Fig.46 Apterae on Rhododendron; (a) Hind tarsus of Illinoia azaleae, (b) Hind tarsus of I. lambersi (I. rhododendri is similar), (c) Hind tarsus of I. paqueti, (d) SIPH of I. rhododendri, (e) SIPH of I. pinawae, (f) Dorsal process on ABD TERG 6 of Chaitomyzus rhododendri, (g) Dorsal process on ABD TERG 6 of Indomasonaphis anaphalidis, (h) SIPH of Indiaphis crassicornis, (i) SIPH of Ericolophium rhododendri, (j) HT II of E. rhododendri.