(in alphabetical order)
























































































Anigozanthos flavidus Myzus persicae; Rhopalosiphum padi
A. humilisRhopalosiphum padi
Anigozanthos sp.Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Anisantha see BromusPoaceae
Aniseia martinicensis Aphis gossypii
Anisopappus africanus = A. chinensis ssp. africanus
A.chinensis ssp. africanus Aphis gossypii, spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Micromyzella anisopappi;
Myzus ornatus; Sitobion hirsutirostris;
Uroleucon compositae

Key to aphids on Anisopappus:-

1SIPH black and much longer than the distance between their bases; cauda long, thin and pale. (Additional diagnostic characters: ANT III-VI wholly dark, R IV+V with 9-12 accessory hairs, subapical polygonal reticulation of SIPH consisting of just 3-5 rows of cells, extending less than 0.1 of SIPH)…..Sitobion hirsutirostris
SIPH pale or dark, but if wholly dark and longer than the distance between their bases then cauda is also black…..2
2SIPH pale with black tips, cauda dusky to black. (Additional diagnostic characters: head, ANT I-III and femora densely ornamented with nodulose imbrication, ANT PT/BASE 5.0-5.9, and almost all hairs on both dorsal and ventral surfaces of body and appendages very short and blunt)…..Micromyzella anisopappi
SIPH pale or dark, but if pale with black tips then cauda is also pale …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Anisotome sp.Dysaphis foeniculus
Annona Custard Apples Annonaceae
Annona cherimola Aphis fabae, gossypii, spiraecola;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. chrysophylla = A. senegalensis
A. glabraAphis spiraecola
A. muricataAphis aurantii, gossypii, spiraecola; Greenidea anonae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Sinomegoura citricola
A. reticulataAphis aurantii, gossypii, [sassceri Wilson 1911];
Greenidea anonae
A. senegalensisAphis gossypii
A. squamosaAphis aurantii, craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola;
Taiwanaphis kalipadi

Key to apterae on Annona (or use illustrated key in Blackman & Eastop (2000):-

1SIPH with numerous long hairs…..Greenidea anonae
SIPH without or with only a few small hairs…..2
2SIPH in form of broad-based cones. Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed. Posterior abdomen with backwardly-directed processes…..Taiwanaphis kalipadi
SIPH tubular. Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, anal plate entire. No posterior abdominal processes…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Anoda acerifoliaAphis gossypii
A. cristataAphis spiraecola
Anoda sp.Acyrthosiphon gossypii; Myzus persicae

Key to apterae on Anoda:-

SIPH very long and thin, 2.5-3.5 × cauda and 0.33-0.5 × BL …..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
SIPH less than 2.5 × cauda and less than 0.33 × BL …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Anogeissus schimperi Aphis gossypii
Ansellia africanaCerataphis orchidearum; Sitobion anselliae
A. gigantea = A. africana
A. nilotica = A. africana

Use key to apterae on orchids under Cymbidium.

Antennaria dioica[Acyrthosiphon ilka, Acyrthosiphon sp. aff. knechteli];
Brachycaudus helichrysi; [Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria];
A. neodioicaUroleucon [rudbeckiae], russellae
A. plantaginifoliaUroleucon pseudambrosiae; Pleotrichophorus antennarius
A. umbrinellaBrachycaudus helichrysi
Antennaria sp. Uroleucon erigeronense

Key to aphids on Antennaria:-

1 Cauda helmet-shaped, no longer than its basal width in dorsal view. ANT tubercles undeveloped, spiracular apertures large and rounded …..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda longer than its basal width in dorsal view. ANT tubercles well developed, spiracles reniform…..2
2 Dorsal hairs with broadly expanded apices, funnel-shaped. R IV+V stilletto-shaped, with concave sides, SIPH pale, without distal polygonal reticulation…..Pleotrichophorus antennarius
Dorsal hairs with blunt or pointed apices. R IV+V with straight or slightly convex sides. SIPH mostly or entirely dark, with polygonal reticulation over distal 23-37%…..3
3 R IV +V more than 1.5 × HT II…..Uroleucon russellae
R IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II…..4
4 SIPH entirely dark, 1.4-1.6 × cauda which bears 15-29 hairs…..Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
SIPH pale at base, 1.8-2.4 × cauda, which bears 6-10 hairs …..Uroleucon erigeronense
Anthemis (including Maruta) Asteraceae
Anthemis altissima Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. arvensisAphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, solanella,
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, silvestrii, tapuskae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae; Pemphigus sp.;
Pleotrichophorus glandulosus; [Protaphis terricola];
Trama troglodytes
A. austriacaAphis fabae; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Myzus persicae; Protaphis anthemidis
A. blancheana = A. cretica ssp. cassia
A. candidissimaBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. chrysanthaBrachycaudus cardui, helichrysi
A. cotulaAphis fabae, nasturtii, spiraecola, vandergooti;
Brachycaudus helichrysi, lateralis;
Macrosiphoniella abrotani, millefolii,
tanacetaria ssp. bonariensis, tapuskae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Pemphigus bursarius; [Protaphis middletonii, terricola]
A. cretica (ssp. cassia) Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
A. italicaBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. kotschyanaAulacorthum solani; Myzus persicae
A. maritimaBrachycaudus cardui, helichrysi
A. melampodinaAphis craccivora; Myzus persicae
A. mixta = Cladanthus mixtus
A. nobilis = Chamaemelum nobile
A. parthenoidesBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. ruthenicaBrachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
A. sancti-johannis = A. tinctoria ssp. sancti-johannis
A. subtinctoria = Cota inctoria
A. tenuifoliaAphis fabae
A. tinctoria (incl.Aphis fabae, gossypii, oligommata;
ssp. sancti-johannis) Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, lateralis;
Macrosiphoniella millefolii, tanacetaria, tapuskae,
Myzus ornatus; Protaphis anthemidis; Trama troglodytes;
Uroleucon jaceae, siculum
A. tomentosaAphis craccivora; Myzus persicae
Anthemis sp.Protaphis anthemiae; Smynthurodes betae

Key to aphids on Anthemis (and Chamaemelum):-

1ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.7…..4
2 HT II very elongate, more than 0.5 of length of hind tibia …..Trama troglodytes
HT II of normal length…..3
3Body and appendages sparsely hairy. Wax pore plates present on ABD TERG 3-7. ANT II much shorter than ANT III or IV. R IV+V 0.45-0.7 × HT II …..Pemphigus bursarius
Body and appendages with numerous fine hairs. Wax pore plates absent. ANT II longer than IV, as long as or longer than III, R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II …..Smynthurodes betae
4 Marginal tubercles (MTu) absent or present, but if present they are usually only on ABD TERG 2-4 (-5) and only rarely on ABD TERG 1 or 7…..5
MTu always present at least on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..17
5 Cauda helmet-shaped, constricted at base and not longer than its basal width. SIPH with a subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures large and rounded…..6
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, not constricted at base, longer than its basal width. SIPH without a subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures reniform…..8
6 Dorsum without dark markings. Mesosternum without mammariform processes. R IV+V 0.10-0.15 mm, 1.1-1.5 × HT II. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.8-2.0 × cauda…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Dorsum with an extensive black shield. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes. R IV+V 0.17-0.24 mm, 1.4-2.0 × HT II. SIPH dark, imbricated, 1.7-3.4 × cauda …..7
7 Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 30-61 µm long. Longest hairs on hind femur 10-25µm long …..Brachycaudus lateralis
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are at least 70µm long. Longest hairs on hind femur more than 25µm long…..Brachycaudus cardui
8 Dorsal hairs numerous and long, arising from tuberculate bases, and with bulbous or fan-shaped apices…..Pleotrichophorus glandulosus
Dorsal hairs short or long, but if long then with pointed apices…..9
9 SIPH pale at least over most of length, sometimes dusky or dark apically, and if with subapical polygonal reticulation then this is confined to distal 0.2 or less of length …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
SIPH dusky or dark over at least half of length, with polygonal reticulation always present and often extending over more than distal 0.2…..10
10 SIPH shorter than or as short as (0.6-1.0 ×) cauda…..11
SIPH longer than (1.1-2.9 ×) cauda…..14
11 R IV+V 1.0-1.2 × HT II…..12
R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II…..13
12 All dorsal abdominal hairs arising from conspicuous large dark scleroites. ANT PT/BASE 3.7-4.3. SIPH with reticulation over distal 0.50-0.63 of length. Cauda with 24-30 hairs …..Macrosiphoniella millefolii
Dorsal abdominal hairs mostly arising from small scleroites, only large on ABD TERG 6-8. ANT PT /BASE 4.6-5.7. SIPH with reticulation over 0.63-0.81 of length. Cauda with 12-20 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella sanborni
13 Antennae, tibiae and SIPH almost completely black. ANT III with 12-28 rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 2.9-3.5…..Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria
Basal half of ANT III pale, tibiae pale in middle, and SIPH dusky. ANT III with 3-12 rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 3.1-4.0.….Macrosiphoniella abrotani
14 SIPH wholly dark, 1.1-1.3 × cauda and 0.16-0.24 × BL. Dorsal abdomen with paired dark spinal sclerites, each bearing 2-3 hairs……Macrosiphoniella silvestrii
SIPH pale or dark, 1.3-2.3 × cauda and 0.24-0.36 × BL. Dorsal abdomen without paired spinal sclerites; if with small dark scleroites then these are mostly not fused between hair-bases …..15
15 Cauda pale. SIPH often pale basally. Antennae and tibiae also pale except at apices. First tarsal segments with 3 hairs (a sense peg and a pair of lateral hairs); rarely with one additional lateral hair…..Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
Cauda, SIPH and antennae black, and tibiae mainly dark. First tarsal segments with 5 hairs (sense peg plus 2 lateral pairs); rarely with only 4 hairs…..16
16 SIPH 0.29-0.36 × BL. Cauda with 13-19 hairs. ANT III with 11-25 secondary rhinaria …..Uroleucon siculum
SIPH 0.24-0.30 × BL. Cauda with 19-28 hairs. ANT III with 16-54 secondary rhinaria …..Uroleucon jaceae
17 ANT 5-segmented. SIPH very short, pale or dusky and flangeless, 0.5-1.0 × cauda …..Aphis oligommata
ANT 6-segmented, except in small summer “dwarfs”. SIPH dark, with an evident flange, 0.5-2.1 × cauda…..18
18 ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.5. SIPH shorter than R IV+V….. 19
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-6.0. SIPH longer than R IV+V…..20
19ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.0…..Protaphis anthemiae
ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.5…..Protaphis anthemidis
20 ANT PT/BASE 3.9-6.0. SIPH 1.9-2.6 × cauda, which is black, rather pointed, and bears c.10 adpressed hairs that are difficult to count. ABD TERG 1-4 and 7 regularly with large MTu …..Aphis vandergooti
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-4.0. Cauda rounded apically or a little shorter than SIPH, with outstanding hairs. ABD TERG 2-4 only sporadically with MTu …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 24
Anthericum liliago Aphis antherici, fabae; Aulacorthum speyeri; Myzus persicae
A. ramosumAphis antherici, fabae; Aulacorthum speyeri;
Myzus ascalonicus; Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
Anthericum sp. Myzus ornatus

Key couplet for aphids on Anthericum:-

1 ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle part of front of head in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 always with marginal tubercles (MTu) …..2
Antennal tubercles well developed, with inner faces steep-sided, approximately parallel or apically convergent. No MTu on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..3
2 All dorsal hairs very short and blunt, even those on front of head and ABD TERG 8 being less than 0.5 × ANT BD III…..Aphis antherici
Dorsal hairs longer; those on head and ABD TERG 8 are 1-5 × longer than ANT BD I.….Aphis fabae
3Dorsum with extensive dark sclerotisation, including a large dark sclerite extending across ABD TERG 2-4, often broken in the midline but joined laterally to the marginal sclerites …..Aulacorthum speyeri
Dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings; if present and maximally developed these consist of segmentally discrete patches or transverse bars not united with marginal sclerites.….go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 5
Antherotoma senegambiensis Aphis gossypii
Anthistria see ThemedaPoaceae
Anthocephalus morindifolius = Neolamarckia cadamba
Anthoxanthum aristatum Israelaphis alistana; Sitobion avenae
A. hookeriMetopolophium dirhodum
A. odoratumAploneura lentisci; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Schizaphis graminum; Sipha maydis;
Sitobion avenae, fragariae, [indicum], miscanthi;
[Trama troglodytes]

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Anthriscus aemula = A. nemorosa
A. caucalisAphis fabae; Cavariella aegopodii, pastinacae;
Dysaphis crataegi, hirsutissima; Hyadaphis foeniculi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, gei; Semiaphis anthrisci
A. cerefoliumAphis fabae; Cavariella aegopodii; Hyadaphis foeniculi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, gei, [stellariae];
Myzus [certus], persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. keniensis = A. sylvestris
A. nemorosaAphis fabae, brohmeri; Aulacorthum solani;
Cavariella aegopodii;
Dysaphis anthrisci, anthrisci ssp. majkopica, [ussuriensis];
Macrosiphum eurphorbiae; Myzus ornatus
A. nitidaCavariella aegopodii; Hyadaphis foeniculi; Macrosiphum gei
A. sylvestrisAphis brohmeri, fabae, [sambuci]; Aulacorthum solani;
Cavariella aegopodii, angelicae, archangelicae, japonica,
[kamtshatica], konoi, pastinacae, [rutila], theobaldi;
Dysaphis anthrisci, crataegi, hirsutissima,
tschildarensis ssp. tuberculata;
Eriosoma auratum; Hyadaphis foeniculi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, gei, [stellariae];
Pemphigus protospirae, Pemphigus sp.; Semiaphis anthrisci
A. vulgaris see A. caucalis

Key to aphids on Anthriscus:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Wax glands present on abdomen…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.6 (usually much more than 1). No evident wax glands …..3
2SIPH present as pores ringed by hairs…..Eriosoma auratum
SIPH absent…..Pemphigus spp.
3 ABD TERG 8 with a wart-like or finger-like medial process, bearing 2 hairs …..Cavariella spp. (use couplets 2-14 of key to apterae on Angelica)
ABD TERG 8 without a medial hair-bearing process…..4
4 SIPH very small and thin, about 0.5 × cauda…..Semiaphis anthrisci
SIPH at least 0.8 × cauda…..5
5 ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of frons in dorsal view. SIPH and cauda dark…..6
ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH and cauda mainly or entirely pale …..13
6 SIPH swollen on distal half and 0.9-1.4 × the tongue-shaped cauda, which bears 6-10 (usually 7) hairs…..Hyadaphis foeniculi
SIPH tapering from base to flange, 0.8- 2.4 × cauda…..7
7 Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view, and with 5-9 hairs…..8
Cauda tongue-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width in dorsal view, and with 11-31 hairs …..12
8 Dorsal hairs long and fine; longest hairs on ANT III 2.5-3.7 × BD III. SIPH 1.1-1.75 × cauda …..Dysaphis hirsutissima
Dorsal hairs blunt or more abruptly pointed; longest hairs on ANT III 0.7-2.2 × BD III. SIPH 1.7-3.0 × cauda…..9
9 Spinal tubercles (STu) present on head and ABD TERG 1-2 as well as 7-8, and sometimes also on pronotum and ABD TERG 3 and 4. Longest hairs on ANT III 16-42 μm, 0.7-1.6 (-2.0) × BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 4-6 hairs …..Dysaphis tschildarensis ssp. tuberculata*
STu present on head and ABD TERG 7-8, never on 2-3, rarely on pronotum and ABD TERG 6. Longest hairs on ANT III 31-62 μm, 1.5-2.2 × BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 4-10 hairs…..10
10 Longest hairs on ANT III and ABD TERG 3 are 7-18 μm. Pronotum without pleural hairs at posterior margin. Genital plate with 14-22 hairs…..Dysaphis crataegi
Longest hairs on ANT III and ABD TERG 3 are 31-62 μm. Pronotum with a pair of pleural hairs at posterior margin. Genital plate with 23-40 hairs…..11
11 SIPH 0.20-0.28 mm, 3.2-4.8 × their width at midlength and 1.7-2.4 × cauda. Degree of sclerotisation of dorsal abdomen variable, but usually not extensive on ABD TERG 1-4, with transverse bars only on more posterior tergites…..Dysaphis anthrisci
SIPH 0.21-0.37 mm, 4.5-6.2 × their width at midlength and 2.6-3.0 × cauda. Dorsal scleroti- sation of abdomen variable, but usually with sclerites coalesced into incomplete transverse bars, or a perforated shield, on ABD TERG (3-)4-5 …..Dysaphis anthrisci majkopica
12 Cauda with 11-24 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 2-5(-7) hairs. ABD TERG 2-6 bearing a total of 0-3 small MTu…..Aphis fabae
Cauda with 20-31 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 5-12 hairs. ABD TERG 2-6 bearing a total of 5-9 often rather large MTu…..Aphis brohmeri
13 Dorsum with a pattern of dark intersegmental ornamentation. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8 …..Myzus ornatus
Dorsum without any dark ornamentation. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-7.6…..14
14 SIPH weakly clavate. Inner faces of ANT tubercles convergent. No rhinaria on ANT II..…Myzus persicae
SIPH cylindrical or tapering. Inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel or divergent. ANT III with 1-14 rhinaria on basal half.….15
15Cuticle of head densely spiculose. ANT tubercles steep-sided, parallel or apically convergent. ANT III with (0-)1-2(-4) rhinaria near base. SIPH 0.20-0.25 × BL, without any subapical reticulation…..16
Cuticle of head without or with only sparse, minute spicules. Inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. ANT III with 1-14 rhinaria near base. SIPH 0.25-0.37 × BL, with a subapical zone of reticulation…..17
16Dorsum with a large U-shaped black patch, and broad dark cross-bars on thorax. SIPH 0.7-1.1 × head width across (and including) eyes. (Immatures with spiculose hind tibiae) …..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsum pale or without any well-defined dark markings. SIPH 1.0-1.35 × head width across eyes. (Immatures with smooth hind tibiae)…..Aulacorthum solani
17 Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 38-63 µm, 0.6-1.4 × basal diameter of ANT III. Anterior half of subgenital plate usually (77%) with only 2 hairs (18% with 3, 5% with 4-6 hairs)…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 66-106 µm, 1.4-2.0 × basal diameter of ANT III. Anterior half of subgenital plate with 2-11 hairs, usually (77%) with 4-8 hairs …..Macrosiphum gei
Anthurium andraeanum Aphis fabae; [Idiopterus nephrelepidis]; Myzus persicae
A. ×froebelliiAphis fabae
A. scherzerianum Aphis fabae, gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae; Sitobion luteum
Anthurium sp.Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsal abdomen with an oval dark patch. SIPH black with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..Sitobion luteum
Dorsal abdomen without a dark patch. SIPH if black then without any polygonal reticulation …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Anthyllis biebersteiniana = A. vulneraria ssp. pulchella
A. cytisoidesAcyrthosiphon loti; Aphis brunnea, craccivora;
Therioaphis litoralis
A. hamosaAphis craccivora
A. hermanniaeAcyrthosiphon caraganae, parvum
A. lotoidesAphis craccivora
A. macrocephala = A. vulneraria ssp. polyphylla
A. sampaiana = A. vulneraria ssp. pyrenaica
A. tetraphylla = Tripodion tetraphyllum
A. vulneraria (incl. sspp. Acyrthosiphon loti;
dilenii, polyphylla, pulchella Aphis craccivora, klimeschi, loti, [medicaginis];
pyrenaica) [Protaphis anthemidis], Therioaphis litoralis
Anthyllis sp.Acyrthosiphon pisum

Key to apterae on Anthyllis:-

1 Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed. SIPH truncate. ANT III with 5-11 transversely elongate oval rhinaria. Abdomen with paired spinal and marginal conical hair-bearing processes…..Therioaphis litoralis
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, anal plate entire. SIPH not truncate. ANT III with any rhinaria subcircular. Abdomen without conical hair-bearing processes…..2
2Broadly oval aphids with dorsal abdominal sclerotisation. ANT tubercles poorly developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with marginal tubercles (MTu)…..3
Spindle-shaped, pale aphids. ANT tubercles well developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu…..6
3R IV+V bearing 2-6 (usually 4-5) accessory hairs. ABD TERG 1-4 and 7, and sometimes also 5 and 6, with MTu…..Aphis brunnea
R IV+V always with 2 accessory hairs. MTu only consistently present on ABD TERG 1 and 7, present or absent on ABD TERG 2-4, rarely on 5 and 6…..4
4 R IV+V 1.17-1.44 × HT II. Dorsal abdomen with broad dark segmental bands partly fused across segments, but not forming a solid shield. ABD TERG 2-4 often with MTu…..Aphis klimeschi
R IV+V 0.82-1.18 × HT II. Dorsal abdomen with a solid black shield extending over tergites 1-6. ABD TERG 2-4 rarely with MTu…..5
5 Cauda finger-like, parallel-sided for much of length, nearly 2 × longer than its basal width, 0.13-0.18 × BL, and bearing 6-11 hairs. SIPH 0.78-1.53 × cauda. (Al. with 0-2 rhinaria on ANT IV)…..Aphis loti
Cauda with distal part tapering, about 1.5 × longer than its basal width, 0.09-0.13 × BL, and bearing 4-9 hairs. SIPH 1.17-2.18 × cauda. (Al. never with rhinaria on ANT IV)…..Aphis craccivora
6 SIPH with distal part attenuate, narrower than hind tibia at midlength. Cauda with 7-23 hairs. ANT I with 9-23 hairs…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
SIPH tapering from base to flange, at middle as wide as or wider than hind tibia at midlength. Cauda with 6-10 hairs. ANT I with 5-11 hairs…..7
7 R IV+V 0.95-1.1 × HT II…..Acyrthosiphon parvum
R IV+V 0.75-0.86 × HT II…..8
8 ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.3. ANT III 3.9-5.5 × R IV+V…..Acyrthosiphon loti
ANT PT/BASE 4.3-6.0. ANT III 5.6-7.4 × R IV+V …..Acyrthosiphon caraganae
Anticlea elegansMacrosiphum valerianae
Antidesma bunius Sinomegoura citricola
Antidesma sp.Greenidea anonae

Key to apterae on Antidesma:-

SIPH with numerous long hairs…..Greenidea anonae
SIPH without hairs …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Antigonon leptopus Aphis aurantii, craccivora, gossypii, spiraecola;
Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Antirhea see StenostomumRubiaceae
Antirhea lucida = Stenostomum lucidum
Antirrhinum Snapdragons Plantaginaceae
Antirrhinum barrelieri Myzus persicae
A. hispanicumAphis gossypii
A. majusAphis fabae, gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Dysaphis gallica, [plantaginea];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus antirrhinii, ornatus, persicae; Nasonovia ribisnigri
A. orontiumMyzus antirrhinii
Antirrhinum spp. [Myzus lythri]; [Nasononia hottesi]; Neomyzus circumflexus

Key to aphids on Antirrhinum:-

1 Cauda helmet-shaped or triangular, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view, 0.5-0.9 × R IV+V…..2
Cauda tongue-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width and longer than R IV+V …..3
2. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.8-2.0 × cauda. Spiracular apertures rounded…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH imbricated, dark towards apices, 2.4-3.3 × cauda. Spiracular apertures reniform…..Dysaphis gallica
3ANT PT/BASE 7.0-11.4. Thoracic spiracles much larger than abdominal ones. Dorsum with a pattern of brown intersegmental markings…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
ANT PT/BASE less than 7. Thoracic spiracles similar in size to abdominal ones. Dorsum with or without dark pigmentation…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
(but specimens running to Myzus persicae could be M. antirrhinii)
Antirrhoea see StenostomumRubiaceae
Antirrhoea lucida = Stenostomum lucidum
Antizoma see CissampelosMenispermaceae
Antizoma capensis = Cissampelos capensis
Antrophyum parvulum Micromyzella filicis; Micromyzus niger

Use key to apterae on ferns under Polypodium.

Apargidium see MicroserisAsteraceae
Apera interruptaForda marginata
A. spica-ventiForda formicaria, marginata; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Schizaphis phlei, rufula, longicaudata;
Sitobion avenae; Tetraneura ulmi

Use key to apterae on grasses under Digitaria.

Aphananthe Ulmaceae
Aphananthe aspera Shivaphis celti; Stomaphis aphananthae, yanonis

Key to aphids on Aphananthe:-

1 BL less than 3 mm. Rostrum much shorter than body. Cauda finger-like, of irregular shape (fig. 38C). Anal plate bilobed…..Shivaphis celti
BL more than 4 mm. Rostrum longer than body. Cauda broadly rounded, anal plate entire…..2
2 Empodial hairs of HT II c.1.3 × basal diameter of ANT III. ANT PT c.1.1-1.2 × its basal diameter…..Stomaphis aphananthae*
Empodial hairs of HT II equal in length to or a little shorter than basal diameter of ANT III. ANT PT 1.4-1.6 × its basal diameter…..Stomaphis yanonis
Aphanes arvensis Brachycaudus helichrysi; Myzus persicae
Use key to apterae on Alchemilla.
Aphanostephus ramosissimus Uroleucon queretarense
Aphelandra pectinata Aphis gossypii
A. squarrosaMacrosiphum euphorbiae
Aphelandra sp.Aphis fabae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Aphloia theiformis Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Aphyllon see OrobancheOrobanchaceae
Apium australe ssp. angustisectum = A. prostratum
A. graveolensAphis asclepiadis, fabae, gossypii, sambuci, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Brachysiphoniella apiaca;
Cavariella aegopodii, archangelicae, konoi, pastinacae,
salicicola, theobaldi;
Dysaphis apiifolia, crataegi, foeniculus, [tulipae];
Hyadaphis coriandri, foeniculi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, [stellariae], [tenuicauda];
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Protaphis middletonii;
Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon;
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale; Semiaphis dauci, heraclei;
[Sitobion avenae]
A. leptophyllum = Cyclospermum leptophyllum
A. montanum (?) Hyadaphis foeniculi
A. nodiflorum[Aphis nasturtii]; Cavariella aegopodii;
Dysaphis crataegi; Hyadaphis foeniculi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Pemphigus protospirae
A. prostratumCavariella aegopodii
A. tenuifolium (?) Semiaphis heraclei

Key to apterae on Apium:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. SIPH absent.….Pemphigus protospirae
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.6. SIPH present…..2
2 ABD TERG 8 with a posteriorly projecting process above cauda…..3
No supracaudal process…..8
3 ANT PT/BASE 0.64-1.3….4
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-4.0…..5
4 R IV+V 1.05-1.2 × HT II. SIPH thick, with maximum width of swollen part more than 0.2 of length (Fig.10a)…..Cavariella salicicola
R IV+V 0.7-0.95 × HT II. SIPH with maximum width of swollen part less than 0.2 of length (Fig.10b).….Cavariella aegopodii
5 SIPH tapering, with no trace of swelling…..Cavariella theobaldi
SIPH swollen on distal half…..6
6 ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.0…..Cavariella pastinacae
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-2.0…..7
7 SIPH 0.98-1.1 × head width across (and including) eyes, and 6.7-8.7 × maximum width of swollen part (Fig. 10c). Length of supracaudal process at least 1.6 × maximum width of swollen part of SIPH (Fig. 10f). (Al. with a complete black band on ABD TERG 6) …..Cavariella archangelicae
SIPH 0.8-1.01 (-1.07) × head width across eyes, and 5.0-7.3 × maximum width of swollen part (Fig. 10d). Length of supracaudal process less than 1.5 × maximum width of swollen part of SIPH.(Fig.10g) (Al. with a pair of roundish dark marks on ABD TERG 6) …..Cavariella konoi
8 Cauda short and broad, not clearly longer than its basal width in dorsal view …..9
Cauda clearly longer than its basal width…..15
9 ANT 5-segmented, with very long hairs; the longest on ANT III are more than 3 × BD III. Dorsum ornamented with a pattern of bead-like spicules …..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT 6-segmented, rarely 5-segmented, with shorter hairs. Dorsal cuticle without a pattern of bead-like spicules…..10
10Cauda broadly tongue-shaped in dorsal view, not constricted at base, with more than 10 hairs …..11
Cauda helmet-shaped or pentagonal, constricted at base and bearing 4-6 hairs …..12
11SIPH more than 3.5 × their basal width. Large flat marginal tubercles (MTu) present on ABD TERG 2-5 as well as 1 and 7…..Aphis sambuci
SIPH less than 3.5 × their basal width. MTu usually only on ABD TERG 1 and 7 …..Protaphis middletonii
12SIPH pale, smooth, conical, with an annular incision proximal to the flange. Spinal tubercles (STu) absent. Spiracular apertures rounded…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH dark, imbricated, with no annular subapical incision. STu present on head and ABD TERG 8 or 7-8. Spiracular apertures reniform…..13
13SIPH short and broad-based, 1.6-2.3 × longer than their basal widths, and 2.5-5.0 × longer than the long and fine hairs on front of head…..Dysaphis foeniculus
SIPH 2.5-3.5 times longer than their basal width, and 12-25 × longer than the short, blunt and inconspicuous hairs on front of head…..14
14 Posterior hair on hind trochanter 0.24-0.56 (rarely more than 0.5) × length of trochantro-femoral suture. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 11-38 μm, rarely longer than 30 μm. ABD TERG 7 often with a pair of marginal tubercles (MTu) …..Dysaphis apiifolia
Posterior hair on hind trochanter 0.42-1.00 (rarely less than 0.5) × length of trochantro-femoral suture. Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 25-80 μm, rarely shorter than 30 μm. ABD TERG 7 rarely with MTu…..Dysaphis crataegi
15SIPH less than 0.55 × cauda…..16
SIPH at least 0.6 × cauda…..18
16 SIPH as short black truncate cones. Cauda long, black and finger-like, with a midway constriction, and bearing 14-15 hairs…..Brachysiphoniella apiaca*
SIPH very small and flangeless, with aperture slanted towards midline. Cauda tongue-shaped, with 5-7 hairs…..17
17 Hairs very short; posterior hair on hind trochanter rarely exceeding 20μm, less than 0.5 × diameter of trochantro-femoral suture…..Semiaphis dauci
Posterior hair on hind femur up to 60 μm long, more than 0.5 × diameter of the trochantro-femoral suture…..Semiaphis heraclei
18SIPH black, tapering from base to flange…..19
SIPH pale or dusky and tapering or clavate, or black and clavate…..22
19ANT III 0.25-0.63 mm long, 1.0-2.0 × PT and 2.0-5.0 × R IV+V. ABD TERG 8 with 2-11 hairs, HT I with 3 hairs. (ANT III of al.with 15-40 rhinaria) …..Aphis asclepiadis
ANT III 0.12-0.36 mm long, usually 0.65-1.0 × PT, but up to 1.3 × in small specimens (i.e., those with PT less than 0.27 mm long), and 1.3-3.0 × R IV+V (1.3-2.6 × R IV+V except in large specimens). ABD TERG 8 with 2-7 hairs, HT I with only 2 hairs. (ANT III of al.with 3-23, but rarely more than 15, rhinaria) …..20
20ANT III 0.9-1.2 × cauda, which is black, slightly constricted about its midlength, and bears 6-15 (usually 9-11) hairs. Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings…..Aphis spiraecola
ANT III 1.2-1.9 × cauda, which is pale or dark and usually has less than 9 or more than 11 hairs. Dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings…..21
21Dorsal abdomen with dark markings. Cauda black and bearing 11-24 hairs. Femora with many long hairs…..Aphis fabae
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. Cauda pale or dusky, bearing 4-7 hairs. Femoral hairs mostly short…..Aphis gossypii
22SIPH 0.6-1.4 × cauda, cylindrical over most of length and slightly swollen distally, with a constriction proximal to the flange…..23
SIPH tapering, cylindrical or clavate; if swollen distally then more than 1.5 × cauda …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
23SIPH are 0.88-1.4 × cauda, 1.7-3.1 × R IV+V and 3.1-5.1 × longer than their minimum diameter on basal half…..Hyadaphis foeniculi
SIPH are 0.6-0.82 × cauda, 0.9-1.6 × R IV+V and 1.6-2.7 × their minimum diameter on basal half…..Hyadaphis coriandri
Apluda muticaAphis gossypii; Ceratovacuna nekoashi, perglandulosa;
Forda marginata; Hysteroneura setariae;
Myzus obtusirostris; Sitobion miscanthi, [rosaeiformis];
Tetraneura utpali

Key to aphids on Apluda:-

1Eyes 3-facetted. SIPH as pores or small cones with sclerotic rims…..2
Eyes multifacetted. SIPH tubular…..4
2No frontal horns. Head and prothorax not fused. SIPH as small cones. Body hairs numerous…..Tetraneura utpali
Head with a pair of frontal horns projecting forward between the antennae. Head and prothorax fused. SIPH as raised pores with sclerotised rims. Body hairs sparse …..3
3Dorsal abdomen with large paired groups of spinal as well as marginal wax glands. Frontal horns shorter than ANT I…..Ceratovacuna perglandulosa
Dorsal abdomen with only marginal wax gland groups. Frontal horns longer than ANT I …..Ceratovacuna nekoashi
4 Dorsum with a dark shield extending over the whole of ABD TERG 1-7. Femora pale, cauda brownish…..Myzus obtusirostris
Dorsum unpigmented. Femora dark, cauda very pale …..Hysteroneura setariae(If this key does not provide a satisfactory answer, try the general key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.)
Apocynum androsaemifolium Abstrusomyzus phloxae;
Aphis asclepiadis, fabae, nerii, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Protaphis middletonii;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. cannabinum (incl. pubescens) Aphis asclepiadis, fabae, nerii, spiraecola;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae
A. lanceolatumAphis apocynicola
A. lancifolium = A. venetum ssp. lancifolium
A. pictumAphis apocynicola
A. scabrum = A. venetum var. scabrum?
A. sibiricum = A. cannabinum
A. venetum (incl. sspp. Aphis apocynicola, fabae, poacyni, sywangi;
lancifolium, sarmatiense, Brachyunguis poacynophila
and var. scabrum)
Apocynum sp.Aphis aurantii; Paulianaphis madagascariensis

Key to aphids on Apocynum:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 1…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 1 …..3
2 ABD TERG 7 with four long, pointed, pigmented hair-bearing processes….Paulianaphis madagascariensis
No long, pointed, pigmented abdominal processes. …..Brachunguis poacynophila
3 ANT tubercles well developed. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH mainly pale or dusky …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 4
ANT tubercles weakly developed, not or hardly projecting forward beyond middle of head in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu. SIPH entirely dark…..4
4 Stridulatory apparatus present (sclerotic ridges on ABD sternites 5 and 6 and a row of short, peg-like hairs on each hind tibia)…..Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
No stridulatory apparatus…..5
5 ANT III with 1-6 and IV with 0-2 rhinaria. SIPH 0.7-0.9 × R IV+V. ANT PT/BASE 1.3-1.7…..Protaphis middletonii
ANT III and IV normally without rhinaria. SIPH 1.0-3.9 × R IV+V. ANT PT/BASE 1.35-4.7…..6
6 Hind tibia mainly pale, with length of longest hairs on middle part only about 0.7 of width of tibia at midlength…..7
Hind tibia pale or dark, with length of longest hairs on middle part equal to or greater than its width at midlength or, if a little shorter, then hind tibia is mainly dark…..9
7 R IV+V 1.2-1.5 × HT II. Cauda with 16-22 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with c.6 hairs…..Aphis sywangi
R IV+V 0.8-1.1 × HT II. Cauda with 6-13 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 2 (-4) hairs …..8
8 Cauda with 8-13 hairs. R IV+V 0.83-0.95 × HT II…..Aphis apocynicola
Cauda with 5-6 hairs. R IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II…..Aphis poacyni
9 Hind tibiae mainly dark. ANT PT/BASE 3.4-4.7. R IV+V 1.25-1.6 × HT II. SIPH 1.7-2.7 × cauda…..Aphis nerii
Hind tibiae pale for more than half of length. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-3.5. R IV+V 0.85-1.24 × HT II. SIPH 0.7-1.8 × cauda…..10
10ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs (rarely with 3). ANT III 0.65-1.0 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings. Cauda with a slight constriction…..Aphis spiraecola
ABD TERG 8 with 2-11 hairs (usually 4-6). ANT III 0.95-1.9 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings. Cauda without any constriction…..11
11ANT III 0.65-1.01 × PT, 1.1-1.6 × cauda and 0.95-1.35 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen usually with some dark markings anterior to SIPH (in addition to dark intersegmental muscle sclerites)…..Aphis fabae
ANT III 1.05-1.95 × PT, 1.55-2.2 × cauda and 1.2-1.9 × SIPH. Dorsal abdomen usually without any dark markings anterior to SIPH (except for dark intersegmental muscle sclerites)….. Aphis asclepiadis
Aponogeton distachyos Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
A. elongatusRhopalosiphum nymphaeae
A. monocharia (?)Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
Aporosa dioica = A. octandra
A. frutescensAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
A. octandraGreenidea (Trichosiphum) sp. (Hong Kong: Martin & Lau 2011)

Key to apterae on Aporosa:-

SIPH widest near middle and bearing many spine-like hairs. No stridulatory apparatus …..Greenidea (Trichosiphum) sp. (Hong Kong: Martin & Lau 2011)
SIPH tapering from base to apex and without hairs. Stridulatory apparatus present ….. Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Aptenia cordifoliaMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Aquilegia Columbine Ranunculaceae
Aquilegia alpinaNasonovia aquilegiae, werderi
A. atrataLongicaudus trirhodus
A. caeruleaAulacorthum solani; Nasonovia aquilegiae;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. canadensisAphis spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Longicaudus trirhodus; Myzus persicae;
Nasonovia aquilegiae; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. chrysanthaLongicaudus trirhodus; Nasonovia aquilegiae;
A. dichroaLongicaudus trirhodus
A. einseleanaLongicaudus trirhodus
A. flabellata (incl. var. nana) Longicaudus trirhodus
A. flavescensNeomyzus circumflexus
A. flavescens var. rubicunda Nasonovia aquilegiae
A. formosa (incl. var. truncata) Illinoia corylina; Megourina lagacei;
Nasonovia aquilegiae
A. glandulosaNasonovia heiei; Longicaudus trirhodus
A. kareliniiNasonovia heiei
A. longissimaLongicaudus trirhodus; Myzus persicae
A. nigricansLongicaudus trirhodus
A. olympicaMyzus ornatus
A. pubifloraLongicaudus naumanii
A. rubicunda = A. flavescens var. rubicunda
A. viridifloraLongicaudus trirhodus
A. vitaliiNasonovia heiei
A. vulgaris (incl. var. alba) Aphis fabae, gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Longicaudus trirhodus;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ascalonicus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus
Aquilegia sp.[Illinoia sp. (A. Jensen,];
[Nasonovia purpurascens]; [Smynthurodes betae]

Key to aphids on Aquilegia:-

1 SIPH entirely black and moderately clavate; swollen to about 1.4-1.5 × their minimum width. Abdominal marginal sclerites domed, each bearing 2-4 hairs 35-50 μm long with slightly capitate apices (Fig. 11a)…..Megourina lagacei
SIPH if entirely black then not swollen to about 1.4-1.5 × their minimum width. Abdominal marginal sclerites not domed, and not bearing capitate hairs…..2
2 SIPH slightly swollen on distal half, but with a narrower, reticulated subapical section (a few large closed polygonal cells). R IV+V 1.3-1.5 × HT II and bearing 14-16 accessory hairs. First tarsal segments with 5 hairs …..Illinoia corylina
SIPH with or without swelling on distal half, but if with subapical reticulation then R IV+V is relatively much shorter and bears fewer hairs, and first tarsal segments have 3 hairs …..3
3 ANT III distinctly longer than ANT IV+V together. First tarsal segments with 5-6 hairs (1-2 median sense pegs and 2 pairs of longer, lateral hairs). ANT PT/BASE 1.0-2.3 …..4
ANT III shorter than ANT IV+V together. First tarsal segments with 2-4 hairs (usually 0-1 median sense pegs and 1 pair of laterals). ANT PT/BASE 1.8-6.5…..5
4. SIPH very short, conical, 0.25 –0.3 × cauda which is very long and finger-like and bears 14-20 hairs (Fig.11b). ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.3…..Longicaudus trirhodus
SIPH cylindrical, 1.24-1.71 × cauda which is tongue-shaped with a pointed apex and bears 6-13 hairs (Fig.11c). ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.3…..Longicaudus naumanni
5 ANT III with 6-37 rhinaria, and SIPH without any subapical polygonal reticulation. R IV with 13-23 accessory hairs…..6
ANT III usually with 0-4 rhinaria near base; if with up to 10 rhinaria then SIPH have subapical polygonal reticulation. R IV with 4-10 accessory hairs …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
6 R IV+V 0.9-1.0 × HT II. SIPH 2.5-3.4 × cauda. Dorsal body surface almost wholly sclerotized …..Nasonovia heiei
R IV+V 1.2-2.2 × HT II. SIPH 1.1-2.1 × cauda. Dorsal body with variable dark sclerotisation, sometimes extensive on dorsal abdomen, but not on head and thorax (except in alatiform apterae) …..7
7 SIPH 0.19-0.22 × BL. Dorsal sclerotic pattern consisting of pairs of pale brown spinal, pleural and marginal spots on each segment. Antennae and femora mainly dark brown …..Nasonovia werderi
SIPH 0.11-0.17 × BL. Dorsal sclerotisation very variable but never as separate paired spots; sometimes with a black shield covering ABD TERG 2-5 (or 2-6). Antennae and femora mainly pale…..Nasonovia aquilegiae
Arabidopsis arenosa Lipaphis erysimi; Macrosiphum [chukotense], euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, persicae; [Rhopalosiphum padi]
A. halleriAphis solanella; Brevicoryne brassicae;
Lipaphis erysimi
A. halleri ssp. ovirensis [aphid gall: Wahlgren 1956a, p.33]
A. lyrata ssp. petraea Lipaphis rossi
A. thalianaAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brevicoryne brassicae; Lipaphis erysimi, rossi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus

Use key under Arabis.

Arabis alba (?)[Dysaphis pyri]; Lipamyzodes matthiolae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. alpinaBrevicoryne brassicae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Pseudobrevicoryne leclanti
A. alpina ssp. caucasica Lipamyzodes matthiolae; Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus;
Tauricaphis arabisi
A. arcuata (?)[aphid gall: Wahlgren 1956a, p.33]
A. arenosa = Arabidopsis arenosa
A. blepharophyllaPemphigus populitransversus
A. caeruleaBrevicoryne brassicae
A. canadensis (?)[Aphis arabismollis Rafinesque, 1818 invalid name]
A. carduchorumMyzus ascalonicus, ornatus
A. caucasica = Arabis alpina ssp. caucasica
A. ciliata[aphid gall: Wahlgren 1956a, p.33]
A. drummondii = Boechera stricta Aphis gossypii
A. glabra = Turritis glabra
A. halleri = Arabidopsis halleri
A. hirsuta[Aphis spiraephaga]; Brevicoryne brassicae;
Lipaphis rossi;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
[aphid gall: Wahlgren 1956a, p.33]
A. laevigata = Boechera laevigata
A. mollis[Aphis arabismollis Rafinesque 1818, invalid name]
A. ovirensis = Arabidopsis helleri ssp. ovirensis
A. pendulaAphis fabae; Brevicoryne brassicae; Lipaphis turritella;
Myzus persicae
A. planisiliquaLipaphis erysimi
A. procurrensBrevicoryne brassicae; Myzus ascalonicus
A. pumilaBrevicoryne brassicae
A. sagittataAphis fabae; [aphid gall: Wahlgren 1956a, p.33]
A. thaliana = Arabidopsis thaliana
A. turritaLipaphis erysimi
A. vernaMyzus ascalonicus, persicae
Arabis spp.[Macrosiphum valerianae]; Myzus cymbalariae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; [Protaphis middletonii]

Key to aphids on Arabis (also including Arabidopsis, Boechera and Turritis:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. SIPH absent. Abdomen with wax glands on ABD TERG 3-7 (usually 4 glands on each of ABD TERG 3-6 and 2 on 7) …..Pemphigus populitransversus
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.5. SIPH present, tubular. Abdomen without wax glands …..2
2 Dorsal hairs with fan-shaped apices, and mostly arising from tubercular bases …..Tauricaphis arabisi
Dorsal hairs with pointed, blunt or slightly expanded apices, without tubercular bases .….3
3 R IV+V 1.5-2.2 × SIPH. SIPH 0.035-0.057 × BL and 0.6-0.8 × cauda. R IV+V 1.1-1.5 × HT II…..Pseudobrevicoryne leclanti
R IV+V 0.15-1.2 × SIPH. SIPH 0.052-0.4 × BL and 0.7-2.4 × cauda (if less than 1.0 × cauda then R IV+V 0.55-0.75 × HT II)…..4
4 ANT III 2.1-3.7 × the short and somewhat barrel-shaped SIPH. Cauda broadly triangular, not longer than its basal width. ANT tubercles undeveloped. Dorsal abdomen with dark markings …..Brevicoryne brassicae
ANT III 0.8-2.0 × SIPH, which are not barrel-shaped. Cauda tongue-shaped or triangular, longer than its basal width. ANT tubercles variably developed, and dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings…..5
5 Ventral surfaces of femora scabrous or heavily imbricated. ANT tubercles variably developed, with inner faces divergent; if well developed then the median frontal tubercle is also well developed…..6
Ventral surfaces of femora smooth or weakly imbricated or, if scabrous or heavily imbricated, then the ANT tubercles are well developed and converge apically, and the median frontal tubercle is undeveloped …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 4
6 ANT tubercles and median frontal tubercle weakly developed. Dorsum with broad dark bands on all tergites. SIPH and cauda very dark.….7
ANT tubercles and median frontal tubercle moderately to well developed. Dorsum without dark bands or with dark bars only on ABD TERG VII and VIII. SIPH pale or dusky with dark apices, cauda pale or dark…..8
7 R IV+V 0.10-0.13 mm long.….Lipaphis rossi
R IV+V 0.135-0.16 mm long.….Lipaphis turritella
8 ANT uniformly dusky or dark except for basal part of ANT III. ANT PT/BASE 1.8-2.7. R IV+V 0.6-0.9 × HT II. Dorsal cuticle roughened. Cauda dusky or dark, 0.6-0.9 × SIPH and 1.2-1.9 × R IV+V…..Lipaphis erysimi
ANT pale except for much darker apex of ANT V and whole of VI. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-3.5. R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II. Dorsal cuticle smooth. Cauda pale, 0.4-0.6 × SIPH and 0.6-1.3 × R IV+V…..Lipamyzodes matthiolae
Arachis hypogea[Acyrthosiphon ilka];
Aphis craccivora, gossypii, nasturtii;
Myzus persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Prociphilus erigeronensis
Arachis sp.Acyrthosiphon pisum

Key to apterae on Arachis:-

ANT tubercles well-developed, with inner faces smooth and divergent. SIPH long, thin and pale, without any subapical polygonal reticulation…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
Without this combination of characters; if ANT tubercles are well developed and have smooth, divergent inner faces then SIPH have subapical polygonal reticulation for 0.1-0.2 of length…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Arachniodes chinensis Macromyzus woodwardiae
Aralia Sarsaparillas Araliaceae
Aralia armataCavariella araliae
A. canescens = A. elata
A. chinensisAphis hederae; Cavariella araliae
A. continentalisCavariella araliae
A. cordataAphis acanthopanaci, fabae, odinae;
Cavariella araliae; Myzus ornatus
A. elataAphis citricidus, fabae, gossypii, odinae;
Aulacorthum solani; Cavariella araliae; Myzus persicae;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
A. hispidaAphis [araliahispida Rafinesque 1818; invalid name],
Aulacorthum solani
A. nudicaulisAphis araliaeradicis
A. racemosaAphis spiraecola; [Cavariella aegopodii]
A. siebodii = Fatsia japonica
A. spinosaCavariella araliae
A. thomsonii[Capitophorus similis]; Cavariella araliae
Aralia spp.Aphis aurantii

Key to aphids on Aralia:-

1 ABD TERG 8 with a long backwardly-directed process, broad at base but with a narrow apex that extends beyond cauda…..Cavariella araliae
No supracaudal process…..2
2 ANT tubercles well developed. Either head spiculose or SIPH with subapical polygonal reticulation. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu) ….. go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 5)
ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle part of head in dorsal view. Head without spicules. SIPH without polygonal reticulation. MTu present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..3
3 Stridulatory apparatus present (cuticular ridges ventrolaterally on abdominal segments 5-6, and a row of peg-like hairs on hind tibia)…..4
No stridulatory apparatus…..6
4 SIPH much shorter than (0.4-0.6 ×) cauda. ANT PT/BASE 2.5-3.0 …..Aphis odinae
SIPH 0.9-1.5 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-5.0…..5
5Longest hairs on ANT III 12-27 μm long, 0.5-1.0 × BD III. Longest hairs on hind tibia up to 60 μm long, less than 0.6 × HT II. Cauda with 10-26 hairs (rarely more than 20). BL often less than 2 mm….. Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Longest hairs on ANT III 29-64 μm long, 1.5-2.0 × BD III. Longest hairs on hind tibia up to 80-110 μm long, 0.7-1.0 × HT II. Cauda with 19-54 hairs (rarely less than 25). BL usually more than 2 mm….. Aphis (Toxoptera) citricidus
6 Antennae 5-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE more than 4. ANT III with 0-5 small secondary rhinaria on distal part. (Alata with radial sector often missing from forewing?) …..Aphis araliaeradicis
Antennae 6-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE less than 4. ANT III without secondary rhinaria except in alatiform individuals. (Alata with radial sector present in forewing) …..7
7 Cauda pale or dusky, clearly paler than SIPH. Hairs on hind femur all shorter than diameter of femur at its base…..Aphis gossypii
Cauda as black as SIPH. At least some of hairs on hind femur longer than diameter of femur at its base…..8
8 ABD TERG 7 and 8 with dark transverse bars, and sometimes there are scattered dark markings also on more anterior tergites…..9
No dark dorsal abdominal markings…..10
9 R IV+V 1.3-1.6 × HT II. Apterae often alatiform, with 0-19 rhinaria on ANT III. Marginal tubercles (MTu) frequently present on ABD TERG 2-4…..Aphis hederae
R IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II. Apterae without rhinaria on ANT III. MTu infrequent on ABD TERG 2-4…..Aphis fabae
10R IV+V 1.3-1.4 × HT II. SIPH 1.7-2.0 × cauda. MTu frequently present on ABD TERG 2-4…..Aphis acanthopanaci
R IV + V 1.0-1.25 × HT II. SIPH 0.9-1.7 × cauda. MTu rare on ABD TERG 2-4…..Aphis spiraecola
Araucaria Monkey Puzzles etc. Araucariaceae
Araucaria angustifolia Parana Pine
No aphids recorded
A. araucana Neophyllaphis araucariae
A. bidwilliNeophyllaphis araucariae
A. cunninghamii Neophyllaphis araucariae
A. excelsaNeophyllaphis araucariae
A. heterophyllaIllinoia morrisoni; Neophyllaphis araucariae
Araucaria sp. [Cinara atroalbipes]

Key to aphids on Araucaria:-

Eyes of aptera 3-facetted. SIPH pore-like. Antennae usually 5-segmented …..Neophyllaphis araucariae
Eyes of all morphs multifacetted. SIPH long and tubular, swollen distally. Antennae 6-segmented…..Illinoia morrisoni
Araujia (incl. Physianthus) Apocynaceae
Araujia albens = A. sericifera
A. hortorumAphis gossypii
A. sericiferaAphis gossypii, nerii; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Arbutus andrachne Aphis arbuti, [fabae], spiraecola;
Wahlgreniella nervata ssp. arbuti
A. andrachnoides Wahlgreniella nervata ssp. arbuti
A. arizonica[Tamalia morani (Miller & Crespi 2003; nomen nudum)]
A. menziesiiAphis madronae; Wahlgreniella nervata ssp. arbuti
A. unedoStrawberry Tree
Aphis arbuti, [fabae]; Aulacorthum solani;
Neomyzus circumflexus;
Wahlgreniella nervata ssp. arbuti

Key to aphids on Arbutus species:-

1 Cauda triangular or helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view, and bearing numerous hairs…..Aphis madronae
Cauda much longer than its basal width …..2
2 SIPH pale with dark apices, and slightly swollen on distal half. ANT tubercles well-developed, with inner faces smooth or only sparsely spiculose…..Wahgreniella nervata ssp. arbuti
Without that combination of characters …..3
3 SIPH and cauda dark. Dorsal abdomen with dark transverse sclerites on ABD TERG 7 and 8, and usually with small sclerites anterior to SIPH…..Aphis arbuti (or fabae)
Without that combination of characters …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Archangelica see AngelicaApiaceae
Archidendron see Pithecellobium Fabaceae
Archontophoenix alexandrae Cerataphis brasiliensis
Archontophoenix sp. [Cerataphis freycinetiae]
Arctanthemum arcticum Myzus ascalonicus
Arctium Burdocks Asteraceae
Arctium lappaAllocotaphis minensis; Aphis fabae, fabae ssp. mordvilkoi, gossypii, [magnopilosa], solanella;
Aulacorthum cirsicola, solani;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, lateralis;
Capitophorus elaeagni; Chomaphis mira;
Dysaphis cousiniae, lappae, narzikulovi;
Macrosiphoniella grandicauda;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Protaphis anuraphoides, middletonii;
Protrama radicis; Trama [mordvilkoi], troglodytes;
Uroleucon gobonis, [sonchi]
A. leiospermum = A. lappa
A. majus = A. lappa
A. minusAphis fabae, fabae ssp. mordvilkoi, nasturtii, solanella;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Dysaphis lappae; Uroleucon cirsicola
A. officinale = A. lappa
A. tomentosumAphis arctiumi, fabae, fabae ssp. mordvilkoi, nasturtii, shaposhnikovi, solanella, tomenthosi;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, lateralis;
Dysaphis lappae; [Macrosiphoniella hillerislambersi];
Protaphis anuraphoides; Protrama radicis;
Uroleucon gobonis
Arctium spp.[Capitophorus xanthii];
[Nasonovia compositellae ssp. nigra];
Smynthurodes betae

Key to aphids on Arctium:-

1 ANT/PT BASE less than 0.5. Body and appendages densely hairy`…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.7. Body and appendages not densely hairy…..4
2 Hind tarsi of normal length. Antennae 5-segmented, with ANT II much longer than ANT I, similar in length to ANT III……Smynthurodes betae
Hind tarsi very elongate, more than 0.5 × hind tibiae. Antennae 6-segmented, with ANT II about as long as ANT I, much shorter than ANT III…..3
3 SIPH completely absent…..Trama troglodytes
SIPH present as pores on small, pigmented cones…..Protrama radicis
4 ANT tubercles absent or weakly developed, not projecting forward beyond middle of head in dorsal view…..5
ANT tubercles well developed, projecting forward beyond middle of head, with inner faces convergent, divergent or parallel in dorsal view…..22
5 Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view…..6
Cauda finger-shaped or bluntly conical, as long as or longer than its basal width …..13
6 Prothorax with a pair of very large marginal tubercles (MTu), up to twice the diameter of the compound eye, and ABD TERG 1-5 also with very large MTu. SIPH long and flangeless, more than 7 × cauda, and bearing some small pointed hairs…..Chomaphis mira
Prothorax if with MTu then these are smaller than compound eyes. ABD TERG 1-5 with or without MTu. SIPH less than 4 × cauda, and without hairs…..7
7ABD TERG 1-5 (-7) with large MTu, and paired STu usually also present, at least on ABD TERG 7 and 8. Spiracular apertures clearly reniform…..8
MTu and STu infrequently present. Spiracular apertures rounded or faintly reniform…..10
8 Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.6 × BD III. Dorsal cephalic and dorsal abdominal hairs similarly short…..Dysaphis lappae
Longest hairs on ANT III at least 0.8 × BD III, and dorsal body hairs mostly longer than this diameter…..9
9 Paired lateral, spinal, and often also pleural, tubercles present on most tergites. Marginal tubercles (MTu) very large and sometimes subdivided. R IV+V longer than ANT III …..Dysaphis narzikulovi
Spinal tubercles (STu) usually on head and ABD TERG 7 and 8, rarely on other segments. MTu variable in size, never subdivided. R IV+V much shorter than ANT III …..Dysaphis cousiniae
10SIPH 0.23-0.29 × BL and 5.9-8.1 × cauda. ANT 0.7-0.9 × BL, with PT/BASE 4.6-8.1…..Allocotaphis minensis*
SIPH 0.05-0.16 × BL and 1.1-3.4 × cauda. ANT 0.4-0.8 × BL, with PT/BASE 2.4-5.1…..11
11SIPH pale, 0.9-1.5 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen pale. Mesosternum without mammariform processes…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH dark, 2.1-3.4 × cauda. Dorsal abdomen with an extensive dark sclerotic shield. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes…..12
12Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are 30-61 µm long. Longest hairs on hind femur 10-25µm long …..Brachycaudus lateralis
Hairs on ABD TERG 8 are at least 70µm long. Longest hairs on hind femur more than 25µm long…..Brachycaudus cardui
13Cauda bluntly conical, about as long as its basal width and shorter than R IV+V …..14
Cauda conical or finger-shaped, longer than its basal width and longer than R V+V …..16
14SIPH cylindrical, narrow-based, about 2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE about 2. Large MTu present on ABD TERG 2-5 as well as 1 and 7…..Aphis arctiumi
SIPH short, tapering and broad based, similar in length to cauda. ANT PT/BASE 0.8-2.4. MTu absent or only sporadically present on ABD TERG 2-5…..15
15ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.4. Cauda as dark as SIPH…..Protaphis middletonii
ANT PT/BASE 0.8-1.1. Cauda paler than SIPH…..Protaphis anuraphoides
16SIPH pale with dark apices, or uniformly dusky, but never dark. Cauda with 4-11 hairs …..Aphis nasturtii
SIPH uniformly blackish. Cauda with 4-27 hairs…..17
17Cauda pale or dusky, clearly paler than SIPH, and bearing 4-8 hairs …..Aphis gossypii
Cauda dark like SIPH, and bearing 11-27 hairs…..18
18ANT PT/BASE 1.7-3.5, but rarely less than 2.0. MTu absent or sporadically present on ABD TERG 2-4, rarely well-developed …..19
ANT PT/BASE 1.5-2.0. MTu present and well-developed on ABD TERG 2-4 (-5) as well as 1 and 7…..21
19Longest hair on ANT III 15-25 μm, longest hair on hind femur 45-70 μm. SIPH 1.3-1.8 × cauda and 0.14-0.20 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 2.9-3.4…..Aphis solanella
Longest hair on ANT III 35-50 μm, longest hair on hind femur 60-85 μm. SIPH 0.8-1.6 × cauda and 0.09-0.17 × BL. ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.4…..20
20Length of rostrum (from base of protractor apodeme) 0.69-0.79 mm. R IV+V (0.9-)1.0-1.4 × HT II…..Aphis fabae ssp. mordvilkoi
Length of rostrum 0.44-0.62 mm. R IV+V 0.85-1.05 × HT II …..Aphis fabae s.str.
21R IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II……Aphis shaposhnikovi
R IV+V shorter than (about 0.85 X) HT II……Aphis tomenthosi
22Dorsal hairs thick and distinctly capitate, arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH long, pale and slender, 2.6-3.2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 6.0-9.2. ANT III without rhinaria ……Capitophorus elaeagni
Dorsal hairs pointed, blunt or if slightly capitate then thin and not arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH pale or dark, 1.5-2.7 × cauda. If ANT III without rhinaria then ANT/PT BASE 1.75-4.5.…23
23Inner faces of ANT tubercles convergent in dorsal view. ANT III without rhinaria …..24
Inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel or divergent in dorsal view. ANT III with at least 1 rhinarium near base of ANT III, and sometimes many more…..25
24SIPH slightly clavate. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-4.5. Dorsal abdomen without dark intersegmental markings. Immatures with smooth hind tibiae…..Myzus persicae
SIPH tapering with a slight “S”-curve. ANT PT/BASE 1.75-2.8. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental markings. Immatures with spinulose hind tibiae …..Myzus ornatus
25Inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel or almost parallel in dorsal view. ANT hairs very short and blunt, the longest hair on ANT III less than 0.5 × BD III. SIPH without any subapical polygonal reticulation…..26
Inner faces of ANT tubercles clearly divergent in dorsal view. Longest hair on ANT III more than 0.5 × BDIII. SIPH with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation…..27
26BL 1.5-3.0 mm. Dorsal cuticle of head spinulose. ANT III with 1-2 rhinaria near base …..Aulacorthum solani
BL 3.0-3.8 mm. Dorsal cuticle of head smooth. ANT III with 4-8 rhinaria on basal half …..Aulacorthum cirsicola
27SIPH mainly or wholly pale with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.13-0.20 …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH mainly or wholly dark with polygonal reticulation extending over distal 0.2-0.5…..28
28SIPH thinnest in middle and flared apically, with reticulation extending over about distal 0.5; altogether much thinner than cauda. ANT III with 2-5 rhinaria near base. R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II, stilletto-shaped (concave-sided) with very long accessory hairs …..Macrosiphoniella grandicauda
SIPH tapering or cylindrical on distal half and reticulated over distal 0.2-0.3; about as thick as cauda. ANT III with 18-48 rhinaria extending over most of segment. R IV+V 1.0-1.8 × HT II…..29
29Cauda paler than SIPH and bearing 30-45 hairs…..Uroleucon cirsicola
Cauda dark and bearing 11-18 hairs…..Uroleucon gobonis
Arctostaphylos alpina Wahlgreniella vaccinii
A. arguta = Comarostaphylis discolor
A. canescensTamalia coweni
A. columbianaTamalia milleri; Wahlgreniella nervata
A. densifloraWahlgreniella nervata
A. glandulosaTamalia coweni, inquilinus
A. glaucaTamalia coweni, inquilinus, [“Tamalia sp C.” (Miller et al. 2015)]
A. insularisTamalia coweni
A. manzanitaTamalia coweni; Wahlgreniella nervata
A. mariposa = A. viscida ssp. mariposa
A. nevadensisMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Tamalia coweni
A. patulaTamalia coweni, inquilinus; Wahlgreniella nervata
A. pringlei (incl. ssp. drupacea) Tamalia dicksoni, [Tamalia sp. (Miller & Crespi 2003)]
A. pumilaTamalia coweni; Wahlgreniella nervata
A. pungensTamalia coweni, inquilinus
A. stanfordianaWahlgreniella nervata
A. tomentosaTamalia coweni
A. uva-ursiBearberry
Aphis fabae, uvaeursi, vaccinii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Ericaphis fimbriata, leclanti, [scammelli];
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae; Tamalia coweni;
Wahlgreniella nervata, ossiannilssoni, vaccinii
A. viridissimaTamalia coweni
A. viscida (incl. ssp. mariposa) Tamalia coweni, inquilinus
Arctostaphylos sp.[Illinoia sp. (A. Jensen,]; Tamalia keltoni

Key to aphids on Arctostaphylos:-

1 ANT 4- to 6-segmented with PT/BASE much less than 1. Eyes 3-facetted. SIPH absent or as pores on small cones. (In leaf galls)…..2
ANT 6-segmented with PT/BASE more than 2. Eyes multifacetted. SIPH tubular …..6
2 R IV+V 0.16-0.20 mm long, 1.8-2.1 × HT II, and bearing 18-39 accessory hairs …..3
R IV+V 0.063-0.10 mm long, 0.9-1.5 × HT II, and bearing 4-13 accessory hairs …..4
3 First tarsal segments with 4 hairs. Dorsal spicules large, 10-19 μm long. Tergum rather uniformly dusky sclerotic…..Tamalia dicksoni
First tarsal segments with 2 hairs. Dorsal spicules only 2-5 μm long. Tergum with dark cross-bands…..Tamalia milleri
4ANT 5-segmented. Tergum entirely sclerotic, dusky-dark. Hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 4.1-6.3 × ANT BD III…..Tamalia inquilinus*
ANT usually 4-segmented. Tergum unsclerotised or with dark cross-bands. Hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 2.6-4.0 × ANT BD III…..5
5Dorsal abdomen usually with dark cross-bands, sometimes fragmented. Antennae and dorsal body surface ornamented with numerous small spicules…..Tamalia coweni
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings, and spiculose ornamentation restricted to posterior part of head and posterior margins of thoracic and abdominal tergites …..Tamalia keltoni*
6Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than basal width in dorsal view. SIPH tapering strongly, with a marked subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures wide open, rounded …..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue- or finger-like, or triangular, longer than its basal width. SIPH tapering weakly or swollen on distal half, without a marked subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures partially occluded, reniform…..7
7 ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting forward beyond middle of head in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 always with marginal tubercles (MTu). SIPH black, tapering or cylindrical on distal half…..8
ANT tubercles well developed. MTu rarely on ABD TERG 1 and 7. SIPH pale and/or swollen on distal half…..11
8 Cauda pale or dusky, evidently paler than SIPH, and bearing 4-7(-8) hairs …..Aphis gossypii
Cauda black like SIPH, and bearing 8-25 hairs…..9
9 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive dark shield covering most of ABD TERG 1-6. ANT III with 0-14 rhinaria, and VI with 0-2 rhinaria. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-0.8 × BD III …..Aphis uvaeursi
Dorsal abdomen with variable dark markings, and sometimes with transverse bars, but never with an almost entire shield. ANT III and IV without rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). Longest hairs on ANT III 0.8-2.4 × BD III…..10
10 BL 1.6-2.0 mm. ANT III 9-18 × longest hair (18-27 μm) upon it, which is never longer than ANT BD III. Lateral hairs on ABD TERG 2-4 are 19-37 μm long, about as long as the distance between their bases…..Aphis vaccinii
BL usually more than 2 mm, if less then ANT III is only 5-9 × longest hair (30-65 μm) upon it, which is usually longer than BD III. Lateral hairs on ABD TERG 2-4 are 40-85 μm long, longer than the distance between their bases…..Aphis fabae
11 SIPH tapering or cylindrical on distal half, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.0 × BD III…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation, cylindrical or swollen on distal half, . Hairs on ANT III all very short and blunt, less than 0.4 × BD III…..12
12 SIPH cylindrical. ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.1…..Ericaphis scammelli
SIPH slightly to markedly swollen on distal half. ANT PT/BASE 3.3-6.5 …..13
13 Dorsal abdomen usually with paired dark sclerites sometimes fused into cross bars, sometimes very small. Dorsal cuticle of head densely spiculose. SIPH strongly swollen. Cauda triangular…..Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. Cuticle of head smooth or with sparse spicules. SIPH slightly to moderately swollen. Cauda finger-like…..14
14 ANT III usually with 1-4 rhinaria on a swollen part near base. Femora with dark apices, and SIPH dark in middle and near apices…..Wahlgreniella ossiannilssoni
ANT III without rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). Femoral apices pale or only slightly dusky, and SIPH entirely pale/dusky or only dark at apices…..15
15 ANT tubercles with a markedly scabrous region protruding ventrally. HT II only sparsely imbricated…..Wahlgreniella vaccinii
ANT tubercles smooth or with only a few spinules ventrally. HT II distinctly and evenly imbricated…..16
16SIPH with moderate swelling of distal half. ANT PT/BASE 4.5-6.8. R IV+V 1.1-1.5 × HT II…..Wahlgreniella nervata
SIPH only slightly swollen distally. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.4. R IV+V 1.5-1.85 × HT II …..Ericaphis leclanti
Arctotheca (including Cryptostemma) Asteraceae
Arctotheca calendula Aphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii;
Capitophorus elaeagni;
Myzus cymbalariae, ornatus, persicae;
Protaphis pseudocardui; Uroleucon compositae, sonchi
A. calendulaceum = A. calendula
A. nivea = A. populifolia
A. populifoliaUroleucon compositae
Arctotheca/ Cryptostemma sp. Brachycaudus helichrysi

Key to aphids on Arctotheca:-

1 ANT PT about equal to BASE, shorter than R IV+V. SIPH very short, shorter than the bluntly triangular cauda which is a little shorter than its basal width in dorsal view …..Protaphis pseudocardui
ANT PT much longer than BASE and much longer than R IV+V. SIPH much longer than cauda and much longer than basal width…..2
2 SIPH thick and dark with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT III with numerous rhinaria…..3
SIPH pale or dark, if dark then without a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT III without (or with 1-10) rhinaria..…4
3 Cauda pale. R IV+V 0.7-0.9 × HT II…..Uroleucon sonchi
Cauda dark. R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II…..Uroleucon compositae
4 Dorsal hairs thick and distinctly capitate, arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH long, pale and slender, 2.6-3.2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 6.0-9.2. ANT III without rhinaria…..Capitophorus elaeagni
Dorsal hairs pointed, blunt or if slightly capitate then thin and not arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH pale or dark, 1.5-2.7 × cauda. If ANT III without rhinaria then ANT/PT BASE 1.75-4.5…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Arctotis African Daisies Asteraceae
Arctotis acaulisBrachycaudus cardui; Myzus ornatus, persicae;
[Uroleucon jaceae]
A. arctotoidesBrachycaudus helichrysi; Myzus persicae
A. breviscapa = Arctotis leptorhiza
A. calendulacea = Arctotheca calendula
A. fastuosaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae; Uroleucon compositae
A. floribundum (?)Brachycaudus cardui
A. grandifloraUroleucon compositae
A. leptorhizaUroleucon ambrosiae group
A. stoechadifoliaBrachycaudus cardui; Myzus persicae;
(incl. var. grandis) Uroleucon vernoniae
A. venustaBrachycaudus cardui
Arctotis spp.Aphis gossypii

Key to aphids on Arctotis:-

1 Cauda helmet shaped, shorter than its basal width. Dorsal abdomen with an extensive solid black sclerotic shield. (Mesosternum with a pair of pigmented mammariform processes) …..Brachycaudus cardui
Either cauda is clearly longer than its basal width or the dorsal abdomen has no dark shield (and there are no mesosternal mammariform processes)…..2
2 SIPH dark with an extensive distal zone of polygonal reticulation, and cauda also dark. ANT III with numerous rhinaria…..3
Without that combination of characters; if SIPH dark with extensive polygonal reticulation then cauda is pale…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
3 R IV+V 1.5-1.85 × HT II. ANT III with 23-57 rhinaria. ANT III 1.55-1.95 × ANT V (less than 1.8 in specimens with ANT III 1 mm or more long)…..Uroleucon vernoniae
R IV+V 1.1-1.4 × HT II. ANT III with 46-82 rhinaria. ANT III 1.8-2.6 × ANT V (only less than 2.0 in specimens with ANT III 1 mm or more long) …..Uroleucon compositae
Arctous alpinaWahlgreniella ossiannilssoni
Ardisia sieboldiiAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Ardisia spp.Aphis spiraecola; Myzus ornatus;
Sinomegoura citricola, [pyri]; [Tinocalloides montanus]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Areca catechuCerataphis brasiliensis, lataniae
A. oleracea = Roystonea oleracea

Use key to apterae on palms under Calamus.

Arecastrum see SyagrusArecaceae
Arenaria Sandworts Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria peploides = Honckenya peploides
A. serpyllifoliaMyzus certus
A trinervaMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae

Use key to aphids on Cerastium.

Arenga pinnataCerataphis brasiliensis

Use key to apterae on palms under Calamus.

Argania spicata (?spinosa) Aphis spiraecola
Argemone Prickly-poppies Papaveraceae
Argemone mexicana Aphis gossypii; Pemphigus sp.
Argentina see PotentillaRosaceae
Argyranthemum adauctum Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
A. broussonetiiBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. foeniculaceumAcyrthosiphon ilka; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. foeniculumUroleucon ambrosiae
A. frutescensAphis fabae, gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphoniella sanborni, oblonga, tapuskae;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Smynthurodes betae; Uroleucon ?compositae
A. tenerifaeBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to aphids on Argyranthemum:-

1 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..2
SIPH without any subapical polygonal reticulation (or absent)…..7
2 SIPH 0.65-1.45 × cauda and with polygonal reticulation extending over distal 0.4 or more of length…..3
SIPH 1.55-2.3 × cauda and with polygonal reticulation only on distal 0.3 or less …..4
3 BL 1.0-2.3 mm. ANT III with 8-28 rhinaria extending over its entire length. SIPH only 0.65-0.9 × cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.6-0.8. ANT VI BASE 0.6-1.0 × R IV+V, which is 1.0-1.3 × HT II. Cauda with 10-17 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella sanborni
BL 3.0-5.1. ANT III with 3-10 rhinaria on basal half. SIPH 0.9-1.45 × cauda, with reticulation on distal 0.4-0.6. ANT VI BASE 1.8-2.4 × R IV+V, which is 0.65-0.8 × HT II. Cauda with 22-33 hairs…..Macrosiphoniella oblonga
4 SIPH wholly dark and rather thick, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.25-0.30 …..5
SIPH at least basally pale, with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.10-0.25 …..6
5 Cauda pale, contrasting with dark SIPH, which are 1.0-1.5 × cauda. Coxae pale. ANT III with 8-35 rhinaria……Uroleucon ambrosiae
Cauda almost as dark as SIPH, which are 1.7-2.3 × cauda. Coxae dark. ANT III with 51-77 rhinaria……Uroleucon compositae
6 SIPH darker than body for most of length and strongly flared at apices (Fig.5i). Cauda darker than basal part of SIPH. ANT III with 6-27 rhinaria …..Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
SIPH paler than body for most of length and cylindrical on reticulated part, only widening at flange. Cauda as pale as basal part of SIPH. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria ……Macrosiphum euphorbiae
7 Head smooth, with well-developed divergent ANT tubercles. SIPH long, pale and thin, 0.25-0.34 × BL…..Acyrthosiphon ilka
ANT tubercles absent or weakly developed or, if well developed their inner faces are parallel or convergent, and the dorsal cuticle of the head is spiculose or scabrous. SIPH pale or dark, less than 0.25 × BL…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Argyreia nervosaAphis gossypii
A. scandens (= splendens?) Brachyunguis letsoniae

Couplet for distinguishing these two species:-

ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH shorter than cauda …..Brachyunguis letsoniae
ANT PT/BASE more than 2. SIPH longer than cauda……Aphis gossypii
Argyrocytisus battandieri Aphis cytisorum
Argyroxiphium sp. Macrosiphum sp. (Raychaudhuri 1984: 96)
Arisaema amurense Cavariella sapporensis
A. atrorubens = A. triphyllum
A. serratumAphis gossypii
A. trifoliatum (?)Patchiella reaumuri
A. triphyllum[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1973, 12)];
[Macrosiphum sp. (Leonard 1968, 308)]
Arisaema sp.Carolinaia (Juncomyzus) sp. (Vietnam, BMNH

Key to apterae on Arisaema:-

1 ANT PT/BASE much less than 1. Eyes 3-faceted. SIPH absent ….. Patchiella reaumuri
ANT PT/BASE much more than 1. Eyes multifaceted. SIPH evident, tubular …..2
2 Head spiculose dorsally and ventrally, with well-developed, steep-sided ANT tubercles. ANT III with 1-2 small rhinaria near base. SIPH almost smooth, and swollen on distal 0.7 …..Carolinaia (Juncomyzus) sp. (Vietnam, BMNH collection)
Without that combination of characters…..3
3 Front of head convex in dorsal view, with scabrous/warty cuticle. ABD TERG 8 with a small scabrous spinal process bearing two hairs. Thorax and ABD TERG 1-3 or 1-4 with well-developed lateral tubercles. SIPH long and scabrous, c.4 × cauda…..Cavariella sapporoensis
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Arisarum vulgareAphis gossypii, spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Aristeguietia balliiIllinoia goldamaryae
Aristida adoensisSitobion africanum
A. adscensionisHysteroneura setariae; Melanaphis sacchari;
Rhopalosiphon maidis
A. congesta[Acyrthosiphon kondoi]
A. dichotomaPemphigus sp.
A. eggersii = A. purpurea
A. purpureaTetraneura akinire
Aristida sp.Sitobion miscanthi

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Aristolochia Birth worts Aristolochiaceae
Aristolochia acuminata = A. tagala
A. baeticaMyzus persicae
A. clematitisAphis fabae
A. durens (?)Aphis fabae
A. elegans = A. littoralis
A. fimbriataMyzus persicae
A. grandifloraAphis gossypii; Myzus persicae
A. indicaAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Neomyzus circumflexus
A. littoralisMyzus persicae
A. manshuriensisAulacorthum solani
A. punjabensisMicromyzodium filicium
A. sempervirensMyzus persicae
A. tagalaNeomyzus circumflexus

Key to aphids on Aristolochia:-

Dorsal body hairs long and thick, almost spine-like, 3-4 × longer than BDIII; 4-6 per segment in paired spinal, marginal and pleural rows; contrasting with minute hairs on ANT III-VI …..Micromyzodium filicium
Dorsal body hairs not of this size and arrangement, and not contrasting in size to hairs on ANT III-VI…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Aristotelia chilensis Aulacorthum solani
A. maqui = A.chilensis
A. serrataParadoxaphis aristoteliae
SIPH dark. Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG 1 only. ANT BASE VI 2.0-2.6 × R IV+V…..Paradoxaphis aristoteliae
Without that combination of characters …..go to key to polyphagous aphids

Armeniaca see PrunusRosaceae
Armeniaca mandshurica see Prunus mandshurica
A. mume see Prunus mume
A. sibirica see Prunus sibirica
A. vulgaris =Prunus armeniaca
A. vulgaris var. ansu see Prunus ansu
Armeria maritima[Kaltenbachiella pallida]
A. scabra[Acyrthosiphon sp. aff. knechteli]
Armeria sp. (?maritima) Neosappaphis franzi
Armoracia rusticana Aphis gossypii, nasturtii;
(= A. lapathifolia) Aulacorthum solani, [solani ssp. prasinum];
Brevicoryne brassicae, jiayuguanensis; Lipaphis erysimi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae; Pemphigus sp. (as lactucae);
Protaphis middletonii (as armoraciae);
Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon; Smiela fusca;
Smynthurodes betae

Key to apterae on Armoracia:-

1SIPH as shallow black volcano-shaped cones. ANT III with 5-16 secondary rhinaria and IV with 0-5…..Smiela fusca
SIPH tubular; cylindrical, tapering, barrel-shaped or clavate. ANT III and IV with or (usually) without secondary rhinaria…..2
2 ABD TERG 8 bearing 8-19 stout hairs. SIPH 0.04-0.08 × BL, and flask or barrel-shaped …..3
ABD TERG 8 with 2-9 hairs. SIPH (if present) 0.06-0.40 × BL, if less than 0.1 × BL then ABD TERG 8 has only 2 hairs…..4
3 SIPH dark, broadest on basal half. ANT PT/BASE 1.8-3.6. Dorsum with dark patches ..…Brevicoryne brassicae
SIPH pale, barrel-shaped. ANT PT/BASE 0.7-1.1. Dorsum without dark patches …..Brevicoryne jiayuguanensis
4 SIPH pale with dusky apices, slightly swollen on distal half, but not clavate (i.e., no thinner proximal part). ANT tubercles weakly developed. No marginal tubercles (MTu) on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..Lipaphis erysimi
Without that combination of characters. If ANT tubercles are weakly developed then MTu are consistently present on ABD TERG 1 and 7 …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Arnebia grandiflora Aphis gossypii, [Aphis sp. (Davletshina 1964: 124)]
Arnica amplexicaulis = Pentacalia amplexicaulis
A. angustifolia[Macrosiphum chukotense]
A. chamissonis Aphis fabae; Myzus ornatus
A. cordifoliaIllinoia davidsoni
A. latifoliaMyzus ascalonicus
A. longifoliaIllinoia davidsoni
A. mollisIllinoia davidsoni
A. montanaAphis fabae; Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. sachalinensis Aphis fabae
Arnica sp. Illinoia goldamaryae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to apterae on Arnica:-

1Head smooth with well-developed ANT tubercles, their inner faces diverging. SIPH swollen on distal half and with 2-4 rows of subapical polygonal reticulation…..2
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2RIV+V 0.22-0.25 mm long, with 20-25 accessory hairs. ANT III with 20-23 secondary rhinaria distributed over most of length (more in alatiform apt.) …..Illinoia davidsoni
RIV+V 0.11-0.15 mm long, with 7-10 accessory hairs. ANT III with 1-7 secondary rhinaria restricted to basal third (more in alatiform apt.) …..Illinoia goldamaryae
Arnoglossum atriplicifolium Neomyzus circumflexus
A. plantagineumUroleucon sp. (rudbeckiae?)
Arnoseris minimaNasonovia ribisnigri
A. pusilla = A. minima
Aronia see PhotiniaRosaceae
Aronia melanocarpa = Photinia melanocarpa
A. prunifolia = Photinia prunifolia
Arracacia xanthorrhiza Aphis spiraecola; Dysaphis apiifolia, foeniculus;
Hyadaphis passerinii; Myzus persicae;
Smynthurodes betae

Key to apterae on Arracacia:-

1SIPH dark, clavate, and 0.85-1.2 × the finger-like cauda. Prosternum with a dark central sclerite…..Hyadaphis passerinii
SIPH if clavate then not dark and more than 1.8 × cauda. Prosternum without a dark central sclerite…..2
2Cauda helmet-shaped or pentagonal, not longer than its basal width. Spinal tubercles (STu) present on head and ABD TERG 8 or 7-8…..3
Cauda if evident at all then tongue or finger-shaped, longer than its basal width. STu absent from head, and usually not on ABD TERG 7-8 …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
3 SIPH 2.5-3.5 times longer than their basal width, and 15-25 times as long as the very short, blunt and inconspicuous hairs on front of head…..Dysaphis apiifolia
SIPH short and broad-based, rarely more than twice as long as their basal widths, and 2.5-5.0 times as long as the long and fine hairs on front of head …..Dysaphis foeniculus
Arrhenatherum album Sipha maydis
A. elatiusAnoecia furcata, vagans; Atheroides hirtellus;
Forda formicaria; Geoica lucifuga, utricularia;
Hyalopteroides humilis;
Metopolophium albidum, dirhodum, fasciatum;
Pemphigus sp.(?groenlandicus = populiglobuli – Zwölfer 1958);
Rhopalosiphum padi;
Schizaphis phlei; Sipha elegans, glyceriae, maydis;
Sitobion avenae, fragariae, graminearum; Tetraneura ulmi
Arrhenatherum sp. Laingia psammae

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.