Table 1. Some features of the biology, host associations and life cycles of Aphidoidea. The bracketed figures are total numbers of genera/total numbers of species : numbers of genera known to live on trees/numbers of species known to live on trees. The classification follows that used by Remaudière and Remaudière (1997), with the revision of family names proposed by Nieto Nafrìa et al. (1998), rather than that of Heie & Wegierek (2009), which raises many subfamilies to family level. Table 3 compares the two classifications.

  1. ADELGIDAE (2/51 : 2/51) Alternation from galls on Picea to other Pinaceae, holarctic
    1. Pineini (1/23 : 1/23) Picea to Pinus
    2. Adelgini (1/28 : 1/28) Picea to Larix, Pseudotsuga, etc.
  2. PHYLLOXERIDAE (8/66 : 7/65) Dicotyledons, holarctic
    1. Phylloxerinini (1/8 : 1/8) Salicaceae, 1 species on Cornaceae
    2. Phylloxerini (7/58 : 7/57) Mostly nearctic, either forming galls on Juglandaceae (Carya) or on leaves of Fagaceae, with at least two host-alternating between the two, and a few species on Ulmaceae, Rosaceae and Vitaceae
  3. APHIDIDAE Eriosomatinae (48/301 : 47/235) Most host-alternating; with dwarf arostrate sexuales, oviparae produce only one egg
    1. Eriosomatini (11/90 : 11/65) Galls or pseudogalls on Ulmaceae to various angiosperms, often on roots, with ants; holarctic
    2. Pemphigini (19/157 : 18/121) Holarctic
      1. Pemphigina (10/104 : 10/77) Galls on Populus to roots of various herbs, more rarely trees or aerial parts of herbs
      2. Prociphilina (9/53 : 8/44) Pseudogalls on various dicot trees to roots of Coniferae, more rarely other plants
    3. Fordini (18/54:18/49) Alternation from galls on Anacardiaceae
      1. Fordina (13/42 : 13/37) Pistacia, mostly to grass roots with ants, mostly Mediterranean and East Asia, 1 American genus
      2. Melaphidina (5/12:5/12) Rhus, mostly to mosses, mostly oriental, 1 American genus
  4. Hormaphidinae (44/181 : 44/164) Host alternating, with small rostrate sexuales
    1. Cerataphidini (13/78 :13/63) Galls on Styrax to Gramineae/Poaceae (esp. bamboos), Palmae/Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae, where often with ants; oriental
    2. Hormaphidini (3/9 : 3/9) Galls on Hamamelis to Betula, holarctic
    3. Nipponaphidini (28/94:28/92) Galls on Distylium to Lauraceae, Fagaceae, etc., where often with ants; oriental
  5. Phloeomyzinae (1/1-3 : 1/1-3) Populus, alate sexuales; all viviparae apterous; holarctic
  6. Thelaxinae (4/18 : 3/16) Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, often with ants; small apterous sexuales; holarctic
  7. Aiceoniinae (1/14 : 1/9) Lauraceae; alate males; Asia
  8. Anoeciinae (1/20 : 1/12) Alternation, Cornus to roots of Gramineae/Poaceae; sexuparae producing small apterous males
  9. Tamaliinae (1/4-5 : 0/0) Leaf-galls on Arctostaphylos, nearctic
  10. Mindarinae (1/5 : 1/5) Pinaceae; Picea and Abies, few generations per year, holarctic
  11. Drepanosiphinae (5/40 : 5/40) Aceraceae; all viviparae alate; holarctic
  12. Neophyllaphidinae (1/15 : 1/15) Podocarpaceae and Auracariaceae; southern hemisphere; mountains of tropics and northward to China and Japan
  13. Spicaphidinae (2/13 : 2/13) Nothofagus, South America
  14. Lizeriini (3/24 : 2/22) Mostly Combretaceae, some Lauraceae, 1 Myrtaceae; South America, Africa, 1 species in India
  15. Pterastheniinae (2/4 : 1/2) Leguminosae/Fabaceae, Africa
  16. Israelaphidinae (1/4 : 0/0) Gramineae/Poaceae, Mediterranean region
  17. Taiwanaphidinae (2/13 : 2/13) 1 genus mostly on Myrtaceae in east and south-east Asia, 1 genus on Nothofagus in Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand
  18. Phyllaphidinae (4/15 : 4/15) Fagaceae, holarctic; 1 genus/species on Lauraceae in Asia
  19. Calaphidinae (62/358 : 52/297) Free-living, mostly on leaves of trees; often with all viviparae alate, oviparae apterous, mostly without ants
    1. Calaphidini (17/75 : 16/67) Betulaceae, holarctic
    2. Panaphidini (45/283 : 36/230) Holarctic
      1. Myzocallidina (15/145 : 15/144) Fagaceae, exceptionally Carpinus, Corylus, Myrica, Asclepias (1 species on each)
      2. Panaphidina (30/138) : 21/86) Mostly Juglandaceae, Betulaceae (except Betula), Ulmaceae, Tiliaceae, Leguminosae/Fabaceae, Gramineae/Poaceae (bamboos), some on Lythraceae (Duabanga, Lagerstroemia), Rosaceae (1 on Prunus)
  20. Saltusaphidinae (12/55 : 0/0) Cyperaceae and Juncaceae; apterous viviparae common; holarctic
  21. Macropodaphidinae (1/10 : 0/0) Rosaceae (Potentilla) and Compositae/Asteraceae (Artemisia); central and eastern palaearctic
  22. Chaitophorinae (11/163 : 6/126) Free-living on leaves and shoots, apterous viviparae common, often with ants
    1. Chaitophorini (6/140 : 6/126) Salicaceae, Aceraceae, holarctic
    2. Siphini (5/23 : 0/0) Gramineae/Poaceae; holarctic
  23. Parachaitophorinae (2/2 : 0/0) Oriental, on Spiraea
  24. Greenideinae (16/150 : 14/117) Mostly on dicot trees, especially Fagaceae, mostly east Asia
    1. Greenideini (7/124 : 6/100) Mostly eastern palaearctic; oviparae often alate
    2. Cervaphidini (6/19 : 5/12) 3 genera in east and south-east Asia, 2 genera in Australia, 1 in South America
    3. Schoutedeniini (3/7 : 3/5) Mostly southern hemisphere; 1 genus in Australia, 2 in Africa
  25. Aphidinae (256/2483 : 68/376) Fundatrices and oviparae large, males apterous or alate; host alternation involves alate males returning separately to primary host; worldwide but mostly holarctic.
    1. Aphidini (29/670 : 17/96) Alternation in many genera but many species are monoecious; often with ants
      1. Aphidina (20/585 : 8/70) Mostly Rosidae and Asteridae
      2. Rhopalosiphina (5/80 : 5/23) Alternation, Rosaceae to Gramineae/Poaceae and Cyperaceae
    2. Macrosiphini (227/1813 : 51/280) Alternation in many genera but many species are monoecious on herbs, often without ants
  26. Lachninae (19/346 : 14/318) Fundatrices and oviparae large, males alate or apterous (sometimes small); often with ants; free-living, without host alternation
    1. Lachnini (10/58 : 8/60) mostly Fagaceae and Rosaceae; holarctic, especially central and eastern palaearctic
    2. Eulachnini (5/257 : 5/257) Coniferae; holarctic, more in nearctic than palaearctic
    3. Tramini (3/21 : 1/1) Roots, mostly Compositae/Asteraceae, 1 genus/species on Tamarix; palaearctic