(in alphabetical order)






















































Aaronsohnia factorovskyi Myzus persicae
Abatia brasiliensis Aphis gossypii
Abelia bifloraProciphilus xylostei
A. × grandiflora Aulacorthum solani; Myzus ornatus, persicae
(incl. var. prostrata)
A. spathulataNeotoxoptera abeliae
A. trifloraNeotoxoptera abeliae
Abelia sp.Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to aphids on Abelia:-

1ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Wax gland plates present on head, thorax and abdomen. Eyes 3-faceted. SIPH absent. (Apt. fundatrix, all progeny of which are al. having unbramched media in forewing and ANT with narrow, transversely elongate secondary rhinaria) .…..Prociphilus xylostei
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.5. No wax gland plates. Eyes multifaceted. SIPH present, tubular. (Al. have forewing with 1- or 2-branched media and ANT with round or oval secondary rhinaria)..…2
2SIPH slightly to moderately clavate, without any subapical polygonal reticulation, and HT II 0.65-0.8 × R IV+V. Al. with wing veins broadly bordered with fuscous …..Neotoxoptera abeliae
SIPH clavate, cylindrical or tapering, with or without subapical reticulation. HT II 0.8-1.4 × R IV+V. Al. without fuscous-bordered wing veins ..…go to key to polyphagous aphids
Abelmoschus angulosus Aphis gossypii
A. esculentusAcyrthosiphon gossypii;
Aphis craccivora, eugeniae, gossypii, [longisetosa],
nasturtii, odinae, spiraecola, umbrella;
Aulacorthum solani; [Lipaphis pseudobrassicae];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; Smynthurodes betae
A. manihotAphis gossypii; Myzus persicae
A. moschatusAphis gossypii, Myzus persicae

Use key to apterae on Malva.

Abies True Firs Pinaceae

About 30 Cinara species are described from Abies, but many of the North American species are little known or unrecorded since their original description. Abies is the secondary host for all species of Adelges subgenus Dreyfusia, which are undoubtedly the most economically important group, migrating from cone-like galls on their primary host Picea, or reproducing parthenogenetically on Abies throughout the year.

Abies albaSilver Fir
Adelges merkeri, nordmannianae, pectinatae, piceae, prelli; Cinara confinis, costata, indica, pectinatae, [piceae]; Elatobium [abietinum], blackmani; Mindarus abietinus; [Pachypappa vesicalis]; [Pineus strobi]; Prociphilus americanus, bumeliae, fraxini, oriens, [xylostei]
A. amabilisCascade Fir, Pacific Silver Fir
Adelges pectinatae, piceae; Cinara chinookiana, occidentalis
A. arizonicaAdelges pectinatae; Cinara confinis; Mindarus abietinus
A. balsameaBalsam Fir
Adelges nordmannianae, pectinatae, piceae; Cinara confinis, curvipes, pectinatae, [piceae]; Mindarus abietinus, pinicola; Prociphilus americanus, bumeliae, fraxini
A. bornmuelleriana Adelges nordmannianae; Cinara confinis, pectinatae; Elatobium [abietinum], blackmani; Mindarus abietinus
A. brevifoliaCinara pectinatae
A. cephalonicaGreek Fir
Adelges nordmannianae, piceae, prelli; Cinara confinis; Elatobium abietinum; Mindarus abietinus
A. cilicicaAdelges nordmannianae, piceae; Cinara confinis, curvipes; Mindarus abietinus
A. coeruleaElatobium abietinum
A. concolorWhite Fir
Adelges normannianae, pectinatae, piceae; Cinara alacra, confinis, curtihirsuta, curvipes, gentneri, grande, kiusa, occidentalis, osborni, radicivora, schuhi, sonata, zoarcbursara; Essigella pergandei; Mindarus [abietinus], kinseyi, victoria
A. delavayiProciphilus fraxini
A. densaAdelges densae
A. faberiAdelges glandulae; Mindarus japonicus
A. faxonianaAdelges piceae; Mindarus abietinus
A. firmaMomi Fir
Adelges nordmannianae, piceae;
Cinara longipennis, matsumurana, stigmatica, todocola, Elatobium [abietinum], momii; Mindarus abietinus, japonicus; Stomaphis abieticola, [pini ssp. takaoensis]
A. forrestiiAdelges piceae
A. fraseriSouthern Balsam Fir
Adelges pectinatae, piceae; Cinara confinis, [vandykei]; Mindarus abietinus, pinicola; Prociphilus fraxini
A. grandisGrand Fir
Adelges nordmannianae, pectinatae, piceae; Cinara confinis, curtihirsuta, curvipes, gentneri, occidentalis, pacifica, pectinatae, sonata; [Clydesmithia canadensis]; Mindarus abietinus, pinicola, kinseyi, victoria; Prociphilus americanus, xylostei
A. guatemalensisMindarus guatamalensis
A. holophyllaNeedle Fir
Cinara confinis, longipennis, matsumurana, smaragdina, todocola, [togyuensis]; [Lachnus quercihabitans]; Mindarus japonicus
A. homolepisNikko Fir
Cinara matsumurana, todocola; Elatobium abietinum; Mindarus abietinus
A. kosteriElatobium abietinum
A. lasiocarpaSubalpine Fir
Adelges pectinatae, piceae; Cinara chinookiana, confinis, curvipes, minuta, occidentalis, osborni, [piceae], schuhi; Elatobium abietinum; Mindarus abietinus, kinseyi
A. magnifica (incl. var. shastensis)Cinara curvipes, setulosa, sonata
A. mariesiiCinara confinis, hattorii, pectinatae; Mindarus japonicus
A. mayriana see A. sachalinensis var. mayriana
A. morindaCinara confinis; Mindarus japonicus
A. nebrodensisAdelges piceae, piceae ssp. nebrodensis; Mindarus abietinus
A. nephrolepisAdelges pectinatae; [Prociphilus bumeliaeformis Mordvilko ex Shaposhnikov 1955]; Cinara pectinatae, smaragdina; Mindarus japonicus
A. nobilis = procera
A. nordmannianaAdelges merkeri, nordmannianae, pectinatae, piceae, prelli; Cinara confinis, curvipes, pectinatae; Elatobium [abietinum], blackmani; Mindarus abietinus; [Pineus strobi]; Prociphilus fraxini
A. numidicaCinara pectinatae; Mindarus abietinus
A. obovataAdelges piceae
A. phanerolepisAdelges pectinatae
A. pindrowAdelges joshii, knucheli, piceae, pindrowi; Cinara abietispindrow, antennalis, [atroalbipes], confinis, micropunctata, polymorpha, tenuipes; Mindarus abietinus, japonicus
A. pinsapoCinara confinis, curvipes, pectinatae; Mindarus abietinus
A. proceraAdelges nordmannianae, pectinatae, piceae; Cinara confinis, curvipes; Mindarus abietinus; Prociphilus americanus
A. religiosaCinara confinis, curvipes, [piceae]; Mindarus remaudierei
A. sachalinensisSakhalin Fir
Adelges pectinatae; Cinara confinis, hattorii, longipennis, matsumurana, [piceae], todocola, [Cinara “sp. A” of Eastop et al. 1998]; Mindarus abietinus, japonicus
A. sachalinensis var. mayrianaAdelges pectinatae ssp. ishiharai, todomatsui; Cinara hattorii, longipennis, matsumurana, todocola; Mindarus japonicus; Prociphilus oriens
A. sibiricaAdelges nordmannianae, pectinatae, piceae; Cinara abietisibiricae, confinis, [costata], pectinatae, [piceae], [pinea]; Elatobium abietinum; Mindarus abietinus; Prociphilus fraxini, [umarovi]
A. sieboldiiMindarus abietinus
A. spectabilisHimalayan Fir
Adelges knucheli; [Cinara sp.]
A. veitchiiAdelges nordmannianae, pectinatae, todomatsui; Cinara curvipes, pectinatae, todocola; Mindarus abietinus, japonicus; Prociphilus bumeliae
Abies spp.Cinara abietihabitans, [pseudotaxifoliae], [tistaensis]; Pineus abietinus

Key to Abies-feeding aphids:-

All the Abies-feeding aphids are keyed together, as there is little evidence that any of them are specific to particular Abies species. Except where otherwise stated, the key should be applied only to adult apterous females. With Cinara species, care must be taken that the individuals examined are not immature, as this can lead to erroneous identifications. Cinara species not seen by us are identified with an *, and identifications of these species in particular should be treated very circumspectly. Colonies of Prociphilus spp. in white wax wool on roots of Abies cannot be satisfactorily keyed to species, and identification of Adelges to species requires the neosistens stage to be available.

1 Adult apterae with very short antennae, less than 0.1 of body length, with at most 3 segments. Small insects (BL less than 1.2 mm) producing white wax wool. Always oviparous, adults having a distinct chitinous ovipositor (Adelgidae)…..2
Adult apterae with 5- or 6-segmented antennae, at least 0.2 of body length. BL 1.3-7.8 mm. With or without wax wool. Viviparous in spring and summer (Aphididae) ….. 3
2 Body of adult aptera broadly pear-shaped to almost spherical. Cephaloprothoracic shield entire, uniformly pigmented. Abdomen with 4 pairs of evident spiracles. Wax pores discontiguous (fig. 10A)…..Pineus abietinus
Body of adult aptera pear-shaped or oval. Head and prothorax not uniformly pigmented. Abdomen with 5 pairs of evident spiracles. Wax pores contiguous (fig. 10B)…..Adelges spp.

(see key to resting-stage first instar larvae of Adelges spp. at end of main key)

3 SIPH tubular. ANT PT/BASE equal to or greater than 1.0….. 4
SIPH broadly conical, pore-like or absent. ANT PT/BASE less than 1.0 ….. 6
4 ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.6 …..Elatobium abietinum
ANT PT/BASE 1.7-3.6…..5
5 ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.5. R IV+V 0.9-1.1× HT II…..Elatobium blackmani
ANT PT/BASE 2.3-3.6. R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II…..Elatobium momii
6 SIPH present as pores on hairy cones which are usually pigmented (fig. 11) …..7
SIPH either absent or present as pores without pigmented conical bases …..34
7 Rostrum about twice as long as body…..Stomaphis abieticola*
Rostrum much shorter than body…..8
8 (Couplets 8-33 refer to apterous viviparae.) Maximum diameter of base of SIPH cone less than 0.3 mm, or less than 3 times the diameter of the SIPH aperture…..9
Maximum diameter of base of SIPH cone (or the pigmented area incorporating it) more than 0.3 mm, or more than 3 times the diameter of the SIPH aperture ….. 15
9 HT I at least half as long as HT II (fig. 12A). SIPH cones pale …..Cinara pectinatae
HT I less than half as long as HT II; if nearly half as long, then SIPH cones dark …..10
10HT II at least 4× longer than the very short, almost triangular HT I (fig. 12B) …..11
HT II 2.1-3.5× longer than HT I…..12
11BL 5.1-6.3 mm (fundatrices up to 7.6 mm)…..Cinara polymorpha
BL 2.1-3.2 mm…..Cinara occidentalis
12Longest hairs on ANT III more than twice as long as width of segment …..13
Longest hairs on ANT III less than twice width of segment…..14
13SIPH cones very small and pale. ANT PT less than 3× its basal width…..Cinara matsumurana
SIPH cones dark. ANT PT thin, more than 4× its basal width …..Cinara antennalis
14BL less than 3 mm…..Cinara minuta*
BL more than 3 mm…..Cinara zoarcbursara*
15SIPH cones with hairs of two sizes, longest hairs at least twice as long as the shortest hairs, and usually thicker (e.g. fig. 11B)…..16
SIPH cones with hairs varying in length by less than a factor of 2 (fig. 11A) …..29
16SIPH cones pale…..Cinara setulosa
SIPH cones dark…..17
17 Pigmented bases of SIPH cones very extensive, with no clear limits, extending anteriorly and posteriorly to join pigmented lateral areas on other abdominal segments (fig. 13A)…..Cinara osborni
Pigmented bases of SIPH cones less extensive, delimited, restricted to ABD TERG 6, or 5 and 6, any pigmented lateral areas on other segments being separate…..18
18Length of sclerotized part of stylet groove (fig. 74A) less than 1.8 mm. ANT V about equal in length to, or shorter than, ANT VI (including PT)19
Length of sclerotized part of stylet groove greater than 1.8 mm. ANT V clearly longer than ANT VI including PT (unless PT is more than 4× its basal width)…..22
19BL greater than 4 mm. Hind tibiae conspicuously bicoloured, with yellow region on basal half…..Cinara alacra*
BL less than 4 mm. Hind tibiae more uniformly pigmented, pale or dark …..20
20Length of sclerotized part of stylet groove less than 1.3 mm. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-7 without pigmented bases…..Cinara chinookiana
Length of sclerotized part of stylet groove greater than 1.3 mm. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-7 mostly arising from small pigmented sclerites of various sizes…..21
21Hind tibiae dark …..Cinara todocola
Hind tibiae pale except at apices…..Cinara micropunctata
22Length of sclerotized part of stylet groove 2.9-3.8 mm…..Cinara radicivora
Length of sclerotized part of stylet groove less than 2.9 mm…..23
23 Antennae conspicuously bicoloured, each segment with a broad black distal band contrasting with a pale base, ANT IV and V being about half black and half pale. Pigmented bases of SIPH cones of irregular shape, usually with a deep notch on the inner margin (fig. 13B)…..Cinara sonata
Antennae not conspicuously bicoloured, although segments often gradually darker towards apices. Pigmented bases of SIPH cones more-or-less rounded…..24
24Dorsal length of HT I greater than its width at base (fig. 14A)…..Cinara tenuipes
Dorsal length of HT I less than its width at base (fig. 14B)…..25
25ANT III at least 1.1 × ANT IV and V together, and more than 3 × ANT VI (incl. PT) …..26
ANT III about equal to or a little shorter than ANT IV and V together, and less than 3× ANT VI (incl. PT)…..27
26R IV 2.3-2.6 × HT I (ventral length)…..Cinara abietisibiricae
R IV 1.9-2.2 × HT I (ventral length)…..Cinara longipennis
27R IV over 3 × longer than R V……Cinara abietihabitans*
R IV less than 3 × longer than R V …..28
28 BL 3.8-7.8 mm. ANT PT/BASE less than 0.4 …..Cinara confinis (or abietispindrow – see text)
BL 3.2-4.4 mm. ANT PT/BASE equal to or greater than 0.4. (Alatae with forewing membrane between Cu1a and Cu1b fuscous)…..Cinara hattorii
29All tibiae black or very dark brown, although sometimes with a slightly less dark dusky brown section on basal half…..30
Fore and mid-tibiae pale yellow to amber, dark at apices if at all, and hind tibiae if mainly dark then at least with a distinctly paler section at base…..32
30 BL greater than 4.8 mm. Hairs on hind tibiae clearly longer than width of tibia at midpoint…..Cinara grande*
BL less than 4.8 mm. Hairs on hind tibiae longer or shorter than width of tibia at midpoint…..31
31BL less than 3.2 mm. ANT III with up to 5 rhinaria. Hairs on hind tibiae mainly longer than width of tibia at its midpoint…..Cinara schuhi*
BL greater than 3.2 mm. ANT III with or without rhinaria. Hairs on hind tibiae shorter than width of tibia at its midpoint…..Cinara kiusa*
32Coxae dark brown to black…..Cinara curvipes
Coxae yellow to amber…..33
33BL less than 4 mm. Hairs on SIPH cones sparse, totalling about 20, with basal part of cone nearly devoid of hairs…..Cinara curtihirsuta
BL more than 5 mm. Hairs on SIPH cones very numerous all over pigmented area …..Cinara gentneri
34Abdomen without wax pore plates. Eyes multifaceted…..35
Abdomen with segmental wax pore plates, at least marginally on ABD TERG 6 and 7. Eyes reduced, usually to only 3 facets (triommatidia)…..36
35Body oval. Hairs on ANT III longer than basal diameter of segment …..Cinara pacifica*
Body elongate, about 3 times longer than its greatest width in dorsal view. Hairs on ANT III shorter than basal diameter of segment…..Essigella pergandei*
36 Aptera with head and prothorax separate, and antennae shorter than rostrum. Hairs on antennae and legs long. (On roots; cannot be keyed to species) …..Prociphilus spp.
Aptera with head and prothorax fused dorsally, and antennae longer than rostrum. Hairs on antennae and legs short. (On needles)…..37
37Prothorax of aptera with a pair of marginal wax pore plates, and such plates also often present at least on ABD TERG 2-7, with additional submarginal pairs often at least on ABD TERG 6 and 7…..38
Aptera with wax pore plates almost always absent from prothorax and ABD TERG 1 and 2, and only constantly present on ABD TERG 6 and 7…..42
38RIV without any accessory hairs (both apterae and alatae)…..Mindarus guatemalensis
R IV almost always with a pair of accessory hairs, rarely with 0-1 in apterae …..39
39ANT III of alata with 6-12 squarish to almost circular or polygonal rhinaria (fig. 15A). HT II of aptera 0.207-0.237 mm long …..Mindarus victoria
ANT III of alata with 8-54 tranversely elongate or oval rhinaria, and IV with 0-5. HT II of aptera 0.119-0.223 mm long…..40
40 ANT III of alata with 46-54 rhinaria. Aptera with a pair of spinal as well as a pair of marginal wax pore plates on prothorax, and with 3 pairs of wax pore plates on each of ABD TERG 1-6…..Mindarus remaudierei
ANT III of alata with 8-23 rhinaria. Aptera with only marginal wax pore plates on prothorax, and only ABD TERG 5-6 ever have 3 pairs of wax pore plates…..41
41Aptera with 1-2 pairs of wax pore plates on all of ABD TERG 1-7, and usually 3 pairs on ABD TERG 6 (except sometimes in fundatrices, which have marginal wax plates on all thoracic segments) …..Mindarus kinseyi
Aptera only ever with 2 pairs of wax pore plates on ABD TERG 7, or 6 and 7, and fundatrices usually with marginal wax plates only on prothorax…..Mindarus pinicola
42ANT III of alata with 12-27 rhinaria in a single row, mostly extending across complete width of segment (fig. 15B)…..Mindarus abietinus
ANT III of alata with 23-29 rhinaria not aligned in a single row, many of those on basal half not extending across full width of segment (fig. 15C)…..Mindarus japonicus

Key to resting-stage (neosistens) 1st instar larvae of Adelges spp. on Abies

Separation of the spring and summer apterous adult stages of Adelges spp. (mainly subgenus Dreyfusia) on Abies is very difficult because of their complex polymorphism. The key given here is based on the work of several authors (notably Eichhorn 1958), and relies on the lesser degree of variability of the more sclerotised 1st instar larvae of the sistens morph (the neosistens stage) which, in all species except A. pectinatae and A. pindrowi, is normally found on the bark of the stem and branches rather than on the needles, and is the most frequent stage at which aestivation or hibernation occurs. Except where otherwise stated, all characters used are those of the neosistens. Slide-mounted preparations are essential for this key.

1 Spinal and pleural sclerites fused on all segments, and spinopleural sclerites also fused to marginal sclerites of ABD TERG 6-8 (fig. 16A) …..Adelges pectinatae/pindrowi
Spinal and pleural sclerites of mesothorax, metathorax and ABD TERG 1-5 not fused (sometimes touching) (fig. 16B)…..2
2 Pleural sclerites without wax glands. Spinal sclerites with well-developed wax pore plates along inner margins (fig. 16B)…..3
Pleural sclerites with wax glands. Spinal sclerites with wax pore plates variably developed, located centrally…..6
3 Wax pore plates on inner margins of meso- and metathoracic spinal sclerites containing numerous small, mostly rounded, pits (fig. 16C), arranged in 2-4 areas of rather rounded shape, the most central area containing 7-12 pits. Total number of pits in the central areas only of the spinal wax pore plates of the meso- and metathorax plus ABD TERG 1-3 (i.e. a total of 10 central areas) is 57-104…..Adelges nordmannianae
Wax pore plates on inner margins of meso- and metathoracic spinal sclerites divided into 3-4 angular or rounded areas (fig. 16D), the most central area containing 2-8 relatively large pits of irregular shape, rounded or polygonal. Total number of pits in central areas of spinal wax pore plates of meso- and metathorax plus ABD TERG 1-3 (i.e. 10 central areas) is 18-79…..4
4 Central areas of wax pore plates on meso- and metathoracic spinal sclerites usually more-or-less rounded, each with 3-8 pits. Total number of pits on the 10 central areas (as defined in couplet 3) is in range 23-79 (usually more than 40) ….Adelges merkeri
Central areas of wax pore plates on meso- and metathoracic spinal sclerites often more-or-less triangular, each with 3-6 pits. Total number of pits on the 10 central areas is usually less than 40 (range 18-61)…..5
5 Neosistens strongly sclerotised. 2nd instar sistens with a series of dark conical humps on the head, thorax and 1st to 3rd (or 4th) abdominal segments, diminishing in size posteriorly (fig. 16E)…..Adelges prelli
Neosistens variably sclerotised, but usually with rather weak sclerotisation (at least in European populations). 2nd instar sistens without pronounced sclerotic humps on head, thorax and anterior abdominal segments…..Adelges piceae
6 Dorsal wax pore plates of mesothorax, metathorax and abdomen comprising groups of 15-25 small rounded facets…..Adelges glandulae
Dorsal wax pore plates either much larger and taking up most of the area of the sclerite, or much smaller and composed of small groups of no more than 7 facets…..7
7 Spinal, pleural and marginal sclerites strongly sclerotised, those of the mesothorax, metathorax and abdomen each almost fully occupied by a large wax pore plate composed of 2-5 segments separated by grooves, each segment having a reticulate structure (fig. 16F)…..Adelges knucheli
Spinal, pleural and marginal sclerites weakly sclerotised, with wax pore plates on mesothorax, metathorax and abdomen much smaller, comprising only 2-7 grouped or loosely-connected facets, and without reticulate structure…..8
8 Marginal sclerites of meso- and metathorax each with a single wax pore plate comprising a compact group of 4-7 facets (fig. 16G)…..Adelges joshii
Marginal sclerites of meso- and metathorax each containing 2 distinct wax pore plates, each usually with 4 facets (fig. 16H)…..Adelges todomatsui
Abroma (including Ambroma)Malvaceae
Abroma augusta Aphis gossypii
Abrus precatorius [Aphis sp. (Leonard 1968, 269)]; Aulacorthum solani
Abutilon (including Corynabutilon, Pseudabutilon) Malvaceae
Abutilon abutiloides Aphis craccivora
A. americanum = A. abutiloides
A. arboreumMyzus persicae
A. avicennae = A. theophrasti
A. darwiniiAphis fabae, gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. ×hybridumAulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. indicumAphis gossypii, umbrella; Brachyunguis calotropicus;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
A. mauritianumAphis craccivora, gossypii
A. megapotamicum Aphis cordubensis; Myzus persicae
A. pictumMyzus persicae
A. ramosumAphis gossypii
A. striatum = A. pictum
A. theophrastiAcyrthosiphon gossypii; Aphis fabae, gossypii;
Myzus persicae
A. umbellatumAphis craccivora, spiraecola
A. vitifoliumMacrosiphum euphorbiae
Abutilon spp.Brachycaudus helichrysi

Key to aphids on Abutilon:-

1ANT PT/BASE a little less than 1. SIPH only 0.33-0.40 × cauda ……Brachyunguis calotropicus
ANT PT/BASE much more than 1. SIPH more than 0.6 × longer than cauda …..2
2ANT tubercles absent or poorly developed. Marginal tubercles (MTu) often present on ABD TERG 2-6 as well as 1 and 7…..3
Either ANT tubercles well developed or MTu only sporadically on ABD TERG 2-6…..4
3SIPH 1.5-2.1 × cauda, pale or only slightly dusky towards apices …..Aphis umbrella
SIPH dark and 0.7-0.9 × cauda…..Aphis cordubensis*
4 SIPH very long and thin, 2.5-3.5 × cauda and 0.33-0.5 × BL …..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
SIPH (if present) less than 2.5 × cauda and less than 0.33 × BL …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Acacia spp. Aphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, nasturtii, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus cymbalariae, ornatus, persicae

[One or more of the above polyphagous aphid species have been recorded from each of the following Acacia spp.; alata, albida, arabica, ataxcantha, farnesiana, jonesii, karroo, longifolia, murrayana, pennata, plumosa, rotundifolia, saligna, scorpioides, visite.]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Acaena anserinifolia Acyrthosiphon malvae group
A. glabraMacrosiphum euphorbiae
A. macropodaMacrosiphum euphorbiae
A. macrostemon = A. magellanica
A. magellanicaAcyrthosiphon malvae group; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ascalonicus
A. microphyllaAcyrthosiphon malvae group; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. myriophyllaAcyrthosiphon malvae group
A. novae-zelandiae Acyrthosiphon malvae group; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. ovinaAphis acaenovinae
A. sanguisorbaeMacrosiphum euphorbiae
A. splendensAphis acaenaevora;
[Cryptomyzus michaelseni (Schouteden 1904)];
Pentamyzus acaenae
Acaena sp. [Jacksonia papillata]

Key to aphids on Acaena:-

1 ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of front of head in dorsal view. ANT length much less than BL, with PT shorter than head width across (and including) eyes…..2
ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces divergent in dorsal view. ANT length at least 0.9 × BL, with PT as long as or longer than head width across eyes …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2 SIPH and cauda pale. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu) …..3
SIPH and cauda dark. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with well-developed MTu…..4
3 ANT 6-segmented. SIPH short, conical. Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
ANT 5-segmented. SIPH clavate. Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width…..Pentamyzus acaenae
4 SIPH 0.20-0.25 × BL and 1.7-2.0 × cauda. ABD TERG 2-4 more usually without MTu …..Aphis acaenovinae
SIPH 0.11-0.16 × BL and 1.0-1.3 × cauda. ABD TERG 2-4, and often also 5 and 6, with MTu …..Aphis acaenaevora
Acalypha spp.Aphis aurantii, craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Prociphilus erigeronensis

[One or more of the above polyphagous aphid species have been recorded from each of the following Acalypha spp.; alopecuroides, aristata, australis, boehmeroides, capillipes, ciliata, godseffiana, havanensis, hispida, ornata, segetalis, villicaulis, virginica, wilkesiana.]

Use the key to polyphagous aphids.

Acampe sp. Cerataphis ochidearum
Acantholimon aulieatense Aphis craccivora
A. erinaceumXerobion eteriae
A. festucaceumXerobion eteriae
A. pamiricum[Chaetosiphella stipae (as pamirica)]

Key to aphids on Acantholimon:-

ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH very short, conical/volcano-shaped. Cauda shorter than its basal width. Dorsal abdomen with minimal sclerotisation…..Xerobion eteriae
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. SIPH tubular, tapering. Cauda finger-like. Dorsal abdomen with extensive dark sclerotisation…..Aphis craccivora
Acanthopanax see Eleutherococcus Araliaceae
Acanthophyllum sp. Aphidura acanthophylli
Acanthospermum australe Uroleucon ambrosiae
A. hispidumAphis craccivora, gossypii;
Uroleucon ambrosiae, compositae
A. humileUroleucon ambrosiae
Acanthospermum sp. Acyrthosiphon bidenticola

Key to aphids on Acanthospermum:-

1 ANT tubercles poorly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu) ……2
ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces divergent. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu……3
2 Dorsal abdomen with a solid black patch. Cauda black……Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen unpigmented. Cauda pale or dusky……Aphis gossypii
3 SIPH pale basally, slender, 20-35 × longer than diameter at midlength, and with any polygonal reticulation extending for less than 0.1 of length …..Acyrthosiphon bidenticola
SIPH uniformly dark, thicker, 6-12 × diameter at midlength, with a distal zone of reticulation consisting of numerous polygonal cells on 0.25-0.35 of length…..4
4 Coxae and cauda black……Uroleucon compositae
Coxae and cauda pale……Uroleucon ambrosiae
Acanthus ilicifolius Aphis gossypii; [Greenidea heeri]
A. lusitanicus = A. mollis
A. mollisAulacorthum solani; [Hyperomyzus lactucae];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus
A. pubescensAphis gossypii; Myzus ornatus
Acanthus sp.Aphis fabae; Uroleucon compositae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Acca sellowianaAphis gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Acer Maples and Sycamores Aceraceae

There are several aphid genera which are virtually specific to Acer, and within these genera there is a high degree of monophagy, although a few species are able to colonise several Acer species.

The first key takes adult aphid specimens colonising any Acer to species, with the exception of the two largest genera, Periphyllus (35 spp.) and Drepanaphis (20 spp.). The species of Acer are then listed in alphabetical order, with a list of the aphids recorded from them followed by keys, where necessary, to the species of Periphyllus and/or Drepanaphis.

Finally, a key is given to Periphyllus spp. described from unidentified species of Acer, together with the seven most polyphagous (oligophagous) species of this genus (acericola, bulgaricus, californiensis, kuwanaii, lyropictus, testudinaceus and villosii).

To identify an Acer-feeding aphid, use the main key first, then if you know the species of Acer refer to the alphabetical list to see whether your answer is appropriate, using the subsidiary keys to Periphyllus and Drepanaphis if necessary. If you have a species of Periphyllus from an unidentified Acer, or one that does not appear in the alphabetical list, use the final key. The final key may also help if your Periphyllus does not seem to be one of those previously recorded from your species of Acer.

Except where otherwise stated, all the keys can be applied to both apterous and alate viviparous females, but are unlikely to work for fundatrices, oviparae and males.

Main Key

1 PT short and stump-like, if finger-like then PT/BASE no more than 0.5…..2
ANT PT/BASE clearly more than 0.5…..17
2 SIPH pores placed at apices of broad, pigmented, hairy cones (e..g. fig. 17) …..3
SIPH absent, or present as small pores not placed on pigmented, hairy cones …..9
3 Rostrum short, less than one quarter of body length…..Longistigma caryae
Rostrum longer than body…..4
4ANT V longer than ANT VI (incl. PT). HT II less than 1.6 × longer than segment II of middle tarsus…..5
ANT V shorter than ANT VI (incl. PT). HT II more than 1.9 × longer than segment II of middle tarsus…..8
5 HT II less than 1.4 × longer than segment II of middle tarsus…..6
HT II more than 1.4 × longer than segment II of middle tarsus…..7
6ANT III of aptera 0.76-0.97 mm long, 2.6-3.4 × longer than ANT VI and bearing 14-34 rhinaria along its entire length…..Stomaphis acquerinoi
ANT III of aptera 0.57-0.83 mm long, 1.8-2.5 × longer than ANT VI and bearing 0-13 rhinaria on its distal half…..Stomaphis graffii
7Total antennal length 1.8-2.0 mm. ANT III 0.56-0.66 mm long with 3-9 rhinaria on its distal half. Labrum bearing more than 20 hairs on its elongated part over almost the entire length …..Stomaphis longirostris
Total antennal length 2.0-2.6 mm. ANT III 0.64-0.84 mm long with 6-21 rhinaria on its entire length. Labrum bearing 0-7 hairs on basal half of its elongated part…..Stomaphis knechteli
8HT II 1.9-2.1 × longer than segment II of middle tarsus. ANT V 0.74-0.79 × ANT VI (incl. PT)…..Stomaphis aceris
HT II 2.5-2.7 × longer than segment II of middle tarsus. ANT V 0.71-0.72 × ANT VI (incl. PT)…..Stomaphis takahashii
9 Apterae or spring migrant alatae…..10
Alate sexuparae on twigs or bark in autumn…..13
10 Antennae of apterae 5- or 6-segmented, about 0.33× BL. Spring migrant alatae with rather small, oval secondary rhinaria confined to basal 0.7 of ANT III (fig.18A) …..Neoprociphilus aceris
Antennae of apterae 5-segmented, less than 0.25× BL. Spring migrant alatae with transversely elongate secondary rhinaria extending at least over ANT III to V …..11
11ANT III of aptera (= fundatrix) 1.2-1.9× ANT V(including PT). ANT VI of spring migrant alata without secondary rhinaria (except those associated with primary rhinarium) (fig. 18B)…..Mimeuria ulmiphila
ANT III of aptera (= fundatrix) 1.0-1.1× ANT V. ANT VI of spring migrant alata with or without secondary rhinaria…..12
12ANT VI of spring migrant alata with 4-6 secondary rhinaria (fig. 18C) …..Prociphilus tessellatus
ANT VI of spring migrant alata with 0-1 secondary rhinaria …..Prociphilus mexicanus
13BL 1.1-2.0 mm. ANT PT minute, 4-8 µm long. ANT PT/BASE 0.03-0.06. HT II 0.11-0.16 mm, 1.1-1.3× R IV+V…..Mimeuria ulmiphila
BL 2.8-5.3 mm. ANT PT 25-60 µm long. ANT PT/BASE 0.10-019. HT II 0.2-0.4 mm, 1.4-2.5× R IV+V…..14
14 Secondary rhinaria distributed III 14-21, IV 6-10, V 2-10, VI 0. R IV+V 0.13-0.16 mm, 0.6-0.7× HT II. ANT VI BASE with 17-25 hairs. R IV+V without accessory hairs. Cauda with 3-4 hairs. First tarsal segments with 3-4 hairs…..Neoprociphilus aceris
Secondary rhinaria distributed III 6-14, IV 2-5, V 1-5, VI 0-5. R IV+V 0.15-0.21 mm long. ANT VI BASE with 2-19 hairs. R IV+V with 2-13 accessory hairs. Cauda with 2-25 hairs. First tarsal segments with (4-)5-7 hairs…..15
15 Secondary rhinaria narrowly transverse oval, with 1-5 on base of ANT VI (III 6-14, IV 2-5, V 2-5, VI base 1-5). Cauda with 20-25 hairs. R IV with 8-13 hairs. ANT VI base with 2-10 hairs….. Prociphilus tessellatus
Secondary rhinaria elongate oval to oval, absent from base of ANT VI. Cauda with 2 hairs. R IV with 2-5 hairs. ANT VI base with 7-19 hairs…..16
16ANT VI base with 7-9 hairs. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 8-12, IV 3-5, V 3-5….. Prociphilus baicalensis
ANT VI base with 14-19 hairs. Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 6-9, IV 1-3, V 0-3…..Prociphilus mexicanus
17SIPH generally stump-shaped, those of aptera with an apical zone of polygonal reticulation, and those of alata generally with more extensive reticulation. Antennal hairs usually long and conspicuous, mostly much longer than diameter of segment from which they arise (except in one N American species on A. glabrum and one E Asian species on A. rufinerve). Alatae never with dark markings on wings…..Periphyllus spp. (see separate keys)
SIPH of various shapes, those of apterae without polygonal reticulation, or if with reticulation then they are tubular and the adults are all alatae and usually have dark markings on wings. Antennal hairs of various lengths, often shorter than or not much longer than the width of the segment from which they arise…..18
18 Hairs on front of head and sides of abdomen modified as flattened leaf-like lamellae (fig. 19A). (Very small insects, BL less than 1 mm) …..aestivating first instars of Periphyllus spp. (or Trichaitophorus spp.)
Hairs not thus modified…..19
19Front of head and at least the sides of the abdomen with long hairs, those on front of head exceeding length of ANT I…..20
Dorsal hairs generally short, or if spinal and/or marginal hairs are long then hairs on front of head are not longer than ANT I…..30
20SIPH longer than basal width in both apterae and alatae, conspicuously flared at apices (e.g. fig. 19B) …..21
SIPH of apterae very short, usually shorter than basal width and not or hardly flared at apices…..23
21ANT PT/BASE less than 3.0. Longest hairs on ANT III usually less than 2 × basal diameter of segment. R IV+V usually with 4 accessory hairs …..Drepanosiphoniella aceris
ANT PT/BASE more than 3.0. Hairs on ANT III varying greatly in length, the longest of them often 3-5 × basal diameter of segment. R IV+V with up to 8 accessory hairs …..22
22 SIPH dark. Cauda knobbed. ANT 1.06-1.19 × BL. Alata with dark pterostigma…..Drepanosiphoniella fugans
SIPH pale. Cauda helmet-shaped, with little or no constriction. ANT 0.90-1.07 × BL. Alata with pale pterostigma…..Drepanosiphoniella remaudierei*
23Apterae with spino-pleural hairs on abdomen as long and thick as marginal hairs, and at least some of them with flattened or expanded apices…..24
Apterae with spino-pleural abdominal hairs often minute, sometimes long, but always with finely pointed apices…..25
24Abdominal tergites I-VII each with 1 or 2 spino-pleural and 2 marginal shorter hairs with flattened apices, besides 1 pair of spinal and 1 pair of marginal long and thick hairs. R IV+V without accessory hairs. Marginal hairs of embryos are long, thick and acute, but the spinal hairs are very short or indiscernible…..Yamatochaitophorus albus
Abdominal tergites I-VII each with 3–10 spino-pleural (one occasionally), and 1–5 pairs of marginal shorter hairs with flattened apices, besides 1 pair of spinal and 1 pair of marginal long and thick hairs. R IV+V with 1 or 2 accessory hairs. In embryos, dorsal body with long, thick and acute spinal hairs, similar in shape to marginal hairs…..Yamatochaitophorus yichuenensis
25Antennae of apterae 5- or 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE more than 2.0 …..Trichaitophorus recurvispinus
Antennae of aptera 4-, 5- or 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE less than 2.0 …..26
26SIPH black. Marginal hairs lanceolate; dilated in middle, with pointed apices (fig. 20A)…..Trichaitophorus aceris
SIPH pale or dark. Marginal hairs tapering or cylindrical, pointed, rounded or blunt at their apices (e.g fig. 20B, C)…..27
27Mesonotum with only one long (posterior) marginal hair on each side (e.g.fig.20B)…..28
Mesonotum with 2 pairs of long marginal hairs (fig 20C)…..29
28Body elongate oval, about twice as long as wide in dorsal view…..Trichaitophorus japonicus
Body broadly oval, about 1.5-1.8 × as long as wide in dorsal view…..Trichatophorus kominecola
29ANT III only about 2 × as long as ANT IV. ANT PT/BASE c.0.90-1.15. ABD TERG 1-5 with one long marginal hair on each side…..Trichaitophorus aenigmatosus*
ANT III 2.5-3.0 × longer than ANT IV. ANT PT/BASE 1.2-2.2. ABD TERG 1-5 usually with 2-3 marginal hairs (1 long, 1-2 much shorter) on each side …..Trichaitophorus koyaensis
30SIPH truncate, distinctly shorter than their basal width. ABD TERG 8 with a pair of very long thick hairs, other dorsal hairs being short, thick and blunt …..Trichaitophorus ginnalarus*
SIPH of various shapes but longer than their basal width. ABD TERG 8 without a pair of very long hairs and other dorsal hairs not thick and blunt…..31
31Adult viviparous females all alate (sometimes brachypterous). Cauda shorter than its width at base or, if longer, then with a clear constriction and a knobbed apex…..32
Adult viviparae apterous or alate. Cauda never with a knobbed apex and usually longer than its basal width…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
32SIPH tubular, more than 4 times longer than their basal width, cylindrical, tapering or slightly swollen in middle, without reticulated apices…..33
SIPH usually flask-shaped, conical or tapering, usually less than 4 times their basal width or, if longer, then with some apical reticulation…..41
33Forewing with a dusky patch at tip between ends of Rs and M1 (fig. 21A) …..Drepanosiphum aceris
Forewing sometimes with dusky spots at ends of veins, but not with pigment extending between vein endings…..34
34 SIPH tapering gradually from base to apex, rarely with any discernible swelling. Pterostigma of forewing with a characteristically shaped dark band, thickened near its proximal end (fig. 21B). ANT III with less than 12 rhinaria…..Drepanosiphum braggii
SIPH with at least a slight swelling of middle region. Pterostigma of forewing pale, or with either a uniformly thin dark band or a dark distal patch. ANT III usually with more than 12 rhinaria…..35
35Dorsal abdomen with two broad, dark, transverse bands on segments 4 and 5, that on segment 5 extending laterally to almost touch the marginal sclerites in front of the SIPH (fig. 22A). Pterostigma with a small dark patch at its distal extremity. Often brachypterous or with short wings…..Drepanosiphum dixoni
Dorsal abdomen either without transverse bars or with more, shorter, bars not extending to marginal sclerites. Pterostigma without any distinct small dark patch. Always fully winged …..36
36 Fore femora more than 1.5× thicker than mid- and hind femora…..37
Fore femora less than 1.5× thicker than mid- and hind femora, sometimes with a dark ventral stripe but this never very conspicuous. ANT III pale or dusky at base…..38
37Fore femora with a very distinct broad black longitudinal ventral stripe (fig. 22C). ANT III with a short black contrasting section near base, as dark as the apex of the segment. R IV+V 0.5-0.8 × HT II…..Drepanosiphum oregonensis
Fore femora without a broad black longitudinal ventral stripe. ANT III uniformly pale. R IV+V 0.8-1.3 × HT II…..Drepanosiphum latifemorum*
38PT less than 0.7 ×ANT III, PT/BASE 6.0-7.0. R IV+V at least 0.14 mm.BL 3.1-4.3 mm. With or without a black patch in front of each SIPH…..39
PT more than 0.7× ANT III, PT/BASE 7.5-12.0. R IV+V less than 0.14 mm. BL 2.1-3.3 mm. With a black patch in front of each SIPH…..40
39Either with no dorsal or marginal abdominal markings (spring/summer) or with a series of brown-black transverse dorsal bars and marginal sclerites including a large black ante-siphuncular sclerite (autumn)…..Drepanosiphum platanoidis
Always with a single black sclerite just in front of each SIPH, even in specimens without dorsal abdominal bars (fig. 22B)…..Drepanosiphum iranicum
40SIPH with conspicuously dark tips, even in very pale specimens, and often wholly dusky or dark. ANT III with 9-15 rhinaria…..Drepanosiphum acerinum
SIPH usually pale, without conspicuously dark tips. ANT III with 15-26 rhinaria …..Drepanosiphum caucasicum
41SIPH without any reticulation at apices. Forewings either clear or with pigment only along wing veins…..42
SIPH with subapical reticulation. Forewings often with areas of dark pigment extending between wing veins, or at least between Rs and media…..43
42SIPH truncate, not swollen on basal half and with a very small flange (fig. 22D ). Abdomen with only small dorsal processes. Primary rhinarium on ANT VI without a medium-sized secondary rhinarium proximal to it…..Shenahweum minutum
SIPH flask-shaped, with swollen base, narrow “neck” and well-developed apical flange (fig. 22E). Abdomen usually with conspicuous pigmented dorsal processes. Primary rhinarium on ANT VI with a medium-sized secondary rhinarium proximal to it, and usually another distal to it …..Drepanaphis spp. (see separate keys)
43SIPH more than 0.6 mm long…..44
SIPH less than 0.5 mm long…..48
44Among accessory rhinaria on antennal segment VI, two are placed distally and proximally away from the primary rhinarium, the rest are placed near the primary rhinarium; secondary rhinaria circular or slightly oval…..Megalosiphonaphis nigrostriata
Antennal segment VI with some accessory rhinaria, all of which are placed near the primary rhinarium; secondary rhinaria elliptical in shape…..45
45 ANT PT/BASE less than 1.5…..Yamatocallis sauteri
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.6…..46
46Forewing with Rs and distal branches of M heavily bordered with black, and cubital veins dark for most of length (fig. 22F). ANT III with 12-21(rarely up to 26) rhinaria…..Yamatocallis takagii
Forewing if with pigmentation then this is more evenly distributed, not concentrated along Rs. Cubital veins not dark. ANT III with 14-36 rhinaria …..47
47ANT III with 29-36 secondary rhinaria. Primary rhinarium on ANT V very large…..Yamatocallis acericola
ANT III with 14-28 secondary rhinaria. Primary rhinarium on ANT V of normal size, about equal in diameter to base of ANT V…..Yamatocallis brevicauda
48 Wing membrane pale, except at bases of veins, or with only dusky patches distally near RS and M….49
Wing membrane with dark pigmentation extending between wing veins (figs 22G, H) …..50
49R IV+V shorter than (c. 0.7×) HT II and bearing 4-5 accessory hairs. SIPH with reticulation extending almost over distal half of length…..Yamatocallis obscura*
R IV+V c. 1.5× HT II and bearing c. 20 accessory hairs. SIPH with only 2-3 subapical rows of polygonal cells…..Yamatocallis acerisucta*
50SIPH wholly dark brown to black. ANT III with secondary rhinaria arranged irregularly, not in a single row…..Yamatocallis nikkoensis*
SIPH pale brown. ANT III with secondary rhinaria in a single row….51
51Forewing mostly pigmented, except for hind margin (fig. 22H). ANT III 2.4-3.1× base of ANT VI …..Yamatocallis tokyoensis
Forewing pigmented on anterior half only (fig. 22G). ANT III 3.2-5.6 times base of ANT VI…..Yamatocallis hirayamae

Species List:-

Acer acuminatum = A.caudatum
A. amoenum = A. palmatum
A. atlanticaDrepanosiphoniella aceris
A. barbatumDrepanaphis carolinensis; Periphyllus americanus
A. buergerianumTrident Maple
Periphyllus acerihabitans, californiensis, testudinaceus;
Yamatocallis hirayamae, tokyoensis, Yamatocallis sp.

Key to Periphyllus species:-

Dorsum without any dark markings…..acerihabitans
Dorsum with a pattern of dark markings…..californiensis
A. caesiumIndian Maple
Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus aceriphaga, caesium, changlai,
vandenboschi, villosii;
Trichaitophorus aceris; Yamatochaitophorus albus

Key to Periphyllus species (apterae) on A. caesium:-

1 Apterae elongate oval, BL 3.2-3.9 mm. SIPH pale. Cauda constricted at base …..2
Apterae oval, BL 2.3-2.7 mm. SIPH dark. Cauda not constricted at base …..3
2R IV+V 0.21-0.24 mm. Cauda with 16-29 hairs. SIPH 1.3-1.5× longer than their basal widths…..changlai
R IV+V (0.15-) 0.18-0.19 mm. Cauda with 8-10 hairs. SIPH 2.3-3.4× longer than their basal widths…..villosii
3 SIPH more than 1.5 × HT II…..caesium
SIPH 0.6-1.3 × HT II…..4
4 SIPH contrastingly dark and with only subapical reticulation. Both hairs on ANT VI BASE are long and of similar length; the longer hair not more than 1.5 × the length of the shorter hair…..vandenboschi
SIPH dusky/dark and with reticulation over about half of length. The longer of the 2 hairs on ANT VI BASE 1.8-4.0 × the length of the shorter hair…..aceriphaga
A. campestreHedge Maple
Aphis [aceriella Theobald (= A. viburni?)],
craccivora, fabae;
Aulacorthum solani;
[Chaitophorus flavissimus Mamontova 1979];
[Drepanosiphoniella fugans];
Drepanosiphum acerinum, aceris, dixoni, oregonensis,
Mimeuria ulmiphila;
Periphyllus acericola, aceris, bulgaricus,
californiensis, hirticornis, [lyropictus], minutus,
obscurus, testudinaceus, venetianus, villosii;
Stomaphis graffii, knechteli, longirostris

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. campestre:-

1 Cauda broadly rounded (crescent-shaped), less than half as long as basal width (fig. 23A). ANT PT/BASE of aptera 2.0-3.6 (of alata, 1.9-4.1) …..2
Cauda broadly tongue-shaped or with a constriction near base, more than half as long as its basal width (fig. 23B-D ). ANT PT/BASE of aptera 3.2-6.9 (of alata, 3.7-6.7) …..7
2 Hind tibiae uniformly pale…..3
Hind tibiae at least pigmented at base and apex…..6
3 Apterae with at least some of dorsal hairs dusky or black, even in the palest specimens. Dorsal pigmentation of apterae variable, but darkest specimens have dark head and segmental cross-bands ..4
Apterae with dorsal hairs pale, and dorsal pigmentation often lacking, never very dark, nor extensive…..5
4 ABD TERG 1-6 with only one pair of long dark spinal hairs per segment. ANT PT/BASE c. 1.2 …..minutus
ABD TERG 1-6 with at least 3 pairs of long dark spino-pleural hairs per segment. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.9 …..bulgaricus
5Cauda with not more than 20 hairs. Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI in aptera 2.25-3.5 × longer, in alata 2.5-3.0 × longer, than the shorter one; the latter 20-40 μm long and not reaching beyond primary rhinarium…..acericola
Cauda with more than 20 hairs. Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI in aptera 1.4-3.2 × longer, in alata 1.4-2.4 × longer, than the shorter one; the latter 25-100 μm long and reaching beyond primary rhinarium…..aceris
6 Hind tibiae uniformly dark…..californiensis
Hind tibiae with pale middle region, contrasting with dark base and distal section…..testudinaceus
7The 2 hairs on base of ANT VI very unequal in length, the longer one more than 4 × as long as the shorter one, which is less than half length of base of ANT VI (including primary rhinarial complex) (e.g. fig. 24A)…..8
The 2 hairs on base of ANT VI both long and fine, the longer one 1.3-3.0× the shorter, which is more than half length of base of ANT VI (e.g. fig. 24B)…..9
8 Length of the shorter of the 2 hairs on base of ANT VI less than basal diameter of segment. Apterae with long hairs on antennae, legs and dorsum all blunt or slightly expanded at their apices, and with SIPH at least 1.5 × longer than their basal widths (fig. 25A) …..hirticornis
Length of the shorter of the 2 hairs on base of ANT VI greater than basal diameter of segment. Apterae with long hairs on antennae, legs and dorsum all fine-pointed, and with SIPH about as long as or only a little longer than their basal widths (fig. 25B) …..venetianus
9 SIPH pale or only slightly dusky, 2.3-3.4 × longer than their basal widths …..villosii
SIPH dark and only about as long as their basal widths…..obscurus
A. capillipes Trichaitophorus koyaensis
A. cappadocicum Drepanosiphum iranicum;
Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. carpinifolium Periphyllus californiensis; Yamatocallis acericola
A. caudatumPeriphyllus aceriphaga, garhwalensis, villosii;
Trichaitophorus aceris, ?recurvispinus;
Yamatochaitophorus albus

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. caudatum:-

1 Cauda not constricted at base…..aceriphaga
Cauda constricted at base…..2
2 SIPH of alata dark and conical, about as long as its basal width (aptera not known) …..garhwalensis
SIPH of alata (and aptera) pale, almost cylindrical, more than 2× longer than basal width…..villosii
A. cinerascens see A. monspessulanum
A. circinatumVine Maple
Drepanosiphum oregonensis;
Periphyllus californiensis, lyropictus, testudinaceus

(Use general key to Periphyllus spp.)

A. crataegifolium Trichaitophorus koyaensis
A. davidii ssp. grosseri Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. diabolicumYamatocallis hirayamae, tokyoensis
A. floridanum = A. barbatum
A. formosumPeriphyllus californiensis
A. fraxinifolium = A. negundo
A. ginnalaAmur Maple
Aphis gossypii; Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus aceris, ginnalae, [kuwanaii],
minutus, [takahashii], testudinaceus;
Trichaitophorus ginnalarus

Key to Periphyllus species on A. ginnala:-

1 Legs wholly pale…..2
Legs wholly or partly pigmented…..3
2 SIPH of aptera a little shorter than their basal width, with only 1-2 indistinct rows of polygonal cells…..minutus
SIPH of aptera a little longer than their basal width with about 6-7 rows of polygonal cells…..aceris
3 ANT PT/BASE more than 2.5. Aptera with a pattern of discrete sclerites on dorsum…..testudinaceus
ANT PT/BASE less than 1.5. Aptera with broad dark bands across all abdominal tergites, merging intersegmentally…..ginnalae
A. glabrumRocky Mountain Maple
Periphyllus americanus, brevispinosus

Key to Periphyllus species on A. glabrum:-

Longest hairs on antennae more than 2.5 × basal diameter of ANT III. ANT PT/BASE more than 2.0…..americanus
Longest hairs on antennae only a little longer than basal diameter of ANT III. ANT PT/BASE less than 2.0…..brevispinosus
A. granatenseDrepanosiphum oregonensis;
Periphyllus acericola, bulgaricus, testudinaceus

Use key to Periphyllus spp. on A. campestre.

A. grandidentatumWestern Big-toothed Maple
Drepanaphis granovskyi, idahoensis, knowltoni,
Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus americanus, testudinaceus

Key to Drepanaphis spp. on A. grandidentatum:-

1 Fore femora pigmented along their entire lengths, especially dorsally. Dorsal tubercles on ABD TERG 3 well developed, pigmented, united for about half their lengths; those on ABD TERG 1 undeveloped and those on ABD TERG 2 small (fig. 26A) …..knowltoni
Fore femora pale, or dusky at their distal ends only. Dorsal abdominal tubercles variably developed…..2
2 ANT PT/BASE more than 8.0. Dorsal abdominal tubercles all pigmented, those on ABD TERG 3 well developed, dark, united for about half their lengths; those on ABD TERG 2 conical, about one third as long; those on ABD TERG 1 small (fig. 26B) …..idahoensis
ANT PT/BASE less than 7.0…..3
3 Dorsal tubercles on ABD TERG 3 bluntly conical, united at bases, usually pigmented; those on ABD TERG 1 and 2 undeveloped or small. ANT PT/BASE 6.0-7.0 (fig. 26C)…..utahensis
Tubercles on ABD TERG 1, 2 and 3 all small, only 0.5-2.0 × their basal widths, not united at bases, always pale (fig. 26D). ANT PT/BASE 5.0-6.0…..granovskyi
A. griseumPaperbark Maple
Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus [acericola], testudinaceus
A. heldreichiiDrepanosiphum platanoidis; [Periphyllus acericola]
A. hermoneum = A. monspessulanum ssp. microphyllum
A. hyrcanumDrepanosiphum oregonensis;
Periphyllus bulgaricus, testudinaceus
A. ibericumDrepanosiphoniella aceris ssp. caucasica;
Drepanosipum acerinum;
Periphyllus aceris, bulgaricus
A. insigne = A. velutinum
A. japonicumFullmoon Maple
Periphyllus californiensis;
Yamatocallis hirayamae, tokyoensis
A. laevigatumChinese Maple, Dieng-than
[Periphyllus sp.]
A. laxiflorumDrepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. macrophyllumBig-leaf Maple, Broad-leaf Maple
Drepanosiphum oregonensis;
Periphyllus californiensis, lyropictus, testudinaceus
A. mandshuricumPeriphyllus mandshuricus
A. maximowiczianum = A. nikkoenseMegalosiphonaphis nigrostriata
A. mayriiPeriphyllus kuwanaii
A. micranthum Trichaitophorus kominecola
A. miyabeiMiyabei Maple
Periphyllus californiensis, hokkaidensis;
Stomaphis takahashii; Yamatocallis takagii

(see key to Periphyllus spp. on A. pictum)

A. mono = A. pictum
A. monspessulanumMontpellier Maple
(incl. sspp. cinerascens, Drepanosiphoniella aceris, fugans, remaudierei;
ibericum, microphyllum) Drepanosiphum acerinum, latifemorum, oregonensis,
Periphyllus [acericola], [aceris], bulgaricus,
hirticornis, rhenanus, testudinaceus

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. monspessulanum:-

1 Hind tibiae with middle part much paler than base or distal section, and hind femora with pale basal half and contrastingly dark distal half. Longer of the 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI 21-47 µm long. SIPH of both aptera and alata dark…..testudinaceus
Legs without contrasting pigmentation. Longer of 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI 45-130 µm long. SIPH of aptera pale…..2
2 ANT PT/BASE more than 4.0. Aptera with most of the long dorsal hairs pale, blunt or slightly furcate at their apices…..hirticornis
ANT PT/BASE less than 3.5. Long dorsal hairs all fine-pointed, and at least those on ABD TERG 5-8 are dark-pigmented…..3
3 Aptera with long spinal hairs on ABD TERG 5-8 (or 4-8) much darker than spinal hairs on more anterior tergites. Longer of 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI 0.8-1.3 × length of ANT BASE VI, and shorter hair 0.25-0.47 × BASE VI…..rhenanus
Aptera with long spinal hairs similarly pigmented on all ABD TERG. Longer of 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI 0.3-0.8 × length of BASE VI, and shorter hair 0.12-0.27 × BASE VI …..bulgaricus
A. negundoBox-Elder
Aphis spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Drepanosiphum braggii, platanoidis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Prociphilus (Paraprociphilus) mexicanus;
Periphyllus [acericola], californiensis, [hirticornis],
[kuwanaii], [lyropictus], negundinis, [nevskyii],
[Stomaphis longirostris?]

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. negundo:-

1 Tibiae with middle part much paler than base or distal section …..testudinaceus
Tibiae rather uniformly pigmented, dusky or dark…..2
2 Aptera and alata both with a clear pattern of dorsal dark markings, the alata with broad transverse bars and the aptera with either bars or paired spots. Longest hair on base of ANT VI usually more than half as long as base of ANT VI. Alata with 10-23 rhinaria on ANT III…..californiensis
Aptera and alata with only faint dorsal abdominal markings. Longest hair on base of ANT VI always less than half as long as base of ANT VI. Alata with 3-10 rhinaria on ANT III…..negundinis
A. nigrumBlack Maple, Hard Maple
Drepanaphis carolinensis, kanzensis, knowltoni
(all vagrants?)

Key to Drepanaphis spp. on A. nigrum:-

1 Fore femora pale…..kanzensis
Fore femora pigmented along entire length, especially dorsally…..2
2 ANT PT/BASE more than 8.0. Tubercles on ABD TERG 3 finger-like, united for more than half their lengths; those on ABD TERG 2 and 4 very small, those on ABD TERG 1 undeveloped (fig. 26A)…..knowltoni
ANT PT/BASE less than 7.0. Tubercles on ABD TERG 3 conical, united only at base; those on ABD TERG 1, 2 and 4 half as long, subequal, finger-like (fig. 26E) …..carolinensis
A. nipponicum Yamatocallis hirayamae
A. nuttalliiMyzus persicae; Periphyllus sp. [negundinis?]
A. oblongumDrepanosiphum oregonensis, platanoidis;
Periphyllus californiensis, pakistanicus, testudinaceus,

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. oblongum:-

1Cauda semicircular. Dorsal abdomen of aptera with only small scleroites at bases of hairs…..pakistanicus
Cauda broadly rounded (crescent-shaped). Dorsal abdomen of aptera either without sclerotisation or with either cross-bands or longitudinal rows of spinal sclerites each having two hairs…..2
2 Dorsal abdomen of aptera without dark sclerites. SIPH short and very dark, only 0.7-0.8 × HT II…..vandenboschi
Dorsal abdomen of aptera either cross-bands or longitudinal rows of spinal sclerites each having two hairs. SIPH as long as or longer than HT II…..3
3 Hind femur mostly dark except at base. Hind tibiae uniformly dark. Longest hair on base of ANT VI usually more than half as long as base of ANT VI…..californiensis
Hind femur with pale basal half and contrastingly dark distal half. Hind tibiae with pale middle region, contrasting with dark base and distal section. Longer of the two hairs on base of ANT VI always less than 0.5 × length of base of ANT VI (fig. 24C) …..testudinaceus
A. obtusatumDrepanosiphum acerinum, platanoidis;
Periphyllus rhenanus
A. okomatoanum Periphyllus kuwanii
A. oliverianum Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. opalusItalian Maple
Drepanosiphum acerinum, oregonensis, platanoidis;
Periphyllus aceris, bulgaricus, testudinaceus,
[Phyllaphis fagi]

(See key to Periphyllus spp. on A. monspessulanum)

A. opulifolium = A. opalus
A. orientaleDrepanosiphum platanoidis; Periphyllus rhenanus
A. palmatumJapanese Maple
Periphyllus [aceris], californiensis, [ginnalae],
testudinaceus, unmoonsanensis;
Stomaphis takahashii;
Yamatocallis hirayamae, tokyoensis

Key to Periphyllus species:-

Dorsum without any dark markings….. unmoonsanensis
Dorsum with a pattern of dark markings …..go to general key to Periphyllus spp.
A. pensylvanicumStriped Maple, Moosewood
Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. pictumJapanese or Painted Maple, Itaya-kaede
Aphis gossypii;
Periphyllus [acericola], [aceris], brevisetosus,
californiensis, [diacerivorus], [ginnalae],
hokkaidensis, kuwanaii, [lyropictus], viridis,
[viridis ssp. osugiensis];
Stomaphis takahashii; Trichaitophorus aceris;
Yamatocallis hirayamae, takagii; Yamatochaitophorus albus
Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. pictum:-
1 ANT PT/BASE more than 3.0. Dorsum of aptera pale…..viridis
ANT PT/BASE less than 3.0. Dorsum of aptera with dark transverse bars or paired sclerites …..2
2 Hind tibiae of aptera uniformly dark. Head with 4-5 pairs of dorsal hairs …..californiensis
Hind tibiae of aptera at least with central section paler. Head with 6-10 pairs of dorsal hairs…..3
3 ANT PT/BASE more than 2.0…..kuwanaii
ANT PT/BASE less than 2.0…..4
4 Longest dorsal cephalic hair 4-4.5 × basal diameter of ANT III …..hokkaidensis*
Longest dorsal cephalic hair about 2.7 × basal diameter of ANT III …..brevisetosus*
A. platanoidesNorway Maple
Drepanaphis acerifoliae;
Drepanosiphum [acerinum], [aceris], platanoidis;
Mimeuria ulmiphila;
Periphyllus [acericola], aceris, californiensis,
coracinus, [kuwanaii], lyropictus, testudinaceus,
Stomaphis graffii, [quercus]

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. platanoides:-

1 Cauda tongue-shaped, about as long as broad, and often with a slight constriction (knobbed) (fig. 23D)…..lyropictus
Cauda broadly rounded or crescent-shaped, clearly shorter than its basal width (fig. 23A)…..2
2 Hind tibia with pale middle region contrasting with dark base and distal section. Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI less than half as long as length of base of ANT VI (fig. 24C) …..testudinaceus
Hind tibia pale or uniformly pigmented. Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI more than half as long as length of base of ANT VI…..3
3 ANT PT/BASE 3.7-4.8. Longer of the 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI longer than BASE VI. SIPH dark distally, pale at base…..coracinus
ANT PT/BASE 1.8-2.7. Longer of 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI shorter than BASE VI. SIPH of aptera uniformly pale or dark…..4
4 Hind tibia and SIPH pale…..aceris
Hind tibia and SIPH dark …..californiensis

A. pseudoplatanusEuropean Sycamore
Aulacorthum solani;
Drepanosiphum acerinum, [aceris], dixoni,
[iranicum], oregonensis, platanoidis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Periphyllus acericola, [aceris], americanus,
[bulgaricus], [coracinus], [lyropictus],
[nevskyii], singeri, testudinaceus;
Stomaphis acquerinoi, graffii

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. pseudoplatanus:-

1 Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI less than half as long as base of ANT VI …..2
Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI more than half as long as base of ANT VI …..3
2 Aptera with only very pale dorsal abdominal sclerites. Alata with normally at least 8 long hairs on each of ABD TERG 1 to 7. Tibiae pale or rather evenly pigmented, or darkening distally…..americanus
Aptera with a clear pattern of dark dorsal abdominal sclerites. Alata normally with only 6 long hairs on each of ABD TERG 1 to 7. Tibiae with very pale middle region contrasting with dark base and distal section…..testudinaceus
3 SIPH of aptera dusky to dark, shorter than their basal diameters. ANT PT/BASE more than 4.0 (except in early spring apterae)…..singeri
SIPH of aptera pale, a little longer than their basal diameters. ANT PT/BASE less than 3.0…..acericola
A. pseudosieboldianumKorean Maple
Periphyllus aceris, californiensis;
Yamatocallis hirayamae

(Use general key to Periphyllus spp.)

A. purpurescens Yamatocallis hirayamae
A. regelii[Drepanosiphumasiaticum];
Periphyllus mamontovae, nevskyii

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. regelii:-

Apterae without dorsal abdominal markings. Alatae with only 3-5 rhinaria on ANT III …..mamontovae
Apterae with a dark dorsal abdominal patch. Alatae with 12-13 rhinaria on ANT III…..nevskyii
A. rubescensTrichaitophorus aceris
A. rubrumRed, Soft or Swamp Maple
Drepanaphis acerifoliae, carolinensis, knowltoni,
nigricans, parva, saccharini, tissoti;
Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Periphyllus [aceris], lyropictus, testudinaceus

(for Periphyllus spp. use couplet 1 of general key to Periphyllus )

Key to Drepanaphis spp. on A. rubrum:-

1 Fore femora pigmented along entire length, especially dorsally…..2
Fore femora pale, or dusky at distal ends only…..4
2 All wing veins distinctly dark-bordered. Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 well developed, almost as long as those on ABD TERG 3 (fig. 26F)……..acerifoliae
Wing veins not dark-bordered except for pterostigma and basal part of Rs. Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 either much smaller than those on ABD TERG 3, or undeveloped …..3
3 ANT PT/BASE less than 7.0. Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 to 4 all well developed; those on ABD TERG 1 and 2 finger-like and of about equal length, about half the height of the broadly conical tubercles on ABD TERG 3, which are united near their bases (fig. 26E) …..carolinensis
ANT PT/BASE more than 8.0. Only tubercles on ABD TERG 3 well developed, united for about half their lengths; others undeveloped of inconspicuous (fig. 26A) …..knowltoni
4 ANT I and II both as dark as head. Abdomen with dark ventral sclerites …..5
ANT II much paler than ANT I, like base of ANT III. Abdomen with ventral sclerites rather faint, or absent…..6
5 ANT III with 8-22 (usually 11+) rhinaria. Never more than 4 small accessory rhinaria alongside the large primary rhinarium on ANT VI…..nigricans
ANT III with 5-14 rhinaria (usually less than 11). ANT VI with 5-14 small accessory rhinaria alongside the main primary rhinarium…..tissoti
6 Wing veins diffusely bordered with fuscous, giving wings a slightly cloudy appearance (best seen with hand lens). ANT III with 6-17 rhinaria (usually 10 or more) …..parva
Wings clear. ANT III with 2-12 rhinaria (usually less than 0)…..saccharini
A. rufinerveRed-Vein Maple
Trichaitophorus koyaensis
A. saccharinumSilver or White Maple
Drepanaphis acerifoliae, [parvus], [sabrinae],
Drepanosiphum platanoidis;
Prociphilus (Paraprociphilus) tessellatus;
Periphyllus [acericola], [aceris], americanus,
lyropictus, testudinaceus

Key to Drepanaphis spp. on A. saccharinum:-

Fore femora pigmented along entire length, especially dorsally. All wing veins distinctly dark-bordered. Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 long and finger-like, much longer than those on ABD TERG 2, almost as long as those on ABD TERG 3 (fig. 26F) …..acerifoliae
Fore femora pale. Wing veins not dark-bordered (except pterostigma and basal part of Rs. Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 about equally developed to those on ABD TERG 2, much shorter than those on ABD TERG 3 (fig. 26G) ….saccharini

Key to Periphyllus spp. on A. saccharinum:-

1 Cauda more than half as long as wide, with a slight basal constriction (fig 23D). Longer of the 2 hairs on base of ANT VI very long and fine, longer than length of base of ANT VI …..lyropictus
Cauda broadly rounded, less than half as long as its basal width (fig. 23A). Longer of 2 hairs on base of ANT VI less than half as long as length of base of ANT VI (including rhinarium) …..2
2 Aptera with only very faint dorsal abdominal markings. Alata with normally at least 8 long hairs on each of ABD TERG 1 to 7. Tibiae pale, or rather evenly pigmented, or darkening distally…..americanus
Aptera with a clear pattern of dorsal abdominal sclerites. Alata with normally only 6 long hairs on each of ABD TERG 1 to 7. Tibiae with pale middle region contrasting with dark base and distal section…..testudinaceus
A. saccharophorum = A. saccharum
A. saccharumSugar or Hard Maple
Drepanaphis acerifoliae, carolinensis, choanotricha,
[idahoensis], kanzensis, keshenae, knowltoni,
[pallida], parva, sabrinae, simpsoni, tissoti;
Neoprociphilus aceris;
Periphyllus [acericola], americanus, [californiensis],
lyropictus, testudinaceus;
Longistigma caryae; Shenahweum minutum

For Periphyllus spp. see key under A. saccharinum.

Key to Drepanaphis spp. on A. saccharum:-

1 Fore femora pigmented along entire lengths, especially dorsally…..2
Fore femora pale, or only dusky towards apices…..6
2 Wing veins distinctly dark-bordered…..3
Wing veins not dark-bordered (except for pterostigma and base of Rs)…..4
3 Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 to 4 all conspicuous; those on ABD TERG 1 and 3 long and finger-like, those on 1 almost as long as those on 3 (fig.26F )…..acerifoliae
Tubercles on ABD TERG 3 well developed, united for at least half of their lengths; those on ABD TERG 1, 2 and 4 undeveloped or inconspicuous (fig. 26H) …..keshenae
4 ANT PT/BASE more than 9.0. Only the tubercles on ABD TERG 3 well developed, united for about half their lengths; those on ABD TERG 1, 2 and 4 inconspicuous or undeveloped (fig.26A)…..knowltoni
ANT PT/BASE less than 8.0. Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 to 4 all developed, although those on ABD TERG 1, 2 and 4 often smaller than those on 3…..5
5 Tubercles on ABD TERG 3 about twice as long as those on ABD TERG 2, which are of similar length to those on ABD TERG 1 and 4 (fig. 26E). On ANT VI, 4 small accessory sensoria alongside the main primary rhinarium…..carolinensis
Tubercles on ABD TERG 2 almost as long as those on 3, clearly longer than those on 1 and much longer than those on 4 (fig. 26I). On ANT VI, 5-6 small accessory sensoria alongside the primary rhinarium….sabrinae
6 ANT PT/BASE less than 6.0. All dorsal abdominal tubercles well developed, with those on ABD TERG 1 largest (fig. 26J)…..simpsoni
ANT PT/BASE more than 8.0. Dorsal abdominal tubercles variably developed, but those on ABD TERG 3 always largest…..7
7 ANT II concolorous with ANT III, paler than ANT I…..8
ANT II much darker than ANT III, as dark as ANT I …..9
8 Wing veins diffusely bordered, giving wings a cloudy appearance (view with hand lens). Tubercles on ABD TERG 1 to 4 well developed, although those on ABD TERG 1, 2 and 4 only one quarter to one half of the height of those on the ABD TERG 3 (fig. 26K) …..parva
Wings clear. Tubercles on ABD TERG 3 well developed, but those on ABD ERG 1, 2 and 4 undeveloped or very small (fig. 26L)…..kanzensis
9 Dorsal body hairs, including those on abdominal tubercles, clearly longer than basal diameter of ANT III, and with distinctly expanded apices. ANT III with 3-5 rhinaria…..choanotricha
Dorsal body hairs mostly shorter than, or as short as, basal diameter of ANT III, and with blunt or only very slightly expanded apices. ANT III with 7-16 rhinaria …..tissoti
A. semenoviiDrepanosiphum oregonensis;
Periphyllus karatavicus, nevskyii

Key to Periphyllus species on A. semenovii:-

Apterae without dorsal abdominal markings…..karatavicus
Apterae with a dark dorsal abdominal patch…..nevskyii
A. shirasawanum Yamatocallis nikkoensis
A. sinenseChinese Maple
Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. spicatumMountain Maple
Drepanaphis spicata
A. sterculiacium[Chaitophorus clarus]; Periphyllus villosii;
Trichaitophorus aceris; Yamatocallis brevicauda;
Yamatochaitophorus albus
A. steveniiDrepanosiphum oregonensis;
Periphyllus steveni, testudinaceus

Key to separate Periphyllus spp. on A. stevenii:-

BL of aptera less than 2.4 mm. ANT PT/BASE c.2.0. First tarsal segments with 5 hairs. Aestivating nymphs with long pointed hairs…..steveni
BL of aptera more than 2.4 mm. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.7. First tarsal segments usually with 7 hairs. Aestivating nymphs with foliate hairs…..testudinaceus
A. tataricumAphis fabae; Drepanosiphum acerinum;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Periphyllus [aceris], [lyropictus], minutus, testudinaceus;
Stomaphis graffii

For Periphyllus, use key to species on A. ginnale.

A. tauricolumDrepanosiphum caucasicum
A. tegmentosum Periphyllus tegmentosus; Trichaitophorus aemigmatosus;
Yamatochaitophorus yichunensis
A. tenuifolium = A. shirasawanum
A. trautvetteriDrepanosiphum caucasicum, oregonensis,
Periphyllus [aceris], testudinaceus
A. tricidumPeriphyllus californiensis
A. triflorumPeriphyllus allogenes, [triflorumi]
A. tschonoskiiKorean Maple, Bogjagi
Trichaitophorus japonicus
A. turkestanicum[Drepanosiphum asiaticum];
Periphyllus mamontovae, nevskyii

(For separation of Periphyllus spp. see couplet under A. regelii)

A. ukurunduensePeriphyllus kuwanaii; Yamatochaitophorus albus
A. velutinumDrepanosiphoniella aceris;
Drepanosiphum iranicum, platanoidis;
Periphyllus aceris; Stomaphis graffii
A. villosumPeriphyllus villosii;
Trichaitophorus aceris, ?recurvispinus;
Yamatocallis brevicauda; Yamatochaitophorus albus
Acer spp.Periphyllus bengalensis, himalayensis, pallidus, tokyoensis;
Stomaphis aceris; [Trichaitophorus acerifolius];
Yamatocallis obscura, sauteri, acerisucta

Key to the more polyphagous Periphyllus species, and those on unidentified species of Acer:-

1 Cauda as long as its basal width, often with a slight constriction, so that the apical part is a knob (fig. 23D)…..2
Cauda shorter than its basal width, without a trace of a constriction (fig. 23A) …..3
2 SIPH dark in alata, pale to dusky in aptera, conical, about as long as their basal widths. ANT PT/BASE 4.5-6.0. Rhinaria on ANT III of alata extending at least 0.6 of length of segment…..lyropictus
SIPH of both aptera and alata pale, almost cylindrical, more than 2× longer than their basal widths. ANT PT/BASE less than 4.0. Rhinaria on ANT III of alata confined to basal half of segment…..villosii
3 SIPH of aptera jet black, contrasting greatly with pale body and appendages (except possibly extremities of tarsi and base of ANT VI). First tarsal segments all with 5 hairs …..vandenboschi
SIPH of aptera pale to dark brown, not clearly darker than other parts of body. First tarsal segments with 5 or 7 hairs…..4
4 Cauda semicircular with only 5-6 hairs. Dorsal abdomen of aptera without dark markings…..pallidus
Cauda broadly rounded (crescent-shaped) with at least 7 hairs. Dorsal abdomen of aptera with or without dark markings…..5
5 BL (of aptera) less than 1.4 mm…..tokyoensis
BL more than 1.4 mm, and mostly more than 2 mm…..6
6 ANT III of alata with 28-50 rhinaria, and ANT IV with 2-9 rhinaria…..7
ANT III of alata with 6-34 rhinaria, and ANT IV without any rhinaria…..9
7 SIPH shorter than HT II. ANT PT/BASE of alata more than 3.0 …..formosanus
SIPH as long as or longer than HT II. ANT PT/BASE of alata less than 2.8 …..8
8 BL of aptera 1.8-2.2 mm, of alata 2.0-2.5 mm. Antennae of alata pale basally, with 2-6 rhinaria on ANT IV…..bengalensis
BL of alata 2.9-3.5 mm (aptera not described). Antennae of alata wholly dark, with 5-9 rhinaria on ANT IV…..himalayensis
9 Hind femur with pale basal half and contrastingly dark distal half. Longer of the 2 hairs on base of ANT VI 21-47 µm long, always less than 0.5× length of base of ANT VI (fig. 24C). ANT PT/BASE 2.5-4.2 (always more than 3.0 in alatae)…..testudinaceus
Hind femur either entirely pale or mostly dark except at base. Longer of the 2 hairs on base of ANT VI 45-95 µm long, 0.3-1.3× length of base of ANT VI. ANT PT/BASE 1.6-3.7 (less than 3.0 except in alatae of bulgaricus)…..10
10 Hind tibiae wholly dark…..californiensis
Hind tibiae pale at least in middle section…..11
11 Apterae in spring with front of head pale, and rarely with any dorsal markings. Dorsal hairs all pale…..acericola
Apterae in spring usually with front of head dark, dusky to dark transverse bars or paired patches on ABD TERG 1 to 6, and the long spinal hairs, or at least those on ABD TERG 5-8, dark-pigmented…..12
12 Aptera with long spinal hairs on ABD TERG 5-8 (or 4-8) much darker than spinal hairs on more anterior tergites. Longer of 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI 0.8-1.3 × length of ANT BASE VI, and shorter hair 0.25-0.47× BASE VI…..rhenanus
Aptera with long spinal hairs similarly pigmented on all ABD TERG. Longer of 2 hairs on ANT BASE VI 0.3-0.8 × length of BASE VI, and shorter hair 0.12-0.27× BASE VI …..13
13 ABD TERG VI of aptera with longest hairs 270-480 µm…..bulgaricus
ABD TERG VI of aptera with longest hairs 120-240 µm…..kuwanaii
Aceras see OrchisOrchidaceae
Aceras anthropophorum = Orchis anthropophora
Acerates angustifolia Aphis asclepiadis, middletoni
A. floridanaAphis asclepiadis
A. longifolia`Aphis asclepiadis
Use key to aphids on Asclepias.
Aceriphyllum see MukdeniaSaxifragaceae
Aceriphyllum rossii see Mukdenia rossii
Achillea Yarrow Asteraceae
Achillea abrotanoides Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. acuminataMacrosiphoniella tanacetaria
A. aegyptiacaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella usquertensis;
Pleotrichophoris duponti; Uroleucon achilleae
A. ageratifoliaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella usquertensis;
(incl. ssp. serbica) Myzus cymbalariae, ornatus; Uroleucon achilleae
A. ageratumBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella millefolii;
Pemphigus [brevicornis (Hart 1894)]
A. alpina[Anuraphisspiranthi Shinji (nomen dubium)];
Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, millefolii ssp. orientalis,
Uroleucon achilleae
A. asiaticaMacrosiphoniella tanacetaria
A. asplenifoliaColoradoa achilleae
A. atrataBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella millefolii;
Metopeurum capillatum (?)
A. aurea = Tanacetum aureum Aulacorthum solani; Myzus ascalonicus;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. biebersteiniiMacrosiphoniella aktashica, tapuskae;
Metopeurum achilleae; [Protaphis miranda]
A. californica = A. millefolium
A. carpaticaBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. cartilagineaAulacorthum solani; Uroleucon achilleae, ptarmicae
A. chrysocomaMacrosiphoniella usquertensis; Uroleucon achilleae
A. clavennaeBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella usquertensis;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. coarctataAphis fabae; Uroleucon bulgaricum
A. collinaAphis spiraecola; Brachycaudus cardui;
Coloradoa achilleae;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, usquertensis;
Pleotrichophorus duponti
A. crithmifoliaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Coloradoa achilleae, santolinae;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, tapuskae; Uroleucon achilleae
A. distans (incl. stricta, Acyrthosiphon malvae; Aphis fabae; Aulacorthum solani;
tanacetifolia) Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella millefolii;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. erba-rottaMacrosiphoniella millefolii; Metopeurum fuscoviride
A. filipendulinaAphis solanella; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella aktashica, millefolii;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Microsiphum ptarmicae
A. gerbera = A. biebersteinii
A. grandiflora = A. ptarmicifolia
A. grandifoliaMacrosiphoniella usquertensis; Uroleucon achilleae
A. kitaibelliana = A. ochroleuca
A. lanulosa = A. millefolium
A. ligusticaAphis ligusticae, oligommata, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Coloradoa achilleae;
Macrosiphoniella [artemisiae], millefolii, silvestrii,
tanacetaria, tapuskae
A. lingulataBrachycaudus helichrysi; Uroleucon achilleae
A. macrocephala = A. ptarmica ssp. macrocephala
A. macrophyllaAulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. magna = A. millefolium
A. micranthaAphis craccivora; Macrosiphoniella tapuskae;
Protaphis pseudocardui; [Smynthurodes betae];
A. millefoliumAbstrusomyzus [leucocrini], phloxae;
(incl. lanulosa, magna, [Acaudinum longisetosum];
pannonica, rubra) Aphis asclepiadis, craccivora, fabae, gossypii, [obiensis],
oligommata, vandergooti;
Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, [cerasicola], helichrysi;
Coloradoa achilleae, santolinae, [tanacetina];
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, cinerascens, [frigidicola],
millefolii, millefolii ssp. orientalis, [oblonga],
pennsylvanica, ptarmicae, sejuncta, silvestrii,
sudhakaris, tanacetaria, tapuskae, usquertensis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Metopeurum fuscoviride, millefolii;
Microsiphum millefolii, nudum, ptarmicae;
Myzus ascalonicus, cymbalariae, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus;
Pemphigus [betae Doane 1900], [brevicornis (Hart 1894)];
Pleotrichophorus duponti, hottesi, patonkus, patonkusellus,
Protaphis [anthemidis], knowltoni, middletonii;
Protrama flavescens;
Trama [eastopi Heinze 1962], [pubescens Koch 1857],
Uroleucon achilleae, ambrosiae, [erigeronense], [sonchi],
[Xerobion judenkoi]
A. moschataMetopeurum capillatum (?)
A. nabelekiiMacrosiphoniella millefolii
A. nanaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella usquertensis
A. neilreichii = A. nobilis ssp. neilreichii
A. nobilis (incl. ssp. neilreichii) Aphis vandergooti; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Coloradoa achilleae;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, tapuskae;
Microsiphum millefolii, nudum; Myzus persicae;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. ochroleucaAphis fabae, gossypii, vandergooti;
Pleotrichophorus achilleae
A. odorataAphis fabae; Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. pannonica = A. millefolium
A. pectinata = A. ochroleuca
A. ptarmicaAphis fabae, nasturtii, vandergooti; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, ptarmicae, sejuncta,
tanacetaria, tapuskae, usquertensis;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Microsiphum ptarmicae;
Myzus cymbalariae; Trama troglodytes;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. ptarmicifoliaAphis achilleaeradicis; Macrosiphoniella millefolii
A. rupestrisNeomyzus circumflexus; Uroleucon achilleae
A. salicifoliaMacrosiphoniella usquertensis; Metopeurum millefolii
A. santolinaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Coloradoa santolinae;
Macrosiphoniella aktashica, tapuskae
A. santolinoides ssp. wilhelmsii Macrosiphoniella aktashica
A. serbica = A. ageratifolia ssp. serbica
A. setaceaBrachycaudus cardui, helichrysi; Coloradoa achilleae;
Macrosiphoniella tapuskae;
Microsiphum nudum, ptarmicae;
Pleotrichophorus duponti; Uroleucon achilleae
A. sibirica = A. alpina
A. stricta = A.distans ssp. stricta
A. tanacetifolia = A. distans
A. taygetea = A.aegyptiaca
A. tenuifoliaMacrosiphoniella aktashica
A. tomentosaAphis gossypii; Macrosiphoniella millefolii, usquertensis;
Uroleucon achilleae
A. trichophylla = Handelia trichophylla
A. umbellataMacrosiphoniella millefolii
A. vermicularisMacrosiphoniella aktashica
A. wilhemsii = A. santolinoides ssp. wilhemsii
Achillea spp.[Illinoia goldamaryae];
[Macrosiphoniella aktashica hirsuta]
[Miraphoides achilleae Rusanova 1943; nomen dubium]
[Triocula distorta Rusanova 1943; nomen dubium]
Uroleucon alaskense, astronomus, [kamtshaticum]
For an account of aphids of the genera Macrosiphoniella and Uroleucon on A. millefolium in Germany see Sobhani (1970a, b).

Key to apterae on Achillea:-

1 PT much shorter than base of last ANT segment…..2
PT clearly longer than base of last ANT segment…..4
2 HT II very elongate, more than 0.5 of length of hind tibia. Body and appendages densely hairy……3
HT II of normal length. Body and appendages sparsely hairy …..Pemphigus sp(p)
3 Compound eyes present. Siphunculi present, raised on shallow pigmented cones…..Protrama flavescens
Eyes of only 3 facets (triommatidia). Siphunculi absent …..Trama troglodytes
4 Marginal abdominal tubercles (MTu) absent or present, but if present they are usually only on ABD TERG 2-4 (-6) and only rarely on ABD TERG 1 or 7……5
MTu always present at least on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..41
5 ANT tubercles absent or weakly developed, so that front of head has convex outline in dorsal view, with middle part projecting furthest forward…..6
ANT tubercles variably developed, but if low they are broadly divergent, so that the front of the head is concave in dorsal view…..9
6 Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, longer than its basal width. Eye with ocular tubercle indistinct and displaced ventrally, so inconspicuous in dorsal view (Fig.5a) ……7
Cauda helmet-shaped, distinctly constricted at base and as long as broad. Eye with protruberant ocular tubercle, positioned at posterior margin…..8
7 Dorsal body hairs short, inconspicuous. ANT PT only 1.1-1.4 × BASE VI. SIPH 1.3-1.8 × cauda……Coloradoa achilleae
Dorsal body hairs long, with fan-shaped apices (Fig.5b). ANT PT at least 2 × BASE VI. SIPH shorter than cauda……Coloradoa santolinae
8 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid black shield. ANT III 0.31-0.47 mm, 2.4-3.4 × HT II. R IV+V 0.17-0.24 mm. SIPH dark, imbricated, 1.7-3.4 × cauda …..Brachycaudus cardui
Dorsal abdomen without a black shield. ANT III 0.07-0.25 mm, 0.9-2.2 × HT II. R IV+V 0.10-0.15 mm. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.8-2.0 × cauda ……Brachycaudus helichrysi
9 Dorsal hairs numerous and long, with fan-shaped or clearly expanded apices (Fig.5c) ……10
Dorsal hairs short or long, but if long then with blunt or pointed apices ……15
10 SIPH 0.31-1.0 × cauda…..11
SIPH more than 1.5 × cauda…..13
11 Dorsal fan-shaped hairs very numerous, e.g. usually more than 25 on ABD TERG 6 between SIPH, and 28-45 on dorsal surface of head (not including those projecting forward between ANT bases). SIPH 0.61-1.0 × cauda. ANT III with 1-2 secondary rhinaria..…Pleotrichophorus patonkusellus
Dorsal fan-shaped hairs less numerous, e.g. less than 20 on ABD TERG 6 between SIPH, and 14-25 on dorsal surface of head (Fig.5c). SIPH 0.31-0.75 × cauda. ANT III with 1-8 secondary rhinaria.….12
12 R IV+V 0.12-0.13 mm long, 0.86-1.09 × HT II. SIPH 0.14-0.21 mm long, 0.62-0.75 × cauda.….Pleotrichophorus patonkus
R IV+V 0.09-0.12 mm long, 0.71-0.92 × HT II. SIPH 0.08-0.18 mm long, 0.31-0.67 × cauda..…Pleotrichophorus pseudopatonkus
13 ANT 0.87-1.17 × BL, with PT 3.1-4.1 × BASE VI ……Pleotrichophorus duponti
ANT 1.24-1.57 × BL, with PT 4.3-6.2 × BASE VI…..14
14 SIPH 0.25-0.29 × BL and 2.3-2.9 × cauda…..Pleotrichophorus achilleae
SIPH 0.15-0.21 × BL and 1.6-2.0 × cauda…..Pleotrichophorus hottesi
15 SIPH tiny, no longer than wide, much less than 0.5 of length of the short triangular cauda, and less than 0.3 × HT II (eg. Fig.5d, e)…..16
SIPH very evident, only shorter than cauda when the latter is long, dark and finger-like, and always clearly longer than HT II…..18
16 Hairs on front of head, cauda and ANT III all less than 0.5 × diameter of BD III ……Microsiphum nudum
Hairs on front of head and cauda longer than ANT BD III. Hairs on ANT III maximally more than 0.5 × BD III……17
17 ANT PT/BASE 5.0-8.0. ANT PT 1.7-2.2 × ANT III. SIPH 0.9-1.5 × longer than their basal widths…..Microsiphum ptarmicae*
ANT PT/BASE 3.7-5.2. ANT PT 1.2-1.6 × ANT III. SIPH 0.6-1.0 × as long as their basal widths…..Microsiphum millefolii
18 SIPH pale at least over most of length, sometimes dusky or dark apically, and if with subapical polygonal reticulation then this is confined to distal 0.2 or less of length……go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 4
SIPH dusky or dark over at least half of length, with polygonal reticulation extending over distal 0.06-0.70…..19
19 Cauda tapering, triangular, less than 1.5 times longer than its basal width (e.g. Fig.5f). ANT tubercles very weakly developed, so that front of head is very shallowly concave in dorsal view…..20
Cauda finger-like, more than 2 times its basal width. ANT tubercles variably developed……23
20 Dorsal abdominal hairs very short and blunt……21
Dorsal abdominal hairs long, like ventral abdominal hairs…..22
21 Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-0.6 × BD III. Cauda with 11-20 hairs…..Metopeurum fuscoviride
Longest hairs on ANT III about as ong as BD III. Cauda with c.8 hairs…..Metopeurum millefolii*
22 ANT III with 5-8 rhinaria…..Metopeurum achilleae
ANT III with 28-32 rhinaria……Metopeurum capillatum*
23 SIPH 0.6-1.0 × cauda……24
SIPH 1.1-2.9 × cauda……29
24 Tibiae entirely dark brown to black…..25
Tibiae with middle section paler…..27
25 BL only 1.3-1.6 mm. Cauda with 10-12 hairs ……Macrosiphoniella sudhakaris
BL 2.1-4.1 mm. Cauda with 20-32 hairs…..26
26 All dorsal abdominal hairs arising from conspicuous dark scleroites (Fig.5g). PT 3.3-4.3 × BASE VI. R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II……Macrosiphoniella millefolii
Dorsal abdominal hairs not arising from dark scleroites. PT 2.9-3.5 × BASE VI. RIV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II……Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria
27 ANT III dark except at base, and bearing 8-32 rhinaria ……Macrosiphoniella ptarmicae
ANT III only dark towards apex, and bearing 3-13 rhinaria……28
28 SIPH mainly pale/dusky, only dark towards apices, and reticulated over distal 0.5-0.67 of length. R IV+V 0.6-0.8 × HT …..Macrosiphoniella abrotani
SIPH black and reticulated over distal 0.34-0.45 of length. R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II…..Macrosiphoniella usquertensis
29 First tarsal segments with 3 hairs (a sense peg and a pair of lateral hairs); rarely with one additional lateral hair. SIPH often paler basally, and reticulated over distal 0.15-0.7 …..30
First tarsal segments with 5 hairs (sense peg plus 2 lateral pairs); rarely with only 4 hairs. SIPH wholly dark, reticulated over distal 0.17-0.33…..36
30 SIPH wholly dark, 1.1-1.3 × cauda and 0.16-0.24 × BL. Dorsal abdomen with paired dark spinal sclerites, each bearing 2-3 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella silvestrii
SIPH often pale basally, 1.25-2.9 × cauda and 0.20-0.33 × BL. Dorsal abdomen without paired spinal sclerites; if with small dark scleroites then these are not fused between hair-bases…..31
31 SIPH 1.7-2.9 × cauda…..32
SIPH 1.25-1.5 × cauda…..34
32 SIPH reticulated over distal 0.48-0.69. Dark crescent-shaped presiphuncular sclerites usually present, and dorsal abdominal hairs arising from dusky or dark scleroites (Fig.5h)…..Macrosiphoniella sejuncta
SIPH reticulated over distal 0.06-0.25. Presiphuncular sclerite usually not evident, and dorsal abdominal hairs not arising from dark or dusky scleroites (e.g. Fig.5i)…..33
33 SIPH 2.0-2.9 × cauda, slightly expanded at apices, with reticulation on subapical 0.06-0.13. Cauda with 6-8 hairs.…..Macrosiphoniella aktashica
SIPH 1.8-2.3 × cauda, flared at apices, with reticulation on subapical 0.12-0.25. Cauda with 8-16 hairs……Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
34 ANT III and middle part of hind tibia pale. (ANT III with 10-13 rhinaria, cauda with 14-18 hairs)…..Macrosiphoniella cinerascens
ANT III and hind tibia mainly dark…..35
35 ANT III with 30-44 rhinaria. R IV+V 0.75-0.95 × HT II. Cauda with 11-18 hairs……Macrosiphoniella pennsylvanica
ANT III with 5-21 rhinaria. R IV+V 1.05-1.5 × HT II. Cauda with 8-10 hairs ……Uroleucon stoetzelae
36 Crescent-shaped presiphuncular sclerites present…..37
– Presiphuncular sclerites absent (or very fragmented)…..38
37 ANT III with more than 30 secondary rhinarai. Cauda more than 0.35 mm long…..Uroleucon ptarmicae*
ANT III with 9-12 secondary rhinaria. Cauda less tha 0.30 mm long…..Uroleucon bulgaricum*
38 R IV + V bearing 17-24 accessory hairs…..Uroleucon astronomus
RIV + V with 10 or fewer hairs…..39
39 SIPH 1.9-2.5 × cauda…..Uroleucon achilleae
SIPH 1.0-1.5 × cauda…..40
40 Marginal tubercles (MTu) well developed and evident on at least ABD TERG 2-5. SIPH 1.0-1.2 × cauda and 0.21-0.26 × BL…..Uroleucon alaskense
MTu usually absent. SIPH 1.2-1.5 × cauda and 0.25-0.30 × BL …..Uroleucon ambrosiae
41 Large transparent marginal tubercles (MTu) present on all of at least ABD TERG 1-4 and 7 (e.g. Fig.5j)…..42
MTu only always present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..44
42SIPH 0.8-1.2 × cauda, which is rounded at apex…..Aphis ligusticae
SIPH 1.9-2.6 × cauda, which tapers to a pointed apex…..43
43 SIPH about 0.16 × BL. Cauda about as long as its basal width, and about 0.07 × BL. Subgenital plate with 3-5 hairs on anterior part…….Aphis achilleaeradicis
SIPH 0.18-0.26 × BL. Cauda longer than its basal width, 0.08-0.10 × BL. Subgenital plate with (2-)7-16 hairs on anterior part…..Aphis vandergooti
44 ANT always 5-segmented. SIPH very short and flangeless (Fig.5k), 0.5-1.0 × cauda ……Aphis oligommata
ANT 6-segmented, except in small summer “dwarfs”. SIPH with a flange, and 0.8-2.1 × cauda…..45
45 Cauda tongue-shaped, much longer than R IV+V. ANT III without rhinaria……go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 30
Cauda short, bluntly triangular, as short as or shorter than R IV+V. ANT III often with a few rhinaria on distal part…..46
46 ANT PT/BASE 0.9-1.3…..Protaphis pseudocardui
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.1…..47
47 Hairs on ANT III all shorter than BD III. SIPH usually longer than cauda…..Protaphis middletonii
Longest hairs on ANT III 1.0-1.5 × BD III. SIPH usually shorter than cauda…..Protaphis knowltoni
Achimenes longiflora Neomyzus circumflexus
Achlys triphyllaMacrosiphum tuberculaceps
Achnatherum see StipaPoaceae
Achras zapota (incl. zapotilla) Aphis aurantii, gossypii, odinae

Use key to polyphagous aphids

Achyranthes aspera Aphis achyranthi, craccivora, gossypii, nasturtii, spiraecola;
(incl. var. indica) Aulacorthum solani; Myzus ornatus;
Neomyzus circumflexus
A. aureum (?)Myzus ornatus
A. bidentataAphis glycines, gossypii
A. japonica = A. bidentata
A. valissiae (?)Myzus ornatus
A. verschafeltii = Iresine herbstii
Achyranthes sp.Myzus persicae

Key to aphids on Achyranthes:-

1ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces spiculose or scabrous. No marginal tubercles (MTu) on ABD TERG 1 and 7 ……go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 5
ANT tubercles weakly developed, not exceeding height of medial part of front of head in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu……2
2 SIPH pale or dark, cauda pale or dusky……3
SIPH and cauda both very dark……5
3 SIPH usually rather pale, only darker at apices…..Aphis nasturtii
SIPH uniformly dark……4
4Cauda 0.08-0.125 × BL (only more than 0.12 × BL in very small specimens with BL less than 1 mm); pale to dusky, without a constriction, less than 3 × longer than its width at midlength, and bearing 2-7 (usually 5-6) hairs…..Aphis gossypii
Cauda 0.125-0.16 × BL, very pale, usually with a slight mid-way constriction, more than 3 × longer than its narrowest width at midlength, and bearing 6-9 (usually 8) hairs ..…Aphis glycines
5Dorsum with an extensive dark sclerotic patch. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 3-8 only)……Aphis craccivora
Dorsum without an extensive dark sclerotic patch……6
6ABD TERG 8 with 5-6 hairs. (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 16-20, IV 6-12, V 3-7)……Aphis achyranthi
ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs (rarely 3 or 4). (Al. with sec. rhin. distributed ANT III 6-11, IV 0-5, V 0)……Aphis spiraecola
Acianthera rubroviridis Cerataphis orchidearum; Sitobion luteum

Use key to apterae on orchids under Cymbidium.

Acicarpha tribuloides Aulacorthum solani
Acinos alpinus[Aphis sp(p). (Italy; Cocuzza et al. 2014)];
Eucarazzia elegans; Myzus ornatus
A. arvensis = Clinopodium acinos
Use key to apterae under Clinopodium.
Aciphylla aureaSchizaphis (Euschizaphis) sp. (New Zealand; Teulon et al.
2013, Podmore et al. 2019) A. colensoi Cavariella aegopodii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. squarrosaAphis sambuci; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Dysaphis foeniculus; Smynthurodes betae

Key to aphids on Aciphylla:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Body with numerous fine hairs …..Smynthurodes betae
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.5, often more than 1. Body not densely hairy ……2
2 ABD TERG 8 with a posteriorly directed process above cauda. ANT PT/BASE 0.6-1.3 ……Cavariella aegopodii
No supracaudal process. ANT PT/BASE more than 2…..3
3 ANT tubercles well developed, ANT 0.9-1.4 × BL. ANT III with (0-) 1-10 rhinaria on basal half. ANT PT/BASE 4-7…..4
ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed. ANT 0.25-0.75 × BL. ANT III without rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-3.8…..5
4SIPH cylindrical or tapering with polygonal reticulation of distal 0.12-0.25 of length. SIPH 1.7-2.2 × cauda which bears 8-13 hairs…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH markedly swollen and without polygonal reticulation. SIPH 2.1-3.0 × cauda which bears 4-6 hairs…..Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
5 ABD TERG 1-4 (-5) and 7 with large flat marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH dark …..6
ABD TERG 1 and 7 and usually also 2-5 without MTu…..7
6SIPH 1.3-1.7 × the helmet-shaped (pentagonal) cauda which bears 4-6 hairs. Head and ABD TERG 7 and 8 with spinal tubercles (STu)…..Dysaphis foeniculus
SIPH 1.7-2.6 ×the rounded cauda which bears 8-14 hairs. Head and ABD TERG 7 and 8 without STu…..Aphis sambuci
7Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view, and bearing 5-7 hairs. SIPH 0.05-0.1 × BL and 0.5-1.2 × R IV+V…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width and bearing 8-9 hairs. SIPH 0.11-0.14 × BL and 1.7-2.1 × R IV+V….. Schizaphis (Euschizaphis) sp. (New Zealand)
Acmella caulorrhiza Aphis gossypii
A. uliginosaNeomyzus circumflexus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Acnida see AmaranthusAmaranthaceae
Acnistus arborescens Myzus persicae
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii Cerataphis lataniae
Aconitum Monkshood, Wolfsbane Ranunculaceae
Aconitum alboviolaceum Delphiniobium hanla
A. altaicumBrachycaudus aconiti
A. anthoraBrachycaudus aconiti; Delphiniobium junackianum
A. apetalumNasonovia alatavica, salebrosa
A. arcuatumDelphiniobium hanla
A. arendsii see A. carmichaeli
A. barbatumBrachycaudus aconiti; [Delphiniobium bogdouli]
A. callibotryon = A. plicatum
A. ×cammarumBrachycaudus aconiti, napelli; Delphiniobium junackianum
A. carmichaeliDelphiniobium junackianum
A. chinenseDelphiniobium yezoense
A. columbianum Nasonovia wahinkae
A. excelsum = A. septentrionale
A. feroxDelphiniobium junackianum
A. firmumBrachycaudus nepelli; Delphiniobium junackianum;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. fischeriBrachycaudus aconiti; Delphiniobium yezoense
A. gracile = A. variegatum
A. jaluense (incl. var. triphyllum) Delphiniobium hanla
A. kitadakenseDelphiniobium yezoense
A. kryloviiBrachycaudus napelli; Delphiniobium junackianum
A. kusnezoffiiDelphinobium aconitifoliae, hanla, yezoense
A. lamarckiiBrachycaudus aconiti; Delphiniobium junackianum
A. lasianthum = A. vulparia
A. lasiostomumBrachycaudus aconiti, napelli
A. leucostomumBrachycaudus aconiti; Delphiniobium hanla, lycoctoni;
Nasonovia alatavica, salebrosa;
Rhopalosiphoninus calthae
A. lycoctonumBrachycaudus napelli;
Delphiniobium junackianum, lycoctoni
A. moldavicumBrachycaudus napelli;
Delphiniobium junackianum ssp. sylvanae
A. monticolaBrachycaudus aconiti; Delphiniobium hanla;
Nasonovia alatavica
A. napellusBrachycaudus aconiti, napelli;
Delphiniobium junackianum (incl. ssp. sylvanae)
A. nemorosum = A. anthora
A. orientaleDelphiniobium junackianum
A. paniculatum = A.×cammarum
A. pentheriDelphiniobium junackianum
A. plicatumBrachycaudus napelli;
Delphiniobium junackianum ssp. sylvanae
A. pulcherrimum = A. kusnezoffii
A. ranunculifolium = A. lamarckiii
A. rotundifolium [Brachycaudus cerasicola]; Nasonovia alatavica
A. sachalinense ssp. yezoense Delphiniobium yezoense
A. septentrionale Brachycaudus aconiti;
Delphiniobium junackianum, yezoense;
Nasonovia salebrosa
A. soongaricumBrachycaudus aconiti; Myzus persicae
A. ×stoerkianum = A.×cammarum
A. superbumBrachycaudus napelli; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. tauricumDelphiniobium junackianum ssp. sylvanae
A. toxicumDelphiniobium junackianum
A. uncinatumAulacorthum solani
A. triphyllum = A. jaluense var. triphyllum
A. variegatumBrachycaudus aconiti, napelli;
Delphiniobium carpaticae, junackianum
A. volubileDelphiniobium hanla, junackianum, yezoense
A. vulpariaBrachycaudus aconiti;
Delphiniobium junackianum ssp. sylvanae, lycoctoni
A. yezoense = A. sachalinense ssp. yezoense
Aconitum sp.Delphiniobium gyamdaense

Key to aphids on Aconitum:-

1 Dorsum usually with an extensive dark sclerotic shield. Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width…..2
Dorsum without a dark shield. Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width ….4
2 SIPH greatly swollen distal to a narrow neck, and narrowing abruptly to a subapical reticulated region. Cauda triangular, longer than its basal width…..Rhopalosiphoninus calthae
SIPH cylindrical/tapering. Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width ….3
3 SIPH 0.31-0.55 × ANT III. ANT VI BASE 0.5-0.7 × HT II. R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II …..Brachycaudus napelli
SIPH 0.57-1.0 × ANT III. ANT VI BASE 0.8-1.1 × HT II. R IV+V 1.2-1.6 × HT II ..…Brachycaudus aconiti
4 Head spiculose with inner faces of ANT tubercles steep-sided or apically convergent …..5
Head smooth with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent.….6
5 SIPH tapering/cylindrical. Inner faces of ANT tubercles almost parallel. ANT III with 1-3 small rhinaria near base…..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH slightly clavate. Inner faces of ANT tubercles apically convergent. ANT III without rhinaria…..Myzus persicae
6 Dorsal abdomen with raised dusky/dark hair-bearing sclerites or scleroites. SIPH 0.07-0.10 × BL, pale, without any subapical polygonal reticulation. Cauda pale or dusky …..7
Dorsal abdomen without dusky/dark sclerites/scleroites. SIPH 0.15-0.35 × BL, dark or pale, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Cauda pale or dark…..9
7 Abdominal spinal scleroites each bearing a single hair (rarely 2), which is longer than the diameter of the scleroite (Fig.6f)…..Nasonovia wahinkae
Abdominal spinal sclerites/scleroites mostly bearing 2 hairs, which are shorter than the maximum diameter of the sclerite (Fig.6g)…..8
8 SIPH usually a little shorter than cauda which bears 8-12 hairs. R IV+V about equal in length to HT II…..Nasonovia salebrosa*
SIPH 1.1-1.3 × cauda which bears 6-8 hairs. R IV+V 1.08-1.22 × HT II…..Nasonovia alatavica
9 SIPH pale, tapering or cylindrical, 0.25-0.25 × BL. Cauda pale. Thoracic spiracles of normal size, like those on abdomen…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH usually dark at least distally, often with a swollen section at about midlength, 0.15-0.20 × BL. Cauda dark. Thoracic spiracles much larger than abdominal ones (Fig.6h) .….10
10 SIPH 1.1-1.3 × cauda and 0.15-0.19 × BL, and mainly dark except at their bases. Cauda with 6-18 hairs (Fig.6i)…..Delphiniobium junackianum
SIPH 1.3-2.0 × cauda and 0.19-0.26 × BL, and dark on distal half or less. Cauda with 6-10 hairs……11
11 SIPH 1.6-2.0 × cauda which is 0.33-0.43 mm long, bears 7-10 hairs (usually 8-9), and has distal part clearly thicker than hind femur, from where it tapers rather abruptly to a rounded apex (Fig.6j)…..Delphiniobium carpaticae or lycoctoni
SIPH 1.3-1.55 × cauda which is 0.44-0.53 mm long, bears 6-8 hairs (usually 6), and has distal part maximally about as thick as or thinner than hind femur, from where it tapers gradually almost to a point (Fig.6k)…..12
12 SIPH tapering from base to flange…..Delphiniobium aconitifoliae*
SIPH with slightly or distinctly swollen middle section…..13
13 ANT III with 44-57 rhinaria extending over basal 0.75 …..Delphiniobium gyamdaense*
ANT III with 10-33 rhinaria restricted to basal 0.5…..14
14 SIPH mainly pale, only dark on reticulated distal section. Femora pale or only dark at apices…..Delphiniobium yezoense
SIPH dusky or dark on distal 0.65-0.75 of length. Femora dark on distal 0.35-0.45 of length…..Delphiniobium hanla
Aconogonon ajanense Macchiatiella itadori
A. davisii Aphthargeliarumbleboredomia
A. phytolaccifolium Aphis asclepiadis; Aphthargeliarumbleboredomia;
Capitophorus essigi, hippophaes

Use key to apterae on Polygonum.

Acorus calamusAphis aurantii, craccivora; Cerataphis brasiliensis;
Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, padi, rufulum;
Schizaphis acori, rotundiventris, scirpi
A. gramineusMyzus ornatus; Rhopalosiphum padi
(incl. var. variegata)

Key to aphids on Acorus:-

1 Body dorsoventrally flattened, subcircular, wholly sclerotic with a distinct crenulate margin due to a continuous row of wax glands. SIPH in form of pores. Head with a pair of forwardly directed frontal horns…..Cerataphis brasiliensis
Body of “normal” aphid form. SIPH tubular. No frontal horns…..2
2 ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces scabrous and convergent in dorsal view. SIPH and cauda pale. (Dorsum with a pattern of dark intersegmental markings)……Myzus ornatus
ANT tubercles low; if at all developed then with inner faces broadly divergent, and median frontal tubercle also developed. SIPH and cauda dark…..3
3 Stridulatory apparatus present (fig.122). Cauda with 10-26 hairs…..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
No stridulatory apparatus. Cauda with 4-10 hairs…..4
4 SIPH tapering, without any evident distal swelling and without a subapical constriction proximal to the flange, which is small. Dorsal cuticle not ornamented with nodules arranged in polygons……5
SIPH slightly or moderately swollen on distal part, and then abruptly narrowing to a smooth constriction proximal to the flange, which is well developed. Dorsal cuticle with a pattern of bead-like nodules arranged in polygons, each polygon enclosing one or more additional nodules…..8
5 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive black shield.….Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without a black shield.….6
6 Hairs on dorsal body, legs and ANT long and fine; longest hairs on ANT III 1.3-3.5 × longer than BD III. Femora dark……7
Hairs much shorter; longest hairs on ANT III shorter than BD III. Femora mainly pale……Schizaphis rotundiventris
7 ANT III 7-12 × longer than the longest hair (30-69 μm) borne upon it. ABD TERG 8 with 5-7 hairs…..Schizaphis acori
ANT III 4.4-7.1 × longer than the longest hair (53-108 μm) borne upon it. ABD TERG 8 with 6-16 hairs…..Schizaphis scirpi
8 Longest hairs on ANT III much longer than (1.8-2.25 ×) BD III. SIPH 0.10-0.12 × BL…..Rhopalosiphum rufulum
Longest hairs on ANT III shorter than BD III. SIPH 0.12-0.22 × BL……9
9 SIPH 0.12-0.14 × BL, almost cylindrical with slight distal swelling …..Rhopalosiphum padi
SIPH 0.18-0.22 × BL, with distinct swelling on distal half …..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Acrisione denticulata Aphis lugentis
Acroceras macrum Hysteroneura setariae
Acrocladium see Calliergonella Amblystegiaceae
Acrocladium cuspidatum = Calliergonella cuspidata
Acroclinium see HelipterumAsteraceae
Acronychia laurifolia [Sinomegoura sp. (North India, as symplocois; A.K. Ghosh
& Raychaudhuri 1970)]
A. pedunculataAcyrthosiphon ?evodiae (Hong Kong: Martin & Lau 2011)
Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii;
Sinomegoura citricola

Key to aphids on Acronychia:-

1 ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH entirely dark. Stridulatory apparatus present ……Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH pale at bases, darker towards apices. No stridulatory apparatus……2
2 SIPH dark over distal 0.5 or more, 0.75-1.0 × the dark cauda. (ANT IV of al. with 0 (-1) rhinaria)……Sinomegoura citricola
SIPH dark only at apices, 1.2-1.45 × the pale cauda. (ANT IV of al. with (0-) 3-13 rhinaria….. Acyrthosiphon ?evodiae (Hong Kong: Martin & Lau 2011)
Acroptilon = RhaponticumAsteraceae
Acroptilon australe = Rhaponticum repens
A. repens = Rhaponticum repens
Acrostichum reticulatum Idiopterus nephrepidis
A. acuminata = A. spicata var. acuminata
A. cimicifugaMacrosiphum vereshtshagini
A. dahuricaAphis cimicifugae
A. erythrocarpa = A. rubra
A. heracleifoliaAphis spiraecola
A. rubraAphis cimicifugae
A. simplexAphis cimicifugae; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. spicata (incl. var. acuminata) Aphis cimicifugae, fabae

Key to apterae on Actaea:-

1SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation, and HT II 0.57-0.75 × ANT VI BASE…..Macrosiphum vershtshagini
SIPH either without subapical polygonal reticulation or HT II 0.8-1.0 × ANT VI BASE…..2
2Front of head with ANT tubercles absent or weakly developed. Marginal tubercles (MTu) present on most or all of ABD TERG 2-4(-5), as well as on 1 and 7. HT II with dorsal hairs, including dorsoapical pair, very short and inconspicuous. R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II. Cauda finger-shaped, constricted in middle, with 13-19 hairs…..Aphis cimicifugae
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Actinidia argutaAphis gossypii
A. callosa[Trichaitophorus recurvispinus]
A. chinensisAphis aurantii, gossypii, spiraecola;
(incl. var. deliciosa) Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
[Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Actinodaphne citrata Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
A. lancifoliaAiceona japonica
A. pedicellataAiceona actinodaphnis
Actinodaphne sp. Aiceona malayana

Key to aphids on Actinodaphne:-

1 SIPH tubular, much longer than their basal widths ….. Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
(or try key to polyphagous aphids)
SIPH as large pores on shallow cones, surrounded by long hairs…..2
2 R IV+V shorter than HT II. ANT PT/BASE 0.4 or less…..Aiceona japonica
R IV+V longer than HT II. ANT PT/BASE 0.5 or more…..3
3 Hairs on ANT III less than 2× basal diameter of ANT III …..Aiceona malayana
Hairs on ANT III mostly more than 3× basal diameter of ANT III …..Aiceona actinodaphnis
Actinophloeus macarthurii Cerataphis brasiliensis
A. propinquusCerataphis brasiliensis

Use key to apterae on palms under Calamus.

Actinophora = SchouteniaTiliaceae
Actinophora fragrans = Schoutenia ovata
Actinostrobus pyramidalis Illinoia morrisoni
Actites megalocarpa see Sonchus megalocarpus