Key to species on Sorbus
(apterous viviparae except where otherwise stated):-
ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Cauda broadly rounded
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.5. Cauda semicircular, helmet-shaped, tongue- or finger-shaped
Wax glands absent. Eyes multifaceted, without an ocular tubercle. Body pale, elongate, more than 2 × longer than wide. (Alata with a quadrate black dorsal abdominal patch)
Wax glands present. Eyes 3-faceted. Body broad, less than 2 × longer than wide. (Alata without dorsal abdominal pigment)
ANT PT/BASE 0.25-0.35, without any long fine hairs distal to primary rhinarium. R IV+V bearing 9-16 accessory hairs
…..Nippolachnus bengalensis
ANT PT/BASE 0.45-0.75, with some long fine hairs distal to primary rhinarium. R IV+V bearing more than 20 accessory hairs
…..Nippolachnus micromeli
SIPH present as pores with surrounding hairs. Wax pore plates each comprising a ring or group of facets around one or more clear central areas
SIPH absent or inconspicuous. Wax pore plates honeycomb-like, without clear central areas
BL more than 1.5 mm. Total antennal length 0.29-0.46 mm. Wax pore plates with central areas of irregular shape, often subdivided (fig. 60C)
BL less than 1.4 mm, with total antennal length only 0.12-0.18 mm. Wax pore plates with always undivided, approximately circular, central areas (fig. 109A)
…..Eriosoma sorbiradicis
R IV+V (of fundatrix) more than 0.2 mm long and bearing 7 or more accessory hairs. BL of spring migrant alata more than 4 mm
R IV+V (of fundatrix) less than 0.2 mm long with 2-4 accessory hairs. BL of spring migrant alata less than 3 mm
…..Prociphilus corrugatans
Cauda short; helmet-shaped, triangular or semicircular, shorter than or about as long as its basal width in dorsal view
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width in dorsal view
Dorsal cuticle of aptera (fundatrix) very rough with numerous small denticulate projections, and with fine, long hairs (fig. 109B). Alata with transverse bars of dorsal abdominal pigment, often broken, never fused between tergites
Dorsal cuticle of aptera (fundatrix or subsequent generation) smooth or weakly reticulate, with long or short hairs. Alata with a solid black dorsal abdominal patch, or with extensive bars fused between some tergites
SIPH more than 4 × cauda and bearing a number of long hairs (in both fundatrix and spring migrant alata)
SIPH less than 4 × cauda and without hairs
SIPH with closely-spaced rows of imbrications bearing small nodules or spinules (e.g. fig. 42M)
SIPH smooth or normally imbricated, the imbrications sometimes spinulose but not in regular closely-spaced rows
ABD TERG 2-4 each with incomplete double
rows of 6-10 spinopleural hairs 50-70 µm long with fine apices. Tergum rough,
with numerous spinules arranged on a distinct reticulation (fig. 109C), and with an extensive solid black
abdominal patch
…..Nearctaphis yohoensis
ABD TERG 2-4 each with a single row of 4 spinopleural hairs that are blunt or acuminate. Tergum with faint reticulation and few spinules, and broad transverse sclerotic bars that are not or only partially fused between tergites
SIPH smooth, less than 2 × width at
base. Spiracular apertures rounded
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH imbricated, more than 2 × width at base. Spiracular apertures small and reniform
SIPH pale and swollen on distal half, with narrower region proximal to swelling (fig. 109D)
SIPH pale
or dark, cylindrical or tapering, or with hardly perceptible swelling
0.13-0.195 mm. SIPH less than 2.5 × longer than cauda. Head with granulate
0.20-0.22 mm. SIPH more than 2.5 × longer than cauda. Head cuticle without
granulate spinulosity
pale. Marginal tubercles present on
ABD TERG 1-7 (sometimes absent from 6). Cauda with 6-12 hairs
SIPH dark, at least on distal part. Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG 1-4 or 1-5, absent from 6 and 7. Cauda with 5, or rarely 6, hairs
Hairs on ANT III pointed, maximally
0.9-1.5× basal diameter of segment
…..Dysaphis aucupariae
Hairs on ANT III blunt, maximally 0.3-0.8 × basal diameter of segment
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 consistently short
and blunt, maximally 15-20 µm
…..Dysaphis ariae
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 of variable length, often short and blunt but usually with some pointed hairs 20-60 µm long, especially marginally
0.55-0.66. Body with finger-like
dorsal processes (head with 2 pairs, thoracic segments and ABD TERG 1-4 each
with one spinal and one marginal pair, and ABD TERG 5-8 each with a single
medial process
(Eoessigia) sorbi
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. Body without finger-like dorsal processes …..19
Dorsal cuticle sclerotic and strongly corrugated. R
IV+V 1.68-1.90 × HT II and with 2
accessory hairs
Dorsal cuticle not strongly corrugated. R IV+V either less than 1.6 × HT II or with more than 2 accessory hairs
tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, not exceeding height of central
part of frons in dorsal view. Cauda
and anal plate dusky to dark
Antennal tubercles moderately to well developed, clearly exceeding height of central part of frons in dorsal view. Cauda and anal plate pale or only slightly dusky
SIPH slightly swollen or cylindrical over
most of length, constricted subapically and with a large flange (as in fig. 60H). Marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 7 placed posterio-dorsad of spiracle
and with basal diameter usually smaller than spiracular aperture
…..Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae
SIPH tapering from base to flange, which is only moderately developed. Marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 7 placed posterioventrad of spiracle, and usually larger than spiracular aperture
hairs on ANT III more than 2 × basal diameter of segment. ANT PT/BASE more than 3. Alata with secondary rhinaria distributed
ANT III 19-28, IV 1-11, V 0-3. Cauda
tapering, less than 2 × its basal width
lantanae (or setacea? –
see text)
Longest hairs on ANT III less than 1.8 × basal diameter of segment. ANT PT/BASE less than 3. Alata with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 6-11, IV 0-4, V 0. Cauda finger-like, more than 2 × its basal width
tubercles present on ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with 10-19 hairs (rarely less than 13). R IV+V more than 0.13 mm
Marginal tubercles absent from ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with 7-15 hairs (rarely more than 12). R IV+V less than 0.125
Inner faces of antennal tubercles scabrous
and convergent in dorsal view (e.g. fig. 42I)
Inner faces of antennal tubercles smooth or nearly so, and divergent in dorsal view (e.g. fig. 42K)
abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental spots and flecks (fig. 121J). ANT PT/BASE less than 2.5
Dorsal abdomen without clear intersegmental dark markings. ANT PT/BASE more than 3
slightly swollen on distal half (fig. 121H). ANT PT/BASE less than 5. (Alata
with secondary rhinaria only on ANT III)
SIPH tapering or cylindrical on distal half. ANT PT/BASE more than 5. (Alata with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 60-83, IV 36-52, V 13-22)
Body oval. SIPH without any polygonal reticulation (fig. 42Q).
ANT III with one small rhinarium near base, and with minute hairs less
than half basal diameter of segment
…..Ericaphis gentneri
spindle-shaped. SIPH with a subapical
zone of polygonal reticulation (fig. 121C). ANT III usually with several secondary rhinaria near base, and with
longest hairs more than half basal diameter of segment
Cauda with 6-9 hairs. ANT BASE VI 0.20-0.27 mm.
Longest hairs on ANT III 10-24 μm, 0.4-0.7 × BD III. (Al. with paired
pleural dark patches and large marginal and postsiphuncular sclerites)
…..Macrosiphum opportunisticum
Cauda with 8-13 hairs. ANT BASE VI 0.14-0.20 mm.
Longest hairs on ANT III 25-40 μm, 0.6-1.0 × BD III. (Al. without dark
dorsal abdominal sclerites)
ANT and dorsal body with
very long, fine hairs, up to 3 × ANT BD III. Dorsal cuticle without spiculose
…..Schizaphis scirpi
ANT and dorsal body with shorter hairs. Dorsal cuticle with a pattern
of spicules arranged in polygons, each polygon enclosing one or more additional
SIPH clavate. Longest hairs on ANT III less than 0.8 × BD III
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH not clavate. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.8-2.0 × BD III
Anterior part of mesosternum with a pair of rounded mammariform processes
…..Aphidura urmiensis
Mesosternum without
mammariform processes
Head without spicules
Head densely spiculose
SIPH with a subapical
zone of polygonal reticulation. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles
SIPH without subapical
reticulation. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu
SIPH dark, 1.1-1.4 ×
cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.19-0.35 of length. ANT hairs maximally
0.3-0.5 × BD III
…..Sitobion avenae
SIPH pale, 1.7-2.2 ×
cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.13-0.2 of length. ANT hairs maximally
0.6-1.0 × BD III
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH black, 2.1-3.5 ×
cauda which is short and bears 10-20 hairs. ABD TERG 2-4 consistently with
well-developed flat MTu
…..Aphis sambuci
SIPH pale or dark,
0.9-2.2 × cauda which is much longer than its basal width and bears 4-11
hairs. ABD TERG 2-4 only sporadically with small MTu
SIPH uniformly dark. Hairs on hind femur all shorter than diameter of
femur at its base
…..Aphis gossypii
SIPH usually rather pale,
darker at apex. Hairs on hind femur mainly longer, some of them about as long
as, or longer than, diameter of femur at its base
Dorsal abdomen with a large roughly horseshoe-shaped patch, and dark
cross bars on thorax. SIPH not clavate
…..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsum without any
distinctive dark markings. SIPH at least slightly clavate
IV+V in most specimens with only one pair of lateral accessory hairs (plus
0-3 ventral accessory hairs). Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range
0.80-1.52, but rarely more than 1.25 except in small specimens (those with
ANT III less than 0.32 mm)
…..Myzus persicae
IV+V in most specimens with two pairs of lateral accessory hairs. Value of
function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range 1.2-2.7 (rarely less than 1.25)
[One or more of the above polyphagous aphid
species have been recorded from each of the following Spermacoce spp.:
chaetocephala, densiflora, eupatorioides, hispida, laevis, octodon,
ocymifolia, ocymoides, princeae, pusilla, ruelliae, scabra, senensis,
stachydea, verticillata.]
ANT III-VI dark,
contrasting with pale ANT I-II and head, which has ANT tubercles weakly
developed. SIPH long, thin and black, 0.24-0.4 × BL, contrasting with pale cauda,
and without polygonal reticulation
Dorsal body hairs very
long and thick, arising from tuberculate bases on dark scleroites. Eyes reduced,
often to 3 facets. SIPH as dark, very broad-based cones. Cauda with just 2
long hairs
…..Parachaitophorus spiraeae
Dorsal body hairs shorter or fine if long, not arising from
tuberculate bases on dark scleroites. Eyes large, multifacetted. SIPH tubular,
pale or dark. Cauda with 4 or more hairs
ABD TERG 1 and 7 with
marginal tubercles (MTu)
ABD TERG 1 and 7 without
short, only 0.4-0.5 × cauda, which bears 13-16 hairs. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.5
…..Aphis spiraephila
SIPH 0.6-2.5 × cauda. ANT
PT/BASE 1.0-2.9, but if less than 1.7 then cauda bears less than 13 hairs
Abdomen with either a
dark dorsal shield or at least some scattered dark markings on ABD TERG 1-6, following
the polygonal pattern of reticulation of the cuticle, and usually with dark
transverse sclerites on ABD TERG 7 and 8
Abdomen without any dark
markings on ABD TERG 1-6, and without or with only lightly-pigmented
sclerites on 8, or 7 and 8
ABD TERG 2-4 as well as 1
and 7 with well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu)
MTu only consistently
present on (prothorax and) ABD TERG 1 and 7
ABD TERG 1-6 with an
extensive dark shield.SIPH 0.7-1.15
× cauda. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-1.0 × BD III
…..Aphis ucrainensis*
ABD TERG 1-6 with
scattered dark markings.SIPH at
least 1.5 × cauda. Longest hairs on ANT III more than 1.5 × BD III
…..Aphis kamtchatica*
ANT III with 1-6
rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.5. Tergum with extensive dark sclerotisation
…..Aphis mutini*
ANT III usually without
rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). ANT PT/BASE 1.4-3.5. Tergum with or
without extensive dark sclerotisation
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-0.9 × BD III. R IV+V 0.65-0.92 × HT II
…..Aphis spiraephaga
Longest hairs on ANT III
0.8-3.4 × BD III, but if shorter than BD III then R IV+V is more than 0.92 ×
ABD TERG 1-6 as well as 7 and 8 with broad dark cross-bands. BL
2.7-3.1 mm
…..Aphis grandis*
ABD TERG 1– 6 without broad dark cross bands. BL
1.3-3.6 mm
ABD TERG 7 and 8 (or 6-8) with dark dorsal
cross-bands, but ABD TERG 1-5 with only small, scattered sclerites. SIPH
0.8-1.6 × cauda. R IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II
…..Aphis fabae
ABD TERG 7 and 8 with or
without narrow cross-bands, but ABD TERG 1-5 with more extensive
sclerotisation, usually comprising an irregular perforated and often
incomplete spinal stripe or central patch. SIPH 0.6-1.0 × cauda. R IV+V 0.7-1.0 × HT II
Longest hairs on ANT III 1.6-2.2 × BD III. ANT PT/BASE 1.8-2.45. R
IV+V 0.85-1.2 × HT II. Cauda with 9-23
…..Aphis neospiraeae
Longest hairs on ANT III 1.1-1.6 × BD III. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0. R IV+V
0.7-0.9 × HT II. Cauda with 3-11 hairs
…..Aphis grata
Femoral hairs all shorter than
trochantro-femoral suture. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.4-0.8 × BD III. Cauda
with 4-8 hairs
…..Aphis gossypii
Femora with at least some
long, fine-pointed hairs, longer than trochantro-femoral suture. Longest hair
on ANT III 0.5-1.7 × BD III. Cauda with 6-19 hairs
Cauda pale or dusky, without any
constriction at midlength, less than 2 × longer than its midlength width.
SIPH pale, dusky or dark, if dark then often less so in middle region. ABD
TERG 2-4 often with MTu
…..Aphis ulmariae
Cauda dark, with a
midlength constriction, and more than 2 × longer than its width at the
narrowest midlength point. SIPH dark. ABD TERG 2-4 with or without MTu
Marginal tubercles (MTu) present on ABD TERG 2-4.
Cauda with 10-19 hairs (rarely less than 13) R IV+V more than 0.13 mm
MTu absent from ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with
7-15 hairs (rarely more than 12). R IV+V less than 0.125 mm
SIPH with subapical reticulation (at least 3-4
rows of closed polygonal cells)
SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation
(sometimes with a few transverse interconnected striae)
SIPH dark for at least distal half of length
SIPH pale, or dark only towards apices
SIPH thick, tapering, c. 6-7 × longer than
their diameter at midlength, with a very small flange
…..Macrosiphum pachysiphon
SIPH almost cylindrical for most of length, 9-19
× longer than their diameter at midlength, with a rather well-developed
Front of head black. ANT III with 10-35
rhinaria. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.7-1.1 × BD III. SIPH 1.9-2.4 × cauda
…..Macrosiphum rosae
Front of head pale/dusky.
ANT III with 3-5 rhinaria. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.4-0.55 × BD III. SIPH
1.5-2.0 × cauda
…..Sitobion rosaeiformis
SIPH swollen on distal third to 1.2-1.5 ×
their minimum diameter basad. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.2-0.45 × BD III
SIPH cylindrical on
distal half (except that subapical reticulated section may be somewhat constricted).
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-1.2 × BD III
First tarsal joints with 3 hairs. Longest
hairs on ANT III 0.30-0.45 × BD III. ANT V 1.8-2.4 × cauda. Swollen part of
SIPH very lightly imbricated
…..Illinoia spiraecola
First tarsal joints with 4-5 hairs. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.20-0.25 × BD III. ANT V 1.2-1.8 × cauda. Swollen part of SIPH moderately imbricated
SIPH 1.65-2.3 × cauda. R IV+V 0.125-0.141 mm long, 0.85-1.15 × HT II
…..Illinoia spiraeae
SIPH 2.35-2.6 × cauda. R IV+V 0.150-0.177 mm long, 1.05-1.25 × HT II
…..Illinoia macgillivrayae
SIPH dark distally. R IV+V 1.0-1.2 × HT II.
Cauda with 9-19 hairs
SIPH pale or only
slightly dusky towards apices. R IV+V 0.7-1.0 × HT II. Cauda with 6-12 hairs
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.8-1.2 × BD III. Cauda with 11-19 hairs
…..Macrosiphum cholodkovskyi
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-0.8 × BD III. Cauda with 9-10 hairs
…..Macrosiphum sp. (B.C., Canada, on S. japonica, BMNH collection, leg. C.-k. Chan)
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.52-0.55 × BD
III. Cauda 1.3-1.8 × ANT VI BASE, with 6-9 (usually 7)
hairs. ANT VI BASE 2.0-2.6 × R IV+V …..Macrosiphum willamettense
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III. Cauda 2.1-3.5 × ANT VI
BASE, with 8-12 hairs. ANT VI BASE
0.9-1.5 × R IV+V
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Cauda short, helmet-shaped, not longer than
its basal width in dorsal view
Cauda finger-shaped, much
longer than its basal width in dorsal view
SIPH clavate. Spiracular apertures small
and reniform
…..Avicennina sogdiana*
SIPH conical, with a subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures
large and rounded
R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II. HT I with 3 hairs (sense peg present). Dorsal abdomen pale
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II.
HT I with 2 hairs (no sense peg). Dorsal abdomen often with dark
…..Brachycaudus spiraeae
ABD TERG 8, or 7 and 8, with conical or
finger-like hair-bearing spinal processes. SIPH smooth
ABD TERG 7 and 8 without
any projections. SIPH smooth or imbricated
SIPH dusky/dark, longer than cauda,
markedly inflated distally over c.0.75 of length, with maximum width of
swollen part c.2.5 × minimum width of stem, and with a distinct flange. ABD
TERG 7 and 8 with bluntly conical spinal tubercles
…..Tricaudatus polygoni
SIPH pale, not longer than cauda, cylindrical or only slightly
clavate, and completely flangeless. ABD TERG 8 with a finger-like projection
above cauda
…..Aspidophorodon longicauda
Head densely spiculose, at least on ventral
Head not spiculose
ABD TERG (1-) 2-3 (-5) with conspicuous papillate marginal tubercles
(MTu). Head, prothorax (sometimes) and ABD TERG 7 and 8 (often) with paired spinal
tubercles (STu). ANT PT/BASE 1.9-2.4. Dorsum pale. SIPH tapering/cylindrical
and coarsely imbricated
…..Myzus sp. on S. lindleyana (possible primary host forms of M. ornatus?)
ABD TERG without or with only sporadic flat inconspicuous MTu, and STu absent from head and prothorax and sporadic on ABD TERG 7-8. If ANT PT/BASE less than 2.5 then dorsum has pattern of intersegmental markings
ANT 4- (occasionally 5-)
segmented, less than 0.15 × BL, with PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH absent. All
segments with wax glands, each consisting of a ring of roundish facets around
a central field
…..Kaltenbachiella pallida
ANT usually 6-segmented,
more than 0.2 × BL, with PT/BASE more than 1.5. No evident dorsal wax glands
Cauda semicircular to
helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view. Dorsum often with
an extensive black sclerotic shield
Cauda finger-like, longer
than its basal width. Dorsum without an extensive black sclerotic shield
SIPH shorter than R IV+V, lightly imbricated, without spicules. Dorsal
cuticle not spiculose
….. Brachycaudus cerasicola
SIPH longer than R IV+V, with transverse rows of spicules. Dorsal
cuticle spiculose
…..Roepkea marchali
Dorsal body hairs long and
thick, much longer than ANT BD III, and many or all of them with knobbed or
expanded apices, and arising from tuberculate bases (e.g. Fig.50a)
Dorsal body hairs mostly
shorter than BD III; pointed or blunt, or if with somewhat expanded apices
then without tuberculate bases
SIPH 5.1-6.5 × cauda
….. Cryptomyzus karzhantavicus*
SIPH 1.1-4.0 × cauda
SIPH 1.1-2.1 × cauda. R
IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II, and bearing 2-5 accessory hairs. Longest hairs on ANT
III 1.0-1.3 × BD III
…..Cryptomyzus galeopsidis
SIPH 2.4-4.0 × cauda. R
IV+V 0.9-1.8 × HT II, and bearing 6-17 accessory hairs. Longest hairs on ANT
III 0.4-0.9 × BD III
SIPH 2.3-3.1 × cauda. R IV+V 1.3-1.4 × HT II, and bearing 6-8
accessory hairs
…..Cryptomyzus ribis
SIPH 3.1-4.0 × cauda. R
IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II, and bearing 8-17 accessory hairs
R IV+V with 11-17 accessory hairs. Longest hairs on ANT I much longer and
thicker than any hairs on ANT III. Longest dorsal hairs more than 100 μm
…..Cryptomyzus korschelti
R IV+V with 7-9 accessory
hairs. Longest hair on ANT I similar in size to longest hair on ANT III.
Longest dorsal hairs less than 80 μm long
Head densely spinulose,
with ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces scabrous and parallel of
apically convergent
Head without spicules,
ANT tubercles undeveloped, weakly developed, or if well developed then with
inner faces smooth and divergent
ANT tubercles well developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal
tubercles (MTu)
ANT tubercles undeveloped
or weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu
ANT III with 44-72 rhinaria. SIPH dusky to
dark, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. Cauda dusky to dark with
c.20-22 hairs
…..Uroleucon stachydis
ANT III with 0-25 rhinaria. SIPH pale, without polygonal reticulation.
Cauda pale with 5-13 hairs
BL 2.5-3.5 mm. ANT III with 2-25 rhinaria.
SIPH smooth, distinctly clavate
BL 0.9-1.6 mm. ANT III
without rhinaria. SIPH imbricated, cylindrical or only slightly swollen
SIPH 2.9-4.1 × cauda and markedly swollen
over distal 0.7, with maximum width of swollen part 1.7-2.0 × minimum width
basad (Fig.50b).
ANT PT/BASE 8.4-9.8. R IV+V with 5-8 accessory hairs
…..Cryptomyzus stachydis
SIPH 1.7-2.4 × cauda, swollen on distal 0.5 to a maximum of c.1.6 ×
minimum width basad (Fig.50c). ANT PT/BASE 6.2-8.1. R IV+V with 26-30
accessory hairs
…..Amphorophora stachyophila
SIPH 15-23 × longer than their midlength
diameter (Fig.50d).
Longest hair on ANT tubercles 0.9-1.3 × BD III
…..Ovatomyzus stachyos
SIPH 9-14 × longer than
their midlength diameter (Fig.50e). Longest hair on ANT tubercles 0.5-0.8 ×
…..Ovatomyzus chamaedrys
ANT III with 0-10 sec. rhinaria on distal
part, IV with 3-9 and V with 0-4. Rostrum very short, length of sclerotised
part of stylet groove less than 0.4 mm
…..Aphis tashevi
ANT without sec. rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). Rostrum
longer, length of sclerotised part of stylet groove more than 0.4 mm)
(Populations on Stachyurus consist
of fundatrices and alatae only, and the fundatrix of X. conandri is undescribed.)
BL 1.6-2.1 mm. Dorsal abdomen with very broad dark cross-bands on ABD TERG 1-7, partially fused across ABD TERG 3-6 with only small gaps between them. Sec. rhin. III 17-20, IV 7-8, V 0-1
…..Xenosiphonaphis conandri
2.4-3.0 mm. Dorsal abdomen with dark cross-bands partly fused marginally, but
with wide gaps between them in spinal region. Sec. rhin. III 22-26, IV 4-9, V
Legs mainly
pale. Head spiculose, with inner faces
of antennal tubercles approximately parallel. SIPH pale except distally, swollen on distal 0.7, without subapical
reticulation; maximum diameter of
swollen part more than 1.5 × minimum width of proximal “neck”
region (fig. 110C)
Legs dark. Dorsal cuticle of head smooth or slightly
wrinkled, inner faces of antennal tubercles broadly divergent. SIPH uniformly dark, more-or-less
barrel-shaped, thickest in middle, with subapical reticulation (figs 110A, B)
BL more
than 3 mm. Cauda elongate, much longer
than wide, more than 0.5 × SIPH. R
IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II. SIPH almost
cylindrical on proximal 0.7 of length, narrowing only subapically (fig. 110A)
BL less than 3 mm. Cauda triangular, about as long as its
basal width, less than 0.5 × SIPH. R
IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II. SIPH narrowing
proximad as well as distad of swelling (fig. 110B)
(Both species have dark SIPH, non-spiculose
head and low, broadly divergent ANT tubercles.)
Cauda short, conical with
rounded apex, about as long as its basal width in dorsal view. SIPH without
polygonal reticulation. ANT with finely pointed hairs, many of them longer
than BD III
…..Amphicercidus laniger
Cauda much longer than its basal width. SIPH with distal polygonal
reticulation. ANT with short blunt hairs, less than 0.5 × BD III
SIPH pale with subapical
polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells). ANT III with 1-13
rhinaria, and with longest hairs 0.6-1.2 × BD III
SIPH pale or dark,
without polygonal reticulation (unless strongly swollen). ANT III with 0-3
rhinaria, if with any then longest hairs less than 0.5 × BD III
Femora usually with a dark spot or patch near apices (Fig.51a). ABD TERG
2-3 with longest hair 26-56 μm, usually as long as or longer than ANT BD
III. Subgenital plate with 2-13 hairs in addition to those on posterior
…..Macrosiphum stellariae
Femora pale or only
slightly dusky at apices. ABD TERG 2-3 with longest hair 21-37 μm,
usually shorter than ANT BD III. Subgenital plate with 2(-4) hairs on
anterior part
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Head not spiculose, with
ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, or if well developed then
having smooth, broadly divergent inner faces
Head spiculose, with
well-developed ANT tubercles, their inner faces scabrous and parallel or
apically convergent
ANT 5-segmented, bearing long hairs up to 4-5 × BD III
…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT usually 6-segmented,
with much shorter hairs
SIPH very small, flangeless, conical or barrel-shaped (e.g Fig. 51b), less
than 0.3 × cauda
SIPH more than 0.6 × cauda
ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.6. Cauda triangular, much shorter than PT
…..Brachycolus stellariae
ANT PT/BASE 1.2 –1.5.
Cauda elongate, longer than PT
…..Brachycolus brachysiphon*
TERG 1-5 each with 10-12 hairs (2 marginal, 1 pleural and 2-3 spinal pairs),
which have capitate or spatulate apices and arise from rough wart-like
tubercles (Fig.51c)
…..Stellariopsis songini
ABD TERG 1-5 each usually with 6 hairs with blunt or pointed apices,
not on tubercles
ABD TERG 1 and 7 without
marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH pale
ABD TERG 1 and 7 with
MTu. SIPH pale or dark
Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width, with 4-6 hairs.
SIPH conical, with a subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures large and
rounded. ANT III without rhinaria
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue-shaped, much
longer than its basal width, with 7-13 hairs. SIPH tubular, without a
subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures reniform. ANT III usually
with 1-3 rhinaria
0.15-0.20 × BL and 0.8-1.4 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.8-3.0
…..Acyrthosiphon auctum
SIPH 0.23-0.33 × BL and 1.5-2.5 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.4
ABD TERG 2-4 or 2-5 as
well as 1 and 7 with large flat MTu. SIPH black, 2.1-3.5 × cauda
…..Aphis sambuci
ABD TERG 2-4 without MTu, or occasionally with small papilliform MTu. SIPH pale or dark, 0.7-2.5 × cauda
SIPH with slight, moderate or marked swelling of distal part
ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. ANT
III without rhinaria. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental
…..Myzus ornatus
ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5.5. ANT III usually with 1-3 smll rhinaria near base. Dorsal abdomen pale or with more extensive dark markings
with extensive dark markings, including an approximately U-shaped abdominal
…..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsum without dark markings
…..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH black and very strongly swollen on
distal half, with polygonal reticulation distal to swelling. Dorsum with an
extensive dark sclerite
…..Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon
SIPH pale or dusky and only slightly to moderately swollen, without any distal polygonal reticulation. Dorsum without dark sclerotisation
SIPH 0.82-1.34 × ANT III
SIPH 0.54-0.81 × ANT III
ANT tubercles themselves rather low, but
with scabrous processes extending forward from ANT bases. SIPH weakly swollen
subapically (over about distal 0.25). Dorsum with an evident reticulate
…..Abstrusomyzus phloxae
ANT tubercles broadly rounded, without forwardly-directed processes. SIPH slightly to moderately swollen over about distal 0.5. Dorsum without a reticulate pattern
IV+V in most specimens with only one pair of lateral accessory hairs (plus
0-3 ventral accessory hairs). Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range
0.80-1.52, but rarely more than 1.25 except in small specimens (those with
ANT III less than 0.32 mm)
…..Myzus persicae
R IV+V in most specimens with two pairs of lateral accessory hairs. Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range 1.2-2.7 (rarely less than 1.25)
…..Myzus certus
SIPH with a narrow basal stem, its narrowest
part thinner than, or as thin as, hind tibia at midlength. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 ×
HT II, with 7-15 accessory hairs
…..Myzus ascalonicus
SIPH thicker on basal half, its narrowest part thicker than hind tibia at midlength. R IV+V 0.9-1.6 × HT II, with 2-8 accessory hairs
R IV+V 0.9-1.05 × HT II. SIPH c.1.8 × the
tongue-shaped cauda
…..Myzus titscheki
R IV+V 1.2-1.6 × HT II. SIPH more than 2 × the triangular (tapering) cauda
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.3. SIPH very coarsely
imbricated on swollen part. Dorsal cuticle very rugose
…..Myzus cymbalariae
ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.8 SIPH smooth or normally imbricated on swollen part. Dorsal cuticle not rugose
ANT PT/BASE 4.3-4.8. (Al. with wing-veins
not dark-bordered, with a solid black patch on ABD TERG 3-4, fused across
tergites and constricted in midline, and with secondary rhinaria distributed
III 39-52, IV 29-31, V 6-11)
…..Myzus stellariae
ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.3. (Al. with wing-veins black-bordered, with broad dark cross-bands on ABD TERG 2-5 only partially fused between tergites, and with secondary rhinaria distributed III 12-47, IV 0-13, V 0-2)
SIPH dark with distal reticulation
consisting of numerous small polygonal cells
SIPH pale or dark, without
a distal zone of polygonal reticulation
SIPH reticulated over
distal 0.41-0.60 of length. Cauda with 7-14 hairs (usually less than 10). (R
IV+V with 7-15 accessory hairs)
…..Uroleucon mexicanum
SIPH reticulated on less
than 0.4 of length. Cauda with more than 11 hairs
IV+V with 17-24 accessory hairs. ANT III with 10-30 rhinaria. Tibiae basally
and distally dark contrasting with pale middle section. SIPH reticulated on
more than 0.32 of length
…..Uroleucon astronomus
R IV+V with 5-8 accessory
hairs. ANT III with 4-16 rhinaria. Tibiae entirely pigmented, usually darkening
progressively from base to apex. SIPH reticulated on less than 0.33 of length
…..Uroleucon paucosensoriatum
SIPH tapering, pale with
darker apices, cauda dark. Tergum mostly pale and membranous. ABD TERG 1 and
7 with marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Aphis solitaria
SIPH clavate, pale or
dark, cauda pale. Tergum either pale or with an extensive dark sclerotic
shield. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
Tergum with an extensive
dark sclerotic shield. ANT III with 19-30 sec. rhinaria, IV with 0-18, V 0-5
…..Hyperomyzus niger
Tergum mostly pale and membranous. ANT III with 1-20 rhinaria, IV and
V with 0
Body dorso-ventrally flattened, almost circular, wholly sclerotic with a continuous crenulate margin of wax glands. Head with a pair of forwardly-directed horns. SIPH present as pores
Body not dorso-ventrally
flattened, without marginal wax glands or frontal horns. SIPH tubular
of head with at least one pair of
thick, dagger-like hairs situated lateroventral to bases of frontal horns.
Cauda with 5-7 mainly long hairs
…..Cerataphis brasiliensis
Underside of head with only fine hairs.
Cauda with 10-16 hairs of various sizes
…..Cerataphis lataniae
SIPH and femora covered with irregular,
transverse rows of spicules. ANT PT/BASE 5.8-8.1. (Alata with dark-bordered
wing veins, with radius and costa fused for part of lengths to form a closed cell behind the pterostigma)
SIPH and femora smooth or
imbricated, not markedly spiculose. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-5.8. (Alata with normal
wing venation, veins not dark-bordered)
Cauda helmet-shaped, a
little shorter than its basal width. Spinal
tubercles (STu) present on head and ABD TERG 8, or 7 and 8
…..Dysaphis tulipae
Cauda tongue-shaped,
longer than its basal width in dorsal view. STu absent
SIPH short and thick (0.08-0.11 × BL, 2.9-3.3 × longer than their
midlength diameter, and 1.2-1.5 × R IV+V), and strongly constricted
subapically before the well-developed flange
…..Rhopalosiphum musae
SIPH 0.12-0.17 × BL,
3.5-6.0 × their midlength diameter and (1.3-) 1.5-2.9 × R IV+V, with or
without a subapical constriction
Hairs on hind tibiae mostly shorter than diameter of hind tibia at
midlength. SIPH cylindrical for most of length, with a smooth, constricted
subapical region
…..Rhopalosiphum padi
Many of hairs on hind
tibia much longer than its midlength diameter. SIPH gradually tapering from
base to flange, with no smooth subapical constriction
Cauda pale, contrasting with black SIPH, and bearing 4-8 hairs. SIPH
1.7-2.5 × cauda
…..Schizaphis rosazevedoi
Cauda dark like SIPH, and bearing 11-24 hairs. SIPH 0.8-1.6 × cauda
Spiracular pores on thorax very large and
rounded, more than 4 × larger than those on abdomen. R IV+V 0.21-0.33 mm long,
about 2 × HT II, and bearing 22-30 accessory hairs. Dorsal body hairs long
with blunt or slightly expanded apices
Spiracular pores on thorax
not distinctly larger than those on abdomen. R IV+V shorter, with fewer
accessory hairs. Dorsal body hairs if long then pointed
Head not spiculose. ANT
tubercles weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu)
Head spiculose. ANT tubercles variably developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
ANT PT/BASE1.2-1.75. R IV+V c.1 6 × HT II. SIPH
0.8-1.0 × cauda, which bears 10-11 hairs
ANT III with 1-4 rhinaria
near base. SIPH 3.0-3.5 × cauda, which bears 5 hairs. Dorsal abdomen with
variably developed brownish sclerotisation
…..Neomyzus strobilantheae*
ANT III without rhinaria.
SIPH 1.9-2.5 × cauda, which bears 5-8 hairs. Dorsal abdomen unsclerotised
…..Myzus persicae
ANT PT/BASE 5.5-6.8.
Dorsal abdomen with extensive dark sclerotisation. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5
longer than ANT BD III. ANT tubercles with broadly divergent, spiculose inner
…..Micromyzodium strobilanthi
ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark
intersegmental spots. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 minute, much shorter than ANT BD III.
ANT tubercles with steep-sided, scabrous inner faces
Aptera (in leaf-roll gall) with ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5, reduced eyes, head fused with thorax, SIPH as sclerotic rings, and anal plate bilobed. Alata with antennae 5-segmented and bearing annular secondary rhinaria (III 25-29, IV 8-11, V 7-11)
The life cycles of many Hormaphidinae described from galls on Styrax are still unknown, although in recent years some have been elucidated. Most species were originally described in Astegopteryx, but as the secondary host forms have become known many have been transferred to other genera (Ceratovacuna, Pseudoregma, Tuberaphis), or synonymised with known species on secondary hosts (e.g. Astegopteryx styracicola= Ceratoglyphina bambusae). Some species have been shown to be monoecious on Styrax. At present generic concepts within the group are still rather hazy, but it seems likely that Astegopteryx, Ceratoglyphina, Ceratovacuna and Pseudoregma mostly alternate between Styrax and bamboos, and Tuberaphis mostly migrate to Loranthaceae.
The key which follows the host list below is somewhat tentative. Any identification should be checked against the description of the gall of the species given in the next section of the book.
Tentative key to
alatae of Hormaphidinae from galls on Styrax:-
Check characters
for group: 5-segmented antennae with short PT and annular secondary rhinaria.
Alatae from galls of Astegopteryx basalis, A. malaccensis and Ceratoglyphina
bambusae have not yet been described (but see text under these names).
The species of host plant and the form of the gall will of course help to
confirm an identification.
Note: Aoki et
al. (1998) provided keys to identify the galls and soldiers of five
species of Cerataphidini on Styrax suberifolius in Taiwan.
ANT IV and
V without secondary rhinaria (rarely IV with 1)
ANT IV or ANT V, or both, usually with more than 1 secondary rhinarium
longer than ANT IV
shorter than ANT IV. (ANT III with 10-16 secondary rhinaria)
ANT III with 0-14 secondary
rhinaria. ANT IV more than 0.75 × ANT
V (incl. PT)
…..Cerataphis jamaritsu
ANT III with 17-25 secondary rhinaria. ANT IV less than 0.75 × ANT V
…..Tuberaphis sumatrana
more than 0.9 × ANT V (incl. PT). The
2 outer hairs on first segments of fore and mid-tarsi about 1.5 × longer than
medial hairs
less than 0.75 × ANT V (incl. PT). The
2 outer hairs on first segments of fore and mid-tarsi very long and fine,
about 2 × longer than medial hairs (e.g. fig. 111A)
Antennae with primary
rhinaria broader than secondary ones. HT I with 4 hairs, as on fore and
mid-tarsi. ABD TERG 8 slightly thickened and sclerotic. SIPH pores of embryos
with dark sclerotic rims
Tuberaphis coreana
Antennae with
primary rhinaria narrow resembling secondary ones. HT I with 3 or 4 hairs.
ABD TERG 8 not sclerotic. SIPH pores of embryos pale, unsclerotised and
….. Cerataphis vandermeermohri
distinctly longer than (1.2-1.6 ×) IV+V (incl. PT) together
shorter than, about equal to, or up to 1.15 × longer than, IV+V together
ANT V with
more than 11 secondary rhinaria
with 0-11 secondary rhinaria
ANT III thicker than IV and bearing 25-39
closely-spaced secondary rhinaria (e.g. fig. 111B)
similar in thickness to IV and bearing 13-25 secondary rhinaria
ANTIII 1.5-1.6 × longer
than IV+V (incl. PT) together. Secondary rhinaria distributed III 28-39, IV
3-6, V 0-2 (sexuparae)
ANTIII 1.2-1.4 ×
longer than IV+V (incl. PT) together. Secondary rhinaria distributed III
25-30, IV 8-13, V 6-9 (emigrants)
Front of head with 32-50 minute (4-10 μm) spine-like hairs
anterior to lateral ocelli
Front of head with less than 20 hairs anterior to lateral ocelli, and
these are more than 20 μm long
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 18-25, IV 6-10, V 6-11
…..Astegopteryx pallida*
rhinaria distributed ANT III 13-19, IV 3-5, V 4-7
…..Astegopteryx spinocephala*
ANT V with 0-4
secondary rhinaria, and with primary rhinarium extending across more than
half width of segment (fig. 111C)
ANT V with 4-8 secondary rhinaria, and with a very small primary rhinarium extending across less than half width of segment (fig. 111D)
ANT IV with 0-3(-5)
secondary rhinaria, and V with 0-4(-5). (Embryos without marginal wax glands)
owadai (sexupara)
ANT IV with more than 3
secondary rhinaria, and ANT V with 0-16. (Embryos often with marginal wax
usually without secondary rhinaria, rarely with 1-2
…..Tuberaphis takenouchii
ANT V with 3-16 secondary rhinaria
ANT V with (8-)10-16 secondary
rhinaria. SIPH with 0(-3) associated
…..Ceratovacuna nekoashi group (nekoashi, oplismeni, orientalis, subtropicana) (see text under these names, and Aoki et al. 2013)
ANT V with 3-11 secondary rhinaria. SIPH with 2-7 associated hairs
distinctly sclerotized, thickened and dusky
7-8 not thickened, only sclerotized around hair bases if at all
Areas around SIPH pores distinctly sclerotised
…..Pseudoregma carolinensis
Areas around SIPH pores
not distinctly sclerotised
…..Pseudoregmabambucicola, koshunensis, or sundanica (see text)
Hairs on ABD
TERG 7-8 with small basal sclerites. (Secondary rhinaria distributed III 18-26, IV 7-10, V 6-9)
Hairs on ABD TERG 7-8 without basal sclerites
Head with
small irregular pale dorsomedial areas. (Secondary rhinaria distributed III
18-20, IV 6-9, V 4-8)
Head without paler dorsomedial areas
ANT III clearly thicker and less than 1.3 × longer than ANT IV.
(Secondary rhinaria distributed III 10-15, IV 7-11, V 4-7)
ANT III similar in thickness to and more than 1.6 × longer than ANT IV
distinctly longer than its basal width. Fore tibia much shorter than ANT III+IV+V (incl. PT). Secondary rhinaria distributed III 12-19,
IV 5-10, V 3-9. (Embryos are sexuales without
marginal wax glands)
styraci* (sexupara)
ANT PT only about as long as its basal width or
shorter. Fore tibia almost as long as ANT III+IV+V
together. Secondary rhinaria
distributed III 17-25, IV 6-14, V 6-9. (Embryos with marginal wax glands)
SIPH (if present) tubular
and 0.8-2.5 × cauda; if 0.8-1.0 × cauda then both SIPH and cauda are entirely
SIPH shorter than cauda;
if tubular and more than 0.8 × cauda then pale, or only dark towards apices
SIPH a little longer than the similarly dark cauda, which is finger-like,
somewhat constricted in middle and rounded at apex, and bears 4-5 hairs. ANT
PT/BASE 1.5-1.7
Dorsal hairs with expanded, often furcate apices. Cauda long and thin,
4-5 × longer than its middle width
Dorsal hairs blunt or
pointed. Cauda less than 4 × its middle width
0.8-0.95 × cauda. Dorsal hairs with small pale tuberculate bases (Fig.36a)
…..Chaitaphis tenuicauda
0.6-0.75 × cauda. Dorsal hairs arising from large, rather rugose,
hemispherical, often pigmented, tuberculate bases (Fig.36b)
SIPH black, volcano-shaped, much shorter than their basal diameters
(e.g. Fig.36f).
Cauda dusky and broadly rounded, about 0.5 × its basal width, with c.13 hairs
…..Xerobion sp. (Sinai: BMNH collection)
SIPH barrel-shaped, or
weakly tapering to apex, pale or dark. Cauda at least as long as its basal
width, with 4-9(-12) hairs
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.5. ANT, legs, SIPH and cauda all dark, or mainly
…..Hayhurstia atriplicis
ANT PT/BASE 0.4-1.0. ANT,
legs, SIPH and cauda pale
SIPH tubular or barrel-shaped, much longer than their basal widths (Fig.36i). Cauda
finger-like, more than 2 × its basal width. ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.0. R IV+V with
4-6 accessory hairs. MTu absent, small or indistinct. Clypeus dark, globose
(Fig. 36d)
…..Clypeoaphis suaedae
SIPH not longer than
their basal widths (Fig.36g, h). Cauda conical, less than 2 × its basal width.
ANT PT/BASE 0.4-0.7. R IV+V with 2 accessory hairs. MTu present on prothorax
and ABD TERG 1 and 7. Clypeus pale or dark, swollen or globose
Clypeus strongly
sclerotised, dark, globose. ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs, the longest 15-25
μm long
…..Brachyunguis cahuille
Clypeus pale, swollen but not globose. ABD TERG 8 with (2-) 3-4 hairs,
the longest 28-36 μm long
ANT tubercles undeveloped
or weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH without
polygonal reticulation
ANT tubercles well developed, with smooth,
divergent inner faces. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu. SIPH with a subapical
zone of polygonal reticulation
ANT hairs long, numerous,
wavy and finely pointed, the longest 3-4 × BD III. ANT PT/BASE 4.4-6.0
…..Aphis succisae
Longest ANT hairs 0.4-2.1
× BD III. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-3.5
Dorsal abdomen with an
extensive solid black sclerite centred on ABD TERG 4-5. Cauda black like SIPH
and with 4-7 hairs
…..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen with or
without dark markings, but without an extensive solid black sclerite. Cauda
pale or dark, but if black then usually with more than 7 hairs
Femoral hairs all shorter
than diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda pale, dusky or dark with
4-9 hairs
…..Aphis confusa (or Aphis gossypii – see text)
Many femoral hairs long
and fine-pointed, exceeding diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda
black with 11-24 hairs
…..Aphis fabae
Head, legs andSIPH mainly pale. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
legs andSIPH mainly dark. ANT III
with 5-35 rhinaria
Body spindle-shaped. SIPH thicker than hind tibiae at their respective midlengths, and 1.8-2.2 × head width across (and including) eyes
…..Macrosiphum rosae
Body oval. SIPH about equal in thickness to
hind tibiae at midlength, and 1.1-1.5 × head width across eyes
SIPH with subapical reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of clearly-defined
polygonal cells)
SIPH without subapical
polygonal reticulation
ANT PT 2.4-4.2 × SIPH. Cauda 0.9-1.3 × ANT BASE VI. R IV+V 0.5-0.6 × HT
…..Macrosiphum schimmelum (but see text)
ANT PT 0.6-1.7 × SIPH. Cauda 2-4 × ANT BASE VI. R IV+V 0.8-1.2 × HT II
Head and ANT I-II black. SIPH black. ANT III with 10-36 rhinaria
…..Macrosiphum rosae
Head, ANT I-II and SIPH
pale/dusky. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria
Cauda with 6-9 hairs. ANT BASE VI
0.20-0.27 mm. Longest hairs on ANT III 10-24 μm,
0.4-0.7 × BD III. (Al. with paired pleural dark patches and large marginal
and postsiphuncular sclerites)
…..Macrosiphum opportunisticum
Cauda with 8-13 hairs. ANT BASE VI 0.14-0.20 mm.
Longest hairs on ANT III 25-40 μm, 0.6-1.0 × BD III. (Al. without dark
dorsal abdominal sclerites)
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT III or III-V with numerous
small rhinaria along most of length of segment(s). Cauda short and rounded or
helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view
ANT III-V without
rhinaria or with only 1-3 rhinaria near base of III. Cauda tongue- or
finger-shaped, or triangular, as long as or longer than its basal width in
dorsal view
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 13-28, IV 8-18, V 1-8. Cauda
with at least 20 long fine hairs. ABD TERG 1-7 with flat round marginal
tubercles (MTu)
…..Cedoaphis incognita
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 8-c.50, IV 0-3, V 0. Cauda with fewer and shorter hairs. If MTu are present they are very small, papilliform and restricted to ABD TERG 2-5
ANT III with c.50
secondary rhinaria and very long, about as long as IV+V together. SIPH about
as long as HT II
…..Amphicercidus pulverulens
ANT III 8-20 secondary
rhinaria and distinctly shorter than IV+V together. SIPH about 2 × longer
than HT II
…..Amphicercidus flocculosus
Dorsal abdomen with extensive dark sclerotisation. SIPH black, 0.8-1.2 × the paler, triangular cauda. ABD TERG 1-5 with hemispherical MTu
…..Aphthargelia symphoricarpi
Dorsal abdomen pale, or if with any dark sclerotisation then cauda is
tongue- or finger-shaped and both SIPH and cauda are equally dark. MTu absent
or present on ABD TERG 1-5
SIPH swollen distally or
in middle
SIPH tapering or
SIPH 0.9-1.4 × cauda, which is rather long
and finger-like. Prothorax with a dark trapezoid sclerite ventrally
…..Hyadaphis foeniculi
SIPH 1.3-1.6 × cauda,
which is rather short, tongue-shaped. Prothorax without a dark ventral
…..Rhopalomyzus lonicerae (only oviparae
recorded; see text)
Dorsal abdomen with variably developed dark sclerotisation on ABD TERG
1-6 as well as 7 and 8. Femora wholly dark. R IV+V 0.65-0.92 × HT II. Cauda
with 7-17 hairs
Cauda long,
pointed and black, with 6-17 hairs. SIPH paler than cauda at least on basal half, darker towards apex,
0.8-1.1 × cauda. Antennal tubercles well developed, smooth, divergent. Hairs on ANT III less than half basal
diameter of segment
Dorsal body hairs with expanded apices, long and thick at least on head and ABD TERG 7-8, and arising from tuberculate bases
Dorsal hairs not long and
capitate nor arising from tuberculate bases
R IV+V 2.6-3.7 × longer
than HT II
…..Capitophorus rostratus
R IV+V c.1.4-1.5 × longer
than HT II
…..Capitophorus elaeagni
SIPH with a distal zone
of polygonal reticulation. ANT III with numerous rhinaria usually extending
into distal half. SIPH and cauda both dark
SIPH without any distinct
zone of polygonal reticulation, or if with then SIPH and cauda not dark. ANT
III without rhinaria or with a few on basal half
with more than 40 hairs. R IV+V 1.65-1.8 × HT II. Tibiae black
…..Uroleucon giganteum
Cauda with 13-20 hairs. R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II. Tibiae pale in middle
…..Uroleucon gobonis (or compositae?)
ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.0. MTu present and well-developed on ABD TERG 2-4
(-5) as well as 1 and 7. R IV+V
1.5-1.8 × HT II
S. reticulata var.mandshurica = S. reticulata ssp. amurensis
S. sweginzowii
Aulacorthum syringae
S. vulgaris
[Aphis sambuci]; Aulacorthum syringae;
Myzus persicae;
americanus, bumeliae, oriens;
[Rhopalosiphum padi (fundatrices)]
S. wolfii
Syringa spp.
[Anoecia fulviabdominalis]; Aphis gossypii
Key to apterae on Syringa (except couplets 1-3 which can
be applied to alatae):-
Wax pore plates present. ANT
PT/BASE less than 0.5. (Spring colonies of fundatrices with all progeny
No discrete wax glands.
ANT PT/BASE more than 1
Al. (progeny of fundatrix) with at least 4 sec. rhin. on ANT V …..Prociphilus oriens
Al. (progeny of fundatrix)
with 0-2 sec. rhin. on ANT V
ANT III more than 5 × ANT II, as long as or longer than ANT IV+V
together. Head with a pair of large posterior wax pore plates, conspicuous as
clearly delimited pale areas
…..Prociphilus bumeliae
ANT III less than 5 × ANT II, usually shorter than ANT IV+V together. Head without or with only small or ill-defined wax pore plates, not forming clearly delimited pale areas
…..Prociphilus americanus
ANT III-VI dark, with PT/BASE more than 5. Tibiae wholly dark, femora contrastingly pale except apices. SIPH dark, tapering, with a well-developed flange. Cauda pale
ANT PT/BASE less than 1.0. SIPH as
raised pores or broad-based cones, or absent
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.0. SIPH
absent. Head, thorax and abdomen of aptera with large wax pore plates
…..Prociphilus gambosae
present as raised pores or broad-based cones. Apterae (if present) without
large wax pore plates
with 3-faceted eyes and head fused with prothorax. Alata with numerous
annular rhinaria on ANT III, IV and V, and forewing veins not heavily
…..Tuberaphis breviseta
Aptera (not known for most
species) and 4th instar nymph have multi-faceted eyes and head
free from prothorax. Alata with oval or transversely elongate secondary rhinaria
confined to ANT III, and forewing veins heavily bordered with fuscous
Alata with ANT III 2.1-2.9 × PT. Fourth instar nymph with an unpaired
scabrous median process on ABD TERG 8, but without paired lateral processes (fig. 112A)
…..Taiwanaphis pseudocaudata
Alata with ANT III 3.1-7.0 × PT. Fourth instar nymph without a single median
process on ABD TERG 8, with or without paired lateral processes
BL of alata 2.0-2.1 × total length of
antenna, which is 1.9-2.1 × head width across (and including) eyes. Fourth instar nymph (and aptera) without
paired lateral processes
…..Taiwanaphis atuberculata*
BL of alata 1.2-1.8 × total length of
antenna, which is 2.2-3.2 × head width across eyes. Fourth instar nymph with or without paired
lateral processes
Alata with
ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.15. ANT III 3.1-3.8
× PT. Fourth instar nymph with paired lateral
processes on ABD TERG 6-8 (plus a subdivided medial process on ABD TERG 8; fig. 112B)
Alata with ANT PT/BASE 0.4-0.7. ANT III 4.1-7.0× PT. Fourth instar nymph with or without paired
lateral processes
Alata with
ANT III pale, and bearing 11-18 secondary rhinaria. Fourth instar nymph without paired lateral
Alata with ANT III dark, bearing 19-41
secondary rhinaria. Fourth instar nymph with paired lateral processes (fig. 112C)
SIPH without any pale
reticulation. Cauda without a median papilla. Hind tibiae with many (20-100)
transverse (stridulatory?) ridges
SIPH with pale
reticulation of interconnected transverse striae, either basally or over most
of length. Cauda with a median papilla. Hind tibiae without transverse ridges
SIPH reticulated over most of
length. SIPH of aptera c.0.8× BL
SIPH reticulated
only on basal part. SIPH of aptera 0.20-0.33× BL
R IV+V 1.8-2.4 × HT II
R IV+V 1.2-1.75 ×
ANT PT subequal
to or slightly shorter than ANT III, less than 2× longer than R IV+V
…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) bucktonis
ANT PT longer than ANT III, and more than 2× longer than R IV+V
…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) psidii
ANT IIImore than 2×
longer than ANT V. Dorsal abdomen with some spinules in central area
(Trichosiphum) eugeniae
ANT III less than
2× longer than ANT V. Dorsal abdomen without spinules