(in alphabetical order)







































































Psamma see AmmophilaPoaceae
Psammisia macrophylla Myzus persicae
Psathyrostachys juncea Sipha maydis
Psedera see ParthenocissusVitaceae
Pseudabutilon see AbutilonMalvaceae
Ps. polystachyaCeratovacuna lanigera; Pseudoregma panicola
Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.
Pseudelephantopus see Elephantopus Asteraceae
Ps. atropurpureum Aphis gossypii
Pseudocydonia see ChaenomelesRosaceae
Pseudocydonia sinensis = Chaenomeles sinensis
Pseudofumaria lutea Aphis craccivora, fabae; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pseudognaphalium bioletti Illinoia richardsi; Uroleucon russellae
Ps. brachypterum Uroleucon ambrosiae
Ps. californicumUroleucon russellae
Ps. inornatumUroleucon ambrosiae, gnaphalii
Ps. microcephalum Uroleucon russellae
Ps. obtusifoliumAphis spiraecola; Uroleucon pseudoambrosiae
Use key to apterae on Gnaphalium.
Pseudolinosyris grimmii Macrosiphoniella aizhanae, Macrosiphoniella
(Asterobium) aktaschica;
Uroleucon asterophagum

(Use key to apterae on Aster.)

Pseudolysimachion see Veronica Plantaginaceae
Pseudopanax lessonii Aphis gossypii; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pseudosasa cantorii Chucallis bambusicola
Ps. japonica[Ceratovacuna multiglandula]; Melanaphis bambusae;
Paracolopha morrisoni; Sitobion miscanthi;
Takecallis arundicolens, arundinariae
Pseudosasa sp. Takecallis alba

Use key to aphids on Bambusa.

Pseudoscleropodium purum Jacksonia papillata; Muscaphis escherichi, musci;
Pseudocaudella rubida

Use key to apterae of moss-feeding aphids under Polytrichum.

Pseudosophora see SophoraFabaceae
Pseudostellaria jamesiana Aphis fabae
Pseudotsuga Pinaceae
Pseudotsuga macrocarpa Cinara pseudotsugae, splendens; Essigella californica
P. menziesii (=Ps. taxifolia) Douglas-Fir
Adelges cooleyi, coweni; [Aphis fabae];
Cinara commatula, [curvipes], [dubia], [osborni],
pseudotaxifoliae, pseudotsugae, splendens,
[taxifoliae], vagabunda;
Elatobium abietinum; Essigella californica, wilsoni;
[Mindarus abietinus];
Pachypappa rosettei, tremulae, vesicalis;
Prociphilus americanus (?), xylostei
P. mucronata = Ps. menziesii
Pseudotsuga sp.[Cinara occidentalis]

Key to aphids on Pseudotsuga:-

1 Adult females without chitinous ovipositor (viviparous)…..2
Adult females with chitinous ovipositor…..13
2 SIPH absent. Eyes of 3 facets…..3
SIPH present as pores or pigmented hairy cones. Eyes multi-facetted…..7
3 Antenna with hairs longer than basal diameter of ANT III. R IV+V with about 20 accessory hairs. Head with wax pore plates. Cauda dark, protruberant, with many long hairs …..Prociphilus americanus
Antenna with hairs shorter than basal diameter of ANT III. R IV+V 0-6 accessory hairs. Head without wax pore plates. Cauda not protruberant, with a few short hairs …..4
4 R IV+V with 4-6 accessory hairs, and without a pale subapical zone …..Prociphilus xylostei
R IV+V without any accessory hairs, and with a pale subapical zone…..5
5 Hairs on HT I thick and usually spine-like, with short or blunt apices (fig. 66C) …..Pachypappa vesicalis
Hairs on HT I small and thin, or if thick basally then with finely-pointed apices …..6
6 Hairs on HT I and apical dorsal hairs on HT II very small, 4-8 µm long, with abrupt apices. Segment I of fore tarsus usually with 2 hairs; if a third middle hair is present then it is longer than the lateral hairs…..Pachypappa rosettei*
Hairs on HT I and apical dorsal hairs on HT II longer, 10-15 µm, with finely-pointed apices. Segment I of fore tarsus almost always with 3 hairs, and with the middle hair shorter and blunter than the lateral hairs (fig. 66A) …..Pachypappa tremulae
7 Body elongate. Antenna 5-segmented. R V very short…..8
Body oval. Antenna 6-segmented. R V elongate…..9
8 Second tarsal segments mostly dusky to dark. ANT PT at least 0.5 × diameter of rhinarium on ANT V. R IV+V 0.07-0.10 mm. Tarsal claws with distinctly bifurcate apices …..Essigella californica
Second tarsal segments mainly pale, sometimes dusky on distal third. Primary rhinarium on ANT V exceptionally distal, so that length of PT is greatly reduced, less than 0.5 × diameter of rhinarium. R IV+V 0.04-0.07 mm. Tarsal claws with apices double but not distinctly bifurcate…..wilsoni
9 SIPH pores on broad pigmented conical bases 0.4 mm or more in diameter. (Antennal hairs numerous, 80 µm or more long; hind tibial hairs 100-150 µm long) …..Cinara commatula*
SIPH cones very small, with pigmented area less than 0.2 mm in diameter ….10
10 All tibiae almost wholly pale, except that hind tibiae have contrastingly black apices …..Cinara splendens
At least hind tibia dark or shading to dark over distal third or more of length …..11
11 Longest abdominal hairs more than 100 µm long, longer than hairs on dorsal side of hind tibia which are about 80 µm long…..Cinara vagabunda*
Longest abdominal hairs less than 100 µm long or, if longer, then they are shorter than longest hairs on dorsal side of hind tibia…..12
12 Longest hairs on dorsal side of hind tibia 90-160 µm. Length of sclerotised part of stylet groove 0.8-1.0 mm…..Cinara pseudotsugae
Longest hairs on dorsal side of hind tibia 50-75 µm. Length of sclerotised part of stylet groove 1.1-1.5 mm…..Cinara pseudotaxifoliae
13 Alatae (sexuparae) with large dorsal wax gland plates having numerous rather large pores….Adelges (Gilletteella) cooleyi
Alatae (gynoparae) with reduced dorsal wax gland plates having rather small pores….Adelges (Gilletteella) coweni
Psiadia arabica = Ps. punctulata
Ps. punctulataBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Psidium Guava Myrtaceae
Psidium cattleianum Greenidea psidii
Ps. friedrichsthalianum Greenidea psidii
Ps. guajavaAphis aurantii, craccivora, eugeniae, gossypii, [nasturtii],
Greenidea [decaspermi], ficicola, psidii;
[Mollitrichosiphum nandii];
Myzus ornatus, persicae; [Pentalonia nigronervosa];
[Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale]

Key to apterae on Psidium:-

1 SIPH without hairs…..use key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 2
SIPH with numerous long hairs…..2
2 SIPH with reticulation only at base…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) psidii
SIPH with a pattern of pale reticulation extending over almost their entire length …..Greenidea ficicola
Psila spartioides[Aphis craccivora]; Uroleucon essigi, macolai, tucumani

Use key to apterae on Baccharis.

Psilopogon see MicrostegiumPoaceae
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Aphis craccivora
Psoralea bituminosa = Bituminaria bituminosa
Ps. corylifolia = Cullen corylfolium
Ps. drupacea = Cullen drupaceum
Ps. lanceolata [Acyrthosiphon sp. (Idaho, Washington; A. Jensen colln]
Ps. macrostachya = Hoita macrostachya

(Use key to apterae on Caragana.)

Psoralidium see PsoraleaFabaceae
Psoralidium lanceolatum = Psoralea lanceolata
Psychilis atropurpurea Aphis spiraecola
Psychotria (including Ipecacuahna, Mapouria, Rubiaceae
Rudgea, Straussia)
Psychotria alba[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1972a:102)]
Ps. coronata Aphis gossypii
Ps. grandisAphis gossypii, spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Ps. pubescensAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Ptarmica see AchilleaAsteraceae
Ptarmica salicifolia = Achillea salicifolia
Pt. speciosa = Achillea cartilaginea
Pt. vulgaris = Achillea ptarmica
Ptelea trifoliataAphis fabae; [Mesocallis pteleae]; [Sipha maydis]
Pteleopsis anisoptera Paoliella pteleopsidis
Pteranthus dichotomus Aphis craccivora
Pteretis see MatteucciaWoodsiaceae
Pteridium aquilinum Amphorophora ampullata, ampullata ssp. bengalensis;
(incl. var. latiusculum) Aphis gossypii, . nasturtii, [pteridisaquilinoides
Rafinesque (invalid);
Gibbomyzus pteridophytorum; Idiopterus nephrelepidis;
Macrosiphum clydesmithi, dryopteridis, osmaroniae,
ptericolens, pteridis, rhamni;
Mastopoda pteridis; Shinjia orientalis
Pt. caudatumAphis aurantii, gossypii;
Macrosiphum cyatheae, ptericolens
Pt. esculentumShinjia orientalis
Pt. latiusculum = Pt. aquilinum
Pt. revolutumShinjia orientalis
Pteridium sp.Aulacorthum solani; Macromyzella polypodicola

Use key to fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium.

Pteris aquilina = Pteridium aquilinum
Pt. childsiiIdiopterus nephrelepidis
Pt. creticaIdiopterus nephrelepidis
Pt. ensiformisMicromyzus niger
Pt. longifoliaMicromyzodium filicium
Pt. ovalifolia (?)Shinjia orientalis
Pt. ovata = Pellaea ovata
Pt. pancheriIdiopteris nephrelepidis
Pt. tremulaIdiopterus nephrelepidis
Pt. vittataIdiopterus nephrelepidis; Micromyzella filicis
Pteris spp.Amphorophora ampullata ssp. bengalensis;
Macrosiphum rhamni;
[Eriosoma longipilosum (vagr. alate sexupara)]

Use key to fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium.

Pterocarpus Fabaceae
Pterocarpus soyauxiiAfrican Padouk, Camwood
Aphis aurantii, craccivora

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pterocarya Wing-nuts Juglandaceae
Pterocarya fraxinifolaCaucasian Wing-nut
[Chromaphis californica];
[Eucarrazia caucasica Aizenberg, 1956];
[Monelliopsis bisetosa]; (all probably vagrants)
Pt. rhoifoliaJapanese Wing-nut
Kurisakia ailanthi ssp. sawagarumii, onigurumii;
Myzus persicae; Prociphilus oriens; Stomaphis pterocaryae
Pt. stenopteraChinese Wing-nut
Aphis fabae; Dasyaphis mirabilis;
Kurisakia onigurumii (?); [Tinocallis insularis]
Pterocarya sp.[Anoecia japonica]; Kurisakia indica

Key to aphids on Pterocarya spp.:-

1 SIPH tubular. ANT PT/BASE much more than 1 …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
SIPH broadly conical, pore-like or absent. ANT PT/BASE less than 1…..2
2 Apterae flattened, cimicoid, with 3-segmented antennae. Dorsum with variably developed finger-like hair-bearing processes, sometimes absent. Cauda knobbed, anal plate divided deeply into two triangular lobes…..Dasyaphis mirabilis
Apterae with 5- or 6-segmented antennae, body without long processes. Cauda rounded, anal plate entire…..3
3 Rostrum longer than body…..Stomaphis pterocaryae
Rostrum much shorter than body…..4
4 SIPH as large pores on shallow cones, ringed with long hairs. Alata with 5-segmented antennae and media of forewing once-branched…..Kurisakia sp(p).
SIPH absent. Alata with 6-segmented antennae and media unbranched …..Prociphilus oriens
Pteroceltis tatarinowii Shivaphis pteroceltis
Pterocephalus lasiospermus Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Pterocypsela formosana Uroleucon formosanum
Pt. indicaAulacorthum solani; Hyperomyzus carduellinus, lactucae;
Uroleucon formosanum, hasanicum, lactucicola, picridis,
Pt. laciniata[Aphis lactucae Shinji 1922];
Uroleucon formosanum, lactucicola

Use key to apterae on Lactuca.

Pterolobium punctatum Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Pterolobium sp.Aphis craccivora
Pterospermum Sterculiaceae
Pterospermum spp. Cervaphis schouteniae; Eutrichosiphum subinoyi

Key to apterae on Pterospermum:-

Body with very long, branched, hair-bearing marginal processes. SIPH cylindrical with sparse hairs…..Cervaphis schouteniae
Body without long branched hair-bearing processes. SIPH swollen, with numerous long hairs…..Eutrichosiphum subinoye
Pterostylis Orchidaceae
Pterostylis sp.Aphis craccivora
Pterostyrax Styracaceae
Pterostyrax corymbosus Myzus persicae
Pterotheca see CrepisAsteraceae
Pterotheca marschalliana = Crepis sancta ssp. obovata
Ptilium crista-castrensis Muscaphis escherichi

(or use key to apterae of moss-feeding aphids under Polytrichum)

Ptiloria see StephanomeriaAsteraceae
Ptilostemon aferBrachycaudus cardui
Pt. casabonaeAphis fabae
Pt. strictusAphis fabae, Brachycaudus helichrysi

Key to apterae on Ptilostemon:-

Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view. Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid black shield…..Brachycaudus cardui
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ptilotrichum Brassicaceae
Ptilotrichum canescens Smiela mongolica

Use key under Alyssum.

Ptychosperma Arecaceae
Ptychosperma elegans Cerataphis brasiliensis
Pt. macarthurii Cerataphis brasiliensis
Ptychotis saxifraga Defractosiphon brevisiphon; Dysaphis apiifolia

Couplet for apterae of these two species:-

SIPH very short, mammariform or conical, shorter than basal width, with a small subapical aperture; 0.12-0.2 × cauda, which is digitiform …..Defractosiphon brevisiphon
SIPH tapering/cylindrical, c.2 or more × cauda which is helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width…..Dysaphis apiifolia

(Or try key to apterae on Seseli.)

Puccinellia (including Atropis)Poaceae
Puccinellia distans Atheroides brevicornis; Forda hirsuta;
Paracletus cimiciformis; Sipha elegans;
Sitobion avenae; Tetraneura ulmi
P. giganteaForda formicaria, marginata, orientalis
P. maritimaAploneura lentisci; Atheroides brevicornis, serrulatus;
Forda formicaria; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha elegans, glyceriae, littoralis
Puccinellia sp.Forda marginata
Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.
P. javanica = P. phaseoloides var. javanica
P. lobata = P. montana var. lobata
P. montana var. lobata Aphis craccivora, glycines
P. phaseoloides (incl. var. Aphis craccivora, glycines
P. thunbergiana = P. montana var. lobata

Use key to apterae on Glycine.

Pulicaria crispaAphis gossypii;
Brachyunguis/Xerobion sp. (North Yemen, BMNH
Capitophorus inulae
P. dysentericaAphis fabae; Aulacorthum solani;
(incl. ssp. uliginosa) Brachycaudus helichrysi, salicinae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Ovatus inulae;
Protaphis pseudocardui;
Uroleucon inulae, pulicariae, siculum
P. odoraBrachycaudus helichrysi;
Protaphis sp. (Corsica, BMNH collection)
P. siculaOvatus inulae; Uroleucon inulae
P. undulataHyperomyzus lactucae
P. vulgarisBrachycaudus helichrysi; Uroleucon pulicariae
Pulicaria sp.Pemphigus bursarius

Key to apterae on Pulicaria:-

1 SIPH dusky or dark over at least half of length, with a distal zone of reticulation comprising many (more than 100) small polygonal cells…..2
SIPH pale or dark without polygonal reticulation, or pale with distal reticulation comprising fewer, larger cells…..4
2 R IV+V 1.8-2.8 × HT II. SIPH dusky with paler basal part …..Uroleucon inulae
R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II. SIPH wholly dark…..3
3 Cauda black like SIPH. Tibiae mainly dark, with middle section sometimes somewhat paler …..Uroleucon siculum
Cauda pale. Tibiae mainly pale, dark only at base and apex …..Uroleucon pulicariae
4 Dorsal hairs long and thick, with distinctly capitate apices and tuberculate bases. ABD TERG 1-4 each with 12-14 capitate hairs, the longest 2-3 × ANT BD III…..Capitophorus inulae
Dorsal hairs blunt, pointed or only slightly expanded apically, with or without tuberculate bases, and usually shorter. ABD TERG 1-4 each with fewer hairs…..5
5 R IV+V 2.3-3.0 × HT II, and bearing 17-26 accessory hairs. Head with a well-developed rather scabrous median frontal tubercle, and also with rounded scabrous forwardly directed processes on ANT tubercles…..Ovatus inulae
R IV+V 0.8-1.7 × HT II, and bearing less than 10 accessory hairs. Head without a well- developed scabrous median frontal process…..6
6 SIPH markedly clavate, and 1.4-1.7 × cauda. ANT III with 5-29 rhinaria. Head smooth, ANT tubercles moderately well developed, with smooth divergent inner faces …..Hyperomyzus lactucae
SIPH tapering, cylindrical or clavate, but if clavate then more than 1.7 × cauda, and other characters also do not apply…..7
7 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.3 or more than 1.5. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with or without MTu, but if with then SIPH are longer than R IV+V…..8
ANT PT/BASE 0.4-1.2. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with well-developed MTu. SIPH shorter than R IV+V…..11
8 Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width. Spiracular apertures large and rounded…..9
Cauda either undeveloped, or tongue- or finger-shaped and distinctly longer than its basal width. Spiracular apertures small and reniform …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
9 SIPH and cauda pale. Dorsum without dark markings …..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH and cauda dark. Dorsum with a solid dark shield or with variably developed dusky markings, and dark intersegmental muscle plates…..10
10 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid black shield. SIPH 2.1-3.4 × cauda. R IV+V 1.5-2.0 × HT II. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes…..Brachycaudus cardui
Dorsal abdomen with variably developed dusky segmental markings, and dark intersegmental muscle plates. SIPH 1.0-1.4 × cauda. R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II. Mesosternum without mammariform processes…..Brachycaudus salicinae
11 ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.2. ANT without sec. rhinaria. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 are 10-18 μm long. SIPH c.2 × longer than their basal widths. Cauda about as long as its basal width in dorsal view ….. Protaphis sp. (Corsica, BMNH collection)
ANT PT/BASE 0.4-0.6. ANT III or III-IV with rhinaria. R IV+V 1.15-1.25 × HT II. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 are 35-45 μm long, with tuberculate bases. SIPH only about as long as their basal widths, and cauda much shorter than its basal width in dorsal view …..Brachyunguis/Xerobion sp. (North Yemen, BMNH collection)
Pulmonaria angustifolia Brachycaudus helichrysi
P. longifoliaAmphorosiphon pulmonariae
P. mollissima[Amphorophora ampullata]; Brachycaudus helichrysi
P. officinalisAmphorosiphon pulmonariae;
Aphis fabae, gossypii, nasturtii;
Aulacorthum langei, solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, jacobi, helichrysi;
Macrosiphum gei; Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Ovatomyzus boraginacearum; [Uroleucon jaceae]
P. rubraAulacorthum langei
P. saccharataAphis nasturtii, symphyti; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ascalonicus, persicae

Key to apterae on Pulmonaria:-

(Macrosiphum euphorbiae is also included as it is can probably feed on Pulmonaria and is likely to be confused with M. gei.)

1 Cauda helmet-shaped, a little shorter than its basal width in dorsal view …..2
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, distinctly longer than its basal width…..4
2 Dorsum pale, membranous. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.8-2.0 × cauda ……Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsum with an extensive black sclerotic shield. SIPH dark, imbricated, 1.7-3.6 × cauda …..3
3 ANT III with 4-11 rhinaria. R IV+V 0.135-0.175 mm. Dorsal shield with a distinct pattern of spinulose imbrications…..Brachycaudus jacobi
ANT III without rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). R IV+V (0.175-) 0.18-0.24 mm. Dorsal shield almost smooth or with indistinct imbrications …..Brachycaudus cardui
4 SIPH dark and markedly clavate. Dark ante- and postsiphuncular sclerites present, the latter usually joined by a bridge across ABD TERG 7. ANT III with more than 30 rhinaria. R IV+V with more than 40 accessory hairs…..Amphorosiphon pulmonariae
SIPH if dark then not clavate. No ante- nor post-siphuncular sclerites. ANT III with 0-10 rhinaria. R IV+V with 2-15 accessory hairs…..5
5 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells) …..6
SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation…..7
6 Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 38-63 μm, 0.6-1.4 × ANT BD III. Anterior half of subgenital plate usually (77%) with only 2 hairs (18% with 3, 5% with 4-6 hairs) …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 66-106 μm, 1.4-2.0 × ANT BD III. Anterior half of subgenital plate with 2-11 hairs, usually (77%) with 4-8 hairs …..Macrosiphum gei
7 SIPH pale, broad at base and cylindrical/tapering on distal part, 0.20-0.25 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5.5…..8
Without that combination of characters…..9
8 ANT III almost always (98%) without rhinaria. (ANT III of al. with 0-3 rhinaria). R IV+V with 8-10 accessory hairs…..Aulacorthum langei
ANT III almost always (98%) with 1-2 (-3) small rhinaria near base. (ANT III of al. with 5-26 rhinaria). R IV+V with 5-7 (-8) accessory hairs…..Aulacorthum solani
9 ANT tubercles well-developed, steep-sided but not convergent apically, and not spiculose or scabrous. SIPH pale, slightly swollen on distal half …..Ovatomyzus boraginacearum
Without that combination of characters ….. go to key to polyphagous aphids
Pulsatilla cernuaAphis gossypii, montanicola
P. coronaria see Anemone coronaria
P. dahuricaAphis gossypii, montanicola
P. flavescens = Anemone flavescens
P. grandisAphis pulsatillicola; Aulacorthum solani
P. halleri ssp. styriaca Aphis montanicola
P. koreana = P. cernua
P. montana = Anemone montana
P. multifidaAphis pulsatillicola
P. nigricansAphis pulsatillicola
P. patensAphis montanicola, pulsatillicola
P. pratensis = Anemone pratensis
P. pratensis ssp. nigricans = P. nigricans
P. slavica = Anemone slavica
P. turczaninoviiAphis montanicola, pulsatillaephaga
P. vulgaris = Anemone pulsatilla
Pulsatilla sp.Macrosiphum euphorbiae
See key to apterae on Anemone and Pulsatilla, under Anemone.
Punica granatum Aphis achyranthi, aurantii, craccivora, fabae, gossypii,
punicae, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
[Hysteroneura setariae]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
[Micromyzodium filicium]; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus

Key to apterae on Punica:-

1 ANT tubercles weakly developed and cauda tongue-shaped and ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu) (all must apply)…..2
Either ANT tubercles well-developed or cauda helmet-shaped and not longer than its basal width. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2 Cauda pale, or dusky but paler than SIPH…..3
Cauda and SIPH both very dark…..4
3 SIPH often paler at base, and 1.1-1.5 × cauda, which has 7-9 hairs. (Alata often with 1 or more rhinaria on ANT IV) …..Aphis punicae
SIPH uniformly dark, and usually more than 1.5 × cauda (range 1.2-2.5 ×), which has 4-7(-8) hairs. (Alata without rhinaria on ANT IV) …..Aphis gossypii
4 Many of hairs on hind femur and dorsal side of hind tibia with finely pointed apices, longer than trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda with 7-24 hairs…..5
Hairs on hind femur and dorsal side of hind tibia shorter than trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda with 4-9 hairs…..7
5 Stridulatory apparatus present, cosisting of a conspicuous pattern of ridges on ventro-lateral areas of abdominal sternites 5 and 6, and a row of short, peg-like hairs on the hind tibia …..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Stridulatory apparatus not present…..6
6 SIPH 0.75-1.1 × ANT III and 1.8-2.7 × ANT BASE VI. ANT PT 0.27-0.46 mm, and ANT PT/BASE 2.1-3.8 (mostly 2.4-3.6). Cauda hardly constricted near midlength and bearing 11-24 hairs. ABD TERG 7 and 8 with dark bands and dark dorsal markings also anterior to SIPH. (Al. with 10-23 rhinaria on ANT III)…..Aphis fabae
SIPH 1.1-1.45 × ANT III and 2.8-3.4 × ANT BASE VI. ANT PT 0.22-0.29 mm, and ANT PT/BASE 2.1-2.6. Cauda usually clearly constricted near midlength and bearing 6-15 (usually 9-11) hairs. Abdomen without any dark markings. (Al. with 4-12 rhinaria on ANT III)…..Aphis spiraecola
7 Dorsum with an extensive dark sclerotic patch. ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs. SIPH more than 3 × their basal widths. Longest hairs on ANT III shorter than BD III. (Al. with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 3-8 only)……Aphis craccivora
Dorsum without an extensive dark sclerotic patch. ABD TERG 8 with 5-6 hairs. SIPH less than 3 × their basal widths. Longest hairs of ANT III longer than BD III. (Al. with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 16-20, IV 6-12, V 3-7) ……Aphis achyranthi
Purshia tridentata Acyrthosiphon malvae, purshiae

Couplet for separating these two species:-

Appendages mainly dark. R IV+V less than 0.9 × HT II ……Acyrthosiphon purshiae
Appendages mainly pale. R IV+V more than 0.9 × HT II ……Acyrthosiphon malvae
Pycnanthemum virginianum Aphis elena
Pycnanthemum sp. Aphis gossypii

Couplet to separate these two species:-

SIPH 1.0-1.6 × CAUDA. (Al. with media once-branched)……Aphis elena
SIPH 1.3-2.5 × CAUDA. (Al. with media twice-branched) ……Aphis gossypii
Pycnocomon rutifolium Aphis thomasi

(or use key to apterae on Scabiosa)

Pycreus mundtiiAphis gossypii
Pyracantha angustifolia Aphis pomi, spiraecola
P. coccinea (incl. var. lalandi) Aphis craccivora, fabae, nasturtii, pomi, spiraecola;
Eriosoma lanigerum: Myzus persicae
P. crenatoserrata = P. fortuneana
P. crenulataAphis pomi, spiraecola
P. fortuneanaAphis gossypii, pomi, spiraecola
P. koidzumiiAphis citricidus, gossypii, spiraecola; Eriosoma lanigerum
Pyracantha spp.Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii; Eriosoma crataegi

Key to apterae on Pyracantha:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. SIPH as pores with sclerotised rims. Wax glands present, each usually consisting of a ring of large facets around an undivided or partially divided central area…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. SIPH tubular, Wax glands not evident…..3
2 Maximum diameter of SIPH pore 80-160 μm. ANT III usually more than 1.25 × ANT IV+V together…..Eriosoma crataegi
Maximum diameter of SIPH pore less than 60 μm. ANT III usually less than 1.25 × ANT IV+V together…..Eriosoma lanigerum
3 SIPH and cauda both black. Cauda finger-like, usually with a midway constriction. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings, and no stridulatory apparatus present …..4
SIPH and cauda pale or dark, but if both are black then cauda is tongue-like without a constriction, and either dorsal abdomen has dark markings, or a stridulatory apparatus is present…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
4 Marginal tubercles (MTu) present on ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with 10-19 hairs (rarely less than 13). R IV+V more than 130μm long……Aphis pomi
MTu absent from ABD TERG 2-4. Cauda with 7-15 hairs (rarely more than 12). R IV+V less than 120μm long……Aphis spiraecola
Pyrethrum cinerariifolium = Tanacetum cinerariifolium
P. clusii = Tanacetum corymbosum ssp. subcorymbosum
P. corymbosum = Tanacetum corymbosum
P. fruticulosum Fenzl ex Boiss. = Tanacetum armenum
P. inodorum = Tripleurospermum inodorum
P. leptophyllum = Tanacetum leptophyllum
P. macrophyllum = Tanacetum macrophyllum
P. millefoliatum = Tanacetum millefolium
P. parthenifolium Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
P. tanacetoides = Tanacetum tanacetoides
Pyrethrum sp.Brachycaudus cardui;
Macrosiphoniella caucasica, tanacetaria ssp. bonariensis

See Tanacetum for a combined key to apterae on Pyrethrum and Tanacetum.

Pyrola chlorantha Aulacorthum pirolacearum
P. elliptica[Macrosiphum pechumani]
P. grandifloraAulacorthum pyrolacearum
P. rotundifoliaAulacorthum pirolacearum
Pyrostegia ignea = P. venusta
P. venustaAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
Pyrrosia (including Cyclophorus, Drymoglossum) Polypodiaceae
Pyrrosia lanceolata Micromyzus vandergooti
P. lingua[Macromyzus woodwardiae]
P. nummularifolia Micromyzus vandergooti
P. piloselloidesMicromyzus vandergooti
Pyrrosia sp.Macrosiphini gen. and sp. n. (Taiwan, BMNH collection)

Key to separate apterae of these two species:-

(Both have SIPH swollen in middle)

SIPH black, cauda pale. Head pale with rather low ANT tubercles. ANT III without rhinaria. Dorsal abdomen without any dark sclerotisation …..Micromyzus vandergooti
SIPH pale, cauda dark. Head dark with very well-developed ANT tubercles. ANT III with 3-4 rhinaria in a row on basal part. Dorsal abdomen with a dark central patch, and dark marginal, pre- and post-siphuncular sclerites ….. Macrosiphini gen. and sp. n. (Taiwan, BMNH collection, leg. S.E. Halbert)

(or try key to fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium)

Pyrularia Santalaceae
Pyrularia pubera Aulacorthum solani
Pyrus Pears Rosaceae

A key to the common aphids on cultivated pear (P. communis) is provided in Blackman & Eastop (2000). The key is here extended to include all aphids recorded from the genus Pyrus. (Aphids on crab-apples, often included in Pyrus, are treated under Malus.)

Host List:-

Pyrus amygdaliformis Aphis pomi; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Dysaphis pyri, reaumuri; Melanaphis pyraria
P. betulifoliaAphis spiraecola; Melanaphis siphonella
P. boissierianaDysaphis reaumuri
P. bondoensis (?) Sappaphis piri
P. bretschneideri Allocotaphis minensis; Aphis pomi; Schizaphis piricola;
[Siciunguis novena Zhang & Hu 1999 (= alate sexuparae of
Eriosoma lanigerum?)]
P. calleryana Aphis pomi; Schizaphis piricola
P. communis (incl. sspp. caucasica, pyraster)Common Pear
Anuraphis catonii, farfarae, ferulae, pyrilaseri, subterranea;
Aphanostigma piri;
Aphis aurantii, citricidus, craccivora, eugeniae, fabae, gossypii, odinae, pomi, solanella, spiraecola;
[Aploneura ampelina]; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus [almatinus], cardui, helichrysi, persicae;
Brachysiphoniella montana;
Dysaphis [multisetosa], plantaginea, pyri, reaumuri, tschildarensis;
Eriosoma americana, flavum, lanigerum, lanuginosum, pyricola;
[Eutrichosiphum pyri]; Ericaphis gentneri;
[Lachnus tropicalis]; Longistigma caryae, xizangensis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, rosae;
Melanaphis pahanensis, pyraria, siphonella;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Nearctaphis bakeri;
Nippolachnus bengalensis, piri;
Ovatus crataegarius, insitus; Prociphilus kuwanai;
Pterochloroides persicae; Pyrolachnus pyri;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, oxyacanthae, padi;
Sappaphis piri; Schizaphis pyri, rotundiventris;
[Uroleucon compositae]
P. elaeagnifoliaAphis craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola; Dysaphis pyri;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
P. georgicaDysaphis reaumuri
P. granulosa = Sorbus corymbifera
P. insularisNippolachnus piri
P. khasiana = Sorbus khasiana
P. korshinskyiDysaphis pyraria, reaumuri
P. kumaoni = P. pashia
P. lanata see Sorbus lanata
P. macrostipesBrachysiphoniella montana
P. mamorensisAphis craccivora; Dysaphis plantaginea;
Eriosoma lanigerum; Macrosiphum rosae
P. montanaAphis spiraecola; Brachysiphoniella montana;
Melanaphis siphonella; Sappaphis piri
P. nivalisDysaphis pyri
P. pashiaAphis gossypii, pomi, spiraecola; Dysaphis pyri, sharmai;
Melanaphis [arundinariae], pahanensis;
Nippolachnus bengalensis; Pyrolachnus pyri;
Schizaphis rotundiventris
P. polycarpa = Sorbus polycarpa
P. pulcherrimaAphis gossypii
P. pyraster see P. communis
P. pyrifolia (incl. var. culta) Dolbae, Chinese or Japanese Pear
Anuraphis farfarae; Aphanostigma
Aphis citricidus, gossypii, odinae, pomi, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Longistigma caryae;
Melanaphis [pyrisucta], siphonella; Myzus persicae;
Nippolachnus piri; Ovatus crataegarius;
Prociphilus kuwanai, oriens; Pseudomegoura magnoliae;
[Pseudotoxoptera pyrisucta Qiao & Zhang in G. Zhang et al. 1999d] Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, oxyacanthae, padi, rufiabdominale;
Sappaphis piri; Schizaphis piricola
P. regeliiAnuraphis subterranea; Dysaphis pyri, reaumuri;
Eriosoma lanuginosum
P. salicifoliaAnuraphis subterranea; Dysaphis reaumuri
P. sargentii (= Malus sargentii) Dysaphis pyri
P. serrulataRhopalosiphum nymphaeae
P. syriacaAphanostigma piri; Aphis spiraecola; Dysaphis reaumuri
P. ussuriensisAnuraphis farfarae, subterranea; Aphis pomi, spiraecola;
Brachysiphoniella montana; Dysaphis pyri;
Prociphilus kuwanai;
Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae, rufiabdominale;
Sappaphis piri; Schizaphis piricola
P. vestita = Sorbus cuspidata
P. xerophila[Allocotaphis minensis]; [Sorbaphis chaetosiphon (alata)]
Pyrus spp.Aphis chetansapa; [Dysaphis affinis];
[?Hyperomyzus yulongshanensis G. Zhang et al. 1992c (host uncertain)];
[Melanaphis pyrisucta Zhang & Qiao 1999];
Sappaphis [dipirivora], [montana], [sinipiricola];
Sinomegoura pyri

Key to aphids on Pyrus (apterous viviparae, excluding fundatrices, except where otherwise stated):-

1 Antenna 3-segmented. Body very small (BL 0.8-1.0 mm), pyriform, broadest anteriorly. All females oviparous…..Aphanostigma iaksuiense / piri
Antenna 5- or 6-segmented. Body usually longer than 1 mm, not broadest anteriorly. Parthenogenetic females viviparous…..2
2 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.8; if more than 0.6 then PT bears some long fine hairs. Cauda broadly rounded, usually shorter than width at base…..3
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.6, PT without any long fine hairs. Cauda semicircular, helmet-shaped, tongue- or finger-shaped, about as long as its basal width or longer ….15
3 Conspicuous wax pore plates present. SIPH either absent or present as pores with a surrounding ring of hairs…..4
Wax pore plates absent. SIPH as large pores on broad cones with numerous hairs …..10
4 SIPH present as large pores with surrounding hairs. Wax pore plates comprising rings or groups of circular or polygonal facets enclosing one or more clear central areas (on stems or roots)…..5
SIPH absent or inconspicuous. Wax pore plates honeycomb-like without any clear central areas (in leaf-nest galls)…..9
5 All wax pore plates consisting of a ring of facets around a single, more-or-less circular central clear area…..6
Largest wax pore plates each consisting of a group of facets enclosing either a very narrow or subdivided central clear area or several clear areas…..8
6 BL 2.0-2.7 mm. R IV+V 0.20-0.25 mm. (Cauda with 2-4 hairs) …..Eriosoma lanuginosum
BL 1.0-1.9 mm. R IV+V 0.10-0.18 mm…..7
7 R IV+V 0.10-0.12 mm. Cauda with 2-4 hairs…..Eriosoma flavum
R IV+V 0.12-0.18 mm. Cauda with 5 or more hairs…..Eriosoma pyricola
8 ANT III similar in length to R IV+V. Wax pore plates with narrow, mostly interconnecting central areas…..Eriosoma lanigerum
ANT III less than 0.5 × R IV+V. Wax pore plates with separate, circular or polygonal clear central areas…..Eriosoma americanum
9 BL of spring migrant alata from leaf-nest gall (s.m.a.) 4 mm or more. R IV+V more than 0.2 mm long and bearing 7 or more accessory hairs…..Prociphilus oriens
BL of s.m.a. less than 4 mm. R IV+V less than 0.16 mm long and bearing 2-5 accessory hairs . …..Prociphilus kuwanai
10 Body elongate, 2 or more × longer than wide. Antennae and legs pale except for black tibial apices and hind tarsi. (Alata with a black quadrate dorsal abdominal patch) …..11
Body broadly oval, less than 2 × longer than wide. Antennae and legs mainly dark …..12
11 ANT PT/BASE 0.25-0.35, without any long fine hairs distal to primary rhinarium. R IV+V 0.14-0.18 mm long, 0.62-0.75 × HT II, and bearing 9-16 accessory hairs …..Nippolachnus bengalensis
ANT PT/BASE 0.41-0.75, with some long fine hairs distal to primary rhinarium. R IV+V 0.17-0.22 mm long, 0.7-1.0 × HT II, and bearing more than 20 accessory hairs …..Nippolachnus piri
12 Abdomen with paired, pigmented spinal tubercles on each tergite. (Alata with maculate forewings and a short pterostigma) …..Pterochloroides persicae
Abdomen without spinal tubercles. Forewings of alata not maculate, with a long pterostigma …..13
13 HT I (measured on ventral side) less than 2 × its basal diameter, less than 0.35 × HT II. Forewing of alata with pterostigma almost straight, not extending around tip of wing …..Pyrolachnus pyri
HT I more than 2 × its basal diameter, more than 0.35 × HT II. Forewing of alata with pterostigma curved distally, extending around wing-tip…..14
14HT II 1.8-2.3 × HT I…..Longistigma caryae
HT II about 2.6 × HT I…..Longistigma xizangensis*
15 SIPH shorter than cauda…..16
SIPH as long as or longer than cauda…..20
16 Abdomen without any dorsal markings……17
Abdomen with dark dorsal markings…..18
17 Cauda dark, rounded at apex. Stridulatory ridges present on abdominal sternites 5 and 6, and a row of short, peg-like hairs on each hind tibia …..Aphis odinae
Cauda pale or dusky, long and tapering. No stridulatory ridges, nor peg-like hairs on hind tibiae…..Brachysiphoniella montana
18 SIPH very short, conical, shorter than basal width and about 0.2 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen with interrupted markings…..Melanaphis siphonella
SIPH more than 0.7 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen with an almost solid dark shield, or with dark tranverse sclerites…..19
19 Dorsal abdomen usually with an almost solid dark sclerotic shield. Hairs on antenna and dorsal body minute, less than 0.5 × diameter of ANT III. SIPH about 2 × basal width …..Melanaphis pyraria
Dorsal abdomen with separate transverse sclerites. Hairs on antenna and dorsal body long and fine, much longer than diameter of ANT III. SIPH less than 1.5 × basal width …..Melanaphis pahanensis
20 SIPH with closely-spaced rows of densely-packed spinules or nodules …..21
SIPH often imbricated but without densely-packed spinules or nodules …..26
21 Abdomen of aptera and alata without spinal tubercles. Alata with dark dorsal patch centred on ABD TERG 3-6. Marginal tubercles if present somewhat protruberant, and always absent from ABD TERG 7…..Nearctaphis bakeri
Abdomen of alata with rather flat round spinal and marginal tubercles on most tergites (present or absent on 7), and with dark patch centred on ABD TERG 4-6 or 5-6 (ABD TERG 3 unpigmented). (Forming pseudogalls inhabited by fundatrices and alate spring migrants only) …..22
22 Fundatrix with ANT PT/BASE greater than 1, and with well-developed marginal sclerites that are mostly more than 2 × diameter of any tubercles present. Alata with spinal and marginal tubercles usually on ABD TERG 1-7…..23
Fundatrix (where known) with ANT PT/BASE less than 1, and with marginal tubercles on small sclerites mostly less than 2 × diameter of tubercles. Alata with spinal and marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 1-5 only…..24
23 Fundatrix without spinal or marginal tubercles. SIPH of alata with 18-27 rows of spinules …..Anuraphis catonii
Fundatrix with large marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 1-7, and often also with spinal tubercles. SIPH of alata with 25-35 rows of spinules …..Anuraphis subterranea
24 Alata with 29-43 secondary rhinaria on ANT III. (Fundatrix undescribed) …..Anuraphis ferulae
Alata with 70-105 secondary rhinaria on ANT III…..25
25 Fundatrix usually with a marginal tubercle on ABD TERG 6. Alata with ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.5…..Anuraphis farfarae
Fundatrix without a marginal tubercle on ABD TERG 6. Alata with ANT PT/BASE more than 5.0…..Anuraphis pyrilaseri
26 Dorsal cuticle sclerotic and strongly corrugated. R IV+V 1.68-1.90 × HT II and bearing 2 accessory hairs…..Eumyzus eastopi
Dorsal cuticle not strongly corrugated. R IV+V either less than 1.6 × HT II or with more than 2 accessory hairs…..27
27 Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width in dorsal view …..28
Cauda helmet-shaped, triangular or rounded in dorsal view, not clearly longer than its basal width…..44
28 Head capsule spinulose or nodulose. Antennal tubercles well-developed with inner faces spinulose or scabrous and parallel or convergent in dorsal view…..29
Head capsule smooth. Antennal tubercles either small or undeveloped or with inner faces smooth and divergent in dorsal view…..33
29Inner faces of antennal tubercles approximately parallel and spiculose. ANT III with 1 or more small rhinaria near base…..30
Inner faces of antennal tubercles convergent and scabrous. ANT III without rhinaria …..31
30 Head, antennae and legs mainly dark. Siphunculi slightly swollen on distal half …..Pseudomegoura magnoliae
Head, antennae and legs mainly pale. Siphunculi tapering/cylindrical …..Aulacorthum solani
31 SIPH moderately swollen on distal half…..Myzus persicae
SIPH cylindrical or tapering on distal half…..32
32 Spring migrant alata (s.m.a.) with 60-83 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 36-52 on ANT IV and 13-22 on ANT V…..Ovatus insitus
S.m.a. with 22-49 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 5-20 on IV and 0-10 on V …..Ovatus crataegarius
33 SIPH and cauda pale, mainly concolorous with dorsal cuticle. Antennal tubercles well developed…..34
SIPH, and usually cauda also, mainly darker than dorsal abdomen (except when tergum is black). Antennal tubercles poorly developed…..37
34 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..35
SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation …..36
35 Front of head pale or dusky. SIPH of aptera pale at least on basal half, sometimes dusky towards apex…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Front of head black. SIPH wholly black…..Macrosiphum rosae
36 ANT III with a single rhinarium near base and bearing minute hairs less than 0.3 × basal diameter of segment. Cauda with a slight mid-way constriction and blunt apex, and usually bearing 6 hairs…..Ericaphis gentneri
ANT III with 2 rhinaria near base and hairs 0.5-0.7 × basal diameter of segment. Cauda long and pointed, with 11-12 hairs…..Sinomegoura pyri*
37 Marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 7 placed posteriodorsal to spiracle; these tubercles not usually of larger basal diameter than the spiracular opening…..38
Marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 7 placed just posterior to spiracle and slightly ventral to an anterio-posterior line drawn through the spiracle; these tubercles usually larger than the spiracular opening…..43
38 SIPH tapering gradually from base to apex, not constricted subapically and with flange only moderately developed…..39
SIPH approximately cylindrical for most of length, slightly swollen subapically, and constricted just proximad to the well-developed flange…..41
39 Anterior part of head dark. SIPH uniformly black. Alata without any secondary rhinaria on ANT V (III with 8-11, IV with 1-5) …..Schizaphis rotundiventris
Head wholly pale or dusky. SIPH either uniformly dark, or pale/dusky with black apices. Alata with 1-6 secondary rhinaria on ANT V (rarely 0 on one side)…..40
40 Antennae shorter than body, reaching to base of siphunculi. SIPH uniformly dark. Alata with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 14-19, IV 5-9, V 0-5 …..Schizaphis pyri
Antennae about as long as body. SIPH pale or dusky, black only at apices. Alata with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 24-32, IV 14-16, V 4-6 …..Schizaphis piricola
41 Tibiae evenly pigmented. SIPH more than 0.3 mm long and clavate proximad to subapical constriction (except fundatrix). (Fundatrix with ANT PT/BASE more than 2.0) …..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Tibiae mainly pale, dark distally. SIPH less than 0.3 mm long, with only a slight swelling proximad to subapical constriction…..42
42 ABD TERG 8 with 4-6 hairs. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 all more than 40 µm long with pointed apices. (Fundatrix with ANT PT/BASE equal to or less than 2.0) …..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ABD TERG 8 with 2 (-3) hairs. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 often with blunt apices and less than 40 µm long. (Fundatrices with ANT PT/BASE more than 2.0) …..Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae
43 Stridulatory ridges present on ventral abdomen …..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii, citricidus (for separation see key to polyphagous aphids)
Stridulatory ridges absent …..Aphis craccivora, eugeniae, fabae, gossypii, pomi, spiraecola
(for separation see couplets 23-27 of key to aphids on Malus)
44 First tarsal segments all with only 2 hairs. Marginal tubercles well developed on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..Aphis chetansapa
First tarsal segments with 3 hairs at least on fore and mid-legs. Marginal tubercles if well developed then on ABD TERG 2-5 (or 2-6) as well as on 1 and 7…..45
45 Antenna with numerous long very fine hairs, the longest more than 2 × basal diameter of ANT III. (Alata with separate transverse bars on dorsal abdomen)…..46
Longest hairs on ANT III less than 1.8 × basal diameter of segment. (Alata with an almost solid dark patch on dorsal abdomen)…..47
46 SIPH 2 or more × basal width, and sometimes bearing one or more hairs. Cauda rounded, much shorter than its basal width…..Sappaphis piri
SIPH less than 1.5 × basal width, without hairs. Cauda bluntly pointed, about as long as its basal width…..Melanaphis pahanensis
47Alatae (gynoparae) with SIPH 0.15-0.22 × BL and 4.3-6.0 × cauda. Cauda with 26-43 hairs. ANT 0.7-1.1 × BL, with PT/BASE 5.1-7.0. Marginal and spinal tubercles on abdominal segments absent…..Allocotaphis minensis*
SIPH 0.05-0.20 × BL and 1.1-3.4 × cauda. Cauda with 4-9 hairs. ANT 0.4-0.9 × BL, with PT/BASE 2.4-5.7. Marginal and spinal tubercles on abdominal segments present or absent…..48
48 Spiracular openings large and rounded…..49
Spiracular openings small and reniform…..51
48 SIPH less than 2 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen dusky or pale. Mesosternum without any mammari-form processes…..Brachycaudus almatinus/ helichrysi
SIPH more than 2 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen usually dark. Anterior part of mesosternum with a pair of mammariform processes…..50
50 R IV+V more than 0.17 mm, more than 0.6 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen and SIPH pale or dark. (Al. with secondary rhinaria only on ANT III)….. Brachycaudus cardui
R IV+V less than 0.17 mm, about 0.5 × SIPH or less. Dorsal abdomen always extensively sclerotised, black, and SIPH black. (Al. with secondary rhinaria on ANT III and IV, or III, IV and V…..Brachycaudus persicae
51 Antennae at least as long as distance from frons to SIPH bases (in alata about as long as body). SIPH more than 0.3 mm long, black…..Dysaphis plantaginea
Antennae shorter than distance from frons to SIPH bases (in alata less than BL). SIPH pale or dark, less than 0.3 mm long…..52
52 R IV+V 0.186-0.210 mm, 1.46-1.48 × HT II. Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG 1-5 and 7. Spring migrant alata (s.m.a.) with 13-22 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 2-5 on IV, 0 on V ….Dysaphis tschildarensis
R IV+V 0.123-0.163 mm, 0.85-1.25 × HT II. Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG 1-5 or 1-7. S.m.a. where known with 23-64 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 2-27 on IV and 0-7 on V…..53
53 SIPH 0.10-0.13 mm, 0.78-0.94 × R IV+V. S.m.a. with strongly protruberant secondary rhinaria…..Dysaphis sharmai
SIPH 0.16-0.29 mm, 1.2-2.0 × R IV+V. S.m.a. (where known) with secondary rhinaria weakly protruberant…..54
54 Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG 1-7 (sometimes missing on one side on 6); flattened, only slightly convex, the largest 55-60 µm in diameter. Longest hairs on ANT III 12-18 µm, 0.5-0.8 × basal diameter of segment…..Dysaphis pyraria*
Marginal tubercles usually present only on ABD TERG 1-5 (very rarely on 7 on one side); hemispherical, papilliform or conical, the largest 21-47 µm in basal diameter. Longest hairs on ANT III 13-50 µm, 0.5-1.8 × basal diameter of segment…..55
55 SIPH black, 3.4-4.1 × their diameter at midpoint. Marginal tubercles hemispherical. S.m.a. with 23-36 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 2-10 on IV and 0-1 on V …..Dysaphis pyri
SIPH pale, sometimes dusky at apices, 4.1-5.0 × their diameter at midpoint. Marginal tubercles papilliform or conical. S.m.a. with 32-64 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 8-27 on IV and 0-7 on V…..Dysaphis reaumuri