(in alphabetical order)





































Populus Poplars Salicaceae

There are about 120 poplar-feeding aphid species, in 24 genera. Although some species appear to be host-specific, many others are not, and there are no clear patterns of host specificity related to the subgeneric classification of Populus. Therefore the poplar-feeding aphids are treated as a whole, and two rather long keys are provided, one to the free-living aphids and the other two those that form galls or pseudogalls (e.g. folded leaves or “leaf nests”. The gall-formers all belong to subfamily Pemphiginae; of these, only the alatae from the galls are keyed.

Host List:-

Populus acuminataLanceleaf Cottonwood
Aphis maculatae; Chaitophorus populicola;
Mordwilkoja vagabunda;
Pemphigus populicaulis, populitransversus
P. adenopodaChinese Aspen
Chaitophorus populeti
P. albaWhite Poplar
Chaitophorus [dorocola ssp. wuweiensis], indicus,
leucomelas, longisetosus, melanosiphon, [nassonowi],
[nigritus], populeti, populeti ssp. sensoriatus,
populialbae, populialbae ssp. yomefuri,
[populihabitans], [tremulae];
Doraphis populi; [Epipoemphigus niisimae];
Gootiella alba; [Myzus persicae];
Pachypappa [populi], ?pseudobyrsa, vesicalis,
warshavensis (also on roots?; see text);
[Pemphigus bursarius, immunis, protospirae, vesicarius];
Phloeomyzus passerinii; Phylloxerina populi;
Pterocomma [anyangense], dubium, populeum,
[sinipopulifoliae], smithiae, yezoense;
Stomaphis longirostris; Tuberolachnus salignus
P. alba var. pyramidalis Bunge Chaitophorus populeti, populialbae, [tremulae];
(Note: P. pyramidalis Rozier = P. nigra var. italica) Neopemphigus turajevi; [Pemphigus bursarius];
Pterocomma kozhuchovae, populeum, yezoense
P. angulata = P. deltoides
P. angustifoliaNarrow-Leaf Cottonwood
Aphis maculatae;
Chaitophorus populicola, populifolii, stevensis;
Cornaphis populi; Pachypappa sacculi;
Pemphigus betae, knowltoni, monophagus, populiglobuli,
[populitransversus], populivenae;
Pterocomma populifoliae, pseudopopuleum, smithiae;
Thecabius populimonilis;
Thecabius (Parathecabius) gravicornis
P. balsamiferaTacamahac or Balsam Poplar
Aphis maculatae;
Chaitophorus leucomelas, [matsumurai], [nassonowi],
populeti, populialbae, populicola, populifolii;
Clydesmithia canadensis; Epipemphigus niisimae;
[Pachypappa tremulae, Pachpappa sp.];
Pemphigus betae, borealis, [bursarius], [matsumurai],
monophagus, [phenax], populi, populicaulis,
populiglobuli, populinigrae, populiramulorum,
populitransversus, populivenae, [protospirae],
Phloeomyzus passerinii; Phylloxerina salicicola;
Pterocomma bicolor, populeum, populifoliae, [rufipes];
Thecabius affinis, patchii, populiconduplifolius,
Thecabius (Parathecabius) gravicornis
P. beijingensis Thecabius beijingensis
P. ×berolinensisChaetophorus leucomelas, populeti;
Pachypappa tremulae;
Pemphigus borealis, bursarius, passeki, phenax,
Pterocomma populeum, [tremulae]; Thecabius affinis
P. bolleana = P. alba var. pyramidalis
P. bonatii = P. rotundifolia var. bonatii
P. ×canadensisChaitophorus euphraticus, [frigidus], leucomelas,
nassonowi, populeti;
Pachypappa warshavensis;
Pemphigus borealis, bursarius, dorocola, immunis,
populi, populinigrae, protospirae, spyrothecae;
Phloeomyzus passerinii; Pterocomma populeum, tremulae;
Thecabius affinis
P. candicans = P. balsamifera
P. canescensGrey Poplar
Chaitophorus leucomelas, longisetosus, populeti,
populialbae, tremulae;
Pachypappa tremulae, vesicalis, warshavensis (also on roots? – see text);
[Pachypappella lactea (sexuparae)];
Pemphigus bursarius; Phylloxerina populi;
Pterocomma populeum, rufipes
P. caspicaChaitophorus populialbae; Pterocomma pilosum
P. cathayanaChaitophorus leucomelas, populeti, populialbae;
Doraphis populi;
Epipemphigus imaicus, nanjingensis, niisimae,
sanpupopuli, [yunnanensis];
Pachpappa aigeiros;
Pemphigus borealis, bursarius, immunis, iskanderkuli,
matsumurai, [populinigrae], sinobursarius, tibetensis,
Phloeomyzus passerinii (ssp. zhangwuensis);
Pterocomma [neimongolense], populeum, sanpunum;
Thecabius affinis, beijingensis,
[populisuctus Zhang & Zhong 1995 (sexuparae)]
P. charkowiensisPemphigus bursarius, immunis, spyrothecae
P. ciliataBangikat Poplar
[Aspidophorodon harvensis];
Chaitophorus [himalayensis], indicus, kapuri;
Doraphis populi; Epipemphigus imaicus, marginalis; [Ericolophium dubium]; [Lachnus longirostrum];
Pemphigus bursarius, dorocola, [ignotus], immunis,
matsumurai, mordvilkoi, nainitalensis, [napaeus],
siphunculatus, spyrothecae, [venosus];
Phloeomyzus passerinii; [Pterocomma rufipes]
P. davidiana[Chaitogenophorus yuzhongensis Zhang, Qiao & Chen];
Chaitophorus dorocola, inouyei, leucomelas, populeti,
populialbae, tremulae;
Doraphis populi; Pachypappa populi, tremulae;
[Pachypappella lactea]; Pemphigus circellatus;
[Thecabius populisuctus]
P. deltoides ssp. deltoidesEastern Cottonwood
Chaitophorus leucomelas, [nassonowi], neglectus, populeti,
[populialbae], populicola, populicola ssp. patchae,
populifolii, stevensis;
Mordwilkoja vagabunda; Pachypappa pseudobyrsa;
Pemphigus bursarius, [immunis], longicornus, nortonii,
obesinymphae, [populi], populicaulis, [populinigrae],
populitransversus, populivenae, protospirae,
spyrothecae, tartareus;
Phloeomyzus passerinii;
Pterocomma populeum, smithiae, tremulae;
Thecabius affinis, populiconduplifolius
P. deltoides var. occidentalis Plains Cottonwood
(= P. monilifera, P. sargentii) Chaitophorus populicola, populicola ssp. patchae,
populifolii, stevensis;
Mordwilkoja vagabunda; Pachypappa pseudobyrsa;
Pemphigus betae, bursarius, junctisensoriatus, nortonii,
obesinymphae, populicaulis, populiramulorum, populitransversus;
Phloeomyzus passerinii;
Phylloxerina popularia, prolifera;
Pterocomma pseudopopuleum, smithiae, yezoense;
Thecabius populiconduplifolius
P. deltoides var. wislizeni Tuberolachnus salignus
P. densa = P. talassica
P. dilatata = P. nigra var. italica
P. diversifolia = P. euphratica
P. eugenei Phloeomyzus passerinii
P. euphraticaChaitophorus [diversifolii], euphraticus, populeti,
populialbae, populicola, pruinosae, [xinjiangalbus];
Lambersaphis pruinosa; Pachypappawarshavensis;
Pemphigus immunis, napaeus, sinobursarius;
Pterocomma populeum
P. ×euramericana = P. ×canadensis
P. fastigiata = P. nigra var. italica
P. fremontiiFremont Cottonwood
Chaitophorus populicola, populifolii;
Pachypappa ?pseudobyrsa;
Pemphigus ?canadensis, obesinymphae, populicaulis, populiramulorum, populitransversus, populivenae;
Phylloxerina popularia; Thecabius populimonilis
P. ×generosa[Pemphigus sp.]; Pterocomma dubium, populeum
P. ×gileadensisChaitophorus leucomelas; [Pterocommma rufipes]
P. gracilisChaitophorus leucomelas, tremulae;
Pemphigus bursarius, populi, protospirae, spyrothecae,
Pterocomma populeum; Thecabius affinis
P. grandidentataBigtooth Aspen
(= P. tremula ssp. grandidentata) Chaitophorus leucomelasbg, neglectus, populialbae,
Pterocomma populeumbg, populifolii, smithiae
P. heterophyllaSwamp Cottonwood
No aphids recorded
P. ×hybridaPachypappa warshavensis
P. hickeliana = P. alba
P. iliensisPemphigus borealis
P. incrassata (?)Pterocomma populeum
P. komaroviiPterocomma yezoense; Thecabius affinis
P. koreana[Aphis gossypii];
Chaitophorus dorocola, inouyei, leucomelas, variegatus;
Epipemphigus niisimae;
Pemphigus borealis, dorocola, matsumurai;
Pterocomma yezoense; Thecabius affinis, beijingensis;
Thecabius (Parathecabius) latisensorius
P. lasiocarpaPhloeomyzus passerinii (ssp. zhangwuensis)
P. laurifoliaChaitophorus leucomelas, populeti, populialbae,
tremulae, tremulae ssp. sorini;
Pachypappa marsupialis ssp. lambersi, shaposhnikovi;
Pemphigus [birimatus], borealis, bursarius, immunis,
laurifolia, matsumurai, [microsetosus], mongolicus,
montanus, plicatus, [populi], populinigrae, protospirae,
[vesicarius], sp. near iskanderkuli;
Phloeomyzus passerinii;
Pterocomma dubium, populeum, sanpunum;
Thecabius affinis; Thecabius (Parathecabius) latisensorius
P. litwinowiana = P. euphratica
P. longifoliaChaitophorus populeti; Pemphigus borealis, bursarius
P. macropoda (?)Pemphigus populi
P. maximowiczii = P. suaveolens
P. monilifera = P. deltoides var. occidentalis
P. ×moskoviensisPemphigus borealis
P. nigra (incl. var. italica) Black Poplar, Lombardy Poplar
Aphis [galiae], maculatae; Aulacorthum solani;
Chaitophorus euphraticus, [floris], indicus, leucomelas,
longisetosus, nassonowi, neglectus, populeti,
populialbae, populicola, pruinosae, [tremulae];
Epipemphigus imaicus, marginalis;
[Mordwilkoja vagabunda];
Pachypappa marsupialis, [vesicalis];
Pemphigus borealis, bursarius, dorocola, gairi, immunis,
matsumurai, [mordvilkoi], napaeus, passeki, phenax,
plicatus, populi, populinigrae, protospirae,
spyrothecae, vesicarius,
Pemphigus sp. (Kazakhstan; Kadyrbekov, 2005b) ;
Phloeomyzus passerinii; Phylloxerina populi;
Pterocomma [anyangense], atuberculatum, bhutanense,
bicolor, [pilosum], populeum, [sinipopulifoliae],
tremulae, yezoense;
Stomaphis sp. nr graffii, longirostris; Thecabius affinis;
Thecabius (Parathecabius) lysimachiae;
Tuberolachnus salignus
P. niveaThecabius affinis
P. occidentalis = P. deltoides var. occidentalis
P. × petrowskiana Pemphigus spyrothecae
P. pilosaPemphigus populi; Thecabius affinis
P. pruinosaChaitophorus populialbae, pruinosae;
Lambersaphis pruinosa; Pachpappa warshavensis
P. pseudosimonii[Chaitophorus nigripallidus Zhang, Qiao & Chen, in
G. Zhang 1999];
[Epipemphigus brachychaetus (Zhang & Qiao) in G. Zhang
et al. 1995 (sexuparae)];
P. purdomiiChaitophorus [saliniger], [wuduensis];
Pemphigus turritus, wuduensis;
Phloeomyzus passerinii (ssp. zhangwuensis);
[Pterocomma neimongolense]
P. pyramidalis = P. nigra var. italica
P. ×rasumowskiana Pemphigus bursarius, ?populinigrae
P. ×robusta = P. ×canadensis
P. rotundifolia var. bonatii [Epipemphigus yunnanensis]
P. sargentii = P. deltoides var. occidentalis
P. ×sibiricaPemphigus borealis, bursarius, populinigrae, protospirae
P. sieboldiiChaitophorus dorocola, populeti,
populialbae ssp. yomefuri, tremulae;
Doraphis populi; Pachypappa tremulae
P. simoniiChaitophorus clarus, leucomelas, populeti, populialbae,
tremulae ssp. shantungensis;
Doraphis populi; [Epipemphigus sequelus];
Pemphigus borealis, bursarius, dorocola, immunis,
matsumurai, napaeus, sinobursarius;
Phloeomyzus passerinii, [passerinii ssp. zhangwuensis];
Pterocomma [kormion], [neimongolense], populeum,
sanpunum, [sinipopulifoliae], yezoense;
Thecabius affinis
P. sosnowskyi = P. nigra
P. suaveolensChaitophorus dorocola, inouyi, leucomelas, populeti,
tremulae, tremulae ssp. shantungensis;
Doraphis populi; Epipemphigus niisimae;
Gootiella tremulae;
Pachypappa marsupialis ssp. lambersi;
[Pachypappella orientalis Mordvilko ex Shaposhnikov 1955], tremulae;
Pemphigus borealis, bursarius, dorocola, matsumurai,
[semenovi], microsetosus, [mongolicus],
[populinigrae], vesicarius;
Phloeomyzus passerinii; Pterocomma populeum, yezoense;
Thecabius affinis, Thecabius (Parathecabius) latisensorius
P. tajikistanicaChaitophorus leucomelas, populeti;
(= P. afghanica var. tajikistanica) Pemphigus bursarius, matsumurai, populi, populinigrae,
protospirae, vesicarius;
Phloeomyzus passerinii
P. talassicaChaitophorus leucomelas; Pachypappa shaposhnikovi;
Pemphigus [birimatus], bursarius, immunis, laurifolia,
matsumurai, populi, populinigrae, protospirae,
Phloeomyzus passerinii; Pterocomma sanpunum;
Thecabius affinis, [luppovae];
Thecabius (Parathecabius) latisensorius
P. tianschanicaChaitophorus leucomelas; Pemphigus protospirae
P. tomentosaChaitophorus populeti, populialbae, [populihabitans]
P. tremula (incl. var. villosa)European Aspen
[Aphis fabae];
Chaitophorus leucomelas, longisetosus, nassonowi,
populeti, populialbae, tremulae, tremulae ssp. sorini;
Doraphis populi, populi ssp. tremulae; Gootiella tremulae;
Pachypappa marsupialis, populi, tremulae;
Pachypappella lactea; Phloeomyzus passerinii;
Phylloxerina populi; Pterocomma populeum, tremulae;
Stomaphis longirostris
P. tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Aphis maculatae;
Chaitophorus neglectus, nudus, populicola,
populicola ssp. patchae, stevensis;
Fullawaya ontarioensis;
Pachypappa pseudobyrsa, rosettei, sacculi,
Pemphigus populicaulis, populitransversus;
Pseudopterocomma canadensis, hughi;
Pterocomma beulahensis, bicolor, populifoliae, smithiae,
P. trichocarpaBlack Cottonwood, Western Balsam Poplar
Chaitophorus populifolii; Clydesmithia canadensis;
[Pachypappa sp.];
Pemphigus betae, borealis, monophagus, populicaulis,
populiglobuli, populivenae, spyrothecae;
Phylloxerina popularia; Pterocomma populeum, smithiae;
Thecabius populiconduplifolius, populimonilis
P. tristisPterocomma populeum
P. wislizeni = P. deltoides var. wislizeni
P. yunnanensisChaitophorus leucomelas, [populiyunnanensis];
Doraphis populi; [Epipemphigus yunnanensis];
Pemphigus yangcola
Populus sp. (unidentified) Ceratoglyphina populisucta Zhang & Zhong 1985
(= Doraphis populi?);
Chaitophorus [dabanchengus], hillerislambersi,
miyazakii, nodulosus, [tremulae ssp. lanzhouensis];
[Epipemphigus chomoensis]; Longistigma caryae;
Neopterocomma populivorum;
[Pachypappa pilosa]; [Pachypappella aliquipila];
Pemphigus [cylindricus], [mangkamensis], popularius,
[Prociphilus populi Tao 1970];
Pterocomma alpinum, bailangense, medium,

KEY 1 – Aphids free-living on stems or leaves:-

(applies only to adult apterous viviparae unless otherwise stated)

1 Body either aleyrodiform (dark, flattened, almost circular, with a complete, crenulate margin of wax glands). Head of immature alata with a pair of prominent frontal horns …..Doraphis populi
Body not aleyrodiform and head of immature alata without a pair of frontal horns …..2
2 Body small, pear-shaped (broadest anteriorly), with facetted wax pore plates on all tergites. Antennae 3-segmented…..Phylloxerina spp.
Body not broadest anteriorly, without wax glands or with wax glands on ABD TERG 7. Antennae 5- or 6-segmented…..3
3 Eyes with only 3 facets. ABD TERG 7 with a pair of large wax pore plates. Antennae with spinules in a reticulate pattern…..Phloeomyzus passerinii
Eyes multifacetted. Abdomen without wax glands. Antennae not ornamented with a reticulate pattern of spinules…..4
4 Cauda tongue- or finger-like, tapering, much longer than its basal width…..5
Cauda knobbed, rounded or triangular…..7
5 Antennal tubercles undeveloped. SIPH and cauda black. ANT III with 15-22 secondary rhinaria over distal 0.8 of length. Tibiae with numerous long, fine hairs …..Aphis maculatae
Antennal tubercles well developed. SIPH and cauda mainly pale. ANT III with 1-9 secondary rhinaria on basal 0.4. Tibiae with short hairs…..6
6 Antennal tubercles with inner faces approximately parallel (fig. 42J). ANT III with a single rhinarium near base. SIPH without an apical zone of polygonal reticulation …..Aulacorthum solani
Antennal tubercles with inner faces clearly divergent (fig. 42K). ANT III with 2-10 rhinaria. SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
7 Very large aphid with ANT PT/BASE 0.6 or less. SIPH pores placed on broad dark hairy cones…..8
Small or large aphid with ANT PT/BASE clearly more than 0.6. SIPH truncate conical (with reticulate sculpturing) or tubular, or merely pores, or absent…..11
8 Rostrum much longer than body, which is elongate oval. ANT PT/BASE about 0.1, with PT broad and rounded…..Stomaphis longirostris
Rostrum much shorter than body, which is broadly oval. ANT PT/BASE 0.3-0.5, with PT tapering…..9
9 Dorsal abdomen with a large dark spinal tubercle. BL usually less than 5.5 mm …..Tuberolachnus salignus
Dorsal abdomen without a tubercle. BL usually more than 5.5 mm…..10
10 HT II less than 2.2 × HT I. ANT III with longest hairs much longer than diameter of segment…..Longistigma caryae
HT II more than 2.2 × HT I. ANT III with longest hairs shorter than diameter of segment …..Longistigma xizangensis*
11 SIPH in form of small truncate cones or short cylinders (usually at least 0.5 × basal width), with reticulate sculpturing at least distally. Cauda knobbed or rounded …..12
SIPH without reticulate sculpturing; either in form of flat cones (less than 0.5 × basal width), or tubular, or pore-like, or absent. Cauda rounded…..39
12 Hind tibia with 1-22 scattered small scent plaques (“pseudorhinaria”; fig. 82A) …..13
Hind tibia of without any scent plaques (except in oviparae)…..15
13 ANT PT/BASE 0.9-1.4. Cauda variable but often nearly triangular, with a rounded apex and almost without any constriction (fig. 82B)…..Chaitophorus nassonowi
ANT PT/BASE 1.9-3.1. Cauda always with a distinctly knobbed apical part …..14
14 Antennal hairs with finely pointed apices. (Alata with secondary rhinaria not in a row, distributed III 10-32, IV 0-8, V 0-2) …..Chaitophorus populeti
Antennal hairs rather stiff, mostly with blunt or bifurcate apices. (Alata with secondary rhinaria more-or-less in a row, distributed III 10-20, IV 0-4, V 0-1) …..Chaitophorus populeti ssp. sensoriatus
15 Cauda rounded, without any trace of a constriction (e.g. fig.82C)…..16
Cauda with a constriction delimiting an apical knob (fig. 82D)…..20
16 ABD TERG 1-7 usually all free, with separate spino-pleural and marginal sclerites. Tibiae with pale middle sections…..Chaitophorus miyazaki*
ABD TERG 2-7 wholly sclerotised, fused into a solid tergum. Tibiae wholly dark …..17
17 ABD TERG 2-7 each with only 3-5 spinal hairs (plus marginals), the pleural regions being devoid of hairs…..Chaitophorus nudus
ABD TERG 2-7 each with pleural as well as spinal and marginal hairs…..18
18 Abdominal tergum evenly spinulose or nodulose…..Chaitophorus nodulosus
Dorsal cuticle without evident spinules or nodules…..19
19 Many of dorsal abdominal hairs blunt or with square or furcate apices …..Chaitophorus populicola
All dorsal abdominal hairs long, fine and acute …..Chaitophorus populicola ssp. patchae
20 First tarsal segments usually with 5 hairs (e.g. fig. 82E; rarely 6 or more on some tarsi) …..21
First tarsal segments usually with 7 hairs (e.g. fig. 82F; rarely 6 on some tarsi) …..27
21 ABD TERG 1-6 fused, wholly dark, distinctly ornamented with minute spinules, and with numerous smaller pointed hairs between the very long spinal, pleural and marginal hairs on each segment, which usually have pointed but sometimes blunt or bifurcate apices (fig. 83A)…..Chaitophorus longisetosus
Dorsal abdomen pale, or with separate dark segmental bands; more-or-less smooth or ornamented with blunt nodules or spinules, or polygonal reticulation…..22
22 ANT PT/BASE 1.5 or less (fundatrix has ANT PT/BASE 0.6-0.9) …..Chaitophorus pruinosae
ANT PT/BASE 1.7 or more (1.3 or more in fundatrix)…..23
23 R IV+V shorter than HT II, with 2 accessory hairs…..24
R IV+V as long as or a little longer than HT II, with 2-4 accessory hairs …..26
24 Spinopleural hairs on ABD TERG 2-7 very short, maximally about 20 µm …..Chaitophorus clarus
Spinopleural hairs long, maximally 100-150 µm…..25
25 ABD TERG 2-6 with weakly spinulose ornamentation, and long thick hairs maximally 150 µm. ANT III with 3-9 hairs, the longest 1.7-2.2 × basal diameter of segment …..Chaitophorus populialbae ssp. yomefuri
ABD TERG 2-6 with weakly to strongly nodulose ornamentation, and thinner hairs up to 120 µm long (fig. 83F). ANT III with 6-13 hairs, the longest 0.8-1.7 × basal diameter of segment …..Chaitophorus euphraticus
26 ANT PT/BASE 3.3-4.2. SIPH dark…..Chaitophorus melanosiphon
ANT PT/BASE 1.7-3.2. SIPH pale…..Chaitophorus populialbae
27 Empodial hairs enlarged and flattened, with expanded apices. Abdominal tergum pale, with long, pointed or spine-like spinal, pleural and marginal hairs interspersed with smaller hairs, some of which are less than half the length of the longest…..28
Empodial hairs setaceous, if somewhat flattened then the abdominal tergum is dark and/or the spinopleural hairs are often blunt or furcate and/or their variation in size is much less …..30
28 ABD TERG 2-6 with smallest (accessory) hairs mainly thick, spine-like, and very numerous (30-40 per segment; fig. 83B)…..Chaitophorus inouyei
ABD TERG 2-6 with accessory hairs finer and less numerous (less than 25 per segment, e.g. fig. 83C) …..29
29 Longest hairs on ANT III 3.5-4.9 × basal diameter of segment. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.5. ABD TERG 1-7 mostly smooth, without ornamentation …..Chaitophorus variegatus
Longest hairs on ANT III 1.7-2.5 × basal diameter of segment. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-3.4. ABD TERG 1-7 with weak squamous or nodulose ornamentation…..Chaitophorus indicus
30 ABD TERG 1 frequently fused with ABD TERG 2-6 (examine several specimens) …..31
ABD TERG 1 almost always free from ABD TERG 2-6…..37
31 R IV+V 0.17-0.20 mm, 1.2-1.4 × HT II. Abdominal tergum smooth, bearing long hairs with mostly bifurcate apices (fig. 83D)…..Chaitophorus hillerislambersi
R IV+V 0.07-0.14 mm, 0.7-1.2 × HT II. Abdominal tergum usually ornamented with spicules or nodules…..32
32 Dorsal ornamentation consisting of close, irregular rows of posteriorly-directed, bluntish spinules, often united basally to form partial transverse rows (fig. 83E) …..33
Dorsal ornamentation consisting of rather evenly distributed separate roundish nodules (e.g. fig. 83G; sometimes weakly developed) …..35
33 Dorsum pale. ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.4…..Chaitophorus tremulae ssp. sorini
Dorsum usually deeply pigmented, sometimes dark only on head and ABD TERG 8. ANT PT/BASE 2.2-3.2…..34
34 Longest hairs on ANT III 1.7-3.2 × basal diameter of segment …..Chaitophorus tremulae s. str.
Longest hairs on ANT III with wavy, attenuate apices, 3.0-4.5 × basal diameter of segment…..Chaitophorus tremulae ssp. shantungensis
35 Hairs on each of ABD TERG 1-7 very variable in size and form, arranged more-or-less in a single row (fig. 83G; sometimes with 1-2 smaller hairs out of line). ABD TERG 8 with 7-12 hairs. (Alata with SIPH dark)…..Chaitophorus stevensis
Hairs on each of ABD TERG 1-7 arranged in two irregular rows, the anterior row consisting of smaller hairs, sometimes absent in spinal region (fig. 83H). ABD TERG 8 with usually more than 12 hairs…..36
36 Head and ANT I-II often dark, and tergum often with a pair of dark longitudinal pleural stripes. Most of long spinal and pleural hairs on ABD TERG 1-7 with pointed or blunt apices, with a minority expanded or bifurcate apically (fig. 83H). (Alata with SIPH dark) …..Chaitophorus neglectus
Head, ANT I-II and tergum usually pale. If with dark pigmentation then there are rarely complete pleural stripes, and the long spinal and pleural hairs on ABD TERG 1-7 mostly have expanded or bifurcate apices. (Alata with SIPH pale) …..Chaitophorus populifolii
37 ABD TERG 1-6 with largest spinal and pleural hairs apically bifurcate or blunt, marginal hairs pointed. R IV+V 0.7-0.8 × HT II (tentative characters for aptera, which has not been seen by authors)…..Chaitophorus dorocola
ABD TERG 1-6 with largest spinal and pleural hairs usually pointed. R IV+V 0.8-1.2 × HT II …..38
38 Dorsal cuticle mainly dark, leaving a narrow pale spinal stripe …..Chaitophorus kapuri
Dorsal cuticle either pale or with dark pleural stripes leaving broad pale spinal and marginal areas…..Chaitophorus leucomelas
39 SIPH as pores or small flat cones, or absent…..40
SIPH tubular, longer than basal width, often swollen…..44
40 ANT PT/BASE less than 1.0; PT without hairs except those at apex. SIPH as small cones or craters…..41
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.0; PT bearing hairs along length. R IV with 6-17 accessory hairs. SIPH pore-like or absent…..42
41 Body sparsely hairy, without spinal or marginal tubercles. R IV with 4-6 accessory hairs …..Lambersaphis pruinosa
Body densely hairy, with numerous spinal and marginal tubercles. R IV with 22-26 accessory hairs…..Neopterocomma populivorum
42 Body densely covered in fine hairs. ANT PT/BASE less than 1.5. Well-developed marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 2-7. SIPH absent…..Fullawaya ontarioensis
Body hairs sparse, especially dorsally. ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5. Marginal abdominal tubercles absent. SIPH as pores…..43
43 ABD TERG 1-6 all fused together and fully pigmented. Body hairs not spine-like …..Pseudopterocomma canadensis
ABD TERG 1-6 not or hardly pigmented, or with only narrow transverse intersegmental bars. Body hairs spine-like…..Pseudopterocomma hughi
44 SIPH of most specimens vasiform (swollen on basal half; fig. 84A) …..Pterocomma smithiae
SIPH either almost cylindrical or swollen distally…..45
45 ANT II with 8-12 hairs. ANT III (aptera) with 4-79 secondary rhinaria, and ANT IV with 0-9 …..Pterocomma tremulae
ANT II with 4-6 hairs. ANT III with 0-26 secondary rhinaria, ANT IV never with any …..46
46 ANT VI BASE with 4-10 long fine hairs (plus 0-3 short ones)…..47
ANT VI BASE with 1-3 long fine hairs (plus 2-6 short ones)…..52
47 ANT III (aptera) with 14-26 secondary rhinaria …..Pterocomma kozhuchovae
ANT III (aptera) without secondary rhinaria (or with only 1)…..48
48 Longest hairs on ANT III 50-70 µm, on hind tibia 60-80 µm. ABD TERG 1-7 without markings or with only lightly pigmented patches on 6-7 plus scattered small sclerites on 1-5…..Pterocomma pseudopopuleum
Longest hairs on ANT III 100-160 µm, on hind tibia 100-200 µm. Dorsal abdomen with paired dark sclerites or cross-bands at least on ABD TERG 6 and 7 and often with paired sclerites on more anterior tergites…..49
49 SIPH distinctly clavate, and more than 2 × HT II. ABD TERG 1-5 with only scattered small sclerites…..Pterocomma alpinum*
SIPH with hardly any swelling, almost cylindrical, and 1.1-1.7 × HT II. ABD TERG 1-7 each often with a pair of large dark quadrate patches (sometimes reduced or absent on 1-3, 1-4 or 1-5)…..50
50 Marginal tubercles absent. ANT VI BASE with 4-8 hairs …..Pterocomma dubium
Well-developed marginal tubercles usually present on ABD TERG 1-6(-7). ANT VI BASE with 5-13 hairs…..51
51 ABD TERG 5 with a pair of large quadrate dark patches like those on ABD TERG 6…..Pterocomma populeum
ABD TERG 5 without a pair of large dark quadrate patches …..Pterocomma bhutanense*
52 ANT PT/BASE of most specimens less than 1.4 (N.B. not applicable to fundatrices) …..53
ANT PT/BASE usually more than 1.4…..54
53 ANT I with 13-17 hairs. Cauda with 49-55 hairs, anal plate with 85-98 hairs. SIPH cylindrical…..Pterocomma sanpunum
ANT I with 8-13 hairs. Cauda with 24-38 hairs, anal plate with 25-64 hairs. SIPH usually swollen on distal half…..Pterocomma yezoense
54 Cauda with more than 50 hairs…..Pterocomma lhasapopuleum*
Cauda with 20-36 hairs…..55
55 ABD TERG 1 with a single pair of large sclerites, or a band interrupted in mid-line …..Pterocomma bailangense
ABD TERG 1 at most with scattered or paired groups of smaller sclerites …..56
56 ANT III (aptera) with 0 (rarely) – 25 secondary rhinaria. ANT PT 0.15-0.28 mm. (Alata with 35-50 secondary rhinaria on ANT III and 0-7 on IV) …..Pterocomma populifoliae
ANT III without rhinaria. ANT PT 0.22-0.36 mm. (Alata with 12-26 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 0-2 on IV) …..57
57 SIPH usually almost cylindrical (fig. 84C), 0.21-0.28 mm long, 0.8-1.0 × PT. Cauda almost black, usually clearly darker than anal plate…..Pterocomma beulahensis
SIPH usually distinctly swollen (e.g. fig. 84B), 0.29-0.50 mm long, 1.1-1.6 × PT. Cauda brown, concolorous with anal plate…..58
58 Well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu) usually present on ABD TERG 1-6(-7). Longest hairs on ANT III are 85-115 μm, 2.2-3.3 × BD III…..Pterocomma bicolor
MTu absent. Longest hairs on ANT III are 137-156 μm, 3.4-3.8 × BD III…..Pterocomma atuberculatum*

KEY 2 – Aphids forming galls or pseudogalls (e.g. “leaf nests”) on poplars:-

The main key below can be applied only to adult alatae produced in galls or pseudogalls on Populus. Usually alatae are produced in large numbers in galls in late spring or early summer to fly to secondary host plants. These alatae are variously termed spring migrants, emigrants, alate fundatrigeniae or fundatrispuriae. A few species (Cornaphis populi and 4 species of Pemphigus) are monoecious (without host alternation). In these the galls mature in late summer/autumn and contain numerous alate sexuparae, easily recognised in cleared microscope preparations by the absence of mouthparts from their embryos. The key includes the sexuparae of these species, as they are produced within the galls, but not the sexuparae of heteroecious species, as these are produced on the secondary host.

Separation of the species of Pemphigus is difficult, and that part of the key is rather tentative. However, many specimens are usually available from each gall, so that individual variation in the sample can be assessed, and tentative identifications can be checked against the descriptions of galls in the systematic section of the book. Most Pemphigus appear to be less specific in their choice of Populus species as primary host than in their secondary host plant associations. It is likely that there are many still unrecognised species, as well as synonymies among the names in current use.

Sometimes aphids that are not gall formers may be found in old galls. Phylloxerina populariae, for example, regularly inhabits old galls of Thecabius populiconduplifolius.

In three species of Pemphiginae, Clydesmithia canadensis, Gootiella alba and Pemphigus siphunculatus, no alatae have been found even in apparently mature galls. The complete life cycle of these species is not yet known. The apterae (apterous fundatrigeniae, not fundatrices) from the galls key as follows:-

1 Abdomen without wax glands…..Clydesmithia canadensis
Abdomen with large wax glands…..2
2 BL 3.3-4.3 mm. Legs pale. HT II short and thick, less than twice as long as claws …..Gootiella alba
BL 1.9-3.4 mm. Legs dark. HT II normal, more than twice as long as claws …..Pemphigus siphunculatus

Key to alatae from galls:-

1 Forewing with media usually once-branched. If unbranched then there are 3-8 secondary rhinaria on ANT III, 1-3 on IV, 0-2 on V and 0 on VI BASE and R IV+V is more than 0.6 × HT II…..2
Forewing with media unbranched. Antenna with more rhinaria, and/or R IV+V less than 0.6 × HT II…..14
2 Primary rhinaria on ANT V and VI enlarged and of irregular shape (fig. 85A); that on VI elongate, more than 50 µm long. Embryos with enlarged claws on hind legs …..Gootiella tremulae
Primary rhinaria on ANT V and VI rounded or oval, that on VI not longer than wide. Hind legs of embryos with normal claws…..3
3 SIPH pores very large, with diameter much greater than that of hind tibia at midpoint, and with a completely pigmented rim (fig. 85B) …..Pachypappella lactea
SIPH pores absent or small and inconspicuous, with diameter less than that of hind tibia at midpoint, and with pigmented rim partial (e.g. fig. 85C) or absent…..4
4 ABD TERG 8 with a single large wax pore plate foming a broad band across the tergite…..Pachypappa aigeiros*
ABD TERG 8 with wax pore plates either paired or absent, or with only small groups of facets…..5
5 BL c.5mm…..Pachypappa shaposhnikovi
BL less than 4.5 mm…..6
6 Membrane of forewing with hairs (fig. 85D). Genital plate with more than 10 hairs on anterior half. ABD TERG 8 usually without wax pore plates, or with only small groups of facets …..7
Membrane of forewing without hairs. Genital plate with 6-12 hairs on anterior half. ABD TERG 8 usually with a pair of well-developed wax pore plates…..9
7 ABD TERG 1-7 with well-defined marginal wax pore plates. (SIPH pores present, Cauda with 15-30 hairs, and secondary rhinaria on ANT III 10-11, on IV 2-4) …..Pachypappa vesicalis
ABD TERG 1-7 without marginal wax pore plates or if present they are ill-defined …..8
8 Cauda with more than 40 hairs. SIPH pores present. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 8-13, on IV 2-4…..Pachypappa populi
Cauda with less than 30 hairs. SIPH pores absent. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 5-10, on IV 0-3…..Pachypappa sacculi
9 R IV+V 0.60-0.75 × HT II. Media sometimes unbranched…..10
R IV+V 0.45-0.55 × HT II. Media always once-branched…..11
10 ANT PT/BASE 0.08-0.11. ANT III with 4-6 secondary rhinaria with thick sclerotic rims, often confined to distal half of segment (fig. 85E) …..Pachypappa warshavensis
ANT PT/BASE 0.17-0.21. ANT III with 5-8 secondary rhinaria with narrow sclerotic rims, extending onto proximal half of segment (fig. 85F) …..Pachypappa pseudobyrsa
11 ABD TERG 8 with 14-25 hairs. Cauda with only 3-6 hairs…..12
ABD TERG 8 with 5-11 hairs. Cauda with 8-25 hairs…..13
12 R IV+V without accessory hairs…..Pachypappa marsupialis s. str.
R IV+V with 2-4 accessory hairs…..Pachypappa marsupialis ssp. lambersi
13 R IV+V usually without any accessory hairs. ANT II with 9-14 hairs…..Pachypappa tremulae
R IV+V with usually 1-4 accessory hairs. ANT II with 5-11 hairs …..Pachypappa rosettei
14 ANT PT/BASE greater than 1, with PT bearing 2-3 clear spots, each with a small, dagger-like stipule (fig. 85H)…..Mordwilkoja vagabunda
ANT PT/BASE less than 1…..15
15 Head with median ocellus mounted on a distinct frontal prominence (fig. 85G). (Secondary rhinaria small and oval; on ANT III 3-5, on IV 0-2 near apex. Embryos without mouthparts) …..Cornaphis populi
Head with median ocellus not mounted on a distinct frontal prominence. (Sensoriation of antennae not as above, embryos with or without mouthparts)…..16
16 Secondary rhinaria with ciliated (or “dotted”) rims…..17
Secondary rhinaria without ciliated rims…..22
17 ANT III and IV each with a single subapical secondary rhinarium, like the primary rhinaria on V and VI…..Neopemphigus turajevi
ANT III with 4 or more secondary rhinaria, IV with 2 or more and V with 0-1 …..18
18 Secondary rhinaria broadly oval, almost circular. ANT PT finger-like, ANT PT/BASE more than 0.4, with PT bearing 4 apical hairs…..Epipemphigus nanjingensis*
Secondary rhinaria narrowly and transversely elongate. PT/BASE less than 0.35, and PT bearing 5 or more hairs…..19
19 SIPH present as small pores with partly sclerotised, dark semi-circular rims …..20
SIPH pores absent, or hardly discernible because they lack partly sclerotised rims …..21
20 ANT PT about as wide as basal articulation of VI, and bearing 5 hairs near apex (fig. 85I) …..Epipemphigus niisimae
ANT PT greatly enlarged, much broader than basal articulation of VI, bearing c. 20-30 hairs (fig. 85J)…..Epipemphigus sanpupopuli
21 ABD TERG 7 with 4 hairs. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 2.3-3.0 × basal diameter of ANT III, and longest hair on ANT III 0.6-0.8 × its basal diameter. ANT III equal to or slightly longer than ANT IV+V together….. Epipemphigus imaicus
ABD TERG 7 with 8-13 hairs. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 1.0-1.5 × basal diameter of ANT III, and longest hair on ANT III 0.4-0.5 × its basal diameter. ANT III 0.7-0.9 × longer than ANT IV+V together…..Epipemphigus marginalis*
22 Secondary rhinaria broad and strap-like, often almost encircling antenna and with gaps in between rhinaria mostly much narrower than the rhinaria themselves, so that more than 50% of total surface area of antenna is sensoriated (e.g. fig. 86A)…..23
Secondary rhinaria narrower (e.g. fig. 86B) or, if they are broader than gaps in between them (e.g. fig. 86C), then they do not almost completely encircle antenna (thus always leaving more than 50% of total surface area of antenna unsensoriated) …..25
23 ANT BASE VI usually without secondary rhinaria. (ANT III with 15-26, IV with 8-11, V with 9-11, VI with 0-1) …..Thecabius (Parathecabius) gravicornis
ANT BASE VI with 6-14 secondary rhinaria…..24
24 Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 20-41 (fig. 86A), IV 10-13, V 10-14, BASE VI 9-14 …..Thecabius (Parathecabius) latisensorius
Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 13-21, IV 4-10, V 5-9 and BASE VI 6-12 …..Thecabius (Parathecabius) lysimachiae
25 R IV with usually 1-6 small accessory hairs (rarely with none) and first tarsal segments with 2-6 hairs (usually at least 3 on most tarsi). Secondary rhinaria very narrow, slit-like (fig. 86B), with 0-10 (rarely less than 3) on ANT BASE VI…..26
R IV usually without accessory hairs, sometimes with 1-4 (but one of the 3 apical pairs is sometimes displaced to a more proximal position). First tarsal segments usually with 3 hairs on fore tarsus and 2 hairs on mid and hind tarsi. If more, then ANT BASE VI is without secondary rhinaria…..27
26 Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 15-30, IV 4-9, V 4-11, BASE VI (0-)2-7(-9)…..Thecabius affinis/populiconduplifolius
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 22-31, IV 8-10, V 10-12, BASE VI 7-10 …..Thecabius beijingensis*
27 SIPH pores absent and embryos with mouthparts (the curled stylets are especially evident through wall of abdomen)…..28
Either SIPH present as small pores or embryos without mouthparts…..34
28 R IV+V broadly triangular, less than 2× its basal width. (Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 5-19, IV 3-7, V 3-4) …..Thecabius populimonilis (fundatrigeniae)
R IV+V acute, more than 2× its basal width…..29
29 Secondary rhinaria present on ANT VI. (On III 10-18, IV 4-7, V 3-7, BASE VI 3-7) …..Pemphigus napaeus / iskanderkuli
Secondary rhinaria absent from ANT BASE VI…..30
30 Secondary rhinaria strap-like (e.g. fig. 86C), many of them extending more than half way around antenna. ABD TERG 8 with one large wax pore plate extending about half way or more across tergite, and including (2-)4 hairs…..31
Secondary rhinaria either elongate oval or narrowly transverse, not extending more than half way around antenna. ABD TERG 8 either with a pair of wax pore plates or a single median wax pore plate, including only 2 hairs…..32
31 Secondary rhinaria distributed III 8-13, IV 2-5, V 2-5. R IV without accessory hairs …..Pemphigus matsumurai
Secondary rhinaria distributed III 13-19, IV 6-8, V 6-9. R IV with 0-4 (-6?) accessory hairs …..Pemphigus zhongi*
32 Secondary rhinaria narrowly transverse, parallel-sided, with about 6 on ANT V (III c.12, IV c.6, V c.6) …..Pemphigus turritus*
Secondary rhinaria oval or elongate oval, not parallel-sided, with 0-2 on ANT V …..33
33 First tarsal segments almost always with 2 hairs, rarely with 3. HT II 0.17-0.21 mm long. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 3-9, on IV 1-3, V 0-2 (fig. 86D) …..Pemphigus populi
First tarsal segments usually with 3-4 hairs on at least some tarsi. HT II 0.20-0.25 mm long. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 6-11, IV 1-4, V 0-2 …..Pemphigus vesicarius
34 Embryos without mouthparts. Secondary rhinaria always absent from ANT V and VI. SIPH pores absent. (Sexuparae of monoecious species, produced in the gall)…..35
Embryos with mouthparts. Secondary rhinaria often present on ANT V, or V and VI. SIPH present as small pores…..38
35 First tarsal segments usually all with 3-5 hairs, rarely with only 2, Spinal wax pore plates often present on all abdominal tergites…..36
First tarsal segments most commonly with 3 (-4) hairs on fore tarsus and 2 (-3) hairs on mid and hind tarsi. Spinal wax pore plates usually absent from ABD TERG 4-7. (Secondary rhinaria distributed III 3-6, IV 1-3)…..37
36 R IV+V about 0.08 mm long, slightly shorter than ANT V. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 4-7, on IV 1-4…..Thecabius populimonilis
R IV+V 0.09-0.11 mm long, as long as or slightly longer than ANT V. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 6-10, on IV 2-5…..Pemphigus mongolicus
37 R IV+V usually without accessory hairs. Cauda with 4-6 hairs…..Pemphigus monophagus
R IV+V usually with 1-4 accessory hairs, rarely with none. Cauda with 2-4 hairs …..Pemphigus spyrothecae
38 ANT BASE VI usually without secondary rhinaria (rarely with 1, in which case there are usually none on V)…..39
ANT BASE VI usually with 2 or more secondary rhinaria (rarely with 1, in which case there is usually 1 or more on V)…..46
39 ANT VI with an enlarged primary rhinarium, with islands, like that on V …..40
ANT VI with primary rhinarium of normal size, not longer than wide…..42
40 ANT VI with primary rhinarium 0.07-0.10 mm long, occupying more than half of length of BASE VI (fig. 87E), or with a separate secondary rhinarium immediately adjacent to it. Secondary rhinaria on III 3-9, IV 1-3, V 0(-1) and BASE VI 0(-1) …..Pemphigus knowltoni
ANT VI with primary rhinarium less than 0.05-0.08 mm long, occupying less than half of length of BASE VI (fig. 87F). Secondary rhinaria on III 2-7, IV 0-1, V 0(-1), BASE VI 0 …..41
41 Embryos within emigrant alatae have tip of rostrum extending beyond first segment of fore tarsi…..Pemphigus obesinymphae
Embryos within emigrant alatae have tip of rostrum not extending beyond first segment of fore tarsi…..Pemphigus populitransversus
42 ANT V with primary rhinarium very large, more than 0.04 mm long and more than half encircling segment, often with small round islands (fig. 87G). (Secondary rhinaria on III 7-9, IV 2-4, V 0-1, BASE VI 0)…..Pemphigus immunis
ANT V with primary rhinarium either like that on VI or, if enlarged, broader than its axial length which is less than 0.03 mm…..43
43 R IV with a pair of accessory hairs. First tarsal segments, at least of fore tarsi, with 5 (?) hairs…..Pemphigus wuduensis*
R IV without accessory hairs. First tarsal segments with 3-4 hairs…..44
44 First tarsal segments with two spine-like hairs between the 2 long apical hairs. ABD TERG 8 usually without a wax pore plate. ANT PT more than 2× its basal width. (Secondary rhinaria on III 10-14, IV 2-3, V 0-1, BASE VI 0)…..Pemphigus microsetosus
First tarsal segments with 0-1 spine-like hairs between the two long apical hairs. ABD TERG 8 usually with wax pore plates. ANT PT less than 2× its basal width…..45
45 R IV+V about 0.1 mm, more than 0.55 × HT II. Rhinaria on ANT III 9-13, IV 3-6, V 0-1, BASE VI 0…..Pemphigus circellatus*
R IV+V 0.07-0.085 mm, less than 0.55 × HT II. Rhinaria on ANT III 5-11, IV 1-4, V 0-3, BASE VI 0(-1)…..Pemphigus betae
46 Total antennal length 0.9 mm or more, about 0.5 × BL…..47
Total antennal length less than 0.9 mm, less than 0.45 × BL…..48
47 Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 19-27, on IV 6-7, V 9-12, VI BASE 10-12 …..Pemphigus longicornus
Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 15, IV 4, V 4, VI 5 (one specimen only) …..Pemphigus nainitalensis*
48 R IV+V 0.10-0.12 mm long, usually more than 0.55 × HT II, with R IV straight-sided (fig. 87A)…..49
R IV+V 0.07-0.11 mm long, usually less than 0.55 × HT II, with R IV having sides slightly convex (fig. 87B)…..50
49 Secondary rhinaria narrow, slit-like, averaging 8 µm or less in width, extending almost to base of ANT III, with most proximal rhinarium usually basad to the small tooth on inner side of III near base (fig. 87C); III 12-18, IV 3-7, V 4-7, VI BASE 4-7 …..Pemphigus populinigrae
Secondary rhinaria broader, averaging more than 10 µm in width, with most proximal rhinarium on ANT III distal to tooth (fig. 87D); III 9-14, IV 2-5, V 2-4, VI BASE 2-8 …..Pemphigus protospirae
50 Primary rhinarium on ANT V usually much enlarged, its axial length 35 µm or more, with small islands (fig. 87H). Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 6-12, IV 2-3, V 0-3, VI BASE 2-5 …..Pemphigus phenax
If primary rhinarium of ANT V is enlarged then its axial length is less than 35 µm and the antennal sensoriation is different…..51
51 Total number of secondary rhinaria on ANT V + VI BASE (both antennae) 24 or more…..52
Total number of secondary rhinaria on ANT V + VI BASE (both antennae) 23 or less…..55
52 ANT VI BASE slightly shorter than HT II. (Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 11-19, IV 4-8, V 4-10, VI BASE 6-11) …..Pemphigus trehernei
ANT VI BASE slightly longer than HT II…..53
53 ABD TERG 8 with 2-3 hairs. (Secondary rhinaria on III 13-19, IV 4-5, V 6-9, VI BASE 6-10)…..Pemphigus borealis
ABD TERG 8 usually with 3-5 hairs…..54
54 Secondary rhinaria on III 9-16, on IV 3-6, V 3-8, VI BASE 5-11 …..Pemphigus nortonii
Secondary rhinaria on III 16-20, on IV 4-5, V 5-6, VI BASE 5-9 …..Pemphigus yangcola
55 ANT III shorter than ANT IV + V together in most specimens…..56
ANT III usually about the same length as, or longer than, ANT IV + V together …..57
56 ANT PT finger-like, 2 or more × its basal width. R IV+V 0.09-0.10 mm long. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 8-12, on IV 3-4, V 1-4, VI BASE 3-5 …..Pemphigus plicatus
ANT PT stubby, less than 1.5 × its basal width. R IV+V 0.07-0.09 mm long. Secondary rhinaria on ANT III 7-12, IV 3-6, V 1-4, VI BASE 1-7…..Pemphigus gairi
57 ANT III 0.22-0.38 mm, but if less than 0.23 mm (small bursarius) then ANT PT is short and stubby, less than 1.5 × its basal width…..58
ANT III 0.15-0.25 mm, but if more than 0.22 mm then ANT PT is more than 1.5 × its basal width…..63
58 Primary rhinarium on ANT VI much larger than adjacent secondary rhinaria and forming a broad band that extends over half way around antenna (fig. 87I)…..59
Primary rhinarium on ANT VI normal or irregular in shape but not extending more than half way around antenna…..61
59 ANT VI BASE with 6-8 secondary rhinaria. (III 12-16, IV 3-5, V 4-6, VI BASE 6-8) …..Pemphigus passeki
ANT VI BASE with 3-6 secondary rhinaria…..60
60 ANT PT 0.03-0.04 mm. (Secondary rhinaria on III 10-15, IV 4-5, V 2-4, VI BASE 3-5) …..Pemphigus tartareus*
ANT PT 0.02-0.03 mm. (Secondary rhinaria on III 12-16, IV 4-6, V 3-5, VI BASE 3-6) …..Pemphigus dorocola*
61 Tooth on inner side of ANT III often very close to base of segment, usually without a rhinarium basad to it (fig. 87J). (Secondary rhinaria on III 8-13, IV 2-5, V 2-5, VI BASE 3-7)…..Pemphigus populicaulis
Tooth on inner side of ANT III almost always with 1-2 secondary rhinaria basad to it …..62
62 Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 8-17, IV 2-8, V 2-6, VI BASE 3-8. PT usually less than 1.5 × basal width…..Pemphigus bursarius
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 9-13, IV 3-5, V 3-5, VI BASE 3-5. PT usually more than 1.5 × basal width…..Pemphigus mordvilkoi
63 Tooth on inner side of ANT III usually more than 0.07 mm from base of segment, with always 1, and sometimes 2-3, secondary rhinaria basad to it (fig. 87K). (Secondary rhinaria on III 9-12, IV 2-4, V 2-4, VI BASE 3-5)…..Pemphigus laurifoliae
Tooth on inner side of ANT III usually less than 0.06 mm from base of segment, with 0-1 secondary rhinaria basad to it)…..64
64 BL 2.1-2.5 mm. ANT V 0.8-1.0 × ANT IV, and more often than not also bearing fewer secondary rhinaria than IV (examine several specimens; secondary rhinaria distributed III 9-11, IV 0-5, V 0-4, VI 0-5) …..Pemphigus populiramulorum
BL 1.1-2.3 mm.(only P. populiglobuli more than 2.0 mm). ANT V 1.0-1.2 × ANT IV, and usually with at least as many rhinaria as IV…..65
65 ANT PT short, maximally c.0.03 mm and usually less than 1.5 × its basal width. Tooth on ANT III usually without a rhinarium basad to it. (Secondary rhinaria on III 8-13, IV 2-5, V 2-5, VI BASE 3-7) …..Pemphigus populicaulis
ANT PT usually longer than 0.03 mm and more than 1.5 × its basal width. Tooth on ANT III often with a rhinarium basad to it…..66
66 Secondary rhinaria distributed III 5-13, IV 2-4, V 0-4, VI BASE 1-7 …..Pemphigus populiglobuli
Secondary rhinaria distributed III 7-12, IV 1-5, V 2-5, VI BASE 3-7 …..Pemphigus populivenae
Portulaca clavatus (?) Neotoxoptera oliveri
P. grandifloraAphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii; Neotoxoptera oliveri;
Smynthurodes betae
P. oleraceaAphis albella, craccivora, fabae, frangulae, gossypii,
nasturtii, [portulacae Shinji (nomen dubium)],
spiraecola, [triglochinis],
[varians of Pashchenko 1988a)];
Aulacorthum solani; Brachyunguis harmalae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus certus, ornatus, persicae, [portulacae Macchiati
(nomen dubium)], [Myzus sp. (Ossiannilsson 1964)];
Pemphigus sp.; Protaphis middletonii;
Smynthurodes betae
P. quadrifidaAphis gossypii

Key to apterae on Portulaca:-

1 ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed…..2
ANT tubercles well developed…..5
2 ANT PT/BASE 0.5-0.9. SIPH about as long as their basal widths, 0.2-0.6 × cauda …..Brachycaudus harmalae
ANT PT/BASE either less than 0.5 or more than 1.5. SIPH if present at all then more than 0.8 × cauda…..3
3 ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu) and SIPH pale, or only dusky at apices …..4
Without that combination of characters, i.e. if ABD TERG 1 and 7 have MTu then wholly dark SIPH are present …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 24
4 SIPH 2.2-2.9 × cauda…..Aphis albella*
SIPH 0.9-1.6 × cauda…..Aphis nasturtii
5 Head smooth, with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. SIPH with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.1-0.2 of length…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Head spiculose, with inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel or apically convergent. SIPH without polygonal reticulation…..6
6 SIPH tapering/cylindrical…..7
SIPH slightly to moderately clavate…..8
7 BL 1.0-1.7 mm. ANT III without rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmantal markings. SIPH coarsely imbricated, and with a slight S-curve …..Myzus ornatus
BL 1.8-3.0 mm. ANT III usually with 1-2 rhinaria near base. ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5.5. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. SIPH with normal imbrication, not curved …..Aulacorthum solani
8 SIPH 0.12-0.17 × BL. R IV+V 1.2-1.5 × HT II. (Al. with dark-bordered wing veins) …..Neotoxoptera oliveri
SIPH 0.18-0.28 × BL. R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II. (Al. with wing veins not dark-bordered) …..9
9R IV+V in most specimens with only one pair of lateral accessory hairs (plus 0-3 ventral accessory hairs). Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range 0.80-1.52, but rarely more than 1.25 except in small specimens (those with ANT III less than 0.32 mm) …..Myzus persicae
R IV+V in most specimens with two pairs of lateral accessory hairs. Value of function CAUDA/(ANT III × PT) in range 1.2-2.7 (rarely less than 1.25) …..Myzus certus
Portulacaria afraMyzus persicae
Potalia sp(p).Aphis gossypii, odinae; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
[Rhopalosiphum maidis]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Potamogeton crispus Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
P. fluitansRhopalosiphum nymphaeae
P. natansAphis gossypii, nasturtii; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
P. richardiRhopalosiphum nymphaeae

Use key to apterae on Nymphaea.

Potentilla (including Callionia, Rosaceae
Dasiphora, Drymocallis)
Potentilla acaulisAphis mongolica, tormentillae; Macropodaphis paradoxa
P. alchimilloides[Acyrthosiphon pisum]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
P. alpestris = P.crantzii
P. anglicaAcyrthosiphon boreale, malvae
P. anserinaAcyrthosiphon boreale, malvae; Anthracosiphon hertae;
Aphis craccivora, nasturtii, roepkei, subviridis,
Aulacorthum solani;
Chaetosiphon alpestre, alpestre ssp. orientale,
fragaefolii, potentillae;
Longicaudus trirhodus;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, potentillae; Myzaphis rosarum;
Maculolachnus submacula;
Myzus ascalonicus, persicae;
Nearctaphis argentinaeradicis; Pemphigus ?populi;
Rhopalosiphoninus [heikinheimoi], latysiphon
P. argenteaAcyrthosiphon boreale, malvae ssp. potha;
Aphis potentillae, roepkei, subviridis, tormentillae,
Aphis sp. (Sweden, BMNH collection);
Aulacorthum solani; Chaetosiphon alpestre;
Macrosiphum rosae; Maculolachnus submacula;
Sitobion fragariae
P. arguta (= Drymocallis arguta) Nasonovia williamsi
P. argyrophyllaMacrosiphum pachysiphon; Metopolophium dirhodum
P. asiatica = P. chrysantha
P. atrosanguineaAulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, pachysiphon
P. aureaAcyrthosiphon boreale
P. bakeriMacrosiphum valerianae
P. bifurca = Sibbaldianthe. bifurca Aphis comari, potentillae, tianschanica, tormentillae;
Chaetosiphon alpestre ssp. orientale;
Macropodaphis rechingeri;
P. blaschkeanaAcyrthosiphon boreale; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
P. canadensisAnthracosiphon crystleae; Aulacorthum solani;
(= Callionia canadensis) Macrosiphum euphorbiae
P. canescens = P.inclinata
P. caucasicaChaetosiphon alpestre
P. caulescensChaetosiphon alpinum; Myzus ornatus
P. chinensisAphis mongolica, potentillae, roepkei;
Neotoxoptera oliveri, [violae]
P. chrysanthaAcyrthosiphon boreale; Aulacorthum solani;
[Brachycaudus cerasicola]; Chaetosiphon alpestre;
Macropodaphis alexandri; Macrosiphum rosae
P. cinereaAphis breviseta; Chaetosiphon alpestre
P. clusianaChaetosiphon alpinum
P. collinaAcyrthosiphon boreale; Chaetosiphon alpestre;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus
P. crantzii (incl. alpestris) Acyrthosiphon boreale, malvae; Aphis breviseta;
Aulacorthum solani;
Chaetosiphon alpestre, alpinum, potentillae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus
P. crinitaAulacorthum solani
P. cryptotaeniaeAphis frangulae
P. dealbata = P. virgata
P. desertorumAcyrthosiphon malvae
P. dickinsiiAphis potentillae
P. doerfleri[Chaetosiphon sp. (Serbia; Petrović 1998)]
P. erecta (incl. tormentilla) Acyrthosiphon boreale, malvae; Aphis tormentillae;
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus; [Sitobion avenae]
P. farreri ?Macrosiphum euphorbiae
P. fruticosaAcyrthosiphon assiniboinensis, [ignotum],
malvae ssp. pentaphylloides, malvae ssp. rogersii,
scalare, wasintae;
Aphis dasiphorae, fabae, spiraecola;
Aspidophorodon vera; Chaetosiphon alpestre;
Macropodaphis primigenius;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, rosae;
Metopolophium dirhodum;
Myzaphis rosarum; Myzus ornatus;
[Ossiannilsonia oelandica]; Richardsaphis canadensis;
Sitobion fragariae
P. fuscaChaetosiphon fragaefolii (?)
P. gelida = P. crantzii
P. glandulosaAcyrthosiphon vandenboschi; Chaetosiphon hottesi;
(= Drymocallis glandulosa) Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Nasonovia williamsi
P. gracilis (incl. nutallii) [Abstrusomyzus leucocrini];
Acyrthosiphon malvae (, wasintae;
[Aphis sp., Oregon (see];
Aulacorthum solani; Chaetosiphon hottesi, thomasi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, glawatz; Myzus ascalonicus
P. grandifloraAulacorthum solani
P. heptaphyllaChaetosiphon alpestre
P. hirtaMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus
P. hispanicaAcyrthosiphon boreale
P. hybridaSitobion fragariae
P. hyparcticaAcyrthosiphon boreale
P. impolitaAphis roepkei, subviridis; Acyrthosiphon boreale
P. inclinataAphis subviridis; Aulacorthum solani
P. intermediaAphis tormentillae; Chaetosiphon alpestre
P. japonicusParamyzus longirostris
P. longifoliaHolmania chaetosiphon
P. megalanthaAcyrthosiphon malvae (s. lat.); Aulacorthum solani;
Chaetosiphon alpestre ssp. airolense;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus
P. micranthaMyzus ascalonicus
P. monspeliensis = P. norvegica
P. mooniana[Tricaudatus polygoni];
[Trichosiphonaphis gerberae, polygoni]
P. nepalensisAcyrthosiphon rubifoliae
P. neumanniana Aphis breviseta; Chaetosiphon potentillae
P. norvegicaAcyrthosiphon boreale, malvae ssp. potha;
Aulacorthum solani; Chaetosiphon thomasi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
P. nuttallii see P. gracilis
P. orientalis = Sibbaldianthe bifurca ssp. orientalis
P. ornithopodioides Acyrthosiphon boreale; Myzus ornatus
P. pacifica (?)Chaetosiphon thomasi
P. palustris = Comarum palustre
P. parvifloraMacropodaphis dzhungarica; Myzaphis rosarum
P. parvifoliaAphis dasiphorae
P. patulaAcyrthosiphon boreale; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ascalonicus
P. pedata (incl. transcaspia) Acyrthosiphon boreale; [Brachycaudus cerasicola]
P. pensylvanica (incl. sibirica, strigosa) Aulacorthum solani; Chaetosiphon alpestre, potentillae;
Holmania chaetosiphon; Myzus ascalonicus
P. phyllocalyx (?)Myzaphis rosarum
P. pimpinelloidesMyzus ornatus
P. puberula (incl. pusilla) Acyrthosiphon boreale; Aphis breviseta;
Chaetosiphon alpestre, alpestre ssp. airolense
P. pusillaAphis breviseta
P. recta (incl. warrenii) Acyrthosiphon boreale, malvae ssp. potha;
Aphis potentillae, subviridis, tormentillae;
[Brachycaudus cerasicola]; Chaetosiphon alpestre;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus, persicae
P. repensAphis roepkei
P. reptansAcyrthosiphon boreale, malvae ssp. potha;
Aphis breviseta, potentillae, roepkei, solanella,
Aulacorthum solani; Chaetosiphon alpestre ssp. airolense;
[Cryptomyzus galeopsidis]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus; Pemphigus ?populi
P. rubricaulusAulacorthum solani; Myzus ascalonicus
P. rupestrisAulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus
P. ×russellianaMacrosiphum euphorbiae
P. sericeaAcyrthosiphon boreale
P. sibirica see P. pensylvanica
P. speciosaChaetosiphon muelleri
P. sterilisAcyrthosiphon malvae; Chaetosiphon potentillae
P. stoloniferaParamyzus longirostris
P. supinaAcyrthosiphon boreale; Aphis diluta, gossypii;
Chaetosiphon alpestre sspp. airolense, orientale;
Macropodaphis alexandri; [Macrosiphum stellariae]
P. tabernaemontani = P. neumanniana
P. tanacetifoliaAphis mongolica
P. tephroleucaAcyrthosiphon boreale; Chaetosiphon alpestre
P. tormentilla see P. erecta
P. transcaspia see P. pedata
P. tridentata =Sibbaldia tridentata
P. verna (?)Aulacorthum solani;
Chaetosiphon alpestre, alpestre ssp. airolense;
Myzus ascalonicus
P. virgata (?)Aphis comari
Potentilla spp.Acyrthosiphon pseudodirhodum; Aspidophorodon indica;
Chaetosiphon jacobi;
Macrosiphum agrimoniellum, pallidum;
[Sitobion beiquei]; [Uroleucon martini]

Key to apterae on Potentilla (also Comarum and Sibbaldianthe):-

1Fore femora greatly enlarged, about twice as thick as mid femora, and fore tibiae with strengthened bases. Dorsum adorned with numerous tubercular processes, most of which bear hairs and wax glands. Cauda knobbed…..2
Fore femora not enlarged. Dorsum with or without tubercular processes. Cauda variable …..6
2ABD TERG 1-5 with both mammariform and digitiform processes, each bearing a single hair; mammariform processes have a thick blunt or slightly capitate apical hair, whereas digitiform processes have a small apical wax disc with a very small hair on the rim…..3
ABD TERG 1-5 with mammariform or quadrate processes, each bearing 1-3 hairs; the processes vary in size and shape but all bear hairs of similar length..…4
3 Total number of dorsal hairs on thorax and ABD TERG 1-7 (including the minute ones on digitiform processes) is 210-270; ABD TERG 3-5 usually each with less than 28 hairs …..Macropodaphis paradoxa
Total number of dorsal hairs on thorax and ABD TERG 1-7 (including the minute ones on digitiform processes) is 310-352; ABD TERG 3-5 usually each with more than 30 hairs …..Macropodaphis alexandri
4 Head pale, weakly sclerotic, not much contrasting with pigmentation of pronotum. Fore femore pale or mottled, knob of cauda pale. Largest dorsal processes are quadrate or mammariform in shape, sometimes bifid or tripartite due to tuberculate bases of hairs. Longest dorsal hairs are 30-45 μm long…..Macropodaphis rechingeri*
Head dark, distinctly contrasting with pale pronotum. Fore femora black, knob of cauda dusky to dark. Largest dorsal processes are rounded hillocks, with longest hairs 60-75 μm long…..5
5 ANT PT/BASE 1.5-1.7 (-1.9)…..Macropodaphis dzhungarica*
ANT PT/BASE (1.7-)2.0-2.3…..Macropodaphis primigenius
6 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5…..7
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.6…..8
7 SIPH absent. Dorsal abdomen with wax pore plates…..Pemphigus sp.(?populi – Zwölfer 1958)
SIPH present as dark cones with many hairs. Dorsal abdomen without wax pore plates…..Maculolachnus submacula
8 Dorsal body hairs thick and markedly capitate, and arising from prominent tuberculate bases that are often higher than their basal widths. First tarsal segments all with 5 hairs …..9
Dorsal body hairs not thick and capitate, or if with somewhat expanded apices then without prominent tubercular bases (always shorter than their basal widths). First tarsal segments with 2-6 hairs…..19
9 SIPH with a distinct subapical zone of polygonal reticulation …..Holmania chaetosiphon
SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation …..10
10 SIPH with 1-12 thick capitate hairs on proximal part…..11
SIPH without hairs…..13
11 SIPH 0.23-0.25 × BL, with 9-12 capitate hairs …..Chaetosiphon alpestre ssp. orientale*
SIPH 0.14-0.20 × BL, with 1-6 capitate hairs…..12
12 SIPH 0.17-0.20 × BL, with 4-6 capitate hairs …..Chaetosiphon alpestre s.str.
SIPH 0.14-0.17 × BL, with 1-4 capitate hairs …..Chaetosiphon alpestre ssp. airolense
13 SIPH 1.2-2.0 × cauda…..14
SIPH 2.1-3.5 × cauda…..15
14 R IV+V very long and narrow, 4 or more × its basal width and 2.4-2.8 × HT II. Dorsal hairs very numerous (20-30 per segment), varying in length but maximally c.130 μm long…..Chaetosiphon muelleri
R IV+V triangular, less than 2.5 × its basal width and less than 1.3× HT II. Dorsal hairs much fewer and shorter. (Only imm. known)…..Chaetosiphon alpinum
15 Cuticle of head smooth. R IV+V with 10-15 accessory hairs …..Chaetosiphon hottesi
Cuticle of head spiculose. R IV+V with 3-6 accessory hairs…..16
16 ANT III with 9-12 capitate hairs…..Chaetosiphon potentillae
ANT III with 2-7 capitate hairs…..17
17 Dorsal abdomen with dark pigmentation …..Chaetosiphon jacobi
Dorsal abdomen pale…..18
18 Rostrum not reaching hind coxae. R IV+V 0.06-0.08 × BL …..Chaetosiphon thomasi
Rostrum reaching to or beyond hind coxae. R IV+V 0.08-0.11 × BL …..Chaetosiphon fragaefolii
19 SIPH with a subapical zone of reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed, polygonal cells) …..20
SIPH without polygonal reticulation (sometimes with a few interconnected subapical striae)…..31
20 SIPH dark and with a greatly inflated, balloon-like middle section …..Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon
SIPH pale or dark, not inflated…..21
21 Dorsal abdomen with extensive light to dark brown sclerotisation. Ventral side of head ornamented with spicules extending from ANT tubercles to posterior margin …..22
Dorsal abdomen without extensive dark sclerotisation. Head usually without spicules, but if present they do not cover all of the ventral side of head…..24
22 Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.4 × BD III. Cauda triangular, less than 1.5 × longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..Anthracosiphon hertae
Longest hairs on ANT III about 0.5 × BD III or less. Cauda triangular or finger-like, about 1.5 or more × longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..23
23 ANT beyond ANT I and II black. Cauda finger-like, 0.25-0.32 mm long, at least 2 × longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..Anthracosiphon crystleae
ANT light brown to brown. Cauda triangular, about 0.22 mm long, about 1.5 × longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..Macrosiphum potentillae*
24 Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.5 × BD III. ANT III with 1-4 very small rhinaria. ANT tubercles rather low, and median frontal tubercle distinctly developed …..Sitobion fragariae
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.3 × BD III. ANT III with 1-35 rhinaria of various sizes. ANT tubercles well developed, median frontal tubercle undeveloped…..25
25 SIPH pale or dusky only towards apices…..26
SIPH dark, or pale only at bases…..28
26 R IV+V 0.83-1.02 × HT II…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
R IV+V 1.03-1.30 × HT II…..27
27 ANT III with (8-)15-20 rhinaria, usually extending over more than 0.6 of its length…..Macrosiphum agrimoniellum
ANT III 3-19 rhinaria not extending beyond basal 0.6 of its length…..Macrosiphum glawatz
28 SIPH wholly jet black, and rather thick; 5-7 × as long as their width at midlength. ANT III pale except at apex…..Macrosiphum pachysiphon
SIPH wholly dark, or paler at base, and more than 10× longer than their width at midlength. ANT III dark at least on sensoriated part…..29
29 Head, ANT I and ANT II as dark as SIPH, which are wholly dark. ANT III with 4-25 rhinaria (77% with 11 or more). (ANT III of al. with 31-71 rhinaria)…..Macrosiphum rosae
Head, ANT I and ANT II much paler than distal part of SIPH, which may be paler at base. ANT III with 2-10 rhinaria. (ANT III of al. with 13-22 rhinaria)…..30
30 SIPH 1.9-2.2 × cauda. R IV+V 0.8-0.95 × HT II …..Macrosiphum valerianae
SIPH 1.2-1.7 (-1.8) × cauda. R IV+V 0.9-1.15 × HT II …..Macrosiphum pallidum
31 Front of head with median tubercle very well developed as a rugose, quadrate (sometimes bilobed) process, projecting forward beyond ANT tubercles…..32
Median frontal tubercle undeveloped or less well developed, not quadrate or bilobed …..34
32 ANT tubercles undeveloped, inner apex of ANT I without projection. ANT 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.6. SIPH with flange and normal aperture. Dorsal cuticle strongly pitted. First tarsal segments with 5 hairs…..Myzaphis rosarum
ANT tubercles evident (although lower than median tubercle), ANT I with projection at inner apex. ANT 5-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE 0.6-1.3. SIPH flangeless, with very small aperture. Dorsal cuticle wrinkled. First tarsal segments with 2-3 hairs…..33
33 ABD TERG 7 and 8 each with a medial process bearing 2 hairs. Subgenital plate with 3-8 hairs on anterior part. HT I usually with only 2 hairs …..Aspidophorodon vera
ABD TERG 7, and usually also ABD TERG 8, without any distinct hair-bearing processes. Subgenital plate with 2 hairs on anterior part. HT I with 3 hairs (median sense peg present) …..Aspidophorodon indica
34 ANT tubercles absent or weakly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with or without marginal tubercles (MTu)…..35
ANT tubercles well developed, so that there is a frontal sinus. ABD TERG 1 and 7 never with MTu…..53
35 ABD TERG 7 without MTu…..36
ABD TERG 7 with MTu…..39
36 Cauda finger-like, much longer than its basal width. ANT PT/BASE 0.67-1.3. SIPH either much shorter or much longer than cauda…..37
Cauda helmet-shaped, as short as or shorter than its basal width. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-3.2. SIPH similar in length to cauda…..38
37 SIPH very short, c.0.3 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.3. First tarsal segments with 6 hairs …..Longicaudus trirhodus
SIPH long and thin, nearly 3 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 0.67-1.0. First tarsal segments with 2 hairs…..Richardsaphis canadensis*
38 SIPH with close-spaced spiculose imbrication. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.7. ANT III (distally) and IV usually with rhinaria. ANT with long fine hairs much longer than BD III. ABD TERG 1-5(-6) usually with MTu. Dorsal abdomen with dark spots and patches …..Nearctaphis argentinaeradicis
SIPH with smooth surface. ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.2. ANT III without rhinaria. ANT hairs shorter than BD III. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings …..Brachycaudus helichrysi
39 R IV+V 1.6-2.3 × HT II, and bearing 4-16 accessory hairs…..40
R IV+V 0.9-1.4 × HT II, with 2(-3) accessory hairs…..41
40 SIPH dark. ANT usually 5-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE 1.35-1.72. R IV+V with 12-14 accessory hairs….. Aphis mongolica
SIPH pale. ANT usually 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE 1.9-2.9. R IV+V with 4-8 accessory hairs…..Aphis diluta
41 Hairs on ANT III pointed, the longest of them more than 0.65 × longer than BD III …..42
Hairs on ANT III blunt or pointed, the longest 0.3-0.6 (-0.7) × BD III …..44
42 ANT PT/BASE 1.25-1.65. SIPH 0.55-0.85 × cauda…..Aphis dasiphorae
ANT PT/BASE 1.8-3.9. SIPH 0.8-1.8 × cauda…..43
43 Cauda paler than SIPH, without a constriction, and bearing 4-11 hairs. ABD TERG 7 and 8 usually with dusky cross-bands. R IV+V 1.15-1.4 × HT II…..Aphis comari
Cauda as dark as SIPH, and bearing (7-)8-24 hairs (but if with 7-11 then it has a midway constriction and ABD TERG 7 and 8 are without cross-bands). R IV+V 0.85-1.2 (-1.3) × HT II…..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 33
44 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid black shield centred on ABD TERG 4-5 …..Aphis craccivora
Dorsum without an extensive solid black shield…..45
45 Marginal tubercles (MTu) consistently present on most or all of ABD TERG 2-4 as well as 1 and 7…..46
MTu only occur irregularly or inconsistently on ABD TERG 2-4…..50
46 SIPH entirely blackish. Tergum with dark sclerotic bars on thorax and posterior abdomen …..47
SIPH usually paler basally and darker at apex. Tergum without dark sclerotisation …..48
47 R IV+V 1.6-1.8 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE c. 2.4-2.5…..Aphis potentillae*
R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE c.1.9-2.0…..Aphis tianschanica*
48 SIPH 0.9-1.1 × cauda, which is tongue-shaped to triangular …..Aphis subviridis
SIPH 1.3-2.2 × cauda which is finger-like…..49
49 ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.1. SIPH 1.3-1.4 × cauda, which bears long curved hairs …..Aphis roepkei
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.1. SIPH 1.6-2.2 × cauda, which bears hairs shorter than ANT BD III …..Aphis breviseta
50 SIPH and cauda both similarly dark…..51
SIPH dark or pale with dark apices, cauda pale or dusky…..52
51 SIPH 0.64-1.0 × cauda, which bears 5-9 hairs…..Aphis tormentillae
SIPH 1.2-1.3 × cauda, which bears 4 hairs …..Aphis sp. on P. argentea (Sweden, BMNH collection)
52 SIPH uniformly dark. Hairs on hind femur all shorter than diameter of femur at its base …..Aphis gossypii
SIPH usually rather pale, darker at apex. Hairs on hind femur mainly longer, some of them about as long as, or longer than, diameter of femur at its base …..Aphis nasturtii
53 Head spiculose, with inner faces of ANT tubercles steep, almost parallel or apically convergent. ANT III with 0-4 rhinaria…..54
Head smooth, with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. ANT III with (0-)1-56 rhinaria …..59
54SIPH clavate, i.e. slightly to considerably swollen on distal 0.5-0.7 of length …..55
SIPH cylindrical or tapering, without swollen distal part…..58
55 ANT III with 1-4 secondary rhinaria on slightly swollen section of basal half. R IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II…..Paramyzus longirostris
ANT III without secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II…..56
56 SIPH 0.9-1.34 × ANT III. R IV+V 0.9-1.1(-1.2) × HT II …..Myzus persicae
SIPH 0.50-0.81 × ANT III. R IV+V 1.2-1.5 × HT II…..57
57 SIPH with narrowest part of stem as thin as or thinner than hind tibia at midlength. R IV+V with 7-15 accessory hairs. (Al. with forewing veins not black-bordered) …..Myzus ascalonicus
SIPH with narrowest part of stem thicker than hind tibia at midlength. R IV+V with 4-7 accessory hairs. (Al. with black-bordered forewing veins) …..Neotoxoptera oliveri
58 SIPH coarsely imbricated, with a slight S-curve. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental markings. ANT PT/BASE 1.8-2.5. BL 1.0-1.75 mm …..Myzus ornatus
SIPH not curved, not coarsely imbricated. Dorsal abdomen without dark ornamentation. ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5.3. BL 1.8-3.0 mm…..Aulacorthum solani
59 ANT with numerous protruberant sec. rhinaria; 23-56 on III, 0-22 on IV, 0-1 on V. ANT hairs 1-2 × BD III. Thoracic spiracles large and rounded, much larger than abdominal ones. R IV+V 1.6-1.9 × HT II…..Nasonovia williamsi
ANT with 0-32 non-protruberant sec. rhinaria, confined to ANT III. ANT hairs all shorter than BD III. Thoracic spiracles not much larger than abdominal ones. R IV+V 0.6-1.6 × HT II…..60
60 Longest hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 thick and with blunt or slightly expanded apices, 25-52 μm long, longer than diameter of ANT III at midlength. SIPH long and thin, 1.65-2.9 × cauda…..61
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 1-3 are 10-20 μm long, shorter than midlength diameter of ANT III. SIPH 0.8-2.5 × cauda…..62
61 Dorsal abdominal cuticle strongly sclerotised and corrugated in a jigsaw puzzle-like pattern. R IV+V 1.0-1.25 × HT II and bearing 4-8 accessory hairs. Cauda with 7-12 hairs. ANT III with 1-4 (-32) rhinaria. BL less than 2.5 mm …..Acyrthosiphon scalare
Dorsal abdominal cuticle smooth. R IV+V 1.5-1.6 × HT II and bearing c.40 accessory hairs. Cauda with 16-19 hairs. ANT III without rhinaria. BL more than 3 mm …..Acyrthosiphon vandenboschi
62 SIPH 0.8-1.2 × cauda. ANT PT 2.25-3.25 × SIPH …..Acyrthosiphon pseudodirhodum
SIPH 1.4-2.5 × cauda. ANT PT less than 2 × SIPH…..63
63 R IV+V 0.6-0.8 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.4 …..Metopolophium dirhodum
R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-9.0…..64
64 SIPH 1.4-1.5 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.8-4.2. ANT III with 8-20 rhinaria …..Acyrthosiphon assiniboinensis
SIPH 1.5-2.5 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-9.0, but if less than 4.3 then SIPH 1.6-1.8 × cauda and ANT III with 1-5 rhinaria…..65
65 ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.3. SIPH 1.6-1.8 × cauda. ANT III with 1-5 rhinaria near base …..Acyrthosiphon wasintae
ANT PT/BASE 4.4-9.0. SIPH 1.8-2.6 × cauda. ANT III with 1-24 rhinaria …..66
66 ANT PT/BASE 7.1-9.0. SIPH dark except at bases …..Acyrthosiphon rubifoliae
ANT PT/BASE 4.4-6.3. SIPH pale …..Acyrthosiphon malvae group, incl. A. boreale
Poterium see SanguisorbaRosaceae
Pothomorphe see PiperPiperaceae
Pothomorphe peltata = Piper peltatum
P. umbellata = Piper umbellatum

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pothos chinensis Cerataphis lataniae
P. hermaphroditus = P. scandens
P. longifolius = P. scandens
P. repensCerataphis lataniae
P. roxburghiiCerataphis pothophila
P. scandensCerataphis freycinetiae; [Greenidea ficicola]
P. seemannii = P. chinensis

Key to apterae on Pothos:-

(All species have a flattened aleyrodiform body with an encircling fringe of wax glands, a pair of small frontal horns, 3-faceted eyes and poriform SIPH.)

1 Ventral side of head with 1-2 pairs of thick dagger-like hairs arising from enlarged sockets. Cauda with 6-9 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 11-16 hairs …..Cerataphis freycinetiae
Ventral side of head without any dagger-like hairs. Cauda with 11-14 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 8-10 hairs…..2
2 R IV+V 0.71-0.85 × HT II. Longest marginal hair dorsal to row of wax glands is 6-15 μm long, and hairs around SIPH are maximally only 2-7 μm. Dorsal and marginal hairs usually with rounded apices …..Cerataphis lataniae
R IV+V 0.57-0.65 × HT II. Longest marginal hair dorsal to row of wax glands is 20-30 μm long, and hairs around SIPH are 12-20 μm. Dorsal and marginal hairs with pointed apices …..Cerataphis pothophila
Poupartia caffra = Sclerocarya birrea ssp. caffra
Pourthiaea see PhotiniaRosaceae
Pourthiaea laevis = Photinia villosa var. laevis
P. zollingeri = Photinia villosa var. zollingeri
Pouteria (=Malacantha) Sapotaceae
Pouteria alnifoliaAphis gossypii
P. caimitoAphis gossypii; Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
P. ramifloraAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pouzolzia hirta = Gonostegia hirta
P. indica = P. zeylanica
P. zeylanicaAphis gossypii
Pouzolzia sp.[Subovatomyzus leucosceptri]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Prangos asperula Swirskiaphis polychaeta
P. bucharicaDysaphis crataegi, papillata; Hyadaphis passerinii
P. herderiHyadaphis coriandri
P. ornataHyadaphis coriandri
P. pabulariaAnuraphis subterranea; Aphis craccivora;
Dysaphis papillata; Hyadaphis passerinii
P. tschimgaica (?) [Dysaphis tschildarensis]

Key to apterae on Prangos:-

1SIPH clavate or barrel-shaped. Cauda finger-shaped, longer than its basal width …..2
SIPH tapering or truncate, cauda shorter than or only about as long as its basal width …..3
2SIPH clavate, 0.88-1.4 × cauda, 1.7-3.1 × R IV+V and 3.1-5.1 × longer than their minimum diameter on basal half…..Hyadaphis passerinii
SIPH barrel-shaped, 0.6-0.82 × cauda, 0.9-1.6 × R IV+V and 1.6-2.7 × their minimum diameter on basal half…..Hyadaphis coriandri
3Dorsal body hairs very long (more than 100 mm), thick and numerous. SIPH about equal in length to cauda. Spinal tubercles (STu) absent…..Swirskiaphis polychaeta
Dorsal body hairs less than 50 mm. SIPH at least 1.5 × cauda. Head and some of abdominal segments with paired STu…..4
4SIPH ornamented with blunt spinules, arranged in closely-spaced transverse rows. Cauda with c.11-12 hairs…..Anuraphis subterranea
SIPH with normal imbrication. Cauda with 5-8 hairs…..5
5Longest hairs on ANT III as long as or longer than BD III. ANT PT/BASE c.2.3 …..Dysaphis papillata*
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.8 × BD III. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-4.1 …..Dysaphis crataegi
Prasium majusAphis sp. (Italy; Cocuzza et al. 2014)
Cryptomyzus sp. near korschelti (Israel; Swirski &
Amitai 2001: 73)
Pratia nummularia Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
Praxelis basifoliaAphis spiraecola
P. paucifloraAphis spiraecola
Premna Verbenaceae
Premna cavalerei[Myzus varians]
P. odorataMesotrichosiphum uichancoi
Premna sp.[Greenideoida noonadanae]
Prenanthes Asteraceae
Prenanthes albaHyperomyzus nabali; Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
P. altissimaHyperomyzus nabali
P. autumnalisUroleucon pseudambrosiae
P. brunonianaUroleucon longisetosum
P. purpureaAphis fabae; Macrosiphum prenanthidis
P. tanakaeHyperomyzus carduellinus
P. tatarinowiiAphis fabae, Aphis sp. near viburni (Holman 1987)
P. trifoliata Uroleucon ambrosiae
P. violaefoliaUroleucon longisetosum

Key to apterae on Prenanthes:-

1 SIPH clavate…..2
SIPH tapering or cylindrical for most of length…..3
2 SIPH 1.1-1.5 × cauda, with maximum diameter of swollen part 1.05-1.45 × minimum diameter of basal part. R IV+V 0.9-1.0 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 4.4-6.0 …..Hyperomyzus carduellinus
SIPH 1.4-1.8 × cauda, with maximum diameter of swollen part 1.8-3.1 × minimum diameter of basal part. R IV+V 1.05-1.4 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 7.8-13.5…..Hyperomyzus nabali
3 SIPH with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles well developed. ANT III with rhinaria. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu)…..4
SIPH without polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles weakly developed. ANT III without rhinaria. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu…..7
4 SIPH 2.0-2.5 × cauda and mainly pale, sometimes dark on distal reticulated part, which extends for less than 0.2 of total length…..Macrosiphum prenanthidis
SIPH 1.1-1.5 × cauda and wholly dark, with distal reticulation extending more than 0.25 of length…..5
5 Crescent-shaped antesiphuncular sclerites present. SIPH short and thick, 0.14-0.15 × BL. R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II…..Uroleucon longisetosum
No antesiphuncular sclerites. SIPH more than 0.2 × BL. R IV+V 0.9-1.4 × HT II …..6
6 HT II rather long and thin, 6 or more × longer than its maximum thickness and 0.9-1.1 × R IV+V…..Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
HT II less than 5 × its maximum thickness and 0.70-0.85 × R IV+V …..Uroleucon ambrosiae
7 ABD TERG 2-6 as well as 1 and 7 usually bearing prominent MTu. R IV+V 1.23-1.53 × HT II…..Aphis sp. near viburni (Holman 1987)
ABD TERG 2-6 rarely with small MTu. R IV+V 0.9-1.4 × HT II ..…Aphis fabae group
Primula acaulisAcyrthosiphon primulae
P. allioniiThecabius (Parathecabius) auriculae
P. alpicolaMyzus ornatus
P. ×auricula Acyrthosiphon auriculae, primulae; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Thecabius (Parathecabius) auriculae
P. denticulataAulacorthum solani
P. elatiorAcyrthosiphon primulae; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus
P. floribundaMyzus ornatus; Neomyzus circumflexus
P. forbesiiMyzus persicae
P. glaucescens[Acyrthosiphon auriculae (excised leaves)]
P. japonicaAulacorthum solani; Myzus ornatus
P. juliaeAulacorthum solani
P. ×kewensisAcyrthosiphon primulae; Myzus persicae
P. macrophyllaCavariella aquatica
P. malacoidesMyzus ornatus, persicae
P. marginata[Acyrthosiphon auriculae (excised leaves)]
P. obconica[Acyrthosiphon malvae]; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus
P. officinalis see P. veris
P. palinuri[Acyrthosiphon auriculae (excised leaves)]
P. parryiAmphorophora pawtincae; Aulacorthum solani;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
P. pedemontanaThecabius (Parathecabius) auriculae
P. polyanthaAcyrthosiphon primulae; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ornatus
P. sieboldiiAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Neomyzus circumflexus
P. sikkimensisAcyrthosiphon primulae; Aulacorthum solani
P. sinensisAcyrthosiphon primulae; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; [Nasonovia dasyphylli]
P. veris (incl. ssp. canescens) Acyrthosiphon primulae; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus
P. vialiiAulacorthum solani
P. vulgarisAcyrthosiphon primulae; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus cymbalariae, persicae
Primula spp.[Eutrichosiphum pseudopasaniae]; Neomyzus primulus;
[Rhodobium porosum]; Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon;
[Roepkea marchali]; Sitobion miscanthi;
[Wahlgreniella nervata]

Key to apterae on Primula:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. SIPH as inconspicuous pores. Cauda broadly rounded, not evident. Dorsal abdomen with wax glands (4 on each of ABD TERG 3-6, 2 on ABD TERG 7) …..Thecabius (Parathecabius) auriculae
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.7. SIPH tubular. Cauda helmet-, tongue- or finger-shaped. No discrete wax glands…..2
2 ANT 0.3-0.4 × BL, with ANT PT/BASE 0.75-1.25. SIPH flangeless and with reduced aperture. ABD TERG 8 with a triangular supracaudal process …..Cavariella aquatica
ANT more than 0.4 × BL, with ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5. SIPH with flange and normal aperture. ABD TERG 8 without a supracaudal process…..3
3 SIPH tapering or cylindrical with distal polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells)…..4
SIPH without distal polygonal reticulation (except when black with balloon-like swelling of distal part) …..5
4 SIPH wholly dark, 1.4-1.9 × cauda. ANT tubercles rather weakly developed …..Sitobion miscanthi
SIPH mainly pale, 1.7-2.2 × cauda. ANT tubercles well developed …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
5 Cuticle of head smooth with ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces smooth and divergent. ANT 0.9-1.4 × BL…..6
Cuticle of head densely spiculose, or if smooth then ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed and ANT less than 0.9 × BL …..8
6 SIPH clavate. ANT PT/BASE more than 6 (estimated from al.; apt. undescribed) …..Amphorophora pawtincae
SIPH tapering/cylindrical. ANT PT/BASE less than 6…..7
7 R IV+V 1.25-1.35 × HT II and bearing 25-31 accessory hairs. Cauda with 10-13 hairs …..Acyrthosiphon auriculae
R IV+V 1.0-1.25 × HT II and bearing 8-12 accessory hairs. Cauda with 6-8 hairs …..Acyrthosiphon primulae
8 Cuticle of head densely spiculose, abdomen with dark dorsal markings and SIPH tapering/cylindrical…..9
Without that combination of characters….. go to key to polyphagous aphids
9 SIPH 1.8-2.3 × cauda, 0.17-0.23 × BL. R IV+V 1.2-1.7 × HT II. ABD TERG 2-4 with a roughly horseshoe-shaped patch…..Neomyzus circumflexus
SIPH c.3 × cauda, 0.23-0.25 × BL. R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II. ABD TERG 2-4 with variably developed cross-bands or roughly quadrate patch…..Neomyzus primulus*
Pringlea antiscorbutica Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Prinsepia sinensis Aphidura mordvilkoi, prinsepiae
P. utilis[Acyrthosiphon pisum]; Aphis gossypii;
Tricaudatus polygoni

Key to apterae on Prinsepia:-

Dorsum membranous. SIPH markedly swollen over distal 0.75 of length. ABD TERG 7 and 8 each with an unpaired rounded medial process…..Tricaudatus polygoni
Dorsum extensively sclerotised. SIPH tapering. ABD TERG 7 and 8 without processes …..Aphidura mordvilkoi (or prinsepiae – see text)

(If neither combination of characters wholly applies then go to key to polyphagous aphids)

Pritchardia Arecaceae
Pritchardia sp. Cerataphis lataniae
Priva lappulaceaAphis gossypii, nerii; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Proboscidea louisiana Aphis gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Pronephrium penangianum Macromyzus maculatus
Prosartes hookeri Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum wilsoni
P. smithiiMacrosiphum wilsoni
Prosartes sp.Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to apterae on Prosartes:-

1SIPH without polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles with steep-sided, approximately parallel, inner faces, and head densely spiculose at least on underside …..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT tubercles with divergent inner faces, and head smooth or with only sparse, minute spinules…..2
2SIPH 2.3-3.4 × cauda. R IV+V 1.0-1.2 × HT II, which is 0.11-0.14 mm long …..Macrosiphum wilsoni
SIPH 1.7-2.2 × cauda. R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II, which is 0.13-0.19 mm long…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Prosopidastrum globosum Aphis craccivora
Prosopis Fabaceae
Prosopis farctaAphis craccivora
P. glandulosaMacrosiphum ?euphorbiae
P. julifloraAphis craccivora; Brachyunguis harmalae
P. stephaniana = P. farcta
Prosopis sp.Aphis gossypii
ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH pale, much shorter than cauda …..Brachyunguis harmalae
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. SIPH pale or dark, longer than cauda …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Prostanthera nivea Myzus persicae
Prosthechea campylostalix Sitobion luteum
P. cochleata Cerataphis orchidearum; Sitobion luteum
P. fragransAphis spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Cerataphis orchidearum; Sitobion luteum
P. vespa Sitobion luteum

Use key to apterae on orchids under Cymbidium.

Protasparagus see AsparagusAsparagaceae
Proustia cuneifolia [Aphis craccivora]; Uroleucon macolai
Prunella (including Brunella)Lamiaceae
Prunella asiatica = P. vulgarus ssp. asiatica
P. grandifloraAphis brunellae; Aulacorthum solani
P. orientalis Aphis brunellae
P. vulgarisAphis brunellae, gossypii, nasturtii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Ovatomyzus chamaedrys
P. vulgarus ssp. asiatica Cryptomyzus taoi

Key to apterae on Prunella:-

1 Dorsal body hairs long and thick, much longer than ANT BD III, many or all of them having knobbed or expanded apices, and arising from tuberculate bases. ANT PT/BASE 9.0-10.5. SIPH swollen on distal part…..Cryptomyzus taoi
Dorsal body hairs mostly shorter than BD III; pointed or blunt, or if with somewhat expanded apices then without tuberculate bases. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-7.7. SIPH swollen, tapering or cylindrical…..2
2 ANT PT/BASE 5.6-7.7. SIPH pale, cylindrical or slightly clavate, without any subapical polygonal reticulation (Fig.50e), and 2.2-3.1 × cauda, which has a distinctly constricted base …..Ovatomyzus chamaedrys
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-6.2, but if more than 5.3 then SIPH have subapical polygonal reticulation. SIPH pale, dusky or dark, tapering, 0.8-2.5 × cauda which is not constricted at base…..3
3 R IV+V 1.2-1.7 × HT II. ANT tubercles weakly developed. Only ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu). Cauda pale …..Aphis brunellae
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Prunus Rosaceae

The genus Prunus is used here in a broad sense to include Amygdalopsis, Amygdalus, Armeniaca, Cerasus, Laurocerasus, Padus and Persica, although several of these are now often regarded as separate genera. Prunus is the primary host genus for most species of the aphidine genera Brachycaudus, Hyalopterus, Rhopalosiphum, Myzus and Tuberocephalus. Although some Prunus-feeding aphids are rather specific in their choice of primary host, many colonise more than species, and there seems to be remarkably little concordance between host choice and the major subdivisions of the genus. Therefore a single key to aphids on Prunus of the world seems most useful. Except where otherwise indicated, the key refers to apterous viviparae (including fundatrices).

Host Plant List:-

Prunus africanaRed Stinkwood, Bitter-Almond
Aphis spiraecola
P. americanaAmerican Wild Plum, River Plum
Aphis minima, pomi; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Hyalopterus pruni; Myzus persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
P. ×amygdalopersica = P. ×persicoides
P. amygdalusAlmond
Aphis aurantii, [citricidus], [craccivora], fabae, gossypii,
Brachycaudus amygdalinus, [cardui], helichrysi, persicae,
prunicola, [schwartzi];
[Capitophorus prunifoliae Shinji, 1924];
Hyalopterus amygdali, [pruni];
Myzus amygdalinus, [ascalonicus], cerasi, persicae;
[Nippolachnus piri]; Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae

(For a key to the common aphids on Almond, see Blackman & Eastop 2000.)

P. angustifoliaChickasaw Plum, Mountain Cherry
Aphis minima
P. ansuAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi; Hyalopterus pruni;
(= Armeniaca vulgaris var. ansu) Myzus cerasi, mumecola, persicae, umefoliae;
[Phorodon humuli, japonensis]; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae;
Tuberocephalus sakurae
P. armeniacaApricot
Aphis craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola; Asiphonaphis pruni;
Brachycaudus amygdalinus, cardui, cardui ssp. turanica,
helichrysi, persicae, prunicola;
Hyalopterus amygdali, arundiniformis, [pruni];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus cerasi, mumecola, persicae, [varians];
Phorodon [humuli], humulifoliae; Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi, rufiabdominale
(For a key to common aphids on Apricot, see Blackman & Eastop 2000.)
P. asiatica = P. padus var. pubescens
P. atropurpurea see P. cerasifera
P. aviumSweet Cherry, Mazzard
Aphis fabae, spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, prunicola, [schwartzi];
[Hyalopterus amygdali, pruni]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus cerasi, cerasi spp. pruniavium, mushaensis,
persicae, [varians];
Nearctaphis bakeri; Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi, rufiabdominale;
[Roepkea marchali]
P. besseyiBrachycaudus helichrysi; [Rhopalosiphum musae]
P. bokhariensisHyalopterus amygdali; Pterochloroides persicae
P. brahuicaBrachycaudus amygdalinus
(= Amygdalus brahuica)
P. bucharicaBrachycaudus helichrysi;
(= Amygdalus bucharica) Brachycaudus amygdalinus, pilosus;
Hyalopterus pruni; Pterochloroides persicae
P. buergeriana (= Padus buergeriana)Inuzakura, Shirozakura
[Myzus inuzakurae]; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi; [Tuberocephalus usubai]
P. caroliniana (= Laurocerasus caroliniana)Carolina Cherry Laurel
Aphis spiraecola; Myzus persicae
P. cerasiferaCherry Plum
(incl. vars atropurpurea, pissardii)Aphis craccivora, fabae, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus [almatinus], amygdalinus, cardui,
cardui ssp. turanica, divaricatae, helichrysi, persicae,
prunicola, prunifex, [schwartzi], [semisubterraneus];
Hyalopterus [amygdali], arundiniformis, [pruni];
Myzus cerasi, lythri, ornatus, padellus, persicae;
Phorodon humuli; Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi
P. cerasoidesWild Himalayan Cherry
(= Cerasus cerasoides) Aphis aurantii, gossypii, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; [Greenidea symplocosis];
[Mollitrichosiphum nandii];
Myzus cerasi, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Prociphilus oriens;
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale; [Schizaphis graminum];
Tinocalloides montanus; [Tuberocephalus ?momonis]
P. cerasus (= Cerasus vulgaris) Sour Cherry, Morello Cherry
Aphis aurantii, gossypii, odinae, spiraecola;
Betacallis prunicola;
Brachycaudus cardui, cerasicola, helichrysi;
Hyalopterus pruni; [Hysteroneura setariae];
Myzus cerasi, mushaensis, ornatus, persicae, siegesbeckiae,
[Phorodon humuli]; Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum [maidis], nymphaeae, [oxyacanthae];
[Roepkea marchali]; [Schoutedenia ralumensis];
Sinomegoura citricola]; Tinocalloides montanus;
Tuberocephalus higansakurae, [momonis], sakurae
P. cornuta (= Padus cornuta)Eumyzus [darjeelingensis], pruni, prunicola;
Hyalopterus pruni;
Myzus cerasi, cornutus [dycei], mumecola, ornatus;
Pyrolachnus imbricatus; Rhopalosiphum maidis;
Tuberocephalus naumanni, pakistanicus;
Tumoranuraphis indica; Vesiculaphis pruni
P. davidianaBrachycaudus persicae; Hyalopterus amygdali;
(= Amygdalus davidiana) Myzus cerasi, persicae, varians; Phorodon humuli;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Tuberocephalus momonis
P. divaricataBrachycaudus cardui, divaricatae, divaricatellus,
helichrysi, persicae, prunicola, [schwartzi];
Hyalopterus pruni;
Phorodon humuli; Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
P. domesticaCommon or European Plum
Aphis [citricidus], craccivora, fabae, gossypii, longicauda,
pomi, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus [almatinus], amygdalinus, cardui,
cardui ssp. turanica, divaricatae, helichrysi, [lateralis],
persicae, prunicola, [schwartzi], [semisubterraneus];
[Eriosoma lanigerum]; [Greenidea longicornis];
Hyalopterus [amygdali], pruni; Hysteroneura setariae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae, [rosae];
Myzus [cerasi], lythri, ornatus, persicae, [varians];
Nearctaphis bakeri; Phorodon humuli;
Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi, rufiabdominale
(For a key to common aphids on Plum see Blackman & Eastop 2000.)
P. donarium = P. lannesiana
P. donarium var. sachalinensis = P. sachalinensis
P. donarium var. speciosa = P. jamasakura var. speciosa
P. donarium var. spontanea = P. serrulata var. spontanea
P. duclouxii = P. yunnanensis
P. dulcis = P. amygdalus
P. emarginataBitter Cherry
[Ericaphis sp., Washington (]
Myzus cerasi, lythri
P. erythrocarpaAphidura bozhkoae; Brachycaudus cerasicola, pilosus;
(= Cerasus erythrocarpa) Hyalopterus pruni
P. ×fruticansBrachycaudus cardui
P. fruticosaAphidura bozhkoae; Aphis craccivora;
(= Cerasus fruticosa) Brachycaudus cardui, cerasicola; Myzus cerasi;
Phorodon humuli
P. glandulosaAulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Hyalopterus pruni; Myzus cerasi, persicae, varians;
Phorodon japonensis;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, rufiabdominale;
[Tuberocephalus momonis]
P. grayanaMyzus persicae; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi;
(= Padus grayana) Tuberocephalus uwamizusakurae
P. hortulanaHyalopterus pruni
P. humilis (= Cerasus humilis) Tuberocephalus jinxiensis
P. incana (= Cerasus incana) Aphidura bozhkoae
P. insititiaBullace, Damson
Aphis gossypii;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, persicae, prunicola,
[schwartzi], [semisubterraneus];
Hyalopterus [amygdali], pruni; Myzus [lythri], persicae;
Phorodon humuli; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi
(For a key to common aphids on Damson see Blackman & Eastop 2000.)
P. ishidoyanaRhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus [momonis], sakurae
P. itosakura Tuberocephalus higansakurae, momonis, sasakii,
(incl. var. ascendens) momonis, sasakii, tianmushanensis
P. jamasakuraYamasakura
(= Cerasus jamasakura) Myzus cerasi, muchaensis, persicae, siegesbeckiae;
(incl. var. speciosa) Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, [momonis], sakurae, sasakii
P. japonicaAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
(= Cerasus japonica)Myzus cerasi, persicae; Phorodon japonensis;
Rhopalosiphum padi, rufiabdominale
P. lannesianaOshima-zakura
(= Cerasus serrulata var. lannesiana) yzus cerasi, mushaensis, Myzus (or Tuberocephalus) spp.
(Moritsu & Tokumotu 1972);
Rhopalosiphum padi, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, sakurae, sasakii
P. laurocerasusCherry Laurel
Aphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani; Hyalopterus pruni;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
Aphis spiraecola
P. ledebourianaBrachycaudus amygdalinus, helichrysi; Myzus cerasi
P. leveilleanaTuberocephalus [momonis], persicae, sakurae, sasakii
(incl. var. pendura)
P. lyoniiAphis spiraecola
P. maackiiMyzus cerasi, padellus; Rhopalosiphum padi
P. mahalebAphis craccivora; Hyalopterus pruni;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus amygdalinus, cerasi, lythri, persicae;
Phorodon humuli; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi;
Roepkea marchali, marchali ssp. bathiaschvili
P. mandshuricaAphis pomi; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, prunicola;
Hyalopterus [amygdali], arundiniformis, [pruni]
P. maximowiczii Brachycaudus helichrysi; Prociphilus oriens;
Tuberocephalus sakurae
P. melanocarpa = P. virginiana
P. microcarpaBrachycaudus amygdalinus, cardui, cerasicola, pilosus
P. mume Ume, Japanese Apricot
(= Armeniaca mume)Aphis gossypii, spiraecola; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Hyalopterus pruni;
[Mutillaphis prunisucta L. Zhang & G. Zhang 2001];
Myzus cerasi ssp. umefoliae, mumecola, persicae,
Phorodon japonensis;
Rhopalosiphum maidis, nymphaeae, padi, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus [momonis], sakurae
P. munsonianaBrachycaudus persicae; Myzus persicae
P. nakaiiAphis gossypii; Rhopalosiphum padi, rufiabdominale
P. nana Aphis craccivora, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus amygdalinus, cardui, helichrysi, prunicola;
Hyalopterus [amygdali], pruni; Myzus cerasi, persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi
P. napaulensisAphis spiraecola; [Schoutedenia ralumensis];
(= Padus napaulensis) Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Sinomegoura citricola; Tinocalloides montanus
P. nigraCanada Plum
Aphis pomi; Hyalopterus pruni: Hysteroneura setariae;
Myzus persicae; Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae
P. padus (= Padus avium)Bird Cherry
(incl. var. pubescens) Brachycaudus schwartzi; Eumyzus prunicola;
Hyalopterus pruni; Myzus asiaticus, padellus;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Tuberocephalus momonis, sakurae
P. pauciflora = P. pseudocerasus
P. pendula = P. subhirtella
P. pensylvanicaPin Cherry
Myzus cerasi; Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae, padi
P. persicaPeach, Momo
[Abura momocola Matsumura 1917 (nomen dubium)];
Aphis aurantii, fabae, gossypii, spiraecola;
Betacallis prunicola;
Brachycaudus amygdalinus, [cardui], helichrysi, persicae,
persicaecola, [prunicola], schwartzi, [semisubterraneus];
Hyalopterus [amygdali], arundiniformis, [pruni];
Hysteroneura setariae; Longistigma xizangensis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus cerasi, [cornutus], persicae, varians;
[Nearctaphis bakeri]; [Nippolachnus bengalensis, piri];
[Phorodon japonensis]; [Phorodon persifoliae Shinji 1922];
Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum maidis, [momo Shinji 1922], nymphaeae,
padi, rufiabdominale;
[Schizaphis piricola]; Tinocalloides montanus;
Tuberocephalus momonis, sakurae
(For a key to common aphids on peach see Blackman & Eastop 2000.)
P. ×persicoidesMyzus persicae
P. petunnikowiiBrachycaudus amygdalinus, cerasicola, helichrysi, pilosus;
Hyalopterus [amygdali], pruni
P. pissardii = P. cerasifera var. pissardii
P. prostrataAphidura libanensis;
(= Cerasus prostrata) Brachycaudus cerasicola, pilosus
P. pseudocerasusKara-mizakura
(= Cerasus pseudocerasus) Myzus cerasi; Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus higansakurae, liaoningensis, misakurae,
[momonis], sakurae, tianmushanensis;
Tumoranuraphis indica
P. puddum = P. cerasoides
P. pumilaBrachycaudus cardui, [schwartzi]; Myzus varians
P. racemosa = P. padus
P. sachalinensisMyzus cerasi; Prociphilus oriens;
Rhopalosiphum maidis, padi, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus sakurae, sasakii
P. salicinaChinese or Japanese Plum
Aphis craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus divaricatae, helichrysi, persicae, [schwartzi]; [Capitophorus prunifoliae Shinji 1924];
Hyalopterus arundiniformis, [pruni];
Myzus persicae, varians;
Phorodon japonensis, humulifoliae;
Pterochloroides persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, [padi], rufiabdominale
Tuberocephalus liaoningensis
P. sargentii = P. sachalinensis
P. scoparia [Brachycaudus bicolor]
(= Amygdalus scoparia)
P. serotinaBlack Cherry
Aphis feminea, gossypii, pomi, spiraecola;
Asiphonaphis pruni; Brachycaudus prunicola, schwartzi;
Hyalopterus pruni; Myzus cerasi, persicae;
[Phorodon humuli];
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, oxyacanthae, padi
P. serrulata (incl. vars Japanese Flowering Cherry, Kwanzan Cherry, Oshima-zakura
glabra, spontanea) Brachycaudus helichrysi (form H3);
Myzus cerasi, mushaensis, persicae, siegesbeckiae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi;
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, higansakurae, momonis,
sakurae, sasakii
P. sibiricaBrachycaudus helichrysi, prunicola
P. sieboldii (?)Myzus cerasi; Tuberocephalus sasakii
P. sogdiana = P. cerasifera
P. spinosaBlackthorn or Sloe
Aphidura bozhkoae; Aphis pomi;
Brachycaudus cardui, divaricatae, helichrysi, [lateralis],
persicae, prunicola, prunifex, [schwartzi],
Hyalopterus [amygdali], pruni; Phorodon humuli;
Pterochloroides pericae; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi
P. spinosissimaHyalopterus pruni; Myzus persicae
(= Amygdalus spinosissima)
P. ssiori (= Padus ssiori) Rhopalosiphum padi
P. subcordataBrachycaudus helichrysi;
Rhopalosiphum [musae], nymphaeae
P. subhirtellaKo-higanzakura, Rosebud cherry
(= Cerasus subhirtella)Myzus cerasi, mushaensis, persicae, siegesbeckiae;
(incl. var. pendula) Rhopalosiphum padi;
Tuberocephalus higansakurae, [momonis], sakurae,
P. taiwaniana = P. subhirtella var. pendula
P. takenakaeTuberocephalus misakurae
P. tenella = P. nana
P. tianshanicaAphidura bozhkoae; [Aphis cerasi Mukhamediev 1972];
(= Cerasus tianshanica) Brachycaudus cardui, cerasicola, pilosus;
Myzus cerasi, persicae
P. tomentosaYusura-ume
(= Cerasus tomentosa)Brachycaudus helichrysi, persicae; Myzus cerasi, persicae;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus higansakurae, liaoningensis, [momonis],
sakurae, sasakii
P. triflora = P. salicina
P. triloba (= Amygdalus triloba) Aphidura bozhkoae;
Brachycaudus helichrysi, pilosus, prunicola, [schwartzi];
Hysteroneura setariae; Myzus cerasi; Phorodon humuli;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae;
Tuberocephalus higansakurae, liaoningensis, sakurae
P. ulmifolia = P. triloba
P. umbellataAphis minima
P. ursinaHyalopterus pruni
P. verrucosaAphidura bozhkoae; Aphis craccivora;
Brachycaudus cerasicola, pilosus; Myzus cerasi
P. virginianaChoke Cherry
(= Padus virginiana) Asiphonaphis pruni; Hysteroneura setariae;
(incl. var. demissa) Myzus cerasi, persicae; Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae, padi
P. yedoensisSomei-yoshino
(= Cerasus yedoensis)Aphis gossypii, odinae, spiraecola;
Myzus cerasi, mushaensis, sakurae, siegesbeckiae;
Pseudomegoura magnoliae;
Pyrolachnus imbricatus ssp. nipponicus;
Rhopalosiphum padi, nymphaeae, rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, liaoningensis, misakurae,
[momonis], misakurae, sakurae, sasakii
P. yunnanensis [Vesiculaphis pieridis (of Fang et al. 2008)]
(= Cerasus yunnanensis)
Prunus spp. (unidentified) Aphidura iranensis; Aphis chetansapa;
[Capitophorus prunifoliae Shinji 1924 (a Phorodon?)];
[Greenidea bucktonis, prunicola];
Myzus prunense,
[prunisuctus Zhang in Zhang & Zhong 1980a]

Key to aphids on Prunus spp. (not applicable to fundatrices, except where stated):-

1 Cauda with a constriction so that the apical part forms a knob. Anal plate indented or bilobed. SIPH are short, dark, truncate. (All viviparous females alate) …..2
Cauda rounded, triangular or finger-like, sometimes with a constriction but not with an apical knob. Anal plate entire, rounded, without indentation. SIPH of various forms, with or without hairs, or absent. (Viviparae apterous or alate, rest of key applies to apterae except where otherwise stated) …..3
2 Dorsal abdomen with paired dark spino-pleural and marginal sclerites. ANT PT/BASE less than 1.2. R IV+V a little shorter than HT II. SIPH shorter than their midlength width, flangeless, with a single subapical hair. Anal plate strongly indented and cauda with 11-17 hairs…..Tinocalloides montanus
Dorsal abdomen without paired dark sclerites, sometimes with narrow dark cross-bands on ABD TERG 4 and 5. ANT PT/BASE more than 1.3. R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II. SIPH much longer than their midlength width, with a thick apical flange. Anal plate weakly indented and cauda with 5 hairs…..Tinocallis prunicola
3 SIPH as large pores on broad dark hairy cones…..4
SIPH tubular or absent…..6
4 Dorsum with a double row of large pigmented spinal tubercles. (Forewings of alata maculate, with a short blunt pterostigma…..Pterochloroides persicae
Dorsum without spinal tubercles. (Forewings of alata not maculate, pterostigma elongate)…..5
5 BL less than 5.5 mm. (Alata with pterostigma not reaching tip of wing)…..Pyrolachnus imbricatus
BL more than 5.5 mm. (Alata with pterostigma curved around tip of wing) …..Longistigma xizangensis*
6 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.3. SIPH absent, cauda broadly rounded. (Forewing of alata with an unbranched media) …..Prociphilus oriens
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.8. SIPH present or absent, if absent then cauda is not broadly rounded. (Forewing of alata once- or twice-branched)…..7
7 SIPH absent. Large marginal tubercles present on thorax and ABD TERG 1-7…..Asiphonaphis pruni
SIPH almost always present. Marginal tubercles present or absent, if present usually smaller and on fewer segments…..8
8 Head capsule smooth, wrinkled or rugose, but not ornamented with spicules or nodules …..9
Head capsule with spiculose (sometimes delicate) or nodulose ornamentation …..40
9 SIPH small and thin, much thinner than cauda, lacking an apical flange (figs. 88A, B) …..10
SIPH not much thinner than cauda and usually with an apical flange…..11
10 SIPH very thin, 2.5-4.0 × their maximum diameter (fig. 88A). (Spring migrant alata with total secondary rhinaria on both ANT III 41-74, on ANT IV 9-21) …..Hyalopterus pruni
SIPH 1.6-2.5 × their maximum diameter (fig. 88B). (Spring migrant alata with total secondary rhinaria on both ANT III 21-41, on ANT IV 0-10)…..Hyalopterus amygdali and arundiniformis; see text)
11 SIPH dark, smooth and conspicuously inflated over more than half length, with maximum diameter of swollen part more than 2 × minimum diameter near base (fig. 88C) …..Tumoranuraphis indica
SIPH pale or dark, tapering, cylindrical, or if swollen then swelling is confined to distal half and maximum diameter of swollen part is less than 2 × minimum diameter of basal half, and surface is rugose or imbricated…..12
12 Body spindle-shaped, SIPH long (0.25-0.35 × BL) and with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Cauda finger-like. ANT III with 2-7 secondary rhinaria near base …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Body oval or elongate oval, if cauda is finger-like then SIPH are relatively shorter, and always without polygonal reticulation. ANT III without secondary rhinaria …..13
13 Cauda tongue- or finger-like or tapering, usually more than 1.2 × its basal width, but if shorter then with pointed apex…..14
Cauda bluntly conical, semi-circular or broadly rounded, rarely up to 1.2 × its basal width, and never pointed….26
14 Cauda long (more than 0.2 mm), conspicuously pale compared with the black siphunculi, and bearing 4 hairs…..Hysteroneura setariae
Cauda usually dusky or dark, if pale then shorter than 0.2 mm and with more than 4 hairs…..15
15 Stridulatory mechanism present, consisting of a conspicuous pattern of ridges on ventrolateral areas of abdominal sternites 5 and 6, and a row of short peg-like hairs on the hind tibia (fig. 122)…..16
Stridulatory mechanism not present, although peg-like hairs are sometimes present along part of hind tibia…..18
16 SIPH much shorter than (0.4-0.6×) cauda (fig. 121O). ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.0…..Aphis odinae
SIPH usually longer than (0.9-1.5×) cauda (figs 121 P). ANT PT/BASE 3.5-5.0 …..17
17Longest hairs on ANT III 12-27 µm long, 0.5-1.0× basal diameter of segment. Longest hairs on hind tibia up to 60 µm long, less than 0.6× HT II. Cauda with 10-26 hairs (rarely more than 20). BL often less than 2 mm…..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Longest hairs on ANT III 29-64 µm long, 1.5-2.0× basal diameter of segment. Longest hairs on hind tibia 80-110 µm, 0.7-1.0×HT II. Cauda with 19-54 hairs (rarely less than 25). BL usually more than 2 mm….. Aphis (Toxoptera) citricidus
18 Marginal tubercle on ABD TERG 7 situated posterio-ventrally to spiracle (fig. 42H), appearing in perfect dorsoventral view to be lateral to an anterio-posterior line drawn through spiracle. SIPH without a trace of a subapical swelling or constriction …..19
Marginal tubercle on ABD TERG 7 situated posterio-dorsally to spiracle (fig. 42H), appearing in perfect dorso-lateral view to be slightly mesial to an anterio-posterior line drawn through spiracle. SIPH often with a subapical constriction, proximal to which there is some degree of swelling…..22
19 Dorsal abdomen almost wholly covered by an extensive solid black sclerite. Cauda black and usually bearing 4-7 hairs (fig. 121N)…..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without an extensive solid black sclerite. Cauda if black then usually with more hairs…..20
20 Cauda paler than siphunculi, with 4-8 hairs…..Aphis gossypii
Cauda black like siphunculi, and usually with 8-24 hairs…..21
21 Cauda with a constriction just proximal to midpoint, and usually bearing 8-12 hairs. Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings…..Aphis spiraecola
Cauda without any constriction, and with 11-24 hairs. Dorsal abdomen at least with dark sclerites or bars on ABD TERG 7 and 8…..Aphis fabae
22 SIPH more than 0.3 mm long (except fundatrix) and swollen proximal to subpical constriction (fig. 88D). (Fundatrix with ANT PT/BASE more than 2.0)…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH less than 0.3 mm long or, if longer, without any discernible subapical swelling. (Fundatrix with ANT PT/BASE 2.0 or less)…..23
23 ABD TERG 8 with 4-6 hairs. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 all more than 40 µm long with pointed apices…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ABD TERG 8 with 2-3 hairs. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 often with blunt or expanded apices and less than 40 µm long…..24
24 SIPH less than 0.20 mm long…..Rhopalosiphum maidis
SIPH 0.20 mm long or longer…..25
25 SIPH 0.26-0.38 mm long (except fundatrix), cylindrical, with no discernible subapical swelling (fig. 88E). ABD TERG 1-4 usually bearing some spino-pleural hairs with pointed apices, longer than basal diameter of ANT III …..Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae
SIPH 0.20-0.30 mm long, usually slightly swollen proximal to the subapical constriction (fig. 88F). ABD TERG 1-4 with all spino-pleural hairs short and blunt or slightly capitate, none exceeding basal diameter of ANT III in length…..Rhopalosiphum padi
26 Spiracular apertures small and oval, partly occluded anteriorly by an opercular plate. ABD TERG 1 and 7 always with well-developed marginal tubercles…..27
Spiracular apertures rounded, not or only slightly occluded by opercular plates. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles absent or only present if there are well-developed tubercles on other tergites….29
27 Hairs on ANT III long and fine, mostly longer than basal diameter of segment. ABD TERG 2-4 (as well as 1 and 7) with prominent marginal tubercles…..Aphis feminea
Hairs on ANT III shorter than basal diameter of segment. Marginal tubercles not evident on ABD TERG 2-4…..28
28 Very small aphid (BL less than 1.1 mm). SIPH less than 0.18 mm long. Marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 1 and 7 elongate, much longer than their basal width …..Aphis minima
BL usually more than 1.1 mm, and SIPH more than 0.2 mm long. Marginal tubercles on ABD TERG 1 and 7 not usually longer than their basal width…..Aphis chetansapa/longicauda
29 Cauda very broadly rounded, less than 0.5 × its basal width. R IV+V only about 0.8 × HT II and usually bearing 4 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 (or 7 and 8) with spinal tubercles…..Brachycaudus (Thuleaphis) amygdalinus
Cauda more than 0.5 × its basal width. R IV+V at least 0.9 × HT II and bearing at least 5 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 8 with or without spinal tubercles…..30
30 First tarsal segments each with 4 hairs (i.e. 2 sense pegs between a long pair of hairs). Dorsal abdomen often extensively pigmented with broad transverse bars, interrupted in the midline on at least ABD TERG 1 and 2, and separated from marginal sclerites…..31
First tarsal segments each with 2-3 hairs (0-1 sense pegs). Dorsal abdomen pale or dark, but if dark there tends to be an uninterrupted shield, fused across and between segments and sometimes incorporating marginal sclerites…..33
31 Marginal abdominal tubercles (circular membranous areas) on ABD TERG 2-4 mostly greater than 18 µm in diameter, often as large as or larger than spiracles, with adjacent marginal hairs less than half this diameter …..Brachycaudus (Appelia) schwartzi
Marginal abdominal tubercles on ABD TERG 2-4, if present, mostly less than 18 µm in diameter…..32
32 Longest hairs on marginal sclerites of ABD TERG 2-4 are 12-60 µm long, often longer than diameter of marginal tubercle (if present) on same sclerite. Longest hair on inner side of ANT II 16-56 µm, 0.8-1.6 times longer than basal diameter of ANT III. Dorsal cross-bands usually fused into a solid patch on ABD TERG 2-5 that connects on each side with marginal sclerites…..Brachycaudus (Appelia) prunifex
Longest hairs on marginal sclerites of ABD TERG 2-4 are 4-15 µm long, usually less than half diameter of marginal tubercle (if present) on same sclerite. Longest hair on inner side of ANT II 7-32 µm long, 0.4-1.0 times longer than basal diameter of ANT III. Dorsal cross-bands often not completely fused intersegmentally and/or with a spinal gap, and not connected to marginal sclerites, at least on ABD TERG 2-3…..Brachycaudus (Appelia) prunicola
33 Large flat marginal tubercles present on prothorax and ABD TERG 1-7, those on ABD TERG 1-6 being much larger than spiracles and occupying most of the marginal sclerites on which they are placed. Spinal tubercles (STu) present on pronotum and ABD TERG 7 and 8. SIPH pale and smooth…..Brachycaudus (Nevskyaphis) bicolor
Marginal tubercles if present not or hardly larger than spiracles, and if on all of ABD TERG 1-7 then SIPH are dark. STu are present or absent…..34
34 SIPH more than 0.1 × BL and clearly more than 2 × cauda. Anterior part of mesosternum with a pair of separate mammariform tubercles…..35
SIPH less than 0.1 × BL, about 2 × cauda or less. Mesosternum usually without tubercles, (except divaricatae)…..36
35 R IV+V longer than 0.18 mm. Dorsal abdomen variably pigmented, sometimes pale. SIPH pale or dusky…..Brachycaudus cardui
R IV+V shorter than 0.175 mm. Dorsal abdomen always extensively sclerotised, black. SIPH black…..Brachycaudus persicae group
36 Body elongate oval. Dorsal cuticle only lightly sclerotised, with bands on ABD TERG 1-5 or 1-6 fused into a compact central elliptical rugose patch. SIPH and cauda black …..Brachycaudus divaricatellus*
Body oval. Dorsal cuticle pale or dark, but without a compact central patch. SIPH and cauda pale or dark…..37
37 Dorsal abdomen pale (except fundatrix, which may have dark transverse bars). Cauda about as long as HT II or longer. Dorsal abdominal hairs of variable length, often short…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsal abdomen dark, with long hairs. Cauda shorter than HT II…..38
38 Hind femora mainly dark. Dorsal abdominal hairs with finely pointed apices. Marginal tubercles absent or small, never on all of ABD TERG 1-7 …..Brachycaudus divaricatae
Hind femora pale. Dorsal abdominal hairs thick and stiff, with blunt or acute apices. Marginal tubercles often present ABD TERG 1-7…..39
39 BL 1.1-1.7 mm. Dorsum of thorax and abdomen entirely or mainly jet black sclerotic, but often lighter along the midline, or with paler central area(s). ABD TERG 8, cauda, and often the head, quite pale. Pronotum with a pair of pleural tubercles (sometimes duplicated on one or both sides), in addition to large marginal tubercles. Marginal tubercles are usually also present on all of ABD TERG 1-7 …..Brachycaudus (Mordvilkomemor) pilosus
BL 1.7-2.1 mm. Dorsum with extensive smooth dark sclerotic shield, including head and posterior abdomen. Cauda rather dark. Pronotum without pleural tubercles, marginal tubercles variably developed…..Brachycaudus cerasicola
40 Frons convex, with antennal tubercles completely undeveloped. SIPH with closely-spaced transverse rows of small spinules or nodules…..41
Antennal tubercles at least partially developed. SIPH (if present) often heavily imbricated, but not with closely-spaced rows of spinules…..42
41 Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width (fig. 89A) and about half as long as the short, dark siphunculi. Tergum mainly dark (except fundatrices) …..Roepkea marchali
Cauda usually a little longer than its basal width and similar in length to the short, pale siphunculi. Tergum pale or with variable dark spots or patches …..Nearctaphis bakeri
42Anterior part of mesosternum with a pair of spinal mammariform processes, ornamented with spinules (e.g. fig. 89B). Dorsum with variable dark markings …..43
Mesosternum without spinal processes. Tergum either pale or dark…..45
43Dorsum without a continuous dorsal sclerotic shield; thoracic tergites with sclerotic bands, and ABD TERG 1-5(7) with spinal and pleural sclerites or patches, which may be coalescent. ABD TERG 2-4 frequently with marginal tubercles (MTu), and ABD TERG 8 frequently with spinal tubercles…..Aphidura iranensis*
Dorsum with an almost continuous sclerotic and dark shield on metanotum and ABD TERG 1-6(7), including marginal areas; and dorsum of other thoracic segments with sclerotic dark bands. ABD TERG 2-4 with or without small MTu…..44
44First tarsal segments with 4 hairs. SIPH variably pigmented, but often as dark as or darker than dorsal shield. Sclerotic band on metathoracic tergite often with a medial gap so that there is a window in the shield between mesothorax and ABD TERG 1. ABD TERG 2-4 without MTu. Mesosternal processes variable but often well-developed (e.g. fig. 89B) …..Aphidura bozhkoae
First tarsal segments with 3 hairs. SIPH always much paler than dorsal shield. Sclerotic band on metathorax without a medial gap so that there is no anterior window in shield. Small MTu usually present on ABD TERG 2-4. Mesosternal processes very low…..Aphidura libanensis
45 ANT III with 1-2 secondary rhinaria near base. Antennal tubercles well developed with inner faces approximately parallel in dorsal view…..46
ANT III always without secondary rhinaria. If antennal tubercles are well developed then the inner faces are usually gibbous in dorsal view or bear projections…..47
46 Head, legs and antennae mainly dark; femora basally pale but with distal part black. SIPH clavate. Cauda with a constriction…..Pseudomegoura magnoliae
Head, legs and antennae mainly pale. SIPH gradually tapering, cauda without a constriction…..Aulacorthum solani
47 ANT I with a scabrous protruberance on inner side near apex. Antennal tubercles (except in fundatrix) with a forwardly-pointed projection as long as or longer than its basal width. SIPH long, pale and tapering…..48
ANT I with inner side scabrous or smooth but not protruberant. Antennal tubercles without a finger-like projection. SIPH variable…..50
48 SIPH with distal part strongly curved outwards, swollen on the curve and then narrowing abruptly, the narrow section being completely smooth, the rest coarsely imbricated…..Phorodon humulifoliae*
SIPH with distal part slightly curved outwards but tapering gradually over most of length, there being no abrupt transition to a smooth narrow apical section…..49
49 R IV+V more than 1.3 × HT II…..Phorodon japonensis
R IV+V less than 1.3 × HT II …..Phorodon humuli
50 Apterae (in galls or pseudogalls) with hairs on ABD TERG 1-6 thick, rather spine-like, with distinctly tuberculate bases. Spring migrant alatae without secondary rhinaria on ANT IV or V…..51
Apterae (in galls or free-living) with hairs on ABD TERG 1-6 thin, blunt or finely-pointed, without or with only very small tuberculate bases. Spring migrant alatae with or without secondary rhinaria on ANT IV and V…..52
51 Dorsal cuticle strongly corrugated. R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.20-2.42 (except in fundatrices)…..Eumyzus pruni
Dorsal cuticle not strongly corrugated. R IV+V 1.0-1.1 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.60-3.22 (except in fundatrices)…..Eumyzus prunicola
52 Fundatrices and their progeny usually in closed or almost closed bag- or sausage-shaped galls on leaves, and/or SIPH (if present) with short hairs. Spring migrant alata with 2-11 secondary rhinaria on ANT IV and often with 1-2 on V (Tuberocephalus spp.) …..53
Spring generations curling, rolling, twisting or blistering leaves, but not in closed galls. SIPH without hairs. Spring migrant alatae with or without secondary rhinaria on ANT IV and V…..64
53 Antenna of fundatrix 4-segmented. Rostrum (all morphs) short (total length 0.23-0.29 mm). SIPH with moderately developed flange…..54
Antenna of fundatrix 5-segmented. Rostrum (all morphs) longer (total length 0.33-0.53 mm). SIPH with large flange (Tuberocephalus subgen. Trichosiphoniella) …..57
54 Fundatrix with R IV+V 1.25-1.4 × basal width of R IV. Spring migrant alata with R IV+V 0.70-0.82 × HT II. SIPH 0.9-1.2 × cauda…..55
Fundatrix with R IV+V about twice basal width of IV. Spring migrant alata with R IV+V 1.19-1.50 × HT II. SIPH 2.0-2.9 × cauda…..56
55 Fundatrix with 4 hairs on ABD TERG 8 that are 40-58 μm long, and dorsal cephalic hairs 33-40 μm long. Spring migrant alata with ANT III bearing 3-8 secondary rhinaria, and ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.3…..Tuberocephalus naumanni*
Fundatrix with 2 hairs on ABD TERG 8 that are 27-36 μm long, and dorsal cephalic hairs 16-22 μm long. Spring migrant alata with ANT III bearing 16-33 secondary rhinaria, and ANT PT/BASE 4.1-5.4…..Tuberocephalus pakistanicus*
56 Fundatrix with SIPH present. Spring migrant alata with SIPH 4.2-5.0 × their midlength width…..Tuberocephalus sasakii
Fundatrix without SIPH. Spring migrant alata with SIPH 3.2-3.9 × their midlength width …..Tuberocephalus artemisiae
57 Rostrum of spring migrant alata 0.44-0.53 mm long. R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II, which is more than 0.10 mm long…..Tuberocephalus liaoningensis
Rostrum of spring migrant alata 0.32-0.48 mm long. R IV+V 1.2-1.6 × HT II, which is less than 0.10 mm long…..58
58 Hind tibia of immatures (of all morphs) lacking any dense spiculosity (rarely with a few inconspicuous spicules near apex). SIPH with 0-3 hairs, often without any. Spring migrant alata with secondary rhinaria distributed III 35-62, IV 13-22, V 0-5…..59
Outer side of hind tibia of immatures (all morphs) densely spiculose. SIPH usually with more than 2 hairs. Spring migrant alata with secondary rhinaria distributed III 17-33, IV 4-11, V 0-3…..60
59 Dorsal abdomen of spring migrant alata without a central dark patch. Fundatrix with R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II and ANT PT/BASE 1.0 or less. (All fundatrigeniae alate) …..Tuberocephalus uwamizusakurae*
Dorsal abdomen of spring migrant alata with a central dark patch. Fundatrix with R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II and ANT PT/BASE about 1.05. (Fundatrigeniae apterous and alate) …..Tuberocephalus misakurae
60 Apterous fundatrigeniae with dorsal cephalic hairs distinctly longer than basal diameter of ANT III…..Tuberocephalus sakurae
Apterous fundatrigeniae with dorsal cephalic hairs not longer than basal diameter of ANT III…..61
61 Spring migrant alata without a dark central patch or broad cross-bands, sometimes with faint narrow cross-bands. Apterae (incl. fundatrix) with tibiae scabrous or with spinulose imbrication along entire length…..Tuberocephalus momonis
Spring migrant alata (if known) with a distinct central dark patch or broad partially confluent cross-bands. Tibiae of apterae (incl. fundatrix) with at least basal 0.75 of length smooth …..62
62 Fundatrix with mostly dark antennae and legs. Apterous fundatrigenia with pigmented dorsum …..Tuberocephalus tianmushanensis*
Fundatrix with antennae and legs mostly pale. Apterous fundatrigenia with pale dorsum …..63
63 Apterous fundatrigenia (the only morph described) with SIPH about 2 × longer than basal width, about 1.8 × cauda, a little shorter than ANT PT and bearing 2-5 hairs …..Tuberocephalus jinxiensis*
Apterous fundatrigenia with SIPH more than 3 × basal width, about 3 × cauda, a little longer than ANT PT and bearing 5-12 hairs …..Tuberocephalus higansakurae
64 SIPH jet black distally with basal half contrastingly pale, the transition between the two tones being rather abrupt. Antennal segments also with contrastingly black apices …..Myzus varians
SIPH and antennal segments pale or dark but not contrastingly two-toned …..65
65 Longest hairs on ABD TERG 1-6 more than 20 µm long, with pointed apices, 0.8 or more × basal diameter of ANT III. Hairs on ANT III with blunt or pointed apices …..66
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 1-6 less than 20 µm long, with blunt or expanded apices, usually less than 0.8 × basal diameter of ANT III. Hairs on ANT III always with blunt apices…..68
66 SIPH black…..Myzus (Prunomyzus) padellus
SIPH pale or dusky…..67
67 R IV+V 0.85-0.95 × HT II. Tibiae smooth. (Hind tibia of immatures weakly spinulose) …..Myzus cornutus
R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II. Tibiae with spinules or imbrication at base. (Hind tibia of immatures smooth) …..Myzus mumecola
68 SIPH dark, thin, narrow-based (length more than 6 × basal diameter which is less than 0.06 mm), with a slight subapical swelling (fig. 89C). Dorsal cuticle strongly corrugated …..Myzus siegesbeckiae
SIPH pale or dark, broad-based (length less than 6 × basal diameter, and/or basal diameter more than 0.06 mm). Dorsal cuticle variable, sculptured or smooth…..69
69 Dorsum fully covered with a solid blackish sclerotic shield with warty ornamentation. SIPH jet black, long and tapering (fig. 89D)…..Myzus cerasi / umefoliae
Dorsum membranous or sclerotic, if sclerotic and rather dark then SIPH are not jet black …..70
70 Dorsal abdomen with a distinctive pattern of dark intersegmental markings, comprising pleural and marginal dashes or spots between ABD TERG 1-4, and paired spinal dashes in front of ABD TERG 1 and between 4, 5 and 6. BL 1.0-1.7 mm …..Myzus ornatus
Dorsal abdomen without such a pattern of markings. BL 1.4-2.3 mm…..71
71 Dorsal abdomen with small dark scleroites at bases of dorsal hairs. Cauda triangular, about as long as its basal width, with 4-5 hairs…..Myzus prunense*
Dorsal abdomen without dark sclerites. Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width, with 4-9 hairs…..72
72 Cauda with 4 hairs…..73
Cauda with 5-9 hairs…..74
73 SIPH less than 0.4 mm long (fig. 89E), often wholly or distally dark …..Myzus mushaensis
SIPH more than 0.4 mm long, pale….Myzus amygdalinus*
74 R IV+V 0.83-0.92 × HT II. Dorsal cuticle sclerotic and warty or corrugated, especially marginally…..Vesiculaphis pruni*
R IV+V 0.9-1.4 × HT II. Dorsal cuticle membranous or lightly sclerotised, smooth or wrinkled…..75
75 SIPH dusky to dark, 0.15-0.18 × BL…..Myzus asiaticus
SIPH pale or slightly dusky, 0.19 or more × BL….76
76 R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II, with 2 accessory hairs. SIPH about 3 × cauda which bears 5-6 hairs…..Myzus lythri
R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II, with 2-7 accessory hairs. SIPH less than 2 × cauda which bears 6-9 (usually 7) hairs…..Myzus persicae