This website is based on the information contained in the seminal works by Roger L. Blackman (1941-2022) and Victor F. Eastop (1924-2012), Aphids on the World’s Trees (1994) and Aphids on the World’s Herbaceous Plants and Shrubs (2006). Roger Blackman was the primary author and curator of this website for many years. In their honour, in 2025, the website that was Aphids on the World’s Plants was retitled Blackman & Eastop’s Aphids on the World’s Plants.
Please cite this resource as follows:
Favret C & Aphid Taxon Community, eds. (2025) Blackman & Eastop’s Aphids on the World’s Plants, version 1.0. Accessed at https://aphidsonworldsplants.info/ on [insert today’s date]. — Please site the version used, as the site is continually updated and regularly archived.
INTRODUCTION – The association between aphids and their hosts – Life cycles and polymorphism | HOST LISTS AND KEYS Please read the notes before using the keys. – Host Plant-Aphid Lists and Keys – Morphology and Key Characters | THE APHIDS – Systematic treatment of aphids, alphabetically by species – Regionally classified faunal works |
TECHNIQUES – Collecting methods – Preservation and mounting – Labelling and storage | KEY TO POLYPHAGOUS APHIDS | INDEX TO APHID SPECIES NAMES BIBLIOGRAPHY |
Fully updated taxonomic information about aphids is available at https://aphid.speciesfile.org.