(in alphabetical order)




























Artabotrys odoratissimus Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Artabotrys sp.Greenidea anonae

Couplet for these two species:-

SIPH with numerous long hairs. Stridulatory mechanism absent …..Greenidea anonae
SIPH without hairs. Stridulatory mechanism present …..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Artemisia abrotanumBrachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Coloradoa abrotani, [brevisiphon], [procerae];
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, absinthii, artemisiae, atra, frigidicola, nigropilosa, oblonga, paucisetosa, procerae, pulvera;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Microsiphum diversisetosum, [millefolii], procerae, procerae ssp. subalpicum;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus; Protaphis miranda;
Xerobion judenkoi
A. absinthiumAphis fabae, [plantaginis]; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Coloradoa abrotani, absinthii, angelicae, artemisiae, brevipilosa, heinzei, rufomaculata;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae, brevipilosum;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, abrotani ssp. sainshandi, absinthii, artemisiae, nigropilosa, oblonga, pseudoartemisiae, pulvera, seriphidii, tanacetaria;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Microsiphum [giganteum], jazykovi, jazykovi ssp. wahlgreni;
Myzus ascalonicus; Pleotrichophorus glandulosus;
Protaphis elatior, elongata, miranda;
Protrama flavescens, longitarsus;
Titanosiphon neoartemisiae, dracunculi; Trama troglodytes;
Xerobion cinae, pannonica
A. adamsiiMacrosiphoniella atra ssp. latysiphon, pulvera
A. afraMacrosiphoniella abrotani
A. alba (incl. camphorata, dentata, saxatilis)Capitophorus formosartemisiae
Coloradoa heinzei, palmerae;
Macrosiphoniella atra, kaufmanni, szalaymarszoi;
Metopeurum fuscoviride; Myzus ascalonicus;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
A. alba ssp. saxatilis = A. alba
A. albida (?)Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, seriphidii, terraealbae;
Protaphis miranda; Xerobion cinae
A. alpinaColoradoa taurica; Myzus ascalonicus
A. annuaAphis fabae, gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Coloradoa campestrella, rufomaculata, viridis;
[Kaltenbachiella pallida];
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, abrotani ssp. chosoni, abrotani ssp. sainshandi, [alatavica], antennata, kuwayamai, nigropilosa, oblonga, pallidipes, pseudoartemisiae, pulvera, tapuskae, yomenae, yomogifoliae;
Protaphis elatior, elongata, miranda; Protrama flavescens;
Rectinasus buxtoni; [Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae];
Tshernovaia adenophorae; Xerobion cinae
A. apiaceaAphis kurosawai; Coloradoa viridis;
Macrosiphoniella ?annulata, antennata group, atra group, yomogifoliae, Macrosiphoniella sp.;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus group
A. arborescensBrachycaudus helichrysi; Coloradoa angelicae;
Macrosiphoniella absinthii, artemisiae,
artemisiae ssp. meridionalis;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
A. arbusculaArtemisaphis artemisicola; [Epameibaphis sp. (Oregon)];
[Obtusicauda sp.(p.) (western USA;];
Pleotrichophorus brevinectarius, decampus, obscuratus;
[Pseudoepameibaphis sp. (Oregon, Nevada; A. Jensen)]
A. arcticaMacrosiphoniella arctica, borealis, jaroslaviholmani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. arenaria = A. campestris ssp. inodora
A. argyiAphis kurosawai; Aulacorthum solani;
Brevisiphonaphis hirsutissima;
Capitophorus formosartemisiae;
Coloradoa campestrella, rufomaculata;
Macrosiphoniella grandicauda, hokkaidensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, pseudoartemisiae, yomogifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus, [pseudoglandulosus];
Protrama flavescens;
Sappaphis [angelicograstis], [dipirivora], piri, [sinipiricola];
Tenuilongiaphis stata;
Tuberocephalus lazikouensis, liaoningensis
A. aromatica = A. dracunculus
A. aschurbajewii Macrosiphoniella szalaymarszoi
A. asiatica = A. indica
A. astrachanica Cryptosiphum astrachanicae
A. aucheri =Seriphidium aucheri
A. austriaca (incl. var. orientalis)[Coloradoa sp. (Holman & Pintera 1981)];
Macropodaphis rechingeri;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, atra, austriacae, pulvera, szalaymarszoi;
Microsiphum procerae, woronieckae; Obtusicauda moldavica;
Protaphis elatior, miranda; Xerobion cinae
A. balchanorum Xerobion cinae
A. baldshuanicaMacrosiphoniella nigropilosa, oblonga;
Protaphis elongata; Xerobion cinae
A. borealisObtusicauda frigidae
A. brevifolia = Seiphidium brevifolium
A. caerulescens (incl. ssp. cretacea) Macrosiphoniella pulvera
A. caerulescens ssp. gallica Coloradoa submissa; Macrosiphoniella abrotani, artemisiae
A. californicaAphis hiltoni; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Epameibaphis atricornis; Obtusicauda coweni, frigidae;
Pleotrichophorus decampus, obscuratus, quadritrichus
A. campestris (incl. ssp. glutinosa)[Aphis plantaginis]; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Coloradoa artemisiae, campestrella, campestris;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae, brevipilosum;
Macrosiphoniella absinthii, arenariae, artemisiae, austriacae, dimidiata, [dubia Ferrari (nomem dubium)], nidensis, oblonga, scepariae ssp. deserticola, subaequalis, tapuskae, teriolana, usquertensis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Misturaphis shiloensis;
Myzus ornatus; Obtusicauda moldavica;
Pleotrichophorus persimilis;
Protaphis anuraphoides, elongata, miranda;
Protrama flavescens, longitarsus, [radicis], [ ranunculi];
Titanosiphon artemisiae, minkiewiczi;
Trama troglodytes; [Uroleucon picridis];
Xerobion caspicae, cinae, judenkoi
A. campestris ssp. canadensisMicrosiphoniella canadensis
A. campestris ssp. inodora Brachycaudus helichrysi; Coloradoa taurica;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae; Elatobium chomoense;
Macrosiphoniella [alatavica], arenariae, dimidiata, kaufmanni, pulvera, scepariae, [teriolana];
Pleotrichophorus persimilis; Protaphis elatior;
Titanosiphon artemisiae, minkiewiczi, neoartemisiae, [zaisanicum];
Xerobion lambersi
A. camphorata = A. alba
A. canaAphis canae; Artemisaphis artemisicola;
[Epameibaphis sp. (Oregon; A. Jensen,];
Macrosiphoniella absinthii; Microsiphoniella canadensis;
Obtusicauda coweni;
Pleotrichophorus artemisicola, [decampus], obscuratus, pullus, rusticatus, zoomontanus;
Pseudoepameibaphis tridentatae
A. canadensis = A. campestris ssp. canadensis
A. canariensis = A. thuscula
A. capillarisColoradoa campestrella, [campestris], rufomaculata, submissa;
[Cryptosiphum artemisiae ssp. linanense];
Macrosiphoniella annulata, atra ssp. latysiphon, capillaricola, chaetosiphon, formosartemisiae, nigropilosa, pseudoartemisiae, sanborni, yomogifoliae;
Micraphis artemisiae; Myzus cerasi ssp. umefoliae;
[Obtusicauda nilkaensis]; [Sappaphis sinipiricola];
Titanosiphon neoartemisiae; Tuberocephalus sasakii;
Uroleucon omeishanense; Xerobion cinae
A. carvifoliaAphis kurosawai, spiraecola;
Macrosiphoniella kikungshana, spinipes, yomogifoliae;
Tuberocephalus tsengi
A. caspica (?)Xerobion caspicae
A. caucasica = A. alpina
A. caudata = A. campestris
A. chamaemelifoliaMacrosiphoniella abrotani, chamaemelifoliae, mutellinae, oblonga
A. cina = Seriphidium cinum
A. commutata = A. pubescens
A. compactaMacrosiphoniella frigidae; Xerobion alakuli, cinae
A. cretacea = A. caerulescens ssp. cretacea
A. dentata = A. alba
A. desertiMacrosiphoniella seriphidii
A. desertorumMacrosiphoniella formosartemisiae; Xerobion amurensis
A. diffusa[Macrosiphoniella staegeri]
A. douglasianaPleotrichophorus gnaphalodes, pseudoglandulosa
A. dracunculus (incl. var. glauca) Aphis fabae, kurosawai; Cryptosiphum artemisiae, dracunculum;
Macrosiphoniella alativica, antennata, artemisiae, dracunculi, glabra, ludovicianae, nigropilosa, nitida, nitida ssp. soongarica, oblonga, procerae, sibirica, szalaymarszoi, xinjiangica;
Microsiphoniella artemisiae;
Microsiphum giganteum, [jazykovi]; Nasonovia ribisnigri;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Obtusicauda dolychosiphon;
Pleotrichophorus diutius, gnaphalodes, narzikulovi, parilis, persimilis, persimilis ssp. afghanensis, [wasatchii], [sp. near ambrosiae];
Protaphis anuraphoides, [middletonii], miranda,
[Protaphis sp. (Iran: Hodjat 1998)];
Protrama flavescens; Titanosiphon dracunculi, neoartemisiae;
Trama troglodytes; Xerobion lambersi
A. dubiaMacrosiphoniella kuwayamai, yomogifoliae
A. dubia ssp. digitata Xerobion judenkoi
A. fasciculata = A. incana
A. feddeiMacrosiphoniella grandicauda, hokkaidensis, kuwayamai, pseudoartemisiae, taesongsanensis, yomogifoliae;
Tuberocephalus sasakii
A. ferganensis[Coloradoa tadzhica];
Macrosiphoniella alatavica, tadshikana; Xerobion cinae
A. filifoliaAphis canae, filifoliae, hermistonii, minutissima;
Epameibaphis sp.;
Macrosiphoniella antennata (California, USA – see text);
Myzus ornatus; Obtusicauda filifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus filifoliae, obscuratus, zoomontanus
A. frigidaColoradoa heinzei; Cryptosiphum innokentyi;
Epameibaphis frigidae; Macropodaphis paradoxa;
Macrosiphoniella altaica, frigidae, frigidicola, frigidivora, sieversianae, taesongsanensis;
Obtusicauda frigidae, mongolica;
Pleotrichophorus intermedius, pseudoglandulosus;
Protaphisanuraphoides, [terricola], middletonii, miranda;
Pseudoepameibaphis glauca; Titanosiphon dracunculi;
Xerobion cinae
A. gallica = A. caerulescens ssp. gallica
A. genipiMacrosiphoniella mutellinae
A. gigantea = A. montana
A. gilvescensMacrosiphoniella chaetosiphon
A. glabra = A. dubia ssp. digitata
A. glanduligera Xerobion cinae
A. glauca = A. dracunculus
A. gmeliniiAphis globosa, kurosawai; Coloradoa rufomaculata;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani ssp. choseni, absinthii, antennata, atra ssp. latysiphon, [galatellae], gmelinicola, grandicauda, himalayana, hokkaidensis, jaroslavi, nigropilosa, oblonga, pallidipes, sanborni, taesongsanensis, yomenae, yomogifoliae, [Macrosiphoniella (Phalangomyzus) sp. (Kazakhstan: Kadyrbekov 2014d)];
Protrama sp. (Japan, BMNH collection); Uroleucon dubium
A. gnaphaloides = A. ludovicianae
A. halophila Cryptosiphum astrachanicae;
Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, seriphidii;
Protaphis elatior, miranda; Xerobion cinae
A. hanseniana = A. szowitziana
A. herba-alba (incl. subsp.Coloradoa campestris, submissa; [Hyperomyzus lactucae]; valentinum) Macrosiphoniella absinthii, artemisiae, dimidiata, [grandicauda], pulvera, seriphidii;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; [Uroleucon erigeronense];
Xerobion blascoi, cinae
A. heptapotamica = Seriphidium heptapotamicum
A. heterophylla = A. douglasiana
A. incanaTitanosiphon artemisiae
A. indica Aphis kurosawai;
[Capitophorus sp. (Vietnam: Yoshitomi et al. 2014)]
Coloradoa artemisiae, rufomaculata;
Cryptosiphum [artemisiae ssp. linanense];
Dysaphis microsiphon;
Macrosiphoniella kikungshana, kuwayamai, [miyazakii (Bhagat 1981b; nomen nudum)], yomogicola, yomogifoliae;
Neotoxoptera yasumatsui ssp. artemisiae;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus;
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, higansakurae ssp. hainnevilleae, liaoningensis, sakurae, sasakii, uwamizusakarae
A. integrifoliaMacrosiphoniella kuwayamai
A. iwayomogi = A. gmelinii
A. jacuticaColoradoa heinzei
A. japonicaCryptosiphum artemisiae, [artemisiae ssp. linanense];
Macrosiphoniella antennata, atra ssp. latysiphon, capillaricola, formosartemisiae, gaoloushana, grandicauda, kuwayamai, myohyangsani, oblonga, oronensis, pallidipes, sanborni, similioblonga, taesongsanensis, yomogicola, yomogifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
A. judaicaMacrosiphoniella oblonga
A. juncea = Seriphidium junceum
A. karatavica = Seriphidium karatavicum
A. keiskeanaMacrosiphoniella formosartemisiae, kikangshana, kuwayamai
A. kemrudicaXerobion cinae
A. kopetdaghensisMacrosiphoniella seriphidii, [tuberculata];
Obtusicauda iranica
A. laciniataMacrosiphoniella sibirica
A. lanulosa = A. alpina
A. latifoliaMacrosiphoniella alatavica; Protaphis miranda
A. lavandulaefolia Aphis kurosawai;
Macrosiphoniella hokkaidensis, kuwayamai;
Tenuilongiaphis stata ssp. shanxiensis
A. lessingianaXerobion cinae
A. leucodesProtaphis elongata; Xerobion cinae
A. lobelii = A. alba
A. longifoliaAphis artemisicola, canae; Epameibaphis atricornis;
Pleotrichophorus brevinectarius, longinectarius, pullus
A. ludoviciana Aphis oregonensis
Artemisaphis artemisicola; Coloradoa rufomaculata;
Macrosiphoniella artemisiae, ludovicianae;
Microsiphoniella artemisiae, canadensis;
Obtusicauda frigidae;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus, gnaphalodes, pseudoglandulosus
A. macrocephala Macrosiphoniella abrotani ssp. sainshandi, oblonga
A. manshuricaAphis neoartemisiphila; Macrosiphoniella formosartemisiae
A. maritima = Seriphidium maritimum
A. maritima var. monogyna = Seriphidium santonicum
A. maritima var. vallesiaca = Seriphidium vallesiacum
A. marschalliana (incl. ssp. tschernieviana) Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Coloradoa campestrella, campestris;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, arenariae, austriacae, dimidiata, kuwayamai, moldavica, scepariae, [teriolana];
Pleotrichophorus persimilis, persimilis ssp. afghanensis;
Protaphis elatior, elongata;
Titanosiphon minkiewiczi; [Uroleucon gobonis];
Xerobion judenkoi, lambersi
A. maximovicziana Aphis gossypii; Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella gmelinicola
A. messerschmidtiana (incl. vars discolor, viridis)Macrosiphoniella abrotani ssp. choseni, antennata ssp. takahashii, atra ssp. latysiphon, gmelinicola, jaroslavi, yomogifoliae, zeya
A. mexicanaPleotrichophorus gnaphalodes, pseudoglandulosus
A. mongolicaAphis kurosawai; Coloradoa campestrella;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella grandicauda, hokkaidensis, khinganica, kuwayamai, myohyangsani, pseudoartemisiae, sanborni, taesongsanensis, yomogifoliae
A. monogyna = Seriphidium santonicum
A. monospermaColorodoa santolinae, Macrosiphoniella absinthii
A. montanaAphis kurosawai; Aulacorthum solani;
Capitophorus formosartemisiae;
Coloradoa artemisiae, campestrella;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani ssp. choseni, grandicauda, hidaensis, hikosanensis, hokkaidensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, pseudoartemisiae, similioblonga, taesongsanensis, yomogicola, yomogifoliae;
Sappaphis piri; Tuberocephalus artemisiae, sakurae
A. mutellina = A. umbelliformis
A. myrianthaCapitophorus formosartemisiae
A. nepalensisBrachycaudus helichrysi; Capitophorus formosartemisiae
A. nitrosaBrachyunguis tausaghyz;
Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, szalaymarzsoi;
Protaphis elatior, elongata, miranda; Xerobion alakuli, cinae
A. novaMacrosiphoniella oblonga
A. nutansPleotrichophorus gnaphalodes (?)
A. opulentaCapitophorus formosartemisiae;
Uroleucon ambiguum, [fuchuense]
A. paucifloraObtusicauda dolichosiphon; Protaphis miranda;
Xerobion cinae
A. pectinata Pall. = Neopallasia pectinata
A. pedemontana Macrosiphoniella artemisiae, frigidicola
A. persicaMacrosiphoniella absinthii, himalayana, nigropilosa;
Obtusicauda dolichosiphon, moldavica ssp. crassitubia
A. ponticaBrachycaudus helichrysi;
Coloradoa brevipilosa, brevisiphon, ponticae;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniellaabrotani, kaufmanni, oblonga, pulvera, sieversianae, [Macrosiphoniella sp. nr cinerascens: Leonard 1973];
Protaphis elongata, miranda; Protrama flavescens
A. porrecta Coloradoa heinzei; Cryptosiphum astrachanicae;
Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, seriphidii; Xerobion cinae
A. princeps (incl. var. orientalis)[Anuraphis farfarae]; Aulacorthum artemisiphaga, solani;
Aphis kurosawai, [serissae], spiraecola, [yomogii Shinji 1922];
Capitophorus formosartemisiae;
Coloradoa artemisiae, campestrella, rufomaculata;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella antennata, chaetosiphon, formosartemisiae, grandicauda, hikosanensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, pseudoartemisiae, sanborni, taesongsanensis, yomogicola, yomogifoliae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Macrotrichaphis yatsugatakensis;
[Myzus yomogi Shinji (nomen dubium)];
Pleotrichophorus [chrysanthemi], glandulosus;
Sappaphis piri; [Shinjia orientalis];
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, [momonis], sakurae, sasakii;
[Uroleucon lactucicola]
A. procera = A. abrotanum
A. proceriformis = A. abrotanum
A. pubescensMacrosiphoniella abrotani ssp. chosoni, [lena]
A. reptansMacrosiphoniella absinthii, artemisiae
A. rhodanthaMacrosiphoniella alativica
A. rigidaEpameibaphis sp.; Obtusicauda coweni, Obtusicauda sp.;
Pleotrichophorus brevinectarius, infrequenus, obscuratus, quadritrichus
A. roxburghiana Aphis kurosawai; Capitophorus formosartemisiae
A. rubripesAphis kurosawai; Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella formosartemisiae, grandicauda, hidaensis, hikosanensis, hokkaidensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, pseudoartemisiae, yomenae, yomogifoliae
A. rupestrisMacrosiphoniella atra ssp. latysiphon, borealis, frigidivora, subequalis;
Obtusicauda mongolica
A. rutifoliaMacrosiphoniella sojaki
A. sacrorumUroleucon dubium
A. saitoanaMacrosiphoniella kuwayamai
A. salina = Seriphidium maritimum
A. santolina = Seriphidium santolinum
A. santolinifoliaMacrosiphoniella nigropilosa, oblonga, santolinifoliae, szalaymarszoi, Macrosiphoniella (Phalangomyzus) sp. (Kazakhstan; Kadyrbekov 2009a, 2014d, e)
[Pleotrichophorus ugamicus]; Protaphis miranda
A. santonicumColoradoa submissa; Macrosiphoniella pulvera;
Obtusicauda moldavica; Xerobion hortobagyi
A. saxatilis see A. alba
A. schmidtianaMacrosiphoniella absinthii, yomogicola, yomogifoliae
A. schrenkiana = Seriphidium schrenkianum
A. scopariiformis Coloradoa heinzei; Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, seriphidii;
Protaphis miranda; Xerobion lambersi
A. scopariaAphis fabae, gossypii;
Coloradoa campestrella, campestris, [procerae], scopariae, taurica;
Cryptosiphum brevipilosum;
Macrosiphoniella absinthii, [achlys], [alatavica], arenariae, artemisiae, atra ssp. turanica, formosartemisiae, grandicauda, [hofuchui], [huochengensis], kuwayamai, lambersi, pallidipes, pseudoartemisiae, scepariae, scepariae ssp. deserticola, seriphidii, [teriolana], tsizhongi], [Macrosiphoniella sp. (Kadyrbekov 2005b)];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus [cerasi], persicae;
Obtusicauda iranica; Pemphigus bursarius;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus, persimilis;
Protaphis elatior, elongata;
Protrama flavescens; [Sappaphis albinae, sinipiricola];
Titanosiphon artemisiae, minkiewiczi, neoartemisiae;
Xerobion lambersi
A. selengensisAphis kurosawai;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae, [artemisiae ssp. linanense];
Macrosiphoniella grandicauda, hidaensis, hokkaidensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, similioblonga, yomogifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
A. sericeaMacrosiphoniella abrotani, sibirica; Microsiphum jazykovi;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
A. serotina Coloradoa heinzei;
Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, pulvera, seriphidii, szalaymarzsoi;
[Microsiphum sp. (Juchnevitch 1968)];
Obtusicauda moldavica;
Protaphis elatior, miranda; Xerobion cinae
A. sibirica = Filifolium sibiricum
A. sieberi = Seriphidium sieberi
A. sieversianaAphis fabae, kurosawai; Coloradoa brevipilosa;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae, sieversianae;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani ssp. sainshandi, absinthii,
artemisiae, atra ssp. latysiphon, hokkaidensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, pulvera, sibirica, sieversianae, szalaymarzsoi, taesongsanensis;
Microsiphum jazykovi; [Microsiphum sp. (Juchnevitch 1968)];
Protaphis anuraphoides, [terricola]; Trama troglodytes;
Xerobion cinae
A. songaricaMacrosiphoniella seriphidii
A. spinescens = Picrothamnus desertorum
A. splendensMacrosiphoniella absinthii
A. stellerianaCapitophorus formosartemisiae; Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella [albiartemisiae], altaica, artemisiae, hidaensis, kuwayamai, oblonga, pseudoartemisiae, sachalinensis, sanborni, yomogicola, yomogifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus gnaphalodes
A. stoloniferaAphis artemisiphaga, kurosawai;
Aulacorthum artemisiphaga;
Macrosiphoniella antennata, elenae, formosartemisiae, grandicauda, hikosanensis, hokkaidensis, kikungshana, kuwayamai, myohyangsani, pseudoartemisiae, sanborni, sikhotealinensis, yomogifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus;
Tuberocephalus artemisiae, sasakii
A. stenophylla = A. marschalliana ssp. tschernieviana
A. sublessingiana = Seriphidium sublessingianum
A. subulataMacrosiphoniella kuwayamai, yomogifoliae
A. suksdorfiiBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella ludovicianae
A. sylvaticaAphis kurosawai;
[Coloradoa kasmirica Rishi & Lone (nomen nudum)];
Delphiniobium ussuriense;
Macrosiphoniella hikosanensis, kikungshana, kuwayamai, myohyangsani
A. szowitziana[Cryptosiphum milsteppensis Rusanova 1942 (nomen nudum)];
Macrosiphoniella pulvera; Titanosiphon dracunculi;
Xerobion cinae
A. tanacetifoliaMacrosiphoniella antennata, atra ssp. latysiphon, borealis
A. tauricaColoradoa heinzei, taurica;
Macrosiphoniella tuberculatumartemisicola;
[Protrama ranunculi]; Smynthurodes betae;
Xerobion caspicae
A. tenuisectaMacrosiphoniella atra ssp. turanica;
Titanosiphum neoartemisiae, neoartemisiae ssp. hissaricum
A. terrae-albae Coloradoa heinzei; Cryptosiphum astrachanicae;
Macrosiphoniella alatavica, kirgisica, procerae, pulvera, seriphidii, terraealbae;
Obtusicauda moldavica; Protaphis elatior, miranda;
Xerobion alakuli, caspicae, cinae
A. thusculaMacrosiphoniella absinthii, artemisiae; Myzus persicae
A. tilesiiMacrosiphoniella jaroslaviholmani;
Pleotrichophorus knowltoni, tuberculatus
A. tomentellaColoradoa taurica; Cryptosiphum brevipilosum;
Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, scepariae, scepariae ssp. deserticola, seriphidii, [teriolana], [Macrosiphoniella sp. (Kadyrbekov 2003c)];
Pleotrichophorus persimilis; Protaphis miranda;
Titanosiphon minkiewski, neoartemisiae; Xerobion lambersi
A. tournefortianaMacrosiphoniella abrotani, nigropilosa, oblonga
A. transiliensisColoradoa heinzei;
Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, szalaymarszoi;
Obtusicauda moldavica
A. tridentataAphis canae, chrysothamnicola, filifoliae, hermistonii, infrequens, oregonensis, reticulata, utahensis;
Artemisaphis artemisicola; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Epameibaphis atricornis, frigidae, utahensis;
Flabellomicrosiphum knowltoni, tridentatae;
[Forda marginata]; [Hyperomyzus occidentalis (vagr.?)];
[Illinoia grindeliae]; Macrosiphoniella artemisiae;
Microsiphoniella acophorum, artemisiae, oregonensis;
Nevadaphis sampsoni;
Obtusicauda anomella, artemisiphila, coweni, filifoliae, frigidae, zerothermum;
Pleotrichophorus brevinectarius, decampus, glandulosus, gnaphalodes, heterohirsutus, pallidus, rusticatus, spatulavillus, zoomontanus; infrequenus, longipes, [oestlundi], [palmerae], pseudoglandulosus, pullus, [pycnorhysus], quadritrichus, quadritrichus ssp. pallidus, rusticatus, spatulavillus, zoomontanus;
Pseudoepameibaphis essigi, tridentata, xenotrichis;
[Uroleucon erigeronense]
A. tridentata var. trifida = A. tripartita
A. tripartitaPleotrichophorus filifoliae, zoomontanus
A. tschernieviana = A. campestris ssp. inodora
A. turanica (incl. turcomanica)Coloradoa heinzei; Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, seriphidii;
Macrosiphum frigidivora;
Pleotrichophorus persimilis ssp. afghanensis;
[Protaphis afghanica]; Xerobion alakuli, cinae
A. umbelliformis [Coloradoa palmerae – in error: Szelegiewicz (1996, 188)];
Macrosiphoniella mutellinae
A. umbrosaAphis artemisiphaga, kurosawai; Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella kuwayamai, yomogifoliae
A. valida Coloradoa heinzei; Macrosiphoniella kirgisica, seriphidii;
Xerobion alakuli, cinae
A. vallesiacaMacrosiphoniella vallesiacae
A. variabilisMacrosiphoniella artemisiae, atra, subaequalis;
Xerobion blascoi, caspicae
A. verlotiorumBrachycaudus helichrysi; Colorodoa artemisiae;
Macrosiphoniella artemisiae, oblonga;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus group
A. vestita[Aphis sp. – Chowdhuri et al. (1969b, 335)];
Brachycaudus helichrysi, [Brachycaudus sp. – Chowdhuri et al. (1969a, 90)];
Capitophorus formosartemisiae; Cryptosiphum artemisiae;
Dysaphis microsiphon; Macrosiphoniella yomogifoliae;
Protrama longitarsus ssp. sclerodensis
A. vulgarisAphis artemisiphaga, aurantii, fabae, gossypii, kurosawai, nevskyi, [plantaginis], spiraecola;
Aulacorthum [perillae], solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Capitophorus formosartemisiae;
[Chaetosiphon gracilicorne];
Coloradoa artemisiae, campestrella, heinzei, rufomaculata, viridis;
Cryptosiphum artemisiae, [brevipilosum];
[Dysaphis hirsutissima];
[Geoica lucifuga]; [Lachnus inflatus Shinji (1922)];
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, absinthii, artemisiae, atra, chaetosiphon, dimidiata, grandicauda, [helichrysi], hidaensis, hikosanensis, hokkaidensis, insignata, kalimpongensis, kikungshana, kuwayamai, lijiangensis, ludovicianae, nigropilosa, oblonga, paraoblonga, pseudoartemisiae, pulvera, sanborni, sibirica, spinipes, tanacetaria, umarovi, yomogicola, yomogifoliae;
[Metopeurum sp.]; [Sitobion gravelii];
Microsiphoniella artemisiae;
Microsiphum giganteum, jazykovi, woronieckae;
Myzus ascalonicus, cerasi ssp. umefoliae, [dycei], ornatus, persicae;
Obtusicauda dolichosiphon, filifoliae;
Pleotrichophorus brevinectarius, glandulosus, pseudoglandulosus, quadritrichus ssp. vulgaris, zoomontanus;
Prociphilus erigeronensis;
Protaphis elatior, elongata, [hirsuta], middletonii, miranda,
[Protaphis sp. (Holman and Pintera 1981)];
Protrama flavescens, longitarsus;
Sappaphis piri; [Sitobion gravelii]; Smynthurodes betae;
Szelegiewicziella chamaerhodi;
Titanosiphon artemisiae, dracunculi, minkiewiczi;
Trama longitarsus, troglodytes;
Tuberocephalus sasakii, tsengi
A. vulgaris var. heterophylla = A. douglasiana
A. vulgaris var. indica = A. indica
A. vulgaris var. vulgatissima = A. montana
Artemisia sp. (or Seriphidium sp.)Allocotaphis multisetosa; Aphis artemisiphila, craccivora, lharsartemisiae;
Aulacorthum dasi; [Chaetosiphon alpestre];
Coloradoa mesasiatica, paradoxa; [Cryptomyzus taoi];
Cryptosiphum [atriplicivorum], mordvilkoi;
[Geoica utricularia]; [Hyalomyzus raoi]; [Iziphya maculata];
[Kaltenbachiella pallida]; [Lipaphis erysimi];
Longisiphoniella subterranea;
Macrosiphoniella atrata, brevisiphona, cegmidi, [erythraea], huaidensis, lidiae, lopatini, [quinifontana], sikkimartemisiae;
[Macrosiphum chukotense];
Microsiphoniella oregonensis; [Myzakkaia verbasci];
[Myzus kalimpongensis, ninae, siegesbeckicola]
[Nasonovia ribisnigri]; [Indomasonaphis anaphalidis];
[Paracletus cimiciformis]; [Phorodon cannabis];
Protaphis artemisivora; [Saltusaphis scirpus];
[Sipha elegans];
[Sitobion sp. nr fragariae (as Uroleucon qinghaiense)];
Tshernovaia spirocaudicula;
[Uroleucon pseudotanaceti, sonchi]

The above list, taken together with the list of aphids on the similar genus Seriphidium, contains more than 260 species. This is by far the largest aphid fauna of any plant genus. We have split the key into three parts to make it easier to use.

Master key to aphids on Artemisia and Seriphidium:

1 ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, and front of head convex in dorsal view; sometimes ANT tubercles are developed so that they project forward as far as the middle of the head, but then ANT III is without any secondary rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens) ..…KEY A
ANT tubercles developed or with developed processes, so that they project forward further than middle part of head, which is often concave in dorsal view. If the ANT tubercles are low (Microsiphoniella, Artemisaphis and some Obtusicauda and Microsiphum), then ANT III bears at least one rhinarium…..2
2SIPH tubular, clearly longer than their basal widths, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation, consisting of at least a few closed cells..…KEY B
SIPH either very small or well-developed, but if well-developed then they lack polygonal reticulation.….KEY C


[ Note: the following species could not be included in the key because specimens were not available and they could not be discriminated on the basis of the published descriptions. The number in brackets after the species indicates the couplet they should run to in the key:- Aphis lhasartemisiae (82), Aphis reticulata (79), Coloradoa brevisiphon (20), C. procerae (26), Sappaphis albinae (45), S. angelicograstis (45), S. dipirivora (45), S. sinipiricola (45)]

1ANT PT very short, with ANT PT/BASE less than 0.4 …..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.4 (often more than 1)..…8
2Antennae very densely hairy; e.g. base of last antennal segment with more than 20 hairs…..3
Antennae much less hairy; e.g. base of last antennal segment with less than 10 hairs …..7
3Hind tarsi elongate, more than 0.5 of length of hind tibiae. Antennae 6-segmented …..4
Hind tarsi of normal length, much less than 0.5 of length of hind tibiae. Antennae 5-segmented…..6
4SIPH absent. ANT PT/BASE less than 0.25. Antennae without secondary rhinaria and eyes with only 3 facets (except in rare alatiform apterae).….Trama troglodytes
SIPH present as pores on slightly elevated, pigmented cones. ANT PT/BASE more than 0.25. Apterae typically alatiform, with secondary rhinaria on antennae and multifaceted eyes ..…5
5 Hind tibia 2.2-2.6 × ANT III. HT II 0.59-0.70 × hind tibia. R IV with 6-8 (usually 7) accessory hairs on dorsal side…..Protrama flavescens
Hind tibia 2.7-3.2 × ANT III. HT II 0.53-0.63 × hind tibia. R IV with 6-10 (usually 9) accessory hairs on dorsal side..…Protrama longitarsus
6ANT V BASE and R IV+V both very long, respectively about 1.7 and 2.5 × width of head between antennal bases. ANT II similar in length to ANT I, much shorter than III .….Rectinasus buxtoni
ANT V BASE and R IV+V of normal length , both about 0.5 × width of head between antennal bases. ANT II about twice as long as ANT I, similar in length to III ..…Smynthurodes betae
7R IV+V 0.08-0.12 mm long, and without accessory hairs. Hairs at apices of tibiae and on first tarsal segments short and thick. Cauda and anal plate not projecting posteriorly …..Pemphigus bursarius
R IV+V 0.13-0.175 mm long, with 4-8 accessory hairs. Hairs at apices of tibiae and on first tarsal segments long and fine. Cauda and anal plate forming a dark posterior projection of the abdomen…..Prociphilus erigeronensis
8Fore femora greatly enlarged, about twice as thick as mid femora, and fore tibiae with strengthened bases (Fig.12a). Dorsum adorned with numerous tubercular processes, most of which bear hairs and wax glands. Cauda knobbed…..9
Fore femora not enlarged. Dorsum with or without tubercular processes. Cauda variable …..10
9Dorsal tubercles mammariform or quadrate, in a single row across each tergite, each bearing 1-3 hairs; the tubercles vary in size but all bear hairs of similar length (Fig.12b) ..…Macropodaphis rechingeri
Dorsal tubercles mammariform, conical and digitiform, in a double transverse row on each tergite, each bearing a single hair; both tubercles and hairs vary greatly in size, the hairs on the digitiform tubercles being minute (Fig.12c) …..Macropodaphis paradoxa
10Compound eyes well developed, with ocular tubercles (triommatidia) reduced or displaced ventrally, so that they do not form distinct projections in dorsal view. Dorsal hairs usually with expanded, and often fan-shaped, apices (e.g. Figs 12d, h-l)…..11
Compound eyes sometimes reduced, if well-developed then with ocular tubercles forming distinct projections. Dorsal hairs variable but never fan-shaped, and usually thinner at apex than at base…..38
11SIPH reduced to raised pores (e.g. Fig. 12d)..…12
SIPH tubular, longer than basal width..…13
12Femora dark. ANT PT/BASE more than 2 ..…Flabellomicrosiphum knowltoni
Femora pale. ANT PT/BASE less than 2 …..Flabellomicrosiphum tridentatae
13SIPH with flange swollen, so that the apex is knob-like (Figs 12e, f)…..14
SIPH with normal, thin-walled flange…..16
14Dorsum pigmented. SIPH and legs black…..Epameibaphis atricornis
Dorsum pale. SIPH and legs pale (except tarsi)…..15
15ANT III with 1-4 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 1.4-1.8 × HT II. Flange of SIPH not thickly swollen (Fig.12e)…..Epameibaphis frigidae
ANT III without rhinaria. R IV+V 1.0-1.4 × HT II. Flange of SIPH thickly swollen (Fig.12f).….Epameibaphis utahensis
16SIPH thinner on basal half than middle of hind tibia, swollen distally on inner side, with flange set obliquely (e.g. Fig.12g)..…17
SIPH on basal half as thick as or thicker than middle of hind tibia; if swollen distally then the swelling is more symmetrical and flange less oblique (Figs 12m-p)..…20
17ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.0.….18
ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.3..…19
18ANT PT 1.5-2.0 × SIPH…..Pseudoepameibaphis glauca
ANT PT 1.0-1.3 × SIPH…..Pseudoepameibaphis tridentatae
19ANT PT 0.9-1.4 × SIPH…..Pseudoepameibaphis essigi
ANT PT 0.3-0.7 × SIPH.….Pseudoepameibaphis xenotrichis
20SIPH short, less than 0.1 × BL and less than 1.2 × cauda…..21
SIPH longer, more than 0.1 × BL and more than 1.3 × cauda..…27
21ABD TERG 8 bearing 13-19 hairs. ANT 5-segmented, and dorsal hairs all very short and fan-shaped, broadening abruptly from base (fundatrices), or ANT 6-segmented and dorsal hairs longer, broadening gradually from bases (later generations) .….Coloradoa paradoxa
ABD TERG 8 bearing 6-8 hairs. ANT 6-segmented. Dorsal hairs broadening gradually from base or expanded only near their apices.….22
22R IV+V is 1.2-1.5 × HT II, and 0.75-1.0 × cauda.….Coloradoa heinzei
R IV+V is 0.8-1.1 × HT II, and 0.5-0.7 × cauda…..23
23Dorsal abdominal hairs small, thin and rod-like (Fig.12h), only slightly expanded at apices; longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 shorter than BDIII. SIPH pale …..Coloradoa abrotani
Dorsal abdominal hairs thicker and with fan-shaped apices; longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 longer than BDIII. SIPH uniformly dark..…24
24Dorsal abdominal hairs narrowest at base, cylindrical or gradually thickening proximal to the fan-shaped apex (Fig.12i)…..Coloradoa campestris
Dorsal abdominal hairs tapering or cylindrical from base, thinnest on distal half, then widening abruptly into fan-shaped apex (e.g. Fig.12j)…..25
25Coxae pale, and at least basal parts of femora and SIPH pale, although sometimes darker distally.….Coloradoa santolinae
Coxae, femora and SIPH all dark…..26
26Antennae dark except for ANT II and base part of ANT III. Dorsal hairs pale, 50-60 μm long, with longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 at least 3 × BDIII ..…Coloradoa taurica
Antennae with ANT III and IV pale except at apices, and V pale basally. Dorsal hairs pigmented, 40-50 μm long, with longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 less than 3 × BDIII …..Coloradoa submissa
27Antennae 5-segmented..…28
Antennae 6-segmented..…29
28Dorsal cuticle smooth. Dorsal hairs broadly fan-shaped (Fig. 12k). ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.4. SIPH 0.75-0.95 × ANT III.….Coloradoa ponticae
Dorsal cuticle with reticulate sculpturing. Dorsal hairs broadly capitate (i.e., with rounded apices; Fig.12l). ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0. SIPH 1.05-1.25 × ANT III ..…Coloradoa viridis
29R IV+V 0.8-1.1 × HT II. SIPH distinctly clavate (Fig.12m)..…30
R IV+V 1.1-1.5 × HT II. SIPH variable..…32
30ANT PT more than 1.5 × ANT III …..Coloradoa absinthii (also mesasiatica)
ANT PT less than 1.3 × ANT III…..31
31ABD TERG 8 with the cuticle at the base of the cauda thickened and raised as a shallow, irregularly shaped process, bearing 1-2 small spinal tubercles. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.8 .….Coloradoa palmerae
ABD TERG 8 with small single or paired spinal tubercles but these are not placed on a raised, thickened area of cuticle. ANT PT/BASE 1.6-2.4 …..Coloradoa brevipilosa
32 Dorsal abdominal hairs broadly fan-shaped and very numerous, not in rows. SIPH distinctly clavate…..Coloradoa indica
Dorsal abdominal hairs sparse, rod-shaped, fan-shaped or spatulate, roughly in a single row across each segment. SIPH with or without distal swelling..…33
33 SIPH swollen on distal half to at least 1.2 of minimum width on basal half (Fig.12n) ..…Coloradoa angelicae
SIPH cylindrical or if slightly swollen near apex, maximum width does not exceed 1.15 of minimum width (e.g. Figs. 12o, p)…..34
34 R IV+V 0.75-1.11 × ANT PT.….Colorodoa scopariae
R IV+V 0.53-0.74 × ANT PT…..35
35ANT 0.4-0.5 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.4-1.7. (Al. with sec. rhin. III 6-10, IV 4-8, V 0-2)..…Coloradoa campestrella
ANT 0.5-0.7 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.3-2.0…..36
36Hairs on ABD TERG 3-5 are c.2 × diameter of ANT III. ABD TERG 8 with 10-12 hairs …..Coloradoa deserta
Hairs on ABD TERG 3-5 are not more than 1.5 × diameter of ANT III. ABD TERG 8 with 4-5 hairs…..37
37SIPH almost smooth on basal part, in comparison with more coarsely imbricated distal part. (Al. with sec. rhin. III 9-19, IV 3-10, V 0-4)…..Coloradoa rufomaculata
SIPH with coarse imbrication near base similar to that near apex. (Al. with sec. rhin. III 14-22, IV 11-14, V 2-9)…..Coloradoa artemisiae
38Dorsum with numerous barrel-like or stump-like processes. Dorsal hairs extremely thick and long (80-160 μm), broad-based and tapering, arising from tubercular bases ..…Tenuilongiaphis stata
Dorsum without barrel-like or stump-like processes. Dorsal hairs short, or fine if long.….39
39 ABD TERG 1 and 7 both without marginal tubercles (MTu)…..40
MTu always present at least on ABD TERG 1 (or 1-5), and usually on 7 ..…52
40SIPH evident, tubular or conical, as long as their basal widths or longer ..…41
SIPH small, pore-like or on shallow cones, not longer than their basal width ; sometimes almost invisible.….44
41Cauda longer than its basal width..…42
Cauda as short as or shorter than its basal width.….43
42SIPH shorter than cauda, which has a midway constriction and a rounded apex. ANT 5-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE more than 3.5.….Misturaphis shiloensis
SIPH longer than cauda, which is conical, without a constriction. ANT 5- or 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.2.….Micraphis artemisiae
43ANT 0.7-0.9 × BL, with PT/BASE 4.6-8.1. SIPH long and dark, 0.23-0.29 × BL and 5.9-8.1 × cauda. Spiracles reniform…..Allocotaphis multisetosa
ANT 0.4-0.7 × BL, with PT/BASE 2.4-3.2. SIPH truncate, pale, 0.07-0.1 × BL and 1.1-1.3 × cauda. Spiracles large and circular.….Brachycaudus helichrysi
44 Dorsum clothed with numerous fine hairs…..45
Dorsum sparsely hairy…..46
45SIPH short, conical, with a flange, and with surrounding hairs (Fig. 12q). Cauda bluntly triangular or helmet-shaped…..Sappaphis piri
SIPH as very small shallow flangeless cylinders, only slightly conical, and without surrounding hairs. Cauda with broad basal part and narrowly extended apical part ..…Brevisiphonaphis hirsutissima
46ANT PT/BASE more than 1.1…..47
ANT PT/BASE less than 1.1.….48
47Body broadly spindle-shaped. SIPH as short cylinders, length about half of width. First tarsal segments with 2-2-2 hairs..…Cryptosiphum mordvilkoi*
Body broadly oval. SIPH as pores. First tarsal segments with 3-3-2 hairs ..…Cryptosiphum sieversianae*
48R IV+V 0.95-1.1 × HT II. Posterior margin of subgenital plate with 6-9 hairs …..Cryptosiphum dracunculum*
R IV+V 1.2-1.7 × HT II. Posterior margin of subgenital plate with 7-19 hairs …..49
49Cauda semicircular, almost as long as wide. Tubercular bases of dorsal hairs mostly longer than their basal widths. Prothoracic MTu evident .….Cryptosiphum astrachanicae*
Cauda semilunar, much broader than long. Tubercular bases of dorsal hairs not longer than their basal widths. Prothoracic MTu not evident.….50
50Stigmal plates of the spiracles on the first two abdominal segments united. First tarsal segments with 3-3-3 hairs…..Cryptosiphum innokentyi*
Stigmal plates of the spiracles on the first two abdominal segments separated. First tarsal segments with 3(2)-3(2)-2 hairs..…51
51ANT III 1.0-1.6 (-2.2) × PT. Subgenital plate usually with 2 (sometimes up to 4) hairs on anterior half and 6-11 on posterior margin. (Alatae with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 9-13, IV 0).….Cryptosiphum brevipilosum
ANT III 1.6-2.8 × PT. Subgenital plate with 5-10 hairs on anterior half and 12-19 on posterior margin. (Alatae with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 21-28, IV 2-5) ..…Cryptosiphum artemisiae
52ANT PT/BASE 3.7-5.4…..53
ANT PT/BASE less than 3.5.….54
53 Antennae 4-segmented. Dorsum with a continuous sclerotic shield covering metanotum and most of ABD TERG 1-6. No stridulatory apparatus ..…Szelegiewicziella chamaerhodi
Antennae 6-segmented. No sclerotic dorsal shield. Stridulatory apparatus present, comprising cuticular ridges on abdominal sternites 5 and 6 and a row of short, peg-like hairs on each hind tibia..…Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
54R IV+V more than 2 times HT II and bearing 8 or more long fine accessory hairs. (ANT PT/BASE about 1.1-1.2. SIPH very short, pale and cylindrical. Cauda semicircular) .….Nevadaphis sampsoni
R IV+V less than 2 × HT II and bearing 2-6 accessory hairs…..55
55 SIPH as short, dark sclerotic truncate cones with broad bases (volcano-shaped; Fig.12r), shorter than their basal widths; smooth or, if weakly imbricated, then without spicules on the imbrications. Cauda conical, very short and broad, much shorter than its basal width. ANT PT/BASE always less than 1…..56
SIPH tapering or cylindrical, with spiculose imbrication; if tapering from a broad base then longer than their basal widths. Cauda rounded, conical, tongue- or helmet-shaped; shorter or longer than its basal width. ANT PT/BASE more or less than 1..…64
56Cephalic frontal hairs 7-20 μm long, 0.5-1.2 × BD III..…57
Cephalic frontal hairs 22-65 μm long, 1.5-4.5 × BD III..…59
57 R IV+V 1.3-1.4 × HT II. ANT III-V usually without secondary rhinaria …..Xerobion pannonica*
R IV+V 0.95-1.25 × HT II. ANT III-V usually with at least some secondary rhinaria .….58
58Small MTu present on at least some of ABD TERG 2-5 as well as 1 and 7 .….Xerobion hortobagyi
No MTu on ABD TERG 2-5..…Xerobion caspicae
59Legs and antennae wholly dark…..Xerobion blascoi
At least middle parts of tibiae and antennae pale…..60
60ANT without secondary rhinaria…..Xerobion amurensis*
ANT III with (0-)1-7 secondary rhinaria, IV with 0-3 and V with 0-2..…61
61MTu on ABD TERG 1 and 7 very large, much broader than high, much larger than the adjacent stigmal plates. Dorsal hairs rather fine with pointed apices ..…Xerobion judenkoi
MTu on ABD TERG 1 and 7 papilliform, similar in size to, or smaller than, adjacent stigmal plates. Dorsal hairs rather thick and spine-like with abruptly pointed or blunt apices ..….62
62R IV+V 1.0-1.18 × HT II. Femora pale..…Xerobion lambersi
R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II. Femora dark..…63
63Cephalic frontal hairs 1.5-2.5 × BD III. Cauda with 14-24 hairs ..…Xerobion cinae
Cephalic frontal hairs 2.5-4.0 × BD III. Cauda with 8-14(-16) hairs ..…Xerobion alakuli*
64R IV+V stiletto-shaped, with RV extended as a needle-like tip, and RIV with a pair of very long finely pointed accessory hairs, as long as or longer than the “apical” hairs, which are displaced so that two pairs occupy a midway position (Fig.12s; Aphis subgenus Zyxaphis) …..65
R IV+V variable in shape but RV is not extended as a needle-like tip, and the accessory hairs are often shorter than the longest of the apical pairs, which are not displaced to a midway position (e.g. Fig. 12t).….71
65R IV+V 0.24-0.29 mm long, about 2 × HT II..…Aphis infrequens
R IV+V 0.10-0.15 mm long, 1.3-1.6 × HT II..…66
66SIPH very short, only about as long as their basal widths. ANT PT/BASE 0.6-0.9 …..67
SIPH longer than their basal widths. ANT PT/BASE 0.6-2.0…..68
67Cauda broadly rounded, not longer than its basal width. RV less than half as long as RIV. [Only alatae are known, but these characters are probably applicable also to apterae.] …..Aphis utahensis
Cauda clearly longer than its basal width. RV attenuate, almost as long as RIV ..…Aphis minutissima
68SIPH about equal in length to cauda and ANT BASE VI..…Aphis filifoliae
SIPH clearly longer than both cauda and ANT BASE VI…..69
69SIPH rather thick and broad-based, slightly broader at base than middle of hind femur. Abdominal pigmentation when fully developed consists of a central patch on ABD TERG 2-4 joined to widely separate paired patches on ABD TERG 5, that extend laterally towards the siphunculi (Fig.12u). ABD TERG 7 with MTu well developed; only in small specimens are they much smaller than those on ABD TERG 1…..Aphis hermistonii
SIPH slightly narrower at base than middle of hind femur. Abdominal pigmentation variable, but if there are any paired patches on ABD TERG 5 then these do not extend further laterally than the central patch on ABD TERG 2-4, and are not widely separated (e.g. Fig. 12v). ABD TERG 7 with MTu often much smaller than those on ABD TERG 1, and in very small specimens they are little larger than hair bases, or even absent..…70
70ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.5. SIPH 0.09-0.19 × BL. Abdominal pigmentation when fully developed consisting of a large broad irregular quadrate central patch over most of ABD TERG 2-4 or 2-5, typically with a central notch in the posterior margin on ABD TERG 5 (Fig.12v). Hairs on ANT III 14-31 μm long, not usually exceeding BD III ..…Aphis canae
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0. SIPH 0.19-0.26 × BL. Abdominal pigmentation when fully developed consisting of an oval central patch on ABD TERG 2-4, longer than wide and not extending onto ABD TERG 5. Hairs on ANT III 30-50 μm long, longer than BD III .….Aphis oregonensis
71 ANT III with 1 or more secondary rhinaria (in normal apterae)..…72
ANT III without secondary rhinaria (except in clearly alatiform apterae) ..…75
72ANT 5-segmented. R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II. Cauda with 5-6 short hairs .…Aphis globosa*
ANT 6-segmented. R IV+V 1.2-1.5 × HT II. Cauda with 7-20 short or long hairs ..…73
73ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.1. Cauda with 16-20 hairs…..Protaphis elatior
ANT PT/BASE 1.3-2.4. Cauda with 7-15 hairs…..74
74ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.7. Cauda with 7-12 short hairs, which are maximally 1.5 × BDIII .….Protaphis artemisivora*
ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.4 (rarely less than 1.7). Cauda with 10-15 long hairs, which are more than 2 × BDIII…..Protaphis middletonii
75 ANT PT/BASE 1.3 or less.….76
ANT PT/BASE 1.36 or more…..81
76SIPH much longer than cauda….. Aphis hiltoni*
SIPH 0.5-1.0 × cauda..…77
77Cauda c.0.2 mm long, at least twice its basal width..…Aphis nevskyi*
Cauda 0.08-0.13 mm long, about as long as its basal width or only a little longer .….78
78Cauda with 6-8 hairs. SIPH pale..…Brachyunguis tausaghyz*
Cauda with 14-20 hairs. SIPH dark…..79
79Longest hairs on ANT III 1.1-1.2 × BD III. MTu usually absent from ABD TERG 6 .….Protaphis elongata
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.5 × BD III. MTu present or absent on ABD TERG 6 …..80
80MTu consistently present on ABD TERG 6 as well as 1 and 7 …..Protaphis miranda
MTu usually absent from ABD TERG 6…..Protaphis elatior
81MTu present on ABD TERG 1-5 but not on 7. SIPH 0.4-0.8 (-1.2) × cauda which is helmet-shaped, distinctly shorter than its basal width. (Dorsal body and appendages with numerous long hairs)…..Dysaphis microsiphon
MTu always on ABD TERG 1 and 7, sometimes also on 2-4 or 2-5. SIPH 0.8-2.0 × cauda which is tongue-shaped, tapering or triangular…..82
82MTu normally present on most of ABD TERG 2-4 (or 5) as well as 1 and 7 ..…83
MTu absent from or only rarely present on tergites other than 1 and 7…..85
83SIPH 0.8-1.25 × cauda. ANT III with hairs on anterior side short, but usually with one or more long, fine hairs on posterior side which are 2-3 × BD III …..Aphis artemisiphaga*
SIPH 1.4-2.0 × cauda. Hairs on ANT III all short, the longest 0.2-0.8 × BD III .….84
84ANT PT/BASE 2.8-3.3. R IV+V 1.25-1.4 × HT II. Cauda triangular, about as long as its basal width, with about 16 hairs.….Aphis artemisiphila*
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-2.7. R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II. Cauda about twice as long as its basal width, with 6-7 long hairs..…Aphis neoartemisiphila*
85 R IV+V 1.36-1.91 × HT II, tapering almost to a point, and often with concave sides. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0..…Aphis kurosawai
R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II, ending bluntly and with straight or convex sides. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-3.5 (rarely less than 2.0) ..…polyphagous Aphis spp. (fabae, gossypii and spiraecola);
for separation see key to polyphagous aphids.


[Note: the following Macrosiphoniella
species could not be included in the key because specimens could not be discriminated on the basis of available material or published descriptions. The number in brackets after the species indicates the couplet they should run to in the key:- Macrosiphoniella achlys (71), M. arenariae (69), M. alativica (35), M. austriacae (71), M. brevisiphona (69), M. dracunculi (74), M. erythraea (25), M. frigidae (71), M. hofuchui (46), M.
(43), M. lena (69), M. lidiae (30), M. lopatini (30), M.
(30), M. santolinifoliae (69), M. scepariae (53), M. sibirica (91), M. tsizhongi(46).]

1SIPH (Fig. 13a) bearing many fine hairs, and long (9-10 × longer than their midlength diameter and more than 2 × the pale triangular cauda which is about 2 × its basal width). First tarsal segments with (4-) 5 hairs…..Macrotrichaphis yatsugatakensis
SIPH with few or no hairs (or if with many hairs then short (Fig.13e); c. 3 × midlength diameter and similar in length to dark tongue-shaped cauda, and first tarsal segments with 3 hairs)…..2
2Cauda short, less than 1.5 × its basal width, more-or-less triangular, sometimes with a narrower distal part (e.g. Fig.13b)…..3
Cauda finger-like, longer than 1.5 × its basal width, tapering or rounded at apex ..…6
3SIPH with reticulation confined to a few transverse striae and closed cells at apex (Fig.13c). Abdominal spiracles with broadly open, rounded apertures…..Artemisaphis artemisicola
SIPH with polygonal reticulation extending over distal 0.25-0.7 of length. Abdominal spiracles with small reniform apertures, partly occluded by the stigmal plates ..…4
4SIPH thin, 1.3-2.0 × cauda, 6-11 × their least diameter near midlength. ANT III with 4-32 tuberculate secondary rhinaria, and IV with 0-12 …..Metopeurum fuscoviride
SIPH thick and short, 1.0-1.3 × cauda, 2.2-4.5 × their midlength diameter. ANT III with 5-18 rhinaria, and IV with or without 1-2 rhinaria…..5
5ANT III with 5-13 rhinaria confined to basal half, none on IV …..Macrosiphoniella elenae*
ANT III with 14-18 rhinaria distributed over most of length, and 0-2 on IV …..Macrosiphoniella insignata*
6Thoracic spiracles very large, with round apertures, conspicuously larger than abdominal ones, although these also have broad open, oval apertures, Dorsal abdomen without any dark sclerotisation…..Delphiniobium ussuriense*
Thoracic spiracles similar in size and form to abdominal ones. Dorsal abdomen with or without dark sclerotisation…..7
7Abdominal spiracles with broadly open, oval apertures. Dorsal abdomen with dark intersegmental muscle plates. SIPH with subapical polygonal reticulation extending over 0.05-0.25 of length, and often bearing a few hairs…..8
Abdominal spiracles with small reniform apertures, partly occluded by the stigmal plates. Dorsal abdomen with unpigmented intersegmental muscle plates. SIPH if with polygonal reticulation then this extends over 0.12-0.75 of length, and usually without hairs …..16
8ANT III (of apt.) with 12-26 secondary rhinaria (rarely less than 18), extending over full length of segment, and ANT IV with 0-6 (rarely 0). (Al. with 23-30 on III and 1-12 on IV) ..…Obtusicauda frigidae
ANT III with 0-13 secondary rhinaria, and ANT IV without any. (Al. with 4-28 on III and 0-2 on IV)…..9
9SIPH 1.0-1.7 × ANT PT.….10
SIPH 0.4-0.95 × ANT PT…..13
10SIPH thick, 4.0-5.5 × longer than their middle diameters. Coxae dusky or dark ..…Obtusicauda dolychosiphon
SIPH 5.5-10.5 × longer than their middle diameters. Coxae pale or dark …..11
11 Coxae pale.….Obtusicauda filifoliae
Coxae dark.….12
12SIPH 0.58-0.81 mm long, 1.75-2.5 × cauda and longer than ANT III.….Obtusicauda iranica*
SIPH 0.43-0.49 mm long, 1.4-1.7 × cauda and shorter than ANT III….. Obtusicauda anomella*
13SIPH 0.4-0.6 × ANT PT, and 0.8-1.0 × cauda…..Obtusicauda mongolica*
SIPH 0.65-0.95 × ANT PT, and 1.1-2.0 × cauda..…14
14Coxae pale. ANT III (of apt.) with 0-2 secondary rhinaria. (Al. with 4-9) .….Obtusicauda artemisiphila
Coxae dusky or dark. ANT III (of apt.) with 0-12 secondary rhinaria. (Al. with 12-24) .….15
15ANT PT/BASE 3.3-5.1. SIPH 1.1-1.5 × cauda, and 0.17-0.22 × BL ..…Obtusicauda moldavica group
ANT PT/BASE 4.9-6.5. SIPH 1.0-2.0 × cauda and 0.19-0.37 × BL …..Obtusicauda coweni group
16 First tarsal segments with 4-5 hairs, 3 subapical and 1-2 lateral..…17
First tarsal segments with 3 subapical hairs only, without lateral hairs…..19
17Cauda dark. Tibiae wholly dark. SIPH about 1.6-1.7 × cauda …..Uroleucon omeishanense*
Cauda pale. Tibiae with paler middle section. SIPH 1.0-1.6 × cauda…..18
18ANT PT/BASE 5.5-6.5. SIPH 1.0-1.35 × cauda. R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II. Cauda with 12-27 hairs…..Uroleucon ambrosiae
ANT PT/BASE 3.8-4.8. SIPH 1.3-1.6 × cauda. R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II. Cauda with 10-16 hairs…..Uroleucon ambiguum
19SIPH pale at least basally, 1.7-2.3 × cauda, with reticulation over distal 0.12-0.20(-0.25) of length. ANT PT/BASE 4.2-7.0. R IV+V with convex or straight sides and with hairs on basal half similar in length to subapical (primary) hairs…..20
SIPH pale or dark, 0.6-2.0 × cauda, with reticulation over distal 0.16-0.75 of length. ANT PT/BASE often less than 4.2. R IV+V variable but often more-or-less stiletto-shaped, with straight or concave sides and a pointed apex. Hairs on basal half of R IV+V often long and fine, longer than the subapical primary hairs..…21
20ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria. SIPH pale or only dusky towards apex, which is not flared and has a distinct flange…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT III with 6-26 rhinaria. SIPH pale at base but darker distally, flared at apex, without any distinct flange (Fig. 5i)…..Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
21Cauda with a remarkable bipartite structure, comprising a broad base and a long thin twisted distal part…..22
Cauda finger-like or gradually tapering, not twisted…..23
22Thin twisted distal part of cauda bearing c.10 hairs. ANT III with c.7-10 rhinaria. R IV+V with acutely pointed apex and 6 accessory hairs …..Tshernovaia spirocaudicula*
Thin twisted distal part of cauda without hairs. ANT III with 20-40 rhinaria. R IV+V with blunt apex and 8-12 accessory hairs….Tshernovaia adenophorae
23Hind tibia with a ventral row of short thick peg-like hairs, distinct from the normal ones (Fig.13d)..…24
Hind tibia without a ventral row of short thick peg-like hairs…..26
24R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II. SIPH with reticulation over at least distal 0.5. Genital plate with 2-5 hairs on anterior part..…Macrosiphoniella jaroslavi*
R IV+V 1.2-1.6 × HT II. SIPH with reticulation on distal 0.16-0.4. Genital plate with 9-14 hairs on anterior half…..25
25SIPH long and stout, 0.22-0.28 × BL, with reticulation over distal 0.25-0.30. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II..…Macrosiphoniella spinipes
SIPH 0.18-0.21 × BL with reticulation over distal 0.16-0.25. R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II ..…Macrosiphoniella myohyangsani*
26 ABD TERG 2-4 each with at least 50 long, fine hairs arranged irregularly, not in transverse rows. Head with at least 12 dorsal hairs in addition to the frontal ones (Macrosiphoniella subgenus Sinosiphoniella)..…27
ABD TERG 2-4 each with 8-35 hairs arranged in 1-2 transverse rows. Head with only 8-10 dorsal hairs in addition to frontal ones…..30
27SIPH bearing long fine hairs (Fig. 13e) …..Macrosiphoniella chaetosiphon
SIPH without hairs.….28
28 Dorsal abdomen with dark cross-bands (sometimes broken into segmental groups of sclerites). Tibiae uniformly dark…..Macrosiphoniella yomogicola
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings, or with small scleroites at bases of hairs. Tibiae usually with paler middle section, sometimes uniformly dark.….29
29SIPH 1.1-1.6 × cauda which tapers sharply from base and has long thin distal part (Fig.13f). R IV+V more than 3 × its basal width, similar in length to HT II. Dorsal abdominal hairs without scleroites at their bases..…Macrosiphoniella kuwayamai
SIPH 0.8-1.0 × cauda which tapers gradually from base to apex (Fig. 13c). R IV+V about 2 × its basal width, clearly shorter than HT II. Dorsal abdominal hairs often arising from scleroites..…Macrosiphoniella hikosanensis
30 SIPH pale, dusky or dark, if mainly dark then with basal section distinctly paler over at least 0.1 of length…..31
SIPH entirely or almost entirely dark, sometimes somewhat less dark at extreme base .….53
31 SIPH as long as or longer than head width across (and including) eyes…..32
SIPH shorter than head width across eyes.….42
32ANT III with 24-56 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 1.2-1.5 × HT II. SIPH thick, tapering from base to flange, not at all flared apically…..Uroleucon dubius
ANT III with 1-16 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 0.65-1.4 × HT II. SIPH narrowing on distal reticulated section and often somewhat flared apically…..33
33 Hind tibia pale over most of length…..34
Hind tibia dusky to dark…..41
34R IV+V stiletto-shaped, more than twice as long as its basal width…..35
R IV+V short, less than twice as long as its basal width.….39
35Cauda with 8-10 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella tadshikana* (or alativica?)
Cauda with 12-20 hairs…..36
36ANT III 1.9-2.2 × ANT IV. SIPH 1.38-1.62 × cauda …..Macrosiphoniella xinjiangica
ANT III 1.05-1.3 × ANT IV. SIPH 1.0-1.5 × cauda…..37
37ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.5. SIPH reticulated for 0.24-0.30 of length …..Macrosiphoniella kermanensis*
ANT PT/BASE 2.6-3.2. SIPH reticulated for 0.45-0.56 of length…..38
38SIPH 1.0-1.2 × cauda…..Macrosiphoniella terraealbae
SIPH 1.2-1.5 × cauda…..Macrosiphoniella seriphidii
39 Cauda with 7-15(-18) hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 3-6 hairs. Primary rhinaria with naked rims ..…Macrosiphoniella grandicauda
Cauda with 18-33 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 4-12 (mostly 8-11) hairs. Primary rhinaria with ciliate rims.….40
40R IV+V 0.68-0.80 × HT II. ABD TERG 8 with 6-12 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella oblonga group (incl. hidaensis)
R IV+V 0.59-0.61 × HT II. ABD TERG 8 with 4 hairs …..Macrosiphoniella similioblonga*
41Femora entirely pale contrasting with wholly dark tibiae. Cauda with 6-9 hairs …..Macrosiphoniella paucisetosa
Femora with apical regions as dark as tibiae. Cauda with 18-26 hairs ..…Macrosiphoniella ludovicianae
42ANT III with 23-73 secondary rhinaria…..Macrosiphoniella borealis*
ANT III with 1-16 secondary rhinaria…..43
43 R IV+V 0.7-1.0 × HT II..…44
R IV+V (1.0-) 1.05-1.5 × HT II…..47
44 SIPH usually a little longer than cauda, which bears 8-14 hairs …..Macrosiphoniella frigidicola
SIPH usually a little shorter than (0.7-1.01 ×) cauda, which bears 10-28 hairs (if only 10-11 then SIPH 0.7-0.8 × cauda)…..45
45Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III.….Macrosiphoniella pulvera
Longest hairs on ANT III 1.1-1.8 × BD III…..46
46 ABD TERG 3 with 10-14 hairs. R IV+V 0.6-0.8 × HT II …..Macrosiphoniella abrotani
ABD TERG 3 with 21-32 hairs. R IV+V 0.85-0.95 × HT II.….Macrosiphoniella sieversianae*
47 Cauda with 18-22 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella lijiangensis
Cauda with 8-15(-22) hairs..…48
48Cauda with 10-15(-22) hairs. ANT III with 1-16 secondary rhinaria. SIPH with polygonal reticulation extending over distal 0.50-0.65 …..Macrosiphoniella szalaymarszoi (part)
Cauda with 8-12 hairs. ANT III with 1-6 secondary rhinaria. SIPH with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.35-0.56..…49
49ANT PT/BASE 2.0-2.4. Hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 1.2-1.8 × BD III…..Macrosiphoniella sachalinensis*
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.0. Hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 2.0-3.4 × BD III.….50
50ANT PT/BASE 3.2-4.0. ANT III 1.3-1.7 × cauda…..51
ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.1. ANT III either 1.0-1.25 or 1.6-2.25 × cauda.….52
51R IV+V 1.30-1.5 × HT II…..Macrosiphoniella altaica*
R IV+V 1.0-1.1 × HT II…..Macrosiphoniella nitida ssp. soongarica
52 SIPH 1.05-1.4 × cauda. ANT III 1.6-2.25 × cauda and 1.35-1.95 × ANT IV. Hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 2.0-2.5 × BD III…..Macrosiphoniella cegmidi*
SIPH 0.8-0.9 × cauda. ANT III 1.0-1.25 × cauda and 0.95-1.2 × ANT IV. Hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 2.7-3.4 × BD III.….Macrosiphoniella taesongsanensis*
53 SIPH 0.90 –1.45 × cauda and flask-shaped; constricted at base, strongly swollen on basal half , narrowing on reticulated distal section to less than half the maximum width of the swollen part, and flared at apex (Fig.13h). R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II..…54
SIPH of various shapes, including flask- (or bottle-) shaped, but if strongly swollen on basal half then either less than 0.9 × cauda, or R IV+V is more than 0.9 × HT II (or both) …..56
54Legs mostly pale, with only distal third of femora, bases and apices of tibiae, and tarsi dark brown to black. (ANT 1.14-1.25 × BL)…..Macrosiphoniella pallidipes*
Legs mainly black, with extreme bases of femora and sometimes middle parts of tibiae brown…..55
55 Body spindle-shaped. ANT 1.3-1.75 × BL, with ANT IV 0.8-1.2 × ANT III…..Macrosiphoniella antennata group
Body oval. ANT 1.0-1.1 × BL, with ANT IV 0.5-0.6 × ANT III.….Macrosiphoniella gmelinicola
56 Tibiae with at least middle part pale, contrasting with dark apex and not clearly darker than body…..57
Tibiae wholly dusky or dark, sometimes with middle section slightly less dark, but always clearly darker than body.….69
57Hairs on ANT III 2.3-4.0 × BD III.….Macrosiphoniella kikungshana
Hairs on ANT III 0.5-2.2 × BD III..…58
58 SIPH with distal polygonal reticulation extending over 0.6 or more of length .….59
SIPH with distal polygonal reticulation over 0.3-0.55 of length.….61
59ANT III with 8-32 secondary rhinaria (rarely less than 10, and usually extending whole length of segment)..…Macrosiphoniella sanborni
ANT III with 2-9 secondary rhinaria, not extending beyond basal 0.6..…60
60Hairs on dorsal body and antennae with pointed apices, and mostly arising from pigmented scleroites; longest hairs on ANT III 1.4-2.0 × BD III, and on ABD TERG 3 more than 2.5 × BD III. R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II..…Macrosiphoniella himalayana
Hairs on dorsal body and antennae with blunt or slightly capitate apices, and not arising from pigmented scleroites; longest hairs on antennae III 0.9-1.35 × BD III, and on ABD TERG 3 less than 2.5 × BD III. R IV+V 0.95-1.25 × HT II …..Macrosiphoniella pseudoartemisiae
61R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II..…62
R IV+V 1.0-1.5 × HT II…..66
62ANT III (of apt.) with 54-100 secondary rhinaria distributed over most of segment…..Macrosiphoniella jaroslaviholmani*
ANT III (of apt.) with much fewer than 50 secondary rhinaria…..63
63ANT PT/BASE 4.3-5.0. Dorsal abdominal hairs mostly arising from brown scleroites …..Macrosiphoniella oronensis*
ANT PT/BASE 3.2-4.25. Scleroites at bases of dorsal abdominal hairs unpigmented or lightly pigmented…..64
64Anterior abdominal tergites with distinct tubercles each bearing 1-2 hairs .….Macrosiphoniella arctica*
Abdominal tergites without tubercles..…65
65SIPH 1.04-1.2 × cauda, which bears 11-13 hairs .….Macrosiphoniella subaequalis
SIPH 0.8-1.0 × cauda, which bears 14-20 hairs ..…Macrosiphoniella usquertensis
66 R IV+V 1.3-1.5 × HT II..…Macrosiphoniella sp. on A. apiacea, China
R IV+V 1.0-1.25 × HT II…..67
67ANT III with 4-5 secondary rhinaria and longest hairs 1.6-2.1 × BD III. Cauda with about 10 hairs..…Macrosiphoniella sikkimartemisiae*
ANT III with 1-18 secondary rhinaria and longest hairs less than 1.3 × BD III …..68
68Cauda with 23-29 hairs..…Macrosiphoniella kalimpongense*
Cauda with 10-22 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella szalaymarzoi (part)
69 Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark sclerotisation anterior to SIPH, usually involving some dark spinal and marginal sclerites that extend between hair-bases .….70
Dorsal abdomen without a pattern of dark sclerotisation anterior to SIPH (presiphuncular sclerites excepted), although often there are separate or lightly pigmented scleroites at bases of some of the hairs..…74
70 ANT III with 14-64 small secondary rhinaria (inner diameters not more than about 0.25 × BD III). R IV+V 0.87-1.1 × HT II. SIPH 0.9-1.2 × cauda…..71
ANT III with 2-13 secondary rhinaria of various sizes, the largest with inner diameter 0.33-0.5 × BD III. If SIPH less than 1.1 × cauda then R IV+V 0.75-0.85 × HT II ..…72
71ANT PT/BASE 3.0-3.5. SIPH short and thick, 0.13-0.16 × BL with reticulation on distal 0.48-0.60. Cauda with 12-18 hairs..…Macrosiphoniella absinthii
ANT PT/BASE 3.9-5.0. SIPH long, 0.16-0.21 × BL with reticulation on distal 0.36-0.52. Cauda with 19-28 hairs..…Macrosiphoniella yomenae
72SIPH 0.6-1.1 × cauda ..…Macrosiphoniella atra group (incl. atrata, nigropilosa)
SIPH 1.2-2.2 × cauda…..73
73Dorsal abdominal and femoral hairs with fine-pointed apices, 2.0-2.5 × BD III. SIPH almost cylindrical, only slightly narrower at flange than at base (Fig.13i)..…Macrosiphoniella teriolana
Dorsal abdominal and femoral hairs with blunt or slightly capitate apices, and maximally 1.5-1.8 × BD III. SIPH tapering, slightly swollen at base and with diameter at flange only about half that at base (Fig.13j)..…Macrosiphoniella dimidiata (or kirgisica*?)
74 Femora pale over at least half of length.….75
Femora mainly dusky or dark, pale on basal 0.35 or less.….79
75 SIPH 0.9-1.25 × cauda.….76
SIPH 1.4-1.7 × cauda..…78
76ANT PT/BASE 2.1-2.6…..Macrosiphoniella huaidensis
ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.8…..77
77 R IV+V 0.7-0.8 × HT II. ANT III dark except at base, with 8-20 rhinaria. Femora pale except at apices…..Macrosiphoniella nitida group
R IV+V 0.93-1.14 × HT II. ANT III mostly pale, dark only towards apex, with 2-9 rhinaria. Femora dark on distal 0.4-0.5 of length…..Macrosiphoniella capillaricola
78R IV+V longer than HT II. ANT about 1.1 × BL, with ANT PT/BASE about 3.9 .….Macrosiphoniella lambersi (? – see text)
R IV+V shorter than HT II. ANT about 1.4-1.5 × BL, with ANT/PT BASE about 3.0-3.1 ..…Macrosiphoniella glabra
79Dorsal abdominal hairs mostly arising from papilliform tubercles.….Macrosiphoniella tuberculatumartemisicola*
Dorsal abdominal hairs sometimes arising from sclerotic and slightly raised cuticular areas, but not from distinct tubercles…..80
80Femora each with pale spot at apex (Fig.13k). SIPH with reticulation only on distal 0.25-0.3 of length…..Macrosiphoniella umarovi
Femora without pale spot at apex. SIPH with reticulation on distal 0.3-0.7 .….81
81Dorsal abdominal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 mostly arising from small dark scleroites. SIPH swollen on basal part…..82
Dorsal abdominal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 not arising from scleroites (presiphuncular sclerites excepted), or if cuticle around hair bases is sclerotic then it is only faintly pigmented. SIPH not swollen on basal part…..84
82R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II. SIPH 1.0-1.5 × cauda …..Macrosiphoniella formosartemisiae
R IV+V 0.9-1.0 × HT II. SIPH 0.7-0.9 × cauda…..83
83ANT III with 3-5 rhinaria. Cauda with 13-16 hairs …..Macrosiphoniella gaoloushana
ANT III with 8-14 rhinaria. Cauda with 8-10 hairs …..Macrosiphoniella santolinifoliae
84 ANT III with 16-25 secondary rhinaria extending over most of segment III ..…85
ANT III with 1-32 secondary rhinaria, but if more than 15 then they are limited to basal half of segment…..86
85 SIPH shorter than (0.7-0.8 ×) cauda.….Macrosiphoniella mutellinae
SIPH longer than (1.3-1.5 ×) cauda..…Macrosiphoniella zeya
86BL 3.2-4.1 mm. ANT PT 4.8-6.8 × R IV+V. Cauda with 27-44 hairs.….87
BL 1.6-3.6 mm. ANT PT 2.4-5.0 × R IV+V. Cauda with 10-36 hairs.….88
87R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II. ANT almost entirely jet black in mounted specimens, with only PT sometimes a little paler…..Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria
R IV+V 1.0-1.3 × HT II. ANT mainly dark brown in mounted specimens , with base of ANT III and PT sometimes paler…..Macrosiphoniella sikhotealinensis*
88ANT I-VI uniformly dusky-dark, concolorous with head in cleared specimens. ANT PT 2.4-2.9 × R IV+V. SIPH short and thick, about as thick as the constricted part of cauda at midlength. Cauda with 14-25 hairs.….Macrosiphoniella hokkaidensis
ANT mainly dusky-dark, but with paler basal section of ANT III, and sometimes ANT I and II also paler. ANT PT 2.4-5.0 × R IV+V. SIPH narrower than cauda at midlength. Cauda with 10-36 hairs..…89
89SIPH 1.0-1.23 × cauda. ANT III with 1-8 (usually 2-4) secondary rhinaria..…Macrosiphoniella vallesiacae
SIPH 0.6-1.05 × cauda, but if more than 0.95 × cauda then there are 4-15 secondary rhinaria (usually 6-8) on ANT III..…90
90R IV+V 0.7-0.85 × HT II. (but if more than 0.83 × HT II then ANT 1.25-1.65 × BL) .….91
R IV+V 0.8-1.3 × HT II (if less than 0.9 × HT II then ANT 0.9-1.2 × BL) …..93
91ABD TERG 8 with 8-11 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella sojaki
ABD TERG 8 with 4-7 hairs..…92
92R IV+V with very acute apex (Fig. 13n); width at level of most distal primary hairs is much less than BD III..…Macrosiphoniella kaufmanni
R IV+V blunter at apex and thicker subapically (Fig.13o); width at level of most distal primary hairs is similar to or only a little less than BD III..…Macrosiphoniella chamaemelifoliae
93BL 1.6-2.8 mm. SIPH broadest at base (Fig.13l), without evident basal constriction. Cauda with 12-22 hairs.….Macrosiphoniella frigidivora
BL 2.0-3.6 mm. SIPH usually slightly swollen on inner side near base so that there is a slight basal constriction (e.g. Fig.13m). Cauda with 17-36 hairs.….94
94 ANT PT 2.4-3.5 × R IV+V. R IV+V 1.0-1.2 × ANT BASE VI and 1.0-1.3 × HT II. Subgenital plate with 2-8 (usually 4-6) hairs on anterior half .….Macrosiphoniella yomogifoliae
ANT PT 3.6-5.0 × R IV+V. R IV+V 0.67-1.0 × ANT BASE VI and 0.8-1.1 × HT II. Subgenital plate with 2-3 hairs on anterior half ..…Macrosiphoniella artemisiae


[N.B. This key cannot be applied to fundatrices, likely to be found in early spring populations. Couplets 6-11 are based on Kadyrbekov (2006)]

1SIPH very small, not or hardly longer than their basal widths. Cauda triangular or helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..2
SIPH tubular, much longer than their basal widths. Cauda tongue- or finger- shaped, usually longer than its basal width in dorsal view…..12
2Hairs on anterior ABD TERG as long as or longer than BD III. Tibiae with pale middle section…..3
Hairs on anterior ABD TERG very small, much less than 0.5 × BD III. Tibiae uniformly dark…..6
3Tergum pale. Femora only dark apically…..Microsiphoniella canadensis*
Tergum dark, sclerotic. Femora mainly dark, only pale at bases.….4
4Dorsal abdominal hairs thick, 2-3 × longer than BD III, with expanded or fan-shaped apices..…Microsiphoniella oregonensis
Dorsal abdominal hairs fine-pointed or blunt, spine-like, not more than 2 × longer than BD III…..5
5 ANT PT/BASE 4.7-6.3 (except fundatrices). R IV+V 0.14-0.17 mm long, more than 2 × basal width.….Microsiphoniella artemisiae
ANT PT/BASE 3.1-4.5. R IV+V 0.12-0.14 mm long, not more than 2 × basal width .….Microsiphoniella acophorum
6Hairs on front of head inconspicuous, 0.12-0.20 × basal diameter of ANT III …..Microsiphum diversisetosum*
Hairs on front of head equal to or longer than basal diameter of ANT III …..7
7R IV+V 0.57-0.67 × HT II. Cauda 0.70-0.76 × HT II. ANT BASE VI 1.1-1.8 × cauda, which is helmet-shaped with tapered apex…..Microsiphum giganteum
R IV+V 0.70-0.95 × HT II. Cauda 0.9-1.3 × HT II. ANT BASE VI 0.57-1.1 × cauda, which is triangular…..8
8ANT III with (10-)15-43 secondary rhinaria, and IV with 0-7. (Al. with 30-48 rhinaria on ANT III, and IV with 6-18)…..9
ANT III with 6-18 secondary rhinaria, and IV with 0-2. (Al. where known with fewer secondary rhinaria)…..10
9ANT PT/BASE 4.7-6.2. R IV+V 0.8-0.95 × HT II…..M. jazykovi s.str.
ANT PT/BASE 3.5-5.0. R IV+V c.0.7 × HT II …..M. jazykovi ssp. wahlgreni
10Hairs on front of head 1.7-2.0 × basal diameter of ANT III. ANT III 1.35-1.45 × longer than ANT IV. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.4. Cauda 1.2-1.45 × R IV+V, and bearing 20-30 hairs. SIPH 0.6-0.87 × as long as their greatest width…..Microsiphum woronieckae
Hairs on front of head 1.3-1.6 × basal diameter of ANT III. ANT III with 1.0-1.15 × longer than ANT IV. ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5.5. Cauda 0.9-1.2 × R IV+V, and bearing 14-20 hairs. SIPH 1.07-1.4 × as long as their greatest width…..11
11ANT PT/BASE 4.9-5.7. ANT III with 8-13 secondary rhinaria, and ANT IV with 0 …..Microsiphum procerae s. str.
ANT PT/BASE c.4.0. ANT III with 12-15 secondary rhinaria, and ANT IV with 1-2…..Microsiphum procerae ssp. subalpicum
12Dorsal hairs either thick with fan- or funnel-shaped apices, or long and mostly with expanded, or slightly to moderately capitate, apices..…13
Dorsal hairs (or at least those on anterior abdominal segments) all short and blunt, or if rather long then with pointed apices..…37
13 ANT III (of apt.) without any secondary rhinaria. Accessory hairs on basal part of R IV+V similar in length to more distal ones. SIPH 3.3-5.2 × cauda…..Capitophorus formosartemisiae
ANT III (of apt.) almost always with at least one secondary rhinarium near base. R IV+V usually with a pair of particularly long and rather thick basal accessory hairs (e.g. Fig.14a). SIPH 0.28-4.2 × cauda.….14
14 SIPH 0.28-0.72 × cauda..…15
SIPH 0.74-4.2 × cauda…..19
15 ANT PT/BASE 5.6-7.6..…Pleotrichophorus brevinectarius
ANT PT/BASE 3.1-5.4..…16
16R IV+V tapering from base to apex, without an extended needle-like tip. Antennae clearly longer than BL, with ANT PT/BASE 4.2-5.4.….Pleotrichophorus filifoliae*
R IV+V with the distal part of RV extended as a needle-like, cylindrical tip (most evident in dorsoventral aspect; Fig.14a). Antennae either longer or shorter than BL, with ANT PT/BASE 3.1-5.3…..17
17 Legs entirely dusky to dark. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 fan-shaped distally but with at least the basal half forming a cylindrical stem.….Pleotrichophorus obscuratus
Legs pale except for apices of tibiae and tarsi. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 short, fan-shaped from base, usually without any cylindrical stem…..18
18SIPH, cauda and subgenital plate pale. Dorsal abdomen without sclerotic cross-bands. R IV+V longer than HT II, which is 0.07-0.12 mm long …..Pleotrichophorus infrequenus
SIPH, cauda and subgenital plate dusky or dark. Dorsal abdomen with sclerotic cross-bands, dark at least on posterior tergites. R IV+V shorter than HT II, which is 0.14-0.17 mm long.….Pleotrichophorus tuberculatus*
19SIPH mainly or entirely dark…..20
SIPH pale or dusky, sometimes darker on distal half..…23
20BL 2.4-3.0 mm. SIPH 3.0-3.75 × cauda and bearing 2-12 long slightly capitate hairs on basal half (Fig.14b). Dorsal body hairs rather sparse and all long and only slightly capitate …..Pleotrichophorus longipes
BL 1.3-2.0 mm. SIPH 0.77-3.3 × cauda and without hairs. Dorsal body hairs dense, with fan-shaped or distinctly capitate apices…..21
21SIPH 3.0-3.3 × cauda, which is unpigmented …..Pleotrichophorus artemisicola*
SIPH 0.77-2.2 × cauda which is dusky or dark…..22
22SIPH 0.77-1.57 × cauda, which is 0.22-0.33 mm long and has a distinct constriction at about one third from base (Fig. 14c) ..…Pleotrichophorus quadritrichus
SIPH 1.17-2.50 × cauda, which is 0.14-0.23 mm long and tapering, without any constriction (Fig. 14d)…..Pleotrichophorus pullus
23 Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 all or mostly with distinct, more-or-less cylindrical rod-like stems, broadening distally into fan-shaped or capitate apices (Fig.14e)…..24
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 mostly cone- or fan-shaped, broadening from base (Fig.14f) ..…27
24SIPH 1.5-2.5 (-2.8) × cauda..…25
SIPH 2.6-4.2 × cauda..…26
25ABD TERG 8 with 18 or more hairs..…Pleotrichophorus knowltoni*
ABD TERG 8 with 6-13 hairs..… Pleotrichophorus glandulosus group
26SIPH 0.9-1.1 mm long, 3.6-4.2 × cauda..…Pleotrichophorus narzikulovi*
SIPH 0.6-0.8 mm long, 2.6-3.3 × cauda.….Pleotrichophorus persimilis
27SIPH 0.74-2.0 × cauda…..28
SIPH 2.05-4.0 × cauda..…33
28Hairs on antennae with pointed apices, the longest ones on ANT III being as long as or longer than BD III. Hairs on front of head varying greatly, from long and pointed to short and cone-shaped (Fig.14g)..…Pleotrichophorus heterohirsutus
Hairs on antennae very short, less than 0.5 × BD III, with blunt or expanded apices. Hairs on front of head all cone-shaped or with expanded apices (Fig.14h-k).….29
29 R IV+V with the distal part of RV extended as a needle-like, cylindrical tip (most evident in dorsoventral aspect; as in Fig.14a)…..30
R IV+V tapering from base to apex..…32
30SIPH 0.74-1.0 × cauda which bears 5-8 hairs (usually 2-4 dorsal). R IV+V short, broad-based, 0.11-0.12 mm long, 0.83-1.05 × HT II …..Pleotrichophorus spatulavillus
SIPH 0.8-1.6 × cauda which bears 5 hairs (1 dorsal). R IV+V 0.12-0.16 mm long, 1.0-1.45 × HT II…..31
31Anterior hairs on dorsal surface of head mostly with broadly expanded apices, like those more posterior (Fig.14h). Head and appendages very pale .….Pleotrichophorus gnaphalodes
Anterior hairs on dorsal surface of head longer and with narrower apices than those more posterior (Fig.14i). Head, ANT I-II, SIPH and basal leg segments dusky or faintly sclerotic..…Pleotrichophorus quadritrichus ssp. pallidus*
32SIPH 0.18-0.33 mm long, 0.8-1.2 × cauda…..Pleotrichophorus parilis
SIPH 0.41-0.52 mm long, 1.5-2.0 × cauda…..Pleotrichophorus diutius
33ANT PT/BASE 3.6-4.2. R IV+V 0.85-0.95 × HT II…..Pleotrichophorus sp. on Seriphidium tridentata, Oregon, BMNH collection
ANT PT/BASE 4.7-7.5. R IV+V usually either less than 0.85 or more than 0.95 × HT II …..34
34 R IV+V 0.56-0.82 × HT II…..Pleotrichophorus zoomontanus
R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II.….35
35SIPH 0.66-1.02 mm long (aphids with BL 2.0-2.4 mm). Dorsal surface of head with 54-81 cone-shaped hairs (not including those projecting forward on front of head). Compound eyes conspicuously protruding..…Pleotrichophorus longinectarius*
SIPH 0.32-0.64 mm long (aphids with BL 1.2-2.0 mm). Dorsal surface of head with 16-55 cone-shaped hairs. Compound eyes not conspicuously protruding..…36
36Dorsal surface of head with 16-29 cone-shaped hairs, mostly with distinct stems (Fig.14j). R IV+V 0.125-0.16 mm long..…Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus
Dorsal surface of head with 29-55 cone-shaped hairs, including many smaller and shorter stemless ones that fan out from base (Fig.14k). R IV+V 0.10-0.13 mm long .….Pleotrichophorus decampus
37 Cuticle of head smooth, with broadly divergent ANT tubercles. SIPH 0.30-0.73 × BL ..…38
Cuticle of head spiculose, with convergent, parallel or somewhat divergent ANT tubercles. SIPH usually less than 0.30 × BL..…42
38ANT III without rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.1-2.7. Cauda with 5-8 hairs…..Elatobium chomoense
ANT III with 2-25 rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-5.3. Cauda with 13-26 hairs …..39
39Coxae pale. ANT III with 2-10 (-14) rhinaria, usually more-or-less in a row, with the rhinariated part not or only slightly swollen. SIPH smooth or only very weakly imbricated, 0.45-0.73 × BL..…Titanosiphon neoartemisiae
Coxae dark. ANT III with 4-25 rhinaria which are not in a row and occupy a swollen part of the segment. SIPH smooth or imbricated, 0.3-0.6 × BL…..40
40SIPH 0.3-0.45 × BL, with conspicuous imbrication. Cauda tapering to a point. ANT III with 7-12 rhinaria…..Titanosiphon dracunculi
SIPH 0.45-0.6 × BL, smooth-surfaced. Cauda finger-shaped with a rather rounded apex. ANT III with 4-25 rhinaria…..41
41R IV+V 1.00-1.22 × HT II. ABD TERG 8 with 6-9 hairs. (Al. with 24-33 rhinaria on ANT III and none on IV)..…Titanosiphon artemisiae
R IV+V 0.80-1.04 × HT II. ABD TERG 8 with 4-6 hairs. (Al. with 26-50 rhinaria on III and 0-7 on IV)…..Titanosiphon minkiewiczi
42Dorsal body with distinctive black markings, including transverse bands or paired patches on thorax and a large roughly horseshoe-shaped patch on the abdomen ..… Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsal body pale or dark, without such markings…..43
43ANT III with at least one secondary rhinarium near base (rarely none on one side). ANT tubercles with inner faces parallel or divergent, spinulose but not scabrous. SIPH rather long, straight and tapering from a broad base, with moderate imbrication..…44
ANT III without any secondary rhinaria. ANT tubercles with inner faces parallel or convergent, or with distinct processes, and/or scabrous. SIPH variable, often curved, cylindrical over most of length or swollen on distal half, moderately to heavily imbricated or scabrous.….46
44 Head dark. SIPH dark at least on basal half. Cauda dark ..…Aulacorthum dasi*
Head pale. SIPH pale except at apices. Cauda pale…..45
45ANT III with (0-)1-2(-4) rhinaria near base. SIPH 2.1-2.5 × cauda …..Aulacorthum solani
ANT III with 3-10 rhinaria distributed on basal half. SIPH 2.7-3.7 × cauda …..Aulacorthum artemisiphaga
46SIPH dark brown or black…..47
SIPH pale or dusky, or dark only at apices…..52
47ANT PT c.4.25 × R IV+V and c.1.35 × SIPH, which are clavate, with swollen part c.1.33 × minimum diameter of stem…..Neotoxoptera yasumatsui ssp. artemisiae
ANT PT 0.7-2.3 × R IV+V and 0.25-0.9 × SIPH which have little or no swelling of apical part…..48
48ANT PT 1.7-2.3 × R IV+V. SIPH without hairs. ANT III, IV and tibiae pale …..49
ANT PT 0.7-1.4 × R IV+V. SIPH with or without hairs. ANT and legs mainly brown …..50
49Dorsum almost wholly dark. R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II …..Myzus cerasi ssp. umefoliae
Dorsum pale. R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II.….Tuberocephalus lazikouensis
50SIPH without hairs. ANT 5-segmented, with PT/BASE 1.0-1.6. SIPH 2.3-3.8 × PT. Dorsum dark…..Tuberocephalus uwamizusakurae*
SIPH with some hairs. ANT 5- or 6-segmented, with PT/BASE 1.4-2.4. SIPH 1.7-2.4 × PT. Dorsum pale or dark…..51
51(Apt. with 6-segmented antennae) ANT III 0.21-0.25 mm long. SIPH 1.4-1.5 × ANT III .….Tuberocephalus sakurae
(Apt. with 6-segmented antennae) ANT III 0.14-0.16 mm long. SIPH 1.6-2.0 × ANT III.….Tuberocephalus higansakurae ssp. hainnevilleae
52SIPH with several (about 5-8) hairs..…Tuberocephalus liaoningensis
SIPH without hairs…..53
53ANT tubercles with forwardly pointing finger- or thumb-like projections, and often the inner sides of ANT I similarly extended. Hairs on ANT tubercles conspicuous, erect, slightly capitate, 0.7-1.2 × BD III. (Al. with sec. rhin. on both ANT III and IV) ..…54
ANT tubercles gibbous, their inner faces convergent or parallel, without projections. Hairs on ANT tubercles short and blunt, less than 0.6 × BD III. (Al. with sec. rhin. only on ANT III)…..56
54ANT 5- or 6-segmented, 0.50–0.85 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.67–2.8. Dorsal cuticle wrinkled or smooth, not nodulose. Frontal projections thumb-like, 0.04–0.06 mm long, less than 2 × their diameter…..55
ANT 4-, 5- or 6-segmented, 0.3–0.4 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.3–1.8. Dorsal abdominal cuticle markedly nodulose. Frontal projections finger-like, 0.08–0.1 mm long, 3 or more times longer than their diameter.….Tuberocephalus artemisiae
55R IV+V 1.0–1.3 × HT II. ANT 5-segmented, 0.65–0.85 × BL, with PT/BASE 2.1–2.8. Inner sides of ANT I projecting forward and bearing long thick hairs like those on frons. SIPH 2.18–3.83 × cauda, with a moderate apical flange..…Tuberocephalus sasakii
R IV+V 1.4–1.9 × HT II. ANT 6-segmented, 0.50–0.65 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.67–2.33. Inner sides of ANT I not projecting forward and bearing much smaller hairs than those on frons. SIPH 1.85–2.46 × cauda, with a large apical flange ..…Tuberocephalus tsengi
56Dorsal abdomen with an intersegmental pattern of dark ornamentation. ANT PT/BASE less than 2.5. SIPH tapering, with a slight S-curve, and coarsely imbricated …..Myzus ornatus
Dorsal abdomen without any clear dark intersegmental markings. ANT PT/BASE more than 2.5. SIPH slightly to moderately clavate…..57
57SIPH as long as or longer than ANT III. Inner faces of ANT tubercles convergent in dorsal view…..Myzus persicae
SIPH clearly shorter than ANT III. Inner faces of ANT tubercles approximately parallel in dorsal view..…Myzus ascalonicus
Arthraxon ciliaris = A. hispidus
A. hispidusCeratovacuna nekoashi; Hysteroneura setariae;
Kaochiaoja arthraxonis;
Melanaphis arthraxonophaga, sacchari;
Pseudoregma panicola; Rhopalosiphum padi
A. lancifoliusSitobion microspinulosum
A. langsdorfianus = A. hispidus

Key to aphids on Arthraxon:-

1Front of head with a pair of short conical horns between ANT bases. Antennae very short, less than 0.2 × BL. SIPH as slightly raised pores with sclerotic rims. Sides of body with groups of wax pore-plates…..2
Front of head without horns. Antennae more than 0.6 × BL. SIPH tubular. No evident wax glands…..3
2Frontal horns short and rounded apically, 20-47 μm long. Sclerotised areas of cuticle warty, with especially warty areas at posterior margin of prothorax. Spinal and marginal wax glands often present on all or most tergites. SIPH pores slightly raised on dusky or dark-pigmented cones, with a few surrounding hairs…..Pseudoregma panicola
Frontal horns with apices somewhat curved distally, 96-140 μm long, slightly constricted at base and 2.5-3.5 × their basal widths. Sclerotised areas of cuticle smooth or wrinkled, not warty. No spinal wax glands. SIPH pores not placed on raised cones and without any surrounding hairs…..Ceratovacuna nekoashi
3Dorsum with extensive dark pigmentation. Head weakly or markedly spiculose ..…4
Dorsum without pigmentation, or with only small dark patches. Head without spicules .….5
4SIPH only a little longer than cauda, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation, and ornamented proximal to this with numerous small nodules. Dorsal abdomen with close-set, irregular rows of minute spicules..…Sitobion microspinulosum
SIPH more than 2 × cauda, without subapical polygonal reticulation, and with normal imbrication. Dorsal abdomen without spicules, but with variolate sculpturing of the sclerotic areas….. Kaochiaoja arthraxonis
5SIPH clearly shorter than cauda…..6
SIPH longer than cauda.….7
6Cauda with 16-20 hairs. Longest hairs on hind tibia almost as long as its middle diameter …..Melanaphis arthraxonophaga*
Cauda with 8-17 (mostly 10-14) hairs. Longest hairs on hind tibia usually shorter than its middle diameter…..Melanaphis sacchari
7Cauda long and pale, contrasting with black calf-shaped SIPH .….Hysteroneura setariae
Cauda short and with similar pigmentation to SIPH, which are slightly swollen distally…..Rhopalosiphum padi

(or, if none of these fits, try general keys to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria)

Arthrophytum ammodendron = Haloxylon ammodendrum
Arthropteris orientalis Micromyzella [davalliae], filicis, pterisoides

See key to fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium.

Artia balansaeAphis spiraecola
Artocarpus Breadfruit Moraceae
Artocarpus altilis Greenidea artocarpi
A. heterophyllus Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii; Greenidea artocarpi
A. incisaAphis (Toxoptera) citricidus; Greenidea artocarpi
A. integrifoliaAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii; Greenidea artocarpi, ficicola
A. lingnanensis [Taoia indica]

Key to species on Artocarpus:-

1 SIPH with numerous long hairs. Stridulatory apparatus absent …..2
SIPH without hairs. Stridulatory apparatus present…..3
2 ANT III (of aptera) 2.2-2.4 × longer than ANT IV. SIPH of aptera 0.48-0.55 × BL, and of alata c.0.8 × BL…..Greenidea artocarpi*
ANT III (of aptera) 1.6-2.1 × longer than ANT IV. SIPH of aptera 0.29-0.42 × BL, and of alata 0.55-0.76 × BL…..Greenidea ficicola
3 Longest hairs on ANT III 12-27 µm long, 0.5-1.0× basal diameter of segment. Longest hairs on hind tibia up to 60 µm long, less than 0.6× HT II. Cauda with 10-26 hairs (rarely more than 20). BL often less than 2 mm…..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Longest hairs on ANT III 29-64 µm long, 1.5-2.0× basal diameter of segment. Longest hairs on hind tibia 80-110 µm, 0.7-1.0×HT II. Cauda with 19-54 hairs (rarely less than 25). BL usually more than 2 mm…..Aphis (Toxoptera) citricidus
Arum besserianum Patchiella reaumuri
A. canariensis = A. italicum ssp. canariense
A. dioscoridisMyzus cymbalariae
A. italicumDysaphis tulipae; Patchiella reaumuri;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
A. italicum ssp. canariense Myzus persicae
A. korolkowiiRhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. maculatumMelanaphis sacchari; Patchiella reaumuri;
Pentalonia nigronervosa
A. orientale[Aploneura ampelina]; Patchiella reaumuri
Arum spp.Aphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani; [Dysaphis tulipae];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Neomyzus circumflexus

Key to aphids on Arum:-

1ANT PT/BASE much less than 1. Eyes 3-facetted. SIPH absent …..Patchiella reaumuri
ANT PT/BASE much more than 1. Eyes multifacetted. SIPH present..…2
2Cuticle of head densely spiculose…..3
Cuticle of head without spicules…..4
3SIPH and femora covered with irregular, transverse rows of spicules. ANT PT/BASE 5.8-8.1. (Alata with dark-bordered wing veins, with radius and costa fused for part of lengths to form a closed cell behind the pterostigma)…..Pentalonia nigronervosa
SIPH and femora smooth or imbricated, not markedly spiculose. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-5.8. (Alata with normal wing venation, veins not dark-bordered)…..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 5
4ANT tubercles very well developed with inner faces smooth and divergent. SIPH pale with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation, and usually dusky or dark…..5
5 SIPH clavate. Dorsal cuticle with a pattern of spicules arranged in polygons, each polygon with 1 or more central spicules…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH cylindrical/tapering. Dorsal cuticle without spicules arranged in polygons …..6
6Cauda helmet-shaped, about as long as its basal width. Head and ABD TERG 7 and 8 with spinal tubercles (STu)..…Dysaphis tulipae
Cauda tongue-shaped, much longer than its basal width. STu absent.….7
7SIPH shorter than the similarly dark cauda, which bears 9-17 hairs …..Melanaphis sacchari
SIPH longer than cauda, which is pale or dusky and bears 4-8 hairs ..…Aphis gossypii
Aruncus Rosaceae
Aruncus dioicus = A. vulgaris
A. kamtschaticus = A. sylvester
A. sylvester[Aphis frangulae, spiraecola]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. vulgarisAcyrthosiphon pseudodirhodum;
Macrosiphum cholodkovskyi
Aruncus sp.Aphis ulmariae

Key to apterae on Aruncus:-

1Head dark with ANT tubercles not developed. ANT shorter than BL. Large marginal tubercles (MTu) on ABD TERG 1 and 7. Cauda short and rounded at apex ..…Aphis ulmariae
Head pale with well-developed, divergent ANT tubercles. ANT longer than BL. No MTu on ABD TERG 1 and 7. Cauda long and pointed at apex..…2
2SIPH 0.75-1.15 × cauda and without any subapical polygonal reticulation …..Acyrthosiphon pseudodirhodum
SIPH 1.7-2.4 × cauda, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.11-0.20 of length …..3
3Femora entirely pale. Longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 always less than 38 μm long. Cauda with 8-12 (-13) hairs…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Femora usually darker at apices. Longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 usually more than 50 μm (43-68 μm) long. Cauda with 11-19 hairs…..Macrosiphum cholodkovskyi

[N.B. Other Rosaceae-feeding Aphis, Acyrthosiphon or Macrosiphum spp. might occur on this genus; or try the key to polyphagous aphids)]

Arundinaria BamboosPoaceae

Many of the species formerly in the genus Arundinaria are now placed in related genera, such as Pleioblastus and Yushania. The Arundinaria group of genera seems to have a more restricted aphid fauna than Bambusa, and some species are specific to it, so a separate, shorter key is provided. However, it is probable that other bamboo-feeding aphids, not so far recorded from Arundinaria, will feed on this and related genera, and if the key below does not provide a satisfactory answer then it may be worthwhile to work through the Bambusa key.

Arundinaria alpina = Yushania alpina
A. amara = Pleioblastus amarus
A. anceps = Yushania anceps
A. cantorii = Pseudosasa cantorii
A. chino = Pleioblastus argenteostriatus
A. gigantea (incl. ssp. macrosperma, tecta) Paracolopha morrisoni; [Melanaphis arundinariae];
Takecallis taiwana
A. japonica = Pseudosasa japonica
A. jaunsarensis = Yushania anceps
A. niitakayamensis = Yushania niitakayamensis
A. pygmaea = Pleioblastus fortunei
A. shiuyingiana = Oligostachyum shiuyingianum
A. simonii = Pleioblastus simonii
Arundinaria spp. Astegopteryx bambusae, minuta;
Cerataphis bambusifoliae; Ceratovacuna [longifila], silvestrii;
Cranaphis indica; [Forda marginata];
Melanaphis meghalayensis ssp. bengalensis, takahashii
Neocranaphis arundinariae; Pseudoregma koshuensis;
Sitobion avenae;
Takecallis affinis, affinis ssp. niitakayamensis, sasae

Key to species on Arundinaria and related genera:-

Separation of the two Cranaphis species is based on Quednau (2003). If no satisfactory conclusion is reached then try the key to aphids on Bambusa.

1 Antenna of aptera more than 0.5× BL, or if only alatae are present, these have antennae bearing circular or oval secondary rhinaria…..2
Antennae of aptera much less than 0.5× BL, and secondary rhinaria on antennae of alatae are ring-like, extending more than half-way around the circumference of the antenna ….18
2 Anal plate bilobed, cauda knobbed. ANT PT/BASE less than 1.2. (All viviparae alate) …..3
Anal plate entire, cauda tongue-shaped (sometimes with a mid-way constriction). ANT PT/BASE at least 1.5….12
3 ANT PT/BASE only about 0.25…..Neocranaphis arundinariae*
ANT PT/BASE at least 0.75…..4
4 Antennae and tibiae wholly dusky to dark, SIPH pale or dusky…..5
Antennae pale or dark or contrastingly banded, tibiae pale to dusky, SIPH pale …..6
5 SIPH pale, with marginal hair of ABD TERG 6 not appended. ABD TERG 8 with a short cone-shaped process bearing 2-4 hairs….. Cranaphis formosana*
SIPH dark sclerotic with marginal hair of ABD TERG 6 appended to its base. ABD TERG 8 with c. 13 hairs, of which 2 are on a wart-like process….. Cranaphis indica*
6 Antennae longer than body…..7
Antennae shorter than body…..11
7 R IV+V without any accessory hairs. ABD TERG 1-7 with paired dark circular spots around spinal hairs…..Takecallis assumenta*
R IV+V with 3-4 accessory hairs. ABD TERG 1-7 with or without dark spots …..8
8 ANT I with (4-) 5-7 hairs. ANT III-VI dark except for basal part of ANT III. ANT III with 4-15 rhinaria…..9
ANT I usually with 4, rarely with 3 or 5, hairs. ANT III-VI or IV-VI BASE usually pale basally and dark apically. ANT III with 3-9 rhinaria…..10
9 ANT III with 10-15 rhinaria…..Takecallis affinis s. str.*
ANT III with 4-7 (often 5) rhinaria …..Takecallis affinis ssp. niitakayamensis*
10 ANT III with most proximal secondary rhinarium situated rather near to base of segment. Thorax with variably-developed longitudinal dark stripes, and abdomen with a pair of elongate dark patches on each tergite. ANT III wholly dusky or dark including base, or with paler middle section, cauda pale or dusky…..Takecallis arundinariae
ANT III with most proximal secondary rhinarium situated at some distance from base of segment. Thorax and abdomen usually without dark dorsal markings, never with paired elongate dark abdominal patches. ANT III with pale base contrasting with dark sensoriated section on proximal third, with distal two-thirds pale or dark. Cauda usually black…..Takecallis arundicolens
11 Secondary rhinaria confined to basal third of ANT III. Only 2 spinal hairs on each abdominal tergite…..Takecallis taiwana
Secondary rhinaria extending about half of length of ANT III. Each abdominal tergite bearing at least 4 hairs besides the marginal ones…..Takecallis sasae
12 SIPH shorter than, or not more than 1.4 × longer than, cauda…..13
SIPH about 2 × cauda…..17
13 Body broadly spindle-shaped. SIPH tapering, 1.1-1.4 × cauda, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation….Sitobion avenae
Body oval. SIPH truncate, shorter than or not longer than cauda, without subapical reticulation…..14
14 Hairs on ANT III short and inconspicuous, maximally about 0.5 x basal diameter of segment. Alata with dark wing veins…..Melanaphis bambusae
Hairs on ANT III at least 2-3 times longer than basal diameter of segment. Alata with wing veins not deeply pigmented…..15
15 Antennae 5-segmented. SIPH more than 1.5 × longer than their width at base …..Melanaphis takahashii
Antennae 6-segmented. SIPH less than 1.5 × longer than their width at base …..16
16SIPH a little longer than their width at base…..Melanaphis pahanensis
– SIPH a little shorter than their width at base…..Melanaphis meghalayensis
17 Body spindle-shaped, cauda much paler than siphunculi and about 3 × its basal width in dorsal view. Aptera with a single rhinarium on ANT III …..Sitobion papillatum ssp. subnudum
Body small and oval, cauda as dark as siphunculi and only a little longer than its basal width. Aptera without any rhinaria on ANT III…..Rhopalosiphum arundinariae
18 Antennae of aptera extremely short, hardly longer than the elongate R V+V. Tarsi 1-segmented. SIPH displaced towards the mid-line (on roots) …..Paracolopha morrisoni
Antennae of aptera short, but much longer than the short R IV+V. Tarsi 2-segmented. SIPH in more normal position…..go to key to aphids on Bambusa
Arundinella hirta Rhopalosiphum padi
Arundo donaxHyalopterus amygdali, arundiniformis, pruni;
Hysteroneura setariae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Melanaphis donacis, sacchari;
Metoplophium dirhodum; Myzus ornatus, persicae
Rhopalosiphum maidis, padi, rufiabdominale;
Schizaphis graminum, [rosazevedoi]
Sipha maydis; [Takecallis arundicolens]
A. mauritanica = A. plinii
A. pliniana= A. plinii
A. pliniiMelanaphis donacis; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Sitobion fragariae

Key to aphids on Arundo:-

1Dorsal body hairs long and spine-like. SIPH as short, truncated cones. Cauda broadly rounded…..Sipha maydis
Dorsal body hairs if long then fine and pointed (but more often short and inconspicuous). SIPH tubular. Cauda longer than its basal width…..2
2SIPH as long as or longer than cauda .…go to key to apterae on grasses under Digitaria
SIPH much shorter than cauda.….3
3SIPH dark, stump-shaped, broadest at base. ANT PT/BASE 0.95-1.95. Cauda with 12-22 hairs…..Melanaphis donacis
SIPH pale or dusky, thin, cylindrical, narrow-based. ANT PT/BASE 2.5 or more. Cauda with 4-6 hairs..…Hyalopterus pruni, amygdali or ?arundiniformis
Asarum Aristolochiaceae
Asarum canadense [Aphis sp. – Leonard 1973, 3]; Myzus persicae
A. europaeumBrachycaudus cardui; Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. kooyanumMyzus persicae
Asarum sp.Aulacorthum solani

Key to aphids on Asarum:-

Dorsum with an extensive solid black patch. Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view..…Brachycaudus cardui
Without this combination of characters.….go to key to polyphagous aphids
Asclepias cornuti = A. syriaca
A. curassavicaAphis asclepiadis, fabae, gossypii, nerii, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; [Macrosiphoniella kikungshana];
Myzus persicae
A. exaltataAphis nerii
A. fascicularisAphis nerii
A. floridanaAphis asclepiadis
A. fruticosa = Gomphocarpus fruticosus
A. galioides = A. verticillata
A. glaucescensAphis spiraecola
A. grandifloraAphis nerii
A. incarnata (incl. pulchra) Aphis asclepiadis, neriii
A. lanata = Gomphocarpus tomentosus
A. lanuginosaBrachycaudus helichrysi (as Anuraphis padi)
A. lineolata = Pachycarpus lineolatus
A. longifoliaAphis asclepiadis
A. mellodoraAphis nerii
A. mexicana = A. fascicularis
A. michauxiiMyzus persicae
A. niveaAphis nerii
A. physocarpa = Gomphocarpus physocarpus
A. purpurascens Aphis nerii; Myzocallis asclepiadis
A. speciosaAphis asclepiadis, fabae, gossypii, nerii;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; Protaphis middletonii
A. stenophyllaProtaphis middletonii
A. syriaca Aphis asclepiadis, fabae, gossypii, nerii, spiraecola;
(incl. alba, cornuti) Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzocallis asclepiadis; Myzus persicae
A. tomentosa Aphis spiraecola
A. tuberosaAphis asclepiadis, nerii; Aulacorthum solani;
[Macrosiphum gaurae – Leonard 1973: 8];
Myzocallis asclepiadis
A. verticillataAphis gossypii, nerii
A. vestitaAphis gossypii, nerii
Asclepias spp.Abstrusomyzus phloxae; Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii;
[Hyperomyzus lactucae]

Key to aphids on Asclepias (also Cryptostegia):-

1(All adult viviparae alate.) Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed. Forewings maculate…..Myzocallis asclepiadis
Cauda not knobbed, anal plate entire. (Fore-wings of alatae not maculate) …..2
2Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width. Abdominal spiracles widely open, large and rounded…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue of finger-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width.….3
3ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH mainly pale. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu) …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 4
ANT tubercles weakly developed, not or hardly projecting forward beyond middle of head in dorsal view. SIPH dark. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu…..4
4Stridulatory apparatus present, consisting of cuticular ridges on abdominal sternites 5 and 6 and a row of peg-like hairs on each hind tibia…..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
No stridulatory apparatus…..5
5ANT III (in normal apt.) with 1-14 rhinaria. SIPH 0.7-1.2 × R IV+V. Dorsal abdomen with variable, often rather extensive, dark patches…..Protaphis middletonii
ANT III without rhinaria (except in alatiform apt). SIPH more than 1.5 × R IV+V. Dorsal abdomen without or with a few scattered markings anterior to SIPH, or with a solid black shield..…6
6Dorsal abdomen with a solid black shield…..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without a solid black shield…..7
7 ANT PT/BASE 3.4-4.7. R IV+V 1.25-1.6 × HT II. SIPH 1.7-2.7 × cauda …..Aphis nerii
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-3.5. R IV+V 0.85-1.24 × HT II. SIPH 0.7-2.5 × cauda …..8
8ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs (rarely with 3). Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings ..…9
ABD TERG 8 with 2-11 hairs (usually 4-6). Dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings ..…10
9Cauda paler than SIPH, without any constriction, and bearing 4-7(-8) hairs. Femoral hairs shorter than trochantro-femoral suture…..Aphis gossypii
Cauda black like SIPH, usually with a midway constriction, and bearing (6-) 8-15 hairs. Femoral hairs long and fine, the longest longer than trochantro-femoral suture …..Aphis spiraecola
10ANT III 0.65-1.01 × PT, 1.1-1.6 × cauda and 0.95-1.35 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen usually with some dark markings anterior to SIPH (in addition to dark intersegmental muscle sclerites)…..Aphis fabae
ANT III 1.05-1.95 × PT, 1.55-2.2 × cauda and 1.2-1.9 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen usually without any dark markings anterior to SIPH (except for dark intersegmental muscle sclerites)….. Aphis asclepiadis
Ascocentrum ampullaceum Ceraphis orchidearum
Ascyrum see HypericumHypericaceae
Asparagus (including Protasparagus) Asparagaceae
Asparagus acutifolius Aphis fabae
A. aethiopicus (var. sprengeri) Asparagus Fern
Aphis aurantii, fabae, gossypii, nasturtii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycorynella asparagi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Sitobion africanum
A. asparagoides Myzus ornatus
A. brachyphyllus Brachycorynella asparagi
A. cochinchinensis Myzus persicae
A. crispus = A. declinatus
A. declinatusMyzus persicae
A. densiflorus Aphis craccivora; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. falcatusAphis fabae; Myzus persicae
A. horridusAphis craccivora
A. myriocladus = A. densiflorus
A. neglectusAphis craccivora; Brachycorynella asparagi
A. officinalis[Acyrthosiphon pisum];
Aphis asclepiadis, craccivora, fabae, gossypii, [salsolae],
Brachycorynella asparagi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, pallidum, stellariae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Sitobion africanum, avenae, [chanikiwiti] ;
Smynthurodes betae
A. orientalis (?) Brachycorynella asparagi
A. palaestinus[Miraphis asparagi Börner in Bodenheimer 1930 (probably
Brachycorynella asparagi)]
A. persicusBrachycorynella asparagi
A. plumosus = A. setaceus
A. retrofractusAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani; Myzus persicae
A. schoberioides Aphis fabae, spiraecola
A. setaceusAphis craccivora; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycorynella asparagi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus
A. sprengeri = A. aethiopicus
A. stipularis = A. horridus
A. tenuifoliusAphis craccivora; Brachycorynella asparagi
A. umbellatusMyzus ornatus
Asparagus spp. Myzus cymbalariae

Key to apterae on Asparagus:-

1SIPH as very small truncated cones, much shorter than cauda …..Brachycorynella asparagi
SIPH much longer than cauda (or absent)…..2
2SIPH without polygonal reticulation. If ANT tubercles are well developed then head is spiculose…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells). Head always without spicules…..3
3Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III. SIPH pale, or if dark then usually pale at base. ANT tubercles well developed…..4
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.2-0.4 × BD III. SIPH wholly dark. ANT tubercles rather weakly developed…..6
4 SIPH wholly or mostly dark, pale only at base. Tibiae wholly dark …..Macrosiphum pallidum
SIPH wholly pale, or dark only distally. Tibiae mainly pale…..5
5 Femora usually with a dark spot or patch near apices. Dorsal hairs on head and ABD TERG 3 mostly longer than BD III…..Macrosiphum stellariae
Femora pale or honey brown near apex. Dorsal hairs on head and ABD TERG 3 not longer than ANT BD III…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
6SIPH 1.1-1.4 × cauda. HT II 1.2-1.6 × R IV+V…..Sitobion avenae
SIPH 1.5-1.9 × cauda. HT II 1.0-1.3 × R IV+V…..Sitobion africanum
Asperella see HystrixPoaceae
Asperella hystrix = Hystrix patula
Asperugo procumbens Brachycaudus bicolor, helichrysi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Use key to apterae on Echium.

Asperula WoodruffRubiaceae
Asperula aristata Aphis galiiscabri; Staegeriella asperulae;
(incl. var. scabra) Uhlmannia singularis
A. arvensisAphis gossypii, [Aphis sp. (Davletshina 1964, 124)]
A. cynanchicaAphis galiiscabri, nonveilleri; Dysaphis pyri;
Hyadaphis molluginis, [Hydaphias sp. (Bozhko 1976a)];
Myzus langei, cerasi;
Staegeriella asperulae, necopinata; Uhlmannia singularis
A. glauca = Galium glaucum
A. glomerataDysaphis pyri
A. graveolens Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. hirtaAphis fabae
A. humifusa = Galium humifusum
A. longifolia = Galium paschale
A. neilreichiiUhlmannia singularis
A. odorata = Galium odoratum
A. purpurea[Brachycaudus lamii]; Staegeriella necopinata
A. setulosa = A. graveolens
A. tinctoriaAphis galiiscabri; Aulacorthum solani
Asperula sp.Myzus sp. (Crimea; BMNH collection, leg. J. Holman)

Use key to aphids on Galium, on which most of the listed (unbracketed) species also occur.

Asphodeline liburnica Aphis fabae group; Myzus ornatus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Asphodelus fistulosus Sitobion avenae
Aspidistra sp.Myzus persicae
Aspidium see TectariaDryopteridaceae

(See also Bathmium, Dryopteris, Polypodium, Polystichum and Thelypteris for fern species previously placed in Aspidium.)

“Aspidium” sp.Myzus sp. (Pakistan, BMNH collection, leg. M.A. Ghani)

See Polypodium for a key to fern-feeding aphids.

Aspilia spp.Aphis craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola;
Uroleucon compositae

One or more of the above polyphagous aphid species is recorded from each of the following Aspilia spp.: africana, helianthoides, kotschysi, latifolia, multiflora, rudis.

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Asplenium adiantum-nigrum Idiopterus nephrolepidis; Macromyzus woodwardiae
A. aethiopicum = A. praemorsum
A. auriculatumMacromyzus woodwardiae
A. auritumIdiopterus nephrolepidis
A. bulbiferumMacrosiphum walkeri
A. ceterach = A. officinarum
A. cunicularium (?) Macromyzus woodwardiae
A. dalhousiaeTaiwanomyzus himalayensis
A. esculentum = Diplazium esculentum
A. hemionitisIdiopterus nephrelepidis
A. marinum = A. auritum
A. nidusMicromyzella filicis
A. officinarum (?) Idiopterus nephrelepidis
A. praemorsumMicromyzella kathleenae, pterisoides, sophiae
A. ramosumTaiwanomyzus alpicola
A. ruta-murariaIdiopterus nephrolepidis; Taiwanomyzus alpicola
A. scolopendrium Idiopterus nephrelepidis
A. septentrionale Taiwanomyzus alpicola
A. tenerumMicromyzella filicis
A. trichomanesAulacorthum solani; Idiopterus nephrelepidis;
Micromyzodium filicium; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Taiwanomyzus alpicola
A. unilobum = Diplazium unilobum
A. viride = A. ramosum
A. viviparumIdiopterus nephrelepidis
Asplenium spp.Amphorophora ampullata, ampullata ssp. bengalensis,
ampullata ssp. laingi;
Micromyzella judenkoi; [Myzakkaia verbasci]

See Polypodium for a key to fern-feeding aphids.