R IV+V similar in length
to the black, bluntly triangular cauda. Dorsum with extensive dark sclerotic
areas. ANT III and IV, or III-V, with secondary rhinaria. Longest hairs on
ANT III 1.0-1.5 × BD III
SIPH with a subapical ring of hairs. Aptera
(where known) with long thin hair-bearing processes on ABD TERG 7 and 8, and
alata with processes at least on ABD TERG 8
SIPH without hairs. ABD TERG 7 and 8 with
or without processes
Apterae and/or alatae with R IV+V
1.20-1.44 × HT II
Alatae (the only morph known in the
case of A. scleroticum), but
probably applicable also to apterae) with R IV+V 1.05-1.15 × HT II
Apterae with paired processes on ABD TERG 7 (not including
apical hairs) c.0.9 × as long as those on ABD TERG 8. Frontal hairs
c.34 μm long. Dorsal hairs of embryos c.15 μm long
…..Anomalosiphum philippinense
Apterae with paired processes on ABD TERG 7 0.6-0.78 × as long as those on ABD TERG 8. Frontal hairs not more than c.23 μm long. Dorsal hairs of embryos only 4-6 μm long
…..Anomalosiphum takahasii*
Alata withANT V lacking
secondary rhinaria. ABD TERG 7 with a pair of short conical marginal
processes bearing long hairs, these processes about one third of length of
the paired spinal processes on ABD TERG 8, which are about 57 μm long.
Sclerite on ABD TERG 7 encompassing bases of marginal processes and joined
anteriorly across ABD TERG 7 to the central brown patch on ABD TERG 3-5
Alatae with 1-3 secondary rhinaria on
ANT V. ABD TERG 7 without paired processes or long hairs, and spinal
processes on ABD TERG 8 are 28-32 μm long. Sclerite on ABD TERG 7
separate from the central brown patch on ABD TERG 3-5
…..Anomalosiphon tiomanense
All adult viviparae alate. Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed. SIPH as small truncate cones. ANT PT/BASE less than 2
Adult viviparae apterous and alate. Cauda tongue-
or finger-shaped, anal plate entire. SIPH tubular. ANT PT/BASE more than 2
ABD TERG2 with a pair of very
large black finger-like spinal processes united at base by a large sclerotic
cross-bar that extends laterally into pleural regions, and ABD TERG 1 with a
pair of similar but smaller processes. ANT PT/BASE c.1.7
…..Tinocallis (Orientinocallis) dalbergicola
ABD TERG 1 and 2 with or without
small pale spinal processes. ANT PT/BASE slightly less than 1
ABD TERG 1 and 2, and 7 and 8, bearing
small pale conical spinal processes, with traces of such processes also on
ABD TERG 3-6. Forewing veins pale. Legs mainly pale. Secondary rhinaria
on thickened dark basal two-thirds of ANT III
….. Quednaucallisnigropunctata
Abdominal spinal processes not
developed; ABD TERG 1 and 2 with dusky slightly raised spinal sclerites with
wax pores. Forewing veins narrowly dark-bordered. Legs mainly dark. Rhinaria
distributed along entire length of wholly dark ANT III
…..Chuansicallis chengtuensis
SIPH pale except at tips, tapering from a
broad base, thin on distal part, without any subapical reticulation. Antennal
tubercles well developed, smooth, with inner faces divergent in dorsal view.
Cauda long and pale
SIPH with polygonal reticulation
on distal 0.1-0.2 of length
SIPH without a distal
zone of polygonal reticulation
Longest hair on ABD TERG 3is
43-71 μm, and on vertex 61-92 μm. Cauda with 10-19 hairs
…..Macrosiphum daphinidis
Longest hair on ABD TERG 3 is 21-37 μm, and on vertex 28-48 μm. Cauda with 8-13 hairs
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT tubercles well
developed, with smooth, divergent inner faces. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without
marginal tubercles (MTu). ANT III with 1-47 rhinaria
Either ANT tubercles well developed, but with inner faces scabrous or spiculose and parallel or apically convergent, or ANT tubercles weakly developed, and ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu. ANT III with 0-2 (-4) rhinaria (but note that specimens running to Aphis craccivora may be one of the undescribed Aphis (Pergandeida) species collected on Daphne in China and Kashmir)
III (of apt.) with 25-47 secondary rhinaria extending over most of its
length. ANT PT/BASE 5.3-7.1. R IV+V 0.67-0.80 × HT II. (Al. with 43-55
secondary rhinaria on ANT III)
…..Acyrthosiphon argus
ANT III with 1-5 rhinaria near base. ANT PT/BASE 3.3-4.4. R IV+V
0.8-0.9 × HT II. (Al. with 13-17 secondary rhinaria on ANT III)
an illustrated key to common aphids on D.
carota see Blackman & Eastop, 2000.)
ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. SIPH absent
…..Pemphigus phenax
ANT PT/BASE more than
0.6. SIPH present
ABD TERG 8 with a posteriorly projecting
process above cauda
Supracaudal process
Supracaudal process very large, cowl-like, completely covering cauda
in dorsal view
…..Cavariella aspidaphoides
Supracaudal process smaller, conical or finger-like, not covering cauda in dorsal view
ANT PT/BASE 0.64-1.25. Supracaudal process 0.75-1.05 × cauda
…..Cavariella aegopodii
ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.0. Supracaudal process 0.15-0.33 × cauda
…..Cavariella pastinacae
SIPH very small and flangeless,
only about 0.5 × cauda or less, with their apertures slanted towards mid-line
SIPH at least 0.67 × cauda
Hairs very short; posterior hair on hind
trochanter rarely exceeding 20μm, less than 0.5 × diameter of
trochantro-femoral suture
…..Semiaphis dauci
Posterior hair on hind
femur up to 60 μm long, more than 0.5 × diameter of the
trochantro-femoral suture
…..Semiaphis heraclei
Head spiculose.ANT tubercles well developed, their
inner faces convergent or parallel-sided in dorsal view
Head not spiculose. ANT tubercles weakly
SIPH black and very
strongly clavate
…..Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon
SIPH tapering or slightly
ANT tubercles with inner faces
approximately parallel in dorsal view. ANT III with 1-3 rhinaria near base.
Siphunculi tapering and straight
…..Aulacorthum solani
Inner faces of ANT tubercles convergent in dorsal view. ANT III
without any rhinaria. Siphunculi slightly
clavate, or tapering with a slight S-curve
SIPH slightly clavate. No
dorsal abdominal pigmentation. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.5
…..Myzus persicae
SIPH tapering, with a
slight S-curve. Dorsal abdomen with an
intersegmental pattern of dark ornamentation. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8
…..Myzus ornatus
Cauda helmet-shaped in
dorsal view, a little shorter than its basal width, with an angular apex. Spinal tubercles (STu) usually
present, at least on head and ABD TERG 8
Cauda tongue-shaped, at
least as long as its basal width in dorsal view, with rounded apex. STu
Hairs on front of head long and pointed. SIPH 1.6-2.4 × longer than
their basal widths
…..Dysaphis foeniculus
Hairs on front of head short and blunt. SIPH 2.5-3.5 × longer
than their basal widths
Posterior hair on hind
trochanter0.24-0.56 (rarely more
than 0.5) × length of trochantro-femoral suture. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8
is 11-38 μm, rarely longer than 30 μm. ABD TERG 7 often
with a pair of marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Dysaphis apiifolia
Posterior hair on hind trochanter0.42-1.00 (rarely less than 0.5) × length of trochantro-femoral suture.
Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 25-80 μm, rarely shorter than 30 μm.
ABD TERG 7 rarely with MTu
…..Dysaphis crataegi
SIPH shorter than or of
similar length to cauda, if a little longer then clavate
SIPH tapering, usually longer than
SIPH 0.88-1.20 × cauda, 1.7-3.1 × R IV+V and 3.1-5.1 × longer than their
minimum diameter on basal half
SIPH 0.6-0.82 × cauda,
0.9-1.6 × R IV+V and 1.6-2.7 × their smallest diameter on basal half
…..Hyadaphis coriandri
Appendages short, SIPH less than 0.1 × BL,
shorter than R IV+V. ANT PT 1.0-1.5 × R
IV+V. ANT III often with 1-12 rhinaria
…..Protaphis middletonii
Appendages longer, SIPH usually 0.1-0.25
× BL and longer than R IV+V. ANT PT
1.7-3.2 × R IV+V. ANT III without rhinaria (except in alatiform or
parasitized specimens)
Large marginal tubercles
(MTu) present on ABD TERG 2-5 as well as 1 and 7. Longest femoral hairs only
about half as long as trochantro-femoral suture
MTu usually only on ABD TERG 1 and 7; if any are present on ABD TERG 2-5 then the femoral hairs are as long as the trochantro-femoral suture or longer
Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width.
Dorsum usually with an extensive dark sclerotic shield (e.g. Fig.6c)
Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal
width. Dorsum usually without a dark shield
ANT III usually without rhinaria, and with longest hairs shorter than BD III (Fig.6a)
…..Brachycaudus rociadae
ANT III usually with rhinaria, and with
longest hairs as long as or longer than BD III (e.g. Fig.6b)
SIPH 0.31-0.55 × ANT III. ANT VI BASE 0.5-0.7 × HT II. R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II
…..Brachycaudus napelli
SIPH 0.57-1.0 × ANT III. ANT VI BASE 0.8-1.1 × HT II. R IV+V 1.2-1.6 × HT II
..…Brachycaudus aconiti
SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal
reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of complete, closed cells)
SIPH without polygonal reticulation
ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria, which are not
protruberant. SIPH pale. Cauda pale
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT III with 12-65 protruberant rhinaria. SIPH
wholly dark or pale basally and dark over at least distal 0.3. Cauda pale or
SIPH cylindrical, wholly dark. Longest hair
on ANT III 1.07-1.72 × BD III, and longest hair on ABD TERG 3 about 2.4-3.0 ×
BD III. First tarsal segments with 4-4-4 hairs
…..Macrosiphum minatii*
SIPH usually somewhat swollen in middle, and pale basally (e.g. Fig.6i). Longest hairs on ANT III and ABD TERG 3 about 0.9-1.0 × BD III. First tarsal segment with 3-3-3 hairs
SIPH 1.1-1.3 × cauda and 0.15-0.19 × BL, and
mainly dark except at their bases. Cauda with 6-18 hairs
SIPH 1.3-1.55 × cauda and 0.20-0.25 × BL, and dark
on 0.5-0.75. Cauda with 6-8 (usually 6) hairs
ANT III without rhinaria, or if present
they are not strongly protruberant. Spiracular apertures on thorax similar in
size to those on abdomen
Dorsal abdomen without raised, hair-bearing
sclerites; either wholly pale or with extensive sclerotisation. SIPH 2.2-3.4
× cauda
Spinal sclerites on ABD TERG 1-5 each usually
with a single hair (Fig.6f).
R IV+V with 8-12 accessory hairs
Spinal sclerites on ABD TERG 1-5 mostly with 2 hairs (as in Fig.6g). R IV+V bearing 13-c.20 accessory hairs
ANT III with 14-57 rhinaria, usually scattered
over most of length of segment, and 6-10 on ANT IV
wahinkae ssp. robinsoni
III with 6-17 rhinaria, on basal part, and 0 on IV
shorter than cauda, which bears 9-10 hairs
longer than cauda, which bears 7-8 hairs
extensively sclerotised and pigmented. Longest hair on ANT III only c. 0.5 ×
BD III or less. R IV+V 0.9-1.0 × HT II, with 18-20 accessory hairs. SIPH
2.5-3.4 × cauda, which is helmet-shaped, hardly longer than its basal width
…..Nasonovia heiei*
membranous. Longest hair on ANT III is 0.7-1.0 × BD III. R IV+V 1.05-1.15 × HT II, with 8-10
accessory hairs. SIPH 2.2-2.4 × cauda., which is finger-like, much longer
than its basal width
ABD TERG 6-8 with median
rugose conical processes, each bearing a pair of short (c. 20μm)
club-shaped hairs. SIPH distinctly clavate, with diameter of swollen part
c.1.5 × that of stem
…..Landisaphis davisi
TERG 6 and 7 without median processes, and if ABD TERG 8 has a projection
then SIPH are only weakly if at all clavate
SIPH with a subapical
zone of polygonal reticulation
SIPH without any
polygonal reticulation
SIPH black. Dorsal
abdomen with variably developed dark markings. Hairs on ANT III all less than
0.5 × BD III
…..Sitobion africanum
SIPH pale. Dorsal abdomen
without dark markings. Hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT tubercles well
developed, divergent. ANT PT/BASE more than 5. ANT III with 1-2 (- 4) rhinaria.
ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu)
ANT tubercles weakly
developed. ANT PT/BASE less than 5. ANT III without rhinaria. ABD TERG 1 and
7 with MTu
Head densely spiculose
ventrally and over inner faces of ANT tubercles. SIPH slightly swollen on
distal 0.7 of length, paler at base, about 2 × the dusky/dark triangular
cauda (e.g. Fig
26a, b)
Head smooth or with only
a few spicules ventrally. SIPH tapering, sometimes with flared apices,
usually wholly dark, similar in length to the pale cauda, which is slightly
swollen on basal half and acutely pointed at apex (Fig.26e)
Dorsal abdomen with paired dark submarginal intersegmental sclerites (Fig.26a)
venezuelensis ssp. meridensis
abdomen without dark intersegmental sclerites
….. Microparsus
venezuelensis ssp. venezuelensis
Tibiae and ANT III almost
wholly dark
…..Microparsus desmodiorum
Tibiae with at least
middle section pale, and ANT III with paler basal section
Large black
presiphuncular and postsiphuncular sclerites, joined to form broad rings
around bases of SIPH (Fig.26c)
…..Microparsus olivei
Only small, dusky
presiphuncular sclerites are present
…..Microparsus variabilis
apparatus present, consisting of cuticular ridges on abdominal sternites 5
and 6 and a row of peg-like hairs on each hind tibia. Cauda with 10-28 hairs
….. Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
No stridulatory
apparatus. Cauda with 2-9 hairs
Cauda as dark as SIPH
Cauda paler than SIPH
Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid
black shield
..…Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without
dark markings
..…Aphis spiraecola
Cauda 0.08-0.135 × BL (only more than 0.12
× BL in very small specimens with BL less than 1 mm), and 0.8-1.25 × ANT V; pale
to dusky, without a constriction, less than 3 × longer than its width at
midlength, and bearing 4-7 (usually 5-6) hairs
…..Aphis gossypii
Cauda 0.12-0.175 × BL, and 1.05-1.7 × ANT V; very pale, usually with a
slight mid-way constriction, more than 3 × longer than its narrowest width at
midlength, and bearing 5-10 (usually 7-9) hairs
(Apterae of Macromyzus woodwardiae, Nippodysaphis deutziae, Rhopalosiphoninus celtifoliae and Rh. deutzifoliae on Deutzia in spring are all fundatrices, all their progeny being emigrant alatae.)
Dorsal body hairs at
apices of long tapering processes that are up to 0.54 mm long (Fig.32b). (BL c. 3.1-3.2 mm)
…..Macromyzus woodwardiae*
Dorsal body hairs not
arising from long tapering processes. BL often less
SIPH very markedly
inflated, with diameter of balloon-like swollen part 2.0-4.5 × minimum
diameter of basal part
SIPH tapering,
cylindrical, or moderately swollen with diameter of swollen part less than 2
× minimum diameter of basal part
SIPH pale, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Head
smooth, without spicules, and with well-developed ANT tubercles. ANT III with
1-10 rhinaria, and longest hairs 0.7-1.0 × BD III
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH pale or dark, without
subapical polygonal reticulation. If ANT tubercles are well developed then at
least ventral side of head is spiculose. ANT III with 0-3 rhinaria; if with
any rhinaria then hairs are all shorter than 0.5 × BD III
Head nodulose or spiculose on at least the ventral side. ANT tubercles well developed
Head smooth or somewhat
wrinkled, without spicules or nodules. ANT tubercles weakly developed
R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II,
and bearing 7-8 accessory hairs
…..Rhopalosiphoninus celtifoliae
R IV+V 0.9-1.3 × HT II, and
bearing 2-7 accessory hairs
SIPH strongly swollen
near midlength where they are maximally c.1.5 × minimum diameter nearer base,
and c.3 × width of flange; pale for most of length but dusky near tips (Fig.32c). Legs
mainly pale
…..Rhopalosiphoninus hydrangeae
SIPH tapering or somewhat
swollen; if swollen then either legs are mainly dark, or swelling is greatest
on distal 0.7, and is no more than 1.25 × minimum diameter of basal part and
little more than width of flange
Femora dark over at least
half of length (ANT and legs usually mainly dark). SIPH somewhat swollen,
pale or dark
ANT and legs mainly pale.
SIPH tapering or slightly swollen, pale
SIPH wholly dark. Cauda
triangular, only a little longer than its basal width. ANT III without
…..Myzus philadelphi
SIPH pale with dark
apices. Cauda tongue-shaped, about 2 × its basal width. ANT III with 1-3
small rhinaria near base
…..Pseudomegoura magnoliae
SIPH slightly swollen,
moderately imbricated. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.5. Dorsal abdomen without dark
intersegmental markings
…..Myzus persicae
SIPH tapering, with a slight S-curve, coarsely imbricated (squamous). ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. Dorsal abdomen with paired dark intersegmental markings
…..Myzus ornatus
Cauda triangular or
helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width.SIPH cylindrical over most of length or slightly swollen on
distal part with a subapical constriction and a well-developed flange (Fig.32d). ABD TERG
1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Nippodysaphis deutziae
Cauda longer than its
basal width. SIPH tapering, without a subapical constriction. ABD TERG 1 and
7 with MTu
SIPH about 2 × cauda which is dark, has a
midway constriction and bears c.10 hairs. Al. with secondary rhinaria
distributed ANT III 8-10, IV 5-6, V 0-1
(See Blackman & Eastop 2000 for an illustrated key to common
aphids on pinks and carnations.)
ANT PT/BASE less than 1.
Eyes 3-faceted. SIPH absent
…..Smynthurodes betae
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.
Eyes multifaceted. Tubular SIPH present
SIPH pale with subapical
polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells). ANT tubercles
with inner faces smooth and divergent. ANT III with 1-13 rhinaria, and with
longest hairs 0.6-1.2 × BD III
SIPH pale or dark, without polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles if
well-developed then with inner faces spiculose and steep-sided (parallel or
apically convergent). ANT III with 0-3 rhinaria, if with any
then longest hairs less than 0.5 × BD III
Femora usually with a dark spot or patch near apices. ABD TERG 2-3 with longest hair 26-56 μm, usually as long as or longer than ANT BD III. Subgenital plate with 2-13 hairs in addition to those on posterior margin
…..Macrosiphum stellariae
Femora pale or only slightly dusky at apices. ABD TERG 2-3 with
longest hair 21-37 μm, usually shorter than ANT BD III. Subgenital plate
with 2(-4) hairs on anterior part
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Head not spiculose, with
ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, or with median tubercle
similarly developed, so that ANT tubercles do not project much beyond middle
of front of head in dorsal view
Head spiculose, with
well-developed, steep-sided ANT tubercles
ANT 5-segmented, bearing long hairs up to 4-5 × BD III
…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT usually 6-segmented,
with much shorter hairs
Cauda helmet-shaped. SIPH
short, pale, conical, almost smooth, with a subapical annular incision below
the flange. Spiracular apertures large and rounded
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
triangular or tongue-shaped. SIPH pale or dark, imbricated, with or without
some subapical transverse striae, but without a distinct subapical incision.
Spiracular apertures reniform
ABD TERG 1 and 7
without marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH subcylindrical or slightly
swollen. Anterior part of mesosternum with a
pair of closely-spaced, rough-surfaced mammariform processes (sometimes
ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu. SIPH tapering
from base to flange, with no trace of swelling. Mesosternum without
mammariform processes
Cauda about as long as its basal width or shorter. SIPH
not longer than 0.21 mm and no more than 0.6 × ANT III. Mesosternal processes
small and pale, sometimes inconspicuous. Abdomen without dorsal pigmentation
…..Aphidura pakistanensis
longer than its basal width. SIPH longer than 0.26 mm and more than 0.60 ×
ANT III. Mesosternal processes pale or pigmented, always conspicuous. Abdomen
pale or variably pigmented
SIPH pale and 0.65-0.95 ×
ANT III. R IV+V 0.78-0.92 × HT II.
Abdomen with little or no dorsal pigmentation
…..Aphidura pujoli
SIPH dusky to dark and
1.0-1.2 × ANT III. R IV+V 0.94-1.25 ×
HT II. Abdomen with a variably developed dorsal black patch, sometimes
fragmented or (often in small specimens) absent
SIPH distinctly swollen
distally. Longest hairs on ANT III and ABD TERG II–IV are 6–9 μm,
0.24–0.38 × BD III
…..Aphidura jimoi
SIPH are only slightly swollen
distally. Longest hairs on ANT III and ABD TERG II–IV are 8–22μm,
0.4–1.0 × BD III
…..Aphidura picta
ABD TERG 2-4 or 2-5 as
well as 1 and 7 with large flat MTu
ABD TERG 2-4 without MTu,
or occasionally with small papilliform MTu
SIPH more than 2 × cauda, which bears
more than 10 hairs
…..Aphis sambuci
SIPH strongly swollen on distal 0.7, with maximum diameter of swelling
1.7-2.9 × minimum diameter nearer base. SIPH about as long as or longer than
head width across eyes and 2.2-3.2 × cauda which bears only 5 hairs. ANT III
usually with 1-4 rhinaria near base
…..Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
SIPH tapering, cylindrical or with slight, moderate or strong swelling
distally, but if strongly swollen then SIPH are relatively shorter, and if
swollen at all then ANT III is without rhinaria
tapering gradually from base to flange. ANT III with 1-2 small rhinaria near
…..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH slightly to
moderately swollen distally. ANT III without rhinaria
SIPH 0.54-0.81 × ANT III
SIPH 0.82-1.34 × ANT III
faces of ANT tubercles approximately parallel in dorsal view.
“Stem” of SIPH narrow, its minimum diameter slightly less than
diameter of hind tibia at its midpoint
…..Myzus ascalonicus
Inner faces of ANT
tubercles with convergent apices. “Stem” of SIPH thicker, its
minimum diameter exceeding diameter of hind tibia at its midpoint
with swollen part only lightly imbricated and with apical flange well
developed. Dorsal cuticle not rugose. (Al. with dark-bordered wing veins, and
with a black central dorsal abdominal patch)
…..Neotoxoptera oliveri
with swollen part scabrous (coarsely imbricated), and with apical flange only
weakly developed. Dorsal cuticle very rugose. (Al. with wing veins not black-bordered,
and with separate transverse bars on abdominal tergites)
…..Myzus cymbalariae
IV+V in most specimens with only one pair of lateral accessory hairs (plus
0-3 ventral accessory hairs). Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range
0.80-1.52, but rarely more than 1.25 except in small specimens (those with
ANT III less than 0.32 mm)
…..Myzus persicae
R IV+V in most specimens
with two pairs of lateral accessory hairs. Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III ×
PT) in range 1.2-2.7 (rarely less than 1.25)
PT/BASE 2.1-3.7 (mostly less than 3.25). R IV+V 0.87-1.28 × HT II (rarely
less than 0.9 × HT II), or value of function (306 × R IV+V) minus (127 × HT II) is more than 17
…..Myzus certus
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.0 (mostly more than 3.25). R IV+V 0.78-0.98 × HT II
(rarely more than 0.9 × HT II), or value of function (306 × R IV+V) minus (127 × HT II) is less than 17
SIPH and cauda dark, the
latter bearing 11-24 hairs. ANT tubercles weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7
with MTu
…..Aphis fabae
SIPH and cauda pale (SIPH
sometimes dark at apices); cauda with 5-12 hairs. ANT tubercles moderately to
well developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
SIPH clavate, 0.55-0.75 ×
ANT III, with thin “stem” about as thick as hind tibia at midlength, and
swollen part not imbricated
…..Myzus ascalonicus
SIPH cylindrical or
tapering, if at all swollen on distal half then longer relative to ANT III,
stem thicker, and swollen part imbricated
Inner faces of ANT tubercles smooth and divergent. SIPH with a
subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells).
Hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III
Inner faces of ANT tubercles spiculose or scabrous, and steep-sided. SIPH with subapical transverse striae, but without polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ANT III less than 0.5 × BD III
R IV+V 0.6-0.8 × HT II.
ABD TERG 2-4 often bearing marginal tubercles (MTu) that are as large as or
larger than the spiracular apertures
…..Macrosiphum dicentrae
R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II.
ABD TERG 2-4 sometimes with MTu, but these are usually very small, not much
larger than hair bases
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Dorsum with paired dark
pleural and marginal (or fused pleuromarginal) sclerites. SIPH as thick as or
thicker than cauda, which bears 5 hairs. R IV+V 0.6-0.9 × HT II. ANT tubercles rather low, scabrous
…..Neomyzus dicentrae
without dark markings. SIPH for most of length thinner than cauda. R IV+V
1.1-1.4 × HT II. ANT tubercles high and spiculose
SIPH pale on basal half and dark on distal half,
and usually slightly swollen subapically. SIPH and femora covered with
irregular, transverse rows of spicules. (Al. with dark-bordered wing veins,
with radius and costa fused for part of lengths to form a closed cell behind
the pterostigma
SIPH either mainly pale or mainly dark;
tapering, cylindrical, or clavate. SIPH and femora smooth or imbricated, not
markedly spiculose. (Al. with normal wing venation, veins not dark-bordered)
ANT 5-segmented, with
hairs up to 4-5 × BD III.ANT
PT/BASE 4.5-5.9, with PT usually curved
…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT usually 6-segmented, if 5-segmented then with much shorter hairs
and with ANT PT/BASE less than 4
SIPH, cauda and legs all
dark. SIPH somewhat swollen on distal half. R IV+V 1.2-1.8 × ANT BASE VI.
Dorsum with a pattern of spinules arranged in polygons, with 1 or more spinules in the centre of each polygon
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
pale, ANT and legs at least partially pale, SIPH pale or dark. SIPH
cylindrical, tapering or clavate. R IV+V 0.6-1.3 × ANT BASE VI. Dorsum
without a pattern of spinules arranged in polygons
ANT tubercles undeveloped
or weakly developed. SIPH and cauda both black, the latter bearing 9-24 hairs
ANT tubercles well
developed, or if not then cauda is not black and bears 4-8 hairs
Dorsal abdomen without any dark sclerites. ANT PT/BASE 3.4-4.1. SIPH
1.7-2.7 × cauda
…..Aphis nerii
Dorsal abdomen with dark
cross-bars on ABD TERG 7 and 8, and usually with other dark markings. ANT
PT/BASE 1.7-3.5. SIPH 0.7-1.8 × cauda
Longest hair on ANT III
0.5-0.6 × BD III. Posterior hair on hind trochanter shorter than
trochantro-femoral suture
…..Aphis kosarovi*
Longest hair on ANT III
(0.6-) 0.8-2.65 × BD III. Posterior hair on hind trochanter as long as or
longer than trochantro-femoral suture
Longest hair on ANT III
1.5-2.65 × BD III. R IV+V 1.04-1.25 × HT II
…..Aphis armata
Longest hair on ANT III
0.6-2.20 × BD III. R IV+V 0.88-1.10 × HT II
…..Aphis fabae
dark on distal part, paler towards bases, with a subapical zone of polygonal
reticulation. Femora with distal 0.2 of length black. R IV+V 0.65-0.8 × ANT
…..Macrosiphum melampyri
SIPH pale or only dark at apices, with or without subapical polygonal
reticulation; if with, then femora without black apices and R IV+V 0.8-1.1 ×
More than 250 aphid species feed on grasses. Some are found only on grasses living in certain habitats, but very few are specific to a particular grass genus or species. The key is subdivided to make it less cumbersome; the main key enables direct identification of individual species and those in small genera, and also leads to a series of subsidiary keys separating species with particular morphological features. Aphids on Miscanthus are treated in a separate key, as there are nine Melanaphis spp. that appear to be specific to that genus.
Numerous other aphid species are found on bamboos, and are treated under the genus names Bambusa and Arundinaria. For simplified, illustrated keys to the aphids most commonly found on cereal crops, and on the grasses of temperate and tropical pastures, consult Blackman & Eastop (2000).
Main key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.4
(but if less than 0.65 then body markedly elongate)
ANT PT/BASE 0.2-0.5. Body
globose, broadly oval or spindle-shaped
ABD TERG 8 with a pair of
very large, densely nodulose, backwardly-directed conical processes, and with
or without similar but thinner spinal and marginal processes on other tergites
ABD TERG 8 without large paired conical processes (sometimes with a
median process)
Conical processes only on
ABD TERG 8. SIPH with swollen part bent towards midline, nearly at a right
angle to the pedunculate basal part
…..Israelaphis lambersi
A greater number of conical
processes present, both spinal and marginal. SIPH straight
Spinal processes present on all segments from head to ABD TERG 8, and
marginal processes on meso- and metathorax, ABD TERG 1-4 and 6-7 (40-42 in total)
…..Israelaphis ilharcoi
Spinal amd marginal
processes usually limited to ABD TERG 5-8 or 6-8, only occasionally with
small processes on more anteror tergites
PT 4.6-8.2 × R IV+V, which is 0.43-0.50 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.04-3.32
…..Israelaphis carmini
ANT PT 4.4-4.5 × R IV+V, which is 0.50-0.53 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.33-2.57
…..Israelaphis alistana
Cauda either very broadly rounded (less than 0.5 × longer than its
basal width) or with a conical base and a midway constriction delimiting the
apical part as a rounded knob. SIPH either stump-shaped, conical or poriform.
ANT 4- or 5-segmented, often very short. Dorsal cuticle often sclerotic, and
dorsal hairs usually thick and spine-like or with expanded apices
Cauda triangular,
helmet-shaped, lanceolate, tongue- or finger-shaped, much more than 0.5 × its
basal width, sometimes with a midway constriction but the apical part is not a
rounded knob. SIPH tubular, flask-shaped, conical, mammariform or poriform.
ANT 5- or 6-segmented, short or long. Dorsal cuticle with or without
sclerotisation, dorsal hairs not thick and spine-like; blunt or pointed, or
with expanded apices
mammariform, or poriform, or as very short tubes or broad-based cones, as
short as or shorter than their basal widths and usually less than 0.35 ×
SIPH tubular;
flask-shaped, conical, cylindrical or swollen, long or short but if less than
0.4 × cauda, then longer than their basal widths
with a subapical zone of reticulation, comprising one or more complete rows
(rings) of clearly-defined closed cells (if with only 1-3 rows then tergum
SIPH without any
clearly-defined subapical reticulation; in some species there is some
ill-defined subapical reticulation that may include 1-3 rows of almost
complete cells, or interconnected transverse striae, in which cases the
tergum is not sclerotic
ANT 5-segmented with
PT/BASE less than 2. SIPH slightly to distinctly clavate
ANT 5- or 6-segmented, but
if 5-segmented then PT/BASE is rarely less than 2. SIPH tapering, cylindrical
or clavate
Body markedly elongate. Front
of head between ANT bases markedly convex. Dorsum with polygonal glandular
facets on pigmented sclerites. ANT PT/BASE 0.6-0.8
…..Pentamyzus tenuis
Body oval. Front of head
sinuate in dorsal view, with ANT tubercles and median frontal tubercle weakly
to moderately developed. Dorsal sclerites pale and without any distinct
glandular facets. ANT PT/BASE 0.7-1.9
ANT III 1.25-1.60 × ANT IV. R IV+V 0.6-0.8
× HT II, and without accessory hairs. Cauda tapering, c.2 × its basal width
in dorsal view
…..Pentamyzus graminis
ANT III 1.8-2.6 × ANT IV.
R IV+V 0.8-1.2 × HT II, and bearing (1-) 2-6 accessory hairs. Cauda thick,
parallel-sided basally and convex-sided distally, about 1.5 × its basal width
in dorsal view
PT/BASE 1.5-1.9. R IV+V less than 1.5 × its basal width, 0.5-0.8 × ANT PT.
SIPH markedly clavate, with maximum width of swollen part c. 2 × width at
…..Pentamyzus falklandicus
ANT PT/BASE 0.69-1.48. R IV+V 1.9-2.5 × its basal width, 1.0-1.33 × ANT PT. SIPH less strongly clavate, maximum width of swelling less than 1.5 × width at flange
…..Pentamyzus fueginus
Head densely spiculose or nodulose, or with
rows of small spicules, either both dorsally and ventrally, or at least
Head cuticle smooth or
rugose, without spicules or nodules, or with only very few spicules on
ventral surface, not forming rows
Dorsal hairs very long with expanded
apices, and arising from tuberculate bases. Tergum sclerotic and
Dorsal hairs if long then
with pointed apices and without tuberculate bases. Tergum membranous or
on ANT III 1.6-2.1 × BD III. R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II, and 0.85-0.95 × ANT BASE
…..Cryptaphis bromi
Hairs on ANT III shorter
and more variable in length, 0.3-1.3 × BD III. R IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II and 0.55-0.65
…..Cryptaphis poae
SIPH clavate, i.e. with swollen distal part
and narrower basal part
SIPH tapering or
cylindrical, or somewhat swollen proximal to a subapical constriction, but
without any narrowing of basal part
ABD TERG 8 with a bluntly conical very
rugose medial process (Fig.35b). ANT
PT/BASE 0.7-1.3. SIPH flangeless, rounded at apex, with a small terminal
aperture (Fig.35a). Dorsal cuticle very rugose
…..Cavariella aquatica
No medial process on ABD
TERG 8. ANT PT/BASE more than 1.3. SIPH with a flange and large terminal
aperture. Dorsal cuticle smooth, spiculose or rugose
Dorsal cuticle with a pattern of spicules
arranged in polygons, each polygon surrounding one or two additional
spicules. R IV+V 1.0-1.5 × HT II
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Dorsal cuticle without
spicules, smooth or wrinkled. R IV+V 0.6-1.0 × HT II
SIPH smooth and swollen on distal half to 1.5-1.9
× their minimum width basad. R IV+V 0.6-0.7 × HT II. Head with smooth
divergent ANT tubercles. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed III 35-65, IV
16-28, V 0-5)
…..Rhopalomyzus lonicerae
SIPH swollen to 1.2-1.6 ×
their minimum width basad (if swollen to more than 1.4 × minimum width then R
IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II). ANT tubercles variably developed, smooth or somewhat
scabrous. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed III 4-29, IV 0-5, V 0)
ANT III usually with 1-3 rhinaria on slight
swelling near base. Head usually with some spicules posterioventrally. ANT
tubercles rather well developed, steep-sided, somewhat scabrous
ANT III without rhinaria. Head without spicules. ANT tubercles variably developed
ANT PT/BASE 3.1-3.5. R IV+V.0.67-0.70 × HT
II. Tergum coarsely corrugated. (Al.
with sec. rhin. distributed III 4-9, V 0-1)
…..Utamphorophora vibei
ANT PT/BASE 3.5-5.5. R
IV+V 0.78-0.88 × HT II. Tergum not coarsely corrugated. (Al. with sec. rhin.
distributed III 15-29, IV 0-5)
…..Utamphorophora humboldti
tubercles rather well developed, projecting beyond middle of front of head in
dorsal view. ANT PT/BASE 5.0-7.5 (Al. with 8-27 sec. rhin. on ANT III)
…..Utamphorophora bromicola
ANT tubercles very weakly
developed, not projecting beyond middle of front of head in dorsal view. ANT
PT/BASE 0.9-5.0 (Al. with 4-12 sec. rhin. on ANT III)
1.1-1.3 × BL. SIPH 0.26-0.29 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 4-5. RV+V heart-shaped
…..Carolinaia howardii
ANT shorter than BL. SIPH
less than 0.25 × BL. ANT PT/BASE less than 4. R IV+V not heart-shaped
abdomen dark. Tibiae pale. SIPH 1.4-1.8 × cauda. ANT PT 1.15-1.75 × ANT III
…..Carolinaia setariae
Dorsal abdomen pale. Tibiae dark. SIPH 2.0-2.5 × cauda. ANT PT 0.90-1.17 × ANT III
…..Carolinaia rhois
Cauda helmet-shaped, somewhat constricted at base, not longer than its basal width, with 4-6 hairs. SIPH short, pale, smooth, conical, with an annular incision proximal to the well-developed flange. Spiracular apertures rounded or faintly reniform. ANT tubercles undeveloped
Cauda tongue-or finger-shaped or bluntly triangular, with 4-24 hairs. SIPH various, usually imbricated. Spiracular apertures not large and rounded. ANT tubercles variably developed
ANT 0.7-0.9 × BL, with PT/BASE 4.6-8.1. SIPH long and dark, 0.23-0.29 × BL and 5.9-8.1 × cauda
…..Allocotaphis multisetosa
ANT 0.4-0.7 × BL, with PT/BASE 2.4-3.2. SIPH truncate, pale, 0.07-0.1 × BL and 1.1-1.3 × cauda
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH very small, thin and almost flangeless, 0.3-0.55 × cauda (if more than 0.4 × cauda then 2-3 × longer than their basal widths)
SIPH 0.5-2.5 × cauda (if less than 0.55 × cauda then less than 2 × longer than their basal widths)
ANT III with 1-7 rhinaria. SIPH and cauda
pale, SIPH broad-based. Cauda with 5-12 hairs. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without
marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Hyalopteroides humilis
ANT III without rhinaria. SIPH (at least distally) and cauda
dusky/dark. SIPH not broad-based. Cauda with 5-6 hairs. ABD TERG 1 and 7
always with (small) MTu
…..Hyalopterus sp. (amygdali, pruni or arundiniformis – see text)
ANT tubercles moderately to well developed, with inner faces divergent; sometimes low, but always better developed than (more than twice as high as) middle part of front of head or median frontal tubercle, so that there is a frontal sinus. SIPH uniformly pale or dusky or becoming darker towards apices cauda pale/dusky. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu)
ANT tubercles weakly developed or, if rather well developed then widely separated and with middle part of front of head convex, or with median frontal tubercle projecting to a similar extent. SIPH sometimes pale but more often entirely dark or with dark apices, cauda pale or dark. ABD TERG 1 and 7 almost always with MTu (in some species these are very small, and they are absent in 2 spp.)
…..go toKEY F (mostly Melanaphis, Rhopalosiphum and Schizaphis spp.)
Front of head with a pair of short conical horns between antennal bases. Head and prothorax fused
Front of head without
horns. Head and prothorax not fused
Sclerotised areas of cuticle warty, with
especially warty areas at posterior margin of prothorax. SIPH pores slightly
raised on dusky or dark-pigmented cones, with a few surrounding hairs
Sclerotised areas of
cuticle smooth or wrinkled, not warty. SIPH pores not placed on raised cones
and without any surrounding hairs
Body oval. Horns broadly rounded at apices.
Spinal and marginal wax glands often present on all or most tergites
…..Pseudoregma panicola
Body elongate oval. Horns
not broadly rounded at apices. Wax glands usually only present on ABD TERG
…..Pseudoregma alexandrae
Meso- and metathorax and ABD TERG 1-6 with
paired or single groups of spinalwax
glands as well as marginal ones
Thorax andABD TERG 1-6 without spinal wax
glands, only marginal ones
Wax glands on at least ABD TERG 5 and 6 fused
across midline, forming transverse bands consisting of 22-24 rounded cells.
Dorsal cephalic hairs maximally 2-3 × ANT BD III, and longest hair on ANT III
about equal to BD III
….. Ceratovacuna perglandulosa
Wax glands on ABD TERG 5
and 6 with paired separate pleurospinal wax glands as on ABD TERG 1-4, each
with 6-8 cells. Dorsal cephalic hairs 0.8-1.4 × ANT BD III, and longest hair
on ANT III 1.5-2.1 × BD III
….. Ceratovacuna cynodonti*
ANT 4-segmented (but this based on only 3 specimens) with distinctly
spinulose imbrication extending over whole of ANT III and IV. ABD TERG 8 with
a group of c.12 wax glands
…..Ceratovacuna spinulosa*
ANT 4- or 5-segmented, with ANT III very weakly imbricated and with at most a few minute spinules on the imbrication of distal part of ANT III (if 4-segmented) or on IV (if 5-segmented). ABD TERG 8 with a group of 5-40 wax glands
ABD TERG 1-3 each with 8-19 spinopleural hairs. ANT entirely
…..Ceratovacuna graminum
ABD TERG 1-3 each with
3-8 spinopleural hairs. ANT pale, or dark only distally
Head with longest anterior dorsal hairs
55-81 μm long, usually as long as or longer than frontal horns which are
48-68 μm long. ABD TERG 8 with a group of 5-20 wax glands. Each lobe of
anal plate with 6-8 (-9) hairs
…..Ceratovacuna panici
Head with longest
anterior dorsal hairs 46-71 μm long, often shorter than frontal horns
which are 55-136 μm long. ABD TERG 8 with a group of 15-40 wax glands.
Each lobe of anal plate with (8-) 9-12 hairs
Frontal horns symmetrical, straight-sided,
55-100 μm long, broad-based, 1.5-2.2 × their basal widths. First instars
with siphuncular pores
…..Ceratovacuna lanigera
Frontal horns with apices somewhat curved distally, 96-140 μm
long, slightly constricted at base and 2.5-3.5 × their basal widths. First
instars without siphuncular pores
…..Ceratovacuna nekoashi group (nekoashi,
oplismeni, orientalis, subtropicana)
(for discrimination see text under these
names and Aoki et al. 2013, Table
SIPH present as pores placed on shallow
cones which are pigmented and/or surrounded by hairs
Cauda with a conical base
and a rounded, knobbed apex
Cauda broadly rounded
ANT PT/BASE 1.8-2.6
…..Sipha flava
ANT PT/BASE 0.65-1.3
Dorsal cuticle smooth,
without denticles
…..Sipha agropyronensis
Dorsal cuticle with a
densely denticulate ornamentation
Dorsal cuticle with small
pointed denticles between bases of long spine-like hairs, which on ABD TERG 3
are more than 45 μm long. Hairs on ANT III usually longer than (0.6-1.8
…..Sipha glyceriae
Dorsal cuticle with very dense,
blunt denticles, and hairs on ABD TERG 3 less than 40 μm long. Hairs on ANT III usually shorter than
(0.4-1.0 ×) BD III
…..Sipha littoralis
R IV+V stiletto-shaped
with attenuated R V, 0.9-2.0 × HT II
R IV+V short, not
stiletto-shaped, without attenuated R V, 0.6-1.0 × HT II
Hind tibia 4.7-5.5 × R IV+V, which is 0.9-1.1 × HT II. ANT PT
0.90-1.15 × R IV
…..Chaetosiphella stipae ssp. setosa
Hind tibia 1.5-3.6 × R
IV+V, which is 1.1-2.0 × HT II. ANT PT 0.30-0.65 × R IV
R IV+V 15-20 × longer
than hairs on ABD TERG 3, which are fan-shaped. Hind tibia 1.5-1.7 × R IV+V
…..Chaetosiphella tshernavini
R IV+V 1.1-5.0 × longer
than longest hairs on ABD TERG 3, which have pointed or expanded apices. Hind
tibia 2.3-3.6 × R IV+V
R IV+V 2.5-5.0 × longer
than longest hairs on ABD TERG 3, which are mostly very thick with blunt,
bifurcate or serrate apices
R IV+V 1.1-1.7 × longer
than longest hairs on ABD TERG 3, which are spine-like, with pointed apices
R IV+V 0.17-0.22 mm long, 1.1-1.5 × HT II
…..Chaetosiphella stipae
R IV+V 0.26-0.30 mm long, 1.4-1.7 × HT II
…..Chaetosiphella longirostris
Dorsal abdomen with 4 long spine-like spinal
and pleural hairs per segment forming longitudinal rows, plus numerous much
shorter finer hairs
…..Chaetosiphella massagetica*
Dorsal abdomen with more
numerous long spine-like hairs not forming regular longitudinal rows
…..Chaetosiphella berlesei
Body very elongate, more than 2.5 × longer than its maximum width. SIPH poriform
Body elongate oval, oval
or pear-shaped, less than 2.5 × longer than its maximum width. SIPH as small
shallow pigmented cones
SIPH as slightly raised pores with
sclerotic rims, of diameter greater than hind tibia at midlength, and placed
…..Laingia psammae
SIPH pores of diameter
less than midlength diameter of hind tibia, and placed on ABD TERG 5
Dorsal hairs very short, rod- or
club-shaped, mostly less than 0.5 × ANT BASE V (or IV). Long pointed hairs
only present on front of head and posterior abdomen
Dorsal hairs of various lengths, the longest with pointed apices and as long as or longer than ANT BASE V (or IV), the shorter hairs with pointed, blunt, furcate or serrate apices
ANT 5-segmented, 0.20-0.27 × BL, with
PT/BASE 0.75-1.3. Mid-dorsal hairs are mostly rod-shaped, with serrate apices
ANT usually 4-segmented, 0.14-0.17
× BL, with PT/BASE c.0.5. Mid-dorsal hairs flabellate or club-shaped, with
rounded or serrate apices
…..Atheroides brevicornis
hairs on ABD TERG 1-6 mostly much shorter than midlength width of hind femur,
with serrate apices like mid-dorsal hairs. Empodial hairs spatulate, flat,
broadened at apices
….. Atheroides serrulatus
Many of marginal hairson ABD TERG 1-6 longer than midlength width of hind femur, with pointed apices. Empodial hairs strap-shaped (base and apex of similar width), not spatulate
….. Atheroides vallescaldera
Tergum black. All dorsal hairs, both long
and short, with pointed apices. ANT 0.26-0.29 × BL
…..Atheroides hirtellus
Tergum pale or dark, but
not black. Some or all of shorter
dorsal hairs with blunt or expanded apices. ANT 0.20-0.23 × BL
TERG 8 with 14-18 long, mostly pointed hairs on posterior and lateral
margins, and 12-24 shorter hairs more anteriorly with pointed, bifurcate or
expanded apices
…..Atheroides karakumi
ABD TERG 8 with only the 14-18 long, pointed hairs on posterior and lateral margins
…..Atheroides doncasteri
with a solid black shield encompassing ABD TERG 2-7, and broad black
cross-bands on other tergites
…..Sipha maydis
Dorsum pale or dark or
with dark markings, but no solid black shield
ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.22. R IV+V 0.95-1.17 × HT
…..Sipha burakowskii
ANT PT/BASE 1.25-2.30. R
IV+V 0.50-0.75 × HT II (?uvarovi)
ANT PT/BASE 1.25-1.45.
ANT PT/BASE 1.48-2.30
less than 2 × longer than its maximum width. ANT IV 0.7-0.8 × ANT V BASE
…..Sipha uvarovi*
Body more than 2 × longer than its maximum width. ANT IV 0.8-1.0 × ANT V BASE
…..Sipha taurica
R IV+V 0.65-0.73 × HT II
…..Sipha arenarii
R IV+V 0.50-0.62 × HT II
…..Sipha elegans (incl. S. aegilopis; see text)
KEY B – Apterae on grasses with poriform or extremely short SIPH (mainly Diuraphis)
SIPH as small pores with partly
sclerotised rims, sometimes surrounded by pigmented sclerite, but hardly
raised above the body surface
SIPH short, conical or
mammariform, usually pigmented, often very small, but with pore distinctly
raised above body surface
ABD TERG 8 with a large
rugose bluntly conical process, broader based than and partly covering cauda
…..Aspidaphis porosiphon
ABD TERG 8 without any
medial process
ANT tubercles bearing
long forwardly-directed finger-like processes. Cauda long, lanceolate, with
21-27 hairs
…..Davatchiaphis persica
ANT tubercles without
finger-like processes. Cauda triangular, elongate triangular or tongue-shaped
and bearing 6-9 hairs
ANT 0.17-0.20 × BL. Cauda
about as long as its basal width, with 6-8 hairs on narrower apical part. ANT
…..Mordvilkoiella skorkini*
ANT 0.25-0.35 × BL. Cauda
elongate triangular or tongue-shaped, distinctly longer than its basal width,
without narrower apical part, bearing 6-9 hairs. ANT 5- or 6-segmented
ANT 5-segmented. R IV+V c.1.1 × HT II
…..Mordvilkoiella jacutensis*
ANT usually 6-segmented. R IV +V 0.5-0.75 × HT II
ANT PT/BASE 1.2-1.7 (In al. ANT PT/BASE 1.6-1.7)
…..Diuraphis agrostidis
ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.2. (In al.
ANT PT/BASE 1.25-1.45)
…..Diuraphis bromicola
Tibial hairs long and
finely pointed, the longest more than 1.5 × width of tibia at midlength. ABD
TERG 1 and 7, or 1-4 and 7, with marginal tubercles (MTu)
Tibial hairs short, not
longer than width of tibia at midlength. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
ABD TERG 1-5 each with 1-2
marginal hairs
…..Melanaphis montana or tateyamaensis
ABD TERG 1-5 each with
3-7 marginal hairs
Head with 8-10 ventral hairs on
each side. ABD TERG 7 with 4 hairs, and ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs
…..Melanaphis jamatonica
Head with 5-7 ventral
hairs on each side. ABD TERG 7 with 6-8 hairs, and ABD TERG 8 with 4-6 hairs
…..Melanaphis japonica
long, black and finger-like with a midway constriction, and bearing 12-19
hairs. SIPH as short black broad-based cones, with a distinct apical rim
around a large terminal pore
…..Brachysiphoniella montana
Cauda tongue-shaped or conical,
unconstricted, bearing 4-9 hairs. SIPH mammariform or conical with rim rather
indistinct and a small pore
ABD TERG with a medial finger-like or
conical process. ABD TERG 3-5 (sometimes also 2 and 6) with small marginal
tubercles (MTu)
ABD TERG 8 without a
medial process. ABD TERG 2-6 usually without MTu (except calamagrostis)
Process on ABD TERG 8 is 0.5-0.75 × cauda.
ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.6
…..Diuraphis noxia
Process on ABD TERG 8 is 0.25-0.33
× cauda. ANT PT/BASE 0.9-1.65
on ABD TERG 8 broadly triangular. ANT PT/BASE 0.9-1.25
…..Diuraphis mexicana
Process on ABD TERG 8 finger-like; sometimes broader at base, but with distal part almost parallel-sided. ANT PT/BASE 1.2-1.65 (except down to 1.0 in summer dwarfs)
…..Diuraphis muehlei
R IV+V 0.9-1.15 × HT II
…..Diuraphis tritici
R IV+V 0.5-0.75 × HT II
SIPH placed equidistantly from spiracles on
abdominal segments 6 and 7. ANT PT/BASE 1.05-1.5
`…..Diuraphis frequens
SIPH placed distinctly closer to spiracle on abdominal segment 6 than
to that on 7. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.9
hairs on ANT III less than 10 μm, 0.4-0.7 × BD III. MTu usually absent
…..Diuraphis holci (and elymophila)
hairs on ANT III more than 10 μm, 0.7-1.0 × BD III. Small rounded MTu
usually present on some or all of ABD TERG 2-5
…..Diuraphis calamagrostis
KEY C – Apterae with reticulate SIPH on grasses (mainly Sitobion)
This key includes 20 Sitobion spp.,
3 Pseudaphis spp., Micromyzodium spinulosum, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Rhopalosiphoninus indicus, but
excludes the species of Sitobion subgenus
Metobion, which are included with Metopolophium in KEY D. S. rosaeiformis could not be included because
apterae from grasses have not been described.
SIPH flask-shaped, dark,
3.2-4.0 × cauda, with the inflated part maximally 2.8-4.8 × wider than the
…..Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon (or indicus)
SIPH not flask-shaped, pale
or dark, 0.8-3.0 × cauda
Front of head between ANT
bases convex or almost straight in dorsal view, lacking ANT tubercles. SIPH
0.80-1.24 × cauda and 0.08-0.13 × BL
ANT tubercles at least
slightly developed. SIPH 1.1-3.0 × cauda, 0.12-0.35 × BL
SIPH 1.00-1.24 × cauda, and 1.55-2.23 × R IV+V , which bears 5-8
accessory hairs
…..Pseudaphis abyssinica
SIPH 0.80-1.00 × cauda,
and 1.26-1.71 × R IV+V, which bears 4-6 accessory hairs
BL 1.06-1.55 mm, and SIPH
0.12-0.15 mm. ABD TERG 1-4 with paired dark patches and ABD TERG 5-8 with
short dark bars, usually not extending laterally to link with the marginal
…..Pseudaphis sijui
BL 1.70-2.20 mm, SIPH
0.17-0.21 mm. ABD TERG 1-8 usually with broad dark cross-bands extending
laterally to include marginal sclerites, often narrowly separated in midline
on ABD TERG 1-4
…..Pseudaphis arabica
Head densely spinulose
both dorsally and ventrally. Femora also densely spinulose. R IV+V 1.5-1.9 ×
HT II. SIPH dark, 2.5-3.0 × cauda
……Micromyzodium spinulosum
Head smooth dorsally,
smooth or spinulose ventrally. Femora at most sparsely spinulose. R IV+V
0.6-1.4 × HT II. SIPH pale or dark, 1.1-2.7 × cauda
cuticle of thorax and abdomen densely ornamented with minute spicules, and
unreticulated proximal parts of SIPH ornamented with small nodules
…..Sitobion microspinulosum
Dorsal cuticle without
spicules, and proximal parts of SIPH normally imbricated (often with spinules
on the imbrication)
0.12-0.17 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.3. Abdomen with a rather solid dusky/dark
patch extending across ABD TERG 1-6 and linked with or including marginal
…..Sitobion pauliani
SIPH 0.18-0.35 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-9.2. Abdomen with or without dark sclerotisation but this is either ill-defined or segmentally divided or not linked with marginal sclerites
Cauda dark, almost as
dark as the brown-black SIPH
….. Sitobion graminis
Cauda pale or dusky. SIPH
pale or dark, but if black then cauda is much paler
Cauda with only 2 long
lateral hairs, plus 1-4 subapical hairs that are much shorter and blunter.
Longest hairs on ANT III 7-12 μm
…..Sitobion lambersi
Cauda with at least 4
long pointed hairs. Longest hairs on ANT III 7-40 μm
Head and ABD TERG(5-) 6-8 with spinal tubercles (STu). Marginal tubercles (MTu)
also consistently present on ABD TERG 1-5 (sometimes also 7)
…..Sitobion papillatum
Head without STu and ABD
TERG 7-8 rarely with STu. MTu present or absent
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-6.2. R IV+V 0.65-0.97 × HT
ANT PT/BASE 6.0-9.2, but
if 6.0-6.2 then R IV+V is longer than HT II
ANT tubercles very well developed, median
frontal tubercle undeveloped. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III. ABD
TERG 8 with 5-8 hairs
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT tubercles rather
weakly developed, and median frontal tubercle often evident. Longest hairs on
ANT III 0.3-0.8 × BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 3-6 (usually 4) hairs
R IV+V with 2-4, or rarely 5, accessory
hairs. SIPH commonly with basal part pale
R IV+V with 6, rarely 5
or 7, accessory hairs. SIPH mostly uniformly dark, sometimes paler basally
3.7-4.3 mm. Cauda with 10-12 rather short hairs. ANT III with 3-9 rhinaria
…..Sitobion himalayensis*
BL 1.4-3.3 mm. Cauda with
6-9 hairs with at least the more basal ones quite long. ANT III with 0-4
Cauda with 4 long basal and 3 short blunt
distal hairs. Hairs on ABD TERG 8 only 10-16 μm long. SIPH mainly dark,
often paler towards base
…..Sitobion yakini
Cauda wth all hairs
pointed, the more distal ones only a little shorter than those more basal.
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 20-43 μm long. SIPH mainly pale, darker towards
SIPH 1.75-2.0 × cauda, which has a rounded
apex. ABD TERG 2-5 usually without marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Sitobion pseudoalupecuri
SIPH 1.1-1.6 × cauda,
which has a rather tapered apex. ABD TERG 2-5 mostly have hemi-spherical
…..Sitobion alopecuri
SIPH 1.0-1.4 × cauda (measure several
specimens if borderline)
SIPH 1.4-2.7 × cauda
(measure several specimens if borderline)
SIPH with subapical reticulation restricted
to 0.09-0.12 of length
…..Sitobion javanicum
SIPH with subapical
reticulation extending for 0.15-0.35 of length
R IV+V 0.80-0.95 × HT II. SIPH usually paler
towards base, reticulated on distal 0.15-0.17 of length. Hairs on ABD TERG 8
are 40-55 μm long. ABD TERG 1-4 with variably-developed paired
dusky/dark patches
…..Sitobion bamendae
R IV+V 0.65-0.82 × HT II.
SIPH uniformly dark and reticulated on distal 0.19-0.35 of length. Hairs on
ABD TERG 8 are 25-42 μm long. Dorsal abdomen pale or dusky, without
paired dusky/dark patches
…..Sitobion avenae
1.8-2.7 × cauda and 0.95-1.30 × ANT III (measure several specimens if
…..Sitobion fragariae
SIPH 1.4-1.9 × cauda and 0.75-1.05 × ANT III (measure several specimens if borderline)
reticulated over distal 0.15-0.40 of length. Longest hairs on ANT III
0.45-0.8 × BD III. Dorsal abdomen sclerotic but with any pigmentation rather
ill defined. ABD TERG 2-5 with 0-8 marginal tubercles (MTu) in total, but
mostly (67%) with 2-6
miscanthi/ akebiae group
SIPH reticulated over
0.10-0.18 of length. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.25-0.6 × BD III. Dorsal
abdomen often with variably-developed pattern of clearly delimited dark
sclerites, as segmentally-divided transverse bands or an irregular central
patch. MTu either absent, mostly confined to ABD TERG 5, or more numerous
(totalling 5-8)
Longest hairs on ANT III 8-20 μm,
longest posterior dorsal cephalic hairs 8-30 μm, longest hairs on ABD
TERG 8 17-45 μm. Dorsal abdomen with variably-developed dark dorsal
cross-bands not fused across tergites. ABD TERG 2-5 with only 0-3 MTu in
total, mostly absent, or present only on ABD TERG 5
…..Sitobion africanum
Longest hairs on ANT III
16-23 μm, longest posterior dorsal cephalic hairs 26-32 μm, longest
hairs on ABD TERG 8 40-50 μm. Dorsal abdomen with a variably-developed
dark central patch not or only partially divided between tergites. ABD TERG
2-5 with 5-8 MTu in total
…..Sitobion matatum
Longest hairs on ANT III more than 0.6 × BD III. Primary rhinarium on ANT V large, occupying almost entire width of segment. ANT III with 5-8 rhinaria. SIPH black. Tergum usually extensively pigmented, with pigmentation often encompassing marginal sclerites
…..Sitobion yasumatsui
Longest hairs on ANT III
0.2-0.5 × BD III. Primary rhinarium on ANT V small, occupying less than half
width of segment. ANT III with 0-7 rhinaria. SIPH pale or dark, if black then
tergum not so extensively pigmented
pale except towards apices. ANT III-V mainly pale with dark
SIPH entirely dark, or
paler only at base. ANT III-V with at least V uniformly dark
Anterior part of head and ANT including I
and II entirely dark. Distal 0.4-0.5 of hind femora dark
…..Sitobion kamtshaticum
Anterior part of head and
at least ANT I and II pale/dusky. Femora pale
Abdominal tergum with a variably developed
dark central patch, sometimes fragmented or absent. ANT PT/BASE 7-8
…..Sitobion neusi
Abdominal tergum pale. ANT PT/BASE 6.2-6.7
…..Sitobion raoi*
KEY D – Apterae of grass-feeding aphids with spinulose heads
This key includes all the grass-feeding aphids with spinulose heads,
except those with reticulate SIPH that were taken out in KEY C (Pseudaphis spp., Micromyzodium spinulosum and Rhopalosiphoninus
indicus). Among these are five very polyphagous species (Aulacorthum solani, Myzus ascalonicus, M. ornatus, M. persicae and Neomyzus
circumflexus) that are occasionally found on grasses.
Head extended forward
between ANT bases with three large separate processes, each bearing
spine-like hairs. SIPH very large, thick and warty, constricted subapically.
ANT PT/BASE 1.37-1.80
…..Vesiculaphis theobaldi
Head not produced
anteriorly. SIPH various, ANT PT/BASE more than 1.8
Head entirely lacking ANT
tubercles, almost flat between ANT bases. Cauda short and rounded, about as
long as its basal width in dorsal view
Head with ANT tubercles
developed. Cauda helmet-shaped, tongue- or finger shaped, usually longer than
its basal width in dorsal view
ANT 5-segmented. R IV+V
1.8-2.2 × HT II
…..Hallaphis rhodesiensis
ANT normally 6-segmented, sometimes 5-segmented. R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II (Note: Apterae with 5-segmented ANT and R IV+V 1.2-1.5 × HT II may be one of two other Hallaphis spp. only known from trapped alatae.)
…..Hallaphis ilharcoi
Tergum with extensive
dark sclerotised pleurospinal areas
Tergum, membranous or
sclerotic but unpigmented, or with only dark intersegmental and/or marginal
SIPH entirely black. ABD
TERG 1-7 almost completely dark except for clear areas at bases of SIPH. R
IV+V 0.7-0.8 × HT II
…..Myzus obtusirostris
SIPH with at least middle
section pale or dusky. Tergum with at least ABD TERG 5 mostly unpigmented. R
IV+V 0.85-1.7 × HT II
R IV+V 0.85-1.1 × HT II.
ANT III without rhinaria. Dorsal dark sclerotisation solid on ABD TERG 1-2 or
1-3, usually with a pale median area on 4
…..Kaochiaoja arthraxonis
IV+V 1.2-1.7 × HT II. ANT III usually with 1-2 rhinaria near base. Dorsal abdomen
with a dark roughly U-shaped patch, pale medially on ABD TERG 1-2(-3)
…..Neomyzus circumflexus
SIPH flangeless, scaly,
swollen at base and slightly flared distally, with a small somewhat slanted
…..Jacksonia papillata
SIPH with a distinct
flange; cylindrical, tapering or clavate
Dorsal surface of head
smooth, black, with a pair of spinal tubercles (STu). Cauda long and dark
with 3-5 short curved hairs. R IV+V without accessory hairs. (Al. with
forewings usually lacking radius)
…..Kugegania ageni
Dorsal surface of head
smooth or spiculose, pale or dark, without STu. Cauda pale or dark, if dark
then short and triangular, with 4-11 hairs. R IV+V with 2 or more accessory
hairs. (Al. with radius in forewing)
SIPH grossly inflated
over distal 0.7, with maximum width of swollen part more than 2 × minimum
width of stem and c.3 × width of constricted subapical part, which has a
rather indistinct reticulate pattern
…..Rhopalosiphoninus solani
SIPH tapering, cylindrical
or slightly to moderately swollen, with swollen part less than 2 × minimum
width basad or distad
Femora spinulose over entire length . SIPH
very slightly swollen subapically. Cauda swollen at base, with a constriction
of distal half, and bearing 4 hairs. (Al. with broadly dark-banded forewing
veins and media fused with radius)
…..Pentalonia gavarri
Femora not spinulose, or
with spinules only on distal half. SIPH tapering/cylindrical or swollen over greater
part of length. Cauda triangular or tongue-shaped, unconstricted, with 4-8
hairs. (Al. with normal wing venation)
SIPH tapering, with a slight S-curve,
coarsely imbricated. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental
markings. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8
…..Myzus ornatus
SIPH tapering/cylindrical
or swollen, not coarsely imbricated. Dorsal abdomen without dark
intersegmental markings. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-5.5
Dorsal hairs with expanded apices, short or
long. SIPH dusky/dark, swollen over most of length, without a narrow section
on basal half. Cauda short, triangular, not longer than its basal width. ANT
and legs mainly dark
Dorsal hairs very short
and blunt. SIPH pale or dark, cylindrical/tapering, or swollen on the distal half with a narrower section on the
basal half. Cauda much longer than its basal width. ANT and legs pale or at
least not mainly dark
hairs 40-65 μm long. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III
…..Rhopalomyzus poae
Dorsal hairs 10-28 μm long. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.4-0.5 × BD III
…..Rhopalomyzus grabhami
smooth dorsally and anterioventrally, with a few rows of spicules
posterioventrally.R IV+V short and
blunt, 0.8-0.9 × HT II. ANT III usually with 1-3 rhinaria on slight swelling
near base. SIPH swollen over distal 0.7 of length
Head spiculose dorsally
and ventrally. R IV+V 0.7-1.5 × HT II. ANT III with or without rhinaria near
base, if with then SIPH tapering/cylindrical
IV+V very short and blunt 0.7-0.8 × HT II, with 2 accessory hairs
…..Myzus maculocorpus*
R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II,
with 2-15 accessory hairs
tapering/cylindrical. ANT III usually with 1-2 rhinaria near base
…..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH swollen on distal
half. ANT III without rhinaria
almost smooth, less than 0.82 × ANT III. R IV+V with 7-15 accessory hairs
…..Myzus ascalonicus
SIPH normally imbricated, more than 0.83 × ANT III. R IV+V with 2-5 (-7) accessory hairs
…..Myzus persicae
KEY E – Apterae of Metopolophium and Sitobion (Metobion) spp. on grasses.
SIPH 0.55-0.67 × cauda
…..Metopolophium sp. on Poa nemoralis (Switzerland, BMNH
colln, leg. Knoppe de Rico)
SIPH 0.85-2.5 × cauda
SIPH 0.85-0.90 × cauda,
which bears 10-17 hairs
…..Metopolophium palmerae
SIPH 1.0-2.5 × cauda,
which bears 4-21 hairs (if cauda has more than 8 hairs then SIPH more than 1.2
× cauda)
BL 3.6-4.2 mm. R IV+V
0.5-0.7 × HT II
BL 1.3-3.75 mm, but if
more than 3.5 mm then R IV+V is at least 0.85 × HT II
PT/BASE less than 4. ANT III with 11-13 rhinaria in a row on basal half
…..Sitobion brevirostre
ANT PT/BASE 4.2-7.0. ANT
III with 2-6 rhinaria near base
ANT PT/BASE 6.1-7.8
…..Sitobion graminearum
ANT PT/BASE 4.3-5.5
…..Sitobion beiquei
ANT PT/BASE 4.6-5.4
ANT PT/BASE 1.8-4.5
R IV+V 0.90-0.95 × HT II, with 8-11 accessory hairs. SIPH 2.0-2.5 × cauda, which bears 9-14 hairs
…..Metopolophium alpinum
R IV+V 0.55-0.87 × HT II, with 4-10 accessory hairs. SIPH 1.1-2.0 × cauda, which bears 5-9 hairs
IV+V 0.55-0.60 × HT II, with 4-6 accessory hairs. SIPH 1.1-1.3 × cauda
…..Metopolophium longicaudatum
IV+V 0.67-0.87 × HT II, with 5-10 accessory hairs. SIPH 1.5-2.0 × cauda
…..Metopolophium festucae ssp. cerealium (part)
R IV+V with only 0-2
accessory hairs
R IV+V with (2-) 3-10
accessory hairs
III with 0-2 rhinaria near base. SIPH 2.1-2.7 × cauda. R UV+V longer than its
basal width, 0.75-0.95 × HT II. Tergum sclerotic and usually dark-pigmented,
at least marginally
…..Metopolophium frisicum
ANT III with 8-17 rhinaria distributed over 0.5-0.7 of length. SIPH 1.3-1.6 × cauda. R IV+V shorter than its basal width, 0.6-0.7 × HT II. Tergum pale not or hardly sclerotic
…..Sitobion scoticum
SIPH 1.09-1.35 × cauda (usually less than 1.3
×). R IV+V 0.86-1.14 × HT II. Hind tibia less than 0.9 mm long
…..Metopolophium sabihae
SIPH 1.3-2.5 × cauda, but
if less than 1.4 × cauda then either R IV+V is 0.6-0.7 × HT II
(which is 0.128-0.183 mm long), or hind
tibia is more than 0.9 mm long
R IV+V 0.91-1.13 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE
R IV+V 0.60-0.98 × HT II;
if more than 0.9 × HT II (some festucae)then ANT PT/BASE normally in range 2.9-4.0 (although apterae
developing in cold conditions may have ANT PT/BASE as low as 2.1)
1.7-2.3 × cauda, and without any subapical reticulation. ANT tubercles well
…..Metopolophium tenerum
SIPH 1.4-1.6 × cauda, and
often with some rather indistinct subapical reticulation. ANT tubercles
weakly developed
…..Sitobion calvulum
III with 2-8 rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.0-3.0. R IV+V 0.6-0.7 × HT II
…..Metopolophium chandrani
ANT III with 0-4
rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.1-5.0, but if less than 3.0 (cold temperature festucae) then R IV+V more than 0.7 ×
SIPH 0.25-0.36 × hind tibia. HT II
0.128-0.183 mm (only less than 0.146 mm if BL is less than 2 mm and ANT PT/BASE 3-4)
SIPH 0.34-0.52 × hind
tibia, but if less than 0.36 × then HT II is 0.096-0.146 mm long (only more
than 0.128 mm if BL is more than 2 mm and/or ANT PT/BASE less than 3)
1.7-2.0 × cauda. ANT PT 3.3-4.4 × HT II. ANT V 1.2-1.7 × cauda. R IV+V
0.65-0.78 × HT II. If still inconclusive, the function (PT × SIPH)/ (cauda ×
HT II) is in range 6.0-8.6
…..Metopolophium fasciatum
SIPH 1.3-1.9 × cauda. ANT PT 2.6-4.1 × HT II. ANT V 0.9-1.4 × cauda. R IV+V 0.61-0.72 × HT II. If still inconclusive, the function (PT × SIPH) / (cauda × HT II) is in range 3.6-6.5
…..Metopolophium dirhodum
Hind tibia 11.3-16.7 × R IV+V (only less
than 12 × when BL less than 2.2 mm). ANT BASE VI 1.20-1.62 × HT II (only less
than 1.3 × when either BL less
than 2 mm or ANT BASE VI is
0.36-0.42 × ANT IV)
…..Metopolophium albidum
Hind tibia 7.1-12.0 × R IV+V (only more than 11.3 × when BL is 2.2-2.7
mm). ANT BASE VI 0.95-1.29 × HT II (only more than 1.2 × when BL more than 2
mm and ANT BASE VI is 0.43-0.53 × ANT IV)
SIPH 2.0-2.7 × cauda, which is 0.09-0.11 ×
…..Metopolophium montanum
SIPH 1.3-2.0 × cauda,
which is 0.11-0.17 × BL
IV+V 0.092-0.119 mm long, 0.67-0.87 × HT II, and bearing 5-10 accessory
hairs. Hind tibia 0.87-1.71 mm long, HT II 0.116-0.164 mm long. ANT PT/BASE
3.0-5.0. If inconclusive then function (A × B × C) / (D × E × F) is 6.5-12.7, where A = length of ANT flagellum
(III+IV+V+VI incl. PT), B = length of hind tibia, C = HT II, D = body length
(in this case incl. cauda), E = ANT VI BASE, and F = R IV+V
…..Metopolophium festucae ssp.
R IV+V 0.089-0.114 mm long, 0.72-1.0 × HT II, and bearing 3-8
accessory hairs. Hind tibia 0.75-1.22 mm long, HT II 0.096-0.133 mm long. ANT
PT/BASE 2.1-4.2. If inconclusive then function (A × B × C) / (D × E × F) is 3.9-8.1
…..Metopolophium festucae s. str.
KEY F – Mostly Melanaphis, Rhopalosiphum and Schizaphis.
This key includes apterae of the rest of the grass-feeding Aphidinae not covered by KEYS B-E. To qualify for this key your aphid should have (a) 5- or 6-segmented ANT with ANT PT/BASE more than 1, (b) a non-spiculose head with low ANT tubercles, (c) SIPH tubular or conical, 0.45-2.5 × cauda, which is tongue- or finger-shaped, and (d) marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 1 and 7 (with 2 exceptions).
SIPH short and usually thick or rather thick, less than (often much less than) 2.4 × their basal width, 0.45-1.2 × cauda, and usually with a well-developed, rather swollen flange
SIPH tapering,
cylindrical or slightly swollen, 0.6-2.5 × cauda, but if less than 1.2 ×
cauda then they are more than 2.4 × their basal width, and/or have a small
on ANT III very long and fine, up to 4-7 × longer than BD III
…..Melanaphis pahanensis
Hairs on ANT III 0.25-1.5
× longer than BD III
R IV+V 0.5-0.7 × HT II.
ABD TERG 8 with 3-6 hairs
R IV+V 0.8-1.5 × HT II.
ABD TERG 8 with 2-5 hairs
PT/BASE 1.1-1.9. Longest hairs on ANT III 19-32 μm, 0.6-1.1 × BD III
…..Melanaphis donacis
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.1. Longest hairs on ANT III 24-40 μm, 1.1-1.5 × BD III
…..Melanaphis elizabethae
Cauda with only 4-6
hairs. Coxae dark
…..Melanaphis bambusae
Cauda with 7-17 hairs.
Coxae pale
R IV+V 1.22-1.44 × HT II
R IV+V 0.80-1.16 × HT II
Hind tibia with scent
glands on basal part
…..Melanaphis daisenensis
Hind tibia without scent
ABD TERG 1-5 with a large dark sclerite (often segmentally divided or
interrupted in mid-line). ANT PT/BASE
2.8-3.8. Cauda with 17-20 hais
…..Melanaphis graminisucta
TERG 1-5 without a dark sclerite. ANT PT/BASE 4.0-4.4. Cauda with 12-15 hairs
…..Melanaphis miscanthi*
ABD TERG 1-4 each with 3-8 long fine hairs on each side. ABD TERG 8 with (3-)4(-5) hairs
…..Melanaphis koreana
ABD TERG 1-4 each with
1-2 hairs on each side. ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs
Longest hairs on ANT III c.1.0 × BDIII. Hind tibia with longest hairs 1.3-2.0 × diameter of tibia at midlength. Marginal hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 27-47 μm
…..Melanaphis yasumatsui
Longest hairs on ANT III
0.3-0.7 × BD III. Hind tibia with longest hairs not more than 1.2 × diameter
of tibia at midlength. Marginal hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 14-30 μm
SIPH 0.46-0.68 × cauda
SIPH 0.70-1.05 × cauda
SIPH pale/dusky, at least 1.5 × longer than
their basal widths, and 0.46-0.63 × cauda, both pale or dusky. (Sec. rhin. in
al. III 19-45, IV 2-21, V 0-11)
…..Melanaphis pyraria
SIPH dark, very
broad-based, shorter than their basal width and 0.63-0.68 × cauda. (Sec.
rhin. in al. III 6-9, IV 0, V 0)
…..Melanaphis arthraxonophaga
ANT PT 2.6-3.5 × cauda. Head with both ANT
and median frontal tubercles rather well developed
ANT PT 1.9-2.5 × cauda. Head with ANT and median frontal tubercles
weakly developed
SIPH 1.3-1.7 (-2.0) × their basal width,
and with a large flange, so that diameter at flange is 1.25-1.4 × the minimum
subapical diameter
…..Melanaphis sorini
SIPH 1.7-2.8 × their
basal width and with a small flange, so that diamater at flange is 1.03-1.14 × the minimum subapical diameter
…..Melanaphis indosacchari
tibia 1.8-3.0 × ANT PT (measure several specimens if borderline)
…..Melanaphis sorghi (also M. zhanhuaensis? – see text)
Hind tibia 1.5-1.9 × ANT
…..Melanaphis sacchari
Tergum of thorax and abdomen with a
reticulate pattern of strings of small bead-like spicules arranged in
polygons, most polygons enclosing one to many additional similar spicules.
SIPH in all except one species almost cylindrical for most of length or with
very slight swelling of distal part, constricted subapically and then
broadened again to a well-developed flange (as if a noose had been placed
around near the apex and tightened slightly). (Alata with media of forewing
Tergum smooth, wrinkled
or spiculose, but if spiculose then the spicules are coarser and more angular
and not arranged as above. SIPH cylindrical or tapering, sometimes with a
slight subapical constriction, but usually with a small flange. (Alata with
media once- or twice-branched)
Body rather elongate. SIPH 0.07-0.08 × BL,
tapering from base with only a slight subapical constriction and small
flange. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8
…..Rhopalosiphum maidis
Body oval. SIPH 0.08-0.15
× BL, almost cylindrical for most of length, distinctly constricted
subapically and with a large flange. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-5.6
ANT usually 5-segmented with longest hairs on ANT III 3-5 × BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 4-8 hairs
…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT 5- or 6-segmented with longest hairs on ANT III 0.4-2.25 × BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 2 (-3) hairs
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.4-1.0 × BD III.
R IV+V 0.9-1.15 × HT II
Longest hairs on ANT III
1.1-2.25 × BD III. R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II
tibia with numerous long hairs with finely-pointed apices, the longest 64-85
μm long
…..Rhopalosiphum nigrum
Hind tibia with all hairs
more spine-like, the longest 24-40 μm
…..Rhopalosiphum padi
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.5
…..Rhopalosiphum rufulum
ANT PT/BASE 4.2-5.3
ANT 5-segmented. Cauda triangular
…..Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae
6-segmented. Cauda tongue-shaped, often with a slight mid-way constriction
…..Rhopalosiphum padiformis
TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu), or rarely only on ABD TERG 7
ABD TERG 1 and 7 always
with (sometimes small) MTu
Dorsal cuticle with coarsely rugose,
denticulate sculpturing. SIPH short, with subapical constriction and large
flange. Cauda dark
…..Schizaphis palustris
Dorsal cuticle not coarsely
rugose. SIPH without a subapical constriction and with a small flange. Cauda
pale or dusky
SIPH dark except at bases, 0.17-0.20 × BL
…..Schizaphis aurea
SIPH dusky, only dark at
apices, 0.11-0.18 × BL
SIPH 0.11-0.13 × BL and 1.1-1.3 × cauda
…..Schizaphis graminum ssp. gigjai
SIPH 0.12-0.18 × BL and
1.4-2.0 × cauda
…..Schizaphis dubia
SIPH mainly pale or dusky, usually with
dark apices
SIPH uniformly dark
R IV+V 1.0-1.33 × HT II. Cauda with 6-12 hairs
…..Schizaphis rufula
R IV+V 0.5-1.0 × HT II.
Cauda with 4-7 (-14) hairs
0.6-0.8 × cauda which bears 8-14 hairs. R IV+V 0.5-0.7 × HT II
…..Schizaphis longicaudata
SIPH 0.8-2.2 × cauda which
bears 4-7 hairs. R IV+V 0.6-1.0 × HT II
SIPH 0.8-1.2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 2.3-3.7
SIPH 1.0-2.2 × cauda, but
if 1.0-1.2 × cauda then ANT PT/BASE is 3.6-5.2
with 6-7 hairs. SIPH usually shorter than (0.8-1.0 ×) cauda. ANT PT/BASE
…..Schizaphis priori
Cauda with 4-5 hairs. SIPH usually longer than (0.9-1.2 × ) cauda. ANT
PT/BASE 2.3-3.5
Some or all of ABD TERG 2-4 and 6 usually
with MTu. R IV+V 0.75-0.85 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.6-3.5
…..Schizaphis borealis
ABD TERG 2-4 and 6 without MTu. R IV+V 0.85-0.95 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE
…..Schizaphis weingaertneriae
uniformly pale, without dark apices
SIPH with dark apices
R IV+V blunt, 0.6-0.8 × HT II. SIPH with a
small but evident flange. Cauda with a distinct midway constriction
…..Schizaphis thunebergi*
R IV+V pointed, c.0.9 ×
HT II. SIPH flange very weakly developed. Cauda not constricted at midlength
…..Schizaphis muhlenbergiae
Second tarsal segments mostly with a
mid-dorsal hair in addition to the two subapical ones. SIPH 1.5-1.7 × cauda
…..Schizaphis werderi*
Second tarsal segments
without, or only very rarely with, a mid-dorsal hair. SIPH 1.0-2.25 × cauda
3.1-3.7 × HT II, 0.19-0.25 × BL and 1.67-2.25 × cauda
…..Schizaphis hypersiphonata
SIPH 1.6-2.9 × HT II,
0.10-0.19 × BL and 1.0-1.7 × cauda
0.10-0.13 × BL and 1.6-1.8 × HT II. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 21-50
μm long
SIPH 0.11-0.19 × BL and
1.8-2.9 × HT II. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 15-40 μm long, but if
more than 20 μm then SIPH are more than 0.13 × BL
1.0-1.2 × cauda. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 15-16, IV c.9, V
…..Schizaphis hierochlorophaga
SIPH 1.3-1.7 × cauda. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 2-10, IV 0-4, V 0)
…..39 (Schizaphis graminum group)
SIPH 0.11-0.16 × BL. Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 2-6 (mostly 4 or 5), IV 0-1
…..Schizaphis phlei
SIPH 0.14-0.19 × BL. Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 3-10 (mostly 6-8), IV 0-4
R IV+V 0.65-0.80 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.7. SIPH 1.3-1.7 × cauda
…..Schizaphis graminum
R IV+V 0.75-1.0 × HT II.
ANT PT/BASE 2.3-4.0. SIPH 1.25-1.5 × cauda
R IV+V 0.80-1.0 × HT II. SIPH 0.14-0.15 ×
BL and 1.25-1.4 × cauda. Longest hair on ABD TERG 6-7 is 14-18 μm, and
on ABD TERG 8 is 30-40 μm
…..Schizaphis holci
R IV+V 0.75-0.88 × HT II.
SIPH 0.15-0.17 × BL and 1.3-1.5 × cauda. Longest hair on ABD TERG 6-7 is
11-12 μm, and on ABD TERG 8 is 17-25 μm
IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II. SIPH 0.7-1.1 × cauda. (Alata with forewing media
R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II. SIPH 0.8-2.5 × cauda. (Alata with media of
forewing once- or twice-branched)
PT/BASE 2.0-3.7. Hairs on ABD TERG 7 and 8 maximally 24-40 μm long
…..Schizaphis nigerrima
ANT PT/BASE 4.0-4.7. Hairs on ABD TERG 7 and 8 long and fine-pointed, 45-60 μm long
…..Schizaphis cuprea
Cauda long and very pale, with only 4 hairs. SIPH slightly swollen on basal half (calf-shaped). ANT PT/BASE 5.0-6.3. (Hind wing of al. with only one oblique vein)
…..Hysteroneura setariae
Cauda pale, dusky or dark
with 4-28 hairs. SIPH cylindrical or tapering, not at all swollen on basal
half. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-6.0. (Hind wing of al. with 2 oblique veins)
2.1-3.0 × cauda. ANT entirely dark except for base of III. (Forewing of al.
with once-branched media)
…..Schizaphis rotundiventris
0.8-2.2 (-2.5) × cauda. ANT pale at least on most of III and IV. (Forewing of
al. with media once- or twice-branched)
KEY G – Apterae of Anoecia and Tetraneura on grasses
Apterae included in this key all have very short ANT PT, SIPH as slightly elevated cones and a broadly rounded cauda. Two Anoecia spp. described from India, A. himalayensis and A. radiciphaga, could not be included on the basis of their published descriptions; a key to Indian Anoecia is provided by Chakrabarti et al. (1982).
Tarsi 2-segmented. Eyes
usually multifaceted. ANT more than 0.25 × BL. ANT III-V often with secondary
rhinaria. Flat rounded marginal tubercles (MTu) are usually present
Tarsi 1-segmented. Eyes
usually with just a triommatidium. ANT less than 0.25 × BL. ANT without sec.
rhin. Wax glands comprising one to many cells usually present
MTu usually present on
all of ABD TERG 1-7; often reduced in size on ABD TERG 5 and 6, and sometimes
absent from 6, or occasionally both 5 and 6
MTu on ABD TERG 1-4 and
7, but always absent from 5 and 6
Compound eyes reduced to
0-10 (-25) facets, usually smaller than triommatidia. ANT III–V without sec.
rhin. Dorsal abdomen often unsclerotised. BL 1.2-2.1 mm
Compound eyes with more
than 25 facets. ANT III-V usually with sec. rhin. Dorsal abdomen usually with
extensive dusky/dark sclerotisation. BL 1.9-3.0 mm
ABD TERG 1-5 with short
(10-15 μm) blunt or spatulate hairs, which at least on 4 and 5 are
placed in single tranverse rows. R IV+V with 5-6 (-8) accessory hairs
…..Anoecia vagans
ABD TERG 1-4 (-5) each
with numerous fine-pointed hairs; spatulate hairs (41-73 μm long) occur
only irregularly if at all on ABD TERG 5-7, and only those on 6 and 7 are
arranged in transverse rows. R IV+V with 8-14 accessory hairs
0.76-0.96 mm long, reaching well past bases of hind coxae to about middle of
abdomen. BL (2.2-) 2.5-3.0 mm. Hairs on ABD TERG 6 and 7 usually all
…..Anoecia major (and mirae?)
Rostrum 0.52-0.85 mm
long, reaching about to bases of hind coxae. BL 1.9-2.4 (-2.8) mm. One or
more of hairs on ABD TERG 6 and 7 almost always spatulate
…..Anoecia corni
Dorsal abdomen
unsclerotised or only with dusky/dark bands on ABD TERG (5-) 6-7. Compound
eyes often reduced to less than 20 facets. ANT III-V without sec. rhin.
Dorsal abdomen
extensively sclerotised on ABD TERG 3-7, with either broad dark bands or a
solid or perforated dark shield. Compound eyes with more than 25 facets. ANT
III-V usually each with 1 or more sec. rhin.
ANT III only c.0.13 mm
long, less than 0.09 × BL. (Al. developing on grasses have a large black
dorsal abdominal patch over ABD TERG 3-6)
…..Anoecia cornicola
ANT III 0.18-0.24 mm
long, at least 0.10 × BL. (Al. with dusky cross-bands or a dark patch limited
to ABD TERG 5-6)
hairs all or mostly spatulate. (Al. with a dark sclerite on ABD TERG 5-6)
…..Anoecia stipae*
ANT hairs finely pointed. (Al. with rather indistinct dusky dorsal abdominal cross-bands)
…..Anoecia setariae
Dorsal abdominal hairs
numerous and irregularly distributed except on ABD TERG (6-) 7-8, with either
fine-pointed or markedly expanded apices
Dorsal abdominal hairs
less numerous, tending to be in rows on at least ABD TERG 3-8, and many of
those on ABD TERG 1-7 with blunt or spatulate apices
or most of hairs on ABD TERG 1-7, and also some of those on ANT and legs,
with expanded, bifurcate or multifurcate apices
ABD TERG7 with 4-6 hairs between the marginal groups, usually in a single row. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 0-6, IV 0-4, V 0-3, VI 0-2
….. Anoecia haupti or A. krizusi*
ANT III 0.16-0.21 mm long, usually a
little shorter than ANT IV+V, and 1.0-1.4 × R IV+V. Spatulate hairs common on ANT and legs
…..Anoecia graminis
III 0.24-0.38 mm long, longer than ANT IV+V and 1.9-2.5 × R IV+V Most hairs on ANT and legs fine-pointed,
with sometimes a few interspersed
spatulate hairs
…..Anoecia furcata
IV+V 0.10-0.13 mm long, 1.1-2.0 × HT
R IV+V 0.15-0.25 mm long,
1.8-2.7 × HT
ABD TERG1-7 each with2 pairs
of long, stout marginal hairs with distinctly capitate apices. (Embryos
inside abdomen also have capitate marginal hairs)
Marginal hairs of adults
and embryos long or short but with fine-pointed, acute or blunt apices (or
sometimes dilated apically in adults, but not in embryos)
ANT flagellum with less than 8 hairs
between apex of II and distal rim of penultimate primary rhinarium
ANT flagellum with more
than 8 hairs between apex of II and distal rim of penultimate primary
Longest ANT hairs not longer than BD III.
Spinal and pleural wax glands on ABD TERG 1-5 each usually comprising a ring
of cells (diam. 52-65 μm) around an undivided or partially subdivided
central area. ABD TERG 7 with 4-6 hairs. Embryos inside abdomen with hind
tarsal claws similar to those of fore and mid tarsi
Longest ANT hairs longer
than BD III. Spinal and pleural wax glands on ABD TERG 1-5 small (diam. 12-25
μm), each comprising a single cell or a group of 2-3 contiguous cells.
ABD TERG 7 with 8 hairs. Embryos inside abdomen with hind tarsal claws much
longer than those of fore and mid tarsi
…..Tetraneura basui
II with 6-18 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 6-15 similar-sized hairs. Wax glands each
usually comprising a group of cells with one large cell 14-77 μm in
diameter, of irregular shape and sometimes appearing partially subdivided,
with many small cells alongside or partly surrounding it
…..Tetraneura javensis group (incl. javensis, kalimpongensis*, lambersi*, multisetosa*, utpali*)
ANT II with 2-5 hairs.
ABD TERG 8 with 2 thick and spine-like hairs of varying length, often very
long, sometimes with additional smaller marginal hairs. Wax glands each
usually comprising a small group of mostly similar-sized cells 7-24 μm
in diameter, with or without an adjacent cluster of very small cells
TERG 8 commonly with one or more smaller marginal hairs in addition to a pair
of very large spinal hairs. Embryos in abdomen (dissect some out when
mounting if possible) without spinules on hind tarsi, and with ABD TERG 1-5
each having a transverse row of 6-10 spino-pleural hairs between the 2 larger
marginal hairs
…..Tetraneura nigriabdominalis
ABD TERG 8 usually only with a pair of very large spinal hairs, rarely with 1-2 additional hairs. Embryos in abdomen with minutely spinulose hind tarsi, and with ABD TERG 1-5 each usually having a transverse row of (5-) 6 spino-pleural hairs
…..Tetraneura akinire
ABD TERG 8 with 38-48 hairs. ANT II with 31-58 hairs. R IV+V with more than 30 hairs
…..Tetraneura triangula*
ABD TERG 8 with 2-10
hairs. ANT II with 2-26 hairs. R IV+V with 10-30 hairs
ANT II with (8-) 12-26 hairs
ANT II with 2-5 hairs
ANT hairs all very short, less than 0.5 ×
…..Tetraneura brachytricha*
ANT hairs mostly longer
than BD III
wax glands comprising groups of 10-35 cells. ABD TERG 8 with c.10 hairs
…..Tetraneura polychorema*
Marginal wax glands comprising single cells with surface appearing stippled, maximum diameter 20-40 μm. ABD TERG 8 with 2-8 hairs, including at least 2 long thick spinal hairs
Penultimate ANT segment with 18-30 hairs. Embryos inside abdomen (dissect some out before mounting if possible) with ABD TERG 1-5 each bearing 12-20 pleuro-spinal hairs between marginal groups of 3-8 hairs. Embryos have 16-23 hairs on penultimate ANT segment (IV) and 10-16 accessory hairs on R IV+V
…..Tetraneura yezoensis ( incl. sikkimensis*)
Penultimate ANT segment with 36-60 hairs. Embryos inside abdomen with ABD TERG 1-5 each bearing 20-50 pleuro-spinal hairs between marginal groups of 10-15 hairs. Embryos have 30-55 hairs on penultimate ANT segment (IV) and 18-24 accessory hairs on R IV+V
…..Tetraneura radicicola
Marginal wax glands very well-developed,
especially those on ABD TERG 7 which have 30-40 similar-sized cells. ANT
hairs less than 0.5 × BD III
…..Tetraneura africana
Marginal wax glands
variable, often with a ring of cells around an undivided central area. Longest
ANT hairs usually more than 0.5 × BD III
ABD TERG 8 with c.8 hairs
…..Tetraneura indica*
TERG 8 with 2 hairs, that are long (c. 170 μm) and thick
……Tetraneura ulmi group (incl. chui*, longisetosa)
KEY H – Apterae of Colopha, Fordini and Pemphigini on grassses
Tarsi 1-segmented (sometimes with an incomplete suture). Wax glands each comprising a ring of cells around a round or oval, usually darkly-defined and often undivided central area
Tarsi 2-segmented. If wax
glands are present then they are comprised of numerous cells (pores) without
a darkly-defined central area
Antennae 6-segmented.
Eyes with about 10 ommatidia. Wax glands with darkly-defined central areas in
first instars, but not in adults
…..Colopha setaricola
Antennae 4- or
5-segmented. Eyes consisting only of triommatidia. Wax glands of adults as
well as immatures with darkly-defined central areas
Abdominal wax glands
always with rather small round or oval darkly bordered central areas (sometimes
subdivided into two). R IV+V 1.2-2.2 × HT (I+II)
At least the larger
(marginal) wax glands have narrow elongate (slit-like) central areas. R IV+V
1.0-1.35 × HT (I+II)
(Al. with media of
forewing unbranched)
…..Colopha ulmicola
(Al. with media of
forewing once-branched)
…..Colopha graminis
Primary rhinarium on last
ANT segment with a naked rim
Primary rhinarium on last
ANT segment with a fimbriate or ciliate rim
ANT II elongate, much longer
than I and similar in length to III
…..Smynthurodes betae
ANT II similar in length
to I, much shorter than III
ANT usually 6-segmented. Legs thick, especially hind tibiae which are more than 0.7 of width of hind femora at their respective midpoints. Dorsal cuticle with fine reticulation
ANT 5-segmented. Hind
tibiae less than 0.7 of width of hind femora at their respective midpoints.
Cuticle not distinctly reticulated
very short, those on ANT III only 4-12 μm long (based on 4th
…..Paracletus subnudus
Hairs on ANT III up to
25-36 μm long, with fine apices
…..Paracletus cimiciformis (part)
Multifaceted eyes present
in addition to triommatidia
…..Paracletus donisthorpei
Eyes represented only by
Hind tarsi 0.22-0.38 mm long, 1.4-1.8 ×
longer than mid- tarsi. ANT densely clothed with fine hairs
Hind tarsi less than 0.22
mm long, less than 1.4 × longer than mid-tarsi. ANT not densely clothed with
fine hairs
Head cuticle finely spinulose. Hind legs
elongate, with femora and tibiae curved, and HT II narrow, 7-10 × longer than
their maximum width
…..Paracletus bykovi
Head cuticle smooth or
finely spiculose. Hind legs thick, with femora and tibiae rather straight,
and HT II 5.0-6.5 × longer than their maximum width
Headcuticle finely spiculose.ANT
long, 0.65-0.69 × BL, with ANT III c.3.8-4.0 × HT II. R IV+V 1.37-1.46 × HT
…..Forda longicornis
Head cuticle completely smooth.
ANT 0.24-0.41 × BL, with ANT III 0.88-1.62 × HT II. R IV+V 0.63-0.98 × HT II
…..Paracletus cimiciformis (rotund form –
see text)
Primary rhinarium on ANT BASE V very large,
transversely oblong and extending around segment, 4-5 × larger than primary
rhinarium on ANT IV
…..Forda formicaria
Primary rhinarium on ANT
BASE V almost circular and less than 2.5 × larger than that on ANT IV
hairs extremely long (250-350 μm), with very fine apices. R IV+V c.0.37
mm long
…..Forda hirsutissima*
Dorsal hairs always less
than 130 μm, with pointed, blunt, furcate or expanded apices. R IV+V
less than 0.30 mm long
Head cuticle finely spiculose, with small
separate rounded spicules. Marginal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 are 35-55 μm
long with fine-pointed apices
…..Forda orientalis
Head cuticle rather
coarsely spiculose, with angular spicules partially joined to form a
reticulum. Marginal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 are 6-28 μm long with acute,
blunt or expanded apices
Tibiae each with a row of short, stout
erect peg-like hairs on dorsal side. Hairs on ABD TERG 8 long (more than 50
μm), and in larger specimens often thick and strap-like, with some of
them having spatulate or furcate apices
…..Forda hirsuta
Tibiae without erect,
peg-like hairs. Hairs on ABD TERG 8 short or long, never strap-like, with
pointed or blunt, rarely bifurcate, apices
Marginal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 maximally
16-28 μm long, and often curved. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.2 × BD
…..Forda riccobonii
Marginal hairs on ABD
TERG 1-5 maximally 6-15 μm long, and usually quite straight. Longest
hairs on ANT III 0.2-0.8 × BD III
R IV+V more than 1.3 × HT II. (Al. with
sec. rhin. distributed III c.40, IV c.6, V BASE 0-2)
…..Forda pawlowae
IV+V 1.0-1.3 × HT II. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed III 9-27, IV 2-5, V
BASE 0-2)
…..Forda marginata
Anal plate enlarged and
extended or displaced dorsally, surrounded on three sides by the U-shaped ABD
TERG 8 so as to form a trophobiotic organ (e.g. Plate 1h, i)
Anal plate and anus in
normal posterio-ventral position
faceted wax glands present on head (3 pairs), and spinal as well as marginal
pairs of small wax glands present on thorax and abdomen. All body hairs
…..Baizongia pistaciae
Wax glands not usually
evident, or only marginal glands present.. Dorsal body hairs pointed,
spatulate or fan-shaped
Anal plate with scattered, shortish,
sometimes spatulate, hairs, not arranged in two longitudinal rows
Anal plate with long and
usually pointed hairs arranged in two longitudinal rows (as well as finer,
shorter hairs grouped near anus)
R IV+V with 4-14 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with
11-25 hairs, and anal plate with 15-120 hairs. Dorsal hairs as well as those
on anal plate very variable, often spatulate or fan-shaped, but not with very
finely-attenuated apices
…..Geoica utricularia
R IV+V with 16-30 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 50-100 hairs, and anal plate
with c.80-200 hairs. Hairs on dorsal body and anal plate rarely spatulate,
often with very finely attenuated apices
…..Geoica harpazi
Primary rhinaria are transversely
elongated; slit-like, or of irregular shape with narrow diverticula
…..Geoica setulosa
Primary rhinaria oval or
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 shorter than
(0.75-0.80 ×) ANT BD III. ANT PT c.0.05 mm long, ANT PT/BASE 0.40-0.65
…..Geoica sikkimensis*
Longest hairs on ABD TERG
1-3 (unless all spatulate) more than 1.5 × ANT BD III. ANT PT 0.015- 0.04 mm
long, ANT PT/BASE 0.15-0.52
Dorsal hairs comprising 1 spinal, 1 pleural
and 1-4 marginal pairs per segment. Marginal wax glands usually present on
ABD TERG 1-7. R IV+V 1.64-2.10 × HT II. (Al. with secondary rhinaria
…..Chaetogeoica graminiphaga*
Dorsal hairs much more
numerous, in bands across segments, with marginal groups of 3-10 hairs per
segment, of which 1-2 are usually much longer. R IV+V 1.2-1.7 × HT II. (Al.
with secondary rhinaria with or without cilia)
Dorsal hairs variable in form, but usually
most are spatulate, except for 1-2 long acute marginal ones per segment. R
IV+V with 4-8 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 5-9 hairs. (Al. with secondary
rhinaria not ciliated)
…..Geoica lucifuga
Dorsal hairs not
spatulate. R IV+V with 2-4 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 8-18 hairs. (Al.
…..Chaetogeoica polychaeta*
ANT 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE c.0.5
…..Asiphonella spp.
ANT 4- or 5-segmented,
with ANT PT/BASE less than 0.33
Body broadly spindle-shaped, with extremely
short ANT and legs (ANT and tibiae both less than 0.2 × BL)
…..Aploneura lentisci
Body broadly oval, ANT
and tibiae both more than 0.2 × BL
Wax pore plates present on head, thorax and
abdomen, especially well developed marginally on abdomen. R IV+V 0.13-0.175
mm long, with 4-8 accessory hairs. Cauda and anal plate forming a dark, rounded
posterior projection of the abdomen
…..Prociphilus erigeronensis
pore plates absent form head and typically also from thorax and margins of
abdomen; usually with 4 (2 spinal and 2 pleural) on each of ABD TERG 3-6 and 1 spinal pair on ABD TERG 7. R
IV+V 0.08-0.12 mm long, with 0(-2) accessory hairs. Cauda and anal plate not
produced posteriorly