SIPH tubular, with a
subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Anal plate entire. Eyes are
…..Sitobion sp.
SIPH as slightly raised pores. Anal plate bilobed. Eyes reduced to a
few (usually 3) facets
Head, thorax and abdominal segment I fused to form sclerotic, pill
box-like prosoma (Fig.60a).
ANT greatly reduced, 3-segmented, 0.07-0.09 × BL
…..Mesothoracaphis rappardi
Cuticle membranous, pale, head fused to prothorax only. ANT 5-segmented, 0.20-0.27 × BL
Front of head with 4 rounded spine-bearing tubercles, the medial pair conjoined at bases (Fig.60b). Thorax and abdomen with a continuous fringing row of wax glands
…..Tuberaphis coreana
Front of head without tubercles. Wax glands not evident
R IV+V tapering almost to
a point, 1.05-1.30 × HT II. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu).
SIPH tapering, pale or dark, or darker towards apices, 0.8-1.7 × cauda which
is pale with 6-13 hairs. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.4-0.75 × BD III. Hind
tibial hairs all shorter than width of tibia at midlength
…..Aphis viticis
R IV+V with blunt or rounded apex, and if ABD TERG 1 and 7 have MTu
then other characters are not in that combination
Body pyriform, broadest
anteriorly. ANT 3-segmented
…..Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
Body not broadest
anteriorly. ANT 5- or 6-segmented
ANT PT/BASE less than
0.5. SIPH absent, or present as pores
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.
SIPH present, tubular
SIPH present as pores
surrounded by hairs. Dorsal wax glands present, each consisting of a ring of
facets around an undivided central area (most easily seen on head and margins
of abdomen)
…..Eriosoma ulmi (?)
SIPH absent. Dorsal wax
glands absent or of different form
Body spindle-shaped with
very short ANT and legs (e.g. hind tibia only 0.07-0.15 × BL), and sparse,
short hairs. R IV with 2 hairs (often inconspicuous)
…..Aploneura ampelina
Body oval or globular
with longer ANT and legs (e.g. hind tibia 0.12-0.23 × BL). Hairs usually more
numerous and/or longer, if short and sparse then R IV without hairs
Hairs on body and appendages short and sparse. R IV with 0-1(-2)
accessory hairs
Body and appendages with longer and/or more numerous hairs. R IV with 4 or more hairs
R IV+V 0.53-0.65 × HT II.
Rostrum 0.17-0.21 × BL
…..Pemphigus ?saliciradicis
R IV+V 0.73-0.99 × HT II.
Rostrum 0.21-0.28 × BL
…..Pemphigus sp. (Australia)
Anus and anal plate
displaced dorsally. Some dorsal body hairs spatulate, and longest marginal
hairs 130-150 μm long
…..Geoica lucifuga
Anus and anal plate
normally positioned. Dorsal hairs all pointed. Longest marginal hairs less
than 50 μm long
Body densely clothed in
fine hairs. ANT 5-segmented, with ANT II elongate, similar in length to ANT
…..Smynthurodes betae
Body more sparsely hairy. ANT 6-segmented, with II much shorter than
…..Prociphilus oleae
SIPH with numerous very
long hairs
…..Greenidea viticola
SIPH without hairs
Hind tibiae entirely black
…..Aphis illinoisensis
Hind tibiae pale, or at
least with extensive pale middle sections
Head densely spiculose, ANT tubercles well-developed
with inner faces almost parallel. SIPH long and tapering/cylindrical, with a
well-developed flange. ANT III usually with 1-2 small rhinaria near base
SIPH black, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. Longest
hairs on ANT III less than 0.6 × BD III. Dorsal abdomen with variably
developed dark cross-bands
SIPH entirely dark and
with an extensive distal zone of polygonal reticulation. Dusky/dark
scleroites present at bases of at least some of dorsal hairs
SIPH pale or dark, if
dark then without or with very little polygonal reticulation. Dorsal hairs
not arising from scleroites
Cauda pale, contrasting
with dark SIPH
ambrosiae (incl. ssp. lizerianum)
Cauda dusky, not much
paler than SIPH
…..Uroleucon sp. near macolai
ANT tubercles well developed with smooth divergent inner faces. ANT
dark except at base, with ANT PT/BASE 5.9-7.5. SIPH dark except for basal 0.2-0.3
of length, with subapical polygonal reticulation restricted to much less than
0.1 of length
..…Acyrthosiphon bidenticola
Without that combination
of characters
Dorsal cuticle with a
pattern of spinules arranged in polygons, with 1-3 spicules in the centre of
each polygon. (SIPH clavate)
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Dorsal cuticle without spinules arranged in polygons
Head spiculose (or if
smooth in alata then SIPH dark and clavate). ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
SIPH not clavate, almost
cylindrical on distal half (except sometimes for a subapical constriction)
SIPH slightly to markedly
clavate (i.e. with narrower section on basal half)
Dorsal abdomen with a
pattern of dark intersegmental markings. SIPH rather thick, less than 10 ×
longer than their width at midlength, with a slight S-curve
…..Myzus ornatus
Dorsal abdomen without
dark intersegmental markings. SIPH more than 10 × longer than their width at
midlength, and rather straight
2.1-2.5 × cauda, with a large flange. ANT III usually with 1-3 rhinaria near
…..Aulacorthum solani
(Fundatrix)ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0. SIPH 2.5-3.2 ×
cauda, with a small flange (Fig.61a). ANT III
without rhinaria
…..Micromyzus diervillae
SIPH very markedly
inflated, with diameter of balloon-like swollen part 2.0-4.5 × minimum
diameter of basal part
…..Rhopalosiphoninus deutzifoliae
SIPH tapering,
cylindrical, or moderately swollen with diameter of swollen part less than 2
× minimum diameter of basal part
(Fundatrix) Cauda with 10-12
hairs. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II. (Al with smooth head, thick, dark SIPH – Fig.61b, and
primary rhinarium on ANT V elongate, its long axis 1.2-1.4 × diameter of
segment – Fig.61c)
…..Rhopalosiphoninus celtifoliae
Cauda with 5-8 hairs. R
IV+V either 0.9-1.4 or 1.7-2.1 × HT II. (Al. with spiculose head, thinner,
pale/dusky SIPH, and primary rhinaria on ANT V almost circular, its diameter
less than that of segment)
ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.5. (Al.
with forewing-veins not dark-bordered)
…..Myzus persicae
(Fundatrix) ANT PT/BASE
much less (c.0.7 in two species, unknown in third). (Al.with forewing-veins
thickly bordered with fuscous)
Al. with sec. rhin.
distributed ANT III 29-37, IV 11-23, V 6-11, and media of forewing fused to
radial sector (Fig.61d)
…..Neotoxoptera weigeliae
Al. with sec. rhin.
distributed ANT III 6-15, IV 0-6, V 0-5, and media of forewing well separated
from radial sector
Al. with R IV+V 1.6-2.1 ×
HT II, and sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 10-15, IV 4-6, V 2-5 (possibly
unreliable, as based on al. from secondary host)
Al. with R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II, and sec. rhin. distributed ANT III
6-13, IV 0, V 0
SIPH dark, with subapical polygonal reticulation. R IV+V short, blunt, convex-sided, 0.65-0.75 × HT II. ANT III with longest hairs only 0.2-0.3 × BD III, and 1-3 rhinaria near base
ANT, SIPH and distal 0.7
of femora blackish, cauda pale. Head minutely spiculose with well-developed
divergent ANT tubercles. ABD TERG 2-7 with broad dusky sclerotic bands or
paired patches
(Both spp. have R IV+V with 13-35 accessory hairs, ANT III with a row
of 6-21 rhinaria, and SIPH with rather indistinct subapical reticulation;
otherwise go to key to fern-feeding aphids)
Cauda short,
helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width, with a slight basal
constriction, and bearing 4-8 hairs. Spiracular apertures large and rounded
Cauda tongue-shaped, finger shaped, or bluntly triangular
without a basal constriction (in which case it has 10+ hairs). Spiracular
apertures reniform
Dorsal abdomen with an extensive
dark sclerotic shield. SIPH 2.1-3.4 × cauda. Mesosternum with a pair of dark
mammariform processes
…..Brachycaudus cardui
Dorsal abdomen without
dark sclerotisation. SIPH 1.1-1.4 × cauda. Mesosternum without dark processes
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsal body hairs
mushroom-shaped, arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH swollen on apical
third, 3.2-4.5 × cauda
…..Capitophorus xanthii
Dorsal body hairs not
mushroom-shaped, nor arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH less than 2.5 ×
ANT PT/BASE 0.85-1.3
(-1.4). ABD TERG 1 and 7 with well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with or without MTu. SIPH
SIPH and femora covered with irregular,
transverse rows of spicules. ANT PT/BASE 5.8-8.1. SIPH pale basally and dark
distally.(Alata with dark-bordered wing veins, with radius and costa
fused for part of lengths to form a closed cell behind the pterostigma)
…..Pentalonia caladii
SIPH and femora smooth or imbricated, not markedly spiculose. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-6.2. SIPH pale or uniformly dark. (Alata with normal wing venation, veins not dark-bordered)
SIPH black, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. Longest hairs on ANT III less than 0.6 × BD III. Dorsal abdomen with variably developed dark cross-bands
SIPH mainly or entirely dark with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT III with 5-135 rhinaria
SIPH pale or dark, if
mainly or entirely dark then without polygonal reticulation. ANT III without
or with fewer rhinaria
ANT II with 5-7 rhinaria on basal third. First tarsal segments with 3
…..Macrosiphoniella ixeridis
ANT III with 8-135
rhinaria usually extending beyond basal third. First tarsal segments with 5
SIPH with pale basal
section. Cauda tapering to a very thin apex, with subapical hairs usually
shorter and often blunter than lateral hairs
…..Uroleucon erigeronense
SIPH entirely dark, or
only slightly paler at base. Cauda tapering or finger-like, not very
thin at apex, with any subapical hairs similar to lateral hairs
Cauda dark like SIPH
…..Uroleucon gobonis (or compositae?)
Cauda pale, much paler
than SIPH
ANT III 1.5-2.0 × longer
than ANT IV+V together, and bearing 54-135 strongly protruberant rhinaria
…..Uroleucon formosanum (incl. ssp. crepidis)
ANT III much shorter than
IV + V together, and bearing 8-46 rhinaria
HT II rather long and
thin, 6 or more × longer than its maximum thickness and 0.9-1.1 × R IV+V
…..Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
HT II less than 5 × its maximum thickness and 0.70-0.85 × R IV+V
…..Uroleucon ambrosiae
Dorsum with extensive uniformly dusky/dark sclerotisation. Head spiculose with well-developed scabrous ANT tubercles. SIPH slightly clavate. R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II
Myzus persicae, [xanthomelii Shinji (nomen nudum)];
Pseudomegoura magnoliae
Z. planispinum = Z. armatum
Z. rhodoxylum
Z. rhoifolium
Z. scandens
Aphis victoriae
Z. schinifolium
citricidus, odinae, spiraecola, victoriae
Z. simulans
citricidus, gossypii
Z. tragodes
Aphis odinae
Zanthoxylum sp.
Myzus ornatus
to apterae on Zanthoxylum:-
SIPH pale and markedly swollen,
c.1.7 × cauda. ANT III-IV with many small round rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE c.6
…..Hyperomyzus gansuensis
Without that combination
of characters
ANT VI BASE with 5-7
hairs. ANT III, IV and most of V completely lacking in pigment, paler than
rest of cuticle. SIPH 0.8-1.08 × cauda. ABD TERG 8 with 5-8 hairs.
(Stridulatory apparatus present)
…..Aphis (Toxoptera) victoriae
ANT VI BASE usually with 2 hairs, and other characters not in above
combination. (Stridulatory apparatus present or absent)
Rhopalosiphoninus indicus;Rhopalosiphum maidis, oxyacanthae, padi, rufiabdominale, [Rhopalosiphum “sp. x” of Valenzuela et al. 2009 (in Australia and New Zealand)];
The small but probably ancient aphid fauna of Zelkova is poorly studied. The gall makers span 4 genera of Eriosomatini, all distinct from those on Ulmus, and are probably relicts of a much larger fauna in the past. Tinocallis on Zelkova include some that also feed on Ulmus (nirecola, ulmiparvifoliae), plus several others that are included in the key rather tentatively as they have not been seen by the authors. There are certainly other Tinocallis still to be described from Zelkova.
knobbed, anal plate bilobed. SIPH as
short truncate cones without hairs. ABD TERG 1 and 2 with paired spinal
hair-bearing processes (Adult viviparae all alate)
Cauda rounded, anal plate entire. SIPH absent or if present then not in form of short truncate cones without hairs. ABD TERG 1 and 2 without spinal processes. (Adult viviparae apterous and alate)
Forewing with at
least distal branches of media thickly bordered with fuscous, and Cu1a
with a distal fuscous patch
Forewing veins not thickly bordered with
fuscous; sometimes with small spots at distal ends
0.25. Dorsal abdomen with extensive paired dark markings (fig. 119B). Head and pronotum pale with dark markings.
Forewing with a bridge of fuscous between media and distal part of Cu1b
(Eotinocallis) zelkovae
ANT PT/BASE at least 0.9. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. Head and pronotum almost wholly dark. Forewing without a bridge of fuscous between media and Cu1b
Pronotum with one pair of finger-like spinal processes. Spinal
processes of ABD TERG 3-8 pale, low, undeveloped on some tergites. SIPH pale
…..Tinocallis (Sappocallis) takachihoensis
with two pairs of finger-like spinal processes. ABD TERG 3-8 with dark spots,
developed into cone-shaped processes on some tergites, and with dark marginal
sclerites on 4-6. SIPH dark
(Sappocallis) saltans
Head and often also pronotum
with a well-defined black median longitudinal line, which may be lacking in
spring generations, but in that case thorax is without spinal processes.
Mesonotal lobes not dark
Head and pronotum
without any pigmentation in the median area, or if with a dark medial line
then mesonotal lobes are dark. Pro- and mesonota with paired spinal processes
Pro- and
mesonota with hairs borne on paired short spinal processes about as long as
their basal widths. Femora with dark subapical spots
…..Tinocallis sophorae*
Pro- and mesonota
without spinal processes. Femora without dark subapical spots
ANT III mainly dusky/dark,
longer than IV+V together, and bearing 24-43 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V
1.2-1.6 × HT II, with 6-10 accessory hairs
ANT III pale with dark apex, not usually longer than ANT IV+V together, and bearing 10-26 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 0.8-1.0(-1.2) × HT II, with 4-5 accessory hairs
(I-VI)0.86-1.13 × BL
ANT (I-VI)0.53-0.79 × BL
III with secondary rhinaria distributed over more than half of length
with secondary rhinaria concentrated on thickened basal half
Hind femora pale with contrasting dark subapical bands, Head with inner
pair of posterior hairs on processes that are shorter than or as short as
their basal widths
…..Tinocallis(Sappocallis) nevskyi
Hind femora dusky or pale with diffuse
inconspicuous subapical spots. Head with inner pair of posterior hairs on
processes that are 1.5-2.0 × longer than their basal widths
…..Tinocallis ulmiparvifoliae
Forewing veins endingin
conspicuous dark triangles. Dorsal body hairs fine, mostly longer than basal diameter
of ANT III. Spinal processes on ABD TERG 1 and 2 usually dark-tipped, and
those on ABD TERG 2 often united at base. Marginal processes often as long as
or longer than ANT I
Forewing veins not ending in conspicuous
dark triangles. Dorsal body hairs stiff, as short as or shorter than basal
diameter of ANT III. Spinal processes pale, those on ABD TERG 2 not united at
bases. Marginal processes shorter than ANT I
BL more than 4 mm. Rostrum much longer than
body. Abdomen with a medial ventral row of 5 dark patches
BL less than 3 mm. Rostrum much shorter than body. Abdomen without ventral dark markings except posteriorly
(Remaining couplets refer to alatae emerging from leaf-roll or pouch galls.) Media of forewing once- or twice branched. Hind wing with 1 or 2 oblique veins. SIPH pores present
Media of forewing unbranched. Hind wing always with 1 oblique vein. SIPH pores present of absent
Total length
of antennal flagellum (III-VI) 0.9-1.4 mm. ANT III bearing 28-44 secondary
Total length of antennal flagellum (III-V or III-VI) 0.3-0.8 mm. ANT III bearing 9-22 secondary rhinaria
BL 1.5-1.9
BL more
than 2 mm
Total length
of antennal flagellum (III-VI) 1.2-1.4 mm. ANT PT 0.01-0.02 mm long, with quadrate apex (fig. 120A).
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 31-43, IV 9-14, V 10-16, VI
Total length of antennal flagellum 0.9-1.1 mm. ANT PT very short and indistinct, less than 0.01 mm long, with rounded apex. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 28-37, IV 8-13, V 9-13, VI 5-8
Antennae 5-segmented, with
ANT V nearly as long as III; secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 9-12, IV
3-6, V 5-9
Antennae 6-segmented
0.15-0.19 mm long, densely spinulose and 1.38-1.59× HT II. (Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III
12-22, IV 2-4, V 2-4, VI 0-1)
R IV+V 0.07-0.17 mm long,
smooth or spinulose and 0.53-1.02× HT II
R IV+V0.15-0.17
mm, spinulose, 0.83-1.02× HT II. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 14-20, IV 3-5, V 4-6, VI 0-2
R IV+V 0.07-0.10 mm long, nearly smooth, 0.53-0.72× HT II. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 10-16, IV 2-4, V 2-4, VI 0
ANT VI BASE (or V in 5-segmented antennae)
with 3-7 secondary rhinaria. ANT PT
very short and broad, about 0.01 mm or less, with rounded apex (fig. 120B). SIPH pores absent. Secondary
rhinaria distributed ANT III 7-16, IV 4-6, V 3-8, VI 3-7
…..Paracolopha morrisoni
ANT VI BASE with 0-1 secondary rhinaria. ANT PT about 0.02 mm or more, with rounded or pointed apex. SIPH pores present. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 7-11, IV 2-3, V 0-4, VI 0-1
ANT V about
equal in length to (i.e. less than 1.2×) ANT IV (fig. 120C). Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 8-11, IV 2-3, V 0-3, VI 0-1
ANT V 1.4-1.8× longer than ANT IV (fig.
120D). Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III
7-11, IV 2-3, V 1-4, VI 0-1