abdomen with extensive dark
sclerotisation, divided into polygons
SIPH dark with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation, 1.1-1.4 × the much paler cauda
…..Sitobion avenae
SIPH without polygonal reticulation, and SIPH and cauda with similar pigmentation
ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.8
…..Aphis triglochinis
ANT PT/BASE 2.6-5.2
Dorsal cuticle
dusky/dark, sclerotic and very rough, with close-set irregular angular
denticulation. Marginal abdominal tubercles (MTu) absent. SIPH short, tapering
without a subapical constriction, 0.08-0.11 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 2.6-3.1
…..Schizaphis palustris
Dorsal cuticle pale,
ornamented with a pattern of spinules arranged in polygons. Small MTu present
on ABD TERG 1 and 7. SIPH 0.11-0.21 × BL, clavate or cylindrical on distal
half, with a smooth constricted region close to flange. ANT PT/BASE 3.1-5.8
SIPH clavate, more than 2
× cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.1-4.0
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH not clavate; not more than 2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.6-5.2
SIPH dark with polygonal reticulation on subapical 0.10-0.17 of
length. Cauda pale. Dorsal abdomen pale or with faint sclerotic cross-bands.
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.4 × BD III
SIPH slightly swollen, but not clavate (without
narrow section on basal half). ANT tubercles absent, or if developed then not
projecting forward beyond middle part of head, so that front of head is
convex, straight or sinuate in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal
tubercles (MTu)
Without this combination
of characters; i.e. if SIPH are
present then they are tapering, cylindrical or clavate (with narrow section
on basal half), and either ANT
tubercles are very well-developed or ABD
TERG 1 and 7 have MTu
ANT III 2.5-3.7 × SIPH, which are 0.8-1.0 × the
broad-based triangular cauda. Dorsal abdomen usually with paired dark
markings on most tergites
ANT III 1.2-1.7 × SIPH, which are 1.2-1.6 × the tongue-shaped cauda. Dorsal
abdomen usually with cross-bands on
ABD TERG 7 and 8, but without markings anterior to SIPH
…..Lipaphis erysimi
SIPH and cauda both
equally dark. Cauda with 5-24 hairs. Longest hairs on ANT III are at least
0.6 × BD III
ABD TERG 1-7 with
variably-developed dark cross-bands, partially fused between segments.
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.3 × BD III. R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II. Cauda
elongate triangular, tapering almost to a point, with 5-12 hairs
…..Aphis tropaeoli
ABD TERG 1-5 without broad dark cross-bands, at most with only
scattered dark irregular sclerites. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.8-2.4 × BD
III. R IV+V 0.9-1.4 × HT II. Cauda tongue-shaped, rather
rounded at apex, and bearing 11-24 hairs
Length of rostrum (from base of protractor apodeme)0.69-0.79 mm. R IV+V (0.9-)1.0-1.4 ×
…..Aphis fabae ssp. mordvilkoi
Length of rostrum 0.44-0.62 mm. R IV+V 0.85-1.05 × HT II …..Aphis fabae s.str.
Key to aphids on Tsuga (apterous parthenogenetic morph except where otherwise stated):-
pear-shaped, broadest anteriorly, with conspicuous wax pores on all
segments. Chitinous ovipositor
present. Antennae very short,
…..Adelges tsugae
Body not broadest anteriorly, with or
without wax glands. No chitinous
ovipositor. Antennae with 4 to 6
aleyrodiform; flattened, elliptical, divided about equally into cephalothorax
and abdomen, with legs and 4-segmented antennae concealed beneath. Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed
…..Tsugaphis sorini
Body of normal aphid form, with exposed
legs and 5- or 6-segmented antennae. Cauda variable, anal plate entire
absent, or present as minute pores only. Wax glands present
SIPH present as tubes or large pores on
broad hairy cones. Wax glands absent
0.5× HT II or less. Cauda bluntly
triangular. Alata with dark transverse
bars on abdomen, usually with a once-branched media and secondary rhinaria on
ANT III only (sometimes 1-2 distally on IV)
R IV+V equal to or longer than HT
II. Cauda not bluntly triangular. Alata (sexupara) without dorsal abdominal
markings, an unbranched media and secondary rhinaria on ANT III-V or II-VI
more than 0.16 mm. Alate sexupara with
BL 2.4-3.0 mm, and ABD TERG 8 extended as an anocaudal process
…..Prociphilus taxus
R IV+V less than 0.14 mm. Alate sexupara with BL 1.1-1.9 mm and
without an anocaudal process
…..Prociphilus pini
SIPH long,
tubular, slightly swollen on distal half with a subapical, constricted zone
of polygonal reticulation. Cauda long,
finger-like, about 0.5× SIPH. Hairs on
body and appendages very short and blunt
…..Illinoia patriciae
SIPH as large pores on broad hairy
cones. Cauda rounded. Hairs on body and appendages mainly long
and pointed
Hind tibiae pale except distally. SIPH cones pale
…..Cinara pilicornis
Hind tibiae mainly dark. SIPH cones strongly pigmented
Hairs on
antennae, legs and ABD TERG 2-7 long and fine
…..Cinara taiwana*
Hairs on
antennae, legs and ABD TERG 2-7 short and blunt
Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer
than its basal width in dorsal view. Head and ABD TERG 7 and 8 with paired
spinal tubercles
…..Dysaphis tulipae
Without that combination
of characters
SIPH dark, tapering, 1.4-1.9
× the much paler cauda, and with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation.
Longest hairs on ANT III less than 0.6 × BD III
SIPH absent. Eyes 3-faceted.
ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5
SIPH present, tubular.
Eyes multifaceted. ANT PT.BASE more than 1
HT II greatly elongated,
more than 0.5 × hind tibia. Body and appendages densely clothed in fine
hairs. No discrete wax glands
…..Trama troglodytes
HT II of normal length.
Body and appendages are sparsely hairy. Posterior abdomen has wax glands
…..Pemphigus bursarius
Dorsal hairs long and
thick with knobbed apices
Dorsal hairs not thick,
if long then with fine apices
ANT III without capitate
hairs; all ANT hairs short and inconspicuous c. 0.2 × BD III. ABD TERG 1-4
each with single pairs of spinal and pleural hairs
ANT III with at least one
capitate hair more than 0.6 × BD III. ABD TERG 1-4 with at least the spinal
hairs duplicated
ANT III with 1-5 thick
capitate hairs, 0.6-0.8 × BD III (Fig.54a)
ANT III with c. 6 thick
capitate hairs, longer than BD III
…..Capitophorus takahashii*
Cauda semicircular or
helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view
Cauda tongue- or
finger-like, longer than its basal width in dorsal view
with a pair of very large marginal tubercles (MTu), up to 2.5 × diameter of
compound eye (Fig.54b),
and ABD TERG 1-5 also with very large MTu. SIPH long and flangeless, more
than 7 × cauda, and bearing some small pointed hairs (Fig.54c)
…..Chomaphis mira
Prothorax if with MTu
then these are smaller than compound eyes. ABD TERG 1-5 with or without MTu.
SIPH less than 4 × cauda, and without hairs
Paired spinal tubercles (STu) present on all segments, and marginal
tubercles (MTu) on prothorax and ABD TERG 1-5. SIPH with close-set rows of
fine spinules (Fig.54d)
…..Anuraphis farfarae
STu and MTu absent, or rarely
present on 1 or 2 segments. SIPH smooth or with normal imbrication
Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid
black shield. ANT III 0.31-0.47 mm, 2.4-3.4 × HT II. R IV+V 0.17-0.24 mm.
SIPH dark, imbricated, 1.7-3.4 × cauda ……Brachycaudus cardui
abdomen without a black shield. ANT III 0.07-0.25 mm, 0.9-2.2 × HT II. R IV+V
0.10-0.15 mm. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.8-2.0 × cauda
SIPH with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.1-0.2 of length. Head
smooth with well-developed ANT
tubercles, their inner faces smooth and divergent
SIPH without distal
polygonal reticulation, or with only 1-3 rows of polygonal cells (unless they
are massively inflated). If ANT tubercles are well developed then head is at
least ventrally spiculose
SIPH dark at base and apex, with middle part paler. Head, prothorax
and ANT I-II black. ANT III with 6-18 rhinaria. Cauda with 12-25 hairs. R
IV+V 1.3-1.5 × HT II
…..Uroleucon tussilaginis
SIPH mostly pale, only dusky towards apex. Head, prothorax and ANT I-II pale. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria. Cauda with 8-12 hairs. R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT 1.6-1.7 × BL, which is 2.7-4.1 mm. Hind
tibiae very long, 0.9-1.5 × BL. ANT III with 3-12 rhinaria. Ventral side of
head is densely spiculose/nodulose, but dorsal surface is almost smooth
…..Aulacorthum cirsicola
ANT 0.6-1.5 × BL, which
is 1.0-3.0 mm. Hind tibia 0.4-0.8 × BL. ANT III without rhinaria, or with 1-3
small rhinaria. Head either without spicules, or with some spicules
ventrally, or densely spiculose/nodulose on both dorsal and ventral surfaces
ANT III with 1-3 small rhinaria near base.Head with ANT tubercles
well-developed , their inner faces steep-sided, almost parallel, and
slightly to moderately scabrous. SIPH
tapering/cylindrical with a well-developed flange
ANT III without rhinaria, and other characters not in that combination
Dorsal hairs long, thick
and spine-like. ANT 5-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE c.1. SIPH stump-shaped. Cauda
with distal part a rounded knob
…..Sipha glyceriae
Dorsal hairs not long,
thick and spine-like. ANT 5- or 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE more than 1.3.
SIPH tubular, or as slightly raised pores, cauda not knobbed
ANT 5-segmented, only
0.17-0.2 × BL. SIPH as slightly raised pores. Cauda helmet-shaped or
triangular, with apical part extended and bearing 6-8 hairs
ANT (5- or) 6-segmented, at least 0.3 × BL. SIPH tubular. Cauda tongue
or finger-shaped
SIPH less than 0.7 ×
SIPH at least 0.8 × cauda
SIPH thinner than cauda, more than 2 × longer than wide
…..Hyalopterus pruni/amygdali
SIPH similar in thickness
to cauda, c.1.5 × as long as wide
…..Aphis kobachidzei*
Tergum almost entirely dark, and SIPH jet black, with coarse
denticulate imbrication
…..Ceruraphis eriophori
Tergum usually pale,
sometimes with dusky/dark central patch or dark markings. SIPH pale or dark
SIPH with a subapical
zone of polygonal reticulation
SIPH without polygonal
SIPH 1.7-2.25 × cauda,
which has a rounded apex
…..Sitobion fragariae
SIPH 1.1-1.4 × cauda,
which has a more pointed apex
…..Sitobion avenae
Head densely spiculose, with
well-developed ANT tubercles, their inner faces scabrous and apically
convergent. SIPH pale and slightly clavate
…..Myzus persicae
Head not spiculose, with ANT tubercles either weakly developed, or
only developed to a similar extent to median frontal tubercle, or if rather
well-developed then with inner faces smooth and broadly divergent. SIPH pale, dusky or dark, tapering,
cylindrical or clavate
ANT tubercleswith smooth, broadly divergent inner faces. ANT III with 1-3 small rhinaria near base. SIPH pale, more than half as long as the distance between their bases
…..Metopolophium dirhodum
ANT tubercles weakly
developed, or only developed to a similar extent to median frontal tubercle.
ANT III without rhinaria. SIPH dusky or dark, less than half as long as the
distance between their bases
Dorsal abdominal cuticle with a pattern of
blunt spicules arranged in polygons, each polygon enclosing one or more
additional spicules. SIPH usually appearing slightly to distinctly swollen in
middle or on distal part, narrowing just before flange
Dorsal abdominal cuticle
sometimes with polygonal reticulation but this is not spiculose, and neither
do the polygons enclose spicules. SIPH tapering gradually from base to
flange, or swollen on basal half
SIPH slightly but distinctly clavate (with narrower section on basal
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH without narrower
section on basal half
Body rather elongate oval. SIPH only
0.07-0.08 × BL, without a subapical constriction and with a small flange. ANT
PT/BASE 1.7-2.8
…..Rhopalosphum maidis
Body more broadly oval.
SIPH 0.12-0.17 × BL, with a subapical constriction and large flange. ANT
PT/BASE 3.1-6.3
SIPH less than 2.1 × cauda. Small marginal
tubercles (MTu) present only on prothorax and ABD TERG 1 and 7
…..Rhopalosiphum padi
SIPH more than 2.1 ×
cauda. MTu usually present on some or all of ABD TERG 2-6 as well as 1 and 7
…..Rhopalosiphum enigmae
Cauda black with 11-24 hairs
Cauda pale, dusky or
dark, with 4-10 hairs
ABD TERG 2-4(-6) with well-developed MTu
…..Aphis typhae
ABD TERG 2-4 only
sporadically with small MTu
…..Aphis fabae
Hind tibial hairs short, not or only
distally exceeding width of tibia at midlength
Hind tibial hairs mostly
much longer than width of tibia at midlength
Cauda long, pale finger-like, with 4 hairs.
Hind femora dark over at least distal half. SIPH calf-shaped (slightly
swollen on basal half)
…..Hysteroneura setariae
Cauda tongue-shaped,
pale, dusky or dark, with 4-8 hairs. Hind femora pale, or darker only towards
apex. SIPH tapering, not swollen on basal half
ANT PT/BASE 2.0-3.0.SIPH1.3-2.5 × cauda
which bears 4-8 hairs
ANT PT/BASE 4.8-6.6. SIPH 2.2-3.0 × cauda which bears 4-5 hairs
…..Schizaphis rotundiventris
Coxae and trochanters dark. Hairs on ANT
III 53-108 μm long
…..Schizaphis scirpi
Coxae and trochanters
pale. Hairs on ANT III 18-38 μm long
Posterior dorsal cephalic hairs are 25-35
μm long, and hairs on ABD TERG 6 are 35-53 μm long
…..Schizaphis eastopi
Posterior dorsal cephalic hairs are 37-79 μm long, and hairs on
ABD TERG 6 are 56-98 μm long
In all, about 75 aphid species are recorded from elms, which are primary hosts for most of the Eriosomatinae (44 species). For gall formers, Eriosomatinae show remarkably little evidence of host specificity, the recorded host range reflecting geographical distribution rather than host affinities, with the more widely-distributed species such as Eriosome ulmi recorded from Ulmus species native to different parts of the world. Elm-feeding aphids are therefore all included in a single key as far as possible. However, at the present time it is not possible to key together all species of the large genus Eriosoma and its close relatives in tribe Eriosomatini (Georgiaphis, Schizoneurella), so these are taken out of the main key and included in separate keys under particular host species, within the host list that follows the main key.
Main key to elm aphids:-
knobbed, anal plate bilobed. SIPH as
short truncate cones without hairs
Cauda if present broadly rounded, tongue-like or finger-like. Anal plate if present entire or with a median cleft but not distinctly bilobed. SIPH if present not in form of truncate hairless cones
include apterous viviparae, with dark markings and long dorsal hairs, at least some of which have furcate apices
All adult viviparae alate
Aptera with hairs
on ANT III shorter than basal diameter of segment, and with spinopleural
sclerites on ABD TERG 1-6 mutually free and well separated from marginal
…..Indiochaitophorus furcatus
Aptera with hairs on ANT III
longer than basal diameter of segment, and sclerites of ABD TERG 1-6
more-or-less fused between segments
ANT PT/BASE about 0.5 or
less. Secondary rhinaria transversely oval
ANT PT/BASE 0.6 or
more. Secondary rhinaria very narrow,
slit-like. (Spinal hairs on ABD TERG 1 and 2 on prominent finger-like or
conical processes)
Forewing membrane
extensively mottled with dark pigment (fig. 51A, as Tinocalliscoreanus).
Head and prothorax very dark dorsally with a contrasting pale spinal stripe
and large pale areas around the hair bases. Tibiae mainly
pale with mostly short hairs
…..Pseudochromaphis coreana
Forewing membrane
unpigmented except for bordering of veins. Head and prothorax without
distinctive markings. Tibiae wholly dark and rather thick with long hairs
Hairs on ANT III
maximally 19-38 μm, as long as or longer than basal diameter of segment.
R IV+V 0.114-0.125 mm long, 0.66-0.84 × HT II, and bearing 5-7 accessory
…..Chromocallis nirecola
Hairs on ANT III maximally 11-13 μm, shorter than basal diameter of segment. R IV+V about 0.098 mm long, about 0.63 × HT II, and bearing 4 accessory hairs
…..Chromocallis similinirecola
Media of forewing once-branched, with a patch of fuscous distally between the branches, and another at the distal end of Cu1b (fig. 116C)
….Tinocallis (Sappocallis) ulmicola
Forewing with media twice-branched, and with or without a different pattern of markings
Head with 3 pairs of dorsal processes, bearing apical hairs; the most posterior pair longest, 1.5-2.0 × as long as wide (fig. 116A)
Head without paired dorsal processes or with only one very small pair
Forewing with media and Cu1b thickly and rather evenly bordered with fuscous basally as well as distally, and Cu1a also often partially bordered. Abdomen robust, with more-or-less extensive dark dorsal markings. SIPH dark, with a dark basal sclerite
…..Tinocallis (Eotinocallis) platani
Forewing with veins mostly not bordered or with fuscous restricted to branches of media distally, or to spots or patches at distal ends of veins
with 1 (posterior) or 2 pairs of finger-like spinal processes (e.g. fig. 116B)
Pronotum without spinal processes
Head and pronotum wholly black (dark brown in mounted specimens), and
dorsal abdomen without dark markings
Head and pronotum, or at least pronotum, pale or dusky or with
restricted dark markings. ABD TERG 3-5 (or 3-7) with dark sclerites at bases
of spinal hairs
with distal branches of media bordered with fuscous and with more-or-less
extensive fuscous patches at distal ends of Cu1a and Cu1b
(fig. 51B). ANT III with 14-24 secondary
rhinaria. R IV+V with 6-10 accessory hairs
Forewings without fuscous markings (or, at least, none discernible in the mounted specimens available). ANT III with 10-12 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V with 4-6 accessory hairs
…..Tinocallis sapporoensis
Distal branches of media of forewing bordered with fuscous, and a patch of fuscous also on hind margin at the end of Cu1b (fig. 116D). R IV+V 0.76-0.90 × HT II. ANT III with 6-17 secondary rhinaria
…..Tinocallis (Sappocallis) saltans
Forewing veins not bordered with fuscous, and hind margin without a patch of fuscous at end of Cu1b. R IV+V 0.90-1.03 × HT II. ANT III with 11-28 secondary rhinaria
…..Tinocallis (Sappocallis) nevskyi
Head with a single narrow dark dorsal mesial stripe. ANT III with 14-22 secondary rhinaria. Spinal tubercles on ABD TERG 1 and 2 shorter than their basal widths
…..Tinocallis zelkowae
Head with variable pigmentation; sometimes with paired longitudinal stripes but never with a single narrow mesial stripe. ANT III with 5-12 secondary rhinaria. Spinal tubercles on ABD TERG 1 and 2 large and prominent, usually longer than their basal widths, sometimes united at bases
Body of
aptera broadly pear-shaped, broadest anteriorly, without distinct head and
prothorax. Oviparous. (Alata
Body of aptera not broadest anteriorly, head and prothorax distinct
Rostrum much longer than body. SIPH as large pores on broad pigmented hairy cones. Abdomen with a mesial row of 6 dark patches ventrally
Rostrum much shorter than body. SIPH variable
tubular, much longer than basal width. ANT PT/BASE more than 1. Wax glands
are absent
SIPH absent, ring- or pore-like. ANT PT/BASE less than 0.6. Wax glands often present
ABD TERG 1-5 and 7 all with very well-developed conical marginal tubercles
…..Aphis sogdiana
Marginal tubercles absent, very small or
only consistently present on ABD TERG 1 and 7
Aptera in brown
microrrhizal cysts on roots, with distal hairs on tibiae thick and spine-like
or dagger-like, tarsi 1-segmented. SIPH absent
…..Mimeuria ulmiphila
Aptera in galls or leaf-nests, except for 1 species (Eriosoma rileyi) forming free-living colonies on bark. Tibial hairs normal, tarsi 1- or 2-segmented. SIPH present as pores, sometimes raised on shallow cones with surrounding hairs, or absent
(All remaining couplets refer only to alatae produced in or emerging from galls of leaf nests.) BL more than 4 mm. Hind wing with 2 oblique veins arising very close together
…..Prociphilus oriens
BL less than 4 mm. Hind wing if with 2 oblique veins then their bases are well separated
Hind wing
with 2 oblique veins
Hind wing with 1 oblique vein
SIPH present as fairly large, often raised
pores on ABD TERG 5, with partially sclerotized rims and surrounding
hairs. R IV+V with 4 or more accessory
hairs. ANT III elongate (fig. 118),
usually more than 0.8 × head width across (and including) eyes (except in Eriosoma
to keys to species of Eriosomatini (Eriosoma,
Georgiaphis, Schizoneurella) under individual Ulmus spp.
SIPH absent or present as small or large pores on ABD TERG 6, with wholly sclerotized rims and no clearly associated hairs. R IV+V with 2-3 accessory hairs. ANT III less than 0.8× head width across eyes (e.g. figs 117A-F)
abdomen with dark intersegmental transverse bands, broadest in midline. ANT BASE VI much shorter than R IV+V. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III
12-18, IV 2-5, V 2-4, VI 0-3 (fig. 117A)
…..Aphidounguis mali
Dorsal abdomen without transverse bands. ANT BASE VI much longer than R IV+V. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 9-29, IV 2-10, V 4-13, VI 4-17
Embryos without
mouthparts (sexupara)
…..Kaltenbachiella japonica
Embryos with mouthparts
SIPH absent. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 17-25,
IV 4-7, V 5-8, VI 7-10 (fig. 117B)
…..Kaltenbachiella pallida
SIPH usually present, but if sometimes absent then secondary rhinaria are fewer or differently distributed
BL 2.2-2.6 mm. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 20-29, IV 7-10, V 10-13 and VI 15-17 (?)
…..Kaltenbachiella carpinicola*
BL 1.0-1.7 mm. Secondary rhinaria
distributed ANT III 9-25, IV 2-9, V 4-12 and VI 4-10
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 17-25, IV 5-9, V 7-9, VI 6-10
…..Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 9-17, IV 2-6, V 4-12, VI 4-10
Media of forewing usually unbranched. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 11-17, IV 4-6, V 8-12, VI 6-10 (fig. 117C)
…..Kaltenbachiella spinosa
Media of forewing usually once-branched. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 9-12, IV 2-4, V 4-6, VI 4-6
…..Kaltenbachiella nirecola
similar in length to ANT V (in 6-segmented antennae, fig. 117D; if antenna are 5-segmented then
“ANT III” more than 3 × “ANT IV”). Media of forewing is once-branched or
ANT IV much shorter than V (e.g. figs 117E-F; if antenna 5-segmented then “ANT III” less than 2 × “ANT IV”). Media of forewing always unbranched
R IV+V 0.10-0.11 mm long, 0.8-0.9 × HT II.
Media of forewing once-branched
…..Colopha compressa
R IV+V 0.05-0.07 mm, 0.6-0.75 × HT II. Media of forewing once-branched or unbranched
Media of forewing
…..Colopha ulmicola
Media of forewing unbranched
…..Colopha graminis
Embryos with
hind tarsal claws less than 0.05 mm long
Embryos with enlarged hind tarsal claws
at least one of which is more than 0.06 mm long
ANT II with 9-19 hairs. R IV+V with 10-14 accessory hairs. SIPH absent
…..Tetraneura radicicola/persicina
ANT II with 2-7 hairs. R IV+V with 4-10 accessory hairs. SIPH present or absent
SIPH always present, with dark rims (fig. 117G). Frontal hairs long and fine, maximally 60-80 µm long
…..Tetraneura yezoensis
SIPH absent or if present then with pale rims. Frontal hairs 10-35 µm long
1.0-1.4 × ANT VI (including PT)
…..Tetraneura caerulescens
ANT V 1.5-2.7 × ANT VI (including PT)
IV+V 0.56-0.84 mm long, 0.46-0.70 × HT II, with 4 accessory hairs. SIPH absent
…..Tetraneura pumilae*
(0.09-) 0.10-0.15 mm long, 0.66-0.90 × HT II, with 6-10 accessory hairs. SIPH present or absent (if present then
there are usually also ring-like wax glands)
Primary rhinarium on ANT VI
enlarged and of irregular shape (e.g. fig. 117E). ANT PT/BASE 0.2-0.3
…..Tetraneura ulmi
Primary rhinarium
on ANT VI oval, not enlarged. ANT PT/BASE about 0.36
…..Tetraneura ulmicema*
Cauda with 4
hairs. Embryos with only one hind tarsal claw markedly enlarged, the shorter
one less than 0.05 mm long (fig. 117H)
…..Tetraneura javensis
Cauda with 2, or rarely, 3 hairs. Embryos with both hind tarsal claws enlarged, sometimes unequally, but both more than 0.06 mm long
R IV+V 0.10-0.13 mm long, with 6-18 accessory hairs. (Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 10-32, IV 2-10, V 8-15)
R IV+V 0.08-0.105 mm long, with 2-6 accessory hairs. (Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 7-19, IV 2-6, V 5-12)
R IV+V with 14-18 accessory hairs. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 20-32, IV 3-10, V 8-15
…..Tetraneura polychaeta
R IV+V with 6-8 accessory hairs. Secondary rhinaria are distributed ANT III 10-14, IV 2-3, V 9-10
…..Tetraneura asymmachia
Tarsi of embryos without spicules. ABD TERG 1-6 of embryos each with 6 – 12 spinopleural hairs between the stout marginal hairs
Tarsi of embryos minutely spiculose. ABD TERG 1-6 of embryos each with 4 spinopleural hairs between the stout marginal hairs
ABD TERG 1-6 of embryos each with 10 – 12 spinopleural hairs between the stout marginal hairs. R IV+V bearing 6 accessory hairs
…..Tetraneura chinensis
ABD TERG 1-6 of embryos each with 6 spinopleural hairs between the stout marginal hairs
First tarsal chaetotaxy 3:2:2 or 3:3:2. Flagellum (ANT III-VI)/Hind femur 0.96 -1.18. R IV+V 0.07-0.105 mm long with 8 accessory hairs. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 11-18, IV 2-5, V 7-10. Hind tarsi of embryos smooth or very slightly spinulose. Claws on hind legs of embryos 0.07-0.09
…..Tetraneura akinire
First tarsal chaetotaxy 3:3:3. Flagellum/Hind femur 1.2-1.3. R IV+V 0.07-0.09 mm long with 8 accessory hairs. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 11-20, IV 3-6, V 7-12. Hind tarsi of embryos smooth. Claws on hind legs of embryos 0.06
…..Tetraneura ovaliformis
First tarsal chaetotaxy 3:2:2. R IV+V 0.08-0.09 mm long with 4 accessory hairs. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 7-10, IV 2-5, V 6-9. Hind tarsi of embryos distinctly spinulose
…..Tetraneura sorini
Host Plant List (including keys
to Eriosomatini):-
Key to Eriosomatini on U. alata (alatae from galls):-
ANT III with secondary rhinaria rather widely and
irregularly spaced , and not usually extending half way around the segment
(as in fig.118A). Embryos without mouthparts
…..Georgiaphis ulmi
ANT III with secondary rhinaria closely and regularly spaced and often extending more than half way around segment. Embryos with mouthparts
Key to Eriosoma and Georgiaphis on Ulmus americana:-
Aphids with apterae in free-living colonies on bark
…..Eriosoma rileyi
Aphids forming galls (remaining couplets refer only to alatae produced
in galls)
with secondary rhinaria rather widely and irregularly spaced and not
extending more than half way around segment (fig. 118A). Embryos without mouthparts (no
coiled stylets visible in abdomen)
…..Georgiaphis gillettei
Antenna with
secondary rhinaria closely or at least regularly spaced and often extending
more than half way around segment (e.g. fig. 118C). Embryos with mouthparts (coiled stylets
less than 0.8 × head width across (and including) eyes. R IV+V only 0.07-0.10 mm long
…..Eriosoma mimicum
more than 0.8 × head width across eyes. R IV+V 0.13-0.26 mm long
ANT V with
secondary rhinaria
without secondary rhinaria
ANT III a little
shorter than ANT IV+V+VI (fig. 118C)
as long as or longer than ANT IV+V+VI
0.50-0.61 mm, ANT V 0.16-0.20 mm and ANT VI (incl. PT) 0.14-0.15 mm. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 27-34,
IV 5-8, V 7-11, VI 1-3
0.35-0.52 mm, ANT V 0.09-0.16 mm and ANT VI (incl. PT) 0.07-0.10 mm. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 20-30,
IV 4-7, V 4-7, VI 0
Cauda with
2 hairs. ANT V slightly longer than
ANT IV. First tarsal segments of hind
legs with 3 hairs (incl. sense peg)
lanigerum group
with 3-10 hairs. ANT V not longer than
or slightly shorter than IV. First
tarsal segments of hind legs with 2 hairs (no sense peg)
long and thin; PT/BASE 0.46-0.67 (fig. 118D). Many hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 standing on small scleroites. HT II with 22-25 hairs
ANT PT shorter and thicker (fig. 118E);
PT/BASE 0.29-0.49. Few of the hairs on
ABD TERG 1-5 have basal scleroites. HT
II with 15-22 hairs
Key to alatae of Eriosoma spp. recorded from galls on Ulmus japonica:-
ANT V with
5-7, and ANT VI with 1-2, secondary rhinaria
with 0-3, and ANT VI without secondary rhinaria
ANT III shorter
than IV+V+VI added together, and bearing 10-20 secondary rhinaria …..3
longer than IV+V+VI added together (e.g. figs 118F, G), and bearing 22-46 secondary
antennal length less than 0.6 mm, with ANT III 0.19-0.23 mm. Secondary
rhinaria distributed III 10-13, IV 1-2, V 0, VI 0
antennal length greater than 0.7 mm, with ANT III 0.27-0.34 mm. Secondary
rhinaria distributed III 13-20, IV 1-5, V 0-1, VI 0
ANT V and
VI both very short, each less than 0.5 × ANT IV (fig. 118F). (Secondary rhinaria distributed III
33-41, IV 5-9, V 0, VI 0)
ANT V and
VI both similar in length to ANT IV, or only VI somewhat shorter
antennal length 1.4-1.8 mm. ANT PT 0.06-0.08 mm, with ANT PT/BASE more than
0.5. (Secondary rhinaria distributed III 36-46, IV 6-8, V 0, VI 0)
antennal length 0.70-1.32 mm. ANT PT 0.02-0.06 mm, with ANT PT/BASE less than
ANT V with
0-3 secondary rhinaria (usually at least one on one side). Secondary rhinaria
all very narrow and thin, so that antenna not serrate in profile (fig. 118G); distributed III 24-30, IV 3-5, V
0-3, VI 0
never with secondary rhinaria. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III-IV broad and
thick, giving profile of antenna a serrate appearance
0.02-0.03 mm. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 22-30, IV 3-6, V 0
ANT PT 0.04-0.06 mm (fig. 118E). Secondary rhinaria distributed III
28-46, IV 5-9, V 0
Key to alatae of Eriosoma spp. recorded from galls on Ulmus procera(including also species on U. minor and U. glabra):-
antenna with only 14-28 secondary rhinaria in total (distributed III 12-20,
IV 2-5, V 0-4, VI 0)
Each antenna
with at least 29 secondary rhinaria in total
shorter than ANT IV+V+VI. Secondary
rhinaria on III mostly not extending more than half way around segment
ANT III longer than ANT IV+V+VI. Secondary rhinaria on III mostly extending more than half way around segment
ANT V without secondary rhinaria. (Secondary rhinaria distributed III 26-46,
IV 3-8, V 0, VI 0)
with secondary rhinaria
Total antennal length less than 1 mm,
with ANT III less than 0.6 mm. HT II
0.15-0.18 mm
Total antennal length more than 1 mm,
with ANT III more than 0.6 mm. HT II
0.17-0.21 mm
ANT PT long and thin; PT/BASE 0.46-0.67 (fig. 118D). Many of the
hairs between the cross-bands on ABD TERG 1-5 arise from small scleroites. HT II with 22-25 hairs
ANT PT shorter
and thicker; PT/BASE 0.29-0.49 (fig. 118E). Few of the
hairs between the cross-bands on ABD TERG 1-5 have basal scleroites. HT II with 15-22 hairs
longer than IV. R IV+V 1.20-1.35 × HT II, with 19-23 accessory hairs. Apices
of tibiae and first tarsal segments strongly spiculose. (Secondary rhinaria
distributed III 18-35, IV 2-7, V 1-7, VI 0)
shorter than or as short as IV. R IV+V
0.8-1.2× HT II and bearing 8-14 accessory hairs. Apices of tibiae and first tarsal segments
with only a few minute spinules
Alatae are sexuparae, having embryos without mouthparts
have embryos with mouthparts (coiled stylets visible through maternal
rhinaria distributed ANT III 40-45, IV 10-14, V 10-12, VI 2-4
rhinaria distributed ANT III 21-35, IV 7-11, V 5-16, VI 0-1
BL 2.1-3.1 mm. R IV+V 0.19-0.23 mm. Cauda with only 2 or rarely 3 hairs
BL 1.3-2.4 mm. R IV+V 0.10-0.19 mm. Cauda with 3-10 hairs
Key to alatae of Eriosoma spp. from galls on U. pumila:-
Five new species were
described from U. pumila by Zhang and Qiao (1997), in addition to one
new species described by Zhang & Zhang (1993), but apparently the alate
emigrants of only three of these were collected, and even for these the
descriptions are based only on single specimens, so are inadequate for
inclusion in the key. (Consult index to locate where in the text all these
species are discussed.)
ANT V, or ANT V and VI, with secondary rhinaria
ANT V and VI both without secondary rhinaria
ANT V not
longer than (0.7-1.0 ×) ANT IV. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 24-35, IV 5-11, V 5-16, VI 0-1
ANT V longer than
(1.05-1.35 ×) ANT IV. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 12-35, IV 2-7, V
1-7, VI 0-2
more than 0.2 mm long and bearing 19-23 accessory hairs (Secondary rhinaria
distributed III 18-35, IV 2-7, V 1-7, VI 0)
R IV+V less than 0.18 mm long and bearing 10-12
accessory hairs
rhinaria distributed III 22-24, IV c.5, V 5-7, VI 1-2
rhinaria distributed III c.12, IV 2-3, V c.2, VI 0
ANT V and
VI both very short, each less than 0.5 × ANT IV (fig. 118F). (Secondary rhinaria distributed III
33-41, IV 5-9)
ANT V and
VI both similar in length to ANT IV, or only a little shorter
ANT PT 0.02-c.0.03 mm. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 22-30,
IV 3-6
…..eligulatum* or auratum
ANT PT 0.04 mm or more. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 28-36, IV 6-8
(or try key to Eriosoma
spp. on U. japonica)
U. racemosa = U. thomasii
Ulmus rubra
Slippery Elm
Colopha graminis, ulmicola;
Eriosoma ?crataegi, mimicum, rileyi;
Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa; Tetraneura akinire
For separation of Eriosomatini spp. (Eriosoma, Georgiaphis) use key under Ulmus americana.
Key to alatae of Eriosomatini spp. from galls on U. villosa:-
R IV+V 0.11-0.13 mm, with 4-6 accessory
hairs. ANT V and VI with primary
rhinaria very irregular in shape (especially that on VI), and not
conspicuously ciliated (fig. 118B). Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 19-29, IV 4-8, V 0-5, VI 0-2
…..Schizoneurella indica
R IV+V 0.15-0.18 mm, with 18-20 accessory hairs. ANT V and VI spinulose with primary rhinaria normal, round, ciliated. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 22-32, IV 4-10, V 0, VI 0
Key to species on Umbellularia (apterous viviparae):-
Body aleyrodiform; subcircular, heavily
sclerotized, dark, with much reduced legs and antennae, and bearing numerous
long fine dorsal amd marginal hairs
Cauda helmet-shaped, not
longer than its basal width. SIPH short, conical, with an annular incision
proximal to flange. Spiracular apertures large and rounded. Dorsum without any
dark markings. ANT III without rhinaria
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda finger-like, much
longer than its basal width. SIPH tubular, without a subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures
partially occluded or reniform. Dorsum with dark markings. ANT III with
dark with a zone of reticulation comprising numerous small polygonal cells,
on distal 0.16-0.34 of length. Dorsal hairs all arising from dark scleroites.
Crescent-shaped ante-siphuncular sclerites present. Thoracic spiracles not
distinctly larger than abdominal ones
…..Uroleucon hypochoeridis
mainly pale, without any polygonal reticulation. Dorsal abdomen without dark
hair-bearing scleroites, but usually with a pattern of paired dark
intersegmental markings. No ante-siphuncular sclerites. Thoracic spiracles
much larger than abdominal ones
Head smooth or with a
only few spicules ventrally, and with very well-developed ANT tubercles,
their inner faces divergent and almost smooth
ANT tubercles either weakly developed or, if ANT tubercles are well
developed, then their inner faces are spiculose or scabrous and almost
parallel or apically convergent, and head has numerous spicules or nodules
ventrally, or both dorsally and ventrally
SIPH with distal
reticulation comprising at least 4-5 rows of closed polygonal cells and
occupying 0.12-0.25 of total length
SIPH without polygonal
reticulation, or with only 1-2 rows of polygonal cells occupying up to 0.08
of total length
R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II. Longest hairs on ANT III 30-38 μm,
0.6-1.0 × BD III
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II. Longest hairs on ANT III 40-50 μm, 0.9-1.3 × BD III
…..Macrosiphum tenuicauda
ANT flagellum black except at base of ANT III. SIPH black except for basal 0.2-0.25. Cauda long and thin, c. 4 × longer than its width at midlength, with 7 hairs
…..Macrosiphum edrossi
ANT pale or dusky, or
dark only at apices of segments. SIPH pale, sometimes darker distally. Cauda
thicker, 2-3 × longer than its midlength width, with 6-15 hairs
Longest hairs on ABD TERG
3 are 10-22 μm long. SIPH 1.5-2.4 × cauda, with diameter of flange less
than 1.25 × narrowest subapical diameter
…..Acyrthosiphon malvae
Longest hairs on ABD TERG
3 are 23-70 μm long. SIPH 2.3-3.1 × cauda, and with a large flange of
diameter more than 1.4 × narrowest subapical diameter
IV+V with 4-6 accessory hairs. Tergum sclerotic, wrinkled, with longest hairs
on ABD TERG 3 less than 50 μm long. Cauda with 7-10 hairs
…..Microlophium sibiricum (incl. ssp. tenuicauda)
R IV+V with 7-19
accessory hairs. Tergum almost smooth, with longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 more
than 50 μm long. Cauda with 10-15 hairs
ANT I with 7-11 hairs.R IV+V with 7-13 accessory hairs.
Anterior part of subgenital plate with 2-9 hairs
…..Microlophium carnosum
ANT I with 13-18 hairs. R
IV+V with 13-19 accessory hairs. Anterior part of subgenital plate with 10-15
…..Microlophium sp. with 2n=16 (UK; BMNH
SIPH almost flangeless, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.4-0.5
of length. ANT III with 9-14 rhinaria extending onto distal half. Cauda elongate triangular, pale,
with c.20 hairs
…..Metopeurum urticae*
SIPH with a flange, and
without polygonal reticulation. ANT III with 0-5 rhinaria on basal part.
Cauda if pale then with 4-15 hairs
Head spiculose on ventral
surface only. ANT III with 1-5 rhinaria. SIPH distinctly clavate, smooth
except for subapical striation (Fig.55a). Cauda
with 9-16 hairs
…..Amphorophora urtica
Head either without
spicules or with numerous spicules or nodules dorsally as well as ventrally,
and other characters not in above combination
SIPH 2.8-3.3 × cauda, and of characteristic
shape; cylindrical and coarsely imbricated for most of length, slightly
swollen on inner side at about 0.7 of length, with part distal to this
tapering, smooth and somewhat bent outwards (Fig.55b)
…..Myzus dycei
SIPH either less than 2.7
× cauda or, if longer, then SIPH are markedly and symmetrically clavate
ANT tubercles undeveloped. SIPH pale, or
dusky only at apices. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu). MTu
also usually present on some or all of ABD TERG 2-4 (except in summer dwarfs)
…..Aphis urticata
If ANT tubercles are undevelopedand ABD TERG 1 and 7 have MTuthen
SIPH are dark
Dorsum with extensive dark sclerotisation
(reduced in small mid-summer apterae). ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.7. Cauda with 5-13
(usually 8-11) hairs
…..Aphis mendocina
Without that combination
of characters
abdomen with a large black patch. Head with numerous very fine spicules and
long thick hairs, the longest of them at least 80μm. SIPH cylindrical,
black. R IV+V 1.4-1.7 × HT II