The Aphids
(in alphabetical order)
Kaburagia Takagi |
Eriosomatinae: Fordini |
Three or more oriental species related to Melaphis,
Meitanaphis, Nurudea and Schlechtendalia, and
likewise (in the one species where the life cycle is known)
alternating between galls on Rhus and mosses. However the
alatae from galls on Rhus have distinctive antennal
sensoriation (Yang et al. 2009). Only one
sexuparous generation matures on mosses, overwintering in an
immature stage, as in Schlechtendalia chinensis (q.v.). A.K.
Ghosh (1984) reviewed the Indian species, and Xiang (1980/81) and G.
Zhang et al. (1999c) reviewed the species in
Kaburagia ailanthi
Chowdhuri, Basu, Chakrabarti & Raychaudhuri Emigrant alatae from galls are rather elongate-bodied, colour in
life unrecorded: BL 1.7-1.8 mm. The host plant
given in the original description, and on the paratype slides in the
BMNH collection, is Ailanthus sp., without any mention of
gall formation (Chowdhuri et al. 1969a). Chakrabarti et al. (1985) reported that it forms a petiole
gall on Ailanthus glandulosa, but no new collection data were
given in that paper and the unusual host association requires
additional confirmation. A more probable host
plant would be Rhus punjabensis. In
Kaburagia ovatirhusicola
Xiang Galls on leaflets of
Rhus potaninii in
Kaburagia rhusicola
Takagi Galls on leaflets of
Rhus (potaninii, punjabensis var.
sinica) are elongate pear- or fig-shaped, somewhat pointed at
distal end, 3-10 cm long, with some longitudinal striations,
yellowish green when mature (Takagi 1937; Xiang 1980/81). Alate emigrants are dark grey to black (presumably with wax
secretion); BL 1.3-1.5 mm. Emigration from galls
in northern
Kaltenbachiella Schouteden |
Eriosomatinae: Eriosomatini |
Eight species primarily associated with Ulmus and related to
Colopha and Tetraneura, but the hind wing has two
oblique veins, and the feeding position of the first instar
fundatrices is such that the gall arises from the mid-rib of the
leaf near its base, rather than from the leaf lamina. The secondary
hosts where known are mostly Lamiaceae. A.K. Ghosh (1981) reviewed and keyed the
species, and there are also accounts for east Asia (Akimoto, 1985)
Kaltenbachiella carpinicola
A.K. Ghosh, Chakrabarti & Bhattacharya Reported to form open galls consisting of a swollen cup-shaped
pouch or cavity on leaf blades of an unidentified
Carpinus sp. (A.K. Ghosh et al. 1981). However the host was apparently misidentified, because Chakrabarti
& Banerjee (1993b) reported that the primary host was an
Ulmus sp. Alatae collected from these galls in June have an
unbranched forewing media and secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III
20-29, IV 7-10, V 10-13 and VI 15-17; BL 2.2-2.6 mm. The life cycle is unknown. The host plant, and
the position of the gall, which is anomalous, need additional
confirmation. In
Kaltenbachiella elsholtriae (Shinji) Apterae are densely
wax-coated; BL 1.1-1.4 mm. On Elsholtzia spp., living in
small hollows between leaf veins. The leaves become intensely
wrinkled and distorted around the hollows, and turn reddish purple
along the midrib. In
Kaltenbachiella glabra Akimoto Galls are almost globular, unstalked, smooth, projecting upward from the mid-rib of the leaf. Only the gall and fundatrix are described (Akimoto 1985a), so this species could not be included in the key to aphids on Ulmus. On Ulmus uyematsui in Taiwan. Life cycle is unknown.
Kaltenbachiella japonica
(Matsumura) Galls are globular, covered with fine
spine-like projections, green, projecting upward from the mid-rib,
which tends to be bent downwards where the gall is attached (fig. 134K). Monoecious holocyclic on
Ulmus spp. On U. japonica in Japan
the galls occur mainly on mature trees, especially on shoots growing
directly from the trunk, and may occur 4 or more to a leaf. Alate sexuparae (BL 1.4-1.7 mm) emerge from galls in July-Aug and
produce sexuales in crevices of the trunk, often near their old
galls (Akimoto 1985a). In Japan and east
Siberia. [Alate specimens trapped in
Kaltenbachiella nirecola
(Matsumura) Galls on Ulmus spp. are
oblong, bag-shaped, with a narrower section at the base, projecting
upward from the mid-rib of the leaf; green, often with reddish tinge
distally, covered in short whitish hairs. Emigrant alatae have the forewing media usually once-branched but
sometimes unbranched; BL 1.3-1.7 mm. In
Kaltenbachiella pallida
(Haliday) Galls on Ulmus spp. are
globular, pale, densely covered in short fine hairs, projecting from
the mid-rib mainly on the upper side of the leaf (fig. 134H). Emigrant alatae (fig. 117B) have the forewing media usually unbranched, sometimes
once-branched; BL 1.8-2.1 mm. They emerge from
galls through a stellate distal opening in June-July, and migrate to
found colonies on roots of Lamiaceae (Mentha, Galeopsis, Origanum,
Thymus). Apterous exules are very plump-bodied to almost globular,
yellowish‑white, secreting flocculent wax; BL 0.9-1.3 mm.
Immature stages are pale orange yellow. Throughout Europe and in north Africa, Middle East, south-west and
central Asia, west Siberia, China, and reported also from Argentina
(Ortego et al. 2004). A population on Mentha haplocalyx in
Kaltenbachiella spinosa
Akimoto Galls on Ulmus japonica are
like those of K. japonica (see above), but generally with
larger, thicker spines arranged more irregularly (fig. 134J
and Akimoto 1985a). Emigrant alatae (BL 1.0-1.4
mm) (fig. 117C) leave galls in July-Aug for an
unknown secondary host. In
Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa
(Walsh & Riley) Galls on
Ulmus rubra are large, spindle-shaped, bag-like, about 2.5 cm
long, green when young and becoming straw-coloured when mature,
projecting upward from mid-rib of leaf (fig. 134I
and Patch 1910b). Emigrant alatae, BL 1.4-1.5 mm,
with media either unbranched or once-branched, leave galls in
June-July to found colonies on roots of Lamiaceae; successful
transfers were made to Lycopus virginicus (Smith 1985). Apterous exules are yellowish orange with wax-wool (C.F. Smith,
pers. comm.); BL unrecorded. Distributed throughout the range of U. rubra in
Kaochiaoja Tao |
Aphidinae: Macrosiphini |
Two east Asian species similar to Neomyzus, but apterae have no secondary rhinaria. A third species described in this genus, Kaochiaoja pileophaga Zhang (in Zhang et al. 1992), appears to be a synonym of Micromyzodium kuwasukae (q.v.).
Kaochiaoja arthraxonis (Takahashi) (=
Micromyzus granotiae Ghosh, Ghosh & Raychaudhuri) Apterae from Arthraxon in
Kaochiaoja sikkimensis Joshi & Blackman Apterae are shining black in life with yellowish brown head, siphunculi pale in middle, and yellow cauda; BL 1.3-1.5 mm. Immatures are pale yellow to greenish yellow. Alatae have extensive dark dorsal markings. On leaves of bamboos (Phyllostachys sp.), which were turned yellowish by dense colonies. Described from East Sikkim, India (Joshi & Blackman 2017).
Karamicrosiphum Zhang |
Aphidinae: Macrosiphini |
One species in
Karamicrosiphum humuliosum Zhang & Qiao Colour
in life is unknown; BL c.2.9 mm. On Humulus scandens in
Klimaszewskia Szelegiewicz |
Aphidinae: Macrosiphini |
A distinctive genus of five Asian species on Lamiaceae with hairy RIV+V, first tarsal segments with 5 hairs, and often with rows of marginal, or spinal and marginal, tubercles. The known alatae have brown-bordered forewing veins. Kadyrbekov (2015) provided a key to apterae.
Klimaszewskia altaica Kadyrbekov Apterae are pale green; BL 2.2-3.2 mm. On stems and inflorescences of Nepeta sibirica in East Kazakhstan (south-western Altai) at 1000-1300 m (Kadyrbekov 2015).
Klimaszewskia dracocephali Szelegiewicz Apterae are whitish
yellow; BL c.2.2 mm. On leaves of Dracocephalum foetidum in
Klimaszewskia katonica Kadyrbekov Apterae are pale green; BL 2.7-3.2 mm. On stems and inflorescences of Dracocephalum grandiflorum in in East Kazakhstan (south-western Altai) at 2000 m (Kadyrbekov 2015).
Klimaszewskia lophanthi Kadyrbekov Apterae are pale green;
BL 2.2-2.5 mm. On flower stalks of Lophanthus schrenki in
Klimaszewskia salviae (Nevsky) (Fig.48f) Apterae are pale green; BL 2.5-3.0 mm. On stems and inflorescences of Salvia sclarea in Uzbekistan (Narzikulov & Umarov 1969); also found on Salvia rhytidea in Iran (Remaudière & Remaudière 1997, p.303), and an alata has been trapped in France (Leclant & Remaudière 1986). Narzikulov & Umarov (1969) described a subspecies (hissarica) with longer siphunculi from Tajikistan.
Ktenopteryx Qiao & Zhang |
Hormaphidinae: Cerataphidini |
One very distinctive species free-living on Styrax in China, with curved blunt-ended frontal and marginal processes, and a single long finger-like process arising from the posterior margin of abdominal tergite 8.
Ktenopteryx eosocallis Qiao & Zhang Apterae are small, oval,
yellow or yellowish brown; BL 0.9-1.0 mm. On
Styrax odoratissima, feeding on young shoots and
undersides of leaves along the main veins, causing stunting of
shoots and leaf deformation (Qiao & Zhang 2003b, Qiao
et al. 2018). In Guanxi Autonomous Region
Kugegania Eastop |
Aphidinae: Macrosiphini |
One African species characterised by the presence of a pair of spinal tubercles on the head, and alatae with reduced wing venation and without a black dorsal abdominal patch.
Kugegania ageni (Eastop) Colour of apterae in life
is unknown; BL 1.2-1.6 mm. Alatae have forewings lacking a radius in
more than 90% of specimens and a once-branched media, and hindwings
without oblique veins. On etiolated parts of grasses
(Digitaria, Pennisetum) in
Kurisakia Takahashi |
Thelaxinae |
About seven species in east Asia, described from Juglandaceae (or from perhaps misidentified trees with similar leaves), and Fagaceae. Closely related to Glyphina, and in fact although Kurisakia are generally paler and less sclerotised than Glyphina, there are no good morphological distinguishing features between these two genera. Many of the characters used to distinguish between species and subspecies of Kurisakia are subject to environmental variation, so that the separate identity of most species needs experimental confirmation. Possibly there are only 2-3 valid species in the genus. There is no information on sexual morphs or life cycles for any species of Kurisakia. Accounts are available for Japan (Takahashi 1960a) and China (Zhang & Zhong 1979a).
Kurisakia ailanthi Takahashi Apterae are broadly oval, colour in life not recorded in original description, but probably greenish yellow with green markings, with legs and antennae pale; BL c. 2.7 mm. Described from Ailanthus altissima in Japan (Takahashi 1960a), but almost certainly this was a misidentification of Juglans ailanthifolia, which has very similar leaves. Distinction from K. onigurumi, apart from body size and size-related characters, is not clear. Sorin (1988) gave a detailed description, including dimorphic first instars, of a population described as a subspecies , K. ailanthi sawagarumii, curling leaflets of Pteryocarya rhoifolia in Japan. The life cycle is unknown.
Kurisakia indica
Basu Apterae are oval, colour in life not
recorded, antennae and legs pale; BL 1.6-1.9 mm. Alatae have paired dark markings on most abdominal tergites. On undersides of leaves of Engelhardtia spicata in
Kurisakia onigurumii (Shinji) Plate 4e, f Apterae are oval, green, with pale legs and antennae; BL 1.2-2.0 mm. Alatae have black head and thorax and paired green markings on ABD TERG 1-6, often fused to form cross-bands (Moritsu 1983, p.212). In folded leaflets of Juglans spp. and Pterocarya spp. in Japan, Taiwan and China. Moritsu (1983) recorded it from Platycarya strobilacea in Japan, but there is possible confusion with K. sinoplatycaryae described from this host in China. The life cycle is unknown; according to Shinji (1924), the individuals produced in July are all alatae, and fly away. 2n=18* (for specimens from Pt. stenoptera in China).
Kurisakia querciphila Takahashi Apterae are yellow, with a pair of longitudinal green dorsal stripes; BL 1.2-2.0 mm. On Q. acutissima in Japan, often forming large populations, and also since recorded from several other Quercus spp. Paik’s (1965) record of K. onigurumii on Q. acutissima and Castanea crenata in Korea should be referred to this taxon, which was described (Takahashi 1960a) as a subspecies of K. onigurumii, but is here given full species status.
Kurisakia sinocaryae Zhang Described from Carya cathayensis in Zhejiang, China (Zhang & Zhong 1979a). Alatae viviparae have more numerous secondary rhinaria than other described Kurisakia species (distributed ANT III 39-51, IV 9-13, V 5-7), and these are not arranged in a row (i.e., the sensoriation is as one would expect to find in a male). Jin (1982) studied the population ecology of this aphid.
Kurisakia sinoplatycaryae Zhang Described from Platycarya strobilacea in Zhejiang, China (Zhang & Zhong 1979a). Apterae have a rugose tergum and hairs on the hind tibia only about as long as the width of the tibia at midlength, and alatae have a cauda with a distinct basal constriction.
Kurisakia yunnanensis Zhang Alate viviparae only are described, from China, on Senna siamea, which is unlikely to be the true host. Similar to, or synonymous with, K. onigurumii.