Fig. 6 Apterae on Aconitum and Delphinium; (a) ANT III of Brachycaudus rociadae, (b) ANT III of Brachycaudus napelli, (c) End of abdomen of B. napelli, (d) Basal part of ANT III of Nasonovia wahinkae, (e) Thoracic and abdominal spiracles of N. wahinkae (L to R on prothorax, metathorax, 1st abdominal segment), (f) Dorsal abdominal scleroites and hairs of N. wahinkae, (g) Same for N. alativica, (h) Thoracic v abdominal spiracles of Delphiniobium junackianum (L to R on prothorax, metathorax, 1st abdominal segment), (i) SIPH and cauda of D. junackianum, (j) Cauda of D. lycoctoni, (k) Cauda of D. hanla.