Aphis confusa, [dipsacicola Holman (nomen nudum)],
(incl. var sylvestris)
fabae, ochropus, solanella, thomasi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, rosae;
Myzus persicae; [Uroleucon rudbeckiae]
D. gmelinii
Macrosiphum rosae
D. inermis
Aphis eugeniae, [gossypii]; Macrosiphum
D. laciniatus
Aphis ochropus;Macrosiphum rosae
D. mitis = D.
D. pilosus
Aphis ochropus; Macrosiphum rosae
D. sativus
D. strigosus
Macrosiphum rosae
D. sylvestris = D. fullonum
Aphis cephalariae
to apterae on Dipsacus:-
ANT tubercles weakly
developed. ABD TERG 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu). Cauda pale, dusky or
ANT tubercles well
developed. ABD TERG 7 without MTu. Cauda pale
with extensive dark sclerotisation varying from an almost solid carapace to
broad cross-bands (the latter in small midsummer specimens). Longest hairs on
ANT III 1.8-2.8 × BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 6-12 hairs and cauda with 12-20
…..Aphis cephalariae
that combination of characters
Femoral hairs all much
shorter than diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda pale, dusky or dark
with 2-9 hairs
Many of femoral hairs
long and fine, exceeding diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Cauda black
with 10-24 hairs
SIPH 2.0-2.8 × cauda. R IV+V 1.4-1.8 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.9-3.7
…..Aphis ochropus
SIPH 0.8-2.3 × cauda. R
IV+V 1.1-1.5 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 1.5-3.3
Posterior hair on hind trochanter 0.2-0.5 ×
diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Hairs on anterior half of subgenital
plate 0.2-0.5 × ANT BD III
…..Aphis thomasi
Posterior hair on hind
trochanter 0.6-1.1 × diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Hairs on anterior
half of subgenital plate 1.0-2.0 × ANT BD III
…..Aphis confusa
Dark cross-bands present
on ABD TERG 7 and 8, and often dark markings also on more anterior tergites.
Hind tibia without a row of spine-like hairs. HT 1 usually with 2 hairs (no
sense peg)
…..Aphis fabae group (incl. solanella)
Dorsal abdomen without
dark markings. Hind tibia with a row of spine-like hairs. HT I with 3 hairs
(sense peg present)
…..Aphis eugeniae
black, tapering/cylindrical, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation.
head dark, smooth, with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. ANT III with
10-35 rhinaria
…..Macrosiphum rosae
pale, with or without subapical polygonal reticulation, and other characters
do not apply
Distylium spp. are primary
hosts for many members of the Nipponaphidini, in the subfamily Hormaphidinae.
Takahashi (1962) and Sorin (1987) reviewed the species of this group that
form galls on Distylium in Japan; Sorin illustrated the galls of 5
species, and the embryos from emigrant alatae of 12 species, Aoki et al. (2021) provided photographs of
the galls of 5 Metanipponaphis species.
However there may be numerous other species in east and south-east Asia still
undescribed. Determinations using the partial key below should therefore be
treated very cautiously.
Alatae emerging from galls (other
morphs not keyed)
SIPH pore-like. Antennae very short,
3- or 4-segmented. Wax pore plates well developed
…..Distylaphis foliorum
SIPH tubular. Antennae 6-segmented.
Wax pore plates not developed
SIPH broadest at mid-length, with numerous
long hairs. Cauda short and broad-based, with an apical papilla. No
stridulatory apparatus
…..Greenidea flacourtiae
SIPH tapering from base to flange,
without hairs. Cauda tongue-shaped, rounded at apex. Stridulatory apparatus
present (fig.
…..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Abdominal spiracles present on segments
2-6 (i.e., 5 on each side of abdomen)
Abdominal spiracles only present on
segments 2-5 (4 on each side of abdomen)
Antennae 4-segmented (fig. 45A).
SIPH present (as pores). Media of forewing once-branched
Antennae 5-segmented. SIPH absent.
Media of forewing unbranched
…..Asiphonipponaphis vasigalla
Media of forewingdistinct for
most of length, united with or almost meeting Cu1a at about 0.4 of
its length from base, and Cu1a then united with or almost meeting
Cu1b at about 0.2-0.3 of its length, so that all three veins share
a common stem (e.g. fig. 46A)
Media of forewing usually with basal
part indistinct or absent, not united with Cu1a (figs. 46B-H)
Media of forewing unbranched (fig. 46A).
ANT III with 16-21 annular secondary rhinaria, IV with 11-15 and V with 8-11
Media of forewing once-branched. ANT III
with 12-16 annular secondary rhinaria, IV with 7-9 and V with 5-7
Basal part of ANT III without rhinaria;
distance between most proximal rhinarium and base of segment more than 1.5
times × longer than ANT II (fig. 45B)
…..Dermaphis autumna
Distance between most proximal rhinarium
on ANT III and base of segment equal to or less than length of ANT II
Wing membrane heavily infuscated, at least
between vein Cu1b and base of forewing
Wing membrane between veins almost
hyaline, or slightly but evenly pigmented
Antenna more than 2× longer than head
width across (and including) eyes, ANT III being as long as or a little
longer than fore tibia (e.g. fig.45C)
Antenna less than 2× head width across
eyes. ANT III clearly shorter than fore tibia
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III
54-73, IV 28-37, V 20-31
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT
III 34-48, IV 16-25, V 10-19
surface of head between eyes with22-29 hairs
surface of head between eyes with6-12 hairs
…..Nipponaphis machilicola*
ABD TERG 8 with 4-8 hairs
ABD TERG 8 with 10 or more hairs
Greatest width of ANT II about the same as
its greatest length (fig. 45G).
Longest tibial hairs about 40 µm, not exceeding width of tibia at mid-point.
Forewing vein Cu1b with a distinct shallow “S”-curve (fig. 46C)
Greatest width of ANT II at least 1.1
times more than its greatest length (figs 45H-J). Tibial hairs long and fine,
mainly longer than 50 µm and exceeding width of hind tibia at mid-point.
Forewing vein Cu1b straight or only slightly curved distally
Forewing with a clearly defined hyaline
patch at the base of the media, and vein Cu1b slightly curved
distally (fig.
46D). Abdominal spiracles with opercular sclerites almost completely
surrounding the spiracular pores (fig. 45D)
Forewing membrane often slightly paler at
base of media, but no clearly defined hyaline patch, and vein Cu1b
virtually straight (e.g. fig. 46E). Abdominal spiracles with opercular
sclerites extending not more than half way around spiracular pores (e.g. fig.
BL more than 2.8 mm. SIPH with a black
sclerotic section (fig. 45F),
and with basal diameter about equal to middle diameter of ANT III (including
…..Nipponaphis monzeni
BL less than 2.8 mm. SIPH pale and
inconspicuous, with basal diameter much less than middle diameter of ANT III
(including rhinaria)
…..Nipponaphis distyliicola
veins Cu1a and Cu1b joined at their bases (e.g. fig. 46G)
Forewing veins Cu1a and
Cu1b separate at their bases (e.g. fig. 46H)
Antennae with 3-4
segments (those of the flagellum not clearly delineated) and a total of more
than 61-110 secondary rhinaria
…..Tripartita formosana*
Antennae with 5 segments and a total of
less than 60 secondary rhinaria
(Al. are emigrants,
migrating to secondary host) Vein Cu1b in forewing distinctly
thicker and darker than Cu1a
(Al. are sexuparae, producing sexuales on
Distylium leaves.) Vein Cu1b
not noticeably thicker and darker than Cu1a
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 7-9, IV
4-6, V 2-3
…..Quernaphis minuta*
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT
III 18-20, IV 8-9, V 4-6
…..Monzenia globuli
Secondary rhinaria distributed ANT
III 21-28, IV 10-15, V 9-12
…..Monzenia ihai
Forewing rather narrow, more than 2.5 ×
longer than its greatest width, with veins (except media) dark and
pterostigma blackish (fig. 46F)
…..Schizoneuraphis gallarum
Forewing broad, less than 2.5 × longer
than its greatest width, with veins pale (except sometimes Cu1b),
and pterostigma dusky (fig. 46H)
HT much elongated, more
than 0.5 × hind tibia. ANT PT/BASE less than 1. Body and appendages densely
clothed in fine hairs
HT of normal length. ANT
PT/BASE more than 1.5. SIPH present. Eyes multifacetted. Body and appendages
less hairy
SIPH absent. ANT
PT/BASE less than 0.25. ANT without sec. rhinaria and eyes with only 3 facets
(except in rare alatiform apterae)
.….Trama troglodytes
SIPH present as pores on slightly elevated, pigmented cones. ANT
PT/BASE more than 0.25. Apterae typically alatiform, with secondary rhinaria
on ANT and multifaceted eyes
..….Protrama longitarsus
SIPH with subapical
reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed polygonal cells)
SIPH without subapical
SIPH and cauda dark. ANT
III with more than 20 rhinaria
…..Uroleucon doronici
SIPH and cauda pale. ANT
III with 1-10 rhinaria
R IV+V 1.05-1.38 × HT II, and bearing 12-17 accessory hairs
…..Macrosiphum doronicicola
R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II,
and bearing 7-10 accessory hairs
…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Head spiculose with
well-developed, steep-sided ANT tubercles
Head not spiculose and
ANT tubercles undeveloped or moderately developed
Dorsal abdomen with a large, dark, roughly horseshoe-shaped patch.
SIPH 0.7-1.0 × head width across (and including) eyes. Hind tibiae of
immature fomrs densely spinulose
…..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsum without any dark
markings. SIPH 1.0-1.4 × head width across eyes. Hind tibiae of immature
forms smooth
…..Aulacorthum solani
ANT III with 8-42
rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 8-11. Cauda much longer than its basal width and
bearing 7(-8) hairs
…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
ANT III without rhinaria.
ANT PT/BASE 1.5-5.0. If cauda is much longer than its basal width then it
bears 10-24 hairs
Cauda dark,
tongue-shaped, as long as or longer than its basal width, with 10-24 hairs.
ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu). Spiracular apertures reniform
Cauda pale or dark, helmet-shaped or semi-circular, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view, with 4-9 hairs. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu. Spiracular apertures rounded
(of apt.) usually with rhinaria on III and IV, those on III being mostly on
distal part of segment. Tibiae dark
…..Aphis cacaliasteris
ANT without rhinaria on
III and IV. Tibiae mostly pale
R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II. Dorsal
abdomen usually with extensive dark sclerotisation, but with sclerites
showing some division between segments. First tarsal segments each with 2
sense pegs (i.e. first tarsal chaetotaxy 4-4-4)
R IV+V 1.2-2.0 × HT II.
Dorsal abdomen either membranous or with a solid dark sclerotic shield, not
divided segmentally. First tarsal segments each with (0-)1 sense peg (first tarsal chaetotaxy
3-3-3 or 3-3-2)
….. 12
Dorsum membranous. SIPH pale and smooth,
0.9-1.6 × cauda. Mesosternum without mammariform processes
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsum with a solid dark
shield. SIPH dark, imbricated, 1.8-3.4 × cauda. Mesosternum with a pair of
dark mammariform processes
SIPH cylindrical over
most of length, slightly swollen distally but with a smooth constricted
region just proximal to the well-developed flange. Dorsal cuticle ornamented
with spicules arranged in polygons
…..Rhopalosiphum padi
SIPH without a smooth
constricted region below flange. Dorsal cuticle without spicules arranged in
Head spiculose/nodulose, with
rounded ANT tubercles. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu).
SIPH pale, 2.3-3.8 × cauda
Head wthout spicules or
nodules, ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, not projecting beyond
middle of front of head in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu. SIPH pale or dark, 0.7-2.1 × cauda
ANT 0.5-0.6 × BL, with
ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.0. SIPH not clavate
…..Myzus lythri
ANT 1.1-1.3 × BL, with
ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5. SIPH slightly clavate
…..Hyalomyzus jussiaeae
SIPH somewhat swollen on
distal half, dark like cauda, ANT and legs. R IV+V 0.135-0.195 mm long,
1.3-1.7 × ANT BASE VI
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH cylindrical or
tapering, pale or dark. Cauda pale or dark, ANT and legs at least partly
pale. R IV+V usually shorter
SIPH pale, sometimes
SIPH uniformly dark
ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.8. (Al.
with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT III 25-60, IV 9-25, V 7-17)
…..Aphis triglochinis
PT/BASE 1.8-3.0 (Al. with secondary rhinaria distributed ANT iii 8-16, IV
1-6, V 0-2)
…..Aphis nasturtii
SIPH and cauda both black.
SIPH short, 0.11-0.15 × BL and 0.8-1.1 × cauda. ANT dark except for basal
part of ANT III
…..Aphis droserae
paler than SIPH, which are usually more than 0.15 × BL (range 0.09-0.26) and
usually more than 1.1 × cauda (0.85-2.16). ANT III-IV, and most of V, pale
Antennae 5-segmented.Body
elongate, more than 2× its maximum width. Abdominal tergum pale. SIPH without any pale reticulation. Cauda
without a medial papilla
…..Eutrichosiphum sikkimense
Antennae 6-segmented.Body pear-shaped, less than 2× its maximum width. Abdominal tergum dark. SIPH with pale reticulation, at least on basal part. Cauda with a median papilla
Siphunculi with pale reticulation throughout length except for spiculose subapical region
…..Greenidea ficicola
with pale reticulation confined to basal region
PT subequal to or slightly shorter than ANT III, less than 2× longer than R
…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) bucktonis
ANT PT longer than ANT III, and more than 2× longer than R IV+V
…..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) psidii
Forewings with veins unbordered. ANT III-VI mainly dark, with III bearing 19-28 secondary rhinaria over c. 0.8 of length, ABD TERG 1-4 with spinal hairs on dark conical processes
…..Tinocallis (Orientinocallis) distincta
Forewings with veins dark-bordered. ANT III-VI mainly pale, dark at joints and apically; III with 3-17 secondary rhinaria over 0.4-0.7 of length. ABD TERG 1-2 with spinal hairs on dark finger-like processes, those on ABD TERG 2 being much larger than those on 1
Head spinulose with
well-developed, apically convergentANT
Head without spicules,
ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle
of front of head in dorsal view
slightly clavate. Dorsum without dark intersegmental markings. ANT PT/BASE
…..Myzus persicae
SIPH tapering, usually
with a slight “S”-curve. Dorsum with a pattern of dark intersegmental
markings. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8
…..Myzus ornatus
Cauda helmet-shaped,
shorter than its basal width in dorsal view. SIPH smooth, conical, with a
subapical annular incision below the large flange. Spiracular apertures
rounded. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue-shaped,
longer than its basal width. SIPH imbricated, without a subapical annular
incision. Spiracular apertures reniform. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu
SIPH and cauda both black
SIPH pale or dark, cauda
pale or dusky (paler than SIPH)
SIPH 0.4-0.6 × cauda.
Stridulatory apparatus present. ABD TERG 2 usually, and 3 often, with marginal
tubercles (MTu)
…..Aphis odinae
SIPH 0.9-2.7 × cauda. No
stridulatory apparatus. ABD TERG 2 and 3 rarely with MTu
SIPH 0.9-1.7 × cauda. ANT
PT/BASE 1.9-2.8
…..Aphis spiraecola
SIPH 1.7-2.7 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.4-4.1
…..Aphis nerii
SIPH often paler at base,
and usually less than 1.5 × cauda. (Al. often with 1-3 rhinaria on ANT IV)
…..Aphis punicae
SIPH uniformly dark,
usually more than 1.5 × cauda. (Al. usually without rhinaria on ANT IV,
rarely with 1 or 2)
TERG 8 with a small process bearing a pair of hairs. SIPH rugose, without a
subapical annular incision, and 2.7-3.0 × cauda. Tergum pigmented, and with nodulose ornamentation.
Spiracular apertures small and occluded
TERG 8 without a small hair-bearing process. SIPH short, smooth, with a
subapical annular incision. Tergum unpigmented, smooth. Spiracular apertures large
and rounded
Body spindle-shaped, BL 2.0-3.6
mm. ANT 1.3-1.6 × BL. SIPH pale with dark apices, 1.8-2.2 × cauda, with
subapical polygonal reticulation. Rostrum (total length measured from base of
protractor apodeme) less than 0.25 × BL
…..Macrosiphum centranthi
Body oval, BL 1.0-1.7 mm.
ANT 0.5-0.8 × BL. SIPH uniformly dark, 0.8-1.4 × cauda, without polygonal
reticulation. Rostrum total length 0.30-0.42 × BL
Body oval. SIPH uniformly
dark, shorter than distance between their bases, without polygonal
reticulation. Cauda with 4-7 (-8) hairs
…..Aphis gossypii
Body spindle-shaped. SIPH
pale (or dark-tipped ), longer than the distance between their bases, with a
subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Cauda with 8-15 hairs
ANT PT/BASE about 7. SIPH 0.35-0.4 × BL, with polygonal reticulation
on distal 0.17-0.25. SIPH 2.1-2.6 ×
cauda which bears 12-15 hairs
…..Macrosiphum echinocysti
0.25-0.35 × BL, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.13-0.20. SIPH 1.7-2.2 × cauda which bears 8-12 hairs
Cauda short, bluntly
triangular, semi-circular or helmet-shaped, shorter than or not clearly
longer than (less than 1.3 ×) its basal width in dorsal view
Cauda tongue- or
finger-shaped or acutely triangular, clearly longer than (more than 1.4 ×)
its basal width in dorsal view
1 and 7 with (and 2-5 without) marginal tubercles (MTu). Spiracular apertures
reniform. SIPH dark. Cauda with 8-22 hairs
ANT/BASE 2.4-5.1. ABD
TERG 1 and 7 without MTu. Spiracular apertures large and rounded. SIPH pale
or dark. Cauda with 4-8 hairs
ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.1. R IV+V 0.8-1.2 × SIPH. Cauda with 8-16 hairs
…..Protaphis middletonii
ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.1. R
IV+V long, 1.5-2.5 × SIPH. Cauda with 16-22 hairs
on ANT III 12-20 μm long, 0.9-1.2 × BD III. Longest hairs on hind femur
18-35 μm long. R IV+V 1.8-2.6 × SIPH. SIPH 4-6 × longer than longest
hair on ANT III
…..Protaphis echinopis
Hairs on ANT III 5-11
μm long, 0.4-0.8 × BD III. Longest hairs on hind femur 12-15 μm
long. R IV+V 1.16-1.75 × SIPH. SIPH 8-16 × longer than longest hair on ANT
…..Protaphis terricola or echinopsicola
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. SIPH pale, smooth, abot 1.1-1.3
× cauda
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsal abdomen with a solid dark shield. SIPH dark, imbricated, 2.1-3.4
× cauda
…..Brachycaudus cardui (incl. ssp. turanica)
SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 3-4
rows of closed cells)
Conspicuous dark, crescent-shaped antesiphuncular sclerites present.
SIPH long and thin , somewhat flared apically, with polygonal cells
relatively large and few in number
Antesiphuncular sclerites
absent. SIPH thicker, not flared apically, with polygonal cells small and
very numerous
Hairs on ANT III only
0.2-0.3 × BD III. ANT I 0.30-0.35 ×
width of head across (and including) eyes
…..Paczoskia brevipilosa
on ANT III 0.5 or more × BD III. ANT
I 0.35-0.53 × head width across eyes
First tarsal segments always with 3 hairs. R IV+V with 6-9 (mostly 6-7) accessory
First tarsal segments with
4-6 hairs (exceptionally 3 hairs on one or more tarsi). R IV+V with 8-28
accessory hairs
R IV+V 0.35-0.39 × head width, and
1.35-c.1.5 × HT II
R IV+V 0.41-0.51 (rarely
less than 0.44) × head width, and 1.6-2.0 × HT II
of SIPH consisting of 20-25 transverse rows of closed cells covering distal
0.35-0.4 of its length. ANT BASE VI 0.27-0.29 × head width. SIPH 1.3-1.4 ×
…..Paczoskia wagneri
Reticulation of SIPH consisting of 3-4 transverse rows of rather indistinct
cells occupying less than 0.1 of length. ANT BASE VI 0.37-0.45 × head width.
SIPH 1.7-1.9 × cauda
…..Paczoskia longipes
BASE VI and ANT I are respectively 0.35-0.41 and 0.43-0.46 × head width. ABD TERG
3 with 9-15 hairs. ANT with base of IV (as well as III) paler
…..Paczoskia paczoskii ssp. ruthenica
I are respectively 0.25-0.35 and
0.35-0.43 × head width or, if longer, then ABD TERG 3 has 15-24 hairs, orANT
III-VI are uniformly dark pigmented except for base of III
ANT III-VI uniformly dark pigmented, except
for pale/dusky base of III. ABD TERG 3 with 11-17 hairs (rarely more than 15)
…..Paczoskia paczoskii s. str.
III and basal half of IV pale or dusky. clearly paler than apex of IV and
V-VI. ABD TERG 3 wirh 15-24 hairs (rarely less than 17)
…..Paczoskia paczoskii ssp. turanica
ANT PT/BASE 5.8-7.3. First tarsal segments
mostly with 4 hairs (more rarely 3 or 5). R IV+V with 8-12 accessory hairs
…..Paczoskia colchica
ANT PT/BASE 3.9-5.6.
First tarsal segments usually with 5-6 hairs (rarely one or more tarsi with
4). R IV+V with 11-28 accessory hairs
ANT VI BASE 0.24-0.30 × head width
…..Paczoskia meridionalis
ANT VI BASE 0.31-0.44 × head
R IV+V 0.48-0.57 × head width, with 16-22
accessory hairs. Hind femur 2.35-2.60 × head width
…..Paczoskia major s. str.
R IV+V 0.39-0.49 × head
width, with 11-15 accessory hairs. Hind femur 1.95-2.35 × head width
……Paczoskia major ssp. bulgarica
R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II
…..Uroleucon echinatum
R IV+V long and slender,
1.7-2.3 × HT II
Cauda pale. ANT tubercles well developed,
median frontal tubercle undeveloped. SIPH with reticulation on distal
0.14-0.17 of length
…..Uroleucon budhium
Cauda dark. ANT tubercles
low, median tubercle developed. SIPH with reticulation on distal 0.33-0.45 of
Cauda semi-circular or helmet-shaped,
not longer than its basal width in dorsal view. Spiracular apertures rounded
Cauda tongue- or
finger-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width
Dorsum without any dark
markings. SIPH 0.9-1.5 × cauda. Mesosternum without mammariform processes
…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsum with a dark shield
or extensive dark markings. SIPH 2.1-3.4 × cauda. Mesosternum with a pair of
dark mammariform processes
Broad, flat, pale marginal tubercles (MTu)
present onABD TERG 1-7, larger
than the spiracles and occupying almost the whole of the sclerites on which
they are placed. ABD TERG 7 often, and 6-8 sometimes, with spinal tubercles
MTu irregularly present
on ABD TERG 2-4, sometimes also on 1 and/or 5, but never on 6 and 7, and
generally smaller than the spiracles. No STu
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 60-110 μm
long. Genital plate with 25-42 hairs, of which 8-17 are on the anterior half.
ANT III usually without rhinaria. (Al. with 21-35 rhinaria on ANT III and
usually without, rarely with 1-2, on IV)
…..Brachycaudus cardui
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 8
are 10-16 μm long. Genital plate with 16-23 hairs of which 2-5 are on anterior
half. ANT III usually with 1-12 rhinaria. (Al. with 12-16 rhinaria on ANT
III, and 2-3 on IV
…..Brachycaudus mordvilkoi
tubercles weakly developed. SIPH uniformly dark. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu
ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH mainly pale. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
black with 11-27 hairs. Dorsal abdomen usually with transverse dark bands on
ABD TERG 7 and 8, and often with dark markings on more anterior tergites
Cauda paler than SIPH,
with 4-11 hairs. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings, or with only narrow
bands on ABD TERG (7) – 8
Total length of rostrum
(measured from base of protractor apodeme) 0.43-0.60 mm, 0.27-0.36 × BL. (Al.
with 1-4 rhinaria on ANT IV)
…..Aphis symphyti
Total length of rostrum
0.34-0.49 mm, 0.22-0.28 × BL. (Al. usually with 0, rarely with 1-2, rhinaria
on ANT IV)
…..Aphis gossypii
ANT III with 3-36 rhinaria on swollen basal part. ANT PT/BASE 7.0-11.4. SIPH cylindrical,
almost smooth. Thoracic spiracles much larger than abdominal spiracles
…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
ANT III with 0-10
rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 1.75-6.2. SIPH cylindrical or slightly clavate,
imbricated. Thoracic spiracles similar in size to abdominal ones
Cauda rather short, tongue-shaped with a slight basal constriction.
ANT II with a large dorsal tubercle. ANT III broad-based, without any secondary
SIPH and cauda black, SIPH 1.5-1.8 × cauda and with polygonal
reticulation on distal 0.30-0.46 of length. Head
smooth, and ANT III with 15 or more rhinaria extending over more than 0.5 of
…..Uroleucon ?minosmartelli
and cauda pale, SIPH 1.8-2.6 × cauda and without polygonal reticulation. Head
spiculose, and ANT III with 1-3 small rhinaria near base
for separating apterae of these two species:-
Head smooth with weakly
developedANT tubercles. SIPH
clavate, with a smooth constricted region proximal to the flange. Dorsal
cuticle ornamented with spinules arranged in polygons, without dark markings
…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Head spinulose with well-developed ANT tubercles. SIPH tapering/cylindrical, without a smooth subapical constriction. Dorsum with dark thoracic cross-bands and a roughly horseshoe-shaped abominal sclerite (or, if neither combination applies, go to key to polyphagous aphids)
Elaeagnaceae are the primary
hosts of the 10-11 species of Capitophorus known to have host
alternation. One species (shepherdiae) seems to have a specific
primary host association with Shepherdia (= Lepargyrea) argentea (which is notElaeagnus
argentea), but the other heteroecious species are apparently able to
utilise either Elaeagnus or Hippophae, presumably depending on
host availability.
to aphids on Elaeagnus and Hippophae(apterae viviparae
unless otherwise stated):-
ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH on
broad dark hairy cones. Dorsal hairs with pointed apices
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. SIPH long and
tubular. Dorsal hairs with expanded apices
R IV almost cylindrical, not much narrower distally than at base; R V shorter than its basal width. Alata with c. 10 rather large secondary rhinaria on ANT III, and 2-3 on IV
…..Lachnus wichmanni
R IV tapering, only about half as wide at
its junction with R V as at its base; R V longer than its basal width. Alata
with very numerous, small protruberant secondary rhinaria scattered over ANT
III and IV
Alata has forewings entirely pigmented and
scaly, with media twice-branched and pterostigma without hairs. Secondary
rhinaria distributed III 275–280, IV
90–95, V 60–65, VI BASE 15–20
…..Sinolachnus elaeagnensis*
Alata has forewings only pigmented
anteriorly, media once-branched and pterostigma with c.20 long hairs.
Secondary rhinaria distributed III 100+,
IV c.40, V c.40, VI BASE 6–8
…..Sinolachnus niitakayanensis
SIPH distinctly swollen subapically,
particularly on inner sides
SIPH cylindrical or tapering, or
only very slightly swollen (to less than 1.1 of minimum width) near apex, or
(in alata) thinnest in middle and gradually thicker towards base and apex
ABD TERG 1-4 usually without submarginal hairs, so that there are only 3 complete longitudinal rows of hairs on each side; these hairs have fan-shaped apices and are usually longer than their maximum widths. SIPH less than 2.7 × cauda
…..Capitophorus hippophaes
ABD TERG 1-4 usually with submarginal
hairs, so that there are 4 more-or-less complete longitudinal rows of hairs
on each side; these hairs are either
long and capitate, or have
mushroom- or balloon-shaped apices. SIPH more than 2.7 × cauda
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 long and
capitate. Marginal hairs single
…..Capitophorus rhamnoides*
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 have mushroom- or
balloon-shaped apices. Marginal hairs usually duplicated
on ABD TERG 1-4 long, distinctly longer than their maximum widths. Cuticle in
the marginal region smooth. Hairs on outer side of hind tibiae long and with
fan-shaped apices
…..Capitophorus wojiechowskii*
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-4 very short, with fan-shaped apices, shorter than their maximum widths. Cuticle in the marginal region rugose. Hairs on outer side of hind tibiae short and club-shaped
ABD TERG 1-4 with pleural hairs usually
single. BL probably more than 1.4 mm, and ANT PT/BASE probably more than 2.5
except in fundatrices. (The spring generations of this species on its primary
host are not yet recorded)
ABD TERG 1-4 with pleural hairs
mostly duplicate. BL less than 1.4 mm, ANT PT/BASE less than 2.0
ABD TERG 1-4 each with 6-8 hairs (usually
only one pair each of spinal, pleural and marginal hairs)
ABD TERG 1-4 each with 10-26 hairs, due to
duplication or multiplication of spinal, pleural and marginal hairs on each
SIPH short, tapering continuously from base to apex, less than 11 × longer than width at midpoint
……Capitophorus himalayensis
SIPH attenuated, almost cylindrical except
at base, or with slight subapical swelling; more than 12 × width at midpoint
Hairs on ANT III all short, thin and
inconspicuous, 0.3-0.5 × basal diameter of segment. R IV+V 2.5-3.1 × HT II
ANT III with 1-5 forwardly-directed thick
clavate hairs like those on ANT II or a little shorter, 0.5-1.2 × longer than
base of segment. R IV+V 1.5-2.6 × HT II
Thick capitate hairs on ANT III all less than 0.8 × basal diameter of segment. (R IV+V 1.5-2.1 × HT II)
…..Capitophorus similis
Longest capitate hairs on ANT III more than 0.8 × basal diameter of segment. (R IV+V 1.6-2.6 × HT II)
ABD TERG 1-4 each with 18-26 capitate hairs. R IV+V 2.1-2.6 × HT II
…..Capitophorus pakansus
ABD TERG 1-4 each with 12-19
capitate hairs. R IV+V 1.6-2.1 × HT II
SIPH thin, about as thick as
hind tibia at their respective midlengths. reticulation of SIPH consisting
of rather few, large cells on distal
0.10-0.17 of length. Hairs on ANT III very short, less than 0.3 × BD III.
Cauda pale
…..Sitobion congolense
SIPH rather thick,
distinctly thicker than hind tibia at midlength, with reticulation consisting
of numerous small polygonal cells on more than 0.17 of length. Hairs on ANT
III more than 0.5 × BD III. Cauda pale or dark
Cauda black. ANT III with
23-77 rhinaria
Cauda pale. ANT III with
5-31 rhinaria
R IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II.
ANT III with 23-57 rhinaria
…..Uroleucon vernoniae
R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II.
ANT III with 46-82 rhinaria
…..Uroleucon compositae
R IV+V 0.22-0.24 mm, c.2
× HT II. Cauda with 5-7 hairs
…..Uroleucon elephantopicola*
R IV+V 0.16-0.22 mm,
1.2-1.4 × HT II. Cauda with 12-27 hairs
SIPH clearly darker than cauda, which has
no constriction and bears 4-8 hairs. Femoral hairs mostly short
SIPH and cauda both very dark. Cauda
usually has an evident constriction between basal and distal part, and bears
7-15 hairs. Femora with long fine hairs
Stridulatory apparatus
present, consisting of cuticular ridges on ABD sternites 5 and 6 and a row of
peg-like hairs on each hind tibia
Body globose. ANT very
short, 0.10-0.13 × BL. Eyes 3-faceted. Tarsal segments I and II partially
fused. Dorsal wax pore plates consisting of rings of rounded cells present on
most segments. SIPH absent
…..Kaltenbachiella elsholtriae
Body oval or spindle-shaped.
ANT usually 6-segmented, 0.5 or more × BL. Eyes multifacetted. Tarsi
2-segmented. No dorsal wax gland plates. Tubular SIPH present
SIPH with subapical
polygonal reticulation
SIPH without subapical
polygonal reticulation
SIPH mainly smooth, and
markedly inflated on distal part, with maximum width of swollen part more
than 2 × minimum diameter of basal part. Cauda short, triangular,
semi-circular to helmet-shaped
SIPH imbricated on unreticulated
part, tapering or cylindrical. Cauda long and pointed or finger-like
R IV+V 0.8-c.1.0 × HT II (presumed from data for sexual morphs)
….. Rhopalosiphoninus longisetosus
R IV+V 1.3-1.6 × HT II
….. Rhopalosiphoninus elsholtze
SIPH paler at base,
2.0-2.5 × cauda. R IV+V with acute apex, 1.25-1.41 × HT II. Head with rows of
minute spinules ventrally
…..Sitobion aulacorthoides
SIPH wholly dark, 1.4-1.9 ×
cauda. R IV+V with bulbous sides and blunt apex, 0.77-1.0 × HT II. Head without
…..Sitobion miscanthi
smooth with well-developed, divergent ANT tubercles. Antennal and body hairs
short, with somewhat capitate apices. SIPH pale, almost smooth, slightly but distinctly swollen on distal
half, with a subapical annular incision. ANT PT/BASE 5.8-7.9
…..Subovatomyzus leucosceptri
Without that combination of
SIPH tapering from broad
base, squamous, flangeless, with small terminal aperture, c.4 × . Cauda which
is short with swollen basal part bearing 4 hairs and narrower, squamous
apical part. ANT tubercles well developed, scabrous, and ANT I with
projection on inner side
…..Lehrius papillicaudus*
Without that combination
of characters
Dorsal cephalic hairs thick with expanded apices, the longest ones 1.6-1.8 × BD III. ANT III with protruberant secondary rhinaria distributed over its entire length
ANT III bearing 4-135
secondary rhinaria (if less than 10 then SIPH are clavate, and are without
polygonal reticulation). ANT IV-V may also have secondary rhinaria
III bearing 0-10 secondary rhinaria (if with 4-10 then SIPH have subapical polygonal reticulation). ANT IV and
V never with secondary rhinaria
SIPH clavate, pale except
at apices, and almost smooth
SIPH tapering,
cylindrical or very slightly expanded subapically; dark, with imbrication and
subapical polygonal reticulation
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 only
10-19 μm long, and those on ANT tubercles 6-11 μm. Secondary
rhinaria distributed ANT III 11-29, IV 0-16, V 0-9. ANT PT/BASE 4.3-5.6
(mostly 4.5-5.2)
…..Hyperomyzus carduellinus
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 30-50
μm long, and those on ANT tubercles 18-30 μm. Secondary rhinaria
distributed ANT III 4-20, IV 0-1, V 0. ANT PT/BASE 4.6-8.0 (mostly 5.8-6.7)
…..Hyperomyzus lactucae
Dorsal and ANT hairs very
short, only 5-10 μm long. ANT with secondary rhinaria distributed III
9-32 (on distal part), IV 20-35, V 9-20. SIPH thin, hardly thicker than hind
tibia at their respective midlengths, with a few rather ill-defined subapical
rows of polygonal reticulation
…..Ipuka dispersa
Dorsal and ANT hairs long
and conspicuous, 20-90 μm long. ANT III with 10-135 secondary rhinaria
(if with few in number then confined to basal part), ANT IV and V with 0.
SIPH much thicker than hind tibia at their resepctive midlengths
ANT III 1.5-2.1 × IV+V
together, with 54-135 strongly protruberant rhinaria extending over more than
0.95 of length
…..Uroleucon formosanum (incl. ssp. crepidis)
ANT III similar in length
to IV+V together, with 10-82 only slightly protruberant rhinaria, extending
over 0.34-0.90 of length
Cauda pale. ANT III with
10-35 rhinaria. Most dorsal hairs not arising from pigmented scleroites. R
IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II
…..Uroleucon sonchi
Cauda dark. ANT III with
23-82 rhinaria. Dorsal hairs all arising from dark scleroites. R IV+V 1.1-1.8
R IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II.
ANT III with 23-57 rhinaria
…..Uroleucon vernoniae
R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II. ANT III with 46-82 rhinaria
SIPH dark, tapering. ANT tubercles weakly developed.
ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu)
…..Aphis gossypii
SIPH pale, clavate or tapering. ANT tubercles variably developed. ABD
TERG 1 and 7 without MTu
SIPH tapering, slightly curved, with an oblique aperture turned
slightly outwards, and a very large flange. ANT PT/BASE 1.9-2.2. ANT
tubercles and median frontal tubercle developed to similar extent, so that
front of head has sinuous outline in dorsal view
…..Ericaphis latifrons
SIPH clavate, with
moderate flange. ANT PT/BASE 2.2-6.8. ANT tubercles much better developed
than medial frontal tubercle, so that there is a frontal sinus
ANT PT/BASE 2.2-2.8. R
IV+V with 2-4 accessory hairs
…..Wahlgreniella empetri
ANT PT/BASE 4.5-6.8. R
IV+V with 2-17 accessory hairs
ANT 4- or 5-segmented,
with ANT PT/BASE c.0.9. SIPH strongly scabrous, and tapering to a narrow
apex, without polygonal reticulation. Fundatrices and immatures in spring
colonies with strongly spinulose hind tibiae