(in alphabetical order)












































































Alnus (including Duschekia) Alders Betulaceae
Fifty species of aphid in 24 genera are recorded as feeding on Alnus. Many of these are strictly Alnus feeders, some also feed on Betula species. A single key is provided, preceded by a list of Alnus species with their recorded aphids. On the whole the records reflect the respective distributions of aphids and host plants and there is little evidence of specificity to particular Alnus species; hence the need for a single, all-embracing key.
Alnus acuminata ssp. arguta Latgerina orizabaensis
A. alnobetula var. fruticosa = A.fruticosa
A. barbataPterocallis alni
A. cordataCrypturaphis grassii; Pterocallis alni, maculata
A. cremastogyne Eutrichosiphum alnifoliae; Greenidea myricae;
Mesocallis pteleae, taoi;
Mollitrichosiphum nandii, [tenuicorpus]
Taoia chuansiensis
A. crispaPterocallis alnifoliae
A. firma Glyphina jacutensis; Pterocallis maculata, nigrostriata;
Symydobius alniarius ssp. nipponica, kabae, quednaui
A. firma var. hirtella Pterocallis alnijaponicae
A. firmifoliaLatgerina orizabaensis ssp. mexicana;
Prociphilus mexicanus
A. formosanaGreenidea myricae;
Pterocallis alnijaponicae, pseudoalni
A. fruticosaBoernerina alni, alni insularia, depressa, occidentalis,
Euceraphis ontakensis; Prociphilus baicalensis;
Pterocallis maculata; [Symydobius oblongus]
A. glutinosaEuropean Alder
Betacallis alnicolens; Clethrobius comes;
[Euceraphis betulijaponicae];
Glyphina betulae, jacutensis;
Pterocallis [albida], alni, maculata;
Stomaphis [quercus], radicicola, wojciechowski
A. hirsutaBetacallis alnicolens; Boernerina alni;
[Euceraphis betulae, caerulescens];
Hannabura alnicola; Prociphilus baicalensis;
Pterocallis alni, alnijaponicae, nigrostriata;
Stomaphis alni; Symydobius alniarius, kabae;
Tinocallis ulmicola
A. incanaSpeckled Alder
(incana of American authors = A. rugosa)
Betulaphis quadrituberculata; Clethrobius comes;
Glyphina betulae, jacutensis;
Pterocallis albida, alni, maculata, alnijaponicae
A. japonicaBetacallis alnicolens; Glyphina jacutensis;
Hannabura alnicola; Mesocallis alnicola;
Pterocallis alnijaponicae, nigrostriata;
Symydobius alniarius, kabae, minutus;
[Tinocallis zelkovae]
A. kamtschatica Boernerina alni ssp. insularia; [Euceraphis betulae];
Prociphilus baicalensis
A. mandshurica Boernerina alni ssp. insularia
A. maritimaPterocallis essigi
A. matsumurae Betacallis alnicolens; Boernerina alni;
Hannabura alnicola; Mesocallis alnicola, pteleae
A. maximowiczi Boernerina alni, alni ssp. insularia, depressa;
Euceraphis ontakensis; Prociphilus baicalensis;
Pterocallis alnijaponicae;
Symydobius alniarius ssp. nipponicus
A. nepalensis[Aphis spiraecola]; [Chromaphis hirsutustibus];
Eutrichosiphum alnicola, nepalensis,
raychaudhurii, [tattakanum];
Greenidea manii; Mesocallis alnicola, obtusirostris;
Mollitrichosiphum montanum, nandii, [niitakaensis];
Neobetulaphis chaetosiphon, pusilla;
Taoia chuansiensis, indica
A. nitidaEutrichosiphum raychaudhurii;
Mollitrichosiphum montanum; Taoia indica
A. orientalisPterocallis alni
A. pendulaSymydobius alniarius ssp. nipponicus, quednaui
A. rhombifoliaCalifornia or White Alder
Euceraphis gillettei; Oestlundiella flava;
Pterocallis alni, essigi
A. rubraOregon or Red Alder
Euceraphis gillettei; Oestlundiella flava;
Prociphilus tessellatus; Pterocallis alni
A. rugosaBoernerina variabilis; Calaphis alni;
Euceraphis gillettei;
Hannabura alnosa; Illinoia alni, wilhelminae;
Prociphilus tessellatus;
Pterocallis alni, alnifoliae, rhombifoliae
A. serrulataProciphilus tessellatus; Pterocallis alnifoliae
A. serrulatoides [Tinocallis ulmicola]
A. sibiricaBetacallis alnicolens; Hannabura alnicola;
Mesocallis alnicola;
Pterocallis alnijaponicae, nigrostriata;
Symydobius aliarius, kabae
A. sieboldianaPterocallis sp. near alnijaponicae
Euceraphis gillettei; Oestlundiella flava
A. tinctoriaPterocallis alnijaponicae, nigrostriata
A. viridisGreen Alder
Boernerina depressa; Clethrobius comes;
Prociphilus baicalensis; Pterocallis alni
A. sinuataWavy-leafed or Sitka Alder
Boernerina occidentalis, variabilis
A. subcordataPterocallis alni
A. tenuifoliaThin-leaf Alder
Euceraphis gillettei; Oestlundiella flava
A. tinctoriaPterocallis alnijaponicae, nigrostriata
A. viridisGreen Alder
Boernerina depressa; Clethrobius comes;
Prociphilus baicalensis; Pterocallis alni
Alnus sp.[Eutrichosiphum alnisuctum]

Key to Alnus-feeding aphids:-

1 SIPH much longer than wide (tubular) and densely covered with long hairs …..2
SIPH if long then without hairs…..8
2 Hind tibiae with a conspicuous series of transverse ridges (fig. 27A)…..3
Hind tibiae with normal imbrication, without transverse ridges…..4
3 SIPH of aptera dark, curved outward, 0.4-0.5 × BL. (In alata 0.6-0.75 ×BL) …..Mollitrichosiphum nandii
SIPH of aptera pale, almost straight, 0.5-0.85 × BL. (In alata 0.8-0.9 × BL) …..Mollitrichosiphum montanum
4 SIPH of aptera with a zone of pale reticulation at base. Cauda with a median papilla …..5
SIPH of aptera without any pale reticulation. Cauda without a median papilla …..6
5 Longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 up to 2.5 × basal diam. of ANT III. Cauda with median papilla shorter than its basal width…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) manii*
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 more than 3.5 × basal diam. of ANT III. Cauda with median papilla longer than its basal width…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) myricae
6 SIPH with long and short hairs interspersed over entire surface, many of the long hairs having furcate apices. Head spinulose…..Eutrichosiphum raychaudhurii
SIPH with all hairs long. Head smooth…..7
7 Antennae more than 0.7 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-2.8 …..Eutrichosiphum nepalensis
Antennae less than 0.7 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 1.8-2.2 …..Eutrichosiphum alnifoliae or alnicola
8 Alatae with lateral balloon-like projections of the prothorax, and a pair of tubercular frontal processes projecting forward between antennae, as long as or longer than ANT I (fig. 27B). Apterous morphs and immatures with large plate-like (laminar) frontal and lateral processes, between the much-reduced antennae (fig. 27C) …..Crypturaphis grassii
Alata without lateral projections of prothorax, and if with frontal processes then they are shorter than ANT I, and if aptera has frontal projections then they are not laminar, and the antennae are normal…..9
9 PT very short, peg-like, not more than twice as long as its basal width; ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5…..10
PT finger-like or attenuate, if short then more than twice as long as its basal width; ANT PT/BASE 0.5 or more, rarely 0.3-0.5…..19
10 Rostrum much longer than body…..11
Rostrum much shorter than body…..13
11 HT II a little longer than base of ANT VI, and almost as long as R IV+V …..Stomaphis alni
HT II usually a little shorter than base of ANT VI, and only a little more than half as long as R IV+V…..12
12 ABD TERG 1-6 as well as 7 with large paired dark spinal sclerotic areas, often broken into small sclerites…..Stomaphis wojciechowski* (or quercus? – see text)
ABD TERG 1-6 without dark sclerotic areas…..Stomaphis radicicola
13 Body of adult aptera more than 2.5 mm long. Wax pore plates well developed …..14
Body of adult aptera less than 2.5 mm long. Wax pore plates absent…..16
14 Antennae, legs, anal and subgenital plates of aptera all lightly pigmented. Wax plates pale…..Prociphilus baicalensis
Antennae, legs, anal and subgenital plates of aptera are brown to black. Wax plates pigmented…..15
15 R IV+V of aptera longer than HT II, R IV bearing 4-10 accessory hairs. Alate sexupara with narrow, transverse secondary rhinaria on antenna, including 1-5 on base of ANT VI …..Prociphilus tessellatus
R IV+V of aptera shorter than HT II, R IV bearing 2-3 accessory hairs. Alate sexupara with secondary rhinaria on antennae more oval, absent from base of ANT VI…..Prociphilus mexicanus
16 Eyes of aptera multifacetted. Dorsum of aptera pale with long capitate hairs …..Pterocallis albida
Eyes of aptera 3-facetted. Dorsum of aptera pigmented, sclerotic, with either short spine-like hairs or long fine…..17
17 Dorsal and marginal body hairs long and fine…..Glyphina longiseta
Dorsal and marginal body hairs thick, spine-like…..18
18 Dorsum of aptera with a closed wart-like cuticular ornamentation (fig. 27E)…..Glyphina betulae
Dorsum adorned with transverse wrinkles or imbrications, sometimes forming a reticulation (fig. 27D) …..Glyphina jacutensis
19 Populations containing apterous adults with branched, hair-bearing processes projecting from sides of body and front of head (fig. 27F). Alatae without such processes but with an inward-facing subapical protruberance on ANT I (fig. 27G) …..Latgerina orizabaensis
If populations contain apterous adults, then any processes these apterae have are not branched, and alatae do not have an inward-facing protruberance on ANT I …..20
20 ANT PT/BASE less than or about 1.0…..21
ANT PT/BASE at least 1.5…..53
21 Cauda of adult with a clearly defined constriction, delimiting the terminal part as a knob …..22
Cauda of adult broadly rounded or bluntly triangular, without a trace of a constriction …..48
22 Anal plate bilobed, or with a medial cleft. Populations with apterae and/or alatae ….23
Anal plate entire, posterior margin rounded. Adults all alatae…..46
23 Adult viviparae all alate…..24
Populations comprising apterae only, or both apterous and alate morphs …..32
24 Abdomen with unpaired median dorsal processes on anterior tergites (figs 28A-B) …..25
Abdomen without medial dorsal processes…..28
25 Abdomen with median dorsal processes on ABD TERG 1-2 only, only those on ABD TERG 2 being well-developed (fig. 28A)…..Pterocallis alnifoliae
Abdomen with well-developed, finger-like median dorsal processes on ABD TERG 1-4 or 1-5 (fig. 28B)…..26
26 SIPH distally black, pale only at their bases …..Pterocallis (Recticallis) pseudoalni
SIPH entirely pale…..27
27 Forewings with dark markings at tips between wing veins (fig. 28C) …..Pterocallis (Recticallis) nigrostriata
– Forewings without dark markings between wing veins …..Pterocallis (Recticallis) alnijaponicae
28 Antennae longer than body…..Oestlundiella flava
– Antennae shorter than body…..29
29 Antennal flagellum (ANT III-VI) wholly dark except for sensoriated basal part of 3rd segment…..Boernerina occidentalis
At least the basal parts of ANT IV and V pale…..30
30 R IV+V longer than HT II. Front of head usually pigmented. Anal vein of forewing with a dark border…..Mesocallis pteleae
R IV+V shorter than HT II. Front of head pale. Anal vein of forewing pale or dark-bordered…..31
31 ANT PT/BASE about equal to or more than 1.0. Anal vein of forewing pale. R IV+V 0.5-0.7 × HT II…..Mesocallis obtusirostris
ANT PT/BASE only 0.6-0.7. Anal vein of forewing usually dark-bordered. R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II…..Mesocallis alnicola
32 Each SIPH with a long hair arising from it posteriorly…..33
SIPH without hairs…..34
33 Knob of cauda elongate, about twice as long as wide. ANT VI (including PT) less than half as long as ANT III…..Taoia chuansiensis
Knob of cauda only a little longer than wide. ANT VI (including PT) almost as long as ANT III….Taoia indica
34 Aptera with ABD TERG 8 broad and sclerotic, extending posteriorly like a canopy over cauda (fig. 29A)…..35
Aptera with ABD TERG 8 not extending posteriorly beyond base of cauda in dorsal view …..38
35 Aptera with prominent paired frontal processes projecting forward between antennae, square-sided in dorsal view and with a thick hair arising at each corner (fig. 29B) …..36
Aptera with paired frontal processes absent, or only present as flat tubercles …..Boernerina occidentalis
36 ABD TERG 8 of aptera with 4-7 (usually 5-6) thick capitate hairs on its posterior margin. Alata with a well-developed pair of frontal tubercles, longer than wide …..Boernerina depressa
ABD TERG 8 of aptera with 8-10 thick capitate hairs on posterior margin. Alata with frontal tubercles undeveloped or shorter than basal widths…..37
37 R IV+V short, only a little longer than its basal width, and shorter than HT II …..Boernerina alni
R IV+V about 1.5 times longer than its basal width and about equal in length to HT II …..Boernerina variabilis
38 Aptera with all hairs on ANT III shorter than basal diameter of segment …..39
Aptera with at least some of hairs on ANT III longer than basal diameter of segment …..44
39 Anterior abdominal segments of aptera with only one capitate marginal hair on each side…..40
Anterior abdominal segments of aptera each with 2 capitate marginal hairs, arising from a well-developed marginal tubercle…..43
40 ABD TERG 1-5 each always with 6 hairs (spinal, pleural and marginal pairs; although in apterae the spinal and pleural hairs may be minute). Forewing of alata with RS fully developed…..41
ABD TERG 1, 2 and 4 each with 4 hairs (spinal and marginal pairs only), ABD TERG 3 and 5 sometimes having additional hairs. Forewing of alata with RS absent or indistinct …..42
41 ABD TERG 3 of aptera with thick, apically-expanded spino-pleural hairs, 20-25 µm long, arising from tuberculate bases. Alata with a black quadrate patch on ABD TERG 4-6, and ANT III bearing 20-25 secondary rhinaria…..Neobetulaphis pusilla
ABD TERG 3 of aptera with minute spino-pleural hairs, 8-10 µm long. Alata without a black dorsal abdominal patch, and with ANT III bearing 16-18 secondary rhinaria …..Neobetulaphis chaetosiphon
42 Aptera with 5- or 6-segmented antennae, and dorsal hairs arising from dark scleroites. Front of head and fore tibiae of alata blackish…..Mesocallis taoi*
Aptera with 6-segmented antennae, and dorsal hairs not arising from dark scleroites. Alata with pale front of head and fore tibiae…..Mesocallis alnicola*
43 ANT PT/BASE 0.6-0.7. R IV+V 0.75-0.83× HT II. Antennae of alata 0.7-0.8× BL, of aptera 0.5-0.6× BL…..Pterocallis essigi
ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.1. R IV+V 0.68-0.73. Antennae of alata 1.0-1.2× BL, of aptera 0.6-0.9× BL…..Pterocallis rhombifoliae
44 Aptera with apices of antennal segments and SIPH pale, and ANT PT/BASE 0.3-0.5. ANT III of alata with 6-9 secondary rhinaria…..Pterocallis albidus
Aptera with apices of antennal segments and SIPH dark, and ANT PT/BASE 0.5-0.8. ANT III of alata with 2-5 secondary rhinaria…..45
45 Aptera with dorsal body hairs pigmented. ANT III with more than 2 long hairs, and some hairs on ANT IV and V longer than basal diameters of their respective segments …..Pterocallis maculata
Aptera with dorsal body hairs pale. ANT III with only 1-2 long hairs, and all hairs on ANT IV and V short and inconspicuous …..Pterocallis alni
46 Hairs on ANT III much longer than basal diameter of segment …..Clethrobius comes
Hairs on ANT III much shorter than basal diameter of segment…..47
47 Thorax and legs dark…..Euceraphis ontakensis
Thorax and legs pale…..Euceraphis gillettei
48 Small aphid, body length less than 2 mm. Abdomen without dorsal cross bands. Anal plate is bilobed…..Betulaphis quadrituberculata
Large aphid, more than 2 mm long. Abdomen with dark dorsal cross bands. Anal plate rounded…..49
49 Abdominal marginal sclerites each bearing (0-)1-7 small transparent tubercles (fig. 29C). ANT III with 16-35 rhinaria…..50
Abdominal marginal sclerites without tubercles. ANT III with 0-90 rhinaria …..51
50 Dorsal body hairs 2.0-2.1 × basal diameter of ANT III. Secondary rhinaria without ciliate margins. R IV+V c.0.8 × HT II…..Symydobius kabae
Dorsal body hairs 2.2-3.7 × basal diameter of ANT III. Secondary rhinaria with ciliate margins. R IV+V more than 0.95 × HT II…..Symydobius quednaui*
51 Hind tibia mainly pale. ANT III with 18-c.40 rhinaria. ANT VI BASE with 3-9 hairs …..Symydobius minutus
Hind tibia wholly blackish-brown. ANT III with 0-90 rhinaria. ANT VI BASE with 15-26 hairs…..52
52 ANT III with 30-90 rhinaria with ciliate margins. ANT IV longer than V…..Symydobius alniarius ssp. alniarius
ANT III with 0-32 rhinaria, with margins not ciliate but slightly indented. ANT IV subequal in length to V…..Symydobius alniarius ssp. nipponicus*
53 SIPH short, truncate…..54
SIPH long, tubular, and usually slightly to markedly swollen on apical third …..57
54 Head with a transverse black band ventrally between eyes. ANT PT/BASE less than 2 …..Betacallis alnicolens
Head uniformly pale or dark, without a ventral transverse black band. ANT PT/BASE more than 2…..55
55 Abdomen with an extensive black dorsal patch, including the SIPH (fig. 29D) …..Calaphis alni
Abdomen without a black patch…..56
56 Antennae dark. Aptera with 4-6 dorsal capitate hairs per segment …..Hannabura alnosa
Antennae pale. Aptera with 12-30 dorsal capitate hairs per segment ….Hannabura alnicola
57 Antennae dusky. R IV+V 1.1-1.3× HT II, with 7-10 accessory hairs …..Illinoia alni
Antennae pale (except apices of segments). R IV+V c. 2.0× HT II, very hairy, with 30 or more accessory hairs…..Illinoia wilhelminae

Alocasia indica Aphis gossypii; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. macrorrhiza Aphis craccivora; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Pentalonia caladii
Alocasia sp.Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to aphids on Alocasia:-

ANT longer than body, with PT/BASE 5.5-7.7. Femora with basal 0.6 or more of length pale, contrasting with black distal section. SIPH pale basally and dark distally, and 2.3-3.3 × cauda. (Al. with broad-banded wing-veins, and radius fused with media to form a closed cell below the pterostigma)…..Pentalonia caladii
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Aloe africanaAloephagus myersi; [Aphis sp. (California; Leonard 1972a)]
A. arborescensAloephagus myersi
A. aristataAloephagus myersi
A. barbadensis = A.vera
A. brevifolia[Aphis sp. (California; Leonard 1972a)]
A. camperi Aloephagus myersi
A. castaneaAloephagus myersi; [Aphis sp. (California; Leonard 1972a)]
A. chabaudiiAloephagus myersi
A. ciliaris var. tidmarshii Aphis fabae
A. congesta = Astroloba congesta
A. cooperiAloephagus myersi
A. eru = A. camperi
A. falcata[Aphis sp. (California; Leonard 1972a)]
A. ferox Aloephagus myersi
A. glaucaAloephagus myersi; Aphis nerii
A. graminicola = A. lateritia var. graminicola
A. lateritia var. graminicola Aphis gossypii
A. mawiiAloephagus myersi
A. munchiiAloephagus myersi
A. parvula Aloephagus myersi
A. pearsoniiAloephagus myersi
A. percrassaAloephagus myersi; Aphis gossypii
A. rivae[Aphis sp. (California, Leonard 1972a)]
A. secundiflora Aloephagus myersi
A. striataAloephagus myersi; [Aphis sp. (California, Leonard 1972a)]
A. tidmarshii = A. ciliaris var. tidmarshii
A. variegataAloephagus myersi; Myzus persicae
A. veraAphis craccivora, gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus persicae
A. zebrinaAloephagus myersi
Aloe spp.Dysaphis tulipae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to aphids on Aloe:-

1SIPH absent. ANT PT/BASE less than 0.4…..Aloephagus myersi
SIPH present, tubular. ANT PT/BASE 2-7…..2
2Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1-4(-5) with well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu). Some hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 arising from dark scleroites…..Dysaphis tulipae
Cauda tongue-shaped, much longer than its basal width. Either ABD TERG 1 and 7 only with MTu, or MTu absent. None of hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 arise from dark scleroites …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Alopecurus aequalis (incl. ssp. amurensis)Anoecia corni, fulviabdominalis, [radiciphaga];
Rhopalosiphum padi, rufiabdominale; Sipha glyceriae;
Sitobion akebiae, alopecuri, avenae, fragariae, miscanthi;
Tetraneura akinire
A. agrestis = A. myosuroides
A. arundinaceus Rhopalosiphum padi; Schizaphis nigerrima; Sitobion avenae
A. geniculatusAnoecia furcata, Atheroides serrulatus;
Diuraphis muehlei; Forda marginata; Laingia psammae;
Metopolophium festucae, festucae ssp. cerealium;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Schizaphis graminum, longicaudata, phlei, rufula;
Sipha glyceriae, maydis; Sitobion alopecuri, avenae
A. japonicusTetraneura akinire
A. magellanicus Pentamyzus fueginus, tenuis
A. myosuroides [Anoecia sp., Zwölfer 1958]; Diuraphis noxia;
Myzus persicae; Sitobion avenae; Tetraneura ulmi
A. pratensis[Acyrthosiphon gossypii]; Anoecia corni;
Atheroides hirtellus, serrulatus;
Forda formicaria, marginata; Geoica setulosa, utricularia;
Laingia psammae; Metopolophium dirhodum, festucae;
Rhopalosiphum maidis, oxyacanthae, padi;
Schizaphis phlei, graminum, nigerrima, rufula;
Sipha elegans, maydis; Sitobion avenae, fragariae;
Tetraneura caerulescens, ulmi
Alopecurus spp. Aphis craccivora; Atheroides brevicornis;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Paracletus cimiciformis

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Aloysia citriodora Aphis fabae, gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae, [targionii (nomen dubium)]
A. triphylla = A. citriodora
A. virgata[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1972a)]; Myzus persicae
Aloysia spp.Neomyzus circumflexus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Alpinia (including Catimbium) Zingiberaceae
Alpinia allughas = A. nigra
A. bracteata = A. roxburghii
A. caeruleaPseudoregma sundanica
A. hainanensis Pentalonia caladii
A. japonicaPentalonia caladii
A. katsumadae = A. hainanensis
A. malaccensis Pseudoregma sundanica
A. nigra Pentalonia caladii
A. purpurataAphis spiraecola; [Cerataphis brasiliensis, orchidearum];
Pentalonia caladii, [nigronervosa]
A. rafflesianaPentalonia caladii
A. roxburghii Pseudoregma sundanica
A. sanderae = A. vittata
A. schumanniana = A. zerumbet
A. speciosa = A. zerumbet
A. vittata Pentalonia caladii
A. zerumbet Pseudoregma caladii, sundanica
Alpinia sp.Astegopteryx styracophila

Use key to apterae on Hedychium.

Alsine see StellariaCaryophyllaceae
Alsophila see CyatheaCyatheaceae
Alstonia Apocynaceae
Alstonia scholaris Aphis craccivora, spiraecola
A. venenataMyzus persicae
Alstonia sp. Aphis gossypii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Alstroemeria aurantiaca = A. aurea
A. aureaAulacorthum solani; Myzus ornatus
A. chilensis = A. ligtu
A. leporinaMacrosiphum euphorbiae
A. ligtuAulacorthum solani
Alstroemeria spp.Aphis alstroemeriae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
[Metopolophium dirhodum]; Myzus persicae;
[Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale]

Key to aphids on Alstroemeria:-

ANT III 1.4-1.7 × SIPH, and ANT PT/BASE 1.9-2.2. SIPH and cauda both black, with SIPH 1.00-1.32 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen with variably developed, irregularly shaped dark markings, which tend to follow the polygonal pattern of cuticular sculpturing …..Aphis alstroemeriae
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Alternanthera circuliflora (?) Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
A. nodiflora = A. sessilis
A. paronychioidesAphis craccivora
A. philoxeroidesAphis gossypii, fabae, solanella, spiraecola;
[Greenidea ficicola]; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus
A. polygonoides = A. paronychioides
A. pungensAphis craccivora
A. sessilisAphis craccivora, gossypii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Althaea armeniaca Aphis althaeae
A. cannabinaAcyrthosiphon malvae;
Aphis althaeae, umbrella, ?spiraecola
A. litvinovii (= Alcea litvinovii) Aphis althaeae
A. narbonnensis = Althaea cannabina
A. nudiflora (= Alcea nudiflora) Aphis althaeae, gossypii, umbrella, spiraecola
A. officinalisAcyrthosiphon malvae;
Aphis althaeae, fabae, frangulae, gossypii, nasturtii,
spiraecola, umbrella;
Macrosiphum [artemisiae of Ferrari 1872], euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae
A. olbia Aphis gossypii
A. rhyticarpa = Alcea rhyticarpa
A. rosea = Alcea rosea
Althaea sp.Uroleucon eoessigi

Use key to aphids on Alcea.

Alyogyne hakeifolia Aphis gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
A. huegeliiMyzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Alysicarpus ovalifolius Aphis gossypii
A. rugosusAphis gossypii
A. vaginalisAphis gossypii
Alyssoides utriculata Brevicoryne brassicae
Alyssum Madwort Brassicaceae
Alyssum alyssoides Myzus persicae
A. argenteumMyzus ornatus
A. canescens = Ptilotrichum canescens
A. desertorumAphis craccivora, gossypii
A. marginatum = A. szovitsianum
A. montanumAphis fabae; Myzus ascalonicus
A. muraleMyzus ornatus
A. petraeum (=Aurinia petraea} [Aphis sp. (Serbia; O. Petrović)]
A. saxatile (= Aurinia saxatilis) Brevicoryne brassicae; Myzus ornatus;
Spatulophorus alyssi
A. szovitsianumAphis craccivora
A. tortuosumSmiela schneideri ssp. alyssii
Alyssum sp.Aphis craccivora
Key to apterae on Alyssum(including Aurinia and Ptilotrichum}:-
1SIPH as very broad, dark, volcano-shaped cones, shorter than their basal widths. ANT III with 1-11 rhinaria on distal part, and 0-3 on IV. Cauda very short, helmet-shaped or triangular with rounded apex, much shorter than its basal width….. 2
SIPH tubular, pale or dark. ANT III-IV without rhinaria (or with rhinaria only near base of III). Cauda triangular or tongue-shaped, as long as or longer than its basal width …..3
2ANT PT/BASE c.2.1-2.2. R IV+V c.1.2 × HT II …..Smiela schneideri alyssii
ANT PT/BASE 0.75-1.25. R IV+V 1.35-1.55 × HT II…..Smiela mongolica
3Dorsal hairs long and with spatulate apices. Dorsal cuticle of head, pronotum and ABD TERG 7-8 very rugose. R IV+V long and pointed, 1.4-1.6 × HT II. SIPH coarsely imbricated and slightly swollen near apices…..Spatulophorus alyssi
Dorsal hairs not spatulate, and other characters not in this combination…..4
4Cauda broadly triangular, about as long as its basal width. SIPH dark, elongate barrel-shaped, or cylindrical for most of length and constricted apically. Dorsal abdomen with variably-developed paired dark sclerites or cross-bands…..Brevicoryne brassicae
Cauda tongue-shaped, much longer than its basal width, and other characters also do not apply…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Amaranthus albus Aphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, solanella;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Smynthurodes betae
A. blitoidesAphis craccivora, fabae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. blitum ssp. oleraceus Aphis gossypii; Myzus persicae
A. caudatus (incl. paniculatus) Aphis aurantii, craccivora, fabae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
A. crassipesAphis craccivora
A. cruentusAphis craccivora, spiraecola
A. cuspidatusAphis amaranthi
A. deflexusAphis amaranthi, craccivora, fabae
A. dubiusAphis fabae, gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; [Rhopalosiphum maidis, padi]
A. gangeticus = A. tricolor
A. graecizansAphis craccivora
A. hybridus (incl. ssp. Aphis amaranthi, craccivora, fabae, gossypii;
chlorostachys, quitensis) Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; Protaphis middletonii
A. inamoenus = A. tricolor
A. lividus = A. blitum ssp. oleraceus
A. paniculatus = A. caudatus
A. quitensis see hybridus
A. retroflexusAphis asclepiadis, craccivora, fabae, gossypii, middletonii,
nasturtii, solanella;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
[Hayhurstia atriplicis]; [Hyperomyzus lactucae];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Protaphis middletonii; Smynthurodes betae
A. spinosusAphis amaranthi, craccivora, fabae, gossypii, spiraecola;
[Hyadaphis coriandri]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Protaphis middletonii
A. tricolorAphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. viridisAphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, spiraecola;
Myzus cymbalariae, persicae;
Amaranthus spp.Aphis frangulae, triglochinis;
[Parathoracaphis manipurense ]; [Myzakkia verbasci]

Key to aphids on Amaranthus:-

1ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu). ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of frons in dorsal view…..2
ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu. Either ANT tubercles well developed, or SIPH absent …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2SIPH pale or dusky, darker at apices, only about 0.1 × BL and 0.7-1.3 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.8…..Aphis triglochinis
SIPH usually entirely dark, 0.11-0.26 × BL and 0.8-2.6 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.5-3.2 …..3
3All the following characters apply: SIPH and cauda both dark. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. Hairs on dorsal side of hind femur shorter than ANT BD III. ANT III without rhinaria. Cauda with 8-11 hairs. Diameter of lateral tubercle on abdominal segment 7 is greater than ANT BD III. ANT PT/BASE 2.2-3.2. R IV+V 1.25-1.35 × HT II…..Aphis amaranthi
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 24
Amberboa Asteraceae
Amberboa lippii = Volutaria lippii
A. moschataAphis fabae, solanella; Brachycaudus cardui;
Uroleucon compositae
A. muricata = Volutaria muricata

Key to apterae on Amberboa and Volutaria:-

1Head dark with well-developed, divergent ANT tubercles. ANT III with 15-86 rhinaria. SIPH and cauda both dark, SIPH having a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. First tarsal segments all with 5 hairs…..2
Without this combination of characters….. go to key to polyphagous aphids
2ANT III with 42-86 rhinaria extending over 0.68-0.95 of length. Middle part of hind tibia pale; the pale section occupying at least 0.7 of total length. SIPH with reticulation over distal 0.25-0.32. ANT PT/BASE 5.2-7.3, mostly 5.5-7.0. ANT III 1.4-1.9 × ANT V …..Uroleucon compositae
ANT III with 15-54 rhinaria extending over 0.45-0.68 of length. Middle part of hind tibia dusky to dark, or if rather pale then the pale section is less than 0.6 of total length. SIPH with reticulation over distal 0.16-0.27. ANT PT/BASE 4.3-5.5. ANT III 1.8-2.5 × ANT V …..Uroleucon jaceae
Amerosedum lanceolatum Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Amblystegium serpens Muscaphis musci

(or use key to apterae of moss-feeding aphids under Polytrichum)

Ambroma see AbromaMalvaceae
Ambrosia (including Franseria, Gaertneria) Asteraceae
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Aphis craccivora; Capitophorus shepherdiae
A. ambrosioidesUroleucon ambrosiae
A. artemisiifoliaAphis asclepiadis, fabae, gossypii, nasturtii, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Capitophorus jopepperi;
Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria ssp. divia, [yomogifoliae];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Pemphigus bursarius, Pleotrichophorus ambrosiae;
Prociphilus erigeronensis;
Uroleucon ambrosiae, tuataiae
A. confertifloraUroleucon ambrosiae, ambrosiae ssp. lizerianum
A. deltoideaUroleucon ambrosiae
A. discolor = A. tomentosa
A. elatiorAphis gossypii
A. maritimaAphis gossypii; [Aulacorthum palustre];
Coloradoa rufomaculata; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. paniculataAcyrthosiphon bidenticola; Aphis gossypii;
(incl. var. peruviana) Pleotrichophorus ambrosiae;
Uroleucon ambrosiae, tuataiae
A. polystachiaUroleucon ambrosiae
A. psilostachyaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Capitophorus shepherdiae;
Myzus persicae; Uroleucon ambrosiae, [rudbeckiae]
A. tomentosaPleotrichophorus ambrosiae, [wasatchii]
A. trifidaAphis asclepiadis; Aulacorthum solani;
[Macrosiphum pallens]; Prociphilus erigeronensis;
Protaphis middletonii;
Uroleucon ambrosiae, erigeronensis, ivae, [rudbeckiae]
Ambrosia sp.[Pleotrichophorus glandulosus]

Key to aphids on Ambrosia:-

1Dorsal hairs greatly expanded distally; fan-, funnel- or mushroom-shaped, arising from tuberculate bases (Fig.8) …..2
Dorsal body hairs with pointed, blunt or only very slightly expanded apices …..5
2Front of head weakly convex in dorsal view, with ANT tubercles undeveloped. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0…..Coloradoa rufomaculata
ANT tubercles moderately to well-developed, projecting beyond middle of front to head in dorsal view. ANT PT/BASE almost always more than 2.0…..3
3Antennae longer than body. SIPH without any subapical swelling (Fig.8a), and 1.25-1.75 × cauda. ANT III with 1-8 rhinaria near base…..Pleotrichophorus ambrosiae
Antennae shorter than body. SIPH smooth and slightly swollen subapically (Figs 8b, c), and 3.1-4.3 × cauda. ANT III without any rhinaria…..4
4 Dorsal cuticle smooth between hair bases (Fig. 8b). Dorsal body hairs consisting of spinal, pleural and marginal rows (submarginals absent). ANT PT/BASE 3.9-5.2 …..Capitophorus jopepperi
Dorsal cuticle conspicuously sculptured (Fig. 8c). Dorsal body hairs including a row of submarginals on each side between pleural and marginal rows. ANT PT/BASE 2.0-2.9 …..Capitophorus shepherdiae
5SIPH either wholly dark or dark distally, at midlength about twice as wide as hind tibiae, with subapical polygonal reticulation extending over at least distal 0.25…..6
SIPH (if present) pale or dark, without subapical polygonal reticulation or with reticulation on less than distal 0.2 …..10
6SIPH only dark distally. Some of distal caudal hairs usually short, and blunt or slightly capitate…..Uroleucon erigeronensis
SIPH wholly dark. Distal caudal hairs not different from those more proximal …..7
7ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.5. SIPH 0.6-1.1 × cauda and with reticulation over distal 0.4-0.63 .…Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria ssp. divia (= M. artemisiae?)
ANT PT/BASE 5.3-7.0. SIPH 1.1-1.7 × cauda and with reticulation over distal 0.2-0.35 ..…8
8Cauda dark. Tibiae wholly blackish…..Uroleucon tuataiae
Cauda pale. Tibiae usually with paler basal sections…..9
9 Hind tibiae as pale as cauda for more than 0.7 of length. ABD TERG 2-4 sometimes with small marginal tubercles (MTu). (Hind tibiae of al. with pale or dusky basal section)…..Uroleucon ivae
Hind tibiae usually with a pale or dusky basal section, but this is not as pale as cauda for more 0.5 of length. ABD TERG 2-4 without MTu. (Hind tibia of al. entirely dark) …..Uroleucon ambrosiae
10ANT tubercles well developed with smooth, divergent inner faces. ANT dark except at base, with ANT PT/BASE 5.9-7.5. SIPH dark except for basal 0.2-0.3 of length, tapering/ cylindrical on distal half, with subapical polygonal reticulation extending for much less than 0.1 of length…..Acyrthosiphon bidenticola
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Amelanchier June BerriesRosaceae
Amelanchier alnifoliaSaskatoon Berry
Acyrthosiphon macrosiphum;
Aphis pomi, whiteshellensis; Nearctaphis sensoriata;
Prociphilus caryae ssp. fitchi
A. canadensisAphis fabae, pomi
A. denticulata [Aphis gossypii]
A. floridaServiceberry
Acyrthosiphon macrosiphum; Ericaphis gentneri
A. laevisServiceberry
Acyrthosiphon macrosiphum; Aulacorthum solani;
Eriosoma americanum; Ericaphis gentneri;
Prociphilus caryae
A. lamarckiiAphis pomi
A. ovalisAphis pomi; Dysaphis parasorbi; Ericaphis gentneri
A. spicataAphis pomi; Macrosiphum amelanchiericolens;
Nearctaphis sensoriata
A. utahensisAcyrthosiphon macrosiphum

Key to the aphids feeding on Amelanchier species:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.0…..3
2 SIPH present as raised pores with rims partly sclerotised, ringed by hairs. (Media of forewing of alata once-branched) …..Eriosoma americanum
SIPH absent. (Media of forewing of alata unbranched) …..Prociphilus caryae
3 Cauda triangular, helmet-shaped or rounded, shorter than or about as long as its basal width…..4
Cauda at least 1.5× longer than its basal width…..6
4 SIPH 2-3× cauda…..Dysaphis parasorbi
SIPH about as long as, or a little longer than, cauda…..5
5 Dorsum with extensive dark pigmentation. Basal part of hind tibia slightly swollen, bearing a group of circular “pseudosensoria” (scent glands)…..Nearctaphis sensoriata
Dorsum with pigmented areas restricted to posterior abdominal segments. Hind tibiae of viviparous morphs without scent glands…..Aphis whiteshellensis
6 SIPH and cauda both black. Antennal tubercles weakly developed…..7
SIPH pale or dark, but if dark then the cauda is paler. Antennal tubercles well developed …..9
7 Dorsum with variable dark markings, usually consisting of at least dark sclerotic bands on pronotum, mesonotum and ABD TERG 7 and 8, and small dark marginal sclerites (fig. 121R); often also with small dark sclerites scattered over other abdominal tergites. Cauda with 12-19 hairs, without any constriction…..Aphis fabae
Pronotum, mesonotum and ABD TERG 7 and 8 without dark sclerotic bands and marginal sclerites not deeply pigmented. Cauda with 7-19 hairs, and usually with a slight constriction (fig. 121T)…..8
8 Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with 10-19 hairs (rarely less than 13). R IV+V more than 120 µm …..Aphis pomi
Marginal tubercles usually absent from ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with 7-15 hairs (rarely more than 12). R IV+V less than 120 µm …..Aphis spiraecola
9 ANT III in aptera with about 40 rhinaria, distributed over entire length of segment. SIPH with an apical zone of polygonal reticulation …..Macrosiphum amelanchiericolens
ANT III in aptera with 1-2 rhinaria near base…..10
10SIPH of aptera dark and very long, nearly half as long as body …..Acyrthosiphon macrosiphum
SIPH of aptera about one quarter of body length, pale except sometimes at their apices…..11
11 Aptera with antennal tubercles diverging in dorsal view. SIPH wholly pale. Alata with a solid dark dorsal abdominal patch…..Ericaphis gentneri
Aptera with antennal tubercles parallel in dorsal view. SIPH often dark-tipped. Alata with dark transverse bars on dorsal abdomen, sometimes fused across segments in mid-line only …..Aulacorthum solani
Ammannia baccifera Aphis gossypii
Ammannia spp.Myzus persicae; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae

Key to aphids on Ammannia:-

SIPH and cauda both dusky to dark, with SIPH much shorter than the distance between their bases and swollen on distal half. ANT PT/BASE only 0.55-0.8 × R IV+V …..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ammi crinitumAphis fabae
A. majusAphis fabae, solanella, spiraecola; Cavariella aegopodii;
Dysaphis apiifolia, crataegi;
Hyadaphis foeniculus; Myzus ornatus, persicae
A. topaliiAphis gossypii
A. visnagaAphis fabae, spiraecola; Dysaphis crataegi

Key to aphids on Ammi:-

1Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width. Large, rather flat marginal tubercles (MTu) present on most abdominal segments, and some spinal tubercles (STu) present on posterior tergites…..2
Without this combination of characters …..3
2 Posterior hair on hind trochanter 0.24-0.56 × diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Longest spinal hair on ABD TERG 8 is 11-36 μm long. MTu usually present on abdominal segment 7…..Dysaphis apiifolia
Posterior hair on hind trochanter 0.42-1.0 × diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Longest spinal hair on ABD TERG 8 is 25-80 μm. MTu usually absent from abdominal segment 7…..Dysaphis crataegi
3ABD TERG 8 with a backwardly-directed process above the cauda. ANT PT/BASE less than 1.5…..Cavariella aegopodii
ABD TERG 8 without a supracaudal process. ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5 …..4
4SIPH swollen on distal half and about equal in length to cauda …..Hyadaphis foeniculi
IF SIPH swollen then they are much longer than cauda ….. go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ammobium alatum Brachycaudus helichrysi
Ammodendron argenteum = A. bifolium
A. bifoliumAcyrthosiphon gossypii; Aphis craccivora, gossypii
A. conollyiAcyrthosiphon gossypii; Aphis craccivora

Key to apterae on Ammodendron:-

SIPH pale, slender, 0.4-0.5 × BL and 2.8-3.4 × longer than cauda …..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
SIPH dark, 0.06-0.21 × BL and 0.8-2.5 × longer than cauda…..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 24
Ammophila (including Calammophila, Psamma) Poaceae
Ammophila arenaria Atheroides hirtellus, serrulatus; Chaetosiphella longirostris;
Forda marginata; Geoica harpazi, utricularia group;
Hyalopteroides humilis; Hyalopterus pruni;
Laingia psammae; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Schizaphis rufula; Sipha elegans, glyceriae, littoralis;
Sitobion avenae, sylvesteri; Tetraneura ulmi
A. arundinacea = A. arenaria
A. balticaTetraneura ulmi

Use key to apterae on grasses under Digitaria.

Ammophila (as Psamma) × Calamagrostis Poaceae
Laingia psammae
Amomum coccineum = Etlingera coccinea
A. gracilePseudoregma sundanica
A. subulatumPentalonia caladii, kalimpongensis

Use key to apterae on Hedychium.

Amoora see AglaiaMeliaceae
Amorpha angustifolia = A. fruticosa
A. fruticosaAphis craccivora, cytisorum, fabae; Megoura lespedezae;
Myzus persicae

Key to apterae on Amorpha:-

1SIPH pale. Head strongly spinulose, antennal tubercles with inner faces scabrous and apically convergent …..Myzus persicae
SIPH black. Head not spiculose, antennal tubercles either undeveloped or with smooth divergent inner faces…..2
2ANT longer than BL. ANT tubercles well-developed, with divergent inner faces. SIPH slightly swollen in middle. Cauda long, pale and finger-like…..Megoura lespedezae
ANT shorter than BL. ANT tubercles small or undeveloped. SIPH cylindrical/tapering. Cauda dark, tongue-shaped…..3
3Dorsal abdomen without an extensive dark sclerotic shield. Cauda with 11-24 hairs …..Aphis fabae
Dorsal abdomen usually with a dark shield. Cauda with 4-10 hairs…..4
4 R IV+V 0.88-1.16 × HT II (mostly 0.9-1.05 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2 (-3) hairs …..Aphis craccivora
– R IV+V 0.97-1.30 × HT II (mostly 1.06-1.2 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2-8 hairs (mode 4, mean 5.2)…..Aphis cytisorum
Amorphophallus konjac Aphis gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon
A. rivieri = A. konjac
A. titanumAphis gossypii
Amorphophallus sp. Neomyzus circumflexus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Amepelamus laevis Aphis nerii
Ampelocissus africana Aphis gossypii
A. robinsoniiAphis illinoisensis; Neomyzus circumflexus

Key for apterae on Ampelocissus:-

Hind legs black except at bases of femora. Fore- and mid-legs also mainly dark, except for fore femora which are contrastingly pale…..Aphis illinoisensis
Legs mainly pale or with different pigmentation …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ampelodesmos mauritanicus Rhopalosiphum padi; Sipha elegans;
Sitobion avenae, fragariae
A. tenax = A. mauritanicus

Use key to apterae on grasses under Digitaria.

A. arboreaAphis illinoisensis; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. cantoniensisGreenidea viticola
A. cordata Aphis illinoisensis
A. brevipedunculata = A. glandulosa var. brevipedunculata
A. glandulosa (incl. vars Aphis gossypii
brevipedunculata, heterophylla)
A. quinquefolia = Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Key for apterae on Ampelopsis:-

1SIPH with numerous very long hairs…..Greenidea viticola
SIPH without hairs…..2
2Hind legs black except at bases of femora. Fore- and mid-legs also mainly dark, except for fore femora which are contrastingly pale…..Aphis illinoisensis
Legs mainly pale or with different pigmentation …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ampelovitis see VitisVitaceae
Ampelygonum umbellatum Capitophorus hippophaes ssp. javanicus
Amphicarpaea (including Falcata) Fabaceae
Amphicarpaea japonica = A. bracteata ssp. edgeworthii
A. bracteata Microparsus variabilis
A. bracteata ssp. edgeworthii Aphis glycines; [Indomegoura indica];
Megoura crassicauda
A. edgeworthii = A. bracteata ssp. edgeworthii
A. monoica = A. bracteata
A. trisperma = A. bracteata ssp. edgeworthii

Key to apterae on Amphicarpaea:-

1Large (BL more than 3 mm) spindle-shaped aphid with black head, prothorax, tibiae, SIPH and cauda. SIPH somewhat swollen, with ante- and post-siphuncular sclerites at their bases. ANT III with 15-50 rhinaria…..Megoura crassicauda
BL not more than 2 mm and other characters not as above…..2
2ANT tubercles weakly developed. Cauda tongue-shaped, with sides almost parallel in dorsal view before tapering to a rounded apex. (Alata with wing veins all pale, media 2-branched and hindwing with two oblique veins)…..Aphis glycines
ANT tubercles well developed. Cauda swollen at base, then tapering to a point. (Forewing of alata with dark cubital veins and media often 1-branched, and hind wings without any oblique veins)…..Microparsus variabilis
Amphilophis see BothriochloaPoaceae
Amphilophis pertusa = Bothriochloa pertusa
Amphilophium gnaphalanthum Aphis craccivora
Amsinckia calycina Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. hispida = A. calycina
A. intermediaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Pleotrichophorus amsinckii
A. psilostachyaBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. spectabilisBrachycaudus helichrysi; Myzus persicae
Amsinckia sp.Macrosiphum euphorbiae; [Nearctaphis bakeri]

Key to aphids on Amsinckia:-

Dorsal body (including front of head and ANT I –II) bearing numerous hairs with fan-shaped or capitate apices, and arising from tuberculate bases. R IV+V extremely long, thin and tapering, 1.75-2.0 × HT II……Pleotrichophorus amsinckii
Dorsal body hairs not fan-shaped or capitate, R IV+V not very long and thin …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Amsonia tabernaemontana Aphis fabae, nasturtii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Amygdalussee PrunusRosaceae
Amygdalus dulcis = Prunus amygdalus
A. ledebouriana = Prunus nana
A. pedunculataBrachycaudus prunicola
Anabasis aphyllaBrachyunguis salsolacearum
A. salsaAphis craccivora

Use key to apterae on Salsola.

Anacampseros telephiastrum Aphis sp. (Leonard 1972a: 98)
Anacamptis coriophora Aphis fabae
A. pyramidalisAulacorthum solani

Use key to aphids on orchids under Cymbidium.

Anacantha Asteraceae
Anacantha darwasica Dysaphis kadyrovi
Anacardium Anacardiaceae
Anacardium occidentale Aphis aurantii, gossypii, odinae, spiraecola;
Brachyunguis harmalae

Key to aphids on Anacardium:-

ANT PT/BASE a little less than 1.0…..Brachyunguis harmalae
ANT PT/BASE much more than 1.0…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Anacheilium see EpidendrumOrchidaceae
Anacyclus clavatus Aphis fabae; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella tapuskae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; Protaphis terricola
A. radiatusMacrosiphoniella tapuskae
A. valentinusProtaphis terricola

Key to apterae on Anacyclus:-

1ANT PT/BASE 0.7-1.4…..Protaphis terricola
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5…..2
2Cauda short and rounded, not longer than its basal width. Spiracular apertures large and rounded…..3
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, distinctly longer than its basal width. Spiracular apertures reniform…..4
3Abdomen with a extensive dark dorsal shield. SIPH dark, imbricated, 2.1-3.4 × cauda. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes …..Brachycaudus cardui
Abdomen without dark sclerotisation. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.9-1.5 × cauda. Mesosternum without mammariform processes …..Brachycaudus helichrysi
4SIPH with subapical polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles well-developed, smooth and with inner faces divergent…..5
SIPH without polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles weakly developed, or if well-developed then scabrous and with inner faces apically convergent…..6
5SIPH very thin, thinner in middle region than hind tibiae, darker distally, with trumpet-shaped apices…..Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
SIPH thicker than hind tibiae at midlength, with only slightly flared, dusky apices …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
6SIPH and cauda black. SIPH cylindrical/tapering. Head smooth, with ANT tubercles weakly developed…..Aphis fabae
SIPH and cauda mainly pale. SIPH slightly clavate. Head spiculose with ANT tubercles scabrous and apically convergent…..Myzus persicae
Anagallis Pimpernels Primulaceae
Anagallis arvensis Aphis aurantii, craccivora, fabae, frangulae, gossypii,
nasturtii, nerii, [sambuci], solanella;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, [certus], ornatus, persicae
A.collina Aphis fabae
A. linifolia = A. monelli
A. monelli Aphis fabae, nerii; Aulacorthum solani;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. tenellaAphis nerii
Anagallis sp.[Anuraphis subterranea? (Theobald 1927; possible
confusion of “Pimpernel” and Pimpinella?)]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Anagyris foetidaAphis craccivora
Ananas comosus [Hyalopterus pruni (vagrant)]

(No polyphagous aphids have been recorded from pineapple.)

Anaphalioides bellidioides Aulacorthum solani; Myzus cymbalariae, ornatus
Anaphalis araneosa = A. busua
A. busuaBrachycaudus helichrysi; [Dysaphis atina];
Oedisiphum compositarum
A. cinnomomea = A. margaritacea
A. contortaAphis fabae, gossypii, spiraecola; Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. luteoalbum (?)Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. margaritaceaAphis fabae, [Aphis sp. (Leonard 1964: 95)];
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
[Capitophorus formosartemisiae];
Illinoia richardsi, richardsi ssp. pacifica;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus;
Uroleucon idahoense, russellae
A. nepalensisAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Uroleucon budhium
A. subalpina = A. margaritacea
A. subumbellataOedisiphum soureni
A. triplinervisAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Indomasonaphis anaphalidis;
Oedisiphum compositarum, soureni
A. velutina[Macrosiphoniella pseudoartemisiae]
A. viscidaBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. yedoensis = A. margaritacea
Anaphalis sp.[Uroleucon erigeronense]

Key to aphids on Anaphalis:-

1Tergum with extensive dark sclerotisation. R IV+V 0.17-0.24 mm long, 0.65-2.0 × SIPH and 1.4-2.6 × cauda. Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its maximum width…..2
Tergum mainly membranous. R IV+V relatively and often actually shorter. Cauda variable.….4
2SIPH 0.10-0.15 × BL and 0.9-1.5 × R IV+V. ANT PT 1.4-2.2 × R IV+V. Spiracular apertures rounded…..Brachycaudus cardui
SIPH 0.07-0.10 × BL and 0.5-0.7 × R IV+V. ANT PT 0.9-1.1 × R IV+V. Spiracular apertures reniform…..3
3 Longest hairs on ANT III 12-15 μm, shorter than ANT BD III, and longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 15-36 μm, less than 2 × ANT BD III…..Oedisiphum compositarum
Longest hairs on ANT III 18-21 μm, as long as or longer than ANT BD III, and longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 50-60 μm, more than 2 × ANT BD III …..Oedisphum soureni
4ANT tubercles undeveloped. SIPH cylindrical or tapering, only 0.05-0.25 × BL .….go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 15
ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH 0.20-0.45 × BL (0.25-0.45 if dark and cylindrical or tapering)…..5
5SIPH clearly clavate, with greatest diameter on distal half more than twice the least diameter of the ‘stem’ (Fig.34a). Cauda about 0.12 × BL and bearing 25-32 hairs .….Indomasonaphis anaphalidis
SIPH cylindrical or tapering, if slightly swollen then maximum diameter at swelling less than 1.5 × that of the ‘stem’. Cauda often longer, but if only about 0.12 × BL then with only 5-13 hairs; otherwise 0.15-0.25 × BL and bearing 7-23 hairs..…6
6ANT III without rhinaria (apt). ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.5. SIPH tapering, with a slight “S” curve, without any distal polygonal reticulation. Dorsal abdomen with an intersegmental pattern of dark ornamentation.….Myzus ornatus
ANT III (of apt) bearing 1-56 rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 4.9-7.0. SIPH tapering or slightly curved, and with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Dorsum either pale or with small dark spots (scleroites) at bases of dorsal hairs…..7
7Dorsum pale. SIPH pale at base or entirely brown, reticulated over distal 0.06-0.35. Cauda bearing 7-14 hairs. R IV+V 0.8-1.7 × HT II…..8
Dorsal abdomen with at least some hairs arising from dark scleroites. SIPH black and reticulated over distal 0.15-0.37. Cauda bearing 12-23 hairs. R IV+V 1.8-2.3 × HT II ..…10
8SIPH swollen on apical half and reticulated over distal 0.05-0.07. Cauda bearing 7 hairs.….Illinoia richardsi
SIPH cylindrical or tapering and reticulated over distal 0.12-0.35. Cauda bearing 8-14 hairs .….9
9ANT III with 1-7 rhinaria on basal 0.33. SIPH reticulated over distal 0.12-0.25 ..…Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT III with 33-39 rhinaria extending over 0.67 of length. SIPH reticulated over about distal 0.33.….Uroleucon idahoense
10SIPH 1.8-2.3 × cauda and reticulated over distal 0.15-0.21. Cauda 2.5-3.5 × HT II .….Uroleucon budhium
SIPH 1.5-1.8 × cauda and reticulated over distal 0.23-0.37. Cauda 3.5-4.5 × HT II ..…Uroleucon russellae
Ancathia igniariaProtaphis ancathiae
Anchusa arvensisAphis fabae
A. azureaAphis fabae, gossypii, symphyti, Aphis sp. (Italy; Cocuzza
et al. 2014);
Brachycaudus bicolor, helichrysi, iranicus, mordvilkoi,
Geoica anchusae
A. barrelieri = Cynoglottis barrelieri
A. capensisAulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Ovatomyzus boraginacearum
A. gmeliniiBrachycaudus virgatus
A. italica = Anchusa azurea
A. myosotidiflora = Brunnera macrophylla
A. officinalisAphis fabae, gossypii, symphyti,
[Aphis sp. (Davletshina 1964)] ;
[Uroleucon jaceae];
Brachycaudus bicolor, cardui, helichrysi, mordvilkoi,
Myzus persicae
A. pseudochroleuca Brachycaudus virgatus
A. pusillaBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. sempervirens = Pentaglottis sempervirens
A. strigosaBrachycaudus iranicus; Myzus persicae
A. undulataBrachycaudus bicolor
Anchusa spp.Macrosiphum symphyti; Neomyzus circumflexus

Key to aphids on Anchusa and Symphytum:-

1ANT PT/BASE much less than 1. Dorsal hairs with expanded, usually spatulate apices. SIPH absent…..Geoica anchusae
ANT PT/BASE much more than 1. Dorsal hairs not spatulate. SIPH present …..2
2ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of frons in dorsal view…..3
ANT tubercles well developed….12
3Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view. Spiracles large and rounded…..4
Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width in dorsal view. Spiracles reniform (i.e., apertures partially covered by sclerites)…..9
4SIPH pale or slightly dusky, less than 1.5 × cauda. R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II. Dorsal abdomen without dark sclerotization…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH pale, dusky or dark, more than 1.8 × cauda. R IV+V 1.3-2.0 × HT II. Dorsal abdomen with variably developed dark sclerotization…..5
5Dorsal abdomen with a solid black shield extending over the whole of ABD TERG 1-6 (Plate 00). ANT IV usually longer than (0.9-1.5 X) R IV+V. Never with spinal tubercles (STu) …..6
Dorsal abdomen with less extensive dark sclerotization, or if there is an extensive solid black shield then ANT IV is usually shorter than (0.4-1.1 X) R IV+V, and STu are usually present on ABD TERG 7…..7
6Longest hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 60-110 μm long. Genital plate with 25-42 hairs, of which 8-17 are on the anterior half. ANT III usually without rhinaria. (Al. with 21-35 rhinaria on ANT III and usually without, rarely with 1-2, on IV) …..Brachycaudus cardui
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 10-16 μm long. Genital plate with 16-23 hairs of which 2-5 are on anterior half. ANT III usually with 1-12 rhinaria. (Al. with 12-16 rhinaria on ANT III, and 2-3 on IV…..Brachycaudus mordvilkoi
7Dorsal abdomen with a subrectangular or suboval black patch with irregular lateral borders, centred on ABD TERG 2-4 (Fig. 9a). ANT PT/BASE 3.9-5.0. Longest hairs on ANT III more than 0.8 × BD III. Without STu…..Brachycaudus iranicus
Dorsal abdomen with transverse sclerotic bars or paired patches, rarely fused between tergites or, if more extensively sclerotised (bicolor) then ABD TERG 7 usually has STu (Fig. 9b). ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.5. Longest hairs on ANT III less than 0.4 × BD III …..8
8Broad, flat marginal tubercles (MTu) present on ABD TERG 1-7 or1-6, the more anterior ones much larger than the spiracles and occupying almost the whole of the sclerites on which they are placed (Fig. 9b). ABD TERG 7 often, and 6-8 sometimes, with STu. ANT III 1.7-2.3 × ANT IV…..Brachycaudus bicolor
MTu irregularly present on ABD TERG 2-4, sometimes also on 1 and/or 5, but never on 6 and 7, and generally smaller than the spiracles. No STu. ANT III 1.2-1.7 × ANT IV…..Brachycaudus virgatus
9 SIPH and cauda both black, the latter bearing 11-24 hairs. Dorsal abdomen usually with at least some dark markings anterior to SIPH, and always with well-developed dark cross bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8…..Aphis fabae
Cauda usually paler than SIPH (sometimes black in spring), and bearing 4-8 hairs. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings anterior to SIPH (except in alatiform specimens), and with or without cross bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8…..10
10Cauda black and bearing 5-7 hairs..…Aphis sp. (2nd generation symphyti)
Cauda paler than SIPH…..11
11R IV+V 0.12-0.16 mm (more than 0.135 mm in large specimens with SIPH 0.33-0.38mm) .….Aphis symphyti
R IV+V 0.075-0.135 mm, but only more than 0.12 mm in large specimens (SIPH 0.33-0.44 mm).. …Aphis gossypii
12SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..13
SIPH without any distinct subapical polygonal reticulation…..14
13R IV+V 0.82-1.02 × HT II, and bearing 8-11 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 6-8 hairs, maximally 21-37 μm long…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
R IV+V 1.15-1.33 × HT II, and bearing 14-17 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 7-12 hairs, 57-95 μm long…..Macrosiphum symphyti
14SIPH slightly swollen subapically, narrowing to a slight constriction before flange. PT 1.45-2.3 × ANT III. Cuticle of front of head and ANT tubercles is smooth ……Ovatomyzus boraginacearum
SIPH variable, but if slightly swollen subapically then PT 0.8-1.4 × ANT III, and cuticle of front of head and ANT tubercles is spiculose or rugose …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 4
Ancistrophyllum see Laccosperma Arecaceae
Andira inermisAphis craccivora
(incl. A.jamaicensis)
Andrachne cordifolia = Leptopus cordifolius
Andromeda Bog-Rosemary Ericaceae
Andromeda calyculata = Chamaedaphne calyculata
A. glaucophyllaAphis vaccinii; Illinoia andromedae
A. polifolia[Acyrthosiphon sp. aff. knechteli]
Aphis vaccinii; [Aulacorthum flavum];
Ericaphis latifrons, scammelli;
Illinoia azaleae, [lambersi]; Macrosiphum nasonovi
Andromeda sp.[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1964: 95)]

Key to aphids on Andromeda:-

1SIPH black, about as long as the equally dark cauda. Dorsum with a variably developed pattern of dark sclerites. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu)…..Aphis vaccinii
SIPH pale or dusky, 1.4 or more times longer than the pale cauda. Dorsum without dark markings. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu…..2
2SIPH 1.4-2.0 × cauda, often with some subapical reticulation but never more than 2-3 rows of closed cells. ANT PT/BASE 1.9-3.8. ANT tubercles weakly to moderately developed, with median frontal tubercle developed almost to same extent. ANT III without rhinaria …..3
SIPH 1.9-2.5 × cauda, with at least 4-5 rows of subapical polygonal reticulation. ANT PT/BASE 4-6. ANT tubercles well-developed, but median frontal tubercle low or undeveloped. Rhinaria present on ANT III…..4
3ANT PT/BASE 2.3-3.8. SIPH with a small flange…..Ericaphis scammelli
ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.2. SIPH with a very large flange …..Ericaphis latifrons
4 SIPH cylindrical on distal part, with reticulated subapical region not narrower. R IV+V shorter than HT II and bearing 5-7 accessory hairs. Hairs on ANT III mostly longer than 0.5 × BD III…..Macrosiphum nasonovi
SIPH swollen on distal part, narrowing to reticulated subapical region. R IV+V longer than HT II, and bearing 10-12 accessory hairs. Hairs on ANT III all or mostly shorter than 0.5 × BD III…..5
5 Posterior cephalic hairs 22-30 μm long. Longest hairs on ANT III are 0.33-0.75 × BD III …..Illinoia andromedae
Posterior cephalic hairs 6-19 μm long. Longest hairs on ANT III are 0.2-0.25 × BD III ..…Illinoia azaleae
Andropogon abyssinicus Schizaphis graminum; Sitobion graminis
A. aciculatus = Chrysopogon aciculatus
A. annulatus = Dichanthium annulatum
A. bicolor = Sorghum bicolor
A. bicornisHysteroneura setariae
A. caricosus = Dichanthium caricosum
A. cernuusSchizaphis graminum
A. contortus = Heteropogon contortus
A. durus = Saccharum strictum
A. effusum (?)Schizaphis graminum; Sipha maydis
A. elongatum = Chrysopogon elongatus
A. gayanusAphis gossypii
A. gerardiiSchizaphis graminum; Sitobion avenae
A. glomeratusHysteroneura setariae; Tetraneura akinire
A. gracilisTetraneura akinire
A. gryllus = Chrysopogon gryllus
A. halliiTetraneura akinire
A. hirtus = Hyparrhenia hirta
A. intermedius = Bothriochloa bladhii
A. ischaemum = Bothriochloa ischaemum
A. lividusSitobion graminis
A. nardus = Cymbopogon nardus
A. pertusus = Bothriochloa pertusa
A. scoparius = Schizachyrium scoparium
A. reinoldii = A. glomeratus
A. tectorumTetraneura akinire
Andropogon spp.Atheroides hirtellus; Forda orientalis; Geoica sp.;
Pseudoregma panicola; Sitobion miscanthi, yakini

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Androsace Rock-Jasmine Primulaceae
Androsace alpinaNasonovia brevipes
A. sarmentosaAulacorthum solani
A. sempervivoidesThecabius(Parathecabius) auriculae
Androsace sp.Myzus ornatus

Key to apterae on Androsace:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.3. SIPH absent …..Thecabius (Parathecabius) auriculae
ANT PT/BASE 2.4-5.7. SIPH present, tubular…..2
2ANT III with 22-26, IV with 7-9 rhinaria. SIPH c.3 × HT II. Cuticle of head not spiculose, with inner faces of ANT tubercles smooth and divergent …..Nasonovia brevipes
Without that combination of characters …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Andryala glandulosa ssp. Nasonovia ribisnigri; [Uroleucon picridis]
A. integrifoliaAphis fabae, gossypii, pernilleae;
Aulacorthum solani; Hyperomyzus lactucae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Nasonovia ribisnigri; Protaphis terricola;
Uroleucon [cichorii], mierae, [picridis]
A. pinnatifidaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Nasonovia ribisnigri; Uroleucon mierae
A. ragusinaAphis fabae, pernilleae;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Nasonovia ribisinigri; Protaphis terricola;
Uroleucon [cichorii], mierae
A. sinuata = A. integrifolia
A. varia = A. glandulosa ssp. cheiranthifolia

Key to aphids on Andryala:-

1 Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view, with 5-8 hairs. Spiracular apertures broadly rounded…..2
Cauda tongue- or finger-like, longer than basal width, or if short and bluntly triangular then with 10 or more hairs. Spiracular apertures reniform…..3
2 Abdomen with a extensive dark dorsal shield. SIPH dark, imbricated, 2.1-3.4 × cauda. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes …..Brachycaudus cardui
Abdomen without dark sclerotisation. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.9-1.5 × cauda. Mesosternum without mammariform processes…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
3 ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of frons in dorsal view. Marginal tubercles (MTu) always present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..4
ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces parallel or divergent in dorsal view. If MTu are present these are not on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..7
4ANT PT/BASE 0.7-1.4…..Protaphis terricola
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5…..5
5Cauda as black as SIPH, and bearing 11-27 hairs…..Aphis fabae
Cauda somewhat paler than SIPH, and bearing 4-8 hairs…..6
6 Antennae always 5-segmented. Longest hair on ANT III less than 0.5 × BD III. R IV+V more than 1.5 × HT II…..Aphis pernilleae
Antennae usually 6-segmented, sometimes 5–segmented in small specimens. Longest hair on ANT III more than 0.5 × BD III. R IV+V less than 1.5 × HT II …..Aphis gossypii
7 ANT and SIPH black, and legs brown-black on distal parts of femora and tibiae. Dorsal hairs all arising from dark scleroites, and pre- and post-siphuncular sclerites present …..Uroleucon mierae
ANT and SIPH not wholly black, and legs mainly pale. Dorsal hairs not arising from scleroites, and pre- and post-siphuncular sclerites absent…..8
8. SIPH slightly to markedly clavate…..9
SIPH tapering or cylindrical…..10
9. SIPH markedly clavate. Head smooth, with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. ANT III with 5-29 rhinaria…..Hyperomyzus lactucae
SIPH slightly clavate. Head spiculose, with inner faces of antennal tubercles apically convergent. ANT III without rhinaria…..Myzus persicae
10. ANT PT/BASE 7.0-11.4. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of intersegmental dark markings…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
ANT PT/BASE 3.4-6.2. Dorsal abdomen without a pattern of intersegmental dark markings …..11
11. Inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel in dorsal view. SIPH less than 0.25 × BL and without any polygonal reticulation…..Aulacorthum solani
Inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. SIPH more than 0.25 × BL, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Aneilema keisak = Murdannia keisak
Aneilema sp.[Dysaphis emicis]; [Myzus indicus]
Anemarrhena asphodeloides Sitobion akebiae
Anemia adiantifolia Idiopterus nephrelepidis; Neomyzus circumflexus

Key to aphids on Anemia :-

Dorsal abdomen without a dark patch. SIPH with basal 0.3 black, contrasting with distal 0.7. Cauda black. Dorsal hairs with fan-shaped apices, and arising from tuberculate bases…..Idiopterus nephrelepidis
Dorsal abdomen with a large, roughly U-shaped dark patch. SIPH and cauda pale. Dorsal hairs very short and inconspicuous…..Neomyzus circumflexus
Anemone canadensis Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. chinensisRhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. coronariaAphis triglochinis; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
A. cylindricaNeomyzus circumflexus
A. dichotomaAphis gossypii
A. flavescensAphis gossypii
A. halleriAulacorthum solani; Myzus ascalonicus
A. hupehensis[Thecabius anemoni]
A. hupehensis var. japonica = A. scabiosa
A. japonica = A. scabiosa
A. montana Aphis montanicola
A. narcissifloraMyzus ornatus
A. narcissiflora var. monantha [Macrosiphum chukotense]
A. nemorosa[Jacksonia papillata]
A. pratensisAphis montanicola; Myzus ascalonicus
A. pulsatilla Aphis montanicola; Myzus ascalonicus
A. rivularisAcyrthosiphon malvae group; Aphis spiraecola;
[Ericolophium takahashii];
[Capitophorus carduinus, elaeagni]
A. scabiosaAphis fabae; [Longicaudus trirhodus]
A. slavica Aphis montanicola
A. sylvestrisAphis montanicola
A. virginianaAulacorthum solani
Anemone spp.Aphis fabae; [Amphorophora japonica];
Himalayaphis anemones; [Illinoia davidsoni];

Combined key to aphids on Anemone and Pulsatilla:-

1 ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of frons in dorsal view. Marginal tubercles (MTu) always present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..2
ANT tubercles well developed. MTu usually absent from ABD TERG 1 and 7 …..8
2 SIPH pale or dusky, darker at apices, only about 0.1 × BL and 0.7-1.3 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.8…..Aphis triglochinis
SIPH wholly dark, 0.12-0.26 × BL and 0.9-2.6 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.5-3.2 …..3
3 Longest hair on ANT III 0.2-0.6 × BD III. Marginal hair on ABD TERG 1 is 0.2-0.9 × diameter of adjacent marginal tubercle (MTu). ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.25 …..4
Longest hair on ANT III 0.5-2.2 × BD III. Marginal hair on ABD TERG 1 is 0.7-2.8 × diameter of adjacent MTu. ANT PT/BASE 1.9-3.2…..6
4MTu usually present on ABD TERG 2-4 as well as 1 and 7. Antennae 5-segmented …..Aphis pulsatillaephaga
MTu only sporadically present on ABD TERG 2-4. Antennae 6-segmented …..5
5 R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II. SIPH 1.3-1.9 × cauda…..Aphis montanicola
R IV+V 1.4-1.7 × HT II. SIPH 1.75-2.25 × cauda…..Aphis pulsatillicola
6 SIPH darker than cauda which bears 4-8 hairs. Femoral hairs mostly short…..Aphis gossypii
SIPH and cauda both black, the latter bearing 6- (usually at least 9)-24 hairs. Femora bearing many long, fine hairs…..7
7 ANT III 0.9-1.2 × cauda, which usually has a distinct midlength constriction and bears 6-15 (usually 9-11) hairs. Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings …..Aphis spiraecola
ANT III 1.2-1.9 × cauda which is usually without any constriction and bears 11-24 hairs. Dorsal abdomen usually with scattered dark markings anterior to SIPH and dark cross-bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8…..Aphis fabae
8 Dorsal body hairs capitate, and arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH markedly inflated on distal half. BL more than 4 mm…..Himalayaphis anemones
Dorsal body hairs blunt or pointed, not arising from tuberculate bases. If SIPH are markedly inflated then BL is less than 2.5 mm…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Anethum foeniculum Cavariella aegopodii
A. graveolens Aphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii;
Cavariella aegopodii, archangelicae, konoi, theobaldi;
Dysaphis apiifolia, [crataegi], foeniculus;
Hyadaphis coriandri, foeniculi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Semiaphis heraclei, [horvathi]
Anethum spp.Dysaphis apiifolia; Hyadaphis anethi
Key to aphids on Anethum:-
1 ABD TERG 8 with a posteriorly projecting process above cauda …..Cavariella spp.; use couplets 2-14 of key to apterae on Angelica
No supracaudal process…..2
2 Cauda dark, helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view…..3
Cauda pale or dusky, clearly longer than its basal width…..4
3 SIPH 2.5-3.5 times longer than their basal width, and 15-25 times as long as the very short, blunt and inconspicuous hairs on front of head…..Dysaphis apiifolia
SIPH short and broad-based, rarely more than twice as long as their basal widths, and 2.5-5.0 times as long as the long and fine hairs on front of head …..Dysaphis foeniculus
4 SIPH dark, tapering from base to flange…..5
SIPH pale or dusky, clavate or tapering…..7
5 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid black sclerite centred on ABD TERG 4-5. Cauda black, rather pointed, with 4-7 hairs…..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without and extensive black sclerite. Cauda if black then with more hairs…..6
6 Dorsal abdomen with some dark markings. Cauda black, with 11-24 hairs. Femora with many long fine hairs…..Aphis fabae
Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings. Cauda pale or dusky, with 4-8 hairs. Femoral hairs mostly short…..Aphis gossypii
7 SIPH very small and flangeless, only about 0.5 × cauda, with aperture slanted towards mid-line…..Semiaphis heraclei
SIPH 0.64-2.7 × cauda…..8
8 SIPH 0.64-1.4 × cauda. ANT tubercles not developed…..9
SIPH 1.7-2.7 × cauda. ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces apically convergent…..11
9 SIPH 0.64-0.82 × cauda, 0.9-1.6 × R IV+V and 1.6-2.7 × longer than minimum diameter on basal half…..Hyadaphis coriandri
SIPH 0.88-1.4 × cauda, 1.7-3.1 × R IV+V and 3-5 × longer than their minimum diameter on basal half…..10
10 ANT 5- or 6-segmented. ABD TERG 2-5 with rather large, flat marginal tubercles (MTu), with diameter greater than length of nearest hairs. (Alata with 3-8 secondary rhinaria on ANT V) …..Hyadaphis anethi
ANT almost always 6-segmented. Small MTu only occasionally present on ABD TERG 4-5. (Alata with 0-2 secondary rhinaria on ANT V) …..Hyadaphis foeniculi
11 Head smooth with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Head spiculose/nodulose with ANT tubercles apically convergent. SIPH without any subapical polygonal reticulation…..12
12 Dorsum with extensive dark sclerotisation, including a roughly horseshoe-shaped dorsal abdominal patch and paired large dark patches on thorax …..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsum without extensive dark sclerotisation…..13
13 SIPH slightly clavate. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.5. Dorsal abdomen unmarked …..Myzus persicae
SIPH tapering, with a slight “S”-shape. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. Dorsal abdomen with an intersegmental pattern of dark ornamentation…..Myzus ornatus
Aneurolepidium see LeymusPoaceae
Angelica acutiloba Aphis spiraecola; Cavariella japonica; [Hyadaphis albus];
Semiaphis heraclei
A. anomalaCavariella konoi
A. archangelica[Anuraphis subterranea];
(incl. ssp. litoralis) Aphis fabae, [folsomii], solanella, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani;
Cavariella aegopodii, archangelicae, konoi, pastinacae,
Dysaphis angelicae, apiifolia, [lauberti],
newskyi ssp. ossiannilssoni;
Hyadaphis foeniculi; [Macrosiphum chukotense]
A. atropurpureaAphis fabae; Cavariella aegopodii, pastinacae;
Hyadaphis foeniculi
A. cinctaAphis fabae, odinae;
Cavariella heraclei, japonica, nipponica, oenanthi;
Myzus persicae
A. dahuricaAphis fabae;
Cavariella angelicae, heraclei, japonica, konoi, oenanthi,
Semiaphis heraclei
A. decurrens[Aphis schilderi];
Cavariella [bunii], archangelicae, pastinacae;
Dysaphis [malidauci], newskyi ssp. ossianilssoni,
tschildarensis ssp. tuberculata;
Hyadaphis coriandri; Semiaphis sphondylii
A. decursivaAphis angelicae, gossypii;
Cavariella angelicae, japonica, [kamtshatica], oenanthi,
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Paramyzus heraclei ssp. similis; Semiaphis heraclei
A. edulisSemiaphis heraclei
A. genuflexaCavariella aegopodii, konoi; Semiaphis heraclei
A. gigasCavariella japonica, konoi; Semiaphis heraclei
A. gmeliniiAphis fabae, gossypii; Cavariella nipponica;
Semiaphis heraclei
A. hendersoniiAphis asclepiadis
A. japonicaSemiaphis heraclei
A. litoralis see archangelica
A. lucidaAphis asclepiadis
A. maximowiczii Cavariella salicicola
A. polymorpha[Aphis heraclicola, rumicis];
Cavariella [aquatica], japonica
A. pubescensCavariella angelicae; Paramyzus heraclei ssp. similis
A. pyrenaica (?)Cavariella aegopodii
A. rosifolia (?)Hyadaphis passerinii
A. sachalinensisAphis fabae, [odinae];
Cavariella japonica, heraclei, nipponica, oenanthi;
Paramyzus heraclei ssp. similis; Semiaphis heraclei;
A. sinensisCavariella largispiracula; [Dysaphis angelicophaga];
[Sappaphis angelicograstis]
A. sylvestrisAphis fabae, gossypii, [grosmannae], spiraecola;
Cavariella aegopodii, angelicae, archangelicae, [cicutae],
konoi, pastinacae, theobaldi;
[Coloradoa angelicae];
Dysaphis angelicae, foeniculus, newskyi ssp. ossiannilssoni;
Hyadaphis foeniculi, passerinii; Semiaphissphondylii
A. tomentosaAphis asclepiadis, [cari], sambuci
A. ursinaCavariella angelicae, [kamtshatica], oenanthi
A. viridifloraAphis gossypii
Angelica spp.Aphis aurantii, [thaspii]; Cavariella salicis

Key to aphids on Angelica:-

1 ABD TERG 8 with a posteriorly projecting process above cauda; in some species this is reduced to a small, warty, knob in the centre of ABD TERG 8, with 2 associated hairs (Figs 10f-i) …..2
No supracaudal process, nor are there 2 hairs on ABD TERG 8 close together and associated with a warty knob…..15
2 SIPH clavate; swollen on distal half to at least 1.2 × narrowest part of basal half (Figs.10a-d)…..3
SIPH tapering or cylindrical, or with slight subapical swelling (e.g. Fig.10e) …..9
3 ANT PT/BASE 0.6-1.33…..4
ANT PT/BASE 1.35-4.0…..7
4R IV+V 1.3-1.5 × HT II…..Cavariella nipponica
R IV+V 0.7-1.2 × HT II…..5
5 R IV+V 1.05-1.2 × HT II. SIPH short and stout, narrowing only near base (Fig. 10a)…..Cavariella salicicola
R IV+V 0.75-1.04 × HT II. SIPH with narrower basal stem extending over 0.3-0.5 of length (Figs 10 b-d)…..6
6 SIPH coarsely imbricated, and markedly swollen on distal part, with maximum diameter of swollen part about twice minimum diameter near base, and 0.64-0.73 × R IV+V (based on apt. from Salix)…..Cavariella salicis
SIPH moderately imbricated, less swollen, maximum diameter of swollen part less than 0.64 × R IV+V (Fig. 10b)…..Cavariella aegopodii
7ANT PT/BASE 2.6-4.0…..Cavariella pastinacae
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0…..8
8 SIPH 0.98-1.1 × head width across (and including) eyes, and 6.7-8.7 × maximum width of swollen part (Fig. 10c). Length of supracaudal process at least 1.6 × maximum width of swollen part of SIPH (Fig. 10f). (Al. with a complete black band on ABD TERG 6) …..Cavariella archangelicae
SIPH 0.8-1.01 (-1.07) × head width across eyes, and 5.0-7.3 × maximum width of swollen part (Fig. 10d). Length of supracaudal process less than 1.5 × maximum width of swollen part of SIPH.(Fig.10g) (Al. with a pair of roundish dark marks on ABD TERG 6) …..Cavariella konoi
9 Supracaudal process reduced, distinctly shorter than ANT II (e.g. Fig.10 h, i) …..10
Supracaudal process at least as long as ANT II…..14
10 Femoral hairs numerous, long and fine, longer than 0.5 × width of hind femur …..11
Femoral hairs sparse, short and rigid, shorter than 0.5 × width of hind femur …..12
11 Head and cauda dark, tergum with variably developed dark markings. Secondary rhinaria sometimes present on ANT III-V or IV-V (of aptera) …..Cavariella oenanthi
Head and cauda pale, tergum without dark markings. Antennae (of aptera) without secondary rhinaria…..Cavariella sapporoensis
12 BL 1.5-2.4 mm. Tergum pigmented, and with nodulose ornamentation. SIPH 2.7-3.0 × cauda, which bears 6-8 hairs. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II…..Cavariella japonica
BL 2.6-3.1 mm. Tergum pale, smooth. SIPH more than 3 × cauda, which bears 9-16 hairs. R IV+V either 1.2-1.3 × or 1.6-2.0 × HT II…..13
13R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II…..Cavariella largispiracula
R IV+V 1.6-2.0 × HT II….. Cavariella heraclei
14Antennae 5-segmented…..Cavariella angelicae
Antennae 6-segmented…..Cavariella theobaldi
15 SIPH very small, much shorter and thinner than cauda (Figs.10j-k)…..16
SIPH almost as thick as and/or as long as, or longer than, cauda…..17
16 Cauda triangular in dorsal view. SIPH about twice (1.8-2.2) times as long as their diameter at midlength (Fig.10j)…..Semiaphis sphondylii
Cauda tongue shaped, with rounded apex. SIPH 1.0-1.8 × their diameter at midlength (Fig.10k)…..Semiaphis heraclei
17 Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..18
Cauda tongue-shaped, at least 1.2 × longer than its basal width in dorsal view …..23
18 Cauda with 9-13 hairs…..Dysaphis angelicophaga*
Cauda with 4-6 hairs…..19
19 Dorsal abdominal hairs very short and blunt, 0.25-0.65 × ANT BD III and not arising from pigmented scleroites…..20
Dorsal abdominal hairs mostly longer than ANT BD III and many of them arising from pigmented scleroites…..21
20 Hairs on ANT III distinctly longer and with more acute apices than those on ABD TERG 2 and 3. ANT III, and usually IV also, with many secondary rhinaria (in apt.)…..Dysaphis newskyi ssp. ossiannilssoni
Hairs on ANT III short and blunt, like those on ABD TERG 2 and 3. ANT of apt. without secondary rhinaria (but these may be present in alatiform apt. with strongly sclerotised thorax)…..Dysaphis apiifolia
21 Spinal tubercles (STu) present on head and all ABD TERG, except sometimes 3 and 4. MTu on ABD TERG 7 as well as 1-5. SIPH coarsely imbricated…..Dysaphis tschildarensis ssp. tuberculata*
STu at most present on head and ABD TERG 7-8 or 8. MTu on ABD TERG 1-5 only. SIPH only moderately imbricated…..22
22 SIPH more than 2 × their basal widths, 1.0-1.4 × R IV+V and 0.083-0.12 × BL …..Dysaphis angelicae
SIPH less than 2 × their basal widths, 0.75-1.1 × R IV+V and 0.06-0.077 × BL …..Dysaphis foeniculus
23 SIPH tapering or cylindrical…..24
SIPH slightly to moderately swollen or clavate…..26
24 ANT 5-segmented, with PT/BASE c.1.3. Rostrum very long, reaching back beyond bases of SIPH, which are long, thin, and rather pale. Cauda short and rounded. Prothorax and ABD TERG 1-5 (but not 7?) with well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu)…..Aphis angelicae*
ANT usually 6-segmented, with PT/BASE more than 1.4. Rostrum much shorter, SIPH pale or dark, cauda tongue-shaped. MTu present or absent…..25
25ABD TERG 1-7 or 1-5 and 7 with well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu) …..Aphis grosmannae
MTu only regularly present on ABD TERG 1 and 7, with occasionally small ones on some other segments..…go to key to polyphagous aphids
26 SIPH dark and 0.6-1.4 × cauda. ANT tubercles undeveloped. ANT PT/BASE 1.2-3.2…..27
SIPH pale and 2.5-3.0 × cauda. ANT tubercles well developed. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-5.7…..29
27 SIPH 0.64-0.82 × cauda, 0.9-1.6 × R IV+V and 1.6-2.7 × their minimum diameter on basal half…..Hyadaphis coriandri
SIPH 0.85-1.4 × cauda, 1.7-3.1 × R IV+V and 3-5 × longer than their minimum diameter on basal half…..28
28 Prosternal sclerite 1.36-2.6 × wider than long, often convex posteriorly. SIPH 1.05-1.4 × cauda. (Al. often with sec. rhinaria on ANT V)…..Hyadaphis foeniculi
Prosternal sclerite 2.2-3.6 × wider than long, with posterior margin often straight. SIPH 0.85-1.2 × cauda. (Al. rarely with sec. rhinaria on ANT V) …..Hyadaphis passerinii
29ANT III with 4-15 rhinaria on basal half. ANT PT/BASE 5.0-5.7 …..Paramyzus heraclei
ANT III without rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.5…..Myzus persicae
Angianthus tomentosus Aphis gossypii
Angraecum sp.Cerataphis orchidearum