(in alphabetical order)

























































































Adansonia digitata Aphis gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae

(Use key to polyphagous aphids)

Adenium multiflorum Aphis gossypii
Adenocarpus complicatus Acyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis craccivora, cytisorum;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. foliolosusAphis cytisorum
A. viscosusAphis cytisorum

Key to aphids on Adenocarpus:-

1 Spindle-shaped aphid, pale or mainly pale, without a dark dorsal abdominal shield ..…2
Oval aphid with an extensive dark dorsal abdominal shield.….3
2 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ANT III conspicuous, the longest about as long as BD III…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH without polygonal reticulation, attenuate distally. Hairs on ANT III very short and inconspicuous.….Acyrthosiphon pisum
3 R IV+V 0.88-1.16 × HT II (mostly 0.9-1.05 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2 (-3) hairs …..Aphis craccivora
– R IV+V 0.97-1.3 × HT II (mostly 1.06-1.2 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2-8 hairs (mode 4, mean 5.2)…..Aphis cytisorum
Adenocaulon adhaerescens = A. himalaicum
A. bicolorMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Nasonovia rostrata;
Uroleucon adenocaulonae
A. chilenseUroleucon amigoi
A. himalaicumAleurodaphis blumeae; Rhopalosiphoninus tiliae

Key to apterae on Adenocaulon:-

1 Body dorsoventrally flattened, elongate oval with dorsum wholly sclerotic, with a crenulate margin due to a continuous ring of wax glands. Eyes 3-facetted, SIPH poriform, cauda knobbed and anal plate bilobed…..Aleurodaphis blumeae
Dorsum not wholly sclerotic, no marginal wax glands. Eyes compound, SIPH tubular, cauda tongue-shaped, anal plate entire…..2
2 SIPH black, swollen into a spindle shape on distal two-thirds. Cauda triangular …..Rhopalosiphoninus tiliae
SIPH pale or dark, not swollen. Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped…..3
3 SIPH wholly dark, with distal polygonal reticulation that extends over distal 0.3-0.4 …..4
SIPH pale at least basally, with any polygonal reticulation not extending beyond distal 0.2…..5
4 ANT III with 11-18 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 1.8-2.4 × HT II…..Uroleucon adenocaulonae
ANT III with 46-51 secondary rhinaria. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II …..Uroleucon amigoi
5 SIPH with polygonal reticulation on distal 0.13-0.2. R IV with 7-10 accessory hairs. Thoracic spiracular pores similar in size to abdominal ones …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH without distal polygonal reticulation. R IV with 22-30 accessory hairs. Thoracic spiracular pores much larger than abdominal ones…..Nasonovia rostrata
Adenodolichos punctatus Aphis craccivora
Adenophora coronopifolia = A. gmelinii
A. curvidens = A. pereskiifolia
A. gmeliniiUroleucon tryphyllae
A. liliifolia[Acyrthosiphon ilka]; Adenophoraphis burabaica; Tshernovaia adenophorae
A. marsupiflora = A. stenanthina
A. pereskiifoliaUroleucon kikioense, [cephalonopli], [gobonis], triphyllae
A. stenanthinaTshernovaia adenophorae; Uroleucon adenophorae, triphyllae
A. thunbergiana = A. triphylla
A. triphylla (incl. var. japonica)Uroleucon adenophorae, triphyllae
A. verticillata = A. triphylla
Key to aphids on Adenophora:-

N.B. All the aphids keyed below have numerous rhinaria on ANT III of apterae, dorsal hairs arising from small dark scleroites, and dark SIPH with distal polygonal reticulation.

1 Cauda with a remarkable bipartite structure, the base being broadly conical, with an abrupt transition to a very thin, somewhat twisted, hairless distal section (Fig. 7a). Anal plate with a cauda-like posterior projection…..Tshernovaia adenophorae
Cauda finger-like, cylindrical or tapering gradually from base to apex…..2
2Antennal tubercules small and gentle, so as to create a shallow frontal groove. SIPH with zone of polygonal reticulation on <0.25 their length. ANT III with 0-1 rhinaria.…..Adenophoraphis burabaica
Antennal tubercles medium to large, so as to create a discernible frontal groove. SIPH with extensive zone of polygonal reticulation on >0.25 their length. ANT III with variable number of rhinaria, usually >1.…..3
3 Cauda pale. R IV+V c.0.7 × HT II, and with only 2 accessory hairs …..Uroleucon kikioense*
Cauda dark. R IV+V 1.0-1.3 × HT II, with 7 or more accessory hairs…..4
4 SIPH 1.0-1.2 × cauda, which has most of distal half almost parallel-sided or slightly swollen, and a rather abruptly pointed or rounded apex (Fig.7b). ANT PT/BASE 2.8-5.1. BL 2.5-3.2 mm…..Uroleucon triphyllae
SIPH 1.5-2.0 × cauda, which has distal half tapering and a narrow, acuminate apex (Fig.7c). ANT PT/BASE 5.0-5.5. BL 3.7-4.3 mm…..Uroleucon adenophorae
Adenostemma perrottetii Aphis gossypii
A. viscosumAphis fabae, solanella

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Adenostyles (= Cacalia Kunze nec. L.) Asteraceae
Adenostyles albida = A. alliariae
A. alliariae (incl. albida, Anuraphis farfarae;
albifrons, hirsuta) Aphis cacaliasteris, fabae, solanella,
[Aphis sp. near viburni];
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi; Capitophorus similis;
[Ovatus inulae]
A. alliariae ssp. hybrida = A. leucophylla
A. alpina (incl. australis, glabra, viridis) Anuraphis farfarae; Aphis cacaliasteris;
Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi; Capitophorus similis
A. australis (= A. alpina ssp. australis)
A. glabra = A. alpina
A. leucophyllaAphis solanella; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi
A. platyphylloides Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi, virgatus
A. viridis = A. alpina

Key to aphids on Adenostyles:-

1 Dorsal hairs long with capitate apices, and arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH 3.7-5.0 × cauda…..Capitophorus similis
Dorsal hairs short, or long with pointed apices, without tuberculate bases. SIPH much shorter …..2
2 Cauda black, tongue-shaped, as long as its basal width or longer..…3
Cauda pale or dark, helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width...…4
3 ANT (of apt.) usually with rhinaria on III and IV, those on ANT III being mostly on distal half of segment. Tibiae dark…..Aphis cacaliasteris
ANT (of apt.) without rhinaria on III and IV. Tibiae mainly pale …..Aphis fabae group (incl. solanella)
4 SIPH dark, with close-set rows of small spinules. ANT (of apt.) with 6-19 rhinaria clustered on swollen basal half of ANT III…..Anuraphis farfarae
SIPH pale or dusky, without rows of small spinules. ANT (of apt.) without rhinaria on ANT III and IV..…5
5 SIPH pale or slightly dusky, less than 1.5 × cauda. R IV+V 1.2-1.3 × HT II. Dorsal abdomen without dark sclerotization…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
SIPH dusky or dark, more than 1.8 × cauda. R IV+V 1.3-2.0 × HT II. Dorsal abdomen with variably developed dark sclerotization…..6
6 Dorsal abdomen with a solid black shield extending over the whole of ABD TERG 1-6. Genital plate with 25-42 hairs, of which 8-17 are on the anterior half. ANT IV usually longer than (0.9-1.5 ×) R IV+V. Never with spinal tubercles (STu) …..Brachycaudus cardui
Dorsal abdomen usually with less extensive dark sclerotization, if extensive then genital plate only has 12-32 hairs, of which only 2-5 are on anterior half, ANT IV is usually shorter than (0.4-1.1 ×) R IV+V, and STu frequently present on ABD TERG 7 …..Brachycaudus virgatus
Adesmia atacamensis Aphis acuminata
A. boronioides Aphis adesmiae, zapalina;
Uroleucon australe, naheulhaupense
A. obovata Aphis mendocina
A. papposa Aphis argentina, biobiensis, difabioae, talcensis
A. pinifolia Aphis mendocina
A. renjifoanae Aphis renjifoanae
A. viscidaAphis biobiensis
Adesmia sp(p).Aphis acuminata, craccivora, [Aphis sp. (see Nieto Nafría et al. 2021b)];
Uroleucon adesmiae

Key to apterae on Adesmia:-

1 ANT PT/BASE 3.2-4.9, and with 2-15 small secondary rhinaria on ANT III. SIPH with some (often rather indistinct) subapical polygonal reticulation…..2
ANT PT/BASE 0.9-2.5, and without secondary rhinaria (except in alatiform specimens). SIPH without any subapical polygonal reticulation…..4
2 Antennae pale except for PT and apical parts of ANT III-IV BASE. R IV+V with 10-15 accessory hairs. Cauda with 10-15 hairs. Subgenital plate with 2-5 anterior (discal) hairs…..Uroleucon adesmiae
Antennae mainly dark except for basal part of ANT III. R IV+V with 6-10 accessory hairs. Cauda with 17-41 hairs. Subgenital plate with 8-20 anterior (discal) hairs …..3
3 SIPH not flared at apex. Cauda with 17-29 hairs …..Uroleucon nahuelhuapense*
SIPH slightly flared (trumpet-shaped) at apex. Cauda with 26-41 hairs…..Uroleucon australe*
4 R IV+V with 4 or more accessory hairs (occasionally 3)…..Aphis argentina*
R IV+V with only 2 accessory hairs (exceptionally 3) …..5
5 ABD TERG 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu). (MTu on prothorax and ABD TERG 1-4 very large) …..Aphis difabioae*
ABD TERG 7 with MTu…..6
6 R IV+V 0.17-0.21 mm, 1.35-1.63 × HT II…..Aphis zapalina*
R IV+V 0.10-0.16 mm, 0.87-1.36 × HT II…..7
7 Dorsal abdomen membranous or with only scattered small sclerites anterior to SIPH …..8
Dorsal abdomen usually with extensive sclerotisation, if reduced then at least with a sclerite on ABD TERG 8…..9
8 SIPH pale at base and progressively darker towards apices, ornamented distally with rows of small spinules. ANT PT/BASE 0.95-1.2…..Aphis renjifoanae*
SIPH dark over entire length. ANT PT/BASE 1.2-1.6…..Aphis talcensis*
9 Dorsum with segmentally divided dark bands, sometimes partially coalesced, often reduced or fragmented. SIPH with coarse imbrication…..Aphis biobiensis
Dorsum with an extensive dark or dusky sclerotic patch, not divided into segmental bands, but sometimes fragmented. SIPH with normal or finely spiculose imbrication …..10
10Cauda with 11-22 hairs. Dorsal body hairs thick, blunt and conspicuous. SIPH with ornamentation of fine spicules arranged in short rows…..Aphis adesmiae
Cauda with 4-13 hairs. Dorsal body hairs fine, blunt or pointed, inconspicuous. SIPH with normal imbrication…..11
11Longest hair on ANT III 0.3-0.8 × BD III. Longest marginal hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 8-15 µm and longest on ABD TERG 8 are 10-23 µm. Cauda with 4-9 hairs …..Aphis craccivora
Longest hair on ANT III 0.6-1.4 × BD III. Longest marginal hairs on ABD TERG 3 are 18-45 µm, longest on ABD TERG 8 are 20-65 µm. Cauda with 7-13 hairs…..12
12Cauda pointed at apex, with 7-8 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 2 hairs …..Aphis acuminata*
Cauda rounded at apex, with 5-13 hairs, usually 8-11. ABD TERG 8 usually with 3-4 hairs…..Aphis mendocina*

(If outcome is inconclusive then try key to apterae on Adesmia in Nieto Nafría et al. 2021b.)

Adhatoda vasicaAphis aurantii, spiraecola, [Aphis sp. near salviae (Swirski & Amitai 2001) = craccivora?];
[Coloradoa artemisicola]
Adiantum Maidenhead Ferns Adiantaceae
Adiantum aethiopicum Idiopterus nephrelepidis
A. capillus-veneris Aulacorthum solani; Idiopterus nephrelepidis;
Neomyzus circumflexus
A. caudatum Micromyzella judenkoi; Micromyzodium dasi, filicium
A. cordatumMicromyzus niger; Myzus persicae
A. cristatum (?)Aphis spiraecola
A. cuneipinulumMicromyzodium filicium
A. deflectensIdiopterus nephrelepidis
A. edgeworthiiIdiopterus nephrelepidis
A. glareosum = A. deflectens
A. hispidulumIdiopterus nephrelepidis
A. pedatumIdiopterus nephrelepidis; Papulaphis sleesmani;
Macrosiphum adianti
A. poiretiiIdiopterus nephrelepidis
A. raddianumAphis nerii; Idiopterus nephrelepidis;
Macrosiphum walkeri; Micromyzodium filicium
A. subcordatumMicromyzus niger
A. tenerumAphis nerii; Idiopterus nephrelepidis
A. thalictroides = A. poiretii
A. tinctum = A. raddianum
A. trapeziformeIdiopterus nephrelepidis; Neomyzus circumflexus
Adiantum spp.Macrosiphum rebecae; Micromyzella sleonensis

Use key to apterae of fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium.

Adina microcephala Aphis gossypii
Adina sp.Aphis spiraecola
Use key to polyphagous aphids.
Adonidia merrillii [Aphis craccivora]
(or use key to aphids on palms under Calamus)
Adonis aestivalisAphis fabae; Aulacorthum solani
A. vernalisAphis montanicola;
Aphis (Debilisiphon) sp. (Bozhko 1976a, 99)
Adonis sp.Aphis gossypii

Key to aphids on Adonis:-

1 SIPH shorter than cauda. ANT III (of apt.) with about 6 rhinaria, and IV with 1-2 ..…Aphis (Debilisiphon) sp.
SIPH usually longer than cauda. ANT III (of apt.) with 0-2 rhinaria, and IV with 0.….go to key to apterae on Anemone
Adoxa moschatellina Hyadaphis foeniculi (see Wojciechowski et al. 2016)
Aechmea fulgensMyzus persicae
A. nudicaulis[Sitobion luteum]
Aegilops bicornisMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion avenae
A. biuncialisMelanaphis pyraria; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. caudataMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. columnarisSitobion avenae
A. comosaMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion avenae
A. crassaMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. cylindricaAnoecia corni; Diuraphis noxia; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Schizaphis graminum, phlei, rufula;
Sipha elegans, glyceriae, maydis
A. geniculataMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Schizaphis graminum; Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. juvenalisMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion avenae
A. kotschyiMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. longissimaMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha maydis; Sitobion avenae
A. lorentii Sipha elegans
A. markgrafii = A. caudata
A. muticaMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion avenae
A. neglectaMetopolophium dirhodum; Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. ovata Aphis gossypii
A. peregrinaForda formicaria; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Sipha maydis; Sitobion avenae
A. searsiiMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion avenae
A. speltoidesMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion avenae
A. squarrosa = A. triuncialis
A. tauschiiMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. triuncialisDiuraphis noxia; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Schizaphis graminum;
Sipha elegans, maydis; Sitobion avenae, fragariae
A. umbellulataMetopolophium dirhodum; Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
A. ventricosaMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sipha elegans; Sitobion avenae
Aegilops sp.Anoecia vagans

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Aegle marmelosAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Aegopodium Goutweed, Bishop’s Weed Apiaceae
Aegopodium alpestre Cavariella aegopodii;
Dysaphis foeniculus, [hirsutissima], [malidauci], sibirica
A. podagrariaAnuraphis subterranea
Aphis [brohmeri], fabae, fabae ssp. cirsiiacanthoidis,
grosmannae, podagrariae, sambuci, subnitida;
Aulacorthum aegopodii, solani;
Cavariella aegopodii, [archangelicae], theobaldi;
Dysaphis crataegi, newskyi ssp. mamontovae, sibirica;
Hyadaphis foeniculi; [Macrosiphum gei, stellariae];
Myzus [ascalonicus], ornatus; Pemphigus sp.;
Semiaphis anthrisci, dauci, [heraclei], pimpinellae, [sphondylii];
Smynthurodes betae
A. tadshikorumCavariella aegopodii; Dysaphis foeniculus
Aegopodium spp. Pemphigus passeki; Dysaphis crataegi ssp. aethusae

Key to aphids on Aegopodium:-

1 ANT PT/BASE much less than 0.5…..2
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.5…..3
2 Body and appendages conspicuously hairy. Primary rhinaria with naked, sclerotic rims. ANT II elongate, about 2 × ANT I and similar in length to ANT III. Anus in posterio-dorsal position, with anal plate enlarged and surrounded on 3 sides by the U-shaped ABD TERG 8 …..Smynthurodes betae (Plate 2f)
Body and appendages with sparse, short hairs. Primary rhinaria with ciliated rims. ANT II not elongate, not much longer than ANT I and much shorter than III. Anus in normal posterio-ventral position…..Pemphigus sp(p).
3 ABD TERG 8 with a medial process projecting backward above the cauda …..4
No supracaudal process…..5
4SIPH clavate. ANT PT/BASE less than 1.5…..Cavariella aegopodii
SIPH tapering from base to flange. ANT PT/BASE more than 2 …..Cavariella theobaldi
5SIPH very small and flangeless, only about 0.5 × cauda, with aperture slanted towards mid-line of body…..6
SIPH more than 0.75 × cauda…..8
6 ABD TERG 1-4 usually with a total of at least 2-4 (range 0-7, mean 3.2) marginal tubercles (MTu), in addition to those consistently present on ABD TERG 5. Genital plate with a total of 13-21 (mostly 16-19) hairs. (Al. with ANT PT/BASE 4.0-5.0) …..Semiaphis anthrisci
ABD TERG 1-4 usually with a total of only 0-1 MTu (range 0-7, means 0.3-0.9), in addition to those consistently present on ABD TERG 5. Genital plate with a total of 9-17 (-20) hairs. (Al. with ANT PT/BASE 2.4-4.4, but rarely more than 3.9)…..7
7 Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 8-25 μm (mostly 12-20 μm). Genital plate with 13-20 (mostly 14-17) hairs. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.5. (Al. with ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.4 and sec. rhin. distributed III 16-23, IV 1-5, V 0-1)…..Semiaphis dauci
Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 15-47 μm (mostly 18-30 μm). Genital plate with 9-20 (but mostly 11-13) hairs. ANT PT/BASE (1.8-) 2.2-3.2. (Al. with ANT PT/BASE 3.1-3.9 (-4.4) and sec. rhin. distributed III 16-59, IV 2-12 V 0-4)…..Semiaphis pimpinellae
8 Cauda short and broad, rounded or helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view …..9
Cauda tongue-shaped, at least as long as its basal width in dorsal view…..12
9 SIPH with 30-40 densely packed rows of small nodules. Cauda with 9-13 hairs …..Anuraphis subterranea
SIPH with normal imbrication. Cauda with 5-7 hairs…..10
10ANT III and IV (of aptera) with rhinaria …..Dysaphis newskyi ssp. mamontovae
ANT III and IV without rhinaria…..11
11Longest hairs on ANT III not exceeding BD III…..Dysaphis crataegi group
Longest hairs on ANT III 2.6-3.9 × BD III…..Dysaphis sibirica
12SIPH clavate, 0.8-1.4 × cauda and 0.1-0.2 × BL. R IV+V 0.7-1.05 × HT II …..Hyadaphis foeniculi
SIPH cylindrical or tapering on distal half, usually more that 1.4 × cauda; if shorter, then much less than 0.1 × BL, and R IV+V 0.95-1.5 × HT II…..13
13ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces parallel or convergent in dorsal view. SIPH and cauda mainly pale. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu) …..14
ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH and cauda black. ABD TERG 1 and 7 always with MTu.…15
14Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental ornamentation. ANT tubercles with inner faces convergent in dorsal view. SIPH with a slight “S”-curve ….Myzus ornatus
Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings. ANT tubercles with inner faces parallel in dorsal view. SIPH straight…..Aulacorthum solani (or A. aegopodii – see text)
15ABD TERG 2-4 with large flat marginal tubercles (MTu), 33-50 μm in diameter. SIPH 2-3 × cauda…..Aphis sambuci
ABD TERG 2-4 with MTu if present papilliform and with diameter 15-35 μm. SIPH often less than 2 × cauda.…16
16Dorsal body and appendages with short hairs; those on ANT III 7-15 μm long, much shorter than BD III. ABD TERG 2-4 often with MTu ….17
Dorsal body and appendages bearing longer hairs; those on ANT III 24-75 μm long, usually as long as or longer than BD III. ABD TERG 2-4 only sporadically with MTu …..18
17ANT III (of apt.) 1.6-2.0 × SIPH, and bearing rhinaria…..Aphis subnitida
ANT III (of apt.) 1.0-1.4 × SIPH, and without rhinaria….Aphis grosmannae
18ABD TERG 2-4 without spinal hairs (i.e., only 2 dorsal hairs per segment, as normal for genus), so that the (pleural) pair on ABD TERG 4 are about twice as far apart as the spinal pair on ABD TERG 5-7. ABD TERG 8 with 2-5 hairs ..…Aphis fabae group
ABD TERG 2-4 with both spinal and pleural hairs (i.e., 4 dorsal hairs per segment), so that the (spinal) pair on ABD TERG 4 are 1.5 or less times the distance apart of the spinal pair on ABD TERG 5-7. ABD TERG 8 with 3-11 hairs, usually 5 or more .….Aphis podagrariae
Aellenia see HalothamnusAmaranthaceae
Aeluropus littoralis Forda hirsuta, marginata; Geoica anchusae;
Paracletus bykovi, cimiciformis;
Rhopalosiphum padi, rufiabdominale; Sipha maydis
Aeluropus pungens = A. littoralis

Use key to apterae on grasses under Digitaria.

Aenida see AmaranthusAmaranthaceae
Aeollanthus myrianthus Sitobion colei
Aeonium arboreum Aphis gossypii, sedi; [Smynthurodes betae]
(incl. var. holochrysum)
A. glutinosum Nasonovia dasyphylli
A. holochrysum = A. arboreum var. holochrysum
A. manriqueorum = A. arboreum

Use key to aphids on Sedum.

Aeranthes sp.Cerataphis orchidearum
Aerides fieldingi = A. rosea
A. rosea Cerataphis orchidearum
Aerva javanica Aphis fabae; [Capitophorus elaeagni]
A. tomentosa = A. javanica
Aeschynanthus radicans Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus duriatae; Neomyzus circumflexus;

Key to apterae on Aeschynanthus:-

Abdomen with an oval dark patch extending over ABD TERG 1-4. Head spiculose, dark, with well-developed ANT tubercles. ANT I-II, SIPH and cauda all dark …..Myzus duriatae
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Aeschynomeme americana Aphis craccivora
A. asperaAphis craccivora
A. cristataSitobion africanum
A. dimidiataNeoantalus aeschynomenidis; [Sitobion sp.]
A. indicaAphis craccivora, gossypii

Key to aphids on Aeschynomene:-

1 SIPH as very short cones, much shorter than cauda, which has a constriction and a very elongate triangular knob. ANT VI BASE with several spaced-out rhinaria. R IV+V very short and blunt, about 0.5 × HT II…..Neoantalus aeschynomenidis
SIPH tubular, tapering, as long as or longer than cauda, which has no constriction. R IV+V similar in length to HT II…..2
2 SIPH as long as or longer than the distance between their bases, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Dorsal abdomen often with a broken pattern of dark pigmentation, never with an unbroken black shield…..Sitobion africanum
SIPH shorter than the distance between their bases, and without any subapical polygonal reticulation. Dorsal abdomen either without dark markings or with an extensive black shield…..3
3 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive black shield. Cauda as black as SIPH …..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings. Cauda paler than SIPH …..Aphis gossypii
Aesculus Horse Chestnuts Hippocastaneae

Few aphids are recorded from Aesculus, and only three are possibly specific to members of this genus.

Host Plant List:

Aesculus californica Neomyzus circumflexus;
Periphyllus californiensis, testudinaceus;
Prociphilus americanus
A. carneaAphis aurantii, gossypii; Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. chinensis[Tinocallis insularis]
A. glabraDrepanaphis monelli; Periphyllus aceris, testudinaceus
A. hippocastanumHorse Chestnut
Aphis craccivora, fabae, nasturtii, taraxacicola (Nevsky);
[Drepanosiphum platanoidis]; Periphyllus testudinaceus
A. indicaAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii; Periphyllus aesculi
A. neglectaPeriphyllus testudinaceus
A. octandraPeriphyllus testudinaceus
A. parvifloraPeriphyllus aceris
A. paviaPeriphyllus testudinaceus
A. turbinataPeriphyllus californiensis, [koelreuteriae];
Stomaphis yanonis ssp. aesculi

Key to aphids feeding on Aesculus:-

1 Rostrum much longer than body…..Stomaphis yanonis aesculi
Rostrum much shorter than body…..2
2 ANT PT/BASE much less than 1.0. SIPH absent …..Prociphilus americanus
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.0. SIPH present…..3
3 Adult viviparae all alate, with a large, bilobed, pigmented, dorsal abdominal process ….Drepanaphis monelli
Adult viviparae alate or apterous, if alate then without a dorsal abdominal process …..4
4 SIPH stump-shaped. Hairs on antennae much longer than basal diameter of ANT III …..5
SIPH tubular, hairs on antennae shorter than basal diameter of ANT III…..8
5 Hind tibiae entirely black…..Periphyllus californiensis
Hind tibiae at least partly pale…..6
6 SIPH shorter than their width at base. ANT PT/BASE less than 2.5…..Periphyllus aesculus
SIPH longer than their basal width. ANT PT/BASE more than 2.5…..7
7 Hind tibiae uniformly pale, or dusky only at apices…..Periphyllus aceris
Hind tibiae with pale middle region, contrasting with dark base and distal section …..Periphyllus testudinaceus
8 Marginal tubercles present on most abdominal segments …..Aphis taraxacicola (Nevsky)
Marginal abdominal tubercles absent, or only consistently present on abdominal segments 1 and 7…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Aetheorhiza bulbosa Uroleucon cichorii, sonchi

Key for separating these two species:-

(Both species have black SIPH with distal reticulation)

Dorsal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 mostly not placed on dark scleroites. R IV+V 0.73-0.88 × HT II…..Uroleucon sonchi
Dorsal hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 all or mostly placed on dark scleroites. R IV+V 1.17-1.33 × HT II…..Uroleucon cichorii
Aethionema (including Eunomia) Brassicaceae
Aethionema oppositifolium Smynthurodes betae
A. schistosumMyzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Aethusa cynapium [Acyrthosiphon malvae]; Aphis fabae;
Cavariella aegopodii; Dysaphis crataegi ssp.aethusae;
Hyadaphis foeniculi: Macrosiphum euphorbiae, gei;
Myzus [ascalonicus], ornatus; Pemphigus gairi

Key to aphids on Aethusa:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. ABD TERG 3-7 usually with spinal and pleural wax pore plates……Pemphigus gairi
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5. No wax pore plates……2
2 ABD TERG 8 with a medial process projecting backward above the cauda …..Cavariella aegopodii
No supracaudal process…..3
3 Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view. Dome-shaped marginal tubercles (MTu) present on most ABD TERG …..Dysaphis crataegi ssp. aethusae
Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width. MTu usually very small or absent, or only consistently present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..4
4 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..5
SIPH without any polygonal reticulation…..6
5 Longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 and 8 are 43-84 mm and 66-106 mm respectively. Femora usually with a dusky-dark apical or subapical patch…..Macrosiphum gei
Longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 and 8 are 21-37 mm and 38-63 mm respectively. Apices of femora pale or only slightly dusky.….Macrosiphum euphorbiae
6 ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces scabrous and convergent. SIPH pale. Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of dark intersegmental ornamentation …..Myzus ornatus
ANT tubercles poorly developed or absent. SIPH dusky or dark. Dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings…..7
7 SIPH tapering. MTu always present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..Aphis fabae
SIPH clavate. MTu never present on ABD TERG 1 and 7 …..Hyadaphis foeniculi
Aflatunia see LouiseaniaRosaceae
Aframomum alboviolaceum Aphis gossypii
A. angustifoliumAphis gossypii; Pentalonia caladii, [nigronervosa]
A. luteoalbumRhopalosiphum maidis
A. stipulatum = A. alboviolaceum

Key to aphids on Aframomum:-

1 ANT longer than body. Femora with basal 0.6 or more of length pale, contrasting with black distal section. SIPH pale basally and dark distally. (Alata with broad-banded wing-veins, and radius fused with media to form a closed cell below the pterostigma…..Pentalonia caladii
ANT shorter than body. Femora mainly dark or mainly pale. SIPH uniformly dark. (Alata with normal pale wing veins)…..2
2 ANT less than 0.5 × BL. Legs mainly dark. SIPH less than 0.1 × BL and usually slightly swollen proximal to flange…..Rhopalosiphum maidis
ANT more than 0.5 × BL. Legs mainly pale. SIPH more than 0.1 × BL and tapering from base to flange, with no trace of swelling…..Aphis gossypii
Afrocarpus falcatus Neophyllaphis varicolor, viridis
A. gracilior Neophyllaphis grobleri
A. usumbarensis Neophyllaphis grobleri
Afrocarpus sp. Neophyllaphis varicolor

Use key to apterae on Podocarpus.

Afrocarum imbricatum Hyadaphis coriandri, foeniculi

Couplet to separate these two aphids:-

SIPH a little shorter than cauda, slightly swollen before flange ….Hyadaphis coriandri
SIPH clavate, about equal in length to cauda or a little longer …..Hyadaphis foeniculi
Afroligusticum aculeolatum Myzus ornatus
A. elliotiiAulacorthum solani

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Afrosciadium kerstenii Myzus ornatus
Agalinis (including Aureolaria) Orobanchaceae
Agalinis oligophylla Aphis gerardiae
A. laevigata[Aphis illinoisensis]
(= Aureolaria laevigata)
A. pediculariaAphis fabae, gerardiae
(= Aureolaria pedicularia)
A. tenuifoliaAphis gerardiae

Couplet for separating these two species:-

Hind tibiae uniformly dark, or only a little paler in middle. Cauda with 7-11 hairs ….. Aphis gerardiae
Hind tibiae mostly pale, dark only at ends. Cauda with 11-24 hairs ……Aphis fabae
Agalma see SchleffleraAraliaceae
Aganope (including Ostryoderris) Fabaceae
Aganope lucidaAphis craccivora
Agapanthus. africanus [Myzus hemerocallis]; [Sitobion graminis]
A. umbellatus = A. africanus
Agapanthus sp.Aphis fabae
Agapetes serpensIndiaphis setosa
Agarista salicifolia Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Agastache anethiodora = A. foeniculum
A. foeniculumAphis [fabae], neomonardae
A. rugosa[Aphis frangulae]; [Micromyzodium nipponicum]
A. urticifoliaAphis agastachyos; Eucarazzia elegans;
[Macrosiphum sp., (A. Jensen, Idaho, etc;]

Key to apterae on Agastache:-

1SIPH strongly swollen, with maximum diameter of swollen part more than 2× minimum diameter of stem, smooth except for a little subapical polygonal reticulation (Fig.48a). SIPH 5.4-8.2 × cauda…..Eucarazzia elegans
SIPH not swollen, and less than 3 × cauda…..2
(Both the following species have ANT tubercles undeveloped, ABD TERG 1 and 7 with large marginal tubercles, pale SIPH, and R IV+V with 4-8 accessory hairs.)
2 SIPH 0.11-0.15 × BL and 1.1-1.6 × cauda…… Aphis agastachyos
SIPH 0.06-0.08 × BL and 0.7-1.0 × cauda…..Aphis neomonardae
Agathis Kauri Pine Araucariaceae
Agathis labillardieni Neophyllaphis rappardi
Agauria see AgaristaEricaceae
Agave americana Aphis gossypii, [sedi]; Myzus persicae
A. legrellianaAphis craccivora
Agave spp.Aphis asclepiadis; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Cerataphis brasiliensis

Key to apterae on Agave:-

Body dorsoventrally flattened, subcircular, wholly sclerotic, with a distinct crenulate margin due to a continuous circle of wax glands. Underside of head with at least one pair of thick, dagger-shaped hairs situated lateroventrally to bases of a pair frontal horns. SIPH pore-like…..Cerataphis brasiliensis
Body of normal aphid shape, not wholly sclerotic; head without frontal horns. SIPH conical or tubular, tapering…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ageratina adenophora Aphis fabae, gossypii, nasturtii, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. altissima Aphis coreopsidis; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum [eupatorii], euphorbiae;
Uroleucon ambrosiae, eupatorifoliae, [rudbeckiae]
A. glabrataUroleucon erigeronense
A. ixiocladonBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. havanensisHyperomyzus pullatus
A. ligustrinaAphis fabae
A. paucibracteata Aphis aurantii, gossypii, spiraecola
A. pichinchensis Aphis spiraecola; Uroleucon ambrosiae

Use key to apterae under Eupatorium.

Ageratum conyzoides Aleurodaphis blumeae;
Aphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi, [persicae];
[Capitophorus hippophaes ssp. javanicus];
Indomasonaphis anaphalidis; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae;
Uroleucon ambrosiae (lizerianum), compositae,
sonchi ssp. afghanicum
A. corymbosumUroleucon ambrosiae
A. houstonianum Aphis fabae, gossypii, spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
(incl. mexicanum) Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Uroleucon ambrosiae ssp. lizerianum
A. maritimumAphis gossypii;Protaphis middletonii
A. mexicanum = A. houstonianum
A. microcarpumBrachycaudus helichrysi; Uroleucon ambrosiae
Ageratum spp.[Hyperomyzus carduellinus]; [Vesiculaphis picridis];
Uroleucon mexicanum

Key to apterae on Ageratum:-

1 Body flattened and dorsum sclerotic, with fused head and pronotum, fused ABD TERG 1-7, and a crenulate rim due to a continuous marginal row of wax glands. Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed…..Aleurodaphis blumeae
Body not flattened, segments not fused, no crenulate margin of wax glands. Cauda not knobbed, anal plate entire….2
2 Large aphid, BL more than 4 mm. SIPH strongly clavate, with maximum width 3-4 × diameter of tibia at midpoint. Cauda with 25-32 hairs …..Indomasonaphis anaphalidis
BL less than 4 mm. SIPH not strongly clavate and/or cauda with less than 20 hairs …..3
3 SIPH entirely dark with subapical polygonal reticulation…..4
SIPH if entirely dark then without polygonal reticulation…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
4 Cauda dark. SIPH 1.8-2.1 × cauda. ANT III with 51-77 rhinaria …..Uroleucon compositae
Cauda pale. SIPH 1.0-1.9 × cauda. ANT III with 7-46 rhinaria…..5
5 Dorsal hairs without basal scleroites. Coxae dark …..Uroleucon sonchi ssp. afghanicum
Small dusky or dark scleroites present at bases of at least some of dorsal hairs. Coxae pale or variably pigmented, paler than SIPH…..6
6 SIPH reticulated over 0.4-0.6 of length. Cauda with 7-14 hairs …..Uroleucon mexicanum
SIPH reticulated over less than 0.3 of length. Cauda with 16-27 hairs…..Uroleucon ambrosiae
Aglaia odorataAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii, citricidus
Aglaia spp.Cervaphis schouteniae

Couplet for aphids on Aglaia:-

Body with long branched hair-bearing processes. SIPH with a subapical ring of small hairs …..Cervaphis schouteniae
Body without long hair-bearing processes. SIPH without hairs …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Agonis flexuosaAnomalaphis comperei;
Aphis aurantii, gossypii, spireaecola
A. luehmannii = Leptospermum leuhmannii

Couplet for apterae on Agonis:-

ANT 5-segmented, with ANT PT/BASE less than 1. ABD TERG 7 and 8 each with a pair of long hair-bearing processes. SIPH with a subapical ring of 3-5 hairs …..Anomalaphis comperei
ANT usually 6-segmented, and ANT PT/BASE more than 2. ABD TERG 7 and 8 without long processes, SIPH without hairs…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Agoseris glaucaAphis sp. (Manitoba, BMNH collection)
Agoseris spp.Abstrusomyzus phloxae; Pleotrichophorus triangulatus;
Uroleucon erigeronense

Key couplet for aphids on Agoseris:-

1 Dorsal body with numerous short fan-shaped hairs. SIPH less than 0.5 × cauda ..…Pleotrichophorus triangulatus
Dorsal body hairs not fan-shaped. SIPH longer than cauda…..2
2SIPH with polygonal reticulation on 0.25-0.35 of length, mainly dark but with pale basal part…..Uroleucon erigeronense
SIPH without polygonal reticulation, pale or uniformly pigmented…..3
3 SIPH black, tapering, 1.2-1.4 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-1.7 …..Aphis sp. (Manitoba, BMNH collection)
SIPH pale, slightly swollen subapically, about 2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.4-4.3 …..Abstrusomyzus phloxae
Agrimonia eupatoria Acyrthosiphon malvae ssp. agrimoniae;
Aphis argrimoniae ssp. ucrainica, proffti;
Macrosiphum agrimoniellum, euphorbiae, rosae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Sitobion fragariae
A. gryposepalaMacrosiphum agrimoniellum, euphorbiae
A. japonica = A. pilosa
A. odorataAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. agrimoniae; Aphis proffti
A. pilosaAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. agrimoniae;
Aphis argrimoniae, nasturtii; [Epipemphigus niisimae];
Eriosoma japonicum; Metopolophium dirhodum;
[Pemphigus dorocola];
[Tetraneura akinire, yezoensis]
A. procera = A. odorata
A .striataMacrosiphum pallidum
Agrimonia sp(p).[Acyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha];

Key to aphids on Agrimonia:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Eyes of 3 facets. SIPH as raised pores with a surrounding ring of hairs, cauda semi-circular. Each segment of thorax and abdomen with a pair of marginal wax pore plates…..Eriosoma japonicum
ANT PT/BASE much greater than 1. Eyes compound. SIPH tubular, cauda tongue-shaped. No wax pore plates…..2
2 ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH only about 0.5 × distance between their bases, and less than 1.5 × cauda. Marginal tubercles (MTu) present on ABD TERG 1 and 7 ….3
ANT tubercles well developed, or at least protruding further than medial part of front of head in dorsal view. SIPH at least as long as the distance between their bases, and 1.4 or more × cauda. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu…..4
3 ANT/PT BASE 2.6-3.2…..Aphis proffti
ANT/PT BASE 1.8-2.3….. Aphis argrimoniae
4 SIPH mainly pale, sometimes dusky at apices…..5
SIPH entirely or mainly dark…..8
5 SIPH without any polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ANT III inconspicuous, the longest rarely more than 0.5 × BD III…..6
SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ANT III evident, the longest more than 0.5 × BD III…..7
6 SIPH 1.8-2.2 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 4.8-5.8. R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II ….. Acyrthosiphon malvae agrimoniae
SIPH 1.4-1.8 (-2.0) × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 2.8-4.4. R IV+V 0.6-0.75 × HT II …..Metopolophium dirhodum
7 R IV+V 1.1-1.3 × HT II. ANT III with 15-20 rhinaria extending over more than 0.7 of its length…..Macrosiphum agrimoniellum
R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria confined to basal half …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
8 Hairs on ANT III all less than 0.5 × BD III. R IV + V only about as long as its basal width, shorter than HT II. Tibiae pale…..Sitobion fragariae
Hairs on ANT III conspicuous, the longest of them more than 0.5 × BD III. R IV+V more than 1.5 × its basal width, similar in length to or loger than HT II. Tibiae mainly dark .….9
9 Head pale or dusky. SIPH often paler at extreme bases …..Macrosiphum pallidum
Head very dark or black, like SIPH, which are wholly dark .….Macrosiphum rosae
Agriophyllum arenarium = A. squarrosum
A. pungens = A. squarrosum
A. squarrosumAphis craccivora; Brachyunguis [agriphylli], harmalae

Key to apterae on Agriophyllum:-

SIPH 0.6-0.7 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 0.5-0.8…..Brachyunguis harmalae
SIPH and ANT PT relatively longer…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Agriocharis incognita Aphis gossypii, spiraecola; Aulacorthum solani;
Hyadaphis foeniculi; Myzus ornatus;
Uroleucon compositae

Couplet for aphids on Agrocharis:-

SIPH dark, clavate, similar in length to or only a little longer than the equally dark cauda …..Hyadaphis foeniculi
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Agropyron angustiglume = Elymus mutabilis
A. caninum = Elymus caninus
A. ciliare = Elymus ciliaris
A. cristatumDiuraphis bromicola, frequens, holci, noxia, tritici;
Forda marginata; Hyalopterus amygdali;
Laingia psammae; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum maidis, oxyacanthae, padi;
[Sappaphis dipirivora]; Schizaphis graminum;
Sipha elegans, maydis; Sitobion avenae;
Tetraneura capitata ssp. agropyricena
A. desertorumSchizaphis graminum
A. elongatum = Elymus elongatus
A. fragileSipha elegans
A. glaucum = Elymus hispidus
A. imbricatum = Agropyron cristatum
A. intermedium = Elymus hispidus
A. junceiforme = Elymus farctus
A. junceum = Elymus farctus
A. krylovianumForda marginata
A. latiglume = Elymus trachycaulus
A.littorale = Elymus pycnanthus
A. occidentale =Elymus smithii
A. pectinatumDiuraphis frequens, noxia; Sipha elegans, maydis;
Sitobion avenae
A. pungens = Elymus pungens
A. repens = Elymus repens
A. semicostatum = Elymus semicostatus
A. smithii = Elymus smithii
A. spicatum = Elymus spicatus
A. tenerum = Elymus trachycaulus
A. trachycaulum = Elymus trachycaulus
A. trichophorum = Elymus hispidus
A. tsukushiense = Elymus tsukushiensis
Agropyron spp.Forda hirsuta; Sipha glyceriae, uvarovi;
Sitobion fragariae;
[Slavum lentiscoides (= Aploneura ampelina?)]

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Agrostemma coeli-rosea = Silene coeli-rosea
A. githagoAphis nasturtii;
Brachycaudus [cardui], lychnidis, [persicae];
[Nasonovia ribisnigri (as Macrosiphum agrostemnium)];
[Uroleucon picridis]

(try key to apterae on Silene)

Agrostis alba L. = Poa nemoralis
A. alba auctt non L. = Agrostis stolonifera
A. alpinaPemphigus similis
A. caninaDiuraphis agrostidis; Forda formicaria;
Geoica setulosa, utricularia; Melanaphis pyraria;
Metopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Schizaphis agrostis; Sipha glyceriae;
Sitobion avenae; Tetraneura ulmi
A. capillarisAnoecia corni, zirnitsi; [Aphis sp., Leonard, 1968: 269];
Aploneura lentisci; Baizongia pistaciae;
Diuraphis agrostidis; Forda formicaria, marginata;
Geoica lucifuga, setulosa, utricularia;
Metopolophium dirhodum, festucae;
Paracletus cimiciformis;
Pemphigus sp.(?groenlandicus = populiglobuli – Zwölfer 1958);
Rhopalosiphum padi; Schizaphis agrostis, graminum;
Sipha glyceriae, maydis; Sitobion avenae, fragariae;
Tetraneura ulmi
A. castellanaHysteroneura setariae; Sitobion fragariae
A. clavataTetraneura akinire
A. curtisiiAtheroides serrulatus; Laingia psammae;
Metopolophium festucae cerealium; Schizaphis graminum
A. giganteaForda marginata; Metopolophium festucae;
Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae, padi; Schizaphis rufula;
Sipha glyceriae; Sitobion avenae, fragariae
A. perennansGeoica utricularia; Prociphilus erigeronensis
A. plumosa = Tricholaena teneriffae
A. rupestris[Acyrthosiphon loti (as Metopolophium gracilipes)];
Pemphigus similis
A. scabraSitobion avenae
A. semiverticillata = Polypogon viridis
A. stolonifera (incl. alba auctt. non L.)Anoecia corni, pskovica; Atheroides serrulatus;
Baizongia pistaciae; Cryptaphis poae;
Diuraphis agrostidis; Forda formicaria;
Geoica setulosa, utricularia; Laingia psammae;
Metopolophium dirhodum, festucae;
Paracletus cimiciformis; Pemphigus sp.;
Rhopalomyzus poae;
Rhopalosiphum maidis, oxyacanthae, padi;
Schizaphis agrostis, dubia, graminum;
Sipha elegans, glyceriae, maydis;
Sitobion akebiae, avenae, fragariae; Tetraneura ulmi
A. tenuis = A. capillaris
A. verticillata = Polypogon viridis
Agrostis spp.Anoecia krizusi; [Prociphilus caryae]; Sitobion beiquei

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Aichryson Crassulaceae
Aichryson dichotonum Nasonovia dasyphylli
Ailanthus Tree of Heaven Simaroubaceae
Ailanthus altissima Aphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, odinae, spiraecola;
[Epipemphigus imaicus – error?];
Kaburagia ailanthi; [Kurisakia ailanthi – error?];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Mollitrichosiphum nigrum
A. fordiiAphis odinae
A. glandulosa = A. altissima

Key to aphids on Ailanthus:-

1 SIPH as small, inconspicuous pores. (aphids in galls)…..Kaburagia ailanthi
SIPH tubular. (Aphids free-living)…..2
2 SIPH black, more than 0.6 of BL and densely hairy …..Mollitrichosiphum nigrum
SIPH not as above …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Ainsliaea apteraMacrosiphoniella grandicauda
Ainsworthia trachycarpa Aphis fabae, Cavariella aegopodii

Couplet for separating these two species:-

SIPH black, tapering, 0.8-1.5 × black cauda which bears 11-24 hairs. ANT PT/BASE 2.4-3.4. No backwardly projecting process on ABD TERG 8…..Aphis fabae
SIPH pale, clavate, 1.8-2.4 × pale cauda which bears 5 hairs. ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.55. ABD TERG 8 with a backwardly-projecting process above the cauda …..Cavariella aegopodii
Aira caespitosa = Deschampsia caespitosa
A. capillaris = Aira elegantissima
A. caryophylleaChaetosiphella berlesei; Forda formicaria
A. elegantissima Metopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalosiphum padi;
Sitobion fragariae
A. flexuosa = Deschampsia flexuosa
Aira sp.Sipha glyceriae

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Ajania fastigiataColoradoa ajaniae; Macrosiphoniella ajaniae
A. fruticulosa[Forda sp.]
Ajuga × adulterina[Ovatomyzus sp. (Ossiannilsson 1964a)]
A. brachystemonAphis gossypii; Myzus ornatus
A. genevensisAulacorthum solani;
Myzus ajugae, [Myzus sp. (Bozhko 1976a: 113)]
A. genevensis × pyramidalis Ovatomyzus chamaedrys
A. macrospermaSitobion aulacorthoides
A. orientalisMyzus ajugae
A. parvifloraMyzus ornatus
A. reptansAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani, [solani ssp. prasinum];
[Brachycaudus cardui]; Myzus ajugae, ornatus, persicae
Ajuga spp.Neomyzus circumflexus; [Sinomegoura rhododendri]

Key to aphids on Ajuga:-

1ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle part of frons in dorsal view …..Aphis gossypii
ANT tubercles well developed, their inner faces divergent or convergent …..2
2 Inner faces of ANT tubercles clearly divergent. SIPH dark except for pale basal c.0.3, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation and a large flange …..Sitobion aulacorthoides
Inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel or convergent. SIPH pale or dusky, without subapical polygonal reticulation…..3
3Dorsal abdomen with a large dark, approximately horseshoe-shaped dark patch, and paired dark patches also on thoracic tergites …..Neomyzus circumflexus
No extensive dark dorsal patches…..4
4PT 1.45-2.3 × ANT III. Cuticle of front of head and ANT tubercles is smooth …..Ovatomyzus chamaedrys
PT 0.6-1.4 (-1.6) × ANT III, and cuticle of front of head and ANT tubercles is spiculose or rugose…..5
5SIPH not at all swollen, tapering with a slight S curve. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. Dorsal abdomen with an intersegmental pattern of dark ornamentation…..Myzus ornatus
SIPH slightly clavate. ANT PT/BASE rarely less than 2.8. Dorsal abdomen without dark markings…..6
6R IV+V 1.05-1.30 × HT II…..Myzus ajugae
R IV+V 0.9-1.0 × HT II…..Myzus persicae
Akebia quinataAphis fabae; Aulacorthum solani, pterinigrum;
[Ericaphis sp. (B.C., Canada)]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus; Neomyzus circumflexus; Sitobion akebiae
A. trifoliataSitobion akebiae
Akebia spp.[Amphicercidus lanigera]; [Myzus varians]

Key to aphids on Akebia:-

1SIPH dark, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Cauda pale. ANT dark, with hairs on III short and blunt, the longest less than 0.5 × BD III…..2
Without this combination of characters ….go to key to polyphagous aphids
2 Abdomen with black marginal sclerites, fused between segments to form broad black marginal stripes. R IV+V longer than HT II. Head with minute spicules on ventral side …..Aulacorthum pterinigrum
Abdomen without broad black marginal stripes. R IV shorter than HT II. Head without spicules…..Sitobion akebiae
Alangium (incl. Marlea) Cornaceae
Alangium platanifolium [Cavariella angelicae]
Albizia julibrissin Acyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis fabae
A. lebbeckAnomalosiphum pithecolobii
A. lophanthaAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi
A. odoratissima Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
A. petersiana[Uroleucon compositae]
A. samanAphis (Toxoptera) citricidus

Key to aphids on Albizia:-

1 End of abdomen with backwardly directed hair-bearing processes. SIPH with a subapical ring of hairs. Antennae 5-segmented with ANT PT/BASE less than 1. R IV+V nearly 2× longer than HT II….. Anomalosiphum pithecolobii
End of abdomen without backwardly directed hair-bearing processes, SIPH without hairs, antennae usually 6-segmented with ANT PT/BASE more than 1, and R IV+V usually much less than 2× HT II….2
2 ANT tubercles very well developed, with smooth divergent inner faces. SIPH long, pale, tapering from a broad base, without supabical reticulation ……….Acyrthosiphon pisum
Without that combination of characters ……….go to key to polyphagous aphids
AlceaHollyhocks Malvaceae
Alcea litvinovii Aphis althaeae
A. nudifloraAphis althaeae, gossypii, umbrella, spiraecola
A. pallidaAphis althaeae
A. rhyticarpaAphis althaeae
A. roseaAcyrthosiphon malvae;
Aphis althaeae, fabae, gossypii, nasturtii, solanella,
spiraecola, umbrella;
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae; Uroleucon eoessigi
A. rugosaAphis althaeae

Key to aphids on Alcea (also Althaea and Lavatera):-

1Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view. SIPH pale, smooth, short, with an annular incision proximal to the flange. Spiracular apertures large and rounded…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, longer than its basal width. SIPH pale or dark, imbricated, without any distinct subapical annular incision. Spiracular apertures reniform …..2
2ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of frons in dorsal view. Marginal tubercles (MTu) always present at least on ABD TERG 1 and 7 …..3
ANT tubercles well developed. MTu absent or present, but if present they are usually only on ABD TERG 2-4 (-5) and only rarely on ABD TERG 1 or 7…..6
3SIPH wholly dark …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 24
SIPH pale or dusky, or only dark towards apices…..4
4ANT 5-segmented. R IV+V very long, narrow and pointed, 4-5 × its basal width and 1.6-2.1 × HT II. Hairs on ABD TERG 2-4 mostly longer than ANT BD III. Marginal tubercles (MTu) absent from ABD TERG 2-5…..Aphis althaeae
ANT 5- or 6-segmented. R IV+V less than 2.5 × its basal width and 1.0-1.45 × HT II. Hairs on ABD TERG 2-4 shorter than ANT BD III. MTu often present on ABD TERG 2-5 as well as 1 and 7…..5
5Large MTu usually present (except in summer dwarfs) on ABD TERG 2-5 in addition to those on 1 and 7, those on 7 being greater in diameter than base of ANT III. SIPH 1.35-2.5 × cauda. R IV+V 1.1-1.45 × HT II. ANT VI BASE 1.0-1.35 × HT II …..Aphis umbrella
MTu only sporadically present on ABD TERG 2-5, and diameter of tubercle on ABD TERG 7 is less than that of base of ANT III. SIPH 0.8-1.5 × cauda. R IV+V 0.95-1.2 × HT II. ANT VI BASE 0.85-1.1 × HT II…..Aphis nasturtii
6ANT, head, legs (except bases of femora), SIPH and cauda all dark. SIPH with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation. Dorsal abdominal hairs all arising from small dark scleroites …..Uroleucon eoessigi
ANT, head, legs, SIPH and cauda mainly pale. Dorsal abdominal hairs not arising from scleroites…..go to key polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 4
Alchemilla acutiloba Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. alpinaAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha; Amphorophora gei;
Aulacorthum solani; [Ericaphis wakibae]
A. arvensis = Aphanes arvensis
A. conjunctaAphis alchemillae
A. glaberrimaAphis alchemillae
A. glaucescensAulacorthum solani
A. hoppeanaMacrosiphum euphorbiae
A. jailaeBrachycaudus helichrysi
A. mollisAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Myzus ascalonicus
A.monticolaAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha; Macrosiphum rosae
A. procumbens (?) [Hyperomyzus pullatus]
A. pyrenaicaAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha
A. sarmaticaAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha
A. saxatilisAphis nasturtii; Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus
A. subcrenataAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha
A. subcrenatiformis Acyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. valdehirsutaAcyrthosiphon sp.; Amphorophora sp. (Georgia; Dzhibladze 1960a)
A. vulgarisAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha, [pisum];
Amphorophora gei; Aphis alchemillae, craccivora;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
A. xanthochlora = A. vulgaris
Alchemilla sp.Aphis fabae; [Cavariella aquatica]

Key to aphids on Alchemilla:-

1ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces smooth and divergent. SIPH long and pale, but without any subapical polygonal reticulation…..2
Without the above combination of characters…..4
2SIPH markedly clavate. R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II…..Amphorophora gei
SIPH cylindrical. R IV+V 0.55-1.2 × HT II…..3
3R IV+V 0.55-0.75 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 2.7-4.5. ANT VI BASE 1.25-1.75 × R IV+V…..Metopolophium dirhodum

R IV+V 1.0-1.2 × HT II. ANT PT/BASE 4.8-5.8. ANT VI BASE 0.7-1.0 × R IV+V ….. Acyrthosiphon malvae (ssp. potha? – see text)
4ANT tubercles weakly developed, not projecting beyond middle of head in dorsal view. SIPH dark, tapering, short; similar in length to the tongue-shaped cauda which is dusky-dark and bears 8-10 hairs. Dorsum pale…..Aphis alchemillae
Without the above combination of characters…..5
5Head, ANT I and II and basal part of ANT III dark. ANT III (of apt.) with 10-35 rhinaria. SIPH black, with subapical polygonal reticulation…..Macrosiphum rosae
Without the above combination of characters …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Alchornea cordifolia Aphis craccivora
Alectorolophus see RhinanthusOrobanchaceae
Aleurites fordiiAulacorthum sp. (Martin & Lau 2011)
A. moluccanaChromaphis hirsutustibus, juglandicola;
[Uroleucon sonchi]
A. montanaAulacorthum sp. (Martin & Lau 2011)
A. trilobaMyzus persicae

Key to aphids on Aleurites:-

1 Apterous viviparae present. ANT PT/BASE more than 1…..2
– All adult viviparae alate. ANT PT/BASE 0.5 or less. SIPH as truncate cones with appended hairs. Hind femora with a black spot near apex. Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed …..3
2 ANT tubercles well-developed, steep-sided, with short blunt hairs. ANT III-VI black contrasting with pale ANT I and II. SIPH thick, especially at base, dark distally with a few rows of interconnected striae at apex…..Aulacorthum sp. (Hong Kong)
– Without that combination of characters …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
3 Hairs on hind tibia very long, up to about 3.5 × middle diameter of the tibia. Wings with dark spots at ends of veins (use hand lens) …..Chromaphis hirsutustibis
Hairs on hind tibia shorter, the longest of them less than 2 × middle diameter of tibia. Wings without dark spots at ends of veins…..Chromaphis juglandicola
Alfredia niveaAphis fabae
Alhagi camelorum = A. maurorum
A. canescensAphis craccivora
A. kirghisorumAphis craccivora; Protaphis alhagii; Smynthurodes betae
A. maurorumAcyrthosiphon gossypii, pisum;
Aphis craccivora, [medicaginis]; Protaphis alhagii;
Smynthurodes betae; Therioaphis ononidis, trifolii
A. persarum = A. maurorum
A. pseudalhagiAcyrthosiphon gossypii, pisum;
Aphis craccivora, gossypii; Protaphis alhagii;
Smynthurodes betae
A. sparsifoliaAcyrthosiphon gossypii; Aphis craccivora;
Weibanaphis alhagis

Key to aphids on Alhagi:-

1ANT PT/BASE 0.08-0.3. Body and appendages densely hairy …..Smynthurodes betae
ANT PT/BASE 0.8-4.3. Body and appendages not densely hairy…..2
2Cauda knobbed, anal plate bilobed. Dorsal hairs long with expanded apices, and arising from tuberculate bases…..3
Cauda triangular, tongue- or finger-shaped, anal plate entire. Dorsal hairs with blunt or pointed apices, without tuberculate bases…..4
3ABD TERG 1-4 each with 6 or more long hairs…..Therioaphis trifolii
ABD TERG 1-4 each with 4 long hairs (1 spinal pair and 1 marginal pair; sometimes there are also 1-2 much smaller hairs) …..Therioaphis ononidis
4ANT PT/BASE about 0.8-1.0. SIPH very short, shorter than the broad triangular cauda, which is shorter than its basal width and bears c.16-18 hairs …..Protaphis alhagii*
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. SIPH longer than cauda, which is conical, tongue- or finger-shaped and bears 4-c.16 hairs…..5
5ANT PT/BASE c.1.2. cauda conical, c.1.2 × its basal width, with c.16 hairs. SIPH very broad-based, tapering gradually to narrow apex…..Weibanaphis alhagis*
ANT PT/BASE 1.3-5. cauda tongue-or finger-shaped, 1.5 or more × its basal width, with 4-14 hairs. SIPH almost cylindrical on distal part…..6
6ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH dark…..7
ANT tubercles well developed, divergent in dorsal view. SIPH pale…..8
7Dorsal abdomen with an extensive black shield. SIPH and cauda both black …..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen membranous. SIPH black, cauda paler…..Aphis gossypii
8 Siphunculi less than 2 times length of cauda…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
Siphunculi 2.5-3.3 times length of cauda…..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
Alisma canaliculatum Aulacorthum solani; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
A. lanceolatumAphis nasturtii; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
A. orientale = A. plantago-aquatica ssp. orientale
A. plantagoAphis nasturtii; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
A. plantago-aquatica [Acyrthosiphon pisum]; Aphis fabae, nasturtii;
(incl. ssp. orientale) Aulacorthum solani; Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae, [padi]
Alisma spp.Neomyzus circumflexus; Rhopalosiphum nigrum

Key to aphids on Alisma:-

1Dorsal cuticle with a pattern of bead-like nodules arranged in polygons, each polygon enclosing 1 or more additional nodules. SIPH cylindrical or clavate with a smooth constricted region proximal to the flange…..2
Dorsal cuticle without a pattern of nodules arranged in polygons. SIPH tapering/cylindrical, not smooth and constricted subapically…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2SIPH clavate, more than 2 × cauda…..Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae
SIPH cylindrical or only slightly swollen proximal to the subapical constriction, less than 2 × cauda…..Rhopalosiphum nigrum
Alkanna orientalis Macrosiphum euphorbiae
A. strigosaBrachycaudus helichrysi

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Allagopappus sp.Capitophorus inulae
Allagoptera caudescens Cerataphis brasiliensis
Allamanda blanchettii Aphis spiraecola
A. catharticaAphis aurantii, citricidus, nerii
A. violaceaAphis spiraecola

Key to aphids on Allamanda:-

(All species have weakly developed ANT tubercles, and dark SIPH and cauda.)

1ANT PT /BASE less than 3.0. Cauda with 7-15 hairs…..Aphis spiraecola
ANT PT/BASE more than 3.4. Cauda with 9-28 hairs…..2
2Cauda with usually more than 20 hairs. Hairs on ANT III longer than diameter of this segment at its base. Thoracic segments often partly sclerotised…..Aphis (Toxoptera) citricidus
Cauda with usually less than 20 hairs. Hairs on ANT III often shorter than diameter of this segment at its base. Thoracic tergites usually unsclerotised…..3
3SIPH less than 1.5 × cauda. Stridulatory apparatus present ….. Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
SIPH more than 1.5 × cauda. No stridulatory apparatus…..Aphis nerii
Allenrolfea vaginata Brachyunguis blanchardi
Alliaria petiolataAphis gossypii; Brevicoryne brassicae;
(= A. officinalis) Lipaphis alliariae, erysimi, [fritzmuelleri];
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Nasonovia ribisnigri; Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon

Key to apterae on Alliaria.

1SIPH slightly swollen, but not clavate (without narrow section on basal half). ANT tubercles absent, or if developed then not projecting forward beyond middle part of head, so that front of head is convex, straight or sinuate in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu)…..2
Without this combination of characters; i.e. if SIPH are present then they are either tapering or clavate (with narrow section on basal half), and either ANT tubercles are well-developed or ABD TERG 1 and 7 have MTu..…4
2ANT III 2.5-3.7 × SIPH. SIPH 0.8-1.0 × cauda, which is broadly triangular and bears 6-9 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 8-18 hairs. Dorsal abdomen with paired dark markings …..Brevicoryne brassicae
ANT III 1.0-1.8 × SIPH. SIPH 1.1-1.6 × cauda which is elongate triangular or tongue-shaped and bears 4-7 hairs. ABD TERG 8 with 2-7 hairs. Dorsal abdomen with or without dark markings…..3
3ANT PT 1.2-1.35 × SIPH…..Lipaphis alliariae
ANT PT 0.8-1.15(-1.25) × SIPH…..Lipaphis erysimi
4 Thoracic spiracular apertures much larger than abdominal ones. ANT PT/BASE 6.5-10. Dorsum with paired, dark intersegmental markings, far apart between ABD TERG 1-4 but nearer to midline between ABD TERG 4-5 and 5-6…..Nasonovia ribisnigri
Thoracic spiracular apertures similar in size to abdominal ones, ANT PT/BASE less than 6.5 and dorsal abdomen without intersegmental markings spaced in that way …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Allionia linearisAphis asclepiadis
A. nyctaginea = Oxybaphus nyctagineus
Allium ampeloprasum Aphis fabae, gossypii; Myzus ascalonicus, cymbalariae;
(incl. var. porrum) Neotoxoptera formosana; Sitobion avenae
A. ascalonicumMyzus ascalonicus, cymbalariae, persicae;
Neotoxoptera formosana, oliveri
A. caeruleumNeotoxoptera formosana
A. caespitosumNeotoxoptera formosana
A. cepaAphis fabae, gossypii, [rumicis];
Myzus ascalonicus, cymbalariae, persicae;
Neotoxoptera formosana, oliveri;
Rhopalosiphum padi, rufiabdominale
A. chinenseNeotoxoptera formosana
A. fistulosum[Cerataphis bambusifoliae]; [Metopolophium dirhodum];
Myzus ascalonicus; Neotoxoptera formosana;
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
A. grayi = A. macrostemon
A. lineareDysaphis allii
A. macrostemonNeotoxoptera formosana
A. neapolitanumNeotoxoptera formosana
A. nutansNeotoxoptera formosana
A. odorum = A. ramosum
A. porrum = A. ampeloprasum var. porrum
A. ramosum Neotoxoptera formosana
A. sativum Aphis fabae; [Cerataphis bambusifoliae];
Myzus ascalonicus, cymbalariae;
Neotoxoptera formosana; Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale;
[Sitobion rosaeiformis]
A. schoenoprasum Aphis fabae; Myzus ascalonicus, cymbalariae;
Neotoxoptera formosana, oliveri
A. scorodoprasum Myzus ascalonicus; Neotoxoptera formosana, oliveri
A. sphaerocephalon Neotoxoptera formosana
A. thunbergiiNeotoxoptera formosana
A. triquetrumNeotoxoptera formosana
A. tuberosumAulacorthum solani; Myzus persicae;
Neotoxoptera formosana
A. ursinumMyzus ascalonicus
A. victorialisDiprociphilus allivorus; Neotoxoptera formosana

Key to aphids on Allium:-

1ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Eyes 3-facetted. Dorsum with wax pore-plates on all segments including head…..Diprociphilus allivorus*
ANT PT/BASE more than 2. Eyes multifacetted. Dorsum without wax pore-plates …..2
2SIPH dark with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. ANT wholly dark …..Sitobion avenae
SIPH pale or dark, without subapical polygonal reticulation. ANT not wholly dark, at least paler on basal part of III…..3
3Head smooth, with ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed…..4
Head spiculose, with well-developed, steep-sided ANT tubercles…..8
4Cauda helmet-shaped, not longer than its basal width in dorsal view. ABD TERG 1-6 all with marginal tubercles (MTu) …..Dysaphis allii*
Cauda tongue-shaped, clearly longer than its basal width. MTu absent or only regularly present on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..5
5SIPH cylindrical for most of length, with slight distal swelling and a smooth, constricted region just proximal to flange. Dorsal cuticle with a pattern of spicules arranged in polygons, each polygon enclosing 1-3 central spicules…..6
SIPH tapering with no trace of swelling and no subapical constriction. Dorsal cuticle without a pattern of spicules arranged in polygons…..7
6ANT usually 5-segmented with longest hairs on ANT III 3-5 × BD III, and PT conspicuously curved. ABD TERG 8 with 4-8 hairs …..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT usually 6-segmented with longest hairs on ANT III shorter than BD III. ABD TERG 8 with 2 (-4) hairs…..Rhopalosiphum padi
7Dorsum with dark markings, especially dark bands on ABD TERG 7 and 8. SIPH and cauda both black, cauda with 11-19 hairs…..Aphis fabae
Dorsal abdomen without any clearly defined dark markings. SIPH dark, cauda paler with 4-8 hairs…..Aphis gossypii
8SIPH tapering/cylindrical, without any trace of swelling, and with a well-developed flange. ANT III with (0-)1-3 small rhinaria near base…..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH slightly to distinctly swollen on distal half, and with a small flange. ANT III without rhinaria…..9
9SIPH longer than ANT III…..Myzus persicae
SIPH shorter than ANT III…..10
10Inner faces of ANT tubercles approximately parallel in dorsal view, or only slightly converging apically…..11
Inner faces of ANT tubercles clearly convergent in dorsal view…..12
11 ANT I and II and distal parts of femora pale. “Stem” of SIPH narrow, its minimum diameter slightly less than diameter of hind tibia at its midpoint. (Al. with wing veins not black-bordered)…..Myzus ascalonicus
ANT I and II and distal parts of femora black. Minimum diameter of “stem” of SIPH greater than diameter of hind tibia at its midpoint. (Al. with black-bordered wing veins)…..Neotoxoptera formosana
12 SIPH with swollen part only lightly imbricated and with apical flange well developed. (Al. with dark-bordered wing veins, and with a black central dorsal abdominal patch)…..Neotoxoptera oliveri
SIPH with swollen part scabrous (coarsely imbricated), and with apical flange only weakly developed. (Al. with wing veins not black-bordered, and with separate transverse bars on abdominal tergites)…..Myzus cymbalariae
Allosidastrum pyramidatum Aphis gossypii