Fig.18 Apterae on Carex I; (a) SIPH of Acutosiphon obliquoris, (b) Front of head of Vesiculaphis caricis, (c) Front of head of Vesiculaphis theobaldi, (d) SIPH of V. caricis, (e) SIPH of Carolinaia caricis, (f) Hind tibia of Schizaphis caricis, (g) Part of spinal cuticle of ABD TERG 3 of Schizaphis pilipes, (h) Same for Schizaphis wahlgreni, (i) Base of tibia (“patella”) of Saltusaphis scirpus, (j) Dorsal wax gland of Sminthuraphis ulrichi, (k) ABD TERG 8 of Saltusaphis scirpus.