ANT PT/BASE 1.2-1.6. R IV+V
1.5-1.8 × HT II. SIPH 1.8-2.0 × cauda which is triangular, about as long as
its basal width
……Protaphis unaweepiensis
ANT PT/BASE 0.7-1.0. R IV+V 0.8-1.1 × HT II. SIPH 0.4-1.25 × cauda,
which is tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width
Longest hairs on ANT III 22-47 μm, and on ABD TERG 8, 41-60
μm. SIPH 0.7-1.25 × cauda. ABD TERG 2-5 as well as 1 and 7 often with
marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Brachyunguis bishopi
Longest hairs on ANT III 8-14 μm, and on ABD TERG 8, 14-27 μm.
SIPH 0.4-0.8 × cauda. MTu only on ABD TERG 1 and 7
Compared with the other large bamboo genera the aphid fauna of Sasa seems more limited, so a separate key is provided, but if no satisfactory answer is obtained then try the key to aphids on Arundinaria (or Bambusa). Yezaphis sasicola Matsumura cannot be keyed as no specimens are available (but see information from original description).
Key to species on
Antenna of aptera more than 0.5× BL,
or if only alatae are present their antennae have circular or transversely
oval secondary rhinaria
of aptera much less than 0.5× BL, and secondary rhinaria on the antennae of
alatae are ring-like, extending more than half-way around the circumference
of the antenna
Anal plate entire, cauda
tongue-shaped, dark, similar in length to the thick short dark SIPH. ANT
PT/BASE more than 2
viviparae alate.) Anal plate bilobed, cauda knobbed. ANT PT/BASE
1.0 or less
Antennae shorter than (0.8-0.9 ×)
Antennae longer than (1.3-1.7 ×) body
ABD TERG 8 with 6-8 hairs. ABD TERG 1-7 each with several pleural as
well as spinal hairs
…..Takecallis sasae
ABD TERG 8 with 2-3(-4) hairs. ABD TERG 1-7
each with a pair of spinal hairs pleural hairs absent
…..Takecallis taiwana
Abdomen with a pair of elongate dark
patches on each tergite. ANT III wholly dusky
…..Takecallis arundinariae
Abdomen without dark dorsal
markings. ANT III with a black sensoriated section contrasting with pale
base and apical half
ANT III with secondary rhinaria
concentrated on a very short dark section. Cauda dusky
…..Takecallis alba
ANT III with secondary rhinaria spread over most of darkened proximal third. Cauda black
…..Takecallis arundicolens
of aptera extremely short, hardly longer than the elongate R V+V. Aptera without frontal horns. Tarsi 1-segmented. SIPH displaced towards the
mid-line (on roots)
of aptera short, but much longer than the short R IV+V. Aptera (and
immatures) with a pair of fromtal horns. Tarsi 2-segmented. SIPH in
more normal position
Head of aptera with numerous long hairs.
Dorsal body without any clearly demarcated wax pore plates
of aptera sparsely hairy. Dorsal body with marginal groups of wax pore plates
SIPH with a distal zone
of polygonal reticulation. ANT III with numerous rhinaria usually extending
into distal half
SIPH without any distinct
zone of polygonal reticulation (sometimes with 1-3 rows of interconnected
striae). ANT III without rhinaria or with a few near base
SIPH almost always with hairs (examine several specimens)
SIPH without hairs
Thoracic spiracular apertures
much larger than abdominal ones. Cauda with more than 30 hairs
…..Gredinia pilosotuba*
Thoracic spiracular apertures similar in size to abdominal ones. Cauda
with 10-28 hairs
SIPH with c.4-5 hairs,
c.3 × longer than cauda, which bears 10-13 hairs. First tarsal segments with
5 hairs
…..Macrotrichaphis rarissima*
SIPH with (0-) 5-21
hairs, 1.6-2.5 × longer than cauda which bears 20-28 hairs. First tarsal
segments with 3 hairs
…..Macrosiphoniella lazoica*
SIPH only 0.10-0.14 × BL, reticulated on distal 0.5-0.7 of length.
Cauda triangular, pointed, only about as long as its basal width. ANT
tubercles very low
…..Macrosiphoniella saussureae
SIPH more than 0.14 × BL,
reticulated on less than distal 0.5. Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, longer
than its basal width. ANT tubercles well developed
SIPH 1.0-1.1 × cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.34-0.38. R IV+V
0.8-0.9 × HT II
…..Macrosiphoniella victoriae
SIPH 1.2-2.2 × cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.12-0.36. R IV+V
1.0-2.0 × HT II
ANT III very long, 1.5-2.1 × ANT IV+V together,
and bearing very numerous (96-135) strongly protruberant secondary rhinaria
…..Uroleucon formosanum
ANT III shorter than
or about equal in length to ANT IV+V together, with 18-56 rhinaria
2.0-2.2 × cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.12-0.17 of length. R IV+V very
long and thin, 1.8-2.0 × HT II
…..Uroleucon budhium
SIPH 1.1-1.9 (-2.0) × cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.19-0.36 of length. R IV+V 1.0-1.85 × HT II
SIPH 0.25-0.30 ×
BL, with reticulation on distal 0.24-0.27 of length. Cauda long and finger-like,
2.6-3.1 × its basal width. R IV+V 1.7-1.85 × HT II
SIPH c. 0.14 × BL,
with reticulation on distal 0.28-0.36 of length. Cauda elongate triangular,
pointed at apex, 1.7-2.0 × its basal width. R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II
…..Uroleucon ussuriense
1.1-1.3 × the long, pale cauda, which bears 25-35 hairs. Hind tibia with a
row of short peg-like hairs
…..Uroleucon fuchuense
1.5-2.0 × the pale, dusky or dark cauda, which bears either 12-20 hairs or
more than 40. Hind tibia without peg-like hairs
Cauda paler than
SIPH, with apical hairs distinctly shorter than more proximal ones
…..Uroleucon kumaoni*
as dark as SIPH, with hairs all similarly long
Cauda with more
than 40 hairs. R IV+V 1.65-1.8 × HT II. Tibiae black
…..Uroleucon giganteum
Cauda with 13-20
hairs. R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II. Tibiae pale in middle
…..Uroleucon gobonis (or compositae?)
body hairs long, thick and capitate, arising from tuberculate bases
Dorsal body hairs
short, or if long then pointed and not arising from tuberculate bases
with 2-4 thick, capitate hairs about as long as middle diameter of segment.
Dorsal abdominal hairs duplicated or triplicated, so that there are 12-16
long thick capitate hairs per segment
…..Capitophorus formosartemisiae
with all hairs very short. Dorsal abdominal hairs not duplicated, so that
there are 6 per segment
…..Capitophorus elaeagni
tubercles moderately to well developed, their inner faces divergent. ANT III
with a few rhinaria on basal part
tubercles absent or weakly developed. ANT III without rhinaria
with an extensive dark sclerotic shield. Head dark and densely spiculose.
Cauda short, less than 2 × its basal width, with 4 hairs
Tergum pale.
Head pale, not densely spiculose. Cauda finger-like, at least 2 × its basal
width, with 6-10 hairs
ANT longer than
BL, with ANT PT/BASE 6.5-7.0. SIPH more than 2 × cauda
…..Acyrthosiphon rubi
ANT as
short as or shorter than BL, with ANT PT/BASE 2.0-4.2
ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.2. SIPH less than 2 ×
…..Acyrthosiphon dauricum
ANT PT/BASE 2.0-2.3. SIPH 2.5-2.6 ×
…..Acyrthosiphon saussureae
helmet-shaped, not more than 1.1 × longer than its basal width in dorsal view,
and bearing 4-6 hairs. ABD TERG 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu). R IV+V
with 4-6 accessory hairs
tongue-shaped, more than 1.2 × its basal width in dorsal view, and bearing
5-24 hairs. ABD TERG 7 (and 1) always with MTu. R IV+V with 2 accessory hairs
dark, cylindrical, with slight distal swelling, 2.0-2.2 × cauda. MTu often
present on ABD TERG 1-5. Spiracular apertures reniform
…..Dysaphis indica
pale, conical, 0.8-1.3(-2.0) × cauda. MTu absent. Spiracular apertures large
and rounded
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
R IV+V 1.3-1.5 ×
HT II. MTu usually present on ABD TERG 1-4 and 7
…..Aphis saussuraeradicis*
R IV+V 0.9-1.1
(-1.4) × HT II. MTu only sporadically present on ABD TERG 2-4
ABD TERG 8 with a backwardly-directed
process similar in length to and almost covering cauda. ANT PT/BASE 0.9-1.0.
Tergum strongly sclerotised, often dark. SIPH swollen distally
…..Cavariella saxifragae
No supracaudal process,
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5 and other characters not in that combination
Head spiculose. SIPH black, somewhat clavate, more than 2.7 × cauda
which is also black and bears 4-5 hairs. Dorsum with extensive black
……Taiwanomyzus montanus
Without that combination
of characters
Thoracic spiracular
apertures much larger than abdominal ones . ANT III usually with more than 10
sec. rhin., and often some also on IV, or IV and V
Thoracic spiracular
apertures similar in size to abdominal ones. ANT III with or without a few
(1-10) rhinaria on basal part, none on IV or V
Cauda usually with 7 hairs, rarely 6, 8 or 9. ANT PT/BASE 7.0-11.4
(usually more than 8.4). SIPH without imbrication. Dorsal abdomen with paired
intersegmental markings
…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
Cauda usually with 5
hairs. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-8.4. SIPH usually with imbrication. Dorsum pale or
with more extensive dark sclerotisation
Dorsal abdomen with
extensive dark sclerotisation, fused between tergites to form a large dark
Dorsal abdomen pale or with dark cross-bars, not fused between
ANT PT/BASE (3.6-) 5.0-8.8. SIPH 1.4-2.5 × cauda. Sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 10-42, IV 0-21, V 0-4
…..Nasonovia dasyphylli
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.7
(-5.4). SIPH 1.2-1.6 × cauda. Sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 4-25, IV 0-2, V
…..Nasonovia saxifragae (dark form)
ANT PT/BASE (4.8-) 5.7-8.2. Longest hairs on ANT III often longer than
(0.7-1.3) × BD III
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.2 (-5.0). Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-1.0 × BD III
Abdomen usually with
short dusky/dark spinal cross bars on ABD TERG 1-6, and separate sclerites at
bases of pleural and marginal hairs. R IV+V 1.6-2.2 × HT II. SIPH with
spinules on imbrications
…..Nasonovia carolinensis
Abdomen without dark
sclerites on ABD TERG 1-6. R IV+V 1.4-1.5 × HT II. SIPH without spinules on
……Nasonovia vannesii*
R IV+V c.2 × HT II, with c.10 accessory hairs
…..Nasonovia brevipes*
R IV+V 1.2-1.8 × HT II, with 12-16 accessory hairs
SIPH 0.11-0.12 × BL, 0.9-1.3 × cauda, and 3.5-4 × diameter at
…..Nasonovia vockerothi
SIPH 0.16-0.24 × BL, 1.4-1.8 × cauda, and more than 5 × diameter at
…..Nasonovia saxifragae (pale form)
Dorsal cuticle with bead-like spinules
arranged in polygons, each polygon enclosing 1-4 separate spinules. SIPH
dusky-dark, clavate
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Dorsal cuticle without
spinules arranged in polygons. SIPH pale or dark, clavate, cylindrical or
Marginal abdominal tubercles (MTu) present on at least ABD TERG 1-4
and 7. SIPH and Cauda dark. SIPH 1.7-3.5 × cauda which is short and rounded
and bears 10-20 hairs
…..Aphis sambuci
MTu absent or only
regularly present on ABD TERG 1 and 7, and other characters not in above
ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.8. MTu on ABD TERG 1 and 7. SIPH rather pale,
tapering, 0.7-1.3 × cauda. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 25-60, IV
9-25, V 7-17)
…..Aphis triglochinis
ANT PT/BASE 1.8-6.2, and
other characters not in that combination
Head densely spiculose.SIPH
dark, coarsely imbricated, cylindrical or slightly swollen on distal half,
distinctly constricted at apex, with a large flange. R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II
ANT tubercles undeveloped
or weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 (at least) with marginal tubercles
(MTu). Cauda pale or dark
ANT tubercles well
developed. ABD TERG 7 without MTu. Cauda pale
Cauda helmet-shaped or
bluntly triangular, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view. Head and all
thoracic and abdominal segments with spinal tubercles (STu), and MTu present
on ABD TERG 1-7
…..Dysaphis cephalaria*
Cauda tongue-shaped, much
longer than its basal width. STu absent, and MTu only regularly present on
ABD TERG 1 and 7
Femoral hairs all shorter than diameter of trochantro-femoral suture.
Cauda pale, dusky or dark with 4-9 hairs
Many femoral hairs long
and fine-pointed, exceeding diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda
black and bearing 7-24 hairs
Posterior hair on hind
trochanter 0.2-0.5 × diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Hairs on anterior
half of subgenital plate 0.2-0.6 × ANT BD III
…..Aphis thomasi
Posterior hair on hind trochanter 0.6-1.1 × diameter of
trochantro-femoral suture. Hairs on anterior half of subgenital plate 1.2-2.0
…..Aphis confusa (or Aphis gossypii – see text)
ANT III 0.9-1.2 × cauda, which usually has a
distinct midlength constriction and bears 6-15 (usually 9-11) hairs. Dorsal
abdomen without any dark markings
ANT III 1.2-1.9 × cauda which is usually without
any constriction and bears 11-24 hairs. Dorsal abdomen usually with scattered
dark markings anterior to SIPH and dark cross-bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8
Head without spicules
Head spiculose
Head pale. SIPH pale, slightly swollen distally,
without subapical polygonal reticulation. ANT III without rhinaria
Head pale or dark. SIPH pale or dark with a subapical
zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT III with 1-35 rhinaria
Head, legs andSIPH mainly pale. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
legs andSIPH mainly dark. ANT III
with 5-35 rhinaria
Body spindle-shaped. SIPH thicker than hind tibiae at their respective midlengths, and 1.8-2.2 × head width across (and including) eyes
…..Macrosiphum rosae
Body oval. SIPH about equal in thickness to hind
tibiae at midlength, and 1.1-1.5 × head width across eyes
SIPH slightly clavate. ANT 0.7-1.0 × BL, without rhinaria on ANT III
…..Myzus persicae
SIPH tapering/cylindrical. ANT 1.1-1.3 ×
BL, with (0-)1-2 (-4) rhinaria near base of ANT III
ABD TERG 8 with a long
backwardly-directed process, broad at base but with a narrow apex that extends beyond cauda
…..Cavariella araliae
No supracaudal process
SIPH and cauda both black.
R IV+V 1.3-1.6 × HT II. Apterae often alatiform, with 0-19 rhinaria on ANT
III. Marginal tubercles (MTu) frequently present on ABD TERG 2-4, as well as
1 and 7
entirely pale. ANT tubercles undeveloped. Well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu)
usually present on ABD TERG 2-6 as well as 1 and 7
…..Aphis schinifoliae
SIPH are pale then other characters do not apply
dark, shorter than R IV+V and only 0.3-0.7 × cauda, which is also dark and bears
4-8 hairs. ANT tubercles undeveloped. ABD TERG 1 and 7 and often also ABD
TERG 2-6 with well-developed, rather flat MTu
Many species have been transferred from Scirpus to other genera. We have left some of these in the Scirpus list, with the new generic
name in brackets.
S. tabernaemontani = Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
S. triqueter = Schoenoplectus triqueter
S. validus= Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
S. vulgaris (= Bolboschoenusmaritimus)
Sitobion avenae
Scirpus spp.
Atheroides hirtellus; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Schizaphis brachytarsus, caricis;
[Subsaltusaphis virginica]
Key to apterae on Scirpus (also Bomboschoenus, Schoenoplectus and Scirpoides):-
SIPH tubular; tapering,
cylindrical or swollen, clearly longer than their basal widths
SIPH in form of short
truncate cones not clearly longer than their basal widths, or present merely
as pores, or completely absent
SIPH very small, thin and
flangeless, less than 0.7 × cauda
…..Hyalopterus pruni
SIPH not thin, more than 0.8
× cauda, with a distinct apical flange
Front of head between ANT produced into 3 large separate rounded
processes, each bearing spine-like hairs. SIPH scabrous, cylindrical for most
of length and abruptly narrowed distally, with a small terminal aperture. ANT
PT/BASE 1.37-1.8
…..Vesiculaphis theobaldi
Front of head not
produced into 3 large rounded processes bearing spine-like hairs. SIPH
various, but not very small at apex. ANT PT/BASE more than 1.8
Tergum almost entirely
dark, and SIPH jet black
Tergum usually pale,
sometimes with dusky/dark central patch or dark markings. SIPH pale or dark
SIPH short, less than 0.1 × BL, with close-set rows of fine spinules
…..Ceruraphis viburnicola
SIPH more than 0.2 × BL, with
coarse denticulate imbrication
…..Ceruraphis eriophori
ANT tubercles moderately
to well developed, projecting beyond middle part of head in dorsal view,
smooth and divergent or bearing rounded scabrous or spiculose processes. ANT
III with 1-4 small rhinaria near base
ANT tubercles weakly
developed, not projecting beyond middle of head in dorsal view. ANT III
without rhinara
Head with inner sides of
ANT tubercles developed as rounded, scabrous or spiculose processes. R IV+V
1.2-1.3 × HT II
…..Carolinaia scirpi
Head with inner sides of ANT tubercles smooth and divergent. R IV+V
0.60-0.85 × HT II
SIPH pale, without subapical polygonal reticulation
….. Metopolophium dirhodum
SIPH dark, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation
SIPH 1.75-2.25 × cauda,
which has a rounded apex
…..Sitobion fragariae
SIPH 1.0-1.5 × cauda,
which has a more pointed apex
…..Sitobion avenae
ANT 5-segmented, bearing long hairs up to 4-5
× BD III. ANT PT/BASE 4.5-5.9, with PT usually curved
…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT 5- or 6-segmented,
but if 5-segmented then hairs are shorter and/or ANT PT/BASE is less than 3.6
ABD TERG 8 with 5-13 hairs. Hind tibia with
numerous long, fine hairs, exceeding 2 × its diameter at midlength, along
whole length. Longest hairs on ANT III longer than BD III. Papilliform
marginal tubercles usually present on all or most of ABD TERG 1-7
ABD TERG 8 with 2-4
hairs. Hind tibia with shorter hairs, or if with hairs about 2 × its middle
diameter then these do not extend to basal part. Longest hairs on ANT III
rarely exceeding BD III. Marginal tubercles present or absent from ABD TERG
ANT III with 15-16 hairs. SIPH 2.57-2.83 × cauda
…..Schizaphis brachytarsus
ANT III with 6-13 hairs. SIPH 1.50-2.78 × cauda
plate usually with 2-4 hairs on anterior half (rarely up to 10). Dorsal body
and ANT hairs variable in length; often some of those on both ANT III and ABD
TERG 3 have blunt apices and are less than 50 μm long (range 28-87
μm and 29-100 μm respectively). R IV+V 1.02-1.25 (-1.38) × HT II.
(Al. with (0-)2-5 rhinaria on ANT V)
…..Schizaphis caricis
Subgenital plate with
(3-)5-14 hairs on anterior half. Dorsal body hairs all more than 65 μm
long with pointed apices; hairs on ANT III and ABD TERG 3 are in range (30-)
50-108 μm and 81-132 μm respectively. R IV+V either 0.89-1.14 or
1.25-1.43 × HT II. Al with 0-1 rhinaria on ANT V
R IV+V 0.89-1.14 × HT II. Hairs on ANT III
53-108 μm long
…..Schizaphis scirpi
R IV+V 1.25-1.43 × HT II. hairs on ANT III (30-) 50-83 μm long
…..Schizaphis scirpicola
distinctly clavate, 1.8-2.4 × cauda
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH not clavate, 1.2-c.2.0 × cauda
ANT with primary rhinaria on ANT V much
smaller than that on VI, its diameter 0.3-0.4 × width of segment at that
point. SIPH pale with dark apices
…..Schizaphis minuta
ANT with primary rhinarium
on ANT V about the same size as that on VI, its diameter more than 0.5 of
width of segment at that point. SIPH pale or dark
PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II. Body rather elongate oval
…..Rhopalosiphum maidis
ANT PT/BASE 2.8-5.2. R
IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II. Body rather broadly oval
usually 5-segmented, with longest hairs on ANT III 1-2 × BD III. SIPH c.2 ×
…..Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae
ANT 6-segmented, with longest hiars on ANT III 0.4-1.0 × BD III. SIPH 1.2-1.9
× cauda
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.75-1.0 × BD III.
Dorsal body hairs pointed. SIPH 1.2-1.5 × cauda
…..Rhopalosiphum musae
Longest hairs on ANT III
0.4-0.6 × BD III. Dorsal body hairs short and blunt. SIPH 1.5-1.9 × cauda
SIPH uniformly dark, cylindrical for most of length or with slight swelling of distal part, with a smooth distinctly constricted region subapically. Cauda dark
…..Rhopalosiphum padi
SIPH pale/dusky with
darker apices, tapering gradually from base and with only slight subapical
constriction. Cauda pale/dusky
…..Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae
Dorsal body hairs long and
Dorsal body hairs short
with pointed apices, or fan- or mushroom-shaped
Body elongate. Tergum entirely black
…..Atheroides hirtellus
Body oval. Tergum not
black, ornamented with numerous small pointed denticles between the
…..Sipha glyceriae
Body balloon-shaped, with eyes of only 3
facets, ANT and legs greatly reduced and SIPH absent. Faceted wax glands
present on all segments
…..Colopha hispanica
Body elongate, with
compound eyes and well-developed appendages. SIPH present, stump-like or raised pores. No faceted wax glands
Fore and mid tibiae thickened at base,
forming a smooth sclerotic “patella” (clearly different from base of hind
tibia). SIPH stump-shaped. ABD TERG 8 with a pair of large rounded tubercular
processes, each bearing 2 long hairs
…..Saltusaphis scirpus
Fore and mid tibiae constricted
at base like hind tibiae. SIPH as slightly raised pores. ABD TERG 8 enlarged,
entirely sclerotic, without tubercular processes, semicircular or emarginate
Dorsal hairs pointed. ABD TERG 8 with
posterior margin rounded, not distinctly emarginate. ANT PT/BASE 0-5-0.6
…..Thripsaphis ballii
Dorsal hairs
mushroom-shaped. ANT TERG 8 distinctly emarginate posteriorly. ANT PT/BASE
usually with well-marked and clearly-defined pleural longitudinal dark stripes
that run almost the full length of the body (with small breaks between
segments); these stripes are almost as dark as the intersegmental muscle
plates, and are either side of a very pale spinal region that has no trace of
a darker spinal stripe. (Wholly dark forms also sometimes occur)
…..Subsaltusaphis ornata
either almost unpigmented (except for muscle plates), or with ill-defined
dark pleural longitudinal stripes or rows of paired patches that are paler
than intersegmental muscle plates. When pleural bands are well-developed then
there is also between them at least a trace of a dark spinal stripe. (Wholly
dark forms are not known to occur)
…..Subsaltusaphis picta
(If specimens collected
from Scirpus run to couplet 23, it would
be advisable also to check that they are not one of the numerous other Carex-feeding Saltusaphidine species,
by taking them through couplets 5-53 of key B to apterae on Carex.)
scirpi of Ghosh & Raychaudhuri 1972, nec.
van der Goot
Key to apterae on Scleria:-
ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces scabrous and parallel
or slightly divergent. Tergum entirely dark. ANT c. 0.75-0.8 × BL
….. Aulacorthum scirpi of
Ghosh & Raychaudhuri, 1972, nec. van der Goot*
ANT tubercles weakly
developed. Tergum pale or dark. ANT 0.26-0.75 × BL
Dorsal cuticle strongly wrinkled
or variolate. ANT 5- or 6-segmented, 0.26-0.33 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.0-1.5.
SIPH pale/dusky, with very coarse imbrication, cylindrical for most of length
and abruptly narrowing subapically
…..Carolinaia caricis
Dorsal cuticle smooth or
almost smooth. ANT usually 6-segmented, 0.6-0.75 × BL, with PT/BASE 2.0-3.8.
SIPH dark to blackish, tapering, with normal imbrication
ANT III with 2-4 rhinaria on swollen part near base. ANT PT/BASE
c.3.75. R IV+V with 4 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 4 hairs. ABD TERG 1
and 7 without marginal tubercles
…..Carolinaia hillerislambersi
ANT III without rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.0-3.2. R IV+V with 2 accessory
hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu
ANT PT/BASE less than
0.3. Body and appendages densely hairy. SIPH absent
ANT PT/BASE at least 0.5.
Body and appendages not densely hairy. SIPH present
ANT V BASE and R IV+V both very long, respectively about 1.7 and 2.5 ×
width of head between antennal bases. ANT II similar in length to ANT I, much
shorter than III
.….Rectinasus buxtoni
ANT V BASE and R IV+V of normal length , both about 0.5 × width of head between antennal bases. ANT II about twice as long as ANT I, similar in length to III
..…Smynthurodes betae
ANT tubercles developed
but often low, with smooth, broadly divergent inner faces. ANT III with 1-85
ANT tubercles either
undeveloped, or steep-sided and scabrous or spiculose. ANT III without
rhinaria, or with only 1-2 small ones near base
SIPH pale or only dark at
apices, and if with polygonal reticulation this is confined to distal
0.13-0.20 of length. ANT III with 1-11 rhinaria
SIPH dark, with polygonal
reticulation on distal 0.17-0.40 of length. ANT III with 7-85 rhinaria
SIPH with a distal zone
of polygonal reticulation. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria on basal half. ANT
PT/BASE 4.0-6.2
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH without distal
polygonal reticulation. ANT III with 4-11 rhinaria in a row extending over
0.33-0.9 of length. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.5
…..Acyrthosiphon ghanii
Cauda pale.Dorsal abdomen without any pigmented sclerites. ANT III with 7-19 rhinaria (-30 in alatiform apt.). SIPH with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.3-0.4
…..Uroleucon tortuosissimae*
Cauda dark.Dorsal abdomen with pigmented
scleroites at bases of hairs. ANT III with 16-54 rhinaria. SIPH with
polygonal reticulation on distal 0.16-0.26
Tibiae mainly pale. Cauda
with 10-17 hairs
…..Uroleucon scorzonerae
Tibiae entirely dark.Cauda with 22-28 hairs
…..Uroleucon jaceae
Dorsal abdomen with extensive dark sclerotisation comprising broad
spino-pleural cross-bands or paired patches on ABD TERG 1-7, and separate
marginal sclerites. Spiracular apertures rounded. Cauda helmet-shaped, less
than 0.8 × its basal width
…..Brachycaudus tragopogonis
Dorsal abdomen pale or
with a different pattern of sclerotisation. Spiracular apertures reniform.
Cauda bluntly conical, tongue- or finger-shaped, 0.9-2.5 × its basal width
ANT PT/BASE within range
0.6-1.3. (SIPH and cauda both very short)
Myzus sp. (India; BNMH collection,
leg. K. Narayanan);
Neomyzus circumflexus
Key to apterae on Scutellaria:-
SIPH as very small,
rimless cones, shorter than their basal widths. ABD TERG 1-7 all with
well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu), longer than SIPH. ANT hairs long and
fine, 2-3 × BD III
…..Pseudasiphonaphis corni
Without that combination
of characters
Dorsal body hairs long and capitate. ANT III with 10-37 rhinaria
…..Cryptomyzus alatavicus
Dorsal hairsnot long and capitate. ANT III with
0-10 rhinaria
Head spiculosewith inner
faces of ANT tubercles converging anteriorly. ANT shorter than BL, without
secondary rhinaria and with PT/BASE 1.7-3.0. Small, oval aphids, BL less than 2 mm. SIPH not
Without that combination
of characters
Dorsal abdomen with
intersegmental pattern of dark ornamentation. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.5. SIPH
weakly S-shaped with a well-developed flange, of diameter c.1.5 × the minimum
diameter subapically
…..Myzus ornatus
Dorsum without dark
intersegmental markings. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-3.0. SIPH straight with flange of
diameter only 1.1-1.2 × minimum subapical diameter
…..Myzus sp., India
SIPH uniformly dark, not swollen. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal
tubercles (MTu)
SIPH (if present) pale or
dark, or with dusky/dark apices, if wholly dark then markedly swollen. ABD
TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
SIPH present as large
pores with partially sclerotised rims, ringed with hairs. Body and appendages
sparsely hairy.Wax glands present, each
consisting of a central facet surrounded by a ring of smaller facets
…..Eriosoma sp. (moriokense, ulmi)
SIPH absent. Body and appendages densely hairy. No discrete wax glands
…..Smynthurodes betae
Cauda very broadly rounded,
much broader than long. SIPH stump-like, shorter than basal widths
…..Brachycaudus sedi
Cauda helmet-shaped, tongue- or finger-shaped. SIPH tubular, longer
than their basal widths
Cauda helmet-shaped, a
little shorter than its basal width. Spiracular apertures large and rounded
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue- or
finger-shaped, distinctly longer than its basal width. Spiracular apertures
usually reniform
ANT tubercles weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles
ANT tubercles well
developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
R IV+V c. 0.8 × HT II. (Al. with sec. rhin.distributed ANT III 32-40,
IV 8-15, V 0-2)
…..Aphis acrita*
R IV+V 0.9-1.7 × HT II. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed III 3-25, IV 0-2 (-10), V 0-1)
ABD TERG 2-4 or 2-6 as
well as 1 and 7 with well-developed, hemispherical or conical MTu
ABD TERG 2-4 only
sporadically with small papilliform MTu
R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II,
with (2-) 3-4 accessory hairs. Longest hairs on ANT III 1.2-1.8 × BD III
…..Aphis sediradicis*
R IV+V c. 1.2 × HT II, with 2 accessory hairs. Longest hairs on ANT
III c.0.5 × BD III
…..Aphis smirnovi*
SIPH pale with dark
…..Aphis nasturtii
SIPH entirely dark
Cauda black with 11-24 hairs. Dorsal
abdomen with dark cross-bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8, and some dark markings
anterior to SIPH. Femora with many fine hairs longer than trochantro-femoral
…..Aphis fabae
Cauda pale or dark with
4-8 hairs. Dorsal abdomen with or without dusky cross-bands on ABD TERG 7 and
8, usually without any dark markings anterior to SIPH. Femoral hairs all much
shorter than trochantro-femoral suture
ANT PT/BASE 1.6-2.3. SIPH 0.8-1.5 × cauda, which
bears 4-6 hairs and is usually rather dark, only a little paler than SIPH
…..Aphis sedi
1.3-2.5 × cauda, which bears 4-8 hairs and is usually pale/dusky, markedly
paler than SIPH
…..Aphis gossypii
Thoracic spiracular apertures much larger
than abdominal ones . ANT III usually with numerous secondary rhinaria, and
often some also on IV, or IV and V
Thoracic spiracular apertures similar in size to abdominal ones. ANT
III with or without a few (1-10) rhinaria on basal part, none on IV or V
Cauda usually with 7 hairs, rarely 6, 8 or
9. ANT PT/BASE 7.0-11.4 (usually more than 8.4). ANT III with 5-36 rhinaria,
IV and V with 0. SIPH without imbrication. Dorsal abdomen with paired
intersegmental markings
…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
Cauda almost always with 5 hairs. ANT PT/BASE 3.6-8.4. Sec. rhin. distributed
ANT III 10-42, IV 0-21, V 0-4. SIPH with some imbrication. Dorsal abdomen
with extensive dark sclerotisation, fused between tergites to form a large
dark patch
ABD TERG 8 with a
backwardly-directed process above the cauda, bearing 2 hairs. ANT PT/BASE 0.64-1.25
…..Cavariella aegopodii
No supracaudal process.
ANT PT/BASE more than 2
SIPH very small, less
than 0.6 × cauda, flangeless, and usually curved towards midline
…..Semiaphis spp.
SIPH more than 0.6 ×
cauda, with an apical flange
SIPH dark, clavate, 0.9-1.4
× cauda
…..Hyadaphis foeniculi
SIPH not as above
SIPH much shorter than HT
II. ABD TERG 1-4 and 7 usually (?) with well-developed marginal tubercles
…..Aphis selini*
SIPH longer than HT II.
MTu present or absent
Caudatriangular or helmet-shaped (pentagonal), with2-5 hairs. Spinal tubercles (STu)
present on head and ABD TERG 8, or 7 and 8
Cauda tongue- or
finger-shaped, usually bearing 7 or more hairs
Cauda triangular,
1.20-1.33 × its basal width, and bearing only 2-3 hairs. MTu often present on
ABD TERG 2-4, but not 1 and 7
….. Dysaphis selinumi*
helmet-shaped/pentagonal, not longer than its basal width, with 5 hairs. MTu
present on ABD TERG 1-5, and frequently also on ABD TERG 7
…..Dysaphis apiifolia
Headsmooth with broadly
divergent ANT tubercles. SIPH thin, tapering, pale, without subapical
reticulation, 1.0-1.3 × the thick, pale cauda. R IV+V 0.6-0.7 × HT II
Note: many species formerly placed in Senecio are now placed in other genera, e.g. Jacobaea and Packera. We canot find any evidence that the aphid fauna of these genera differs, so there is still a single key to apterae on Asteraceae of the Senecio group.
Body aleyrodiform,
subcircular, heavily sclerotised, dark, with reduced appendages, and with
numerous long fine dorsal and marginal hairs
…..Euthoracaphis longisetosa
Body of normal aphid form
ANT less than 0.33 × BL,
with ANT PT/BASE less than 0.7. Dorsal wax glands evident. SIPH absent or as
large pores. Cauda broadly rounded, not evident
ANT more than 0.33 × BL, with
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.7. No discrete wax glands. SIPH absent, poriform,
conical or tubular. Cauda not broadly rounded
SIPH present as large pores with partially sclerotised rims, ringed
with hairs. Wax glands present on all segments, each generally comprising a
ring of facets around a central pore
…..Eriosoma patchiae
SIPH absent. Wax glands
only on all or some of ABD TERG 3-7 and comprising pore-plates of uniform
small polygonal facets
…..Pemphigus sp.
Cauda helmet-shaped or
bluntly triangular, not or hardly longer than its basal width
Cauda triangular, tongue- or finger-shaped, usually much longer than
its basal width
SIPH pale or slightly dusky, or darker only
SIPH uniformly dusky or dark
Cauda black. SIPH densely imbricated. Dorsal
abdomen with extensive dusky sclerotisation, and numerous rigid hairs with
tuberculate bases, some of them having furcate apices, longest hairs being
3.0-3.6 × ANT BD III
Cauda pale. SIPH almost smooth. Dorsal abdomen
unsclerotised, with hairs sparse, without tuberculate bases or furcate
apices, and much shorter
SIPH 0.4-1.3 × the bluntly triangular cauda. ANT
PT/BASE 0.7-1.4
…..Protaphis terricola
SIPH more than 1.8 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE more than
Dorsal abdomen with
variably developed transverse dark sclerotic bars, not or only partially
fused between tergites and often interrupted in midline on ABD TERG 1-4
Dorsal abdomen with an
extensive solid black shield covering ABD TERG 1-6
Cuticle of head densely
spiculose. ANT III with (0-)12-30 secondary rhinaria distributed over most of
length, and ANT IV with 0-16. Spiracular apertures small, and marginal
tubercles (MTu) not evident
…..Cedoaphis maxsoni
Cuticle of head without
spinules.ANT without secondary
rhinaria rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). Spiracular apertures large
and rounded. Marginal tubercles (MTu) often present on ABD TERG 2-4, and sometimes
on 1 and/or 5
…..Brachycaudus virgatus
SIPH long and thin, more than 5 × cauda, which bears more than 20
hairs. ANT with numerous secondary rhinaria on III (distal part), IV and V.
ANT PT/BASE more than 6
…..Allocotaphis quaestionis
SIPH 2.1-3.4 × cauda
which bears 6-8 hairs. ANT without secondary rhinaria (except in alatiform
specimens, and then only on III). ANT PT/BASE 3.2-5.1
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 30-61 µm long. Longest hairs on hind femur
10-25µm long
…..Brachycaudus lateralis
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are
at least 70µm long. Longest hairs on hind femur more than 25µm long
…..Brachycaudus cardui
SIPH absent, or present as small black sclerotic cones shorter than their basal widths
SIPH conical or tubular,
as long as or longer than their basal widths
SIPH absent. Marginal tubercles (MTu) always present on ABD TERG 1, 6
and 7, and often also on 2-4. ANT PT/BASE 1.6-2.0, R IV+V 1.05-1.25 × HT II
…..Seneciobium balachowskyi
SIPH as black sclerotic
cones, shorter than their basal widths. MTu differently distributed, never on
ABD TERG 6. ANT PT/BASE 1.2-1.8. R IV+V either 0.75-0.85 × or 1.7-1.8 × HT II
Tergum mainly pale and membranous.ANT III with 12-35 hairs, the longest
0.9-3.0 × BD III. ANT III and IV both with rhinaria. R IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II,
longer than PT. MTu consistently on ABD TERG 1-4, but rarely on 7. SIPH
placed on anterior part of ABD TERG 6
…..Pehuenchaphis agilissima
Tergum with variable dark
sclerotisation. ANT III with 3-14 hairs, the longest 0.7-1.2 × BD III. ANT
III and IV without rhinaria. R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II, shorter than PT. MTu on
ABD TERG 1 and 7. SIPH placed (as normal) on ABD TERG 5
…..Aphis malalhuina
Marginal tubercles (MTu) present onABD TERG 1, and usually also (at
least) on ABD TERG 7. SIPH dark, without polygonal reticulation
MTu absent fromABD TERG 1 and 7, and only
irregularly on 2-6. SIPH pale or dark, with or without a distal zone of polygonal
ANT III-IV (-V) with sec. rhinaria, with
almost always more rhinaria on IV than on III. Tibiae entirely dark
ANT III and IV with or
without rhinaria, but if there are any on III then there are always fewer on
IV. Tibiae mainly pale, dark only distally
MTu present regularly on ABD TERG 2-4 as
well as 1 and 7
MTu only consistently
present on ABD TERG 1 and 7
R IV+V with 4-8 accessory hairs. SIPH
0.55-0.8 × cauda
…..Aphis senecioradicis
R IV+V with 2 (-3)
accessory hairs. SIPH 1.4-2.3 × cauda
…..Aphis jacobaeae
ANT III with acute hairs 12-54 μm
long, 0.7-1.1(-2.1) × BD III. ANT BASE VI 0.09-0.15 mm but rarely exceeding
0.135 mm. ABD TERG 2-4 without MTu. Anterior half of subgenital plate usually
with 2-6 hairs (mode 3-4), but populations with 4-12 (mode 5-6) occur. SIPH
1.1-1.6 (mostly 1.2-1.5) × cauda
ANT III with fine-pointed
hairs 32-58 μm long, (1.1-)1.4-3.3 × BD III. ANT BASE VI 0.124-0.20 mm,
when less than 0.14 then cauda about equal in length to SIPH. ABD TERG 2-4
with or without some MTu. Anterior half of subgenital plate with 5-20 hairs
Cauda tongue-shaped, parallel-sided or
weakly tapering for much of length and broadly rounded at apex. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.4,
mostly 1.6-2.1
…..Aphis lugentis
Cauda tapering to an
almost pointed apex. ANT PT/BASE 1.35-1.55
…..Aphis senecionis
R IV+V with 2-4 (-5) accessory hairs
(examine several specimens)
R IV+V with 2 accessory
ABD TERG 2-4 each with (4-) 5-10 marginal hairs on each side. Cauda
with 14-20 hairs
…..Aphis cacaliasteris
ABD TERG 2-4 each with 2-4 marginal hairs on each side. Cauda with
9-17 hairs
…..Aphis haroi
SIPH 1.1-1.55 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.35-1.55. ABD TERG 2-4
sporadically with MTu
SIPH 0.95-1.1 × cauda.
ANT PT/BASE 1.6-1.95. ABD TERG 2-4 without MTu
Sec. rhinaria. distributed ANT III 3-26, IV
10-20, V 0-6
…..Aphis duckmountainensis
Sec. rhinaria distributed
ANT III 0-4, IV 1-10, V 1-5
…..Aphis seneciocrepiphaga*
MTu present on ABD TERG 1-4 (-6) and 7 of
most specimens. SIPH 0.4-0.9 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.0-2.0
MTu only regularly
present on ABD TERG 1 and 7. SIPH 0.4-2.5 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-4.5
MTu very variable in size (and sometimes
even absent); often very large on prothorax and ABD TERG 1-4, but smaller and
often absent from ABD TERG 5, 6 and even 7. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.7
…..Aphis papillosa
MTu consistently present
on prothorax and ABD TERG 1-4 and 7, sometimes also on 5 and 6; all of
similar size. Longest hairs on ANT III 0-4-0.9 × BD III
…..Aphis senecionicoides
ABD TERG 2-5 with a large dark sclerotic
patch, sometimes with small perforations intersegmentally
ABD TERG 2-5 membranous or with only small scattered sclerites, or
with broad cross-bands leaving large intersegmental spaces
ANT III with 0-7 rhinaria. (ANT III of al.
with 10-13 rhinaria)
…..Aphis intrusa
ANT III without rhinaria, except in alatiform specimens. (ANT III of
al. with 3-10 rhinaria)
…..Aphis craccivora
ANT tubercles undeveloped. ANT PT/BASE
ANT tubercles moderately
to well developed. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-11.4
SIPH 0.33-0.62 × cauda. ABD TERG 8 with 2
(-4) hairs
…..Aphis paradoxa
SIPH 1.2-1.5 × cauda. ABD TERG 8 with 10-18 hairs
…..Aphis sp. nr lugentis (Utah, BMNH collection)
SIPH with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows
of closed polygonal cells)
SIPH without a distinct
distal zone of polygonal reticulation (but sometimes with 1-3 indistinctly
defined rows of cells)
SIPH pale or dusky, or at least usually
with a pale section at base, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.1-0.2 of
length, often on a somewhat constricted section, and comprising large cells
of max, diam, more than 0.25 × width of SIPH at that point. First tarsal
segments with 3 hairs
SIPH entirely dark, or
paler only in middle, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.16-0.4 of
length, comprising numerous small cells of max. diam. less than 0.25 × width of
SIPH at that point. First tarsal segments with 5 hairs
SIPH mainly dark, usually with pale bases.
Tibiae mainly dark
SIPH and tibiae pale, or
dark only at apices
BL 4.3-4.8 mm. ANT III with 6-17 rhinaria
(al. with 20-30). Femora and SIPH with dark brown-black apices
…..Macrosiphum alpinum
BL 2.0-4.0 mm. ANT III
with 1-7 (-10) rhinaria (al. with 12-21). Femora and SIPH pale or dusky at
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Cauda almost as dark as SIPH, which are
entirely pigmented
Cauda distinctly paler
than SIPH, or of their most pigmented parts
R IV+V long and narrow, 1.5-1.7 × HT II
…..Uroleucon muermosum
R IV+V 0.7-1.4 × HT II
Tibiae wholly dark. Hind femora with basal
half pale and distal half dark, with a rather sharp transition between. SIPH
1.4-1.8 × cauda, which bears 18-30 hairs
Tibiae with paler middle
section. Hind femora pale on basal 0.2-0.5 of length. SIPH 1.5-2.1 × cauda,
which bears 10-23 hairs
ANT PT 0.67-0.77 × ANT III. ANT PT/BASE 3.9-4.2. SIPH 1.65-1.9 × cauda
…..Uroleucon syrdariense
ANT PT 0.8-1.2 × ANT III. ANT PT/BASE 4.0-6.2. SIPH 1.3-1.8 × cauda
…..Uroleucon jaceae
ANT III with 60-80 secondary rhinaria distributed over 0.7-0.9 of its length
…..Uroleucon compositae
ANT III with 20-37
rhinaria not extending beyond basal 0.6 of length
SIPH 1.7-2.1 × cauda
….. Uroleucon seneciocola
SIPH 1.5-1.8 × cauda
….. Uroleucon dzhungaricum*
SIPH distally pigmented and basally
pale. Cauda with one or more distal
hairs short and blunt or capitate
…..Uroleucon erigeronense
SIPH entirely pigmented or
with mid section paler. Caudal hairs all normal
ANT III 1.5-2.0 × longer than ANT IV + V together,
and bearing 96-135 strongly protruberant rhinaria
…..Uroleucon formosanum
ANT III less than 1.2 × ANT IV + V together, and usually bearing less
than 95 rhinaria
Crescent-shaped antesiphuncular sclerites
present. ANT III with 56-97 rhinaria extending over 0.85-0.97 of length
…..Uroleucon cichorii
Antesiphuncular sclerites absent or vestigeal. ANT III with 8-36
rhinaria extending over 0.3-0.7 of length
SIPH with reticulation on
distal 0.41-0.60 of length
…..Uroleucon mexicanum
SIPH with reticulation on
distal 0.16-0.36 of length
SIPH 1.1-1.5 × cauda, with reticulation on
distal 0.25-0.36 of length. Coxae pale
SIPH 1.4-2.1 × cauda,
with reticulation on distal 0.16-0.27 of length. Coxae pale, dusky or dark
II rather long and thin, 6 or more × longer than its maximum thickness and
0.9-1.1 × R IV+V
…..Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
HT II less than 5 × its maximum thickness and 0.70-0.85 × R IV+V
…..Uroleucon ambrosiae
R IV+V 1.2-1.8 × HT II. Cauda with 30-45
…..Uroleucon cirsicola
R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II.
Cauda with 23-34 hairs
Dorsal abdominal hairs with somewhat
expanded apices and all with dark scleroites at bases. Coxae pale,
concolorous with trochanters and bases of femora
Dorsal abdominal hairs
pointed and mostly without dark scleroites at bases. Coxae dusky/dark in
comparison with trochanters and bases of femora
Head densely spiculose, with steep-sided or apically convergent ANT tubercles
Head without spicules, or
with few only on ventral side. Inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent
SIPH clavate
SIPH tapering/cylindrical
Cauda bearing 35-60 hairs. ANT III without rhinaria. Dorsal hairs
long, with expanded apices, those on ABD TERG 3 being much longer than ANT BD
…..Indomasonaphis anaphalidis
Cauda with 6-10 hairs. ANT
III with 1-30 rhinaria. Dorsal hairs short and blunt, shorter than ANT BD III
Prothoracic spiracular aperturesnot much larger than those on
abdomen. Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 8-20 μm long. Secondary rhinaria only
on ANT III (1-20). ANT PT/BASE 5.3-8.2. Alata without any dorsal abdominal
dark patch
…..Ucrimyzus villalobosi
Prothoracic spiracular
aperturesmuch larger than those
on abdomen, which are reniform. Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 8-50 μm long,
but ifless than 20 μm long then
secondary rhinaria are distributed ANT III 11-29, IV 0-16, V 0 (-9), and ANT
PT/BASE 4.3-5.6. Alata with a dorsal abdominal (imperfect) patch
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 8-19 μm long,
and on ANT tubercles 6-11 μm. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III
11-29, IV (0)-1-16, V 0 (-9). ANT PT/BASE 4.3-5.6. ANT PT 1.6-2.3 × cauda
…..Hyperomyzus carduellinus
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are
30-50 μm long, and on ANT tubercles 18-30 μm. Secondary rhinaria
distributed ANT III 4-20, IV 0 (-1), V 0. ANT PT/BASE 4.8-7.4. ANT PT 2.0-3.0
× cauda
…..Hyperomyzus lactucae
SIPH entirely dark, rather coarsely
imbricated, with 1-3 poorly-defined rows of polygonal reticulation at apices.
First tarsal segments with 5 hairs
SIPH pale, sometimes with
dusky/dark apices, without any subapical reticulation. First tarsal segments
with 3 hairs
ANT PT/BASE c.3.2. SIPH c.19.5 × width at midlength, and c.3.5 × HT II
…..Blanchardaphis capitophoroides
ANT PT/BASE 3.75-4.9. SIPH 9.5-15 × midlength width, and 1.9-2.9 × HT II
…..Blanchardaphis poikila
Thoracic spiracles enlarged, much larger
than abdominal spiracles. ANT PT/BASE 7.0-11.4, usually more than 8.0. Hairs
on ANT III 0.7-1.1 × BD III. Dorsum usually with paired dark intersegmental
…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
Thoracic spiracles
similar in size to abdominal ones. ANT PT/BASE less than 7.5. Hairs on ANT
III less than 0.7 × BD III. Dorsum without any dark markings
Tergum pale but sclerotic; rugose,
papillated or strongly wrinkled. R IV+V 0.87-1.13 × HT II
…..Acyrthosiphon rubi
Tergum membranous, smooth or only slightly wrinkled. R IV+V 1.0-1.5 ×